I know that many people still support Obama. They along with America in 2008 and The Entire World were greatly deceived by the DNC and the Electoral College of America which was headed by Nancy Pelosi D. of California.
There has been so many Violations of the US Constitution by Obama and members of This Administration that I have lost count! And for those of you who believe that the Constitution Doesn't Count anymore. I have a bit of American History to show just how Important the US Constitution Is for America! During The American Revolution. Dolly Madison ran through the streets of Washington DC carrying a Document to the White House. When she got there, out of breath - Her husband (The President) asked her, "Dolly, what in the world where you doing running through bullets and the war going on outside?" She said, "I was saving the Nation!" She was carrying the US Constitution! Where it had been was hit and was on fire! If she didn't take the US Constitution - America would have been lost. There were several people there at the White House that All Agreed with her! She Saved the Nation of America! Without the Constitution - America Doesn't Exists!
Now we have a major problem with Obama as our President! He is not a legal President. And he was not born in Hawaii! As a young boy, he was made a British Subject in Kenya where he was Born! Here is his Real Birth Certificate: http://wasobamaborninkenya.com/1961%20Kenyan%20Birth%20Certificate%20of%20Barack%20Hussein%20Obama%20II,%20Copy.pdf and here is the full website where this comes from: http://www.wasobamaborninkenya.com/
Maybe Obama and the Individuals should take a walk around Washington DC where they reside: they would learn just what America is and who We The People Are and About here in America: http://www.citizenlink.com/2012/06/27/stoplight-a-walk-for-the-president/ This is a lovely video that I believe You All Will Enjoy! I know that I did!
As a Christian Conservative By Choice, I still Pray for America and Our Leaders - Including Obama and his Family! I have homes in 2 other Nations! Israel and Ireland. And Because of the Cannon Law of the Catholic Church and the fact that my husband grew up in the Catholic Orphanages in New York City. I can't go there! Because Mark, My Beloved Husband, Can't get his Birth Certificate! That's a dirty little secret of the Catholic Church they Refuse to Talk about. Now we have a Local Attorney. And Prayfully he can help Mark get his Birth Certificate. Mark has tried before to no avail. Just Threats!
Here is what I wrote about Obama and his illegality: http://lastdaysgirl.wordpress.com/2012/07/14/obama-is-the-first-illegal-president-and-must-go-heres-the-proof/ and what I believe We Must Do in November when we go to the Ballot Box: http://lastdaysgirl.wordpress.com/2012/06/10/218/
I bid you all Peace and God Bless! Jane.