Randy Grandmaison's Posts (1)

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Debt solution

I just don't understand how our legislators can still figure that they need more revenue to balance the budget or need to raise the debt ceiling.  Has anyone ever suggested to Congress or the President to cut the pay of all government employees including but not limited to Senators, Representatives, Supreme Court Judges, ATF employees, Housing Administration employees, the care takers of all Federal workers, the White House cooking staff, etc., etc. 


They also need to start funding their own 401k accounts instead of taxpayer funded pensions.   Not to mention also that they should be also sharing in the cost of their own healthcare coverage. 


They do not need to cut entitlement programs.  They do need to cut many of their programs that were used as payback for election funding.


Who died and made the USA the moral police of the world.  Let's bring back our troops from the wars and quit spending millions of dollars overseas.  Along these same lines why are we still sending aid to these underdeveloped countries when we have such a debt crisis on our own hands?

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