Posted by Joseph Finkle on February 27, 2011 at 9:39am
Let me start off by saying I'm a union member as well as a tea party member.I believe some would say I can't effectively be both.I beg to differ.Contrary to popular belief,being a union member does not automatically mean fiscally irresponsible.I am one union member who is sick and tired of being put under the same umbrella as the teachers and state workers.My union dosn't have that kind of power,and other than the two mentioned,and possibly construction unions in NY,I don't know any who do.In my opinion if they don't pay towards their retirement,and health care,they should.However I do not think collective bargaining is a bad thing.and Remamber,it took two sides to make the agreement their working under,and it took years(and many contracts) to get to this point.I'm not opposed to correcting the problem,but I don't think it's fair to try to do it in one fell swoop.What will happen is you run the risk of pushing these people into financial ruin.Is that what this nation's become ? If I fall victim to circumstances of my making or not,misery needs company ? It will only make things worse.Remember these people(again,contrary to popular belief)pay taxes,and if they stop,and go on any form of public assistance,it's only going to make the burden on the rest if us greater.Admittedly,"some" unions have gotten VERY GREEDY over the years,and they need to come back to reality and show the same understanding their expecting from others.Everybody is suffering,and if we're going to pull out of this every body has to help.I just think the general hatred of a few unions,and the excessive benefits they get, should not manifest itself into a general hatred of all unions.Unions do serve a purpose,and those of you who think thier not needed, remember that when your employer decides your no longer needed because a younger person will do the same job for less money,or a personality issue(not job performance)with a supervisor costs you your job,and you have no recourse.When your told(after what you know to be a very profitable period) we can't afford to give you a raise,or contribute to your profit sharing plan,and again you have no recourse, because there are a hundred people standing in line to cut your throat and take that job,and your employer knows it.Collective bargaining can guarantee that raise,or that contribution,and can protect you against being fired on a whim.If an employee screws up the employer should have the right to fire you.If the company is having legitimate financial hardship they should be free to make responible choice,but don't take advantage.and that is what a good union should do,protect the employee from being taken advantage of.Reigning in out of control organizations(some unions,greedy corporations, GOVERNMENT) is a good idea.In my opinion,breaking all unions will lead to corporate greed and "legal" abuse of the american worker, like we have never seen before.And it will drop drastically the american standard of living.BE CAREFULL WHAT YOU WISH FOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Posted by Joseph Finkle on February 21, 2011 at 8:19am
I am sick and tired of the way the budget is cut.Don't misunderstand,the cuts are needed and we all know it.My problem is what gets cut when any government agency has their overall budget cut.When school budgets are cut,the first things to go are the things that most adversely effect the parents and students.We all know the biggest waste in most school budgets is overlapping administration,and transportation to other than public schools.When a commuter railroad's budget gets cut,fairs go up,and service gets cut.Again the very things that hurt the public the most.We can all site examples of our own.Hurt the people as much as you can,and your funds will be left alone in the future. Let them submit proposed cuts to a citizens panel,or some other impartial group,if such a thing exists,and let them give the thumbs up,or down. It is painfully obvious that when left to their own devises,the only ones who suffer are our children and us.When anything is said to the agencies in question,they shrug their shoulders,and point the finger at whoever cut their budget,and tell us it's not their fault,"their hands are tied".I'm tired of the nonsense. Joe Finkle
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