Posted by Jeff Butler on November 3, 2010 at 3:18pm
Question 1, How do they get Separation of church and state from that. In your answer use the debate of the day not ruling from courts.AMENDMENT 1: Congress may not make any law that sets up any religion, or interferes with any religious. Congress may not make any law that diminishes the freedom of speech, or the freedom of the press, or the right of the people to assemble peacefully, or the right to people to petition the Government to make things right if it has cause them harm.In the USMC, we have request mast which the lowest rank can talk to the highest rank. with out telling anyone in between if he decides not to. That's in a perfect world. if he has a beef usually you can get him to tell you before it goes to the man and fix it if justified, or tell convince him he will look stupid if he continues. up to him It is against the law to punish him in any way if he bypass you. Usually works.Question2 My question what is the process to heard if you have been harmed by Government . The courts. I hope not. SURLY A MORE DIRECT ROUT IS AVAILABLE.
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