The Pilgrim and Puritan forefathers laid the foundation of Western culture with Biblical principles. The philosophy was Theism, a positive, God-centered philosophy. This theistic belief affected and should continue to affect our commerce, ethics, morality, domestic activities, and policy as a nation. It directed and should continue to direct every one of our nation’s judiciary, military, educational, governmental, civil, and economic areas.
During the 1700’s when values became diluted because of a growing number of immigrants, many church members were not “born-again” and there was a growing concern with the issue of moral backsliding. As a result of the preaching of Theodore Freylinghousen, Jonathan Edwards, John and Charles Wesley, and George Whitefield, revival broke out across the nation, and the cultural consensus returned to Biblical principles. It was this generation that laid the foundation for the birth of America, its Constitution, and Capitalism. The foundations were laid using the Bible’s declaration that man was a sinner – with an inclination to do self-destructive and evil acts – and therefore needed a government with checks and balances that would put restraints on men.
By the 1800’s this ‘experiment’ by our forefathers, called “liberty”, was working so well that it attracted an even greater number of immigrants. Most of them came from Europe where Godly values were in decline. In 1813, we were then introduced to Robert Owen, the “father of modern socialism.” His little commune that he started in Indiana (the Owenites, as they were referred to) was called New Harmony, where he conducted his first experiment with Socialism in America.
The foundation for Socialism is the exact opposite of Capitalism. Socialists believe that man is good and therefore does not need restraints. It is an atheistic worldview. What do they believe is evil? The system. They believe that if they can just “fix (reform) the system”, and create the right environment then there will be a utopian (perfect, harmonious) society.
The first system on their agenda to “fix” was the education system. When public criticism arose against Owen and his followers, they organized into secret cells to continue their aims. They hid in the shadows always waiting for the opportunity to strike. Robert Owens returned to Europe and succeeded in transforming the entire school system of Prussia from a religious-based to a government-run system.
In 1827, Horace Mann enters the scene when after a year of teaching he went back to college and became a lawyer. Later, he was elected to the Massachusetts Board of Education and was appointed secretary to the state board of education. Mann visited Prussia to see the system created by Owen. Mann was so excited that he came back to America to fashion Owen’s radical experiment as a model for New England schools. He called this model Progressive and it watered the first seeds of government education on American soil. He is not the “father of public education” as he is erroneously called in the history books. America had public education 200 years before Mann. He is actually the “father of government-run public education”. Education was never mentioned in the Constitution. It was one of the rights reserved to the people.
One minister at that time said, “If we do what Mann wants us to do with our schools we will create the greatest tool for the advancement of atheism [and therefore, socialism] that the world has ever seen.”
What are some of the the fruits of Socialism?
Statistics from 1986:
Suicide - The third leading cause of death among teens
Drugs – Two-thirds of teens use drugs by the time they finish high school
Drinking – One out 5 teens have a drinking problem
Pregnancy – Nearly a third of all teenage girls get pregnant at the rate of one
million each year
Abortions – 400,000 teen abortions yearly
STD’s – 2.5 million teens are infected with sexually transmitted diseases yearly
Runaways – Over one million runaways leave home every year
Prostitution – Of the one million runaways and six million homeless children –
many of them wind us as prostitutes on the streets
Single Parents – By 1990, 50% of families will be headed by a single parent
Stress – 56% of teenage girls and 35% of teen boys report that it is hard to cope
with stress at home and school
Crime – In one year, 1,311 young people under 18 were charged with murder
SAT scores – From 980 in 1956 down to 890 in 1980
Dropouts – From 72 in 1961-62 to 799 in 1981-82 (Value x 1000)
Pretty good fix, wasn’t it? And each year the numbers just keep going up, or down in the case of SAT scores.
We, of course, cannot talk about Socialism and leave out Karl Marx. This man who came in to the picture in 1867 wanted to “fix” another system, our economic system - Capitalism. Marx attempted to apply Darwin’s evolution theory (Darwin’s attempt to “fix” the scientific system) about the forms of animal life as a universal concept to explain all of life’s disciplines. He taught that “survival of the fittest” also applies to government and society. Marx suggested that the government system evolved from Feudalism, to Capitalism, then eventually to the utopian system, Socialism.
The next system to be “fixed” was Psychology. This was to be accomplished with the aid of Sigmund Freud, known as “the father of modern psychology.” Freud taught than man needed to be “freed” from his religious values and could find within himself all of the necessary guidelines to protect and advance society. In fact, Freud went so far as to slander belief in God as a mental disorder. He tried to disassociate guilt from sin.
Our philosophy (“as a man thinketh”) determines our actions and politics (“so is he”).
As said earlier, theistic belief affected and should continue to affect our commerce, ethics, morality, domestic activities, and policy as a nation. It directed and should continue to direct every one of our nation’s judiciary, military, educational, governmental, civil, and economic areas. [However, without vigilance it will not continue. This vigilance is the responsibility of the Church. Unfortunately, the Christians have left their posts and no one is on guard. They don’t think it’s their duty to do the guarding. The only thing they guard is their seat on their favorite pew. Why? That “separation of church and state” thing that they never bothered to look up to see that it’s not in the Constitution, and they never bothered to read what Jefferson in his personal letter really said…]
Donald R. Howard, Ph.D., founder and president of Accelerated Christian Education, Inc., Teen Turmoil, 1988