Do Romney and the Republicans really want to win?
My opinion is "no, they really don't want to win".
It seems that Mitt Romney and the Republicans only want to put on the image of a good campaign fight for the Presidency. There is much that they do to better challenge Obama, yet they refuse to do so. They refuse to do so in order to be politically correct.
If Romney and the Republicans really wanted to win, they would do the items below at a minimum:
1) File whatever legal challenges necessary to unseal Barak Obama's college admission forms and college transcripts.
2) File whatever legal challenges necessary to unseal Barak Obama's passport history.
3) Bring focus to Barak Obama's massive increase in wealth far beyond what the Presidential salary would conservatively amass.
4) Demonstrate that Barak Obama may be considered a racist due to his comments and involvement in events that only involve dark skinned people, such as that Trevon Martin would look like his son; Obama's comment that "the Cambridge police acted stupidly" in the the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Gates; the dismissal of a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther against light skinned (white) voters, the racist new initiative titled the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, and other such items. A "white" President would never be allowed to make such comments.
Why won't Romney and the Republicans even consider the above items or anything similar? My opinion is that they have decided to succumb to pressures to keep America's first dark skinned president in office.
To have Barak Obama serve only one term would be a slap in the face to many dark skinned people living in America. The left leaning media, many individuals, and some countries would label the United States as racist for only giving Obama one term. A small number of dark skinned individuals will riot and cause tens or hundreds of millions of dollars in damage.
Let's face it. Barak Obama will be allowed to win, regardless of the economy, failed policies, questionable aspects of his ability to legally serve as president, and numerous other items that would have forced any non-dark skinned president to resign his office.
Mitt Romney and the Republicans are only putting on the appearance to fight the good fight, while not so secretly allowing Barak to win a second term to appease a very vocal but small segment of American society that won't let America move past the issue of racism.