Jim Clarke's Posts (2)

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Republicats have no chance in 2012

As the republican clown car tours the USA with a group of candidates that cannot win you begin to wonder.  As Michael Savage stated the republicats have thrown in the towel with this batch of candidates...

You begin to wonder why Fox news is pushing for no chance,no way, waste of vote Bachman.  Everyone raved about her during the debate, She was unforceful appeared like all the other candidates canned answers. Even though he is disliked Newt G apeared to have a brain.

With a depression that is called a recession if The Repubicats can  do no better than a Bachman ( retired viking cheer leader) or Romney ( brainless), this country will die with Oblahblah in charge until 2016.


As many conservative political analyst state the 2012 election is the most important election since 1860..  Tea Party needs to pressure the Republicats to get a person who can articulate policies, debate forcefully and of course has a brain.



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The current clowns that are running in the R primary have no chance of beating Oblahblah.  


There was only one person that actually  fired up conservatives and that was Donald Trump.  However, he jumped ship after he realized ABC,NBC,CBS,CNN,MSNBC, and CNBC were going to attack him and his family for the next 18 months.  Not only that the Rep elite ( Karl Rover) (Rush Pinball) did not want an outsider come in and disrupt their heritage foundation party train.


Finally, if I hear Sean Hannity and Fox campaigning for Bachman one more time and stating she represents me and the tea party I will puke.  

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