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Outreach Tool "What is a Conservative?"

I wrote this primarily for the woefully uninformed. I am told, that it has converted many. What we really need is outreach. Igniting the base is not enough. The feedback about my essay from open-minded liberals has been gratifying. The method of; non-attack, just the facts, and addressing the common objections -- seems to allow them to continue reading. It really is brand new information for them. And they often start thinking and challenging what they have been mis-taught. I keep several in my car to pass out. We need converts this tool often works! My hope is that it goes viral and reaches the masses. Please send this to everyone on your list.What Is A Conservative?by Roc Ratner April 2009Conservatism comes from the root word “conserve,” which means to save. Everyone wants to conserve something. Even Liberals/Progressives wants to conserve many things, like the power to micro-manage others and the power to prevent life as in “a woman’s right to choose.” So if everyone wants to conserve something, then the real question is: What do “Conservatives” specifically want to conserve? What really defines a “Conservative?” It may not be what you have been told. You hear the word “Conservatives” a lot. You might be interested to know what it means.Conservatives deeply respect the unique historical crafting of the newly formed American government. It is important to note that the Founding Fathers had lived under, fought against and defeated the immoral, abusive, and stifling of individuals by a government (King George). They despised governmental abuse of its individual citizens. That is why they set out to preserve individual freedoms. Never before or since have newly victorious revolutionaries spent so much time and effort studying and pondering all forms of historical government and political thought with such a unique and noble goal. The Founding Fathers unselfishly wanted to create a supremely positive environment in which every individual citizen in the population was allowed to thrive to their personal maximum potential.Sadly, it is true that in the 1700’s slavery was a fully accepted worldwide scourge. Unfortunately, at that time the southern colonies had tightly embraced the accepted world’s consensus regarding slavery. It is interesting to realize that the world’s consensus is often very wrong and very often destructive. America’s unique greatness and power typically comes from not following the world’s destructive consensus. However, in this sad early instance the southern colonies did indeed embrace it whole-heartily. They adamantly threatened to kill the whole Constitution if that Constitution would take away the South’s economic base. If not for that threat, there would have been no need for the eventual civil war.The southern colonies did not want slaves to vote, but they also wanted to count non-voting slaves in the population totals, in order to get many more southern whites into the House of Representatives (number of representatives based on population). It is shamefully true that a compromise on that number was necessary in the 1700’s. The distasteful compromise reached was that: each non-voting slave was to be counted as 3/5th — towards the seating of a Representative in the House of Representatives. The compromise was embarrassingly necessary to even have a constitution. Thankfully, within the original constitution, the ability was included to amend that grievous mistake.Not talked about today is the documented historic fact that: it was the Conservatives’ deep love of “freedom from government” and “power for the individual” that prompted Conservative Republicans to vote for Civil-Rights in a much higher percentage than the Liberal/Progressive Democrats, who bitterly opposed Civil-Rights. There is sill one ex-“Grand-Keligle” (supreme leader) of the KKK serving as a Senator at this time. Senator Bird is a Liberal/Progressive Democrat, of course.True Conservative principles do not see groups, races, genders or classes of people. They see only individuals. They do not see “one group” as a target for pandering, and “another group” as a target to demonize. Consider that it was a Republican (Lincoln) who said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”The smallest most vulnerable and weakest minority, by far, is the individual. Governments historically have always easily crushed an individual. Preventing that abuse was the core spirit of America’s creation.The Founding fathers strove to develop a unique balance, which would both create the “United” defense for the individual sovereign States, and the security of a basic common governmental structure — while still preventing government from getting in the way of the natural advancement of its citizen individuals. No such creative and deeply compassionate well thought-out search has ever been done in the forming of a government before or since.The Founding Fathers’ first unique and amazingly arduous undertaking was to read all the profound writings on political thought written throughout all of history. They discussed and debated the revealed issues at length. This was in a day without phones, telegraphs, recorders or efficient transportation. Many of these discussions/debates were in letters between each other. The huge number of these original letters were carefully collected and preserved at the time. The collection was published in book form as “The Federalist Papers.”A scholar by the name of Skousen made it his life’s work to follow each of the issue debates, across the complex web of these back and forth letters. He identified 28 main issues of principle, which were debated, eventually resolved, and generally accepted by the Founders. The Founder’s long hard work on these 28 principles was the foundation behind the creation of the Constitution. Skousen’s book is “The 5,000 Year Leap” with a separate chapter on each of the founding 28 principles. Each chapter includes the Founder’s back and forth discussions, debate, readings, thinking and creative inventions about the chapter’s specific principle.The Founding Fathers’ primary goal was to prevent power being excessively amassed by government officials. The world history they studied so completely proved that unlimited power would surely be used to micro-manage and exploit powerless individuals. The Founders’ research showed them that what they called “Rulers Law” proved to be the universal destructive path to an eventual abusive and population-crushing evil, on a national scale.The Founders knew that future generations of would be “Rulers” would not like being limited. In their preserved written correspondence with each other, a phrase the founders used was “putting the government in chains.” Those chains were to prevent the United States Government from ever following the historical use of “unlimited power of the Ruler.” The Constitution’s clear, plainspoken intent was to enforce these chains of “limited power” and make them timeless. So no one could ever become the unlimited “Ruler” of this nation.The Constitution clearly provides the Federal Government a very short list of allowed powers. And, just as clearly, the Constitution declares it illegal for the Federal Government to do anything else! You may hear this described as the “enumerated powers”The Founders used the 28 principles to guide the development of a clear and simple solution to the historic universal problem of governmental abuse — a system where the government (not the citizen) was strictly limited. They created a new and unique concept for humanity —“Freedom FROM Government.” The Founding Fathers invention, the Constitution, and the 28 principles that guided them brought forth an amazing advancement to humanity. The enabling miracle of “limited” government that unleashed the abilities of individuals to grow, build and achieve.The unique Constitution enabled the fastest advancement of a civilization in history — going from the primitive back woods, to super-power and even reaching the moon in only two centuries. No other civilization throughout all of history has advanced so far in such a short time. Compare such fast and enormous achievement to countries like India, China, Egypt, Iraq, etc., that are many thousands of years old. No other system of government has come even close to the explosion of widespread general lifestyle and wealth for the average citizen. Compare the abundant lifestyle of the lower 20% of the U.S. population to the crushing lifestyle of the lower 20% in India, Egypt, Iraq, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, etc.The Constitution, with its original clear and plainspoken meaning — IS the American Dream.Learning the Founding Fathers’ well-considered principles of advancing individualism would make any person, as well as any country, stronger and more fruitful. Yet for some odd reason these most precious historical nuggets of wisdom are not taught in schools today. If you, like the Founding Fathers, are interested in such proven sources of individual power, then you can find the historic details in the book “The 5000 Year Leap: A Miracle That Changed the World” by Skousen. That profound book reveals the fascinating recorded thinking, reading, research, inspirations and discussions of the Founders as they crafted “the 28 Principles” and America’s Constitution. The Constitution that enabled the unique 200-year growth that Leapfrogged 5000 years of other political systems.Let me coin a word: “Group-ism,” which stands for the concept of single-minded power groups opposing each other. Group-ism is the exact opposite of individualism. Such groups come in many destructive forms—such as racism, sexism, class-ism, age-ism, religious-isms, etc. All such “Groups” have a common evil core of encouraging and spreading division and hate, and encouraging attacks on other groups.Such ugliness is evil (live spelled backwards). Nevertheless, it is indeed the best way to create a group-against-group division (the historic “divide and conquer” strategy). As the Founding Fathers’ research showed, every dictator in history got to power by pitting one group against another groupThe art and science of using group-ism to gain power has a long and evil history of refinement. Throughout history there have been many how-to books written, such as Machiavelli’s “The Prince,” and others by Hitler, Marx, and Mao. The modern book, “Rules for Radicals,” by Saul D. Alinsky is a modern, evil “how-to” book for manipulators and would-be dictators. In it, he explains in Machiavellian practical terms how to deceive, lie, manipulate and twist a group’s morals. Alinsky explains how successful group organizing and exploitation requires an divisive crisis to be created, and then used as an emotional smoke screen. The historic tactic consists of spreading indiscriminate hate to justify the immoral plundering of a whole group — by organizing another group and whipping it into a frenzy. Alinsky teaches how to do all this. The time-tested fact is this — the automatic unthinking anger and thoughtlessness of mass emotional fervor is the most necessary tool there is for the evil “power-grab” by any would-be dictator.There is a recognizable recipe, that all dictators have used, and would-be-dictators must use, to amass absolute and destructive power. In order for a crisis to grow to useful proportions, the mass “hate” needs to be encouraged through twisting of facts and outright deception. A charismatic and eloquent leader is required to focus and organize the unrest. Historically this power-seeking leader always turns out to be a control freak that is emotionally (but mistakenly) respected because of his followers’ lack of fact checking and their ignorance of his hidden goals. The next step is for an unrealistically idealistic and gullible media to carefully and redundantly “fan the fire” of manufactured dislike, which then grows into hate as the often repeated lie becomes thoughtlessly accepted. The Nazis called this strategy “the Big Lie.” This emotional “Big Lie” is a necessary for a population of otherwise kind people to blindly accept the manipulation and cruelly participate in the self-righteous and vicious destruction of any and all individuals, groups or institutions that get in the way of the would-be dictator’s power grab.The strategies of “personal destruction”, “attack journalism,” hate mongering, and social class warfare, which pit one generation, race, economic group or industry against another, might all seem very familiar. We have seen a lot of that lately. The practice of deceptively organizing groups into angry riled-up power-bases is the business of many current professional organizers. Who utilize anger to rationalize immoral and greedy, thug-like intimidation activities.Instead of focusing on individual-empowering solutions, many power-hungry, highly placed US government officials have been exploiting group-ism. It is shocking that several very high American politicians have recently echoed the Alinsky recommended sentiment of “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” It is strange and troubling that some in high government today have even paid very respectful homage to the book “Rules for Radicals.” One very high federal official even wrote her college thesis on its intricacies. These same high office-holders never mention the Constitution. To which they are sworn to “preserve and protect the Constitution,” as a condition of holding office. However, it seems the Constitutional limitations on their power—“get in their way.”Conservatives want to conserve what has compassionately nurtured the amazing historical advancement of individuals and therefore humanity. Technically we still do have the original Constitution that insists on the miracle of freedom FROM government,” designed to limit government But those that want the return of “Rulers Law,” have been piece-by-piece chipping away at the Constitution for decades. The intent of the Constitution is currently being ignored, misinterpreted, and its meanings twisted. So that it seems to enable group-ism and supports a micro-managing command and control. This is the exact opposite of the Founders’ intent.The core of what a Conservative wants to conserve is the original meaning and timeless, supreme authority of the Constitution and its limitations on government power.The Constitution, its original, clear and plainspoken meaning — IS America!Command-and-control, micro-managing politicians have a lot to gain from “Rulers Law.” The current system of all-powerful governmental officials arbitrarily selecting winners and losers requires that want-to-be winners must pay off the government officials in order to buy that favored status.The current unconstitutional system is “pay to be favored ” by the all-powerful “Rulers,” with unlimited arbitrary “selections” and “favors” to give out. This unlimited system is the root of enormous campaign funding and provides lavish perks for political “Rulers,” who do the arbitrary “selecting.” Even the poor “pay” for favored status. They “pay” with an organized, rigidly enforced, solid voting block. Do you feel intimidated to speak against the peer pressure?The goal is a voting block based on group-ism.Today’s common campaign promise (spoken or not) is, help me to get the power, and I will “favor” and select “your” group to be “given” advantages. All you have to do is give up your individual power.This current system makes government’s arbitrary, preferential, unlimited and unconstitutional “favors” for-sale. The required payments to “Rulers” for favoring a group takes many forms; money, lavish perks, organized voting blocks, back-room deals, or the providing of deceptive glowing publicity/news. In addition, for-sale is the government’s ability to target and damage whichever group the “influence buyer” hates the most. Sadly, the ability to damage is the only thing the government does very effectively.It has all been done before. Historically there are many unlimited “Rulers Law” systems for exploiting populations. Examples include the “Divine Right of Kings—the right to absolute unlimited power, enabling them to simply take anything or abuse anything or anyone they wanted. Government “owning” of companies — is the dictionary definition of communism. Fascism (National Socialism or Nazi-ism) is defined by the installing of government puppets to manage companies, insuring the government maintains absolute control. With such systems of control, the greedy government can take anything and everything it wants.All such political systems have eventually led to extreme poverty and great misery for the abused masses —masses that were originally misinformed and emotionally manipulated to be enthusiastic about the power take over. History is very clear. Even so, such political systems have been tried repeatedly throughout global history. The historic record of hundreds of examples is clear. Such systems have a 100% failure rate in continuing to uplift their people. As well as a 100% success rate in eventually devastating individuals and whole populations. The old saying is “those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it.”The Founding Fathers saw, and true Conservatives still see, unlimited government’s micro-management of individuals, their business and labor, along with the system of government officials arbitrarily selecting winners & victims — as a sure path to inevitable devastating evil on a grand scale.In contrast, a Liberal/Progressive wants an unlimited, unchained Government to grow ever larger and more powerful. They want this, precisely so they can micro-manage the population, including you. The Liberal/Progressive sees freedom of individuals as disorganized, messy and objectionable. The goal is lock-step conformity. They deeply crave to micro-manage you in order to stop everything you do, that they personally judge as objectionable. A Liberal/Progressive makes a career out of objecting to other people’s usage of freedom. A Liberal/Progressive wants the power to back up their micro-management with severe punishments in the law. After All “they” know better than you. You have to be forced to comply. They believe their power will enforce a “perfect world.” “All hail” the perfecting works of the dictators of Utopia! (?)Is the noble and population-uplifting concept of “freedom of the individual FROM government” worth conserving? Conservatives continue to think so. Liberals /Progressives do not! This is the simple, clear and profound defining DIFFERENCE between the Conservative and the Liberal/Progressive ideologies.Liberals/Progressives will always need to buy votes with giveaways, etc. But government does not make or create anything, so they have to take money and things away from others, exploit someone in order to give unconstitutional “favors” to someone else.Slavery is characterized by forcing someone to work against his or her will —simply taking his or her work (labor) by force. Money is the fruit of people’s work (labor), thoughts, talent, creativity and invention. Continuously taking money from someone by force is taking his or her labor by force. In other words, “slavery.”Is not “wealth-redistribution” stealing from one enslaved group to pay off another more highly “favored” group? A recipient group actually purchases being favored. Of course, what little the government “gives away” is always minus what the government greedily and deeply skims off the top for itself.Misinformation, ignorance and repeated lies are the keys to how all this evil takes root and grows. For example, every student in school and TV or movie viewer is taught repeatedly that, by definition, all businesses are evil “greedy” meanies and governments are “compassionate.” You hear it all the time, so it is just accepted as fact.Nevertheless, logic exposes the truth. What happens to a truly greedy business, say a store that tries to sell a gallon of milk for $10? They lose customers fast. Customers have the freedom to buy elsewhere. So, they do. A business desperately needs willing customers or it goes out of business. Successful businesses are always thinking of new ways to please and earn more customers that are willing. Truly greedy businesses that do not care about their customers are automatically eliminated. Bankruptcy releases resources and employees to move to other, more compassionate growing businesses. That is, unless a government selects a bad one to bail out.But what happens when a powerful government gets greedy? First understand that the government doesn’t need your willingness. When you don’t want to pay the government’s arbitrary high demands, they just use brutal power to take what they want! They just take against your will. You do not have the freedom or power to run away from greedy government officials, the IRS, the police, courts or prison. Like all slaveholders, their power is ultimately backed up with guns. The willingness of free customers is replaced, with forceful intimidation.When a Government does not need your willingness, it sees you as merely a helpless resource to be plundered. Or they see you as a useless (to them) expendable, expense. Does a governmental middle manger or accountant in control of your fate, really care about you personally? Is this what you call “compassion? !” They tell you it is!People do try to leave a greedy, abusive country run by “Rulers Law,” but that means a huge change in culture, life style, and language, etc. Historically, greedy Governments get tough when the source of all their money (the enslaved victim taxpayers) try to escape. Think about the borders of Cuba, North Korea and the Berlin wall. Greedy governments are historic killers of individuals and whole economies.The wide spread propaganda of “Greedy Business” and “Compassionate Government” is a very false and a very dangerous trap! Conservatives seem to be the only ones fully aware of this obvious historic fact.How many in the government-schooled population know that the top 25% of earners (as a group) pays over 86% of all collected tax money? Is that a “fair share?” Are the masses taught or aware that 43% of the population (another group) receives vastly more from government programs as handouts, than the group pays in taxes? Politicians, schools, the news media, TV and Hollywood movies have all baited the very dangerous false propaganda trap of “greedy business/compassionate government,” and carefully hidden the simple, easily provable truths.Why all the deception and deceit? The leading Liberal/Progressive, would-be “Rulers” want the large tax-receiving group to be worked up into an angry hate of the smaller rich group that pays all the bills and paychecks. Why? So the government will become justified and empowered to punish and enslave employers. Only then can the “compassionate” (?) government seize for itself control of businesses and all sources of money. Those in that small hated so-called “rich” employer group are intended to be the enslaved victims. The method is for this small, targeted group is to be vastly out numbered by the angered mob. Deception, deceit, wide spread misinformation and hidden truths are necessary to build and encourage the angry, hate-filled mob into a solid voting blockWhat happens when that hate-filled mob of 43% of the “favored” dependants grows to a dictatorial 51%? One does not need to guess. Historically they feel empowered to punish and take everything away from the enslaved so-called “rich” employers. It has happened several times before in history. The mob greedily goes for the freebees! There is a great celebration of joyful, greedy, plundering, legalized looting and destruction. In the collapsed Soviet Union the need to crush the resistant, independent-minded meant killing 20 million of its most productive people, fourteen million more than the National Socialism of Nazi Fascism! That is a lot of “free goodies” for the taking. It sounds great to the masses of government dependants. However, the Rulers get most of the spoilsHowever in each historical case, the government always eventually needs more and more money. But a government creates nothing. Government can only take from the ever-more-deeply impoverished slaves that dwindle in number. The slaves eventually either runaway, become broke, die-off or are murdered. The fabled equality of utopia historically always crumbles when “Other People’s Money” runs out.The Government, which never did create any actual merchandise it self, becomes bankrupt. The government’s micro-managed house of cards then crumbles when the slave money runs out. The poor, helpless, government-dependant population suddenly does not receive anything at all from the “now bankrupt” government.Historically, those dependant on government are devastated to the point where survival is a serious concern. These extreme desperate conditions make for extreme anger & violence in the population, which draws massive, brutal and violent governmental retaliation and repression. The desperate, greedy, all-powerful government then fights its own population with every cruel, destructive, murderous weapon they have. The Soviet Union did murder most of the successful employers and farmers who did not escape—and then turned on the poor. The economy and population was devastated for generations.Who among the employing and hated 25% who are here now, would choose to stay in our country to become slaves? Who would then provide us the food or productive business that feeds the entire economy? Who would provide jobs that enable employee purchasing power? What is left for anyone after the rich employers and food producers are made to be poor and put out of business? After the employing goose (who lays the golden egg of 86% of all tax revenues) is foolishly crushed, who will then fund the care of the vast number of government dependants?The greedy all-powerful government of a country when devoid of employers and jobs has only the under-employed, starving poor left to plunder. After all, the “Rulers” lifestyle must be maintained at all costs. How do all the abandoned dependants survive the chaos and violence?The Soviet Union did crumble into the dustbin of history. The Soviet Union was not the first or the last. The tragic, historic list is long. “Those unaware of history ARE doomed to repeat it! How then does the U.S.A. even survive?Do you really just accept the widespread “big lie” that a micro-managing “Rulers”-style Government, which does not even need your willingness, will always be reliably compassionate and always take care of you? Do you want to put all your eggs (and your life) into that basket?The truth is the government “playing Santa Claus,” is really a burglar in disguise. Or more accurately a disguised, greedy, bumbling fool playing with matches, with a long history of carelessly burning down other people’s houses.Do you really want to live in the helpless squalor of the crumbled Soviet Union or Haiti? Do you want to work for an incompetent, clueless, all-powerful and destructive National Socialist Government “Czar?” How would you like living under the power of Cuba, Haiti or North Korea? Or how about living under the absolute power of the violently enforced group-ism of the Taliban? Do you relish being forced to join and slavishly obey an abusive, greedy, punishing, government-approved central plan? Is micro-managed utopia really, the system of you had hoped for?Unfortunately, it is very easy to deceive a government-schooled, media-misinformed population. A professional, “Emotion & Thought Manipulator” simply preaches the glory of group-ism and indignant jealousy. Such a professional can then guide people to misinterpret and disrespect a Conservative’s anti-group-ism and his or her lack of willingness to immorally injure/enslave one individual or group in order to benefit another more “favored” individual or group.Conservatives are not so bad once you understand us. Perhaps you did not know our point of view. Truth is drowned out, blocked or intentionally misrepresented by the news media, movies, TV, schools unions etc. The government has even been seriously talking about wanting to take over control of talk radio programming and internet content. Conservatives are indeed the group selected for no-holds bared, vicious attacks by the “Rulers” and all their minions. “Politically Correct,” close-minded Liberals/ Progressives are intent on drowning out truth and logic with automatic, instant insults and intimidation. They are passionate about Free conservative speech being stamped out and silenced.The PC “Speech Police” and “Thought Police” are everywhere. Ever wonder why? It is all to protect the “Big Lie” of “Greedy Business / Compassionate Government.” Rulers desperately need to make the “history-unaware population” believe that unlimited government is a compassionate Santa Claus with a bottomless sack. They need you to be helplessly dependent on their “favors” and “gifts.” That way they own you, and can micro-manage every part of your life. All this power and wealth would be lost to those that lust for “Rulers Law” if the truth about Conservatives were to be widely known.Sadly, some “so-called Republicans” have greedily accepted the evil concept of personally benefiting by isolating and pandering to opposing groups. These non-conservatives have embraced the selfish short-term political advantages of “group-ism.” True Conservatives call these despised sell-outs “RINOs (Republican In Name Only).Do not let the existence of RINOs confuse you about what a True Conservative wants to conserve—the liberty of ALL individuals by protecting the entire population from a government that is power-hungry, micro managing, abusive, and has destructive goals. Conservatives strive to restore the Constitution and once again set the individual free from government.Such historically evil goals, methods and results are very predictable. But there is a small light at the end of the tunnel. Conservatives and the smallest most vulnerable, abused minority of “the individual,” can prevail once again as the truth slowly leaks out. There is Hope (!), thanks to the many uncensored methods of non-government-controlled, propaganda-free communication. And thanks to the declining credibility of liberal/progressive “Emotion & Thought Manipulators,” such as media, news and schools. There are now many new books that dare to spread historic political reality. These books are on bestseller lists. And, there is, of course, the Internet and talk radio. Individuals are talking about all this with each other on the Internet, and getting together. The information monopoly of the media is crumbling even as we speak.There are great and positive signs of the times, a fledgling mass reemergence of the love for freedom and liberty by brave individuals. Look at the top-selling book rankings. The original 1700’s era text from the pre-revolution pamphlet “Common Sense” written by Founding Father, Thomas Paine is now in a current book titled “Common Sense, The Rights of Man and Other Essential Writings of Thomas Paine.” Amazingly, two centuries later his original work, as of the date of this writing, April 3, 2009, ranks 24th on Amazon’s best selling book list. “Common Sense” was the unifying journalistic spark that got the mass of individuals in the colonies ignited to reject the English king’s all-powerful abuse. Could Paine’s historic pamphlet “Common Sense” open minds and stir a population’s imagination again? Will the whispered words of freedom from-government, liberty and independence be secretively spread from person to person once again?As of this writing, April 3, 2009, included in Amazon’s top-10-best-seller-rankings are the books “Liberty and Tyranny” (about the history of governmental abuse contrasted with Liberty) and the previously mentioned book, “The 5000 Year Leap.” Also ranked at number 17 is “Atlas Shrugged,” by Ayn Rand, originally written in 1957. It is a very inspiring novel about a brave, rugged individualist fighting through government caused roadblocks and tribulations. Ayn Rand was inspired by real, destructive government abuses at that time.Also at this time, still in the top 100 rankings is the older “Men in Black” that documents the actual history of the very un-constitutional abusive power grabs by the Supreme Court itself.Apparently a great many people are starting to become interested in rediscovering U.S. history’s wonderfully unique and enabling founding principles that created the miraculously successful, Constitutional-based, Land of the Free (FROM government) and Home of the Brave, (self-reliant) Individuals.Should we just change the words of the national anthem the “Star Spangled Banner?” To the Rulers version; “the land of the Micro-Managed and the home of the Dependent” ??!!Liberals/Progressives have been continuously eliminating the use of the founding principles of the Constitution, bit by bit over the last six decades. The “5000 year leap” miracle is grinding to a halt under the onslaught of government micro-management. Lately the Liberals/Progressives have mounted an all out war against their hated, core Constitutional limitations on invasive governmental power.Yes, there is a profound difference between Conservatives and Liberals/Progressives. The defining question of our time is… Are you, Pro-Constitution (the original meaning, as intended) or are you Pro Rulers-Law (Anti-Constitution)? There is no middle ground. Pick your side. Liberty or Tyranny?Postscript:It is now up to you the individual, to spread the truth. Don’t wait for the media, schools, news, movies, Democrats or RINOs. They refuse to spread these uplifting truths.If you respect Constitutional freedom from government, for the individual, then pass this on to as many people as you can. You must be the modern Paul Revere. It is the least you can do. Many before you died to “preserve and protect” Constitutional freedom. Be brave and be heard, on a large viral level, by both Conservatives and more importantly the deceived Liberals/Progressives. Don’t let the peer pressure and the prejudices of “Politically-Correct (?)” silence you. Don’t just sit by and allow the “Miracle of the 5,000 year leap,” that is America, to crumble into the dustbin of history!An election is coming. The fate of the country and its whole population is in your individual hands. Make the Founders proud. You can do it!The world and its future are dependant on YOU spreading the hidden truthIf you want a Word .Doc file of this to print/distribute just email me I will reply with this file.© Roc Ratner, April 3, 2009 email: rratner1@earthlink.netPermission is hereby granted to individuals to reproduce and distribute. But, only in totally unedited form, which includes my copyright, email and conditional permission.
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