James Harold Norton's Posts (2)

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Islam is the main threat.

Whether you are radical, moderate or somewhere above , below or in between. If you are of the muslim faith you follow the koran and its' teaching, RIGHT? A book inspired by satan which promotes violence, rape, lying, murder and mayhem. How can you be associated with this and call yourself peaceloving? We are ONE AND ONLY ONE NATION UNDER GOD! We are a nation built upon Judean and christian principles. We have two God inspired writings that ( when followed ) has and will keep our nation great. Those writings are the HOLY BIBLE and our UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. Evil is attacking our country , not only from outside but from the inside also. Those who would want our freedom abolished, our God given rights done away with, yes our entire way of life changed to something in line with sharia law are here. Liberals may call themselves patriotic but your agenda is like rust, it eats slowly away at the things true Americans hold dear. Progressives are the same. Freedom of religion should be tightly embraced but  when this "religion" encourages murder, lying, deceit, rape, destruction, elitism, degradation of women and children  and everything that destroys freedom. This is not a religion but evil incarnate.  I watch God and our freedom being pushed out of the picture. This coming year, please let us replace the administrative garbage that is destroying this nation. Research who you are voting for. Look at who and what  they align themselves with. Look at their demeanor, the way they interact with people. You get my drift. Always follow that gut feeling. May God bless and keep us from what is coming.

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Remembering 9/11

God bless with His grace and mercy all those who lost their lives on 9/11 at the hands of Satan. I pray they are at peace with our Saviour. Also, God bless all those who died before and after under the same circumstances.

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