If you do any research at all you will soon realize that Obama just does not relate to our country as I do and I suspect you do. He never had the childhood expierences that most of us had, born to a bigamist with communist leanings and a promiscuous mother. Schooled in hwi and Indonesia, look up his school enrollment in Indonesia where it clearly lists his religion as muslum. His mentors have all been radicals of one shape or form. He has lived off the government tit his whole life, you don't really think he paid for his college education do you. If he is a authority on constitutional law I am a 16 th century shogun, hint I don't speake Japanese. He lies as easily as I take a breath.Flat out an enemy to our country, he must be defeated. I am more afraid of him than anything I have encountered in 65 years of life.I will stop before I tell you what I really think.
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