From the book: America Under Fire - 3 things America must do to rebuild its foundation.
1) Learn how to fight a guerrilla war
2) An economic solution that no one thought of
3) The other side of racism (It's embarrassing being white and it's not alright to be lily white).
Barrack Obama, should not be allowed to run for reelection in 2012, on grounds of racism.
This is something which was disgracefully missed in the 2008 election. There is another side to racism, ladies and gentlemen, and people in America, especially white people, seem to be completely unaware of it.
I believe "that millions and millions and millions and millions of white people voted for Barrack Obama because his skin is half black. Barrack Obama was elected because he got the white vote not because he got the black vote or any other vote. The only mention of this I heard on the news was by the black news commentator, Juan Williams, on fox news. He said this one night on the Bill O'rielly show, "Barrack Obama is going to be the next president of the United States because his skin is black". I couldn't believe it. Bill O'Rielly who calls his show the "no spin zone" completely spun out of it that night. He just stated talking about something else as if Juan Williams hadn't said anything. Now I think that Bill O'Rielly is one of the best newsmen on TV, and I was shocked that he didn't understand the importance of what Juan said, or just felt to uncomfortable to speak about the subject. Millions and millions and millions and millions of white people voted for Barrack Obama, because his skin is half black. How do I know this? Because before I went into the Marine Corp and the brothers taught me different, I would have voted for Obama. I would have felt (I don't know the right word) compelled, obligated, obessed, etc., etc. to put Obama in the white house because his skin is half black, feeling I was waving my freedom flag high for all black people to see. Come on, white people, how many of you voted for him for this reason? Come on: admit it. Just look at the stupid behavor of Europeans before the election. When Obama visited Europe before the election millions and millions of white people showed up to show there undying support for a black man running for the presidency. Let's face it, and finnially admit to ourselves, that if Obama's skin was all white instead of half white, less then one quarter of these people would have showed up. That's a double standard or racism, ladies and gentlemen,the other side of racism, the side that white don't see and don't want to see. Face it, ladies and gentlemen, that's a double standard, and if white people don't get rid of this double standard, racism will never go away in this country. Do you realize that Barrack Obama got 95% of the black vote during the election? By the way, I only heard this reported on fox news; maybe I just missed it everywhere else. Now if John McCain recieved 95% of the white vote, the word racism would have been plastered on the front page of almost every newspaper in America. But when Obama gets 95% of the black vote, there's no real mention of it. Once again, that's racism, ladies and gentlemen, the other side of racism. Europe and Canada and even more stupid when it comes to racism. Usually the only examples they have to learn from are American television (there really doomed).
Moving along to the election even way before the economic disaster of 2008, I seemed to be one of the few white people in the world that new that Obama was going to be the next president mostly due to the fact that his skin was half black, and Juan Williams, a black man, was the only news commentator that even tried to bring this to the attention of the American people. Of couse, the rest of the media missed the importance of what Juan said or where to afraid to address the topic. Even Bill O'Rielly completely bombed that night when he completely, and I think intentionaly, ignored what Juan said that night. OK, with that stated, lets look at some distrubing fact in the election that white people completely missed. It really is embarressing being white, and if you read ths article, you should be able to see just how stupid white people are when it comes to racism.
Number one is the Reverend Wright thing. Now I don't know if Reverend Wright is a racist or not, nor do I care; but what I do care about is the fact that if Joe Biden, John McCain, or Sharah Pallin went to a churh for 22 years where a white minister was preaching and saying racist things against black people, and hatefull things against America, with racism always looming in the background, all 3 of them would have been throw out of the election immediately (2 weeks tops and they would have been sent home crying like little babies). Obama got a complete pass. In fact, most white people, probably the stupidest people on the whole planet when it comes to racism; where not even aware of this. If you did mention it, they would just smile and say, "Oh that doesn't bother me," like there one of the good one's, or they'd say, "yeah I know" acknowledging what happened and admitting it bothered them, but this had no real effect on the way they acted or voted. If one of the 3 white people (Bidden, McCain, or Pallin) did this, these very same white people would have demanded there immediat dismissal from the campaign. This is racism (the other side of racism) and if you don't start see it, white people, racism will never go away in America. It's a double standard; the same laws that apple to white people must also appy to black people or racism will never go away in this country. I can still hear the brothers laughing in the Marine Corpwhen white people said this.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, this has to bother you because it's racism (the other side of racism). White people, you can't have a double standard in this country when it comes to racism. The same laws that apply to white people must also apply to black people. If this doesn't happen, then racism will never go away in this country, and this has to bother you. You're not being one of the good ones; your just making complete fools out of yourselves. And if your doing this because your afraid then shame on you. Mr. President, I ask that you don't run in 2012 due to the Reverend Wright thing for the reasons I mentioned above. Now most white people are completely confused at this point, but since your half black, you no exactly what I'm talking about. I ask that you don't run in 2012. Sorry, black people, most of you where completely aware of this and said nothing, so most of you are also guilty of racism too (the other side of racism). Juan Williams was the only black person I know of who mentioned this, and the only news man in all America to see this and had the courage to state it. Of course white people completely missed the importance of what he said.
Another example of racism during the election (the other side of racism) is when the media kept saying that the young affuent white people were voting for Obama. What does that mean? If your not voting for Obama, you're an ignorant, worthless piece of shit, possible a racist! That's a racist statement! And why were the young white kids so heavily supportive of Obama? Could it be that these kids had been so thoroughly brainwashed in our schools with being politically correct and multiculturalism that they where inwardly terrified at voting against him? Inwardly being made to feel that they now were playing an important part in righting all the wrongs of the past, something they know nothing about? Being made to feel after years of propaganda, by our schools and the media, that they finial got there chance to fly there freedom flags high. How do I no this? Because before I joined the Marine Corp and the brothers taught me different, I would've voted for Obama for the same reason."
For more information you can buy the book "America Under Fire" on-line at Amazon, Barns and Noble, or It's only about $16 for a paperback and about $8 for an E-Book.
Also covered in the book, is the impotent and stupid way, America always insist upon fighting a guerrilla war. Many of the same mistakes we made in Vietnam where making again in Afghanistan, and Iraq. Why? This is why the book was written; and part 2 covers an economic solution to America's economic problems. This solution will probably never be implemented but people must become aware of it and start thinking accordingly.
Jim Romeo