Posted by Jamie Watkins on September 12, 2010 at 8:13am
TO TEA PARTY MEMBERS: SOUND THE ALARM!!!I am part of the shattered American Dream.Due to forces barely within and outside of my control, I am divorced, homeless, jobless, car less, in mass debt, owe back taxes…with the meter still running, and unable to get back to an even working living due to a mental handicap.Have I given up on my piece of the American dream? Some days. I spend most of my time in front of this monitor and keyboard with no positive hope for the future. Does this sound like the anti-Tea Bagger, maybe….but…if your not careful….it could be you, my friend.Could I be one of those cowards who calls to arms and then randomly shoots up a business, school, church, community center, shopping mall, or some other public area or event to show my disgust with not only myself but my situation….I could be….but no, never, not me. Why take out my frustrations on citizens who might be next to me on the street someday…Joe Six Pack didn‘t have cause and effect on me….but some people out there might understand how things could come to that conclusion. Besides, this would make me more of a “problem”; not a solution.And a solution is what I want to be. So, how does Obama and the Gang help me? Think about it.So, I start with this computer, monitor, and keyboard. Is it the end all solution. Nope, not by a long shot. But, it can be a beginning. I feel that part of my solution is to let people know how not to get here…in my shoes. One of the ways to get here is by keeping your mouth shut. Literally. You have to speak, reach, type, write, however you can convey a message, go for it. I sat on my hands and “can” for too long to be effective now. I can’t strike back with my wallet any longer. My voice is weak due to inability to support myself, let alone a cause.All I can do is tell my story. And it doesn’t need the gory details. I can make excuses and tell you how I fluttered away over almost 2 million dollars, but it won’t mean a thing if you don’t understand the end result. And, the end result is…..I am part of the shattered American Dream.I can’t pay for the bandage to go on an American soldier’s wound. I can’t pay to keep our borders safe. I can’t pay the salary of a fire fighter, policeman or woman, or any other public service American right now.All I can do is type. And tell you to fight. Fight for what you have, fight for what you want, and fight for the future of others to be able to stand with you when the time comes. These fights, should never be allowed to be taken away from us.But, each time WE “bail” someone, some country, some business, some bank, we lose a bit of our voice to that fight. Voting and protesting peacefully gets some of that voice back. It is part of the solution, and it is something I want to be a part of.I am part of the shattered American Dream. But, will you still stand with me and be part of my voice? A voice that wants the true meaning of the American Dream back.Where do you stand?
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