Joseph Remarcik's Posts (1)

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"...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..." Deceleration of Independence, 1776.

When the founding fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence, I am pretty sure they didn't mean Obama or the government when they were talking about the Creator. Rick Santorum said it best in his victory speech this week. Rather that misquote him, I will paraphrase my take home message from that speech:

When God gives mankind unalienable rights, because of his perfection they stand true and He will never take them away. When man, govement, or any other source attempts to belive they have the authority to grant unalienable rights, due to man's imperfection, those rights fail and eventually are taken away.

I put my trust in my Creator and stand with my fellow man who has the same virtues and values. We as a people need to stand up and select our nominee that best fits those needs and not settle. The talk about we need somebody electable rather than the candidate that is true to the country and what our founding fathers intended shows weakness in our cause and beliefs.

If we put our trust in God, as the great men who founded this great country did, I believe we will not fail. Some of their decisions were not popular at first glance at the time. Their faith endured and as a result, The United States became the best country on earth.

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