Joel Shepard's Posts (2)

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To all of New York and New Jersey Hurricane Sandy vitims, shortly after Sandy destroyed your lives, your movie star of a president couldn't wait to run in on your heartbreak and destroyed lives for his time in front of the camera's for his big photo-op. Promised you all the world. Going to make "SURE" you where taken care of.Promised you all that his government would make "SURE" he and they, would not rest until you lives were restored. That he wouldn't rest until that was done. "Great Timming", just when his rating were down on the presidential election and Romney had whiped the tar out of him in the debate. My friends, that was just a play for your votes and a chance to look like he was concerned. JUST FOR VOTES. All of New York and New Jersey went for and voted for that Liar and Chief. He never intended on keeping those promises to you. Remember, you re-elected him. You made the bed you are laying in now. And now he has shown his appciation by abandoning you. Some of you, still trying to survuve in the winters cold, freezing temperature and snow. No homes, hardy no food and wondering where you will stay now that word came out that FEMA is no longer going to provide motels or temporary housing for you. And now no funding was voted on, or approved for your help in this governments session of votes this week. But Obama will blame that too, on Republicans. But he is supose to be the countries LEADER and looking out for you all. Obama got what he wanted out of you, your votes, his job back, his fine lifestyle for another 4 years, now he thinks, "hell with you all, got what I was after". I heard this morning, he has headed back to Hawai on another vacation, warm, plenty of lavish food, playing golf, on the beach having a iced cold beer and having a good time on my and your (OUR) tax dollars. Party boy is living it up, trips to Vagas, concerts with big name muscians and movie stars. While you are in freezing weather, scraping and trying and wondering if you will some how be able to survive just one more day. You need to be marching on Washington demanding that he be impeached. You all put him in there, now get him out. When Hurricane Katrina demolished the Gulf Coast, I work the FEMA recovery process on the temporary housing for those with no where to live. was involved with it for 3 years. The people had somewhere to be inside, out of the elements. George W. Bush has constantly been talked about, blamed for everything and portrayed as the devil himself by Obama. All Obama's failures, his say's is George Bush's fault. Now that 4 year excuse has about played out. Now the next 4 years of failure will be blamed on the Republicans in Congress. It has already started. But one thing about it, George W. Bush didn't abandon the victims of Katrina. He acted like a leader. He saw to it that they had housing, food, water, heat in the winter and cool in the summer and that FEMA was there for them. And where is Obama in your time of need? IN HAWAI ON VACATION!!  It is so simple to tell when Obama is telling a lie to you and the rest of the American people,, "HIS LIPS MOVE"!!! 

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The American people that really care about this country and are fed up with this governments, slop-a-long crap of their job performance and think it is time for us to make the change. All Obama can talk about is, " time for real change". It sure is time for change ""OH GREAT AND POWERFUL NON LEADER OBAMA"" time for you and yours to go. To the people of the United States of America, it is time to stop putting up with all the crap that all these politicians in Washington DC are doing. Getting pay checks of nearly $200,000.00 a year or more, under the table pay raises and with the crappest job performance in the countries history, $4,000,000.00 vacations to Hawai while our country is bankrupt, no jobs and falling off the cliff. Government agencies having big houndreds of thousands of dollars in parties with hookers and everything else on our hard earned tax dollar. And all they have on their minds are how they can figure to flim flam more money out of all of us so that they can party and take lavish vacations some more and throw it away. And have no idea of how to create jobs for all the unemployed and don't care if you are working or not. just squeeze more money from the ones that are working or have made good. And I do mean that is everyone of them in Washington DC, White House, Senate and Congress. If any one of us showed up on our jobs, that is those lucky enough to have a job, and performed that day how these politicians do, what would happen? I'll tell you, we would be fired and ran off before lunch break. Now I say it is time to fire each and everyone of these low down, nonperforming politicians, take away their lavish paychecks and lifestyle and let them see how poor people have to rake and scrape everyday. It's time for all of us that care about our country to form together in a show of force, hundreds of thousands strong all at the same time and date. And with pink slips in hand, march on Washington DC, the White House, Congress, and the Senate and fire them all. We would be better off with nobody there at all, than what we do have. All they do is lie to us, steal tax dollars from us, beg and try to get more from us to party on, vacation on and the best way to buy and steal votes all year long for re-election is to give the dead beats that won't work a free lifestyle. Free housing, free food, free healthcare, free education, free daycare and on and on and promise it to continue if they are re-elected. And I know some people really, and I mean really do need these benefits. The above statement does not include these people. Only the dead beats that is riding the free government hand out train to death. And people don't have sense enough to know that is why this country is in the mess it is in today. Obama Robinhood should be proud, taking from the workers and giving to the nonworkers. Distribute your wealth. And we have got the wellfare, foodstamp president of the history of our great nation, shoveling the fuel to that trains engine. Time to stop talking about it and complaining and whinning because that is not doing any good. Because they don't care in Washington. They have plenty of food, anything they want to eat, Sleeping in a big climate control mansion and in a lifestyle of luxury. Long as they can lie to you enough when it's time to get your vote for another term, then, to hell with you until the next election. Time to show in force, in body and in numbers in Washington DC and picket, march and stay there until they all are fired or resign. They have all forgotten that we, the people hired them all, we are their bosses and we are going to fire them. And that is for both parties, Democrat and Republican.  PLEASE POST FEED BACK

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