Raymond Silipino's Posts (1)

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DC Turns on Obama

Well Hooray and it's about time!  It is not that DC is turning against Obama's actions.  It is about the lies and misleading that he has fed the public for way too long.  He has put his own biscuits in the fire once too often and this time he had the expirence to feel the heat.  A modern day Nixon?  I think not!  We all know that Nixon was far from being upright and without fault.  His main blunder in my opinion was the Watergate debacle.  When he was nailed for that episode he did have the graces to resign.  Obama just keeps creating more fibs and lies to cover the ones he already told.  Nixon did not have an untold army of supporters casting several ballots; nor, did his blunders make him responsible for killing anyone.  Nixon did not have any cabinet members that proclaimed " well what difference does it make"  such as Benghazi Hillary.  A modern day Nixon, I think not.  On Nixon's worst day he would not hold a candle to Obama.  One of  Obama's big hangups at the present time is: He can no longer come up with any new videos or viable names that he can blame his blunders on.  Harry Truman even stated that: " The buck stops here!"  A lesson that Obama should have adapted long ago, rather that attempting to constantly play the voters, both Republican and Democrat alike.  He needs know  that Americans are capable of contributing to our own Government, and get rid of Muslim cabinet heads, so he will stop catering to the very countries that would love to bury America and our way of life.  Obama has proven that he is not totally capable of leading a country on any hemisphere, let alone the United States of America.  Even though he is an avowed Muslim, a cabinet full of Muslim Czars should never have come to pass.      



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