Today is March 17th, 2012. The Republic was formed 235 years, 8 months, and 13 days ago by Americans who grew weary of an all powerful central government that sought to control every aspect of their lives and economy. King George ruled by force and tyranny. He looked upon the citizens of America as a cash cow for his Crown and the ruling class of the English empire. The Founding Fathers gave us a Constitution that was supposed to forever protect the people from every having to be subject to tyranny again. Unfortunately, We the People have not been diligent in our responsibilities to ensure that our elected representatives remain rooted in the beliefs of our Constitution. We have allowed the formation of political party organizations (GOP/DNC) to wrench the political process from our hands. Candidates must now be vetted through one of the two major political parties, both of which are corrupted by "Special Interest Groups" such as labor unions and major corporations and banks. What remains to be seen is whether or not the corrupt leadership within these two parties can be toppled from within. Tea Party organizations are a direct result of the failed policies of both of these political organizations. Unfortunately, Tea Party organizations are separate and distinct in that they operate outside the GOP and DNC conventions.
The damage that the GOP did to its brand between 2000 and 2006 nearly destroyed the party. The GOP failed to adhere to core conservative values, which resulted in unconstitutional wars, and massive deficit spending. The GOP had lost all semblance of conservatism and compromised with the socialists on entitlements and especially on the CRA, which was the root cause of the housing and market collapse of 2008.
In 2010, after nearly 6 years of irrelevancy, the Tea Party gave the GOP its first victory in election battle since the reelection of Bush in 2004. The Tea Party energized the conservative base with its message of limited government, balancing the budget, and adhering to republican constitutional values.
Sadly, the GOP old timer THUGS in leadership positions throughout the Republican Party failed to grasp the momentum given to it by the Tea Party organizations. Instead, the GOP immediately returned to the same old leadership and policies of compromise and appeasement with the socialist Democrats. Tea Party freshman were labeled as "rogue elements" within the Congress both in the House and the Senate.
Fast forward now to 2012 and we are witnessing a total collapse of the Republican Party. Did Tea Party leadership actually expect the Republican Party to change its ways without a complete wholesale change of leadership in the GOP?
As I look back now on these events, it is clear that the current GOP leadership will never adopt true Tea Party values and that the only recourse is for Tea Party activists to flood GOP and DNC party meetings and conventions and to replace the old school corrupt leadership with people who understand the Republic and the Constitution.