When an individual enters the ring to run for any office be it local or federal you have to look for a base qualification. Canidates will list qualifications based on an order that they feel is important to them. As you may have seen in media ads or websites these qualifications range from simply being born and raised in the area to degrees at ranking universities. Some, from time to time, will tout strong leadership. Now that is where I take interest.....leadership. To me a candidate's experience LEADING people will define how they serve us. You see, real or strong leadership is not taught in a classroom. A potentail leader is "found" by other strong leaders and mentored. I mean how does a young man become the captain of a football team? There's no class for that. The football coach, a position that requires strong leadership skills SELECTS that captain and MENTORS him. Our folks in the military do the same thing every single day. During my time in the US Army a young officer or sergeant is expected to follow a base principal of BE/KNOW/DO.
This BE/KNOW/DO breaks down into what that person does on a daily basis. What they have to do to remain proficient in their area of responsibily and how they go about discharging those responsibilities. And here is where I see the problem with our current leadership. And I am not just talking about the President, I mean every level. You see, you can't get an elected official to accept responsibility. They won't do it! Yeah yeah....they will tout/chest thump an accomplishment, (earmark?)....I liken that as the same as me bringing flowers home to my wife after I tracked mud on her carpet. She tends to forget about the mud, forgives me and the flowers are now a focal point on the new diningroom table that was bought after I did something else to tick her off. That's how some elected folks operate, like husbands! Think about. And you know, if I had just done the BE/KNOW/DO thing I'd still have money in my pocket. Think about that and how you can attach it to that person seeking your vote. They are the one's who are walking on your carpet and bellying up to your table.