We have met the enemy and it is us and Main Stream Media ("MSM") disinformation about the Tea Party and what it stands for is helping to keep people ignorant and keep holding them and the fruits of their labor hostage. In my heart of hearts, I believe We The People can right the ship, but it has to happen with this election. Defeating Obama would be great but as long as the House and Senate are not under his "spell" or control, we can stop further decay. It all starts at the local levels and taking control of Congress so as to clip the wings of the Imperial President. So I offer the following to be copied, pasted and disseminated in hopes of raising awareness and getting people to think instead of just "feel" and act emotionally:
"In the spirit of letting the Tea Party speak for itself as opposed to allowing others who are not part of the Tea Party to try and control the debate on what it is the Tea Party actually stands for through the steady beat of propaganda through their control of the Main Stream Media (the "MSM") in a manner with respect to which Josef Goebbels would be green with envy, below is a link to the Tea Party Platform from the Tea Party itself. Of course, I understand through those unbiased and perpetually truthful members of the MSM, the liberal elite and the liberal sages of Hollywood and the Entertainment world that the Tea Party platform is merely a “clever ruse” to disguise a “hidden racist agenda” and that all members of the Tea Party are actually “reactionary bigots” but, just for the sake of argument on the PRINCIPLES espoused as opposed to the unspoken motives of the source of those principles, I offer them for consideration. After all, is not a basic tenet of the roots of Western philosophy – by that evil racist “DWEM” ** Rene Descartes I believe -- that a principle and/or idea can be tested and evaluated separate and apart from its source which source may not even exist but in one’s own mind?
Of course, that is just a philosophical tenet stemming form the “Dark Ages” of the Enlightenment and the Renaissance and, as I understand it from the cultures that continue to mutilate women, who still stone people to death for petty offenses or “sex” offenses (but only women), who still have issues with separating their drinking water from their feces and urine, and who still kill innocent people in the name of their “god”, that whole Enlightenment thing and the Renaissance were in and of themselves “culturally biased” to begin with so NONE of that philosophy has any validity anyway. But just in case you have not been so brainwashed as to reject entirely the basic principles for evaluating what one observes with one’s own mind as articulated by Rene Descartes in his Discourse on Method (http://records.viu.ca/~johnstoi/descartes/descartes1.htm) (a fairly short read but a little more difficult than simply traipsing through the latest Danielle Steel “novel”, Time, Newsweek, the New York Times and/or absorbing the “truths” of the talking heads of the MSM like Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann, i.e., you may actually have to take a little time to reflect and digest the content) check out the Tea Party Platform and tell me what it is exactly that you may disagree with IN PRINCIPLE as opposed to disagreeing with it as a result of the source?
**DWEM: Short for “Dead White European Males”. A Word (I cannot remember what you call these summaries for longer phrases. Please enlighten if you can) created by those who claim cultural bias in all things but what they themselves have figured out in the scant years they have been on the planet who seem tied to the idea of ignoring the past and starting “anew” with each generation. A group condemned to repeat the errors of the past as they refuse to learn from history."
Let's put people to the test by politely asking them why they support a candidate and politely correcting mistakes of philosophy and/or fact.