The popularity this group has quickly gained is a testament to the widespread disapproval of our federal government. It is also a very rare chance we are fortunate to finally have. Let us be very, very careful to defend only the simple and elegant core principles of small, limited federal government, and liberty for all.Please let us never be known for our association with one political party over another, but rather for our advocation of ideas that accomplish restoring the individual liberties of every American to live his or her life for his or herself, according to his or her values and beliefs. It is my sincere hope that this organization does not wade into emotional social issues except to assert that the federal government has no right to legislate the people's behavior. We must reject every attempt to have our federal government design our society.Some want our government to legislate traditionalist ideals; others want it to legislate progressive ideals. The answer is not to afford our federal government the power to bring our country in either direction as doing so, by virtue of establishing such a precedent, allows for the government to move America in the opposite direction in the future. Advocating one social path over another will ultimately undermine the ideals of the Tea Party organization, and will isolate millions of Americans who also believe in small, inexpensive government. Let's welcome everyone into this group who wants to see our federal government less invasive into our daily lives and our finances--regardless of his or her personal beliefs. Let us not isolate people by being for or against issues such as gay marriage, abortion, atheism or religiosity, etc. Any differences on these or other divisive social issues can be debated in the governments of the states. If we fall into the trap of desiring to have our federal government shape our nation's behavior, then we shall end up as a fractured, impotent organization, akin to our current two-party system. This is a rare chance. Please let's not squander this. Our social agendas can be hashed out on a state level. Let us undertake this movement intelligently, but not pedantically, and with a clear platform of only one issue: Freedom from the federal government.Please make this an explicit part of the Tea Party's mission, and please make it widely known, so as to cultivate support from everyone who wants be left alone by our over-fed Federal government.Thank you.
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