Rudy Tirre's Posts (5090)

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Monday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
An Honest Reporter, and His Antithesis
Peggy Noonan
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 Tolerating Radical Islam but Not Christian Bakers  
At the White House Summit on Countering Religious Extremism, Barack nObama demanded we "refute the notion that groups like ISIL somehow represent Islam, because that is a falsehood that embraces the terrorists' narrative." He added, "No religion is responsible for terrorism," ignoring that the aggressors in the overwhelming majority of terrorist attacks this century have had their roots in radical interpretations of Islam, whether through al-Qaida or the Islamic State. nObama seems to hold a millennium-long grudge against all Christians for the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition, but he isolates the blame for terrorist acts to a small percentage of misguided radicals (who are in no way Muslim). That minority is on the march, however, slaughtering other Muslims who don't conform with their strict interpretation of Islam along with Jews and Christians, like the 21 Coptic Christians recently beheaded in Libya -- the ones Team nObama dismissively referred to as "Egyptian citizens." nObama, though, hasn't weighed in on the cultural clash occurring right here at home. In 2013, the owners of an Oregon bakery called Sweet Cakes by Melissa refused to bake a cake for a same-sex marriage ceremony because doing so conflicted with their religious beliefs. Rather than respect the owners' religious liberty and choose another bakers in the area, the lesbian couple filed a formal complaint with the state. That led to a recent ruling that the bakers denied the couple "full and equal access to a place of public accommodations."   -The Patriot Post  
In a move that is either reckless or clueless, Hilly Clinton’s family foundation has decided to continue accepting money from foreign governments and oligarchs, despite the practice having been revealed in a series of damning reports. The organization announced that it might reconsider “should Secretary Clinton decide to run for office,” which is a pretty funny thing to say about a woman who is hiring staff, picking out a headquarters and who has been seeking the highest office in the land for the better part of a decade. If there were some concern about the ethics of what is clearly a shady practice, wouldn’t the correct answer be to stop now and consider resuming if Clinton opts not to run-Fox News 
 Won’t back down -   The NYT Editorial Page beseeches the Democratic frontrunner to stop the madness, but as she did in her insistence that she was “dead broke” after leaving the White House, she persists despite the pleas of her supporters. The fact that Clinton would place so much ethical emphasis on the arbitrary, functionally nonexistent line between preparing for a presidential run and running for president should be a matter of deep concern for Democrats who have lived through the horrors of defending the Clintons’ fungible financial rules for decades.  -Fox News 
 Warren demurs -   Boston Herald: “Massachusetts U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who huddled with former Secretary of State Hilly Clinton just weeks ago, repeatedly ducked questions about whether she’ll back the likely 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, telling a Herald reporter it’s ‘way too early.’ ‘She hasn’t declared!’ Warren said after a series of events in western Massachusetts…Warren also discussed her private meeting in December with Clinton in Washington, D.C., characterizing it as a ‘policy discussion.’”  -Fox News 
Here’s a tip: If you are a politician and find yourself publicly questioning the patriotism of a foe’s dead, World-War-II-veteran grandfather, you’re probably having a bad day. And former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani was certainly having a bad day on Thursday. Giuliani wrapped things up on “The Kelly File,” where he expanded his argument that President nObama doesn’t love America to include nObama’s family. An incredulous Megyn Kelly asked why Giuliani wasn’t worried about this being used against his party, to which Giuliani said it was okay because he was “right about this.” As if rightness were ever the ultimate defense in politics! Even if the president was having Saul Alinsky séances in the attic of the White House with Bill Ayers, Giuliani would of course have still harmed his party and one of its potential nominees, Scott Walker, who was present when Giuliani made the original remarks.
          Consider the speed with which embattled DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz pounced on Giuliani's remarks. She was probably moving so fast because she was thrown clear from the car crash of her Senate campaign launch. (Yikes.) The president and his party love this conversation. Just as they reveled in Donald Trump’s peak birtherism, they are doubtless squealing with delight at the thought of having a conversation about a thing of no importance that manages to fire up Democrats and further depict Republicans and mean, nasty nativists. Would you rather have to defend the administration’s ISIS and Libya policies or your “Greatest Generation” grandpa? Yup.
          Two lessons for Republicans in this: First, it doesn’t matter. The president has 100 weeks left in office. His upbringing, psychology and motivations will be an interesting topic for historians. They are not germane to current politics. It’s not as if NBC News and the New York Times didn’t know about his radical associates and will now drop what they’re doing for a five-part series on Jerimiah Wright. They know. They do not care. Republicans, much like Hilly Clinton in 2008, have often made the argument that nObama sees America differently – as a peer of other nations, not God’s anointed light in the world. nObama won anyway. He won in part because of Trump and others who made the argument about nativity and upbringing and not policy.
          One proves his opponent is a socialist by talking about his programs, not his high school friends. Maybe with some white dude, but not with the first African-American president. Like a five-gallon bucket of heavy-duty primer, accusations of racism cover a lot of imperfections. nObama won twice and he will serve out his last 700 days in a deepening haze of adoration from his supporters and the press. Giuliani being right or wrong will make no difference. “But what about the media double standard?” they cry. Democrats, including nObama, did go substantially unpunished for calling George W. Bush unpatriotic. The same goes when the president makes explicit and implicit claims that his rivals are unpatriotic for opposing his plans to increase taxes and spending. But complaining about media bias is like complaining about the fact that it was below zero this morning in Washington: It’s doesn’t change the reality. Just put on your booties and start walking.
          Which brings us to the second lesson for the GOP: Just win, baby. The next election will not be contested on the question of whether Barack nObama loves America. It will in all likelihood be contested on whether the Clintons can convince voters that it would be sexist to oppose Hilly, for all her flaws. Put another way, it will depend on whether the Republican nominee can make the case that having the first female president is not worth the baggage and policies she will be lugging with her. But neither side will be making much of an argument about nObama, other than its time for a change. As Walker tries to get astride a fast horse and seriously challenge Jeb Bush, he can ill afford to look like someone who lacks good judgment. Walker’s response in an Thursday appearance on CNBC was fine, saying that he wouldn’t offer a judgment, but that both Giuliani and nObama could speak for themselves. But it won’t end there.
          Walker now heads to Washington for the National Governors Association winter meeting where he will hear countless calls from the left, the press and some fellow Republicans to do what John McCain and Mitt Romney felt forced to do in similar situations: extoll at length the president’s love of country and marvelousness as a person. That always sounds like an admission of guilt. What Republican voters want to see is a fighter, not another version of the previous two campaigns, which were often mincing rather than marching. Maybe the Republicans running for president should start carrying air horns to blow any time they hear something offensive said about the president. But seriously, anyone who wants to criticize nObama for what he thinks or feels rather than what he does shouldn’t be within earshot of any of the frontrunners. And the frontrunners had better get serious about avoiding their company, no matter how rich they are-Fox News 

 Sen Dems Choosing Illegal Immigrants Over Border Patrol Agents  
(Mike Needham) - Allow funding for the Department of Homeland Security to lapse or engage in the legislative process...Those are the only two options Senate Democrats have at this point. Everything else transcribed in the press or recited by television pundits is nothing more than a distraction. Senate Democrats, of course, deny that binary choice, but their denials are only accepted by those who can’t — or won’t — understand the wonderfully complex rules of the United States Senate. Before diving into the process, it is worth taking a minute to understand the politics.
(TruthRevolt!) - From a guaranteed right to hormone therapy for transgendered illegal aliens, to a prospective Attorney General saying that illegals have the same right to a job as US citizens or legal immigrants...the ongoing sham of the nObama administration's under-the-radar policies get seen in the light of day in Bill Whittle's latest FIREWALL.
FILE - A man types on a computer keyboard in Warsaw.
 Revelation of Secret Spyware Could Hamper US Espionage Efforts  
(Meredith Buel) - The revelation of secret technology that buries spyware into computer hard drives could be a blow to espionage efforts by the U.S. National Security Agency, intelligence analysts say...Kaspersky Lab, a Moscow-based security software manufacturer, recently reported it found computers in 30 nations infected with spying programs. The nations include Iran, Russia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and China. The targets included government and military institutions, as well as telecommunications companies, banks, energy companies and nuclear researchers, Kaspersky said in its report.
 The FCC Gambles with America’s Global Leadership  
(Kenneth T. Cuccinelli) - The calls for reclassification of broadband Internet access services give rise to a host of policy and legal problems and ultimately threaten the United States’ position as the global leader in the broadband economy...Title II rules and regulations are designed for a market that no longer exists. With no market failure or actual consumer harms identified, the rules can be seen as a bureaucratic land grab to ensure the government has a central ongoing role in the Internet economy. Subjecting the entire dynamic and innovative broadband marketplace to outdated Title II regulation would fundamentally undermine the extraordinary levels of investment and innovation in the market. Countries that are already over-regulating the broadband economy would be emboldened to continue down this dangerous path if the United States, a global leader, abandons its proven and successful innovation policy.
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 Beyond Nuclear: The Increasing Threat from Iran  
(Frederick W. Kagan) - We must assume that Tehran will continue to see the US as a dangerous and aggressive enemy regardless of the outcome of nuclear negotiations...Iran’s leaders will continue to believe that America is attempting to build an alliance of Arab states and Israel with the aim of containing Iran and bringing down the current regime. An influx of money and investment at this stage will also fuel Iran’s ability sustain the military and paramilitary forces it has deployed and to fund its violent and sectarian proxies. A nuclear deal without some sort of real rapprochement, therefore, will actually increase the Iranian military threat to America’s interests. A deal with Iran that addresses only narrow technical issues related to the nuclear program does not even begin to address the challenge Iran poses. Addressing the challenge would require developing a coherent and nuanced strategy toward Iran, something that is notably absent today.
 US Considering Slowing Exit from Afghanistan  
( - The United States is considering slowing its military exit from Afghanistan by keeping a larger-than-planned troop presence this year and next because the new Afghan government is proving to be a more reliable partner, U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Saturday...Carter, on his first overseas trip since starting the Pentagon job Tuesday, also said the nObama administration is "rethinking" the counterterrorism mission in Afghanistan, although he did not elaborate. No decisions have been made, but President Barack nObama will discuss a range of options for slowing the U.S. military withdrawal when Afghan president Ashraf Ghani visits the White House next month, Carter said at a news conference with Ghani. The presidents also plan to talk about the future of the counterterrorism fight in Afghanistan, he said.
Islam Is NOT A Constitutionally Protected Religion. Here's Why.
 Islam Is NOT A Constitutionally Protected Religion. Here’s Why  
( - The barbarian ideologies and atrocities in the name of Islam are being allowed to flourish across the world. While some don’t want to ruffle any feathers by offending the “religion of peace,” is the label of religion that’s allowing Islam to continue its 1400 year history of violence, and it’s time to correct this one flaw that destroys every argument for Islam. Islam is not a religion; therefore, it is not constitutionally protected. It’s time to out it for what it is and forbid it to hide behind our Constitution any longer. The purpose of this article will be to provide the nuts and bolts that adequately disprove Islam as a constitutionally protected religion.
A protester holds an American flag as well as a L.U.P.E flag as she chants in to her megaphone outside of the federal courthouse in Brownsville, Texas, Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015. L.U.P.E, La Union del Pueblo Entero is a non-profit community organizing arm of the farm worker movement. They are protesting the preliminary injunction on immigration case that was granted by U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen. (AP Photo/The Brownsville Herald, Yvette Vela)
 Justice Dept. to seek stay on ruling blocking nObama's immigration  
(Brian Hughes) - The Department of Justice will request a stay by Monday on a federal judge’s decision temporarily halting President nObama’s executive action to shield up to 5 million illegal immigrants from deportation, according to the White House...White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Friday that the Justice Department has “made a decision to file a stay in this case.” “I would anticipate that they will file documents at the district court level on Monday at the latest,” nObama’s top spokesman told reporters. If granted the stay, the White House program to offer additional deportation relief, announced after the November midterm elections, would proceed as planned.
"Those responsible have jeopardized our national security interests and must be held accountable," they wrote. (Getty File Photo)
 nObama administration denies link to ISIS attack plan briefing  
(Susan Crabtree) - Republican Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham are demanding to know who at U.S. Central Command was responsible for briefing the media on detailed operational plans to retake Mosul from the Islamic State...and whether anyone at the White House signed off on the disclosure. An unidentified U.S. Central Command official briefed reporters Thursday on the upcoming mission in Mosul, which is set to begin in April or May and will involve as many as 25,000 Iraqi and Kurdish security forces and may also include a limited number of U.S. advisers. Some 2,000 Islamic State fighters are occupying the northern city of Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city with more than one million people. We'll see how far this will go.
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 nObama-Appointed Judge Prohibits Detention Of Illegal Alien  
(Rick Wells) - One of the most valuable tools the anti-American communists who now control our government have at their disposal is their allies within the judiciary. Through them they are able to selectively invalidate American laws or procedures...that run counter to their authoritarian objectives. In the pursuit of a North American Union as a stepping stone to their global tyranny and with it the end of a free United States of America, the nObama regime is systematically destroying our border and our border enforcement. They got a boost in that effort last week when Judge James E. Boasberg ruled that those caught violating our borders cannot be held in detention for the purpose of sending a message to future potential violators.
An Honest Reporter, and His Antithesis
Peggy Noonan

Bob Simon in Baghdad in 1991

     ( - I was at dinner at the home of a friend, a journalist, when the phone rang. I heard her say, “Oh no, no,” and saw her face: Something terrible had happened, not to her personally but in the world. She got off and told us that Bob Simon, the CBS News correspondent, had died. I knew she was about to add, “in the Mideast,” or “shot down,” but she said “a car crash,” on New York’s West Side Highway. My first thought was: What an injustice. Bob Simon, who covered Vietnam, the Troubles in Ireland, the Gulf Wars, who was taken prisoner by Saddam Hussein —Bob should have left in the thick of it, in a war, dodging bullets. Nothing banal should have taken that soul away.

     He was a bona fide and veteran foreign correspondent. I knew him at CBS, where I am now a contributor, a young man but already a person of stature, known for daring and judgment. He was different from the clichés of his job: He didn’t have movie-star looks or a polished baritone. But he had guts, flair, the mind of a reporter and a clear, clean writing style that, on inspection, was more than clear and clean.

     All CBS, the next day, was in mourning. “Oh my God, this place just dissolved,” said his “60 Minutes” colleague Lesley Stahl. “Everybody here loved Bob Simon.” She had just come from a meeting of the show’s staff. “Everyone spoke, from the control room to reporters to editors to assistants, and everybody said basically the same thing, which is what he really wanted to be was a regular guy. . . . He didn’t want to be a big TV star, he didn’t want the trappings.” He wanted to walk the streets unrecognized.

     “He was no-bull about people and things,” said John Reade, a former CBS News producer who worked with Simon for three decades. “His attitude toward news was ‘Get a load of this!’” It wasn’t indignation or “Are you kidding me?” It was, as Mr. Reade put it, “Get a load of this, it’s beautiful!”

     He wasn’t dramatic or self-valorizing. “He didn’t take unnecessary chances, he took necessary ones,” said Mr. Reade. He protected his crew. “Television is a collaborative business. A finished piece, if it’s well-shot, well-cut, well-written, well-narrated, is a gem the whole crew can enjoy. They were proud to work with him.”

     Both praised his writing. Ms. Stahl: “He was maybe the best writer for television news alive. He could get more feeling and thinking in a piece than anybody else. There was almost a moral quality to his work. A lot of his stories dealt with injustice, and there was a simplicity to his writing, a poetic succinctness.”

     And he had range. “He covered a lot of war, a lot of violence—wherever there was any kind of explosion, there he went. But he also loved music and has a body of work about opera, orchestras, young musicians.”

     Once a former president of CBS News suggested he get voice lessons, and everyone at “60 Minutes” groaned: “This is Bob—you can’t take Bob away from Bob,” Ms. Stahl remembered the thinking. “His writing and his voice were the same thing.”

Bob Simon was 73. He was the real thing.

*   *   *

And now the counterpoint. Some thoughts on Brian Williams.

     I watched like everyone else the past 10 days, at first thinking one bad embarrassment does not sink a career, and then seeing the embarrassments pile up. An acquaintance, a journalist, quoted an old Japanese saying to the effect that people forget everything after 2½ months. I think we forget the specifics, the ins and outs of a scandal, but we retain the essential word that captures it, and the word here is lies. That isn’t a word that can be attached to the public face of a major news organization.

     I think NBC essentially ended Mr. Williams’s career as anchor of the evening news, and did what they had to do.

     He could not continue as a reporter of the news, or an interviewer who elicits news, because he could no longer report or grill when the story is lies. And in modern America the story is always lies. The 2016 presidential campaign has already begun. There will be famous gaffes, fibs, embarrassments, embellishments. How can an anchor or reporter ask questions when his own tendency to invent and embellish is well-established and a subject of national mirth?

     Why did he invent tales of Bob Simon-like derring-do? He was already at the top and he was brave in the sense that everyone who goes to where the explosions are is showing physical courage. He was impressive without embellishments.

     He probably doesn’t know himself. Watching the story unfold I thought of a line from the 1974 film “The Gambler”: “They’re all looking to lose.” Everyone who gambles isn’t only looking for the high, the score, the win but also for the other thing they need, the loss, the brush with death, the adrenal jolt of being ruined.

     Mr. Williams’s fictions look very much like a form of gambling. They say he was warned, and he didn’t stop. He must have known each time he was telling an untruth that he was heightening the risk he’d be caught. He came up in the age of videotape and reigned in the age of the Internet. Someone was going to find something, and year by year they didn’t. He added to his stories the way a gambler on a streak increases his bets. “The rocket hit a helicopter” became ‘the rocket hit my helicopter,’ the crime in New Orleans became the gangs that overran his hotel.

     Lessons? Anchors shouldn’t be allowed to become anchor-monsters. When management knows its anchor tells tall tales, it has to have the means to stop him. Things that are too big to fail, fail.

     No one is safe anymore. Status is no longer a buffer. We know this in the abstract, but it’s still startling in the particular. Technology makes scandal faster and more completely devastating.

     They can hurt you with tape but kill you with laughter. Many people, uncoordinated and unaffiliated, can bring down a target by doing a full frisk of past statements on the Internet, that incredible tool. But as powerful a weapon is anarchic wit. If you went to #BrianWilliamsMisremembers on Twitter , you laughed at the picture of him standing with Lincoln on the battlefield, or reporting live, apparently as St. Joseph, on the birth of Christ. American wit is in very good form, and it can be lethal. It wasn’t only investigative work that shaped the outcome of the Brian Williams story, it was the number of people laughing.

     America is hungry for authenticity and honesty and fiercely resents its absence from places where it should be.

     A longtime reader of this column, age 84, emailed recently to say the heartbreak of his life the past few years has been witnessing the daily corruption of all information—the rigging of numbers and claiming of facts, the scientific papers that manipulate data to advance a political agenda, the misleading government statistics. We’re drowning in lies, he said.

That is not an exaggeration.

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Monday Morning - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
The 'Jobs for Jihad Delinquents' program
Michelle Malkin
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
 Don't 'Embrace the Terrorist Narrative' By Blaming Islam  
A day after Barack nObama insisted at his White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism, "We must never accept the premise" ISIL and al-Qaida put forward about their Islamic motivation, he blamed his critics for inflaming ISIL by drawing the connection. "All of us have a responsibility to refute the notion that groups like ISIL somehow represent Islam, because that is a falsehood that embraces the terrorist narrative," he explained. "That narrative becomes the foundation upon which terrorists build their ideology and by which they try to justify their violence. And that hurts all of us, including Islam, and especially Muslims, who are the ones most likely to be killed." He's right that Muslims in the Middle East are the ones perhaps suffering most under ISIL, but it doesn't help them to deny the role of radical Islam as ISIL's motivation. nObama can insists all he wants that this is a "very distorted impression" of Islam, albeit with "legitimate grievances," but if even 5% of the world's one billion Muslims hold to a radical and violent interpretation of the Koran, that's millions of what he might call "violent extremists." For him to blame conservatives for reinforcing this "narrative" only further exposes his cynical and craven political purposes.  -The Patriot Post 

 nObama Administration Announces Invasion of Mosul  
Any student of history knows that, if a defensive force learns it will be attacked, it will dig trenches deeper. By the time the first skirmishers engage, artillery will be zeroed in on the main roads and sniper nests will litter the area. On Thursday, an anonymous U.S. Central Command official told a group of Washington reporters that before Ramadan (which starts June 17) a force of 25,000 fighters made up of the Iraqi Army and the Kurdish Peshmerga will attack ISIL at the city of Mosul. While it might work out well to have these jihadis gather in one spot, this is a bad move. Not only does this endanger the lives of the soldiers actually fighting ISIL, the nObama administration announced this plan for selfish political reasons. Barack nObama needs to justify his proposed Authorization for Use of Military Force to defeat ISIL and save the world all without a single boot on the ground. This announcement also reframes nObama as a tough actor on the world stage when it comes to national security. Yet his performance over the last few months show that he's anything but. However, let's waltz on to Mosul, where 25,000 fighters will march into the muzzles of the waiting ISIL fighters. Announcing D-Day two months ahead of time. Brilliant. More...  -The Patriot Post 
 Giuliani: nObama Doesn't Love America  
Former Mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani believes Barack nObama hates America. "I very rarely hear [Barack nObama] say the things that I used to hear Ronald Reagan say, the things I used to hear Bill Clinton say about how much he loves America," he explained. "I do hear [nObama] criticize America much more often than other American presidents. ... [I]t sounds like he's more of a critic than he is a supporter. You can be a patriotic American and be a critic, but then you're not expressing that kind of love that we're used to from a president." nObama's rhetoric is not the only indication. Actions speak louder than words, and his malfeasant approach to national security combined with his fervor to roll back the nation's immigration laws and to hamstring the economy with environmental regulation shows he has no respect for this nation. And, Giuliani later pointed out, "We haven't even mentioned some of the other communists and leftists who educated [nObama] as a young man. But all we need is Reverend [Jeremiah] Wright -- 17 years in that church and that man condemned America over and over and over again. And [nObama] remained a member of that church?" That does speak volumes. You don't seek to "fundamentally transform" something you love. More...   -The Patriot Post 
 Florida Court Upholds Bearing Arms Outside Home  
The Florida Court of Appeal held Wednesday in Norman v. State that the Second Amendment protects the right to carry a firearm outside the home. "After Heller I, McDonald, and [other recent rulings]," the court ruled, "it is clear that a total ban on the public carrying of ready-to-use handguns outside the home cannot survive a constitutional challenge under any level of scrutiny." The ruling quoted Peruta v. County of San Diego, in which the Ninth Circuit Court (yes, that Ninth Circuit) said a right is essentially "destroyed [if the] exercise of [that] right is limited to a few people, in a few places, at a few times." The Florida court did uphold the right of states to determine the manner of carry (open or concealed): "The Legislature is permitted to regulate the manner in which arms are borne for the purpose of maintaining public peace and safety, so long as any such regulation leaves available a viable carry mode." The court also didn't handle the question of limits to where a gun can be carried -- only that the overall right extends outside the home. We're glad to see another court rule in favor of the Second Amendment -- it's an encouraging trend. More...  -The Patriot Post 
 loose lips Biden's Somali Friends  
During remarks at the White House Summit on Countering All Forms of Violent Extremism Including That of Quakers and Fundamentalist Bingo Groups, loose lips Joe Biden said some of his best friends are Muslims. Well, sort of. "Somalis have made my city of Wilmington, Delaware, [their home] on a smaller scale," he explained. "There is a large, very identifiable Somali community. I might add if you ever come to the train station with me you'll notice I have great relationships with them because there's an awful lot driving cabs and are friends of mine. For real. I'm not being solicitous. I'm being serious." The Washington Post makes short work of loose lips Biden's buddy claim, noting, "More than 75,000 Somali refugees have settled in the United States since 2004, according to the Office of Refugee Settlement. But the detailed annual reports show that since 2000, exactly zero have arrived to live in Delaware." There's also no truth to the rumor that loose lips Biden was aboard Brian Williams' helicopter when it was shot down.  -The Patriot Post 
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 FBI Director Comey Not Invited To White House Muslim Love-Fest  
(Rick Wells) - Forget all that stuff nObama said when he compared fighting terrorism to being a mayor of a big city fighting crime. When he holds a summit on terrorism, it’s not Islamic, it’s not terror, and it’s not even a law enforcement issue...It’s a social issue and everybody is a community organizer. FBI Director James Comey, the man charged with preventing terror attacks in America, was not invited to the Islamic love-fest although his Russian counterpart, Aleksandr Bortnikov, of the Russian Federal Security Service was. The White House explained that the reason behind the snub of Comey was due to a desire on their part avoid having the event being “too focused on law enforcement issues.” Now that is hogwash.
 Dozens More Burned to Death by ISIS  
( - After ISIS burned a Jordanian pilot to death, politicians and the media united in declaring that burning people to death has nothing to do with Islam...Shockingly, that didn't persuade ISIS to stop burning people to death. Instead, ISIS has increased its efforts to execute people by fire. Why? Because ISIS jihadists, unlike politicians and the media, understand the Muslim sources (see video below to examine what the Muslim sources say about burning people to death).
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 What Do You Mean No Amnesty?  
(Rick Wells) - Early Friday morning a group of inmates at the Willacy County Correctional Center in Raymondville, TX, refused to participate in the normal routine of work duties and breakfast...Their numbers eventually totally over 2,000 as the demonstration spilled out into the prison yard and quickly evolved into a full scale riot. The facility, about fifty miles north of Brownsville, TX, is being used to house illegal alien prisoners, some of which are awaiting deportation. The inmates claim their dissatisfaction over the medical treatment they are receiving at the facility sparked the uprising, but the recent decision against amnesty by a Federal Judge in the very same state may have been enough to sufficiently elevate tensions among the illegal population. In one day they went from Obama’s going to pay my rent and buy me a new Chevy, my drugs, my munchies and my beer to a one way bus ticket home.
 These Military Leaders Accused Barack Hussein nObama Aiding ISIS  
(Dylan) - Using words such as “absurd,” “preposterous” and “bewildering,” military experts, lawmakers and legal analysts reacted with dismay to the Pentagon’s detailed announcement of a planned retake the key Iraqi city of Mosul from Islamic State terror fighters. As Newsmax reports: “Fox News Channel analysts Andrew Napolitano and Charles Krauthammer said the United States is giving up the element of surprise, with Napolitano, a retired judge, saying it is ‘almost a violation of law by revealing national security secrets to the enemy.’” U.S. Central Command on Thursday revealed plans for the Spring offensive — a disclosure that baffled both a U.S. Senator who is an Iraq War veteran, as well as a retired general who claimed that sharing war plans in advance is “aiding and abetting the enemy.”
 ISIS Leader Admits: We Are Being Funded By The nObama Admin  
(Theodore Shoebat ) - An ISIS leader named Yousef al-Salafi in Pakistan has admitted that ISIS is being funded by the USA, and thus, the nObama administration...This came from a statement done by the Pakistani government which interrogated Yousef and received this information from him. There was a news report done on this:
One source said that al Salafi confessed that he and another ally — said to be an imam — was getting paid by the US to recruit youths to join ISIS for $600 a recruit.
 nObama will betray America to the Islamic State  
(Jim Emerson) - The man and his sorority dimwits refuse to acknowledge the acts of “Muslim terrorists” actively killing Christians in Libya and Iraq. This White House is doing its best to ignore the atrocities committed in the name of the prophet by Islamic State assassins...In the propaganda war Islamic extremists distribute videos of fellow lunatics beheading journalists and Coptic Christians and killing fellow Muslims who don’t wish to submit to a Sunni lead Caliphate. Despite the rhetoric they are pretty much following the dictates of the Koran to the letter. Because the Islamic State is “very Islamic” it has not only attracted the usual run of psychopaths and Jihadists, it adheres to distinctive Islamic beliefs about the path which must be followed to the Day of Judgment. Every action is bound to “the Prophetic methodology,” meaning the Islamic State must follow the prophecy and example of Muhammad to the letter, no deviation allowed.
( - America is so far past stupid that AWD can only laugh at this point. It’s completely apparent that the Democrats are fully dedicated to flooding America with third-world dependents and savage Muslims...And the Republicans are fully dedicated to allowing them. No one looks out for the American taxpayer!  Imam nObama announced his plans to allow 70,000 Syrian “refugees” into America. Well, Islam has always been a major part of the American fabric, you know. So the Imam is furthering his “fundamental transforming” of America by opening our doors to the unwashed masses of the third world and worse. Polls show that the vast majority of Americans are totally against allowing illegal immigrants to enter and remain in the country. A good percentage want to see immigration totally halted, myself included. AWD would venture nearly 100% are against bringing refugees (aka Terorrists) from Muslim countries like Syria to our shores.
 nObama hustling 'full-throttle' to set up amnesty contracts  
(Bob Unruh) - The nObama administration is hustling to move quickly on contracts for the president’s executive-memo-driven amnesty program, even though a federal judge has ordered Washington bureaucrats to stop in their tracks, according to Judicial Watch...The Washington watchdog organization said Friday it has a source inside the industry of government contracts who said there is “no indication that the court order has impacted, slowed down or modified the procurement in any way.” “They’re really rushing into it,” the source said. Judicial Watch cited a government solicitation for companies to provide services for nObama’s plans to process illegal aliens and give them many of the privileges of citizenship.
 Wartime admiral: nObama is 'anti-American, pro-Islamic'  
(Paul Bedard) - A retired four-star admiral who commanded the U.S. Pacific Fleet during several Middle East flare ups is charging that President nObama’s strategy in the area is “anti-American” and instead “pro-Islamic.”...Retired Adm. James “Ace” Lyons, also a former deputy chief of naval operations, said that the administration’s approach to the multiple confrontations with Muslim-based enemies follows a string of White House failures to strike Islamic terrorists stretching back to the Carter era’s failure to strike at Iran’s leadership after the 1979 hostage taking.
 nObama! Here’s How Islam was Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country  
(Tim Brown) - Barack Hussein nObama is not a moron. He is not stupid. He is a stealth jihadist, who entertains our enemies in our White House. He funds them. He trains them. He gives your money to them...Then, he has the audacity to identify Christians as the problem and create a ficticious history of America by claiming, “Here in America, Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.” Well, yeah, and the way Islam has been woven into our fabric is through terrorism, and I’m not talking about 9/11. I’m talking about the Barbary Wars. I wonder how many people have ever even heard of America’s dealings with Islam following her founding. I wonder if they have even considered the words and actions of the third President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, especially his sense of reading their own texts from the Qur’an and knowing just what his enemies thought. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane and expose nObama’s lies on Islam, shall we?
The 'Jobs for Jihad Delinquents' program
Michelle Malkin
     ( - At the White House Summit on Extremism That Shall Remain Unspecified Because Violent Followers Belonging To Unnamed Extremist Movement Might Take Extreme Offense And Act Extremely, the feds are touting a groundbreaking new strategy to fight terrorists.

     Just kidding. It's actually the same old futile strategy that big-government liberals use to cure everything: mo' money, mo' money, mo' money.

     Instead of killing jihadists, keeping them off of our soil, locking up their poisonous spiritual agitators and shutting off their terror-funding pipelines, President nObama called on America and the world to "invest" in unnamed immigrant "communities" vulnerable to unnamed extremism.

     Some of the most generous welfare states on the planet have suffered horrific jihad attacks this year. Liberal Denmark's soft-on-jihad rehab program has been a disaster. But that hasn't stopped State Department spokes-babbler Marie Harf from mewling incessantly about "combating poverty" to combat ISIS.

     Vice President loose lips Joe Biden opened the convention of jihad-coddlers on Tuesday by emphasizing the need for "respect" (cha-ching) and "a sense of community." White House senior aides spoke generically about terrorists of "all shapes and sizes," as they studiously avoided the precise nature and identity of the perpetrators of evil that precipitated the meeting.

Screw that.

     Muslim jihadists chopped off the heads of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya this weekend.

     Muslim jihadists launched deadly shooting sprees in Copenhagen at a cartoonists free-speech event and a synagogue.

     Muslim jihadists murdered Jews at a kosher deli in Paris and slaughtered the entire staff of Charlie Hebdo over their drawings.

Muslim jihadists caged and burned alive Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh.

Muslim jihadists threw gays off of buildings in Iraq.

     Muslim jihadists beheaded journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, humanitarian workers Alan Henning and Peter Kassig, and Japanese nationals Haruna Yukawa and Kenji Goto Jogo.

     Muslim jihadists have kidnapped and slaughtered thousands of innocent men, women and children in Nigeria.

     The solution, the nObama administration wants 60 nations to D.C. to learn, is a super-sized community organizing campaign. It's Jobs for Jihad Delinquents!

No, this is not a "Saturday Night Live" anniversary skit.

     Politically correct public officials from L.A., Boston and Minnesota are holding seminars on their "outreach" efforts to disaffected yoots as shining counterterrorism models. In Minneapolis, where al-Shabaab recruiters have metastasized, the U.S. attorney has bought into Muslim grievance-mongers' complaints that "immigrant youngsters remain marginalized, without access to adequate education, employment and other opportunities."

     Social justice warriors are united: Less "marginalization." More midnight basketball.

     What a bloody crock. States like Minnesota and Maine have bent over backward to resettle thousands upon thousands of Somali refugees -- putting their demands for halal food freebies, taxpayer-funded footbaths and "cultural sensitivity" over the safety and well-being of native-born citizens and taxpayers struggling to make ends meet.

     While grandmothers and disabled soldiers and breast-feeding moms must submit to invasive TSA screening, Muslim leaders in Minneapolis have the feds groveling in apology over increased scrutiny of some Somalis. I mean, it's not like dozens of young male members of their "community" are flying off to the Horn of Africa and the Middle East to take up arms for jihad after benefiting from America's blind generosity. Oh, wait. They are.

     The persistent leftwing myth of the poor, oppressed jihadist is absolute madness. How many times do we have to remind the clueless kumbaya crowd that al-Qaida mastermind Ayman al-Zawahiri had a medical degree, as did Hamas bigwig Abdel al-Rantisi and the seven upper-crust doctors who helped plan the 2007 London/Glasgow bombings?

     Or that al-Qaida scientist Aafia Siddiqui studied microbiology at MIT and did graduate work in neurology at Brandeis. Terror architect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed earned a mechanical engineering degree at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. 9/11 lead hijacker Mohamed Atta majored in urban planning at a German technical university.

     Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh attended the London School of Economics before abducting and murdering American journalist Daniel Pearl. And Osama bin Laden and Sayyid Qutb (Colorado State Teachers College) had plenty of exposure to wealth and Western studies.

     The "root cause" of their evildoing is not a lack of employment, education, community centers, iftar dinners at the White House or publicly funded "opportunities." When will these fools in high office learn that you can't bribe these adherents of Stone Age ideology to behave? They don't want jobs. They want blood. Revenge. Islamist dominance. Ruthless extermination of Jews, gays, Coptic Christians, Christian aid workers, cartoonists, journalists, apostates and infidels of all shapes and sizes.

     The M****m j*******s are not victims of Islamophobic intolerance and Western callousness. We are the victims of our own leaders' bleeding-heart overindulgence and reckless refusal to deal with reality.

Read more…

Sunday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
The True History of Christendom and Islam
Raymond Ibrahim
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"

Rudy Giuliani
, appearing on “Fox and Friends” this morning, clarified remarks he made reportedly questioning President nObama’s patriotism at a private dinner in Manhattan.  “First of all, I’m not questioning his patriotism. He’s a patriot, I’m sure,” the former New York mayor said. “What I’m saying is that in his rhetoric, I very rarely hear the things that I used to hear Ronald Reagan say, the things that I used to hear Bill Clinton say about how much he loves America. I do hear him criticize America much more often than other American presidents.”  Giuliani’s dinner remarks, first
reported by Politico, were made at an event for potential 2016 contender Gov. Scott Walker. -Fox News 

 Backs scratched -   While a decision on the location of the nObama presidential library is expected in March, the beat goes on in the University of Chicago’s controversial bid, which includes building on parkland it doesn’t own. Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who said he was committed to “moving heaven and earth” to land the library, pushed through a plan to transfer the parkland if UC wins. But hold on, the Friends of the Parks group recently sent a letter to President nObama threatening a lawsuit to block the plan. nObama’s alma mater, Columbia University and the University of Hawaii are also still technically under consideration. Stay tuned.   -Fox News 
 THE JUDGE’S RULING  Fox News Senior Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano writes a tribute to his odd-couple rapport with “Daily Show” host Jon Stewart. “[Jon] is the progressive Jewish funnyman with a tongue as sharp as a serpent’s tooth, trying to sound smart. I am the libertarian traditionalist Catholic defender of the Constitution, trying to be funny. Well, a strange thing happened. We agreed more than we disagreed, and I learned what most of his fans do not know: Jon does not need to try to sound smart; he may be the smartest personality on television. He is as well read in the works of those with whom he disagrees as he is in the works of those who reinforce his own views.”  -Fox News 
Yahoo News: “Jeb Bush continued his introductory tour of the American political scene Wednesday, giving his third major speech in less than a month and dealing for the first time as a likely presidential candidate with his brother’s legacy in Iraq…In response to a question about instability in the Middle East, Bush unilaterally steered the conversation to the matter of the Iraq War, which was overseen by his older brother, former President George W. Bush. ‘Well, let’s go to Iraq,’ Jeb Bush said, speaking before the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. ‘There were mistakes made in Iraq for sure.’ Jeb Bush cited two examples of missteps in Iraq … which were the same two errors that George W. Bush himself admitted to in his 2010 memoir ‘Decision Points.’  -Fox News 

WMUR: “Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has expanded his political team to New Hampshire, hiring a senior adviser to lead his efforts in the early primary state as he moves closer to a likely 2016 presidential run. Walker's political fundraising committee confirmed Wednesday that Republican consultant Andy Leach, who has worked on New Hampshire campaigns since 1992, has been hired as senior adviser in the state. Day-to-day-operations will be handled there by Michael Bir, who led programs for the Republican National Committee in Ohio in 2010 and 2012. … Leach served as the New Hampshire Republican Party's executive director in the 2006 and 2010 election cycles. He also worked for New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte and former Sen. John E. Sununu, and on Scott Brown’s Senate campaign in Massachusetts in 2014. Leach left Ayotte’s office in January to start his own political consulting firm.”  -Fox News 

 nObama Withholds Iran Negotiation Info from Israel  
(Ari Lieberman) - In yet another deplorable display of betrayal, the nObama administration belatedly acknowledged that it is withholding information from Israel pertaining to the P5 + 1 talks with Iran...The administration’s shocking announcement followed initial denials by both the State Department and the White House that they were engaged in this type of duplicitous conduct against a strategic ally. Fearing fallout from the revelation, the White House claimed it acted to prevent the Israelis from leaking “cherry-picked” information and failing to properly contextualize.
 nObama Turns NASA Into Muslim Outreach Program  
(Yehuda Remer) - The nObama administration has been roundly mocked after State Department Spokeswoman Marie Harf said “we cannot kill our way out of this war,”...and that the “medium to longer term” strategy for fighting ISIS is to get at its “root causes that leads people to join these groups,” one of which she said is a “lack of opportunity for jobs.” This kind of thinking in regard to the Mulsim world has been promoted by President nObama and his administration since it first came into power. One of the more notorious of the administration's outreach attempts was the failed NASA-Muslim outreach initiative. Former NASA chief Michael Griffin, who headed the space agency during George W. Bush’s second term, called the Muslim outreach initiative a "perversion" of the mission of NASA:
 nObama to seek emergency order restarting immigration programs  
(Mike Lillis) - The nObama administration will seek an emergency court order to move forward with President Obama’s executive action on immigration...Officials at the Department of Justice (DOJ) plan to seek what is known as an emergency stay that would essentially undo a Texas-based federal judge's injunction from earlier this week. If the stay is granted, the government could restart a pair of executive programs that will shield millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation. White House press secretary Josh Earnest said DOJ will file for the stay by "Monday at the latest." The emergency stay had been sought by immigrant rights advocates, who want to get the programs up and running as soon as possible while the appeals process plays out.
 Court Order? DHS Rushing Amnesty Contracts at “Full-Throttle Pace”  
( - Though a federal court has blocked President nObama’s amnesty order the administration continues working behind the scenes to quickly award multi-million-dollar contracts to firms that can expeditiously process millions of illegal immigrants, a government source has alerted Judicial Watch...The complex deal is being rushed through at a “full-throttle pace” extremely rare for such a huge venture  that’s sure to radically change the current system, according to JW’s source, who has worked for decades as a contract expert at the highest levels of government. The Request For Proposal (RFP) was recently posted in the government’s official database for federal procurement opportunities and comes from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agency charged with processing visa and naturalization petitions, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Looks like we may have a Constitutional Crisis on our hands.
 nObama DHS: 'Right-wing extremists' greater threat than ISIS 
( - The nObama administration has named a national security threat it believes is more dangerous than even the Islamic State terrorists beheading, crucifying and burning innocent human beings: Right-wing extremists...According to CNN, “A new intelligence assessment, circulated by the Department of Homeland Security this month and reviewed by CNN, focuses on the domestic terror threat from right-wing sovereign citizen extremists.” CNN doesn’t cite specific sources, but it says the new intelligence report references “24 violent sovereign citizen-related attacks across the U.S. since 2010.” nObama is  sick person  this proves it.
 76 Percent Say Iran Should Never Get Nuclear Weapon 
MICHAEL WARREN) - "In your opinion, should the goal of these negotiations be to stop Iran from ever getting a nuclear weapon, or should it be to accept Iran into the ranks of nations who have nuclear weapons?” asked the question...Seventy-six percent of respondents said the goal should be to "stop Iran" from getting nukes, while just 10 percent said Iran should be allowed to have them. In addition, 79 percent of respondents said any agreement with Iran on its nuclear program should have the approval of both the president and Congress, while 67 percent agreed that Iran would use its nuclear weapons to arm terrorists that would attack the United States as well as use them to attack Israel. Voters also appear to support the upcoming address from Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a joint session of Congress, with 59 percent supporting the speech (including 36 percent who say they strongly support it). Just 23 percent say they oppose Netanyahu's speech.
UN Special Representative Bernardino Leon speaks at the General National Congress headquarters in Tripoli
 Libya and Egypt ask UN to lift arms embargo to fight Islamic State  
(Admin) - Libya and Egypt asked the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday to lift an arms embargo on Libya and help it build the army so it can tackle Islamic State and other extremist groups...Mohamed Dayri, the Libyan foreign minister, addressed the council after UN special envoy Bernardino Leon told the group that Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) and other militants in Libya can only be defeated with a united government in place that has strong international support. “Libya needs a decisive stance from the international community to help us build or national army’s capacity and this would come through a lifting of the embargo on weapons so our army can receive materiel and weapons so as to deal with this rampant terrorism,” Mr Dayri said.
 JW Obtains Key Benghazi Docs  
( - The DC Establishment hopes if you drag out disclosure about a scandal long enough, it loses a bit of its “wow factor” along the way. That would seem to be the view of the nObama administration regarding many of its wanton acts of mismanagement...Among a long list that ranges from embarrassing stumbles to a flagrant disregard for the rule of law is the disaster that occurred at our Special Mission Compound in Benghazi, Libya.  Adding insult to injury (and death) are the lies that were told and the foot-dragging that continues in an effort to minimize the true accountability that this administration and its alumni (such as Hilly Clinton) so justly deserve. Well, this stalling game may work on a media (which is often a co-conspirator in cover-up) and on a hapless Congress.  But it doesn’t work on Judicial Watch. In our two-years’ of court battles (which include at least eight federal lawsuits under the Freedom of Information Act), Judicial Watch has had yet another victory. We released this week hundreds of pages of documents about the military response to the September 11, 2012, terrorist attack. It is extraordinary that we had to wait for over two years and had to force the release of documents that provide the first glimpse into the military response to the terrorist attack in Benghazi.
Reuters/Hosam Katan
 Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia pledge to ‘fight Islamic state’  
(Admin) - Forked tongues. The founding fathers and employers of Isis, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, pretend to pledge their battle against Isis in a news report on al-Jazeera this morning – but the interview soon uncovered their true intentions...the Salafi narrative to target Assad. The removal of Assad is essential for the wider establishment of their ugly caliphate. Unfortunately we don’t have the clip from al-Jazeera this morning to post for you to see. Some of the ‘collaboration’ will involve the usual meddling by the village fool, nObama, who got Congress approval to ‘train rebels’. Does he never learn anything? It’s complete insanity to train and arm Muslims to war even more. Jordan is now being dragged to join this coalition that includes Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. In all sincerity, they should keep far away from these Salafi’s.
066 obama middle 940
 nObama – We’ve Tried Capitalism, It Doesn’t Work  
(Rick Wells) - A few weeks ago Hussein nObama started using his new a new catch phrase he coined to describe his “dynamite” Marxist labor movement in the United States. He’s calling it “middle class economics.”...The devil is always in the details, especially when the Devil is the source. nObama defines the middle class as a socially dependent bloc of workers along the line of a Marxist proletariat. For a “president” who campaigned as the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln, why does he so much resemble Vladimir Lenin? He’s created a large class of State-dependent unemployed and benefit addicts, so in that context, someone working, even at a job on the lowest end of the pay scale, can be defined as the middle class. Also, with wages declining with the ever-shrinking opportunities, the middle class is not what it used to be. What it is, increasingly, is the upper end of poverty. Why don't he call it what it is, a communist society.
The True History of Christendom and Islam
Raymond Ibrahim
     ( - U.S. President Barack Hussein nObama’s recent condemnation of medieval Christian history as a way to exonerate Islam is a reminder of how woefully ignorant (or intentionally deceptive) a good many people in the West are concerning the true history of Christian Europe and Islam.
     The problem is that those who condemn things like the Crusades— including “mainstream” academics, journalists, movie-makers, and  politicians— do so without mention of any historical context.  Worse, they imply “we” already know the context: evil popes and greedy knights exploiting Christianity to seize Muslim lands and wealth. Or in the words of Karen Armstrong, “the idea that Islam imposed itself by the sword is a Western fiction, fabricated during the time of the Crusades when, in fact, it was Western Christians who were fighting brutal holy wars against Islam.”

     Of course, the true story of Christendom and Islam is antithetically different. Consider some facts for a moment:

     A mere decade after the birth of Islam in the 7th century, the jihad burst out of Arabia. Leaving aside all the thousands of miles of ancient lands and civilizations that were permanently conquered—today casually called the “Islamic world,” including Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and parts of India and China—much of Europe was also, at one time or another, conquered by the sword of Islam.

     Among other nations and territories that were attacked and/or came under Muslim domination are (to give them their modern names in no particular order): Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Sicily, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Greece, Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Lithuania, Romania, Albania, Serbia, Armenia, Georgia, Crete, Cyprus, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Belarus, Malta, Sardinia, Moldova, Slovakia, and Montenegro.

     In 846 Rome was sacked and the Vatican defiled by Muslim Arab raiders; some 600 years later, in 1453, Christendom’s other great basilica, Holy Wisdom (or Hagia Sophia) was conquered by Muslim Turks, permanently. (Till this day, Turkish Muslims celebrate this day of great rapine and slaughter.)

     The few European regions that escaped direct Islamic occupation due to their northwest remoteness include Great Britain, Scandinavia, and Germany.  That, of course, does not mean that they were not attacked by Islam. Indeed, in the furthest northwest of Europe, in Iceland, Christians used to pray that God save them from the “terror of the Turk.” This was not mere paranoia; as late as 1627, Muslim corsairs raided the Christian island seizing four hundred captives and selling them in the slave markets of Algiers.

     Nor did America escape.  A few years after the formation of the United States, in 1800, American trading ships in the Mediterranean were plundered and their sailors enslaved by Muslim corsairs. The ambassador of Tripoli  explained to Thomas Jefferson that it was a Muslim’s “right and duty to make war upon them [non-Muslims] wherever they could be found, and to enslave as many as they could take as prisoners.”

     In short, for roughly one millennium—punctuated by a Crusader-rebuttal that the modern West is obsessed with demonizing—Islam daily posed an existential threat to Christian Europe and by extension Western civilization.

     And therein lies the rub: Today, whether as taught in high school or graduate school, whether as portrayed by Hollywood or the news media, the predominant historic narrative is that Muslims are the historic “victims” of “intolerant” Western Christians.  
So here we are, paying the price of being an a historical society: A few years after the Islamic strikes of 9/11—merely the latest in the centuries-long, continents-wide jihad on the West—Americans elected (twice) a man with a Muslim name and heritage for president; a man who condemns the Christian Crusades while openly empowering the same ideology that the Crusaders fought for centuries.

     Surely the United States’ European forebears—who at one time or another either fought off or were conquered by Islam—must be turning in their graves.

     But all this is history, you say? Why rehash it? Why not let it be and move on, begin a new chapter of mutual tolerance and respect, even if history must be “touched up” a bit?

     This would be a somewhat plausible position—if not for the fact that, all around the globe, Muslims are still exhibiting the same imperial impulse and intolerant supremacism that their conquering forbears did. The only difference is that the Muslim world is currently incapable of defeating the West through a conventional war.
     Yet this may not even be necessary. Thanks to the West’s ignorance of history, Muslims are flooding Europe under the guise of “immigration,” refusing to assimilate, and forming enclaves which in modern parlance are called “ghettoes” but in Islamic terminology are the ribat—frontier posts where the jihad is waged on the infidel, one way or the other.

     All this leads to another, perhaps even more important point: If the true history of the West and Islam is being turned upside its head, what other historical “orthodoxies” being peddled around as truth are also false?

     Were the Dark Ages truly benighted because of the “suffocating” forces of Christianity? Or were these dark ages—which “coincidentally” occurred during the same centuries when jihad was constantly harrying Europe—a product of another suffocating “religion”?

     Was the Spanish Inquisition—also condemned by nObama—a reflection of Christian barbarism or was it a reflection of Christian desperation vis-à-vis the hundreds of thousands of Muslims who, while claiming to have converted to Christianity, were practicing taqiyya and living as moles trying to subvert the Christian nation back to Islam?

     Don’t expect to get true answers to these and other questions from the makers, guardians, and disseminators of the West’s fabricated epistemology.

     In the future (whatever one there may be) the histories written about our times will likely stress how our era, ironically called the “information age,” was not an age when people were so well informed, but rather an age when disinformation was so widespread and unquestioned that generations of people lived in bubbles of alternate realities—till they were finally popped.

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Sunday Morning - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Barack nObama, Meet King Canute
Burt Prelutsky
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
Democrats may not be in love their presumptive nominee, but their belief in Hilly Clinton’s inevitable victory (and the absolute desert of other options) propels her forward. That sense of inevitability, though waning, is substantially rooted in her ability to raise obscene sums of money. She and her husband have perfected the art of buck-raking over the past 30 years, building and tapping a huge network of wealthy patrons, supplicants and friends. They have amassed in this way not just an eye-popping personal fortune but also funded a family foundation, two Senate runs and now, a fourth presidential campaign. But as been the case since even before the days of Charlie Trie and
sketchy Chinese soft money in the 1996 campaign, the powerful suction created by the Clintons’ fundraising efforts has drawn in plenty of trouble, too. And as she tries to bunker out this phase of her campaign, the Democratic frontrunner is again suffering for her family’s deep enthusiasm for getting money from other people.
[Ron Fournier writes: “This is sleazy and stupid. Just as Hilly Clinton is getting ready to run for president again, her family's charitable foundation secretly lifted a ban on accepting money from foreign governments.”]  -Fox News 
 Overlap -   After the news this week from WSJ that the Clintons’ foundation has gone back to accepting donations from foreign governments, WaPo went looking to see just how much: “Since its creation in 2001, the Bill, Hilly and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has raised close to $2 billion from a vast global network that includes corporate titans, political donors, foreign governments and other wealthy interests, according to a Washington Post review of public records and newly released contribution data. The total, representing cash and pledges reported in tax filings, includes $262 million that was raised in 2013, the year Hilly Rodham Clinton stepped down as secretary of state and began to devote her energies to the foundation and to a likely second run for president…Nearly half of the major donors who are backing Ready for Hilly, a group promoting her 2016 presidential bid, as well as nearly half of the bundlers from her 2008 campaign, have given at least $10,000 to the foundation, either on their own or through foundations or companies they run.”  -Fox News 
 Clinton campaign seeks media help in squelching leaks -   National Journal has the story of how the Clinton campaign is working to identify and silence those who are muddling the message of the presumptive nominee: “‘There are three parties to this equation: we’re one, the source is two, and the media is three. And arguably we have the least amount of influence on any of this,’ said longtime Clinton aide Philippe Reines. … Asked how the campaign could get a handle on all the anonymous outside chatter, Reines placed much of the blame back on the media for being willing to grant anonymity to sources who don’t know what they’re talking about. Unless the unnamed ‘advisers’ stop talking to reporters, or reporters stop quoting them, Reines added, there’s no way to get the issue under control. ‘What gets lost is there are no consequences for [the source or the media] when they're wrong—there just aren’t,’ he said.”  -Fox News 
CBS News: “Amid more executions by the militant group ISIS, Americans increasingly see the group as a threat to the U.S. Now, 65 percent of Americans view ISIS as a major threat - up from 58 percent in October - while another 18 percent view it as a minor threat. Majorities of Republicans (86 percent), Democrats (61 percent) and independents (57 percent) view ISIS as a major threat. With concern about ISIS growing, support for the use of U.S. ground troops in the fight against ISIS has risen. For the first time, a majority of Americans (57 percent) favor the U.S. sending ground troops into Iraq and Syria to fight ISIS. In October, Americans were divided (47 percent favored and 46 percent opposed), and in September these numbers were reversed (39 percent favored and 55 percent opposed).”
          “Unfortunately, the president and this administration dogmatically refuse to utter the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’  You cannot defeat an enemy if you refuse to acknowledge what it is.” – Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, on “The Kelly File” Watch here-Fox News 
 Blaster master -   Daily Beast: “While Iraq's Kurdistan Regional Government presses the West for more and newer weapons to advance its war against the so-called Islamic State, one Kurdish craftsman is taking matters into his own hands. Bakhtiar Sadradin Aziz's weapons are cobbled together from bits and pieces of old rifles and pistols into Franken-guns that look like something out of Mad Max. But they have proved a hit for Peshmerga soldiers unsatisfied with their standard-issue Kalashnikovs and aging American surplus M16s.”  -Fox News 
065 electrical power 940
 nObama Can’t Fight A War, But His War On Coal Will Destroy 
(Rick Wells) - One thing the EPA was not created to do is regulate the amount of Co2 in the air. Co2 is not a pollutant any more than oxygen or water vapor are. They have assumed these powers outside of their jurisdiction and tools in the pursuit of global government in accordance with the objectives outlined in UN Agenda 21. Towards that end, and under the presumed license of fighting the non-existent boogey man of global warming, they are about to inflict some serious and potentially devastating damage upon our nation. They are attempting to destroy our present energy production capabilities and overwhelm us with the expense of creating virtually an entirely new replacement infrastructure.
 CNN’s Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact, Forgery Premieres March 1  
(nicedeb) - With the onset of Lent, a new CNN series on Christ called, Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact, Forgery, premieres on March 1 at 9 p.m. ET.  With the objective of discovering new insights about the historical Jesus, the series utilizes the latest state-of-the-art scientific techniques and archaeological research...Each episode of the six-part series investigates the value and authenticity of a historical object which is connected to Jesus: the Shroud of Turin, relics venerated as part of the True Cross, the gospel of Judas, relics believed to be of John the Baptist, the burial box of Jesus’ brother James and the gospel of Mary Magdalene. Part documentary – part emotional drama, the series not only examines some mysterious artifacts from the world of the Bible, but also the Gospel characters and stories related to the artifacts. In the episode about the Shroud of Turin, their dramatized reenactment of the Passion of Christ packs a powerful punch. As the narrator says, “the Shroud of Turin appears to be a silent witness to all the final sufferings of Jesus.”
facepalm jesus
 US announces future offensive in Iraq  
(streiff) - At one time, back in the primordial mists of the pre-internet era, military operations were expected to comport with a generally accepted set of principles of war...They vary from nation to nation but the set used by the US military includes “security” and “surprise.” So imagine my shock when I read this in Reuters: From this, because this news story… which was not leaked but from a briefing provided by USCENTCOM… we have disclosed our objective, our strength, our order of battle, the fact that we will be relying on tribal auxiliaries, and the timing of the attack. This. like nObama’s holding forth on Islamic theology, underscores the dangerous and lethally un-serious nature of the nObama regime. One has to assume that this offensive… which we can safely bet will never materialize outside some midnight masturbatory pizza party in the National Security Council’s offices… is being advertised as a way of showing Congress, “look, we can really kick ass with no US ground troops.”
 nObama is not Interested in Fighting Radical Islam in Africa  
 COULTER: GOP Double-Crossing Traitors  
(Ann Coulter) - Now that a federal judge has held nObama's illegal executive amnesty unconstitutional, perhaps U.S. senators will remember that they swore to uphold the Constitution, too...Back when they needed our votes before the last election, Republicans were hairy-chested warriors, vowing to block nObama's unconstitutional "executive amnesty" -- if only voters gave them a Senate majority. The resulting Republican landslide suggested some opposition to amnesty.
 Our Islamic Government and Israel  
(John C. Velisek USN (Ret.)) - Our country is on the brink of Islamization as it is pushed on us by the nObama Administration and the enablers who support it...Left wing activists in our high schools and universities are working hard to undermine the foundations of individual liberty, responsibility and Christian ethics upon which this country is based.  How can the United States trust a President who stood before the United Nations and said that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam?” Slander of the prophet will not be tolerated? And what of the followers of that prophet who kill innocent people in a deli in Paris, bury five year old boys alive and immolate those accused of apostasy in public displays of barbarism! When will you demand that such monstrous acts as these must not be tolerated, Mr. President?
 Muslim Terror Front Group Makes Insane Demand of nObama  
( - American Muslims have demanded that the nObama administration guarantee them immunity from prosecution for crimes related to supporting terrorism...Led by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an organization long suspected of having ties to radical Muslim terror groups in the Middle East, a group of Muslim leaders claimed that the laws prohibit them from associating with known extremists and thus prevent them from dissuading them from possible violence. Sure. And while we’re at it, lets see if we can persuade a bunch of suspected felons to hang out with known felons in hopes of lowering their rate of recidivism. That oughta work.
The headquarters of bankrupt Solyndra LLC is shown in Fremont, California September 20, 2011. Solyndra LLC's chief executive and chief financial officer will invoke their Fifth Amendment rights and decline to answer any questions put to them at a Congressional hearing on Friday, according to letters from their attorneys obtained by Reuters. REUTERS/Robert Galbraith
 nObamacare’s co-ops: A bigger scandal than Solyndra?  
(Scott Gottlieb) - The decline and bankruptcy of insurance co-ops conceived by nObamacare is being trumpeted as another emblem of the law’s many failures. But the fiasco speaks to a much more parochial flaw that animates progressive views on healthcare...The co-ops aren’t dying only because they were hastily constructed, or poorly managed. Their disaster is far more willful and deliberate. They meant to lose money. Last year, the co-ops made a big bet. While private plans were raising their premiums for the second year of nObamacare, the co-ops proposed sharp cuts. Liberal policy makers affirmed the invention of co-ops as a success of egalitarianism, arguing that the not-for-profit plans were able to slash their rates because they didn’t have to turn a profit, and therefore were able to pass more savings onto consumers. I wrote at the time for the financial web site “If the co-ops can successfully lower premiums, and still offer comparable benefits, liberal policy makers will hail the scheme as a triumph of government over markets. If they can’t pull off these rate cuts, then the co-op plans could end up bankrupted.” Bankruptcy turned out to be the better prediction.
 Countering violent extremism the right way  
(Michael Rubin) - In the aftermath of the terrorist attack on the offices of French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo and the subsequent attack by Islamist extremists on a kosher market, President Barack nObama invited political and religious leaders to a Summit on Countering Violent Extremism...The whole summit is a bit amorphous and unfortunately seems to be the latest example of foreign policy by photo-op rather than substance. Crippling the U.S. effort is an unwillingness to address the theological component: violent interpretations of Islam. I have spent the last several days in Morocco, witness to the academic and diplomatic effort to counter extremism which was a major subject of discussion at the Marrakech Security Forum, and then in Rabat, where I was able to sit in on workshops in which Moroccan graduates of religious studies programs and peer leaders addressed strategies to identify and counter radicalism among their peers.
 Aiding Islamic Terrorists Is Our Foreign Policy  
(Daniel Greenfield) - nObama says that we are not fighting a war on Islam. What he leaves out is that under his administration the United States is fighting in a civil war that is taking place within Islam...It’s not a conflict between the proverbial moderate Muslim and the raging fanatic. That was an outdated Bush era notion. Instead Obama has brought us into a fight between Muslim governments and Muslim terrorists, not on the side of the governments we were allied with, but on the side of the terrorists. Iran and Qatar are the regional powers nObama is closest to. What these two countries have in common, is that despite their mutual hostility, they are both international state sponsors of Islamic terrorism.
Barack nObama, Meet King Canute
Burt Prelutsky
     ( - Over the past six years, nObama has left us with a slew of memorable moments. There was that occasion when he called together a group of Democrats and Republicans, and took the opportunity to tell John McCain to sit down and shut up because one of them had won a presidential election, and that someone wasn’t Sen. McCain.

     Then there were the many times that nObama swore that we could all keep our doctors and our health insurance, hoping nobody would notice he had his fingers crossed.

     Then there was the speech at the U.N. when nObama claimed that the Benghazi massacre was the direct result of a video nobody had seen or the debate with Mitt Romney when he denied that he had shut down oil production on federal land and got moderator Candy Crowley to back him up.

     But perhaps the most telling of all his unforgettable moments took place on the White House basketball court at the annual egg roll in 2013, an Easter that coincided with April Fool’s Day and will live on in infamy. It was the day he missed 20 of the 22 shots he took.

     If you recall, nobody was playing defense. There were no hands waving in his face. He took 22 shots, including lay-ups, and only got the ball through the hoop twice.

     What bewildered everyone was that he never changed his approach. He didn’t alter his grip or the arc on the ball. He just kept throwing up clunkers.

     The reason I mentioned Canute, the 11th century king of Denmark, England, Norway and parts of Sweden, is because his major claim to fame is that he once sat in a chair at the beach and commanded the tide to stop rolling in. Although there are those who believe he did it because he regarded himself as all-powerful. I don’t buy it. Nothing I’ve read about Canute suggests he was an idiot. Instead, I believe he did it because he wanted to remind his most ardent followers that he was merely a king; he was not God. And that is the difference between that king and our own.

     When nObama continued missing shot after shot, it was because he believes he is God, and that eventually the planets would re-align themselves and his shots would all start swishing through the net without his having to make even the slightest adjustment.

     There has been a furor in recent weeks swirling around vaccinations. Frankly, I am astonished and after suffering through six years of nObama, there is hardly anything that still has the ability to shock me. But I hadn’t counted on the ability of a moron like Jenny McCarthy to persuade thousands, if not millions, of people that vaccinations cause autism among children.

     But I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised that liberals who allow a former Vice President to pass himself off as a professional climatologist should readily accept a former Playboy centerfold posing as a medical authority.

     I suppose we can only sit and wait for the announcement that, like Al Gore, Jenny has won a Nobel Prize, although in both their cases a more fitting award would have been the Chicken Little Prize for false alarms.

     I realize that Joy Behar, who, like Bill Maher, indulges in false advertising by calling herself a comedian, has already announced that only stupid, religious, conservatives believe vaccinations are dangerous to our children’s health. However, those who actually did the research have concluded that, aside from the Amish, those who are the most reluctant to have their children vaccinated are those brie-noshing twits living in such left-wing enclaves as Marin County, West L.A. and Santa Monica.

     The truth is that getting vaccinations makes sense, both for those getting them and for those who would otherwise be placed in danger. Grown-ups do have the option of living as hermits, limiting their contact with other living things to befriending squirrels and hugging trees. Otherwise, they have a social contract to abide by reasonable rules of health and hygiene. As John Donne pointed out, no man is an island, at least not unless he buys one and moves there.

     A reader sent me a note that points out that there are 1,500 newspapers, 1,100 magazines, 9,000 radio stations, 1,500 TV stations and 2,400 publishers, in the U.S. and that the majority of them are owned by a half dozen corporations; namely GE, NewsCorp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner and CBS. Making it all even more claustrophobic, not to mention incestuous, is that most of the people running these outfits are married to members of the nObama administration.

     Perhaps now you understand why I get so annoyed with the likes of Sheldon Adelson, Donald Trump and the Koch brothers, conservatives who seem to think it’s beneath them to sink some of their billions into buying up or starting up media outlets.

At least Adelson does own a newspaper. Unfortunately it’s in Israel.

     If I had even half their money, I would start up a network in competition with Fox. Simply by promising conservative viewers that they would no longer be forced to put up with Bob Beckel, Juan Williams, Kirsten Powers, Bill O’Reilly, Geraldo Rivera and Alan Colmes, they’d draw off millions of Fox viewers.

     And as a motto, I would offer “Honest and Conservative,” which would make for a welcome change from the banal “Fair and Balanced.”

     Not only is the motto hackneyed, but it’s a lie. After all, you wouldn’t put a flyweight in the ring with Joe Louis. So how is it fair or balanced to put Juan Williams in the ring with Charles Krauthammer, Steve Hayes, George Will, Jonah Goldberg or Bret Baier? Fish being shot at in the proverbial barrel have a better chance of success than poor Juan.

     In the movies of the 30s and 40s, we had the cartoony likes of Stepin Fetchit, Willie Best, Mantan Moreland and Butterfly McQueen, serving as comical counterpoint to Charlie Chan and all the smart white guys.

     Today, Mr. Williams plays the same role, although he is better dressed and nobody rubs his head for good luck. On occasion, Juan even gets to roll his eyes like Willie Best when one of the other Fox panelists is voicing an intelligent opinion.

     I suppose a fat paycheck is compensation enough for some people to serve themselves up for a daily dose of ridicule. But, speaking for myself, I long for the day when I can watch a news show without having to fast-forward, not only through a score of commercials, but through an endless parade of liberal lunkheads.
Read more…

Saturday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
John Bolton – Expected Ten Terrorist Attacks Per Year Illustrates nObama’s Dismissive Attitude Towards Islamic Terrorism Is A Threat
 Rick Wells
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 'No Religion Is Responsible for Terrorism'  
Speaking at the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism, Barack nObama denied Islam's influence in terrorism, though he started with a caveat of sorts: "Al-Qaida and ISIL and groups like it are desperate for legitimacy. They try to portray themselves as religious leaders -- holy warriors in defense of Islam. That’s why ISIL presumes to declare itself the 'Islamic State.' ... We must never accept the premise that they put forward, because it is a lie. ... Al-Qaida and ISIL do draw, selectively, from the Islamic texts. They do depend upon the misperception around the world that they speak in some fashion for people of the Muslim faith, that Islam is somehow inherently violent, that there is some sort of clash of civilizations." And then came the "but." He continued, "Of course, the terrorists do not speak for over a billion Muslims who reject their hateful ideology. They no more represent Islam than any madman who kills innocents in the name of God represents Christianity or Judaism or Buddhism or Hinduism. No religion is responsible for terrorism. People are responsible for violence and terrorism." And then he had the complete lack of self-awareness to say, "We can’t paper over problems, and we’re not going to solve this if we’re always just trying to be politically correct." In fact, his foolish political correctness can better be described as blinding Islamophilia, and it's dangerous. That's why he launched into a lecture about working to bring jobs to Jihadistan. A parting question: Why does he excuse Islam for terrorism but insists guns are responsible for shootings?
  -The Patriot Post 
 VA Secretary Strait Up Lied About Wait Time Firings  
When Veteran Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald first took his position, he said he was going to clean house after the wait-time scandal left veterans without care. He had a list, and he was going to fire 1,000 VA employees. In an interview over the weekend, McDonald claimed the VA fired 60 people who manipulated wait times. The Washington Post fact-checked his claim, however, and found that only eight VA employees were fired, including just one executive. The VA's own spokesman James Hutton told Post, "Regarding the 60 figure, it is most accurate to say that 'VA has proposed disciplinary action related to data manipulation or patient care against more than 60 employees nationwide.' This takes into account the full range of accountability actions including admonishments, demotions, reprimands, and termination." Because of the VA's misleading report and its failure to speed up wait times, it has turned into a bureaucracy only concerned with keeping the bureaucracy in place -- and it will lie to do so. It's a good thing former nObama adviser David Axelrod says "there hasn’t been a major scandal" during nObama's administration, or vets would really be in trouble.   -The Patriot Post 
 Veterans Affairs Touts 'I CARE'  
The nObama administration continues to treat American veterans as more of a disgrace than as heroes. Despite the Department of Veterans Affairs being exposed for mistreating the very ones willing to sacrifice it all, the agency continues to sink deeper into controversy -- even as administrators promise reform. And what better way to encourage changes than with a cute acronym? "The embattled Veterans Affairs Department ... is reminding employees in a memo why they should care about their work," says The Washington Times. "The document circulating among employees is titled the 'I CARE Quick Reference' sheet, and it spells out the desired core values of the VA: integrity, commitment, advocacy, respect and excellence. The memo says the VA is 'a model of unrivaled excellence due to employees who are empowered, trusted by their leaders, and respected for their competence and dedication.'" No, really, that's what it claims. According to one anonymous employee, "Management has made a mockery of it." Concerned Veterans for America CEO Pete Hegseth added, "Adopting a catchy acronym and circulating a checklist is not enough. It's easy to put on an 'I CARE' pin, but it doesn't matter unless you actually demonstrate that care through your actions and the results you deliver." But government doesn't judge itself by standards, and that's the problem. Thanks to nObamaCare, we'll all experience just how much the government doesn't care. More...   -The Patriot Post 
 Holder's Final Legacy: Civil Rights Charges for Ferguson 
Attorney General Eric Holder needed some kind of retribution after the world watched Ferguson, Missouri, burn when the grand jury announced officer Darren Wilson would not be charged in the death of Michael Brown. The civil rights charges against the officer didn't stick, either, so Holder hinted this week that the Department of Justice may prosecute the city's police department for a culture of civil rights violations. A St. Louis nonprofit filed a federal lawsuit alleging Ferguson was keeping the coffers full by running something of a debtor's prison, so DOJ prosecutors met with the lawyers on that case. In a statement, Ferguson Mayor James Knowles said, "We believe this lawsuit is disturbing because it contains allegations that are not based on objective facts." But this is Holder's last hurrah, and "objective facts" don't matter. In the last few days before Loretta Lynch replaces Holder, he's going to come down on the Ferguson Police Department as if it was a police force controlled by the KKK during Reconstruction. More...
  -The Patriot Post 
 Former NBA Star Lays Out Plan to Change Places Like Ferguson  
When asked for his opinion on what happened in Ferguson, former NBA athlete Karl Malone told Huff Post Live that it's time for black communities to stop bemoaning race issues. For real change, "The Mailman" said those communities need to work on self-improvement instead of playing the race card. "We need to look in our mirror ourselves," he said, "stop waiting on someone to come march on our behalf, take ownership in our self, make our community better, and stop looking for a handout. Do something about it yourself that you can control. Stop using that excuse about race. I am sick and tired that every time you turn around, that's what we dangle." That kind of advice -- the message of hard work -- helped Malone deliver those 36,928 career points that landed him in the Basketball Hall of Fame, and it's advice anyone can take to heart. More...  -The Patriot Post 
 nObama: Republicans Are Aiding ISIS By Calling Them Islamic  
(nicedeb) - The first paragraph of this Time article by Michael Scherer perfectly encapsulates this president’s M/O for the past six years... "The newest front in the American war against the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) will not take place in the deserts of Syria, Iraq or Libya, but on the covers of the nation’s tabloids and the airwaves of its cable television jabfests. President nObama, with two speeches in as many days, has decided to take the battle to his conservative critics." Yes, the front in which this president is most willing to actually fight – is not in the Middle East against fanatical, head-bloodthirsty enemies who have declared war against Western civilization – it against in his own country, against his own fellow citizens.
 nObama feeds 'the cult of stupidity'  
(Erik Rush) - “We cannot kill our way out of this war. We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that lead people to join these groups, whether it’s lack of opportunity for jobs …” – State Department representative Marie Harf...I wonder if others found the opening statement as curious as did I; this was the State Department’s Marie Harf discussing the administration’s policy in fighting the militant Muslim group ISIS in a recent interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. It was my understanding that nations essentially did kill their way out of wars; you do enough damage to the other side (killing them and breaking their stuff), and either they give up, or the question is rendered academic.
Cruz Says Obama Administration Is “Counterfeiting Immigration Documents”
 Cruz Says nObama Admin Is “Counterfeiting Immigration Documents”  
(Warren Mass) - Senator Ted Cruz (shown, R-Texas), speaking two days after a federal judge issued an order blocking the the nObama administration’s implementation of executive actions that would grant amnesty to four million illegal immigrants...said the administration has gone beyond using “prosecutorial discretion” to enforce immigration law, and is now printing “counterfeit” work authorizations. Cruz made his comments during an interview with Fox News on February 18 in which he said, "One of the things the president has claimed, rather absurdly, is that the basis of his authority is “prosecutorial discretion.” That he’s simply choosing not to prosecute 4.5 million people here illegally. But what the district court concluded, quite rightly, is they’re doing far more than that. The administration is printing work authorizations. It is affirmatively acting in contravention of federal law. Basically, what it’s doing is counterfeiting immigration documents, because the work authorizations it’s printing are directly contrary to the text of the federal law. It is dangerous when the president ignores federal law.
 nObama Appoints Terrorist Supporter to New Counterterrorism Center  
( - In 2013 an Egyptian magazine reported about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the nObama administration at the highest level. They wrote of  Rashad Hussain that he  “maintained close ties with people and groups that the magazine says comprise the Muslim Brotherhood network in America.”...In yet another stunning development in nObama’s plan to turn the war on terror over to the terrorists, he’s ramping up a counter-defense headed up by a terror-tied operative, Rashad Hussain. Over 80 people will staff the newly-empowered center. Rashad Hussain is a hafiz, one who has committed the Quran memory. He currently serves as nObama’s special envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. I wrote about Hussain’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood back in 2010 when nObama first appointed him as special envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
 Natural gas can be the energy policy that works  
(Mark J. Perry) - An extraordinary economic and environmental success story is unfolding. It illustrates the cost of ignoring good news — in particular good news about the price collapse in Asia of liquefied natural gas driven by an abundance of U.S. shale gas — in favor of bad...When the success story is missed, so is the opportunity to shape energy policy on the basis of what works instead of focusing on what doesn’t. The impact of the shale revolution in the United States on global energy markets has been huge. Instead of relying on large amounts of foreign liquefied natural gas to compensate for a shortage of domestic production, the reverse has occurred. The U.S. now imports almost no LNG.
 nObama’s Summit of Jihad Denial  
(Joseph Klein) - What is President nObama doing this week in the face of the unrelenting wave of jihadist-inspired terrorist attacks, the latest of which occurred in Copenhagen and on the bloodied Mediterranean shore of Libya while nObama played golf in California?...He is holding a politically correct summit conference on “countering violent extremism,” a three-day community circles talkfest beginning on February 17. Vice President loose lips Joe Biden kicked off the conference. National Security Advisor Susan Rice is delivering the closing address. In between these bookends are sessions discussing community-based ways to prevent violent extremism from taking root, including presentations on pilot programs in three cities where law enforcement officials are purportedly developing partnerships with Muslim community leaders — Boston, Minneapolis, and Los Angeles.
 Secure the Border!  
(Raymond Ibrahim) - In a move reminiscent of “ancient history,” Saudi Arabia is building a 600-mile-long “Great Wall”  –  a combined fence and ditch  –  to separate itself from the Islamic State to the north in Iraq...Plans for the 600-mile wall and ditch Saudi Arabia will build with Iraq in an effort to insulate itself from the chaos engulfing its neighbors. Much of the area on the Iraqi side is now controlled by Isil [the Islamic State], which regards the ultimate capture of Saudi Arabia, home to the “Two Holy Mosques” of Mecca and Medina, as a key goal….
 It Was Unconstitutional Before It Wasn’t: Dems in Their Own Words  
(Genevieve Wood) - Hypocrisy is a given in Washington. So much so that Senate Democrats must believe no one notices just how much of it they are guilty of in their attempts to prevent Congress from funding the Department of Homeland Security...First, Democrats say they want to fund Homeland Security–yet they have filibustered any and all attempts by Republicans to even bring the bill up for debate. Second, while numerous Democratic senators have made public statements saying President nObama was wrong to take executive action to change the country’s immigration laws without consent from Congress, none of these folks now appear willing to vote for or even discuss the Department of Homeland Security funding bill that would prevent nObama’s executive amnesty plans from taking place.
 Libya's War on Christians  
(Raymond Ibrahim) - The disputed fate of the 21 Coptic Christians abducted in Sirte, Libya is now clear and visible for all to see on video: while holding them down, Islamic State members shove their fingers in the Christians' eyes, crane their heads back, and slice away at their throats with knives...all in the name of Allah and Islam, all as the slaughtered call out on the "Lord Jesus Christ." Earlier, the BBC had falsely reported that 13 of these now slaughtered Copts were "released." (Such downplaying of Muslim persecution of Christians is, of course, standard for the BBC.) In the video, the lead executioner waves his dagger at the camera whileboasting of the Islamic State's savagery:
 Just Who Has to Adjust in the Name of Tolerance?  
(Phyllis Chesler) - Brookings Institution Center for Middle East Policy Fellow Shadi Hamid recently criticized the West as "illiberal" for refusing to accept the fact that Muslims, both in the West and globally, are different from Westerners...It was an unusual argument, one for which The Atlantic devoted 3,400 words. Although President nObama insists that the "fight against terrorism is not a religious war," Hamid seems to disagree with him. According to a variety of polls, Hamid is right. For example, while a 2009 Gallup poll shows European Muslims overwhelmingly reject violence, they are far more religious than those who live in secular Europe (France, England, and Germany), and are more strongly opposed to homosexuality than are secular Europeans. In addition, young, second or third generation European Muslim men favor veiling for women, polygamy, the execution of apostates, and favor prohibiting Muslim women from marrying non-Muslim men.
John Bolton – Expected Ten Terrorist Attacks Per Year Illustrates nObama’s Dismissive Attitude Towards Islamic Terrorism Is A Threat
 Rick Wells
061 john bolton 940

     ( - With the cancellation of a popular German street carnival in the wake of the Copenhagen attacks, with credible information that Islamist were planning terrorist attacks on the popular event, which attracts 250,000 persons, John Bolton is asked for his take on just how do we in the West respond to this threat.

     Ambassador John Bolton, in recognizing the many dangerous shortcomings of the regime in defense of our nation, says, “The first thing that a civilization has to do is understand it’s under attack. When you’re standing on the edge of the abyss in history, you can say ‘oh well that attack wasn’t that big, this one wasn’t that serious. You can act like the ‘president’ of the United States and say these are, you know, ‘random acts of violence in different places,’ or you can try and understand the pattern and try to act accordingly.”

     He says,  “I think the Europeans, who for decades have criticized the United States as being ‘such a violent society, so many murders and attacks with weapons,’ in the past few years have seen the level of violence all over Europe rise and I think have finally started to ask themselves why.”

     He continues, saying, “So I think is, tragic though it may be, this is a wakeup call for Europe, for the United States. We had one on September the eleventh 2001; a lot of people seem to have forgotten it already. The question is whether we’re going to wake up and do something now or suffer something much more serious, perhaps with nuclear, biological or chemical weapons.”

     Eric Shawn points out that the European authorities admit that they are overwhelmed with thousands of ISIS fighters, who possess Western passports having returned to their shores. He cites our own National Counterterrorism Center has predicted ten attacks per year inside the United States.

     Bolton notes that “We are facing an ideology. It’s an ideology that is anti-Western and we’ve seen it manifest itself in outright anti-Semitic attacks and attempted murder. We’ve seen it directed against anybody who criticizes the ideology and the religion that these radicals hold and it’s about time we understand that. And if we do understand it then I think the steps to take going forward are pretty clear. This is a war that they’re waging against us. Not random acts of violence.

     They compare the situation now to that of Jews in Nazi Germany when Hitler first started his rants against them, with Benjamin Netanyahu’s calls for Jews worldwide to come to Israel being illustrative of the serious risk of history once again repeating itself.

Read more…

Saturday Morning - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Iraq and the Middle Eastern Cold War
Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
The White House
put the brakes on President nObama’s executive actions to grant temporary amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, following a federal judge’s order blocking them. The Department of Homeland Security had been set to start accepting applications today for the first phase of the plan – an expanded program shielding young immigrants who came to the U.S. illegally from deportation. DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson said that is now suspended. “At the moment we are standing down our plans for executive action, pursuant to the judge’s injunction” Johnson told Bret Baier on “Special Report.” DHS will also suspend implementation of the broader portion of nObama’s immigration overhaul, set to launch in May -- a program to give a deportation reprieve to potentially millions of illegal immigrant parents of legal residents. The decision comes after U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen in Texas issued a temporary injunction on Monday, allowing a lawsuit brought by 26 states aimed at permanently stopping the actions to make its way through the courts.
          “[W]ith respect to the ruling, I disagree with it. I think the law is on our side and history is on our side. And we are going to repeal it….[W]e will be prepared to implement this fully as soon as the legal issues get resolved.” –President nObama at the White House Tuesday.
          “It’s interesting: He says the law is on his side. There’s at least one person who calls himself a legal scholar who disagreed. His name is Barack nObama. Twenty-two times President nObama has admitted he doesn't have the authority to issue unilateral amnesty. Twenty-two times he said the constitution doesn't allow it. He said, this is not a monarchy, that's his quote. Then after the last election he said, never mind, I issued it anyway.” –Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, on “The Kelly File” Watch here
-Fox News 
 Tough road ahead -   Reuters: “President Barack nObama’s administration faces a difficult and possibly lengthy legal battle to overturn a Texas court ruling that blocked his landmark immigration overhaul, since the judge based his decision on an obscure and unsettled area of administrative law, lawyers said. In his ruling… U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen avoided diving into sweeping constitutional questions or tackling presidential powers head-on. Instead, he faulted nObama for not giving public notice of his plans. The failure to do so, Hanen wrote, was a violation of the 1946 Administrative Procedure Act, which requires notice in a publication called the Federal Register as well as an opportunity for people to submit views in writing.”  -Fox News 
 Long list of legal woes -   WaPo: “Along with the immigration action, the fate of two of nObama’s other signature initiatives — a landmark health-care law and a series of aggressive executive actions on climate change — now rests in the hands of federal judges. It is a daunting prospect for a president in the final two years of his tenure who believes he is on the path to leaving a lasting impact on in­trac­table and politically perilous issues, despite an often bitter relationship with Congress.”  -Fox News 
AP: “Expressing impatience with New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a judge said Tuesday he’ll set a date for a special election to replace convicted former U.S. Rep. Michael Grimm unless Cuomo does so by noon Friday. ‘The right to representation in government is the central pillar of democracy in this country. Unjustified delay in filling a vacancy cannot be countenanced,’ wrote U.S. District Judge Jack B. Weinstein in Brooklyn in a written decision in response to a lawsuit brought by voters.”  
-Fox News 
Biologists call it “mousing,” and it’s the remarkable wintertime gift of the red fox to pounce on burrowed rodents that are undetectable to others. A fox will stalk, jump, dive headfirst into a foot or two of snow and nab its dinner. After two years of study, Zoologist Jaroslav Červený, thinks there’s more to mousing in the snow than a discerning ear. He argues foxes may have a secret sense that helps them target what they cannot see. The study says foxes’  have the greatest success leaping on prey from the north-east, an pattern that can’t be explained by environmental conditions. This led researchers to conclude that the foxes could sense the Earth’s magnetic field and were orienting their attacks by that internal compass. So if you’re the mouse, you might try burying a little magnet somewhere nearby.  
-Fox News 
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  Investigating AG Nominee Loretta Lynch’s Drug And Terrorist Ties  
(Rick Wells) - Things aren’t looking good for the first choice of the criminal Attorney General Eric Holder as his replacement to push an agenda of racism and Marxism under the color of law...It is becoming increasingly more obvious that her record on law enforcement may be no less tainted that that of the current office holder, as difficult as that may be to believe. While we naturally expect anyone within the Obama regime to be a criminal of some description, when it’s the nominee for the chief law enforcement officer of the nation, it’s still pretty remarkable. There is no way that this was not known to Holder and his cronies. In fact, her criminality likely was viewed as the most exemplary item on her resume, aside from the obligatory racist black activism.
 Megyn Kelly Reduces Luis Gutierrez To Sputtering, Incoherent Mess  
(nicedeb) - Megyn Kelly saw the deranged remarks Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) made on MSNBC following the judge’s decision to temporarily block  nObama’s action on immigration, and she said, 'book that guy for tonight's show!'...Gutierrez had said on MSNBC that the “militancy that will be activated throughout the immigrant community in terms of voter registration, voter participation and voter anger at the Republican Party… I think you are going to see it in an unprecedented manner.” He had also said "the decision speaks volumes on how mean and xenophobic people can be."
 Mike Rowe Asked If Political Candidates Finishing College is Important  
(Jason DeWitt) - Mike Rowe was asked about Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) and how important college is for elected officials. Let’s just say his response was truly epic. From the Mike Rowe Facebook page: Kyle Smith wrote...
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 Egyptian President, Govt And Media Expressing Outrage At nObama  
(Rick Wells) - The late January meeting with members of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood was supposed to be a secret. Some people can’t keep their mouths shut. Even worse, some resist the urge to post pictures of themselves inside the State Department on social media...The Egyptians and the Saudis discovered that their arch terror enemies were being hosted by what is at best a most unreliable ally in the White House, they were none too pleased. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki initially tried the dependable “it wasn’t our fault” defense that is an nObama staple, pointing the finger of blame at Georgetown University, saying they were responsible for arranging the meeting, a claim which she soon retracted as being totally untrue. Not only did members of the terrorist organization meet with their comrades within the nObama State Department, they also mixed it up with some unnamed members of Congress as well as academics. More outrageous than the fact that they were allowed into the State Department, is the purpose of their visit; to enlist support for their opposition campaign against Egyptian President el-Sisi, one of the most reasonable and pro-American leaders in the Middle East.
 “The Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic.”  
(Robert Spencer) - This is an extraordinary piece, as it represents one of the first, if not the first, mainstream media acknowledgment that what I have been saying all these years, and illustrated in detail in thirteen books, hundreds of articles, and tens of thousands of posts here, has been absolutely correct...that jihadis use the texts and teachings to justify their actions and make recruits, and make a case that obviously convinces many young Muslims, that they represent the truest and most authentic expression of Islam. Will Graeme Wood be now smeared and derided as an “Islamophobe” and a “bigot” for stating these obvious truths? Or will his exaggerated confidence in what he calls “quietest Salafis” (not reproduced below) save him from that? In any case, this is a momentous article: it may (may) represent a crack in the edifice, a blade of grass poking through the concrete, a tardy surrender of at least one bastion of politically correct wishful thinking to the overwhelming force of reality. We shall see.
 nObama’s ATF BANS Common AR15 Ammunition 
(Greg Campbell) - The work of anti-gun zealots is never done. When outright bans fail to materialize, the conversation soon shifts to backdoor methods of gun control. Those who abhor an armed citizenry never ever give up; they just retreat, regroup and find another route of attack...In recent years, that has been working to reduce the availability of ammunition. After all, what good is one of those oh-so-scary “military-style assault weapons” if one cannot fire them? The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has released a proposal to reclassify SS109/M855 5.56 NATO ammunition as “armor-piercing” and ban the import, sale or manufacture of the common rifle round used in AR15 rifles and pistols based on the AR15  platform.
Hillary Clinton speaks during the Clinton Global Initiative on Sept. 24, 2014, in New York City. The Clinton Foundation is defending its practice of accepting donations from foreign governments at a time when Mrs. Clinton is preparing to run for president.
 Clinton Foundation Defends Acceptance of Foreign Donations  
(Peter Nicholas and Rebecca Ballhaus) - The Clinton Foundation on Wednesday defended its practice of accepting donations from overseas governments, amid concerns from some ethics experts that such contributions are inappropriate at a time when Hilly Clinton is preparing to run for president...A Wall Street Journal review of donations to the Clinton Foundation in 2014 showed the charity received money from the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Oman, among others. The donors included Canada’s foreign affairs department, which is promoting the Keystone XL pipeline. The foundation had agreed to stop raising money from foreign governments in 2009, after Mrs. Clinton became secretary of state. That step was in deference to nObama administration concerns about the propriety of taking money from other nations while Mrs. Clinton served as America’s top diplomat.
 Seven Problems with Hanoi John Kerry's Iranian Nuclear Clock  
(Gary C. Gambill) - US Secretary of State Hanoi John Kerry has repeatedly pledged that the prospective nuclear agreement being hammered out between the P5+1 world powers and Iran will extend the Islamic Republic's "breakout time" quickly it can produce sufficient fissile material for an atomic bomb should it make a rush to build one – from "about two months" to "a minimum of a year." While U.S. officials have been tight-lipped about details of the talks, this seemingly tangible metric is clearly going to be the big selling point when Hanoi Kerry seeks to win support for an agreement from a skeptical Congress. Hanoi Kerry gets his numbers by calculating how long it would take Iran to produce a bomb's worth (around 25 kg) of weapons grade uranium (WGU) given the number and types of centrifuges it currently has installed (18,458 first generation IR-1s and 1008 IR-2s) and operating (around 10,180 IR-1s) at its two enrichment plants, and the amount of under 5% low enriched uranium (LEU) it has on hand to use as feedstock. Cap these variables at whatever levels are needed to lift the other side of the equation to a year, put in place an augmented inspections regime to make sure Iran isn't cheating, and voila … ten months back on the clock.
 Dems Beg nObama for Dictator Rule Concerning nObamacare Taxes 
(Suzanne Hamner) - Unbelievable is all that comes to mind when reading that three senior Democrats are "pleading" with nObama to once again unilaterally "bend the rules" on nObamacare so their voter base and millions of other Americans will not be hit with "nObamacare tax penalites."...Reps. Sander Levin (D-MI), Jim McDermott (D-WA), and Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) have approached nObama with a strong request for a special enrollment period for "the uninsured who will all be hit with a $325 fine or two percent of their income (whichever is higher) for failure to enroll in 2015." Next year, in 2016, that amount will soar to $1,100 on average.
 Guiliani Drops a “Truthbomb” on nObama  
(nicedeb) - Ace of Spades has lately been referring to nObama as “President Bullworth Truthbomb” in reference to nObama’s reported fantasy of “going Bulworth,” that is, behaving like the protagonist of Warren Beatty’s 1998 film, Bulworth...Bulworth is a Senator who finally breaks free of the constraints of American politics to say what he really thinks. And what he thinks consists largely of obscene raps and wild speeches openly pushing for socialism. nObama and his acolytes have been dropping these Bullworthian “truthbombs” on the electorate with a vengeance since the midterm elections – in the wake of which nObama said he was finally “liberated” to do and say whatever he pleases. Well, Republicans can drop “truthbombs”, too.
Iraq and the Middle Eastern Cold War
Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi

      ( - With the official end of U.S. combat operations in Iraq, what bodes for Iraq's future in terms of its relations to other nations in the Middle East? One useful way to examine this question is through the lens of what Daniel Pipes describes as the present "Middle Eastern Cold War."

     This new Cold War represents the current ideological division in the Middle East between the "revolutionary bloc," led chiefly by Iran, Syria, and more recently Turkey, and the "status-quo bloc," led by Saudi Arabia and Egypt. While most Sunni Arab states align themselves with the "status-quo bloc," there are notable exceptions in that Qatar and Oman back the "revolutionary bloc," while Libya simply sits on the sidelines.

     The Middle Eastern Cold War has manifested itself in recent years in several ways, including the ongoing tension in Lebanon between Saad Hariri's coalition government and pro-Syrian factions like Hezb'allah, the contest between Fatah and Hamas for the Palestinian leadership, and the conflict in Yemen between Iranian-backed Shi'a Houthi rebels and the Saudi-backed central government of Ali Abdullah Saleh.

     However, the most recent sign of this Cold War could well lie in Iraq as Saudi Arabia and Iran jostle for influence. With the ongoing political stalemate that has created a power vacuum, it is Saudi Arabia's hope that the current Shi'a Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki does not retain his position in power for fear that he will tilt Iraq towards Iran's regional bloc. Meanwhile, Iran not only wishes for him to remain as prime minister, but also hopes for Maliki's State of Law (SOA) coalition and the Sadrist Iraqi National Alliance (INA) to form the backbone of a new government, whereas the U.S. views a coalition between SOA and Iyad Allawi's Iraqiya bloc as the best option.

     Indeed, on repeated occasions, Saudi officials have been open in expressing their dislike for Maliki. For instance, in May, former Saudi intelligence chief Turki Al-Faisal accused Maliki of attempting to "deny the Iraqi people their legitimately elected government," meaning that Allawi should be given the right to form a government. In addition, the Saudi government has made a series of goodwill gestures, including receiving several Iraqi politicians such as Allawi and the president of autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan Massoud Barzani on visits to Riyadh in an attempt to contain Iran's influence in the country. Winning over the latter is viewed as especially important since the Kurdish parties are reported to have extensive economic ties with Iran that date back at least two decades, above all in the smuggling of oil and other refined petroleum products to Iran.

     At the same time, Saudi Arabia has been trying to take advantage of recent, tougher sanctions against Iran to expand its influence in Iraq through economic cooperation with the country. For example, in July, a Saudi airline launched the first direct flights to Iraq in almost twenty years, having been suspended in the aftermath of Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait in 1991. Furthermore, Saudi food firms like Almarai have become involved in the export of foodstuffs to Iraq via Kuwait and Jordan. Simultaneously, however, Saudi Arabia is concerned that Iraq's aspiring potential to produce some 10-12 million barrels of oil a day could dislodge it from its position as a leader of the OPEC cartel. Hence, cooperation in the field of oil production is nonexistent.

     Despite these measures undertaken by Saudi Arabia, Iran and the "revolutionary bloc's" influence on Iraq is all too evident. Iran has repeatedly urged the Shi'a parties in Iraq to put aside their differences and form a ruling Shi'a-led government, fearing that allowing Allawi's Iraqiya bloc to form a government will lead to a resurgence of Sunni minority rule and Baathism. Also noteworthy, besides Kurdish smuggling of petroleum to Iran, are the already close economic ties between the key players of the "revolutionary bloc" and Iraq that will likely grow in the future as Iran, Turkey, and Syria continue to restrict Iraq's water supplies through building dams on the Tigris and Euphrates and diverting water for irrigation projects. This could create future "oil for water" trade schemes. Moreover, there are the Iranian-backed "Special Groups" like the Kataib Hezb'allah that can resort to insurgent-style attacks to quash any efforts by the Sunni Arabs to exert their diminished political influence and tilt Iraq towards the "status-quo bloc."

    Thus, it is possible that Iraq will emerge as a sort of theatre of proxy warfare between Saudi Arabia and Iran in the near future. Nevertheless, it is improbable that the struggle will be prolonged, as Iran, the leader of the "revolutionary bloc," and most of the Shi'a population of Iraq share the goal of ensuring Shi'a dominance in the country, such that Iraq, under a Shi'a-led government, will likely become an auxiliary for the "revolutionary bloc." This outcome becomes much more conceivable when one considers that Iran could well have nuclear weapons in the next few years, which will make it much harder for its rivals to contain Iranian influence in Iraq.

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Friday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

  The Front Page Cover 
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Hilly’s “Rebels” Behead
21 Coptic Christians In Libya
The Last Refuge
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 Democrats Are Wearing Blinders  
Denying the radical Islamic nature of the terrorism perpetrated by al-Qaida and the Islamic State is at the heart of Barack nObama's foreign policy. But make no mistake: nObama's blinding Islamophilia is costing the U.S. big time. Terrorism is "random," he says, and the Islamic State isn't Islamic. Twenty-one Christians beheaded by ISIL were merely "Egyptian citizens" -- as if religion had nothing to do with it -- but three Muslims killed by a leftist atheist in North Carolina were clearly targeted because of their faith. "No one in the United States of America should ever be targeted because of who they are, what they look like, or how they worship," nObama said, despite early evidence that such targeting wasn't the case anyway. The White House began a three-day summit Tuesday focused on combating "violent extremism." One official explained the stance on ISIL: "We are not treating these people as part of a religion. We're treating them as terrorists." But addressing that summit, Joe Loose Lips Biden warned of right-wing extremists committing violence in the name of the Bible.  -The Patriot Post 
In a speech today outlining his foreign policy, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush offers a similar refrain: “I love my father and my brother…  But I am my own man – and my views are shaped by my own thinking and own experiences.” At a reporter scrum after speech in Florida last week, Jeb was adamant: “I won’t talk about the past. I’ll talk about the future,” adding that “it’s not about re-litigating anything.” Curious then that the foreign policy team that Jeb announced today is not just very much George W. Bush’s, but includes two of the most controversial figures from invasion of Iraq, former Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and former National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley. Short of including Dick Cheney, this is the strongest possible indication that Bush is embracing his brother’s foreign policy. What’s up with that?
          [Feels like old times - Other core players from the George W. Bush administration on the team include former Homeland Security secretaries Tom Ridge and Michael Chertoff, former intelligence bosses Porter Goss, John Negroponte and Michael Hayden.]  -Fox News 
 Not the man they thought -   Robin Williams had a bit in one of his last stand-up performances in which a man who had been in a coma for the previous decade was getting filled in on what he missed. Told that George H.W. Bush’s son had been president, the newly awoken character says “The one from Florida? He seemed kind of cool.” Informed that it was the one from Texas instead, the man incredulously demands “Junior?” The crowd roared their approval. Dumb Dubya and Smart Jeb, haw, haw haw. And in the tonier precincts of American politics and media it has long been fashionable to lament that “the wrong Bush” got elected in 2000 because Jeb would have never invaded Iraq. Jeb’s embrace of the core of his brother’s team will pour some considerable cold water on that view. Watch for a turning in the mainstream press’ treatment of Jeb hereafter. And were Jeb to be the nominee, it sets up a fight with Hilly Clinton over which interventionist foreign policy is less popular, George W. Bush’s or Barack nObama’s.  -Fox News 
 Doctrine air -   But votes are what count. So what we can expect when the inevitable re-litigation comes? Jeb will likely embrace some version of the argument that we have been hearing from Bush loyalists: The Iraq war was right, but that mistakes in execution were made. Once forward progress was regained following the troop surge, Iraq might have eventually become a stable, secular partner in peace. Those hopes, though, were snuffed out by a hasty retreat by President nObama. While the Republican base has warmed to George W. Bush considerably of late, are its members really ready to go back to a Bush Doctrine approach to fighting Islamists? There is huge support for more aggressive prosecution of the current phase of the war, but nation building and a “forward strategy of freedom” that calls for long and costly U.S. commitments in the region would still seem to be a non-starter. 
-Fox News 
“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” debuted on this day in 1885. Mark Twain previously introduced the characters nine years earlier in “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.” Twain saw Huck Finn as a sequel to Tom Sawyer, but the newer book proved to have a far more serious focus on slavery and life in the South and therefore was significantly more controversial among readers. The protagonists, Huck and Jim, delve into life and societal norms of dealing with slavery and attitudes of the time. Just two decades after the Emancipation Proclamation and the end of the Civil War, the portrayal of a black man as strong and brave while the portrayal of a white man as violent and selfish provoked strong reactions. Just a month after publication, the Concord, Massachusetts library banned the book calling it “tawdry” and “ignorant.” Over the course of time, the provocative nature led to it being banned by numerous libraries. But as Huck said: “It was awful thoughts and awful words, but they was said. And I let them stay said; and never thought no more about reforming. I shoved the whole thing out of my head, and said I would take up wickedness again, which was in my line, being brung up to it, and the other warn’t. And for a starter I would go to work and steal Jim out of slavery again; and if I could think up anything worse, I would do that, too; because as long as I was in, and in for good, I might as well go the whole hog.”  -Fox News 
President Barack Obama speaks to the media during a meeting with Secretary of Defense Ash Carter in the Oval Office of the White House, Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015, in Washington. The president spoke about issues including immigration and the Islamic State. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
  nObama loses in court, again  
(Washington Examiner) - President nObama might have been surprised on Monday night when a federal district court in Texas blocked his executive action on immigration. Those familiar with his administration's legal acumen should not be...nObama's team has suffered numerous major court defeats in cases it treated publicly as obvious slam-dunk victories. A dozen of nObama's defeats before the Supreme Court have been unanimous — on topics as diverse as religious liberty, property rights and presidential appointment powers. Each time that happens, it signifies that no knowledgeable person could have reasonably embraced nObama's legal position. The problem with nObama's action is that it would effectively confer legal status and issue work permits to millions of people — something that should only and probably can only be done with the consent of the legislative branch. Such an effort may well deserve the support of Congress, but it surely requires it as well. There exists a constitutional channel for major policy changes.
 Ending 'dangerous' judge-less warrants  
(Mark J. Fitzgibbons) - The growth in number and size of government agencies, beginning about 80 years ago, has been accompanied by the expanded use of “administrative subpoenas.” These are warrants, not signed by a judge, by which government obtains records and other evidence...More and more Americans have come to understand that these administrative subpoenas violate the Fourth Amendment’s processes needed to guard against unreasonable searches and seizures of our persons, houses, papers and effects. Judge-less subpoenas are now especially prevalent in targeting telephone and computer records, but they have been used in many ways that transgress the law. The problem was adequately summed up in the title of a 2012 article at, “We Don’t Need No Stinking Warrant: The Disturbing, Unchecked Rise of the Administrative Subpoena.” The article noted that “roughly 335 federal statutes on the books” authorize these judge-less warrants.
Libyan military soldiers fire their weapons during clashes with Islamic extremist militias in Benghazi, Libya, Thursday, Oct. 30, 2014. (AP)
 Libya's chaos is nObama's shame  
(Timothy P. Carney) - President nObama attacked Libya in 2011 without congressional authority, and then shirked any responsibility to help stabilize the country after deposing its dictator...By 2013, Libya had become a chaotic hellhole mired in a permanent war. Today it is a new beachhead and recruiting ground for the Islamic State. nObama’s illegal, ill-considered, and immoral drive-by war in Libya ought to be a permanent stain on his presidency. The recent video of masked ISIS killers beheading 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya deserves to be the emblem of this president’s rash foreign policy.
Internal State Department emails reviewed by Fox News reveal that as security unraveled in Yemen, U.S. personnel were scrambling to finalize their exit plan and were so uncertain about what would happen that procedures for safeguarding sensitive information were bypassed.
 Emails reveal sensitive info left exposed after US pullout from Yemen  
(Catherine Herridge) - Internal State Department emails reviewed by Fox News reveal that as security unraveled in Yemen, U.S. personnel were scrambling to finalize their exit plan and were so uncertain about what would happen...that procedures for safeguarding sensitive information were bypassed -- with permission from Washington. The unclassified emails reveal staff on the ground in Yemen, as well as senior department executives in Washington, were concerned the evacuation might go bad and left a communication network running at the embassy in case staff had to return. The emails point to uncertainty on the ground amid fast-moving developments, even as the nObama administration downplayed any irregularities.
Twitter/Norwood Tea Party
 Trey Gowdy Reacts To Judge’s Anti-Amnesty Ruling  
(B. Christopher Agee) - As Western Journalism reported Tuesday, a Texas federal judge issued a temporary block on certain aspects of Barack nObama’s executive action regarding illegal immigration...With millions of illegals set to enjoy de facto amnesty beginning this week, Judge Andrew Hanen’s ruling came just days before the controversial order went into effect. Hanen determined that a porous border and lax security “has exacerbated illegal immigration into this country,” a phenomenon that increasingly taxes resources among the states forced to receive these uninvited residents. The judge responded to protests by more than half of all U.S. states in ruling that nObama’s order should face further review before being implemented.
 When Muslims Tried To Invoke Sharia Law  
( - When foreigners try to enforce the laws of their homeland on American soil, it never really ends well.So when a mosque in Texas created a so-called “Shariah court”, the mayor was instantly pushing back – and rightfully so...The mosque is located in Irving, Texas of all places, and the city has released a statement that challenges the “Shariah court” and puts it’s future into question. Mayor Beth Van Duyne came out publicly against the court on Facebook, saying, “Shariah Law Court was NOT approved or enacted by the City of Irving. Recently, there have been rumors suggesting that the City of Irving has somehow condoned, approved or enacted the implementation of a Shariah Law Court in our City.”
 Gov. Abbott: We Will Win Immigration Fight With Obama WH  
( - Governor  of Texas Greg Abbott is confident the multi-state lawsuit against nObama's illegal and unconstitutional executive amnesty...accompanied with actual awards and benefits to these millions of law-breakers, will ultimately fail, all the way to the Supreme Court. As you recall, first nObama said he couldn't do it (22 times), then did it, then awarded them rights and benefits, followed by boasting that he "changed the law".Sorry, estúpido, it doesn't work that way. Comprende?
064 luis gutierrez 2 940
 Rep Luis Gutierrez – The Illegal Latino People – Warns Of Retaliation  
(Rick Wells) - Luis Gutierrez is the Latino version of Al Sharpton. He’s a racist tool of the Marxist nObama regime being used to destabilize America and to usher in their new and improved replacement population...He is a militant activist working aggressively to bring about our fundamental transformation away from a representative government into authoritarian tyranny. He exposed his revolutionary side in a brief interview on MSNBC with fellow Latino activist, Jose Diaz-Balart. He demonizes the patriotic Americans for not rolling over and accepting our dictated fate, the erasure of our national borders and with them our sovereignty. It is abundantly clear from his comments that our fight to defend our nation is far from over.
064 jeh johnson 940
 Why Is DHS Sec Jeh Johnson Still Politicking For Funding Bill  
(Rick Wells) - Director of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson seems to be laying the foundation for future claims that he couldn’t do his job, that he had to marginalize our defenses because of funding shortcomings...While his predecessors were able to enforce our immigration laws with less money, Johnson isn’t getting it done and has opted instead simply to not enforce the law. Rather than facing impeachment or charges, Johnson is asking for more money and holding what little he is allowing to be done as a potential hostage through political manipulation.
 States Pursue Laws To Nullify Federal Gun Control  
( - Legislators in Montana and Arizona recently advanced laws that will pre-emptively nullify any future gun bans that are passed at the federal level...The Montana bill passed the state’s house of representatives last week and is now under consideration in the Senate. It will prohibit local police from enforcing any federal weapon or magazine ban. A similar bill in Arizona, recently approved by a Senate committee, also outlaws the enforcement of federal gun laws. It also takes things a step further by stripping funding for future federal investigations on gun-related issues.
Hilly’s “Rebels” Behead
21 Coptic Christians In Libya
The Last Refuge
     ( - The people and groups now identified as “ISIS in Libya” are the same people and groups that Hilly Clinton, Samantha Power and Susan Rice determined back in 2011 to be “rebels” worthy of weapons, missiles and MANPADS to advance their cause.

Don’t forget that pesky detail. EVER.

     The Coptic Christians executed today in Libya spent their last moments in prayer.
Libyan copt 1libyan copt 2
     Islamic State released a video on Sunday purporting to show the militant group beheading 21 Egyptian Christians kidnapped in Libya.

The Egyptians, dressed in orange jump suits, were beheaded after being forced down on the ground. The video appeared on the Twitter feed of a website that supports Islamic State.


     For those who doubt the 2015 ISIS terrorists (murderers) and the 2011 Libyan “rebels” are the same entity allow me to present pictoral confirmation from the spring/summer of 2011 in Libya:

Western Media / Libyan Propaganda (Disturbing Video Refutes State Dept)

Benghazi Libya al-Qaeda

Benghazi Libya al-Qaeda 2



     Those pictures of al-Qaeda in Libya were taken WHILE Hilly Clinton, Susan Rice, Samantha Power and President nObama decided to remove Gaddaffi and give power to these Islamist interests.   As a consequence Libya devolved into civil war.

     In addition, another face surfaced to support the Libyan interventionist policy of President nObama, in the personage of Senator John McCain who also worked to insure that al-Qaeda took over power.


     In 2011 you can see Ambassador Chris Stevens and Senator John McCain walking directly through the Eastern Libya city of Benghazi where al-Qaeda flags were flying above the courthouse – directly over their heads.


     Two years later John McCain shows up again in Syria to meet a new batch of “rebels”.  In this next picture you can see McCain in Syria 2013:

John McCain ISIS

     Many people have actually identified ISIS’s supreme leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as the man immediately to the left of McCain in the background.   Compare for yourself and see using this known ISIS leadership chart (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi) is at the top.

isis leadership


      Other people, including McCain’s nervous staff, have refuted whether it is actually al-Baghdadi with Senator McCain in that concerning 2013 picture.

      Personally, I absolutely believe it is al-Baghdadi because the other person directly to the left in the foreground is the identified ISIS Press Officer, Abu Mosa.  Mosa was killed and became part of a propaganda campaign against ISIS by the U.S. Department of State.

     So yeah, you would have to be blind not to see that Senator McCain was part of the ideological team compromised of Hilly Clinton, Samantha Power, Susan Rice and President nObama.  This team not only destroyed Libya, they ushered in the Islamic State (ISIS).

McCain is part of the team and also part of the problem.

     This is why Qatar spends money to support John McCain, and why McCain hired Elizabeth O’Bagy.

     Now the Coptic Christians in Libya are paying the price…. and the only hope for punishment or push back against them is going to come from Egypt’s President Fattah al-Sisi, who, it must be noted, is NOT considered an ally of the U.S. nObama administration because al-Sisi has been fighting the Muslim Brotherhood and President nObama supports the Brotherhood.

Go figure.


Read more…

Friday Morning - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Are We Seeing History Repeat Itself?
Alan Caruba
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"

 Thank Goodness There Has Never Been a Scandal With nObama 
Look who suspended his subscription to The New York Times. When speaking at the University of Chicago Institute of Politics, Barack nObama's former adviser David Axelrod told the audience that nObama is an ethical man. An audience member had asked about the culture of lobbying in Washington, bringing up "This Town," a book by New York Times reporter Mark Leibovich that asserts the nObama administration failed to keep its promise to stay above the political fray. Axelrod said no, that was not the case. nObama is an ethical man, and there are rules in place to prevent that sort of thing. He continued, "And I'm proud of the fact that basically you have had an administration in this place for six years in which there hasn't been a major scandal. And I think that says a lot about the ethical strictures of this administration." No major scandal? Just today, New York Times investigative reporter James Risen promised to spend the rest of his life fighting to take back the freedom of the press nObama and Eric Holder destroyed. Let's not mention Benghazi, Fast and Furious and the IRS. No, according to Axelrod, there is no scandal. nObama is an ethical man. More...  -The Patriot Post 
 EPA's New Regulations Will Cost Jobs  
Whatever modest gains Barack nObama can claim in job creation, his EPA will strip away in the next few years. A new study by the Heritage Foundation finds that every state in the union will "experience overwhelmingly negative impacts" from the Environmental Protection Agency's push to regulate coal plants and motor vehicles. By 2030, the U.S. may lose a half a million jobs in the manufacturing sector and 45% of the jobs in the coal mining industry. But the EPA justifies its ecofascist decrees by saying the private sector is already investing in green energy. "The energy sector sees the writing on the wall," Liz Purchia, EPA press secretary, told the Daily Signal. "Businesses like Spectra Energy are investing billions in clean energy. And utilities like Exelon and Entergy are weaving climate considerations into business plans. This means more jobs, not less. We'll need thousands of American workers, in construction, transmission, and more, to make cleaner power a reality." What Purchia chalks up to be free market entrepreneurialism is more likely big business chasing government subsidies. Or they see the agenda the EPA has set since the 70s and plan accordingly.  -The Patriot Post 
 Separation of Church and nObamaCare  
Leftists are always eager to relegate faith to one's private life and keep church and state entirely separate. Until they're not. Any time they want to advocate wealth redistribution, same-sex marriage or even killing babies, they point to the Bible and say, "See, there's a verse about _____." Naturally, such exegesis is usually out of context or misapplied. Their latest Bible-thumping involves nObamaCare enrollment. Jeryl Bier of The Weekly Standard notes, "In an effort to sign up as many consumers as possible for insurance under the Affordable Care Act (or nObamacare), the nObama administration has gone to extraordinary lengths to partner with churches and other faith-based groups, even publishing sample church bulletin inserts, flyers, and scripts for announcements, as well as 'talking points.' These materials are part of the 'Second Sunday & Faith Weekend of Action Toolkit,' which is available on the website of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)." It goes so far in one instance as to cite I Corinthians 6:19, which says, "Your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit" -- and therefore you "must be insured." Good heavens, the hypocrisy! The party of "keep your laws off my body" is now misquoting Scripture to spiritualize a government mandate to buy insurance.  -The Patriot Post 
 How nObama Debt Ranks as Share of GDP  
Last fall, Barack nObama, who has already accumulated a staggering $7 trillion in debt, said, "All kinds of good stuff is happening. I mean, we have cut our deficit by more than half." Well, gee, that's great. Except it's egregiously deceiving. Most people interpret his statement to mean America's $18 trillion debt is now less than $9 trillion. What he actually means is that the amount of money perpetually added to the national debt has, at least temporarily, been slashed in half. Rather than $1 trillion in annual deficit spending, it's now only short of $500 billion. But how does public debt under nObama compare to previous administrations as a share of GDP? The Washington Examiner compiled a handy graph, which shows nObama comes second only to Franklin D. Roosevelt, whose ranking was largely driven by World War II. With public debt at 74.1% of GDP, nObama makes George W. Bush's 39.3% look relatively meager. In fairness, "Presidents do not have full control over the federal budget, so they don't deserve full responsibility for debt levels when they leave office," the Examiner's Jason Russell observes. Nevertheless, he continues, "[T]he veto pen is a major tool in budget debates, and the president deserves more credit or blame than any other individual." And just imagine the figure if nObama always got his way -- like his $4 trillion budget proposal. More...  -The Patriot Post 
 Beware the Flintlock Gangs of New Jersey  
New Jersey is throwing the book at retired teacher Gordon van Gilder. During a recent traffic stop, Gilder told the police officer searching his car that he had a pistol in the glove compartment of his vehicle -- an unloaded flintlock manufactured in the mid-1700s. The next day, the police department showed up at Gilder's home in force and arrested him. Now, Gilder faces a 10-year sentence in New Jersey state prison because, unlike federal law, the state makes no distinction between an antique firearm and a Saturday night special. Gilder promises to fight, saying the law is unjust. But in the meantime, he warns, "Beware of New Jersey. Don't come here. Don't live here." It's a gun law so unfair gun-grabber Michael Bloomberg should get behind its repeal. After all, he only wants to get guns out of the hands of young black and Hispanic males. As Gilder said, flintlocks are not exactly gangland's weapons of choice.   -The Patriot Post 
 Like nObamacare? You Will Love nObamaNet  
(Deroy Murdock) - In his relentless drive to leave no aspect of American life unmolested, nObama’s next stop is cyberspace. Having “reformed” U.S. medicine, nObama now aims to “repair” the World Wide Web. If you like nObamacare, you will love nObamaNet...On February 26, the Federal Communications Commission will vote on a “net neutrality” proposal to regulate broadband networks as if they were telephone monopolies from the days when copper wire was high tech. nObamaNet would let Uncle Sam intervene in the price, product-innovation, and capacity decisions of Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Net neutrality? Let’s call it net brutality.
 Top general: 'Islamists embedded in White House?'  
Greg Corombos) - In the wake of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, beheading 21 Coptic Christians in Libya, retired U.S. Air Force Gen. Tom McInerney is slamming the nObama administration for failing to take obvious military steps to destroy the terrorists...and identify radical Islam as the motivating factor for the atrocities committed throughout the region. McInerney is a Vietnam veteran and rose to the No. 3 position in the Air Force during his career in uniform. He is now a Fox News military analyst. “I think the air campaign is not nearly the intensity we needed,” McInerney said. “It’s not even an air campaign. It’s somewhere between seven and 15 sorties a day when we absolutely need upward of 100-200 sorties a day. I’m calling for 200. We need to be attacking the ISIS capital of Raqqa (Syria) 24/7. We need to close the highway between Raqqa and Mosul, Iraq.”
 Intel: ISIS planning attacks on U.S. soil  
(Aaron Klein) - Interrogations of ISIS members captured in recent weeks in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula Egyptian and information collected by Egyptian security forces indicate ISIS is planning ground offensives this spring and summer,,,aimed at taking over more territory across the Middle Eastern and Persian Gulf, a senior Egyptian intelligence official told WND. Some of the information indicates the new offensive will not be limited to the Arab world. Timed to coincide with its planned surge, ISIS is plotting possible attacks using cells abroad. ISIS and its jihadist allies could activate cells to carry attacks in Europe and possibly within the U.S., the senior Egyptian official warned.
 nObama’s Dumb Capital Gains Plan Is Going Nowhere  
(Chris Edwards) - nObama’s worst idea is raising the top capital gains tax rate from 24 to 28 percent, which would come on top of his previous increase from 15 percent...Low capital gains tax rates are not some sort of unjustified loophole. We’ve had reduced rates virtually the entire time we’ve had an income tax, and for very good reasons. Low capital gains rates are crucially important for spurring entrepreneurship, investment, and growth. Recognizing that, nearly every other high-income nation has reduced capital gains tax rates. The average top long-term rate in the 34 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) nations is just 18 percent, according to Tax Foundation. By contrast, the U.S. rate, including both federal and state taxes, would jump to 32 percent under the Obama plan — far higher than the rate in most other nations. “The plan outlined in his State of the Union address is anti-growth, anti-savings, and pro-complexity.”
 nObama’s Anti-Netanyahu Boycott Is Collapsing  
(Moshe Phillips and Benyamin Korn) - The final numbers are not yet in, but it seems clear that the White House-orchestrated campaign to boycott Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress is collapsing...Despite two weeks of intense anti-Netanyahu leaks, insults, and pressure, the White House has so far succeeded in persuading only a handful of Democratic members of Congress to stay away from the speech. A grand total of two Senators and twelve Representatives have publicly announced that they are boycotting Israel’s prime minister. Assuming that those figures change only marginally in the days ahead, it will mean that 98% of the Senate and 95% of the House of Representatives will be in attendance.
 Turkey's Davutoglu Still Wants a "New Middle East"  
(Burak Bekdil) - When, in a recent speech, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu pledged to defend all faiths, "even Buddhism," a Buddhist friend sent a message saying, "I understand we were wrong to feel safe from the wrath of Turkish Islamists' Sunni supremacy...Judging from how they wanted to crush every other faith, including different disciples of Islam, while faking to respect them I now worry about the Buddhist faith." Echoing the Buddhist friend's fear and commenting on Davutoglu's most recent remarks on the making of a new Middle East, an EU ambassador told this author in a telephone conversation: "I think we should be worried again." Fresh in the job but apparently full of hope, then foreign minister Davutoglu said in an October 2009 speech in Sarajevo: "As in the 16th Century, when the Ottoman Balkans were rising, we will once again make the Balkans, the Caucasus and the Middle East, together with Turkey, the centre of world politics in the future. That is the goal of Turkish foreign policy and we will achieve it."
A state of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il
 The Silent Scream of the North Koreans  
(ETHAN EPSTEIN) - Tuesday marked the one-year anniversary of the release of a United Nations’s Commission on Inquiry’s report on human rights in North Korea. The U.N. report laid out, in devastating detail, what we’ve known for all too long...Kim Jong-un’s dictatorship is the Westboro Baptist Church of regimes – almost comically evil. The regime’s “systematic, widespread and grave violations of human rights,” the report found, “entail extermination, murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape, forced abortions and other sexual violence, persecution on political, religious, racial and gender grounds, the forcible transfer of populations, the enforced disappearance of persons and the inhumane act of knowingly causing prolonged starvation.” And while 25,000 North Koreans have escaped to South Korea, and perhaps 200,000 North Koreans are in hiding in China, some 25 million North Koreans continue to suffer in silence, unable to communicate to the outside world because of their enslavement at the hands of their government.
 Foreign Donations to Clinton Foundation 'Unethical  
(DANIEL HALPER) - Liberal commentator Juan Williams called the foreign donations to the Bill, Hilly, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation "rank influence peddling" and "unethical" in remarks today on Fox News...Williams pointed out, Hilly Clinton is being asked about her position on the Keystone XL pipeline at the same time she's accepting money from the company that wants to build the company. The Wall Street Journal, which broke the story, has more details on the foreign donations:
 WATCH Defeat Jihad Summit  
( - This is the entire six-hour long “Defeat Jihad Summit” video. I highly recommend it. If you would like to watch individual segments, subscribe to the securefreedom YouTube channel and peruse the videos there...This invitation-only event will be conducted in a roundtable discussion format involving some 35 distinguished counter-jihadists. Among the eminent participants will be: Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, former U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, Representatives Steven King and Mike Pompeo, Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders, Danish free speech advocate Lars Hedegaard and Britain’s Lord Malcolm Pearson.
Are We Seeing History Repeat Itself?
Alan Caruba
     ( - “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it” is the famed quote of George Santayana, a Spanish philosopher (1863-1952).  I am beginning to think that the world is making its way toward a future that repeats the horrors of the last century’s wars and earlier times when Europeans battled Islam to free Jerusalem, to protect their homelands in Europe, and to eject Muslims from Spain.

Islam%2Bas%2BDominate.jpg     In his book, “Jihad in the West: Muslim Conquests from the 7th to the 21st Centuries” historian Paul Fregosi documented the history of Islam and its attacks on European nations, characterizing jihad as “essentially a permanent state of hostility that Islam maintains against the rest of the world.” It is a Muslim sacrament, a duty they must perform.

     Occurring at the same time is the agenda of the global environmental movement and on February 4 Christina Figueres, the executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, said “This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves; which is to intentionally transform the economic development model, for the first time in human history."

     "This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for the, at least, 150 years, since the industrial revolution.” 

Communism%2Bin%2B20th%2BCentury.jpg     Figueres was wrong. The objective of the 1917 Communist revolution that began in Russia and Mao’s “Great Leap Forward”
(1958-1961) was the same that is now being openly embraced by the United Nations in 2015. The result of both was the death of millions.

     Humanity is under attack from an Islam that intends to impose its barbaric seventh century Sharia law and from the environmental movement’s intention to end capitalism and replace it with the income distribution central to Communism.

Both spell a terrible future for the people of the world.

     The President of the United States is devoted to pursuing both of these goals as the defender of Islam and the opponent of “income inequality.”  We have twenty-two months to survive Barack nObama’s remaining time in office.

     nObama was first elected on the promise to end the U.S. engagement in conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. After many years Americans welcomed the prospect of ceasing the loss of lives and billions those wars represented. With the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS) they are now seeing the true price of that policy. Just because we don’t want to fight a war doesn’t mean our enemy will cease to pursue it.

     We are at a critical moment in time because it is evident that nObama wants to provide Iran the opportunity to build its own nuclear weapons arsenal. It is a time as well when the military capability of the U.S. has been diminished to what existed before the beginning of World War II. All of Europe and much of Asia would have fallen under the control of Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan if the U.S. had not stepped up to the task of defeating them.

     Relentlessly, nObama has done everything he can to reduce the size of our military fighting force and the ships, planes and other weapons needed to protect our security or support that of our allies. He has withdrawn the U.S. from its position of global leadership and left behind allies that no longer trust us and enemies who no longer fear us.

     Raymond Ibrahim of the Middle East Forum wrote on February 5 that “approximately 100 million Christians around the world are experiencing the persecution by Muslims of all races, nationalities, and socio-political circumstances.”
     At the same time, we are witnessing a new exodus of Jews from Europe, mindful of the Holocaust in the 1940s.  According to the Pew Research Center, as of 2013 the Jewish population worldwide was approximately 14 million. Just over 6 million reside in Israel, another 6 million are U.S. citizens, and the rest are in Europe and elsewhere around the world. What has not changed from the last century, however, is the level of anti-Semitism and it appears to be on the rise.

     What we are witnessing is a full-scale attack on the West—Christianity and Judaism—and upon Western values of morality, democracy, and freedom.

     Whether it will erupt in a new world war is unknown, but if history is a guide, we are moving in that direction.
Read more…

Thursday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

  The Front Page Cover 
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Walker Would School Them All
Tom McLaughlin
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"

 Judge Blocks nObama's Immigration Orders -- For Now  
In response to a suit by 26 states to stop Barack nObama's unconstitutional move on immigration, a federal judge issued an injunction, temporarily halting the federal government's implementation of those immigration fiats. U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen blocked nObama's orders because they would allow immigrants to collect benefits and thus burden the states. Texas Governor Gregg Abbott, who led the states in the suit, said of the ruling, "nObama abdicated his responsibility to uphold the United States Constitution when he attempted to circumvent the laws passed by Congress via executive fiat, and Judge Hanen's decision rightly stops the president's overreach in its tracks." Don't expect the feds to give up easily, as nObama's spokesman Josh Earnest said the Supreme Court already gave the executive branch power to prioritize enforcement, and the Department of Justice will appeal Hanen's decision. National Review's Patrick Brennan says this victory may be temporary, as the rest of the court system tends to be neutral or favor nObama on separation of powers issues. But for now, nObama's decrees are blocked, even if it took half of the state governments and the court system to do it. More...   -The Patriot Post  
 Anyone Think Illegals Voting Will Tip Elections? 
Ohio Secretary of State John Husted told Congress last week that Barack nObama's amnesty is going to add millions of illegals to the voter rolls. That's because nObama's move makes it possible for illegals to obtain Social Security numbers, while several states issue them driver's licenses. "These are the same documents that federal law requires the states to recognize as valid forms of identification for voter registration," Husted warned. "There is no way for us to validate [U.S. citizenship], since under the executive actions previously undocumented non-citizens will have access to the same documents as U.S. citizens." Of course, nObama's intent was to build an enduring Democrat base of new voters who owe him and his party their allegiance. Investor's Business Daily
wonders, "What kind of country is it that lets those who are not citizens decide who governs those who are? If any foreigner can now vote here, is the United States even a country anymore? If Congress doesn't stop it soon, de facto enfranchising of illegals will be our road to ruin." It will certainly tip elections. As Husted testified, in just the last 15 months, some 70 Ohio elections were either tied or decided by a single vote. And the 2000 presidential election was decided by 537 votes in Florida. Now send millions of illegals to the voting booth.   -The Patriot Post  
 What if Christians Beheaded Muslims?  
The Rev. Franklin Graham asked a poignant question following the brutal beheading of 21 Coptic Christians in Libya: What would public reaction be if roles were reversed? "The militant Islamic terrorist group ISIS has released a video called A MESSAGE SIGNED WITH BLOOD TO THE NATION OF THE CROSS showing the beheadings of the 21 Egyptian Christians who had been kidnapped in Libya," Franklin wrote. "Can you imagine the outcry if 21 Muslims had been beheaded by Christians? Where is the universal condemnation by Muslim leaders around the world? As we mourn with the families of those 21 martyrs, we'd better take this warning seriously as these acts of terror will only spread throughout Europe and the United States. ... The storm is coming." Remember, Barack nObama's White House statement on the beheadings didn't even mention the victims were Christians.   -The Patriot Post  
 Jobs for Jihadistan?  
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. That's the policy of Barack nObama's administration, especially when it comes to denying the reality of Islamic fascism. State Department spokesperson Marie Harf is the latest to explain their alternate reality. "We're killing a lot of them [ISIL fighters] and we're going to keep killing more of them. So are the Egyptians, so are the Jordanians. They're in this fight with us," she said. "But we cannot win this war by killing them. We cannot kill our way out of this war." On the contrary, wars are won by killing the enemy until they surrender. But Harf wasn't done with her illusion. She blamed the rise of ISIL on -- wait for it -- the lack of economic opportunity. "We need in the medium to longer term to go after the root causes that lead people to join these groups, [including the] lack of opportunity for jobs," she pontificated. "We can work with countries around the world to help improve their governance. We can help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people." In a better world, the U.S. would be fighting evil instead of excusing it, and people like Marie Harf would be looking for "job opportunities" in the private sector.   -The Patriot Post 
 Look Who Wants to Avoid nObamaCare Penalties  
About four million Americans are going to get hit with IRS fines for not having health insurance this tax season, and congressional Democrats have taken it upon themselves to stop such a travesty. Democrat representatives Sander Levin, Jim McDermott and Lloyd Doggett told the Associated Press they are concerned about the law they passed in 2009 because their constituents may have their tax returns gouged hundreds of dollars by the IRS. Furthermore, nine senators sent a letter to the Department of Health and Human Services advocating the department to open a special enrollment period. Rush Limbaugh weighed in on the Democrat's strategy on Feb. 16 when he said, "Here we have congressional Democrats acting like they had nothing to do with this law, that their voters are a bunch of victims of something. ... This situation exists because the Democrat Party gave us this bill. The Democrat Party and the Democrat Party alone gave us nObamaCare. There wasn't a single Republican vote for it." The Left wants a nanny state utopia but they don't like the harsh reality that government is an iron rod that will bend subjects to its will. So they will continue to patch nObamaCare every couple years and throw hundreds of millions of dollars at a website on life support in an effort to keep their statist dream alive. More...   -The Patriot Post  
 Egypt's Sissi Seeks UN Mandate for Broad Intervention in Libya  
( - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi has called on the U.N. Security Council Tuesday to adopt a resolution calling for international military intervention in Libya following the beheading of 21 Egyptian Copts in Libya by Islamic State militants... "What happened is a hateful crime against humanity, not only against Egyptians," el-Sissi told France's Europe 1 radio a day after his forces retaliated against the killings by launching airstrikes against what Cairo said were Islamic State militants in eastern Libya. "There is no other choice, taking into account the agreement of the Libyan people and government and that they call on us to act," he said of the need for intervention.
 ISIS reportedly burn to death 45 people  
( - Islamic State militants reportedly have burned to death 45 people in the western Iraqi town of al-Baghdadi on Tuesday, just five miles away from an air base staffed by hundreds of U.S. Marines...The identities of the victims are not clear, the local police chief told the BBC, but some are believed to be among the security forces that have been clashing with ISIS for control of the town. ISIS fighters reportedly captured most of the town last week. Obeidi, pleading for help from the Iraqi government and international community, said a compound that houses families of security personnel and officials is now under siege. A week goes without hearing about burning people to death and what is nObama doing, he is playing golf.
 America is committing government-assisted suicide  
(Lawrence Sellin PhD) - The United States is under direct and sustained attack by the combined forces of the tyrannical far left and radical Islam, punctuated by humiliation abroad and despair at home...We are losing because unlike Walter Mitty, whose delusions were confined to his own head, Barack nObama has been permitted to play out his most destructive leftist and pro-Islamic fantasies in real-time from the most powerful office on the planet. nObama behaves like a dictator not just because he is a narcissist, but because his political beliefs are, at their core, authoritarian. He represents a perfect anti-American storm, the amalgamation of twin totalitarian ideologies, Marxist-Leninism and Islamic extremism, both dedicated to the destruction of Judeo-Christian civilization.
 Joe Klein: nObama’s ‘Slow-Walking Aid to the al Sisi Government’  
(nicedeb) - Joe Klein on Morning Joe this morning said the nObama administration is “slow-walking aid to the al-Sisi government.”...The reason why the Regime is stiffing our ally in the fight against ISIS, Klein explained, is because the  al Sisi government came to power by overthrowing the nObama favored Muslim Brotherhood. “I think it comes from the NSC – which is pretty weak – and also there are a group of people both at the State Dept and the NSC who are – um – who are…*humanitarians and human rights advocates,” Klein explained.
An entrance at Fort Carson, Colorado. (Defense Department photo)
 Fort Carson Unit Headed to Possible Showdown with Islamic State  
(Tom Roeder) - As Congress mulls America's war with the Islamic State terror group, more than 4,000 Fort Carson soldiers prepared Thursday to leave Colorado for Kuwait, where they will take over as America's largest ground force in the troubled region...The 3rd Brigade Combat Team bid farewell to the post in a ceremony and will head off soon to serve as U.S. Central Command's Reserve force in the Middle East - the first soldiers into battle if a major combat force is used to battle Islamic State fighters.
 nObama Admin Discouraging Egyptian Airstrikes Against ISIS in Libya  
(nicedeb) - One of the bright spots in the Middle East right now is Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi who in an important speech on January 1, called for religious reformation of the Muslim faith...So we have a strong potential ally in al Sisi, launching a military operation against (one would think) our common enemy ISIS/Daesh in Libya to avenge the deaths of 21 Egyptians who were not Muslims – but Coptic Christians. You would think that the United States would be embracing this important ally in the war against Islamic Terror. But you would (of course) be wrong.
 The Democratic case for Impeachment  
(Derrick Wilburn) - With each new extra-constitutional action taken by President nObama (they’re slowly becoming too numerous to count) a chorus of impeachment talk inevitably rises then just as inevitably fades...Conventional wisdom is that hardline establishment Republicans or Tea Party-backed hyper-partisans would be the ones to lead the impeachment charge. But in this case, conventional wisdom is flawed. The ones who ought to be doing any and everything within their power to impeach and remove this president are our nation’s Democrats! Barack nObama is doing damage to the Democrat Party that, while not irreparable, may well take decades if not longer to recover from. Not just on Capitol Hill -- from Canada to Mexico, Atlantic to Pacific, governor’s mansions to local school boards Obama is obliterating Democrats everywhere.
UN “Peace” Forces in Haiti Prey on Civilians, Children
 UN “Peace” Forces in Haiti Prey on Civilians, Children  
(Alex Newman) - Rather than protecting local civilians, United Nations “peacekeeping” forces in Haiti are behaving as ruthless predators that systematically prey on Haitians, raping and sexually abusing even children with impunity, according to a new report detailing the horrors...Instead of dealing with the ghastly and systemic abuses perpetrated under its latest decade-long occupation, UN military officials seek to cover it up and even retaliate against whistleblowers. On top of that, the global outfit’s “peace” armies have been spreading deadly diseases among the traumatized population — particularly cholera, which has killed almost 10,000 Haitians so far. All the while, the UN continues to avoid any semblance of accountability under the guise of “immunity.” America should kick them out of the NY and stop all funds.
063 luis the roach gutierrez 940
 Fundamental Transformation Hits A Snag  
(Rick Wells) - In the case of their assault on United States, it is necessary for the Marxists to import much of their revolutionaries from Mexico and Central America...In order to create a sufficient level of dissent and agitation, they must both lower our standard of living and increase the number of unskilled militant revolutionary workers, their “downtrodden immigrants.” That’s where Luis the Roach and amnesty come in. They were originally, so they claim, expecting to be conducting another of their pep rallies in support of commandeering undeserved rights in the name of “fairness.” A change of topic was in order when Judge Hanen dropped something distasteful into their political punch bowl.
 How Many Marines Would Take to Take Down All Of ISIS  
(Reid Mene) - Former U.S. Navy Seal and author of ‘Lone Survivor” Marcus Lutrell, recently appeared on Fox and Friends to discuss how 300 marines could take down all of ISIS...His advice: to unshackle our troops and let them do what Marines do best – fight. The map below shows the spread of the terrorist organization throughout the Middle East. Lutrell points out that Al-Asad Air Base, which houses 300 Marines, is just five miles from terrorist-controlled al-Baghdadi and at the heart of the conflict in Iraq.

Walker Would School Them All
Tom McLaughlin
     I was a teacher. Still am, some say. Two comments last week from web sites on which my column runs claimed that I was educating them — and if they say so, then it’s true. What I wrote informed them about something or helped them see something in another light. For that, I’m glad. Some teachers say they're educators, but I always thought of myself as a teacher.
     Was I in the education business? No, because education is not a business, not in the public schools in which I spent 34 years. If it were, it would be more effective, but it’s a union-controlled institution with the inherent inertia too many such institutions possess. Businesses have to remain competitive but government institutions do not. Neither do they have to be accountable, because they’re not elected; they’re funded by taxpayers in an indirect way. Educational institutions like public schools and colleges suffer from the same inertia objects do as observed by Isaac Newton: they have a tendency to remain at rest until acted upon by an outside force. They need to be shaken up if they’re ever going to change.
     What might accomplish that? Competition, that’s what — in the form of vouchers. If parents could have a choice about where they sent their children to school, including the choice of private and religious schools, and get just half of what public schools would spend to teach a child year to year, it would revolutionize education at the elementary and secondary level.
     Many are coming to believe lately that a college education has been way oversold. Parents with a child living in their basement after graduation, saddled with tens of thousands in student loan debt, and no way to pay them because he has no job, are doubting its value. So are the graduates themselves. What is a college degree worth? Depends on that the major was. If it was engineering, medicine, or one of the other hard sciences, it might be worth something. If it was in something like art history? Gender studies? They’re unproductive. There’s no market, unless it’s to teach in the gender studies or the art history department at Liberal U.
     When I decided to become a teacher, I had to go back to college after I had dropped out for two years to do things that were more interesting. After I went back it took me another year and a half for a BS, then two more years for an M. Ed. Did those degrees prepare me to teach? Not really, no. For the BS (aptly named, that) I had to do six weeks of student teaching. That prepared me, but none of the education courses I took along with it did, and I took dozens. The states of Maine and Massachusetts required that I get those degrees to license me, but I’d have been better off learning more about the subjects I taught. I became a better teacher after years of doing it, not studying to do it.


Wisconsin teachers called in sick to protest Walker

     As conservative Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s presidential poll numbers have climbed, liberal media drones have zeroed in on his having dropped out of Marquette University in his senior year to accept a job. “What?” they exclaimed. “He doesn’t have a college degree? And he’s running for president? Is he smart enough to be president?” He got elected governor in 2010. He fought off government unions, the media, and the entire Democrat political machine in a 2012 recall election, then was officially reelected in 2014 — and all that while actually governing effectively in a very liberal state.


     Our media elite, however, still question his intelligence because he’s a conservative and a Christian. To them, believing in Jesus Christ is akin to believing in the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny, so he must be a moron. One asked Walker if he believed in evolution. They think anyone who professes belief in Christianity is convinced the earth was created 6000 years ago. In one week, they’ve put more effort into scrutinizing Scott Walker’s college records than they’ve put into President nObama’s over the past eight years. Why, for instance, did nObama seal his college records? What is he hiding? Liberal media elitists don’t want to know.


     To be a teacher, one must first have learned, and learning should never stop during any teacher’s lifetime. There are many paths to knowledge and college is only one — probably not the best one either if nObama’s tenure as president is any guide.


     At least two of our best presidents, Abraham Lincoln and Harry Truman, did not have college degrees. Neither does Bill Gates, so don’t worry about Scott Walker. If he’s elected president, he’ll do just fine, especially compared to the community organizer he will have succeeded.

Read more…

Thursday Morning - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
The Worst U.S. President Ever!
Alan Caruba
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
Republican leaders are feeling bullish about their chances of getting Democrats in the Senate to back off their filibuster of a funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security. And while the next 10 days will bring plenty of drama in the fight to roll back President nObama’s temporary executive amnesty for illegal immigrants, the hardline approach is good news for at least one Republican presidential hopeful: Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. Cruz, who has also continued to add key staff members and build out what might be a formidable fundraising machine, seems to have so far avoided a shooting war with his own party on the issue. That truce has helped the conservative favorite move to his highest ranking yet in the Fox News First 2016 GOP Power Index. And making his debut on the list is Gov. John Kasich, R-Ohio, another fiscal hawk. He will make his first visit to the early primary state of South Carolina on Wednesday. [And before you tell us why Kasich can’t win, we would offer you this riddle: What’s round on both ends and “hi” in the middle… and is the most important state every presidential election?]
  -Fox News 
 Ukraine:   Ukrainian and rebel sources agree that the new ceasefire is holding in most regions. Both also agree that fighting continues for control of the Debal'tseve pocket. Eduard Basurin, spokesman for the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) said that the situation was calm during the night and that it is calm in the southern and in the northern regions. "The ceasefire is largely observed, but the enemy artillery is shelling our positions near Debal'tseve..." The leader of the DPR, Oleksandr Zacharchenko, said, "The cease-fire regime applies to the Debal'tseve area as well. A group of several thousand Ukrainian troops remains blockaded in this area. All Ukrainian servicemen in Debal'tseve and the adjacent population centers must leave the city without weapons or equipment." He said that any attempts to break through onto Ukrainian territory or to storm the DPR's positions in that area would be cut short. "We are calling on Kyiv to strictly abide by all the clauses of the Minsk agreements dated 12 February 2015," Zakharchenko said. A Ukrainian spokesman said rebel shelling intensified during the afternoon and the evening of the 15th. He confirmed that Debal'tseve is the hot spot which was shelled 32 times. He claimed to have intelligence that the rebels still intended to capture Debal'tseve.

Update on monitoring. On 15 February, the contact group for implementing the package of measures in the Minsk agreement and representatives of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine met and decided on a mechanism to ensure the safety of movement of the OSCE mission on the territory of the DPR. DPR police officer will be their escorts, but no other details were disclosed. The announcement indicated the monitoring operation will begin on 16 February. Ukrainian rebels denied OSCE monitors access to Debal'tseve. The local rebels said the ceasefire did not apply to that region. The OCE mission chief said Debal'tseve and Luhansk were the areas where worst fighting continued.
Comment: Some DPR rebels said the ceasefire does not apply to Debal'tseve. Their leader seems to believe it applies and requires the Ukrainians to evacuate the Debal'tseve pocket and to surrender their weapons. Either interpretation signifies that fighting and shelling will continue in the Debal'tseve area. Press reports and public statements indicate that none of the four heads of government signed the Minsk agreement. Lower level officials signed the documents, including a representative from the rebel region. The agreement appears to be a compendium of unfinished business from last September's Minsk accord. One knowledgeable analyst described the agreement as a "to-do list." It seems to be a technical experts' plan to implement a general accord among the principals. In this case the leaders of the four powers only agreed verbally to respect Ukraine's integrity and that the fighting should stop. They signed no document, which means the principals did not agree on the meaning of those two terms as they apply to Ukraine. The technical experts have no authoritative documentary reference to guide their work.  -NightWatch 
 Bahrain-Jordan:   Bahrain will support Jordan in fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), Bahrain's News Agency (BNA) reported on Sunday. BNA also reported that a group of Bahraini Royal Air Force fighter jets had arrived in Jordan. The agency said the move was part Bahrain's commitment to "the efforts of the International Coalition to eradicate terrorism."
Comment: The monarchies are hanging together in fighting "terrorists."   -NightWatch 

 Yemen: Update.   Italy, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar evacuated their embassies since Friday. Press services reported thousands of Yemenis participated in anti-Houthi protests on Saturday and Sunday. In a clash in al-Bayda Governate on the 14th, 16 Houthis and 10 Sunni tribesmen and militants died. Houthi militiamen also fired on a crowd of protestors in Ibb.

UN. On 15 February, the UN Security Council approved a resolution demanding that the Houthis immediately and unconditionally withdraw forces from government institutions and engage in good faith UN-led peace talks.
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and Egypt. On the 14th, the foreign ministers of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and the United Arab Emirates) warned Yemen that the members would take whatever action they deemed necessary to maintain regional security and stability, if the UN failed to approve the use of force against the Shia rebels.
Comment: The UN did not approve the use of force, which leaves the burden of taking action on the GCC members. There are numerous rumors about intervention in Yemen, most of which are not credible. One that seems credible is that Egypt and Saudi Arabia are cooperating militarily to ensure the Houthis do not interfere with maritime traffic in the Red Sea.  -NightWatch 

 Nigeria-Boko Haram:   On the 14th, Boko Haram fighters traveling in a convoy of 24 Toyota Hilux vans attacked the northeastern town of Gombe, the capital of Gombe State. Nigerian troops, with combat air support, beat back the attack. Local residents told the press that Boko Haram fighters warned them against voting in next month's elections. No official source commented on casualties. On Sunday, 15 February a female suicide bomber killed at least 10 people and injured 30 when she blew herself up at a bus station in Damaturu in Yobe State. An angry mob prevented rescue workers from evacuating the remains of the bomber and set her body parts on fire.

Comment: The two Nigerian attacks and some minor attacks last week are the first significant terrorist actions west of Maiduguri in Borno State since late January. The attack at Gombe was a serious attempt to take over the town, but the convoy attacked two villages on the way to Gombe, thereby giving the Nigerian forces warning of an imminent attack in time to react.
Questions for the Readers: Where did Boko Haram get the vans and the supplies to keep them operational? Who holds the Toyota franchise? Boko Haram groups appear to be trying to relieve pressure on fighting groups in the far northeast by staging attacks in adjoining states. If that is an accurate hypothesis, it would mean that Boko Haram's command and control capabilities are significant in an area where cell phone use is said to be sparse.  -NightWatch 
 C.I.A. Is Said to Have Bought and Destroyed Iraqi Chemical Weapons  
(C. J. CHIVERS and ERIC SCHMITT) - The Central Intelligence Agency, working with American troops during the occupation of Iraq, repeatedly purchased nerve-agent rockets from a secretive Iraqi seller...part of a previously undisclosed effort to ensure that old chemical weapons remaining in Iraq did not fall into the hands of terrorists or militant groups, according to current and former American officials. The extraordinary arms purchase plan, known as Operation Avarice, began in 2005 and continued into 2006, and the American military deemed it a nonproliferation success. It led to the United States’ acquiring and destroying at least 400 Borak rockets, one of the internationally condemned chemical weapons that Saddam Hussein’s Baathist government manufactured in the 1980s but that were not accounted for by United Nations inspections mandated after the 1991 Persian Gulf war. Yet another example of how right Bush was about MND’s in Iraq. Not sure why they kept this secret. Must have been some worry about the outstanding WMD’s still in Iraq.
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 ISIS Is Nazi Genocide, Islamic Supremacists Killing Christians  
(Rick Wells) - Charles Krauthammer speaks to the failure of Hussein nObama to properly address the threat that is presented to the world by ISIS and Islamic terrorism...He’s asked if language matters, to which he replies, “Of course it does, it defines the conflict. Churchill saved England and civilization because in 1940 he was able to enlist the English language and he put it to work on behalf of civilization. What this administration is doing is precisely the opposite. It’s sort of deconstructing any resistance with its refusal to acknowledge the obvious.”
 Federal judge halts nObama's amnesty orders  
(Bob Unruh) - A federal judge in Texas on Monday granted a temporary injunction halting President nObama’s executive-order driven amnesty program...The ruling from U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen ordered the government not to proceed with any portion of the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents, DAPA. In his order the federal judge said the court found “that at least one plaintiff has satisfied all the necessary elements to maintain a lawsuit and to obtain a temporary injunction.”
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 Barbarians Are At The Gates – Oliver North Finger-Points nObama  
(Rick Wells) - Oliver North has had enough with the occupant of the White House and what is at best his pacifist, terrorist enabling, cowardice...He references the title of the video of 21 Christians being decapitated by ISIS, “Taking the Fight to the Land of the Cross,” saying “The barbarians are at the gates.” He notes that Pope Francis has recognized that these people were murdered only because they were Christians but that the White House refers to them only as “Egyptian civilians.” He points out that President el-Sisi of Egypt asked for targeting help prior to their strikes and was denied, just as King Abdullah ll of Jordan and the Kurds have been refused. He says, “The Italians are now looking at this as a “literally existential threat to Western ideals, values, the Judeo-Christian system under which we’ve existed for 2,000 years.” Impeach him now or he will continue what he is doing.
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 U.S.Afghan Embassy Another Tipping Domino In The nObama Strategy  
(Rick Wells) - Those in the know continue to come out in opposition to the posture and the methods being utilized or failing to be used in the so-called strategy being employed by Hussein nObama in fighting ISIS...General Paul Vallely and former Congressman Pete Hoekstra (R-MI) have received information that things are continuing to get worse for the good guys. General Vallely informs us that the American presence in Afghanistan has gone into a largely defensive, “behind the wire” mode, characterizing Afghanistan as a deep threat - high risk area. He says our forces are now being prohibited from taking any offensive actions, particularly in Kabul.
 nObama’s Failed Nuclear Policy and Khamenei’s Duplicity  
(Majid Rafizadeh) - President nObama and Secretary of State Hanoi John Kerry have significantly moved away from their original objectives on the nuclear talks aimed at resolving the Islamic Republic’s nuclear defiance and its threat to the region and world...The policy of the administration has changed frequently. The current agenda and policy of the nObama administration is to contain Iran’s nuclear program so that Iran’s ruling clerics will be one year away from obtaining nuclear bombs. Therefore, Iran can sign the final nuclear deal and the sanctions can be removed as long as Iran promises that it is one year away from becoming a nuclear state. This also means that Iran can decide to break out of the final nuclear agreement at anytime it desires.
 Make the ISIS Caliphate a Jihadist Kill Zone  
(Bruce Thornton) - President nObama’s proposed Authorization for the Use of Military Force against ISIS comes at a time when Iran and ISIS are fomenting disorder and destruction throughout the Middle East...Despite the enmity between these two species of jihadism, both pose serious threats to our interests and security and those of our allies in the region. The president’s stubborn refusal to strengthen his dubious negotiations with Iran by approving Congress’s more punishing sanctions, along with his pledge not to use force against the mullahs, is guaranteed to make Iran a nuclear power that will dominate the region. And nothing in the AUMF will achieve his alleged “core objective” to destroy ISIS. Quite the contrary–– it will squander an opportunity to concentrate and eliminate tens of thousands of jihadists.
 Lawmaker Produce a Conservative Alternative to nObama’s Budget  
(Melissa Quinn) - Conservatives are gearing up to draft their alternative to President nObama’s budget, and Rep. Marlin Stutzman, R-Ind., is the lawmaker behind the push...Republican Study Committee Chairman Bill Flores, R-Texas, tapped Stutzman to lead the group’s Budget and Spending Task Force, which will release a conservative alternative to the president’s budget toward the end of March. “The RSC budget that we’re going to work on will set a strong conservative tone not only for the House, but [for] Washington,” Stutzman told The Daily Signal. “We’re going to show we have major problems that need to be fixed, and we’re going to do it.”
 Blind Hate Drives   Islamists to   Absurdity - One is a jihadist movement that seeks global dominance, beheading journalists, throwing gay people off of rooftops and massacring any perceived foe which crosses its path on the way to restoring a grand Islamic state...The other is a sovereign state, a refuge for a people repeatedly targeted for annihilation throughout history. It also provides medical treatment for Syrians who have been victims of attacks from Islamic State terrorists and the Assad regime. Fighting for each apparently poses an equal threat. So says Hussam Ayloush, the Council on American-Islamic Relations' (CAIR) Los Angeles director. Speaking about efforts to "counter violent extremism" at the Islamic Center of Orange County last month, Ayloush said he resented the focus placed on the Muslim community:
 A History of Violence: Accusations But No Justice in Liberia  
(T. Christian Miller) - Christopher Vambo had been accused by Catholic church officials and others of being responsible for the 1992 murder of five American nuns...Prince Johnson had overseen the torture and death of Samuel Doe, the former president of Liberia. Neither man was ever charged or otherwise held responsible. Today, Johnson is a legislator in Liberia and Vambo is a security guard for one of the country’s largest communications firms. Frontline and ProPublica found both men and talked with them about their pasts and the elusive question of justice in Liberia.

The Worst U.S. President Ever!
Alan Caruba


President's Day - February 16, 2015

     ( - I won’t be around to see it, but I have little doubt that future historians and others will conclude that President Barack Hussein nObama was the worst President ever to serve in that office.

     The reason is simple enough. His decisions on domestic and foreign affairs have already demonstrated his astonishing incompetence. His major contribution may in fact be to ensure that the voters elect conservatives in the next two or more elections to come. If he is remembered for anything it well may be the emergence of the Tea Party movement whose influence has been seen over the course of two midterm elections.

     One cannot help but think of such things as President’s Day, February 16, reminds us of Washington and Lincoln, both of whom were born during this month. For most it is just a day on which there are a variety of sales pegged to it. For all of us, however, it acknowledges the two Presidents without whom there would not be a United States of America.
     Presidents Washington, Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt are routinely ranked at the top of the lists of those judged to have been of greatest service to the nation and, not incidentally, all three presided over wars that led to and maintained America’s sovereignty.
     When I have read about Washington’s life, I am always impressed by the man and, not surprisingly, so were his contemporaries, the men he commanded over the long course of the Revolutionary War. The Americans of his time had the highest regard for him. It was Washington who set the pattern of only serving two terms. When the American artist, Benjamin West, told England’s King George III of Washington’s decision, the king said, “If he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world.”
     In his 1796 farewell address, Washington said, “Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity.”
     Imagine a modern politician talking of religion and morality as the basis of political prosperity—least of all nObama who has disparaged Christianity and protects Islam.
     America was particularly blessed and fortunate in its earliest years to have a succession of men who demonstrated extraordinary intelligence, courage, and moral integrity. Following Washington there was John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, and John Quincy Adams. Few nations have been so blessed as ours.
     One can only examine Lincoln’s life with a sense of wonder as he rose from humble beginnings to the role of keeping the Union intact in the face of the secession of southern states and the horrendous war that followed. Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered on April 9, 1865 and on April 14 Lincoln was assassinated by an actor, John Wilkes Booth. His death was the occasion of the first American national funeral as cities and towns did their best to out-do one another to honor him. It took his death for people to realize the magnitude of what he had achieved.
     The advice Lincoln offered in his time is just as important, if not more so, in ours:
“You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. 
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. 
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. 
You cannot build character and courage by taking away men's initiative and independence. 
 You cannot help men permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.”
     Franklin D. Roosevelt and, earlier, Theodore Roosevelt, are also highly ranked among the Presidents. Both men shared a zest for the job, enjoying it. Teddy regretted announcing that he would not run for a third term (which he did with the Bull Moose Party) and FDR ran and won four times! He did so during the Great Depression and World War II.
     Two other families played a role in the presidency, the Adams and, in the modern era, George H.W. Bush was the 41st President and George W. Bush was the 43rd. It is popular to disparage both men, but history may come to another judgment.  
    President nObama has brought nothing to the presidency except his Marxist theology. He was the least prepared in terms of experience in the workplace and his elections have been more about the manipulation of public opinion and his two terms have been an endless succession of lies.
    His signature legislation, nObamaCare, has undermined the nation’s healthcare system. His solution to the Great Recession added more debt in his six years in office than the combined debt of every previous President up to Clinton and did not stimulate the economy as promised.

     His ignorance of history and of current events is vast. Google "what does nObama know?" and you will find many articles that document this.
     He has been protected by a liberal mainstream media, but the voters have seen through that and have turned political power in Congress over to the Republican Party.

     One thing is for sure. On future President’s Days, nObama will barely be noticed when Americans look back on those who did much to address the great issues and challenges of their times.

Read more…

Wednesday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Warring Factions
Threaten Clinton White House Bid
Roger Aronoff
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 ATF Aims to Ban Popular AR-15 Ammo  
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives issued a white paper to determine whether certain ammunition is "primarily intended for sporting purposes." At issue is 5.56mm M855 ammo, which is considered "armor piercing," and therefore the ATF says it's of questionable merit for the average citizen. The ATF hasn't made its decision yet and will accept comments until March 16, but if the bureau carries through the net effect would be a ban on one of the most common and affordable types of military surplus AR-15 ammo. It's no surprise that the ATF is way off target -- down and to the Left. The white paper begins: "To protect the lives and safety of law enforcement officers from the threat posed by ammunition capable of penetrating a protective vest when fired from a handgun, the Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA), as amended, prohibits the import, manufacture, and distribution of 'armor piercing ammunition' as defined by the statute. The GCA, however, allows for the exemption of ammunition that would otherwise be considered armor piercing if the Attorney General determines that the specific ammunition at issue is 'primarily intended to be used for sporting purposes.'"
-The Patriot Post 

 Big League Kids, Little League Adults  
Little League Baseball revoked Chicago's Jackie Robinson West all-stars' United States championship last Wednesday. The reason was straight-forward: The team used players who lived outside the boundaries allowed by the rules. Team manager Donald Butler was suspended from Little League, and Illinois District 4 administrator Michael Kelly has been removed from his position. Little League International CEO Stephen D. Keener called it a "heartbreaking decision," but one necessary to "maintain the integrity of the Little League program." Enter those with no integrity at all: "Is this about boundaries or race?" wondered professional agitator Jessie Jackson. "This decision's untimely and inappropriate at this time," Jackson added. "It should not take six months after a team has played a championship game to determine eligibility to play the game in the first place." Is there the slightest doubt that if an investigation had taken half that time or less Jackson would be bemoaning a "rush to judgment" just as facilely?  -The Patriot Post 

President nObama had better leave some blank spaces in the next draft of his proposal to Congress for a “right-sized” war to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Key U.S. ally Egypt
has now bombed ISIS targets in Libya, which is some 700 miles away from what we were are told is theater of war – a distance about the same as that between Pittsburgh and Savannah. (So at least now you know who not to ask for directions.) In the spirit of baseball spring training, maybe the updated version can just say “Iraq, Syria, Libya and nations to be named later…” But before we get to the issue of Egypt bombing an ISIS affiliate in Libya in reprisal for the beheadings of 21 Egyptian Christians, we might do well to consider how we ended up with an ISIS affiliate in Libya anyway.
           [“The president is asking for less authority than he has today under previous authorizations. …And I don’t believe what the president sent here gives him the flexibility, or the authority, to take on this enemy and to win.” – Speaker backstabber John Boehner, R-Ohio, on “Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace.” Watch here.-Fox News 

 What a difference -   Four years ago today, the chatter was also all about Egypt and Libya, but the news was very different. In Egypt, the country was in turmoil in the wake of President Hosni Mubarak’s resignation five days earlier under intense pressure from nObama. But the big news was in Libya, where the rebellion against dictator Muammar Qaddafi had just gotten underway the night before in the city of Benghazi. Within 10 days, both nObama and then-Secretary of State Hilly Clinton would call for regime change in Libya. The U.S. would join the civil war on the side of the rebels about a month later. Eighteen months after that, Islamist militants would attack and destroy a U.S. outpost in Benghazi, the city where the rebellion began. Each passing month would bring worse news from Libya as the Islamists who fought in the rebellion took more control over and eventually suffocated the fledgling Western-backed government.   -Fox News 

 Bad call -   Things looked to be going in the same direction for a time in Egypt. The “moderate” Islamists who took control after Mubarak’s ouster proved to be not-so-moderate after all. As the largest Arab nation was careening toward disaster, U.S. allies in the region successfully pressured the nObama administration to back a restoration last year of the same kind of government nObama had helped unseat four years ago. Libya today is a nightmare state and Egypt is back under the control of the military. It may sound like madness, but don’t forget how deeply (and as it would turn out, wrongly) the world swooned at the idea of what was then known as the Arab Spring. The nObama administration took an aggressive stance on the unfolding revolutionary movement that has left the region in even deeper chaos. How real are the chances that the president will again be part of a coalition to strike Libya, but this time against some of the same factions he previously supported? Well, the U.S. is now coordinating with the regime in Syria it once threatened to attack, so never say never.  -Fox News 

None of our 44 presidents was born on this day. But in deference to ease of scheduling and partly a desire to avoid political offense, today’s federal holiday has been widely known as President’s Day since 1971. It is still technically recorded as George Washington’s Birthday (which is actually Feb. 22), but the popular understanding is that today’s holiday honors all presidents. Any event that celebrates Franklin Peirce and Woodrow Wilson equally to Washington and Abraham Lincoln can truly be said to celebrate nothing. So what’s the point? Why, a day off, of course. And for decades, Americans have used the extra day to go car shopping. Auto sales
surge by about 25 percent every President’s Day weekend. But before it was cars, it was bicycles. The Atlantic examines the largely lost, Gilded Age history of how bicycles helped make the holiday into a mercantile moment for the nation.    -Fox News 

 Egypt launches air strikes in response to ISIS beheadings  
(Jazz Shaw) - First it was Jordan, and now Egypt and Libya. Following yesterday’s breaking news about the beheadings on the beach in Libya, Egypt moved forward in less than a day to launch airstrikes on ISIS targets...And since the horror took place on their turf, Libya got in on the action as well. As far as Egypt goes, President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi had promised yesterday that he was going to be taking action and obviously he got started immediately. But while we can certainly commend his forceful response, as spotters have already pointed out, it’s hard to say exactly how much damage they inflicted on ISIS forces. It remains to be seen if this was a significant blow against the terrorists or more of a public relations show for his own citizens who are no doubt spoiling for revenge.
 Menendez and   the Demise of   American   Liberalism  
(Jeffrey Herf) - The current controversy over Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's proposed speech to a Joint Session of Congress obscures a deeper issue about American politicians and U.S. policy toward Iran, namely that they are not lining up conveniently along party lines...It is true that most Republicans in the Congress do not agree with President nObama's approach to negotiations with Iran. I think they are right not to. Yet the President's life is complicated even more by a senator from his own party, Robert Menendez of New Jersey. He too disagrees with nObama's approach to Iran and has done so since nObama became President. From 2013 to last month, he did so as the powerful chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Menendez, more than any other political figure in Washington, has prevented the Iran issue from displaying the familiar and convenient divide between Republican "hawks" and Democratic "doves." In numerous speeches on the floor of the Senate and in comments during many hearings of the Committee on Foreign Relations, he has criticized and carefully documented what he views as the steady erosion of the American negotiation position in the talks with Iran. He has led the push for deeper sanctions in the perhaps futile hope that economic pressure would lead theIranians to turn away from the bomb without the need to resort to force.
 Islam: Banned for Blasphemy?  
(Raymond Ibrahim) - Soon after Muslim gunmen killed 12 people at Charlie Hebdo offices, which published satirical caricatures of Muslim prophet Muhammad, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)...the “collective voice of the Muslim world” and second largest inter-governmental organization after the United Nations—is again renewing calls for the United Nations to criminalize “blasphemy” against Islam, or what it more ecumenically calls, the “defamation of religions.” Yet the OIC seems to miss one grand irony: if international laws would ban cartoons, books, and films on the basis that they defame Islam, they would also, by logical extension, have to ban the entire religion of Islam itself—the only religion whose core texts actively and unequivocally defame other religions, including by name.
 nObama White House Partners with ISIS-Linked Group  
(Matthew Vadum) - A Boston-based hub of terrorism associated with a top Islamic State propagandist and producer of hostage-beheading videos will receive the red carpet treatment at an anti-terrorism conference at the nObama White House this Wednesday...The so-called Summit on Countering Violent Extremism comes as President nObama seeks formal authorization from Congress to wage war against the Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL). The terrorist-friendly Islamic Society of Boston (ISB), which is a known front for Islamist terrorist groups, operates mosques in and around Boston. Members of the anti-terrorist community are outraged that officials of ISB will participate in discussions of anti-terrorism best practices on Feb. 18.
FILE - The logo of HSBC Bank is displayed on the facade of HSBC France headquarters on the Champs Elysees in Paris, Feb. 9, 2015.
 HSBC Scandal Heightens Calls for Tougher Bank Oversight  
(Jeffrey Young) - The latest black eye to the global banking industry, the British-based HSBC Holdings PLC secret account scandal, has heightened demands by activists and lawmakers in a number of nations for better transparency and accountability...And fingers are being pointed at some nations for not taking action sooner. Former HSBC Swiss private banking employee Herve Falciani handed the data about tens of thousands of that bank’s "private" accounts over to French authorities in 2008. That information eventually became the core of the Washington-based International Consortium of Investigative Journalists’ HSBC report, released in early February, showing 106,000 hidden accounts at the Swiss subsidiary of HSBC.
Houthi Shiite Yemenis hold a poster of U.S. President Barack Obama and banners in Arabic that read,"God is great, Death to America, death to Israel, a curse on the Jews and victory to Islam," during a celebration marking the fourth anniversary of the revolution in Sanaa, Yemen, Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed)
 America's foreign policy will need rescuing from the nObama years  
( - The final collapse of Yemen's pro-American government at the hands of Iranian-backed rebels chanting “Death to America” marks another major failure of the nObama administration's antiterrorism policy...The extent of this failure was highlighted by the disorderly evacuation that civilian and military staff were forced to make from the American embassy in Sana'a. Despite reassurances from the State Department that it was all planned in advance, embassy staff appear to have fled in fear and without much notice. They destroyed classified documents and caught a civilian flight out of a country that once welcomed our military aircraft. The Marines on site took the last-ditch measure of destroying weapons so they wouldn't become useful to the enemy. Vehicles were left behind unguarded, which the Houthi rebels proceeded to expropriate. This failure was rather awkward for State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki to explain away in her recent appearance on Megyn Kelly's Fox News show. But who can fault her for flailing in justifying her boss's indefensibly weak position?
 nObama's Iran Policy and Israel's Elections  
(Efraim Inbar) - Unfortunately, there are many sources of tension between the nObama administration and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government. The main issue of discord is, of course Iran...nObama seeks an agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran over its nuclear program that will allow President nObama to claim that he prevented Tehran from building the bomb. The fact that Iran will maintain the capability to enrich uranium, and will not dismantle any of its nuclear installations, is simply swept under the rug as insignificant. Strange as it sounds, it seems that nObama is prepared to brand Iran as a US strategic partner in the attempt to bring stability to a region beleaguered by chaos. Part of this realignment involves American capitulation on the nuclear issue, and an apparent carte blanche for stepped up Iranian activity and influence in the region. Iran is taking over Yemen (and throwing American diplomats out of the country); carving a sphere of influence in Iraq; continuing to support the brutal Assad regime in Damascus; strengthening Hizballah's grip over Lebanon; engaging in subversion in Central Asia; and developing its terrorist apparatus. In the context of nObama's "Grand Bargain" with Iran, all this seems to be okay. Tehran gets all it wants, while Washington gets an Iranian promise not to go nuclear as long as nObama is in the White House. Having made no foreign policy achievements throughout his presidency, nObama, perhaps obsessively, now wants the relationship with Iran to serve as his foreign policy legacy.
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 WH McDonough, “Not True nObama Doesn’t Care About Terrorism”  
(Rick Wells) - What else could he say? Bob Schieffer asks White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough about the perception among many Americans that the regime doesn’t care about the horrific acts committed by ISIS or about the threat from Islamic terrorists in general...He describes the views as that of the ‘president’s’ critics that they are taking these things in stride. It doesn’t have to take as long as it is, the regime is slow-walking the war for some reason. The 2,400 strikes is little more than an average day during the previous administration when we were fighting a war intent on winning. McDonough’s definition of “dramatic impact” is likely quite different from that of others, including countless military experts and average, everyday Americans. McDonough is on defense, attempting to portray the shameful squandering of our military advantage and countless opportunities as achievements, a difficult task and just another of the daily administration failures.
UN Plan for 2015 Climate Summit Would Shackle Planet With Energy Restrictions
 UN Plan for 2015 Climate Summit Would Shackle Planet  
(William F. Jasper) - The draft text of the United Nations’ proposed global climate agreement was released Friday, February 13 in Geneva, Switzerland. The document, which proposes to impose draconian controls on all human activity and all energy production and consumption...has ballooned from the 38-page document that was negotiated last November-December at the UN climate circus in Lima, Peru, to 98 pages. “Although it has become longer, countries are now fully aware of each other’s positions,” said Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), acknowledging that the more than doubling of the text’s length would make the next negotiating session “a little bit more difficult.”
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 Sen Jeff Sessions Releases Detailed List Of nObama Amnesty Plot  
(Rick Wells) - Arguably the chief defender of American sovereignty and the self-determination and rights of its citizens is Senator Jeff Sessions...He has earned that distinction largely through his aggressive posture against the deliberate erosion of our immigration laws and border enforcement by open borders government officials. As that battle continues to rage in the Congress, the DHS funding bill has now become the pivotal issue in whether or not we, as Americans, still have claim to the governing principles asserted by Abraham Lincoln. That “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.” The Democrats disagree with the Republican, Mr. Lincoln, as well as Senator Sessions, and are doing their best to ensure that our representative government fades from the face of the Earth.
Warring Factions
Threaten Clinton White House Bid
Roger Aronoff
     ( - Ongoing rivalries and dissension among Clinton loyalists have percolated up through the mainstream media, even The New York Times—whose own investigative reporting may have set off the latest salvo. It seems despite the president-in-waiting status often accorded to Mrs. Clinton, there might not be enough money to go around, evoking harsh internal criticisms.
     David Brock, founder of the far-left Media Matters, “is a cancer,” argued John Morgan, a Florida lawyer connected to both President Barack nObama and former President Bill Clinton, according to recent reporting by Nicholas Confessore and Amy Chozick at the Times. Brock made headlines earlier this week, when in response to their reporting, he sent out a letter that alleged “current and former Priorities officials were behind this specious and malicious attack on the integrity of these critical organizations” and “resigned from the board of the super PAC Priorities USA Action,” according to Politico’s Kenneth Vogel.
     Brock is considering a return to Priorities USA, The Washington Post noted shortly thereafter. “People are starting to worry that Priorities could be a weak link,” one strategist told Vogel for his February 10 story about how this super PAC is “struggling in its early efforts to line up cash toward a fundraising goal of as much as $500 million.”

     But one wonders whether the criticisms expressed in the media will sabotage Brock’s and other loyalists’ peacemaking. “If you care about your party and our country, you just do what you are asked,” said Morgan, according to Confessore and Chozick. “If you care about yourself, you take your toys and go home.” Morgan is apparently “close” to the co-chair of Priorities USA Action, Jim Messina. Messina served as President nObama’s campaign manager in 2012.

     Confessore, a liberal writer/editor transplanted from Washington Monthly to The New York Times, seems to have access to a considerable circle of influential Democrats connected to the Clintons. After all, he sat down with John Podesta in 2003 and 2005. And his August 2013 exposé on mismanagement at the Clinton Foundation, co-authored with Chozick, included interviews with “more than two dozen former and current foundation employees, donors and advisers to the family”—most unwilling to speak on the record.

     Like the 2013 piece, Confessore and Chozick report for the Times on February 10 that “most people interviewed for this article declined to speak on the record for fear of angering either the president or the woman who hopes to replace him.” But these persons are willing to speak to the Times about their frustrations.

     “The Hilly people were more in it for themselves,” said Jonathan Alter, MSNBC political analyst, when he appeared on the February 10 Ed Schultz show on MSNBC. Alter was referring to the 2008 Democratic primary campaign against nObama. “If we get a repeat of that this time, she won`t have the passion and a genuine commitment that she needs to go the distance.”
     “…what this is about is that is that there was a fundraiser who raised millions of dollars for these different groups including David Brock`s, but she was taking a 12.5 percent commission,” Alter said. Democratic strategist Bob Shrum described Mary Pat Bonner’s reported 12.5% commission as “way over the top.”
     Confessore and Chozick cast this Democrat infighting differently. They describe the latest meltdown among Clinton movers and shakers as a conflict between two worlds: former nObama staffers who have been imported as strategists for Clinton, and long-time Clinton loyalists. But these writers aren’t the only ones with conflicted interests. The reality appears to be that many in the liberal media, including some reporters at The Washington Post and New York Times, want to tear Hilly and the Clintons down for being too close to Wall Street. But on the other hand, they realize that Mrs. Clinton is the overwhelming favorite to get the Democratic nomination, meaning they will undoubtedly support her when it comes down to her vying against any Republican candidate.
     As I’ve reported in the past, The Washington Post—even amidst Mrs. Clinton’s “worst week in Washington” and her tone-deaf comments about being “dead broke” after leaving the White House—still gave her favorable coverage in order to ensure that a Democrat would retain the presidency. “The Post has issued wall-to-wall coverage of this subject, but most of it is about ensuring Hillary’s chances,” I wrote last July.

     But when Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) launched her populist offensive in the Senate, hope sprang anew among die-hard liberals and some in the media that Mrs. Clinton, with all her baggage, might not be a shoo-in. The Post’s Paul Kane practically salivated over Sen. Warren’s presidential chances back during the December revolt. Sen. Warren has said she’s not running, but the Post continues to run articles like this: “Democrats suffering from Clinton fatigue say they’re ready for Warren.” Chozick recently described Sen. Warren as “an effective tool in moving Mrs. Clinton off message” whom Republicans favor as a candidate to create dissension within the Democratic primary.

     Accuracy in Media has argued in the past that the Times’ David Kirkpatrick piece on Benghazi was a way of inoculating Mrs. Clinton while trying to make the definitive case supporting the nObama administration’s actions and justifications for Benghazi. But that obviously didn’t work, and revelations confirming the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi’s conclusions continue to break, implicating Mrs. Clinton not only for poor security preceding the 2012 Benghazi attacks, but her blind push to intervene in Libya in the first place. When Mrs. Clinton most likely appears before the Select Committee on Benghazi, an even greater spotlight will shine on her role in these attacks.
     It looks like Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is very tempted to run against Mrs. Clinton from the left, and former Virginia Senator James Webb might run more or less from her right. The sharks are circling this establishment candidate; will Mrs. Clinton successfully fend them off?

     And clearly others at the Times aren’t so interested in inoculating her. But in the meantime, the left is having a catfight, and it may be that some reporters are interested in stirring the pot for dramatic effect—and to cause some angst for Mrs. Clinton from their end.

     Confessore’s bio from the Times states that he covers the “intersection of money, power and influence.” A visit to his Twitter page reveals that he, like many liberals, doesn’t like the Citizens United ruling very much.  His twitter feed recently stated, “Thanks to Citizens United, we can now have campaign infighting without the campaign.” He also has tweeted about the Clinton Foundation’s $81 million received from “clients of HSBC’s controversial Swiss bank.”
     He also wrote an article with Chozick in July of last year which stated, “Few political families are closer to Wall Street than the Clintons … And the Clintons often interact with the titans of finance on the Manhattan charity circuit and during their vacations in the Hamptons.”

     Could it be that at least one New York Times staffer doesn’t favor Mrs. Clinton for her entrenched, big-money establishment ties much, either? Or perhaps it’s just that Confessore, Chozick, and the Times itself want to go around poking sleeping tigers before an election to see what they can stir up.

     These aren’t Mrs. Clinton’s only problems. She also has what might become known as a “Brian Williams problem,” meaning she “misremembered” coming under sniper fire on a runway in Bosnia, and she repeated the story on more than one occasion, yet there were plenty of eyewitnesses who knew it was a complete fabrication. It cost Williams his esteemed position, and a lot of money. Will Hillary pay a similar price?
     Plus, former President Bill Clinton is becoming a problem again based on his being linked in the media to a sex scandal involving a good friend of his who is a convicted pedophile. It’s certainly never dull when the Clintons are involved.
Read more…

Wednesday Morning - The Front Page Cover

"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Recrimination Is Not a Plan
Peggy Noonan
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 GOP Still Stymied by Democrat Filibuster  
2015-02-13-e6c9bf16.jpg" />The Republican plan to roll back Barack nObama's immigration actions appears on the verge of collapse thanks to intra-party squabbling and a united Democrat opposition. GOP congressmen originally called for passing a budget for the Department of Homeland Security that stripped out funding for immigration enforcement. The House passed its version of the bill last month with 10 Republicans joining all but two Democrats in opposition. The legislation is now mired in the Senate, where the GOP has failed to reach cloture three times. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McCon-nell will try again -- perhaps three more times. But there is virtually no possibility they can pick up the Democrat votes needed to overcome the filibuster before the Feb. 27 deadline for funding, and the Senate adjourned Thursday for a 10-day recess.
  -The Patriot Post 
 Closer to Capitulation on Iranian Nukes  
The long-running game of nuclear cat-and-mouse between Iran and the rest of the world seems to be nearing its conclusion. Both U.S. Secretary of State Hanoi John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif say talks won't be extended past the March 31 deadline. Then again, Barack nObama has long played fast and loose with deadlines when it comes to Iran's nuclear program. There are serious concerns about this prospective deal. Speaking from the left side of the aisle, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) worried such a pact could be enacted without the Senate's approval and warned, "[T]he end result [of these negotiations] is more likely to be a North Korean situation." Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, criticized the talks in remarks before the Senate Armed Forces Committee. "Nuclear talks with Iran began as an international effort, buttressed by six UN resolutions, to deny Iran the capability to develop a military nuclear option," he recounted. "They are now an essentially bilateral negotiation over the scope of that capability through an agreement that sets a hypothetical limit of one year on an assumed breakout. The impact of this approach will be to move from preventing proliferation to managing it."  -The Patriot Post 

 Yemen:   Al-Qaeda militants took control of an infantry brigade base in southern Yemen Thursday, following clashes that killed at least seven people, a local government official said. The militants seized the camp of the 19th Infantry Brigade in Bayhan, a town in southern Shabwah Governate. The official said three soldiers were among those killed. The militants captured 60 soldiers, but released them through the intervention of local tribal leaders. Ansar al-Sharia, the main arm of Al-Qaeda in Yemen, claimed the attack in a statement posted to the Web. It accused the troops at the camp of having links to the Shiite Houthi militia which controls Sana'a. The al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) media liaison said Ansar attacked the base Thursday morning, after learning the Yemen army was preparing to hand it over to the Houthis. The Houthis claim to be in command of the Yemen Army.

Comment: The news narrative about what happened at Bayhan is not credible. The garrison apparently chose to side with the southern Sunnis, led by AQAP, and the reports of a clash are probably part of the cover story. This incident could be the opening event in a southern Yemen Sunni uprising against the northern Shiite Houthi militias. In the past weeks, multiple, lower tier news services have reported rising Sunni hostility against the Houthis. Opposition to a Houthi takeover in Sana'a reportedly is bridging local, tribal disputes to unify Sunnis against the Houthis, who are a Shiite sect. The key question is whether Yemen shall remain a unified state. In instability analysis, control of the center - Sana'a - always is the objective of groups seeking to maintain a unified Yemen. Instability is always centripetal, except when it is fragmentary. The Houthis' takeover of Sana'a signified their commitment to maintaining a unified state. Their move into Bayda indicated their intention to control all of Yemen. The Houthis invited the Sunnis to join the new political arrangement, under Houthi domination. That ruse failed. The commitment of Sunni tribes and AQAP to a unified Yemen remains unknown. The defection of a single army base is ambiguous about larger political ambitions. If the Sunnis intend to maintain a unified Yemen but not under Houthi domination, their forces will take control of southern Yemen and eventually will build sufficient strength to challenge Houthi control of Sana'a. The alternative is to create an alternative center of power -- such as Aden -- thereby fragmenting Yemen again. If that is the objective, the Sunnis will not march north, but will fortify the south, seize all Yemen army assets, declare secession and invite a civil war. The least covered topic is the Yemen army, which multiple sources said was the second largest Arab military force. With more than 60,000 soldiers, it had the numbers and capabilities to stop the Houthis months ago, but never received the order to protect the constitutional order. The US was deeply involved in forming and training this force. No one has explained what happened to the Yemen armed forces so that they seem to have no role in the latest instability. Yemen looks like a banana republic in which the army stays neutral, but is willing to serve the winner of the political struggle, provided it gets paid.  -NightWatch


 Houthis-US:   A Houthi spokesman said the US vehicles that were confiscated yesterday would be returned. The vehicles are to be transferred to the UN for safekeeping. The spokesman said that the confiscation and harassment was all a misunderstanding.
Comment: Yemen is not collapsing, but it might be breaking apart. States devolve to a lower level of political or economic organization. Yemen is in the middle of a process of political reorganization that could lead to devolution or the establishment of a new order in a unified Yemen. The Sunni antagonists have not yet decided whether Yemen shall remain a unified state or shall fragment.   -NightWatch


 Ukraine:   The leaders of Germany, Ukraine, France and Russia agreed to a new arrangement to try to settle the Ukrainian civil war. The terms of the new agreement are listed below.

1.A ceasefire will begin at 00.00 a.m. local time on 15 February;

2.Heavy weapons will be withdrawn in a two week period starting from 17 February;

3.Ukraine and the rebels will amnesty all prisoners involved in the fighting;

4.All foreign militias will withdraw from Ukrainian territory and all illegal groups will disarm;

5.Restrictions in rebel areas of Ukraine will be lifted;

6.Ukraine will authorize decentralization for rebel regions by the end of 2015;

7 Ukraine will resume control of all borders with Russia by the end of 2015.

Comment: In a three against one diplomatic confrontation, Putin emerged with most of what he apparently wanted for Russia. The underlying presumption is that the rebels retain control of their regions. They gave up nothing. The ceasefire provisions might work for a while, but no party has had the clout to enforce a withdrawal of heavy weapons. More pertinent is that the rebel rocket attack on Kramatorsk this week showed that buffer zones are almost impractical
Fighting. A Ukrainian military spokesman said around 50 tanks, 40 missile systems and 40 armored vehicles had crossed overnight into eastern Ukraine from Russia. Fighting continued in the east.   -NightWatch


IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, testifying to the House oversight committee, said the White House never asked him or anyone else at the IRS about the potential tax effects of President Obama's amnesty policy. (Associated Press)
 IRS to pay back-refunds to illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes  
(Stephen Dinan) - IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress on Wednesday that even illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes will be able to claim back-refunds once they get Social Security numbers under President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty...Mr. nObama’s new deportation policies, which carve most illegal immigrants out of danger of being removed, and could proactively grant as many as 4 million illegal immigrants work permits and Social Security numbers, are increasingly under fire for ancillary consequences such as tax credits and competition for jobs.
 Sharia Court Never Approved By Texas City, Mayor Takes Action  
(Brandon Walker) - It seems that the Sharia Court in Texas forgot more than just a law licence to practice a law in Texas...After numerous phone calls and headlines, the Mayor of Irving, Texas took to social media to address one key thing that can sink the court before its first case. We have been following the developments of the Sharia Court being established in Texas. It seems that they forgot a couple of things in their proud announcement to the press that they were forming the first ever Sharia Court inside the United States. Not only is practicing law without a licence a felony in the State of Texas, it seems the Islamic Tribunal forgot to ask the city council and the mayor if they would be allowed to have an unauthorized court in the city.
FILE - A man suffering from the Ebola virus lies on the floor outside a house in Port Loko Community, situated on the outskirts of Freetown, in Sierra Leone, Oct. 21, 2014.
 Sierra Leone Report Finds Ebola Funds Misappropriated  
(Peter Clottey) - Sierra Leone’s Anti-Corruption Commission has launched an investigation into misappropriated funds intended to help fight the Ebola outbreak, according to Abdulai Bayraytay, spokesman for the government...The Auditor General’s report, which was presented to parliament on Thursday, said there were no supporting documents to show how the health ministry spent $5.7 million in Ebola funds. It also suggests the misuse of the funds affected the quality of treatment of the disease. Bayraytay said the administration has called for a thorough investigation into allegations of financial malfeasance after President Bai Koroma said officials involved in the scandal should face the full extent of the law.
 nObama Orders Border Patrol to RELEASE Drunk Drivers  
(Judicial Watch) - The nObama administration has ordered federal agents responsible for protecting one of the nation’s busiest and most crime-infested regions near Mexico to stop apprehending drunk drivers...according to an internal government memo that also concedes an officer that elects to detain them is “acting within the course and scope of his employment.” btained by Judicial Watch this week, the notice is titled “Enforcement Options With Alcohol-Impaired Drivers” and directs the 4,000-plus U.S. Border Patrol agents in the Tucson, Arizona sector to “release” individuals under the influence and “allow them to go on their way.” The document acknowledges that this feels counter-intuitive for Border Patrol agents, but eases concerns by answering a hypothetical question for the officers who have sworn to uphold the law: “If you allow this driver to continue down the road and they kill someone, aren’t you liable?” The answer is no, according to the new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) memo. “There is no legal requirement for a Border Patrol agent to intervene in a state crime, including DUI,” the order says, adding that “therefore there is generally no liability that will attach to the agent or agency for failing to act in this situation.”
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 Judge Jeanine  – ISIS Not On The Run, We’re Not Winning  
(Rick Wells) - Judge Jeanine focuses on the recent attempt to penetrate the Al Asad Air Base in Iraq, and the danger that our 320 Marines are being increasingly exposed to...much of it unnecessarily, as a result of the cowardice, duplicity or ineptitude of the White House leadership. She’s worried that Obama is not taking the situation seriously and compares what is happening now to the attacks at Benghazi and the surrender of our Embassy in Yemen. As the base is encircled by ISIS terrorists, Judge Jeanine says, “This is no time for ‘Obama-speak.’ ISIS doesn’t have a moral problem, they’re not a JV team, they’re not on the run and we’re not winning.”
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 Judge Jeanine – The UN Working To Prohibit Anti-Islamic Free Speech  
(Rick Wells) - For Americans it seems odd that a religion would seek the protection of the threat of government sanctions in order to prevent people from discussing it, but that is what is exactly underway at the global elitist organization for world communism, the United Nations...As they morph into an overreaching arm of global exploitation and one world repressive government, they have their sights set on our Constitution. General Jerry Boykin joins Judge Jeanine Pirro to discuss the two recent Copenhagen attacks, a discussion he opens by saying, “Well here’s a news flash Judge, this is going to get worse.” He tells the Judge and her audience of a United Nations resolution, “1618” which is currently being maneuvered through their corrupt system, “which would make any disparagement of Islam or the prophet Mohammad a hate crime or hate speech.”
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  Amnesty Finally Force Dems To End nObama’s Treasonous Assault  
(Rick Wells) - An exasperated Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), having been informed of yet another subversive attack on our nation by the Marxist criminals in the White House, responded by posting a statement on his Senate website...Senators Sessions, Vitter, Cruz and Lee have been on the forefront of pressing this issue into the psyche of the America people. Amnesty is a manifestation of the assault on our form of government, on our sovereignty and on our rights as American citizens to the fruits of our nation and of our labor.  It is a tool not of humanitarian nature, but of treasonous criminal exploitation. We the people of this nation have a birthright that cannot be simply handed out at will by an illegal alien criminal who has manipulated his way into a fraudulent occupation of the White House. This is our country, not his and we do not accept his redistribution of our nation to foreign illegal squatters or anyone else.

 The Iran Axis Strikes   Back in Golan Region  
(Jonathan Spyer) - A force consisting of Hezbollah fighters, Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Syrian regime soldiers launched an offensive this week southwest of Damascus, in the direction of Quneitra province and the Golan Heights...Their aim is to regain territory lost to Syrian rebels and jihadis over the past year, and to establish a strong defensive line before the capital. In Quneitra and Deraa provinces, close to the borders with Israel and Jordan, the Syrian war is characterized by significantly different dynamics in comparison to elsewhere in this fragmented country. The area is completely closed off to reporters, which may partially explain the absence of media attention; in addition, Islamic State is not a major factor among the anti-regime forces. In this area, a de facto, undeclared buffer zone has been established by both Jerusalem and Amman, as part of a broader effort which includes Western and regional players. The regime and its allies are attempting to claw back ground in this area.
 nObama’s disastrous Iran nuclear weapons deal point by point   ( - nObama’s submission to Iran is worse than we imagined. It means war. A war of unimaginable proportions. This deal is not a gamechanger, it’s a worldchanger. It is no wonder that nObama is hellbent on stopping Prime Minister Netanyahu from speaking to the Congress next month...He will reason with them. The truth will expose nObama’s perfidy. This isn’t politics or partisan gamesmanship. This is life and death, my friends. Should nObama steamroll over Congress and ram this death deal through, the free world has only one hope – -in the country she has done more to undermine than any other on earth, Israel.
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 nObama And Jarrett’s Support For Iran Hits A Snag – George W. Bush  
(Rick Wells) - It’s clear that Hussein nObama, in keeping with the controlling influence of Valerie Jarrett, is working to direct as much American policy to Iran’s benefit as possible, regardless of the consequences for the American people or our allies...Aside from his secret “soul mate” correspondence and his incredibly weak, capitulating stance on the Iranian nuclear front, nObama’s been actively anti-Israel and is now attempting to determine the outcome of Israeli elections to a more Iranian tolerant candidate. He’s refusing to act in Syria, the Iranian puppet, against ISIS, and he just surrendered our Yemeni Embassy to terrorists supported by the Iranian regime. He’s also made it mandatory that all arms supplied to Iraq go through the filter of the Iranian-aligned Baghdad government, from which they never emerge to be used by those for whom they were intended, the Kurds and Sunni tribal leaders.
Recrimination Is Not a Plan
Peggy Noonan
King Abdullah II of Jordan
     ( - Everything’s frozen. When you ask, “What is the appropriate U.S. response to ISIS?” half the people in Washington answer: “ George W. Bush broke Iraq and ISIS was born in the rubble. There would be no ISIS if it weren’t for him.” The other half answer: “When Barack nObama withdrew from Iraq, ISIS was born in the vacuum. There would be no ISIS without him.”

     These are charges, not answers, and they are getting us nowhere. Bitterness and begging the question are keeping us from focusing on what is. We’re frozen in what was.

     There’s plenty to learn and conclude from the past. Great books have been and will be written about the mistakes, poor thinking and dishonesty that accompanied the 2003 invasion and the 2011 withdrawal. But at a certain point you have to unhitch yourself from your predispositions and resentments and face what is happening now.

     The White House is paralyzed, the president among the coldest of the frozen. He erects straw men, focuses on what he will not do, refuses to “play Whac A Mole,” waxes on about reading a book about the pains of the deployed. He’s showing how sensitive, layered and alive to moral complexity he is instead of, you know, leading. At the National Prayer Breakfast Thursday, he airily and from a great height explained to the audience that ISIS exists within a historical context that includes the Inquisition, slavery and Jim Crow. “People committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.” Oh West, you big hypocrite. This is just the moment to dilate on Christendom’s sins, isn’t it? While Christians are being driven from the Mideast? He always says these things as if he’s the enlightened one facing the facts of the buried past instead of the cornered one defeated by complexity, hard calls and ambivalence.

He is lost. His policy is listlessness punctuated by occasional booms.

     The public is agitated by the latest killing, of the Jordanian pilot burned alive. That murder may have changed some calculations. Jordan’s King Abdullah is said to have quoted Clint Eastwood during his recent Washington trip: “He mentioned ‘Unforgiven,’ ” a congressman said, without specifying which scene. Well, good.

Which returns us to the question of a plan, a way forward.

     We know ISIS is increasingly hated by the civilized world, and by many nations in the Mideast. Each day that brings new word of their atrocities, not only to prisoners but to local, subjugated populations, adds to the anti-ISIS coalition. But we also know they will not be defeated or decisively set back from the air. They have to be removed from the areas they hold. They need to be fought with boots on the ground.

Whose boots?

     Some wisdom on that from two veteran players in U.S. foreign policy, former Secretary of State James Baker and the president of the Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Haass.

     On “Face the Nation” Sunday, Mr. Baker said ground troops are necessary but must come from Arab and Muslim allies, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Jordan. “My idea would be to go to the Turks, 60-year allies of the United States, members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. They have a good army. It’s an army that will fight. . . . They want to destroy ISIS. We want to destroy ISIS. There’s a convergence of interests here. Why don’t we get together and we say, look, we will supply the air, the logistics and the intelligence, you put the boots on the ground and go in there and do the job?”

     I spoke to Mr. Baker at CBS before his appearance. He said the world is “coalescing,” and this is the time to move, with diplomacy and leadership.

     So, a multinational Arab and Muslim military force to fight ISIS on the ground. Is this the right way to go?

     Very much so, said Mr. Haass of the Council on Foreign Relations. ISIS, he told me this week, is “a network, a movement and an organization.” It poses a geopolitical, economic, and humanitarian threat to the world. It threatens Sunni regimes in the region—if it wins over their populations, “it turns every country into a potential failed state.”

     ISIS “can disrupt oil-producing areas like Saudi Arabia. . . . It is inevitable that they will one day challenge the House of Saud” through terrorism or by attempting to rouse the population against it. “If you’re the Islamic State, you have to control the country that controls the two holiest sites in Islam,” Mecca and Medina, Mr. Haass added. America doesn’t worry about the threat to the oil supply because we are close to energy self-sufficiency, but “we are economically linked to the world, and much of the world is linked to Mideastern oil.”

     Most famously, “any area controlled by ISIS is a humanitarian nightmare to Muslims not devout enough, to Shia, to Christians.”

     There is the threat to American and Western security of returnees. “ISIS has the potential to produce graduates who come home, and to radicalize those who’ve never set foot in Syria. There is the returnee danger and the self-radicalization danger, as we saw recently in France.”

     Right now what is important, Mr. Haass says, “is to break their momentum. The region and the world see them as gaining ground both literally and figuratively. This draws support from those around them. It’s important to break that, to allow those who are wavering to see that ISIS is not inevitable. If they are seen as inevitable it is self-fulfilling.”

     What to do? Mr. Haass echoes Mr. Baker. “Attacking ISIS from the air is necessary but not sufficient. You need ground forces to seize areas ISIS holds. You need a ground partner.”

     That partner should be “a multinational Arab-led expeditionary force—a force on the ground to take territory. It needs to be Arab and it needs to be Sunni, because you need to fight fire with fire.” It is crucial, he says, that Sunni Arab leaders demonstrate it is legitimate to stand up to ISIS.

     Haass includes in a hypothetical force Jordan, the Saudis, the UAE, and “others—Egypt too. Even Turkey. . . . That’s what you need, politically as much as militarily. Unless that happens we don’t have a viable strategy.”

     He agrees the U.S. should help with intelligence, training and special forces as well as air power. Also needed: “a digital strategy that stresses that ISIS’ behavior contravenes tenets of Islam and means misery for those they dominate.”

     So—move to kill the Islamic State’s mystique. Give them a fight, make them the weak horse, and do everything to bring together the Sunni Arab world to do it.

     Is this possible? Can it be done? Mr. Haass said it is “a long shot” but “not inconceivable.” Moreover, “it’s the conversation we should be having. We should make answering this question the priority.”

     The U.S. would have to lead, push, press, promise and cajole. It would have to use diplomatic and financial muscle. But it would be doing so with allies increasingly alive to the threat ISIS constitutes not only to the world, but to them.

And it is a plan. Who has a better one?

Read more…

Tuesday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Dems facing choice
between nObama, Netanyahu
Matt Fuller
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
Fox News polling guru Dana Blanton writes: “…by a 10-point margin, more Republicans are looking forward to the 2016 campaign than dreading it. That’s the opposite of how they felt about the start of the 2012 campaign in 2011. At that time, they were more likely to say they were dreading the race by 10 points. The poll finds the same reversal of sentiment among Democrats. They were looking forward to the 2012 campaign by 8 points, while now they say they are dreading the start of the 2016 campaign by 5 points. Republicans might be looking forward to 2016 because they are more confident about their party’s chances. Fully 78 percent of Republicans think the GOP candidate is going to win the next presidential election, while just 63 percent of Democrats feel that way about their party’s candidate. The results are almost the same when the hypothetical race is between a generic Republican and Democrat Hilly Clinton: 76 percent of Republicans say their candidate will win, while 67 percent of Democrats think Clinton will prevail.”  -Fox News 
 CNN Talkinghead: 'Our Rights Do Not Come From God'  
CNN anchor Chris Cuomo debated Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore over rights and marriage, particularly regarding the recent kerfuffle over same-sex marriage in the Heart of Dixie. When Moore explained that marriage is a matter of law and rights that come from God, Cuomo vehemently disagreed. "Our rights do not come from God, your honor, and you know that. They come from man," Cuomo insisted. Later he added, "That's your faith, that's my faith, but that's not our country. Our laws come from collective agreement and compromise." What utter hogwash. As Moore aptly noted, the Declaration of Independence is the law of the land, and it begins, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..." But Cuomo isn't just mistaken. He and his deceased father, Mario, and his brother Andrew, former and current governors of New York, hold a typical leftist view that government and not God creates rights. Therefore, those rights are subject to the whims of politicians because, as Chris Cuomo insisted, "Times change. Definitions change." Such views are dangerous and completely antithetical to the foundation of our country. More...  -The Patriot Post  
 Last Summer, nObama Partied With Terrorists  
By what we can gather, the wedding Barack nObama attended last August was the bomb. The wedding between MSNBC anchor Alex Wagner and Sam Kass, a former White House chef, was kept hush-hush -- probably because nObama was there with his pals and members of Weather Underground, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. The Leftmedia rag Gawker, which got the scoop, reports pair, who cavorted with leftist terrorists that bombed federal buildings in the '70s, "were likely invited due to their connection to Kass. Though the nature of their relationship with him is unclear, Kass resided for several years in Chicago, where Ayers and Dohrn live, and appear to have close mutual friends. In 2012, for example, the trio attended the same 22-guest wedding at a San Francisco art gallery." Furthermore, it's unlikely nObama ignored the duo, as he started his 1995 Illinois Senate bid from their house. This is further evidence that nObama considers himself above scrutiny, as he doesn't have a re-election to win. But imagine the resulting 24-hour outrage machine if George W. Bush had a friend who bombed abortion clinics. More...  -The Patriot Post  
 IRS to Give Tax Benefits to Illegals 
The administration that says this year's tax refunds will be delayed has enough time to give tax benefits to illegal immigrants. In a House hearing, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said the IRS will start paying refunds to amnestied illegals. Koskinen said, "To be eligible for the earned income tax credit, you have to work. ... To be able to apply for it, you have to have a Social Security number." Barack nObama's executive amnesty gives illegals Social Security numbers, though the nObama administration never estimated the impact of the program. As Koskinen put it, "I haven't talked to the White House about this at all." In response to this admission, Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) told Koskinen, "That's just outrageous. If Congress had passed a law doing exactly what the president did, we would have had not only an estimate of the costs, but we would have also been required to propose ways to pay for the programs. This is just another example of the administration operating outside the rule of law." Furthermore, nObama's action muddles the line between citizen and non-citizen, all in a cynical play for more Democrat votes. More...   -The Patriot Post  
 Don't Worry, We Still Have Six Middle East Embassies  
Despite the closure of the U.S. embassy in Yemen, which follows the abandonment of embassies in Syria and Libya, the nObama State Department says not to worry. A reporter asked State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki, "Is there a broader concern that you're being -- the U.S. is being run out of town in the Arab world?" Pish posh, she responded: "We certainly don't look at it in that way. I would remind you that we were not the only country that moved our staff out of Yemen last night (so did the UK and France), and we have to take precautions to protect the men and women who are serving on our behalf. There's no question that in each of the countries you've mentioned there's a great bit of volatility, but that's -- the fact is that that's what's happening on the ground. It's not a reflection of the United States and our engagement. It's a reflection of the trouble and challenges happening in these countries." On the contrary, it absolutely is a reflection of Barack nObama's failed foreign policy.  
 -The Patriot Post  
Climate Hysteria and Methane Madness: Belching Cows, Fracking, and Obama’s EPA Mandates
 Methane Madness: Belching Cows, Fracking, nObama’s EPA Mandates  
(William F. Jasper) - Is methane an even worse climate villain than CO2? In the run-up to this year’s UN Paris Summit on global warming, President nObama, radical NGOs, and professional alarmists in the media are hyping the “threat” that methane (CH4)...supposedly presents to the planet. In January, President nObama announced plans for new EPA mandates aimed at cutting methane emissions by nearly one-half over the next decade. Hence, the federal regulators are busily crafting and ordering new limits on emissions from cows and other gassy critters, manure piles, landfills, sewers, and motor vehicles, etc. But the main targets, of course, are the coal, oil, and natural-gas industries. Coal and oil, especially, have been in the crosshairs, while, until recently, natural gas was the darling of environmentalists, who promoted it as the “clean energy” alternative to its “dirty” hydrocarbon cousins. However, now that natural-gas production has taken off and is actually replacing significant amounts of coal and oil, its erstwhile champions have turned on it with a vengeance.
 GOOD NEWS: nObama’s Exchanges are in Trouble  
(Twila Brase, RN, PHN) - A whopping $4.8 billion has been spent to build this national system. The exchange system -- a central server (Federal Data Services Hub), a federal website ( and state-based feeder websites (MNsure, Covered California, etc.) – has been funded through federal grants to states...and by federal diversion of ACA funds to build nObama and Congressional Democrats did not appropriate funding for a federal exchange because they wanted to keep ACA costs under $1 trillion and they expected states to build and fund the entire structure. But 36 states wisely said no to the high costs and federal control. The total spent is expected to rise to $6.2 billion at in 2015, according to an analysis released February 2 by Inside Health Policy. nObama is desperate for cash. His proposed 2016 Budget:

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 Senator Says No More IRS Funding Until Trust Is Restored  
(Rick Wells) - The scandal at the IRS regarding the targeting of conservative groups and individuals remains in a state of suspended animation and perpetual obstruction from within the agency and the White House, even as new information of questionable hiring practices are emerging...An Inspector General’s report acknowledged on Thursday that hundreds of former employees who had performed poorly or had other negatives such as integrity and security questions in their employment histories have been rehired by the agency. In addition to their current difficulties, IRS officials are responsible for the oversight and implementation of nobamacare.  Also on the immediate horizon is the implementation of the nObama illegal dictatorial amnesty,  the impact to the agency from that action is still unknown. With all the earmarks of a seriously mismanaged bureaucratic black hole, Director John Koskinen is asking for more money. If something in Washington isn’t working, the typical solution is to throw more taxpayer money at it. Koskinen’s hand is out, his agency needs to make ends meet. Ohio Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) says he won’t support any more funding for the IRS until they restore some element of trust.
 Failed ISIS raid tests US forces in Iraq  
( - A small band of ISIS fighters mounted a bold, dawn attack Friday on an air base in Iraq where U.S. forces are training troops, in what experts believe may have been a probe that could foreshadow a coming clash involving Americans...All eight Islamic State fighters were killed by Iraqi forces in the 7:20 a.m. raid on Ain al-Asad air base in the western province of Anbar, and none of the 400 U.S. military personnel at the base were involved, according to officials. Sources rejected reports that the militant fighters, who killed at least two Iraqi troops, had infiltrated the base wearing Iraqi army uniforms. “It was a regular ISIL attack,” a senior defense official told Fox News. “It happened at the gate about 3 kilometers from where U.S. forces are. We sent drones and Apaches [attack helicopters], but it was all over before they arrived and neither fired a shot.” Things can change as days go by.
 ISIS parades 17 Peshmerga Fighters in Cages “To Be Burned Alive”  
(nicedeb) - Heads bowed in terror the orange-clad Kurdish fighters are paraded through streets filled with jeering militants in the latest horrifying video release from Islamic State...In a grim echo of the terrible fate which befell Jordanian pilot Lieutenant Muath al-Kaseasbeh the captives, reportedly Peshmerga fighters, are dressed in orange jumpsuits and shackled in cages. Just as Lt. al-Kaseasbeh was burned alive on camera, IS are planning to do the same with their latest prisoners, according to posts on social media.
AP Photo/Jonathan Bachman
 Holdup on Holder Replacement Loretta Lynch Over HSBC Persecution  
(Matthew Boyle) - Republicans in the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee have stalled the nomination of U.S. attorney Loretta Lynch to replace Eric Holder as President Barack nObama’s Attorney General...and Sen. David Vitter (R-LA)—a member of the committee—says it’s because of her role in not bringing criminal charges in a white collar crime scandal. In December 2012, ABC News’s Brian Ross, Matthew Mosk and Carlos Boettcher reported that HSBC Bank “will avoid a potentially crippling criminal prosecution for its role in moving cash for known terror groups, Mexican drug cartels, and rogue governments such as Iran” because Justice Department officials instead agreed to assess a $2 billion settlement against the bank.
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 Kelly File – Calamitous Deterioration In The Middle-East  
(Rick Wells) - Megyn Kelly replays portions of her interview with State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki in which she greatly underplayed the weakness that the regime has shown in the face of Islamic terrorist expansionism and the false narrative that things aren’t as bad as they appear...Since we don’t have access to all of the information they do, the likelihood is just the opposite, that things are in fact much worse than we realize. Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal joins her to discuss the freefall of secular governments around the globe and particularly in the face of rising Middle East jihadists. Stephens notes that we now have two major terrorist threats operating and growing from within the Yemen borders, the Iranian-backed Houthi’s and their Sunni counterparts.
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 Congresswoman: 'Man Up' and Overhaul Military Benefits  
(Brendan McGarry) - A U.S. congresswoman implored her colleagues to "man up" and accept the recommendations from a blue-ribbon panel to overhaul military benefits...Rep. Jackie Speier, a Democrat from California and a member of the House Armed Services Committee, praised the recent work of the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission. The panel called for offering troops 401(k)-like retirement plans and military families a choice of commercial health insurance plans in lieu of Tricare, among other proposals. "We've just now have got to inject a little guts into all of us to do the right thing," she said Wednesday during a hearing of the committee's military personnel subcommittee, which received testimony from commission members.
 What Actually Causes   American Fear of Islam and   Muslims?  
(Daniel Pipes) - An ambitious 81-page document, Fear, Inc. 2.0: The Islamophobia Network's Efforts to Manufacture Hate in America, just appeared from the Center for American Progress, a liberal Democratic organization...Unlike its first iteration, in which a group with a $40-million annual budget and deep ties to big business had the nerve to claim that seven much smaller institutions were overpowering the country through their financial clout, this one looks at what the alleged "Islamophobia network" actually does. The report, written by Matthew Duss, Yasmine Taeb, Ken Gude, and Ken Sofer, makes for interesting reading. Its premise is that critics of Islamism (1) are really anti-Islamic and (2) have single-handedly distorted a the fundamental American value, namely a "basic respect for the rights of minority groups throughout the country." According to the CAP study, "the views of anti-Muslim actors stand in stark contrast to the values of most Americans." By dint of hard work, however, "a well-funded, well-organized fringe movement can push discriminatory policies against a segment of American society by intentionally spreading lies while taking advantage of moments of public anxiety and fear." This effort "takes many shapes and forms": a general climate, cynical political efforts, and institutional policies. Despite some setbacks, continues the CAP narrative, the network's efforts "continue to erode America's core values of religious pluralism, civil rights, and social inclusion."
ISIS fighters come from all over the world, including Western Europe and America, with Tunisia leading the way in the number of jihadists it has sent to the battlefields in Iraq and Syria.
 Syrian refugee program called 'back door for jihadists'  
(Leo Hohmann) - A senior FBI official has admitted the United States is finding it virtually impossible to screen out terrorists that could be hiding among the thousands of Syrian “refugees” heading soon to American cities...The U.S. simply does not have the resources to stop Islamic radicals in Syria from slipping into the country through the State Department’s refugee-resettlement program, said Michael Steinbach, deputy assistant director of the FBI’s counter terrorism unit. Separating legitimate refugees from terrorists was difficult enough in Iraq, where the U.S. had a large occupation force. Even then, the U.S. government’s vetting process missed “dozens” of Iraqi jihadists who slipped into the country posing as refugees and took up residence in Kentucky, according to a November 2013 ABC News report. Why let them in?

Dems facing choice
between nObama, Netanyahu
Matt Fuller
     ( - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's scheduled address to a joint session of Congress on March 3 is starting to look like a watershed moment for Democrats who find themselves facing a choice: Side with Netanyahu, or follow the lead of President Barack nObama.

     It's an open question whether Democrats will honor a decades-long tradition of bipartisan support for Israel and its leaders, or go with the White House, which has criticized the address as a breach of protocol and a threat to ongoing nuclear talks with Iran. nObama has said he has no plans to meet with Netanyahu during the Washington visit, and Vice President Loose Lips Joe Biden announced he would be out of the country during the address — though exactly where he'll be travelling remains unknown.

     Dozens of Democrats could follow Loose Lips Biden's lead, with Democrats still steaming over Speaker backstabber John Boehner's January invitation to the Israeli leader.

     The White House and other congressional Democrats, most notably Minority Leader Nancy Pulosi of California, have complained the invitation was made without consulting the president. And Democrats have derided the backstabber Boehner invite as an overtly political move — one that has driven a wedge between Republicans and Democrats on the staunchly bipartisan issue of supporting Israel.

     The Israel lobby is detecting the damage this address is already causing and trying to control it. On Tuesday, J Street, an Israeli advocacy group based in Washington, sent a letter to every member of Congress asking them to pressure backstabber Boehner into delaying the Netanyahu speech until after the March 17 elections.

     If members decide the speech is inappropriate, they won't exactly be making an enemy with the powerful Israel lobby. Nor would they be issuing the harshest rebuke of nObama if they ultimately show up.

     Most Democrats are expected to attend. And the White House hasn't been calling for a boycott. Even Pulosi told reporters last week that, "as of now," she plans to be there.

     Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer suggested the decision to attend or skip was up to individual members. A letter from Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chairman Keith Ellison, D-Minn.; Financial Services Ranking Member Maxine Waters, D-Calif.; and Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn.; asking backstabber Boehner to postpone the speech now has close to 20 Democrats signed on, according to an aide familiar with the effort.

     But Hoyer made it clear Tuesday he would attend the address, even though he called the speech fiasco "unseemly," "unfortunate" and "politicized."

"A controversy has been created that didn't need to be," he said.

     Asked if he was happy with how the nObama administration had handled the Netanyahu speech, Hoyer said he was "not unhappy."

     Double negatives aside, neither nObama nor Netanyahu — nor backstabber Boehner or other House Republicans, for that matter — show any signs of backing down.

     The president jabbed the Israeli prime minister Monday for his decision to come to Washington just two weeks before Israeli elections, and nObama warned against using Israel for political gain.

      "The U.S.-Israeli relationship is not about a particular party," nObama said during a news conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

      "As much as I love Angela, if she was two weeks away from an election, she probably would not have received an invitation to the White House — and I suspect she wouldn't have asked for one," nObama said.

     The president continued that Netanyahu's visit, in the midst of international negotiations over Iran's nuclear program, jeopardizes a potential deal.

      "It does not make sense to sour the negotiations a month or two before they are about to be complete," nObama said. "What's the rush? Unless your view is it's not possible to get a deal with Iran. … That I cannot agree with," he said.

     But Netanyahu, calling the proposed nuclear deal with Iran an "existential issue" for Israel, said Monday he will go ahead with the trip, and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy indicated Tuesday morning that Republicans were standing behind the Israeli prime minister, saying that, "just as anywhere else," there is a "separation" between the House and the administration on this issue.

      "I think it's a need with what's happening in the world today," McCarthy said. "I think it's important that people speak to us."

     Still, there were signs that parties in Israel and in the U.S. were trying to tamp down the furor surrounding the address. Reuters, citing unnamed sources in the Israeli government, reported Monday that officials are considering making the address a closed-door speech to Congress rather than a televised speech in prime time.

Read more…

Tuesday Morning - The Front Page Cover

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Mainstreaming Jew Hatred in America
Caroline B. Glick
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
The Hill: “The Senate is going to vote again on a procedural motion to consider a bill reversing President nObama’s executive actions on immigration and fund the Department of Homeland Security. Senate GOP Leader Mitch McCon-nell [R-Ky.] filed a motion to hold additional votes to end a Democratic filibuster of the bill, setting up as many as three more attempts. The votes are expected to take place the last week of February, as Congress will be out of town next week for a recess…Funding will lapse after Feb. 27.”  -Fox News 
 Cost, logistics of nObama immigration plan raise concerns    Fox News: “Though forecasting turn-out of applicants is largely a guessing game, DHS predicts as many as 1.3 million people may apply in the first six months alone…There's also the cost of the plan, officially known as Deferred Action for Parents of Americans, estimated at $324 million to $484 million over the next few years, according to DHS documents obtained by the Los Angeles Times.”   -Fox News 
 Fight over funding -   Democratic strategist Penny Lee and former Republican Senate staffer John Hart join Power Play host Chris Stirewalt to discuss the $40 billion Homeland Security bill that would stop the president’s executive action on immigration. Are Republicans picking the right bill for a fight? And can Congress come to an agreement? Watch here -Fox News 
 DeMint seeks peace with old rival McCon-nell -   Politico: “Jim DeMint paid a personal visit Thursday to an old rival: Mitch McCon-nell. DeMint, a former South Carolina senator and now president of The Heritage Foundation, met one-on-one with McCon-nell in the GOP leader’s Capitol suite as DeMint pitched Heritage’s ‘opportunity’ agenda. Things appeared to go over more smoothly with McCon-nell than they did last month with the House, where DeMint was confronted over his sister organization’s strict ratings of lawmakers’ conservatism…”  -Fox News 
Relatively little is known about the history of the peoples of the British Isles prior to the arrival of Roman legions in the 1st Century, A.D. But one durable belief is that the more placid peoples of the south who would live under Roman rule were a breed apart from the wild, savage tribes to the north, known to the Romans as Picts. But a new book from Benjamin Hudson, a professor of history and medieval studies at Penn State, is turning that discussion around. While Roman history focuses on the Picts as uncivilized enemies as the Romans began to try to expand the empire’s boundaries into northern England, Hudson’s book
argues that “they weren't different, they were merely Britons that the Romans didn't conquer.” While Hudson’s research shows a glimpse of life and culture without the Roman influence, it also makes the case that the bias of Roman historians created a false delineation between residents of the south and residents of the north prior to their arrival.   -Fox News 
 Congress Is Finally Doing Something To End Food Stamp Fraud  
( - One of the most abused systems funded by our government is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which is more commonly recognized as food stamps...People have been abusing the system since it came to be and now this group of Republicans is trying to put an end to it. Liberals are up in arms about it and will need to find a new way to exploit the system. The most popular form of food stamp fraud is taking place when recipients of the SNAP program receive their federal funds on a “EBT” card, an electronic benefit transfer card, and then sell it on the street for cash, which they are undoubtedly not using for food. However, legislation from Salmon and his group of supporters plans to put an end to fraudulent activities such as this. Under the proposed legislation, SNAP recipients will have to present a photo ID to the cashier when using food stamps to verify their identity and right to the federal funds.
 Megyn Kelly Grills State Dept.Jen Psaki on ‘Hasty’ Yemen Evacuation  
(nicedeb) - Yesterday Fox News reported that “crew served weapons were destroyed at the embassy in Yemen, while Marines’ personal weapons were “rendered inoperable” at the airport...and their destroyed components were left behind.” After diplomats left, the anti-American Houthi rebels seized embassy vehicles. Reportedly,  CENTCOM was “outraged” by the fact that the weapons had been rendered inoperable.      
Kelly’s next guest, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer, declared that Psaki is vastly underpaid by the Regime.
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 RINO Jeff Flake Reviving Plans To Sneak “Amnesty Plus”  
(Rick Wells) - The American people and our nation would be so much better off if the people that we elect to represent us in Washington would actually do that, instead of attacking us in the service of their big money globalist masters once safely across state lines...One of the worst offenders among the RINO Republican establishment is Arizona Senator Jeff Flake. He was one of the original gang of eight amnesty traitors along with John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Marco Rubio (R-FL). He is working in tandem with the deceptive House Speaker, John Boehner in the revival of the Mike McCaul (R-TX) bill that is fraudulently represented by establishment Republicans as a piece of border security legislation. Those in the know, including the Border Patrol union, say it does not increase security. It is just another example of the subversive nature of corrupt government officials who are determined to undermine the will of the people in exchange for their own personal rewards.
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 FBI Testimony – Americans Fighting With ISIS  
(Rick Wells) - In testimony before the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday, FBI Counterterrorism Division Assistant Director Michael Steinbach described the situation with ISIS foreign fighter travel as “not even close to being under control.”...Rep Buddy Carter (R-GA) asked Steinbach what could be done to better control the foreign fighter travel problem, an issue which he said he finds particularly concerning. He states he doesn’t know if the administration has even identified a lead agency to combat the problem. Steinbach says that per statute the FBI has jurisdiction on the issue, but that it is a difficult problem, one that is not simply a matter of a single point “A” to point “B” trip. Those seeking to engage in support of ISIS do so learn from others and disguise their travel by breaking their trips up into disconnected segments. He describes the multitude of difficulties that face law enforcement in reining in dealing with Americans choosing to become ISIS terrorists.
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 Sen Mike Lee – Democrat Obstructionists Are Siding With nObama  
(Rick Wells) - Mark Levin notes how constitutional conservatives are standing up to the unlawful actions of Hussein nObama and asks if the Democrats are trying to shut down the Department of Homeland Security...His guest, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), reminds the listeners that the unlawful decrees of Hussein nObama took place in the complete absence of the statutory or constitutional authority to do so.The obstructionist Democrats won’t even allow the Republicans to debate the bill, filibustering any attempt to bring it to the floor. They aren’t even willing to vote on amendments. They are acting as if dinky Harry Reid were still the majority leader and protecting Hussein nObama’s unconstitutional act, in a truly dictatorial effort, keeping his illegal mandates beyond the reach of the American people through their elected representatives. Senator Lee notes that there were seven or eight Senators just a few weeks ago who were stating that they disagreed with the despotic declarations, they too are acting obstructively. Lee describes the Democrats as saying, “I’m willing to back the president of my party just because he’s the president of my party, even when he betrays his oath to the Constitution and in the process I’m going to betray mine.”
 Republican Party Has Sold Its Soul to the Devil, it Sold Its Soul to Allah  
(Ben Barrack) - A Palestinian-American’s ties to the Bush family may go a long way toward explaining why George W. Bush would listen to Grover Norquist and embrace leaders of Muslim Brotherhood front groups after 9/11... Norquist is still very much a power player in American politics as president and founder of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR). This is so despite his verifiable connections to nefarious Muslim groups and individuals. As has written about on more than one occasion, it simply didn’t make sense that Bush would get in bed with America’s enemies just days after the 21st Century equivalent of Pearl Harbor.
 Should Islam Be Banned for Blasphemy?  
(Raymond Ibrahim) - Soon after Muslim gunmen killed 12 people at Charlie Hebdo offices, which published satirical caricatures of Muslim prophet Muhammad, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)—the "collective voice of the Muslim world" and second largest inter-governmental organization after the United again renewing calls for the United Nations to criminalize "blasphemy" against Islam, or what it more ecumenically calls, the "defamation of religions." Yet the OIC seems to miss one grand irony: if international laws would ban cartoons, books, and films on the basis that they defame Islam, they would also, by logical extension, have to ban the entire religion of Islam itself—the only religion whose core texts actively and unequivocally defame other religions, including by name. To understand this, consider what "defamation" means. Typical dictionary-definitions include "to blacken another's reputation" and "false or unjustified injury of the good reputation of another, as by slander or libel." In Muslim usage, defamation simply means anything that insults or offends Islamic sensibilities.
 Attention, San Fran Nan: Government Dependency Kills Jobs  
(Michelle Malkin) - Being a San Francisco liberal means never having to say you're sorry. Or wrong. Take Nancy Pulosi, please...Five years ago, California's genius Bay Area Democrat declared that government unemployment checks generate job growth. Yes, really. "Let me say about unemployment insurance," she told reporters, "this is one of the biggest stimuluses (sic) to our economy. Economists will tell you, this money is spent quickly. It injects demand into the economy and is job creating." What Crazy-Cakes Pulosi failed to mention, however, is the long-established conclusion of labor economists from all parts of the political spectrum that extending unemployment insurance benefits prolongs unemployment. While she heralded the short-term effects on consumer spending, she ignored the blindingly obvious: Outside the land of progressive make-believe, workers respond to incentives. Over the long term, subsidizing joblessness creates more of it.
 Democrats blow dog whistle on Scott Walker's college career  
( - Today, there still exists a very small, elite world in which school ties can pull big strings. Outside of that world, neither grades, nor school pedigree, nor even possession of a finished degree matter very much...Those who have already entered the professional world and shown themselves capable of handling its rigors are seldom asked about their education when applying for the second, third or fourth jobs of their career. Even so, the concerns of that elite have suddenly been aroused because one of the leading Republican contenders for president — Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin — quit school without finishing his bachelor's degree. Walker quit college in good standing, but 34 credits shy of graduation. “During my senior year at Marquette University,” he said in his 2013 State of the State speech, “I was offered a full-time job at the American Red Cross. I thought I would squeeze in a course here or there and finish things off in a year or two, but then Tonette and I got married. Then we had Matt. And then came Alex. Next thing you know, you're putting all your extra time and money into your kids.”
 A Herd of Elephants  
(STEPHEN F. HAYES) - It’s still two years before the next president takes the oath of office, but the contest that will determine who raises his right hand that day started in earnest last month for Republicans, with a grassroots gathering in Iowa and a meeting of high-dollar donors in California...With that, it’s time for my highly anticipated ranking of the Republican primary field. Okay, okay—that might be a stretch. These are probably unanticipated rankings. But with the Iowa caucuses less than a year away Republicans across the country are already abuzz about the possibilities. The assessments below are based on dozens of conversations with grassroots conservatives in early states like Iowa and New Hampshire and South Carolina; with Republican officeholders at virtually every level of government; with national Republican strategists, fund-raisers, and operatives; with advisers and consultants to the emerging campaigns; and in several cases with the candidates themselves. So in reverse order—from least likely to most likely—here’s a look at the prospective GOP nominees.
Mainstreaming Jew Hatred in America
Caroline B. Glick
Obama's Mainstreaming Jew Hatred in America
     ( - US President Barack nObama is mainstreaming anti-Semitism in America.

     This week, apropos of seemingly nothing, in an interview with Mathew Yglesias from the website, nObama was asked about terrorism. In his answer the president said the terrorism threat is overrated. And that was far from the most disturbing statement he made.

     Moving from the general to the specific, nObama referred to the jihadists who committed last month’s massacres in Paris as “a bunch of violent vicious zealots,” who “randomly shot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris.”

     In other words, Ahmedy Coulibaly, the terrorist at Hyper Cacher, the kosher supermarket he targeted, was just some zealot. The Jews he murdered while they were shopping for Shabbat were just “a bunch of folks in a deli,” presumably shot down while ordering their turkey and cheese sandwiches.

     No matter that Coulibaly called a French TV station from the kosher supermarket and said he was an al-Qaida terrorist and that he chose the kosher supermarket because he wanted to kill Jews.

     As far as the leader of the free world is concerned, his massacre of four Jews at the market can teach us nothing about anything other than that some random people are mean and some random people are unlucky.

     And anyway, nObama explained, we’re only talking about this random act of senseless violence because as he said, “If it bleeds, it leads.” The media, desperate for an audience, inflates the significance of these acts of random violence, for ratings.

     nObama’s statement about the massacre of Jews in Paris is notable first and foremost for what it reveals about his comfort level with anti-Semitism.

     By de-judaizing the victims, who were targets only because they were Jews, nObama denied the uniqueness of the threat jihadist Islam and its adherents pose to Jews. By pretending that Jews are not specifically targeted for murder simply because they are Jews, he dismissed the legitimate concerns Jews harbor for their safety, whether in Diaspora communities or in Israel.

     If nothing distinguished Coulibaly’s massacre at Hyper Cacher from a mugging or an armed robbery gone bad, then Jews have no right to receive unique consideration – whether for their community’s security in London or Paris, or San Francisco – or for Israel’s security.

     As subsequent statements from administration spokespeople made clear, nObama’s statement was not a gaffe. When questioned about his remarks, both White House spokesman Josh Earnest and State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki doubled down on nObama’s denial of the anti-Semitic nature of the massacre at Hyper Cacher. Earnest said that the Jews who were murdered were people who just “randomly happened to be” at the supermarket.

     Psaki said that the victims didn’t share a common background or nationality, pretending away the bothersome fact that they were all Jews.

     Just as bad as their denials of the anti-Jewish nature of the attack on Hyper Cacher, were Psaki’s and Earnest’s belated revisions of their remarks. After coming under a storm of criticism from American Jews and from the conservative media, both Psaki and Earnest turned to their Twitter accounts to walk back their remarks and admit that indeed, the massacre at Hyper Cacher was an anti-Semitic assault.

     Their walk back was no better than their initial denial of the anti-Jewish nature of the Islamist attack, because it amplified the very anti-Semitism they previously denied promoted attack.

     As many nObama supporters no doubt interpreted their behavior, first nObama and his flaks stood strong in their conviction that Jews are not specifically targeted. Then after they were excoriated for their statements by Jews and conservatives, they changed their tune.

     The subtext is clear. The same Jews who are targeted no more than anyone else, are so powerful and all controlling that they forced the poor nObama administration to bow to their will and parrot their false and self-serving narrative of victimization.

     The administration’s denial of the unique threat Jews face from jihadists is not limited to its anti-Semitic characterizations of the attack at Hyper Cacher.

     It runs as well through nObama’s treatment of Israel and its actions to defend itself against its jihadist enemies from Hamas to Hezbollah to Iran.

     Today, the most outstanding example of nObama’s exploitation of anti-Semitic tropes to diminish US support for Israel is his campaign to delegitimize Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu ahead of his scheduled speech before the joint houses of Congress on March 3.
     As we belatedly learned from a small correction at the bottom of a New York Times article on January 30, contrary to the White House’s claim, Netanyahu did not blindside nObama when he accepted Speaker of the House backstabber John Boehner’s invitation to address the Congress. He informed the White House of his intention to accept backstabber Boehner’s offer before he accepted it.

Netanyahu did not breach White House protocol.

He did not behave rudely or disrespectfully toward nObama.

     The only one that behaved disrespectfully and rudely was nObama in his shabby and slanderous treatment of Netanyahu. It was nObama who peddled the lie that Netanyahu was using the speech not to legitimately present Israel’s concerns regarding the prospect of a nuclear armed Iran, but to selfishly advance his political fortunes on the back of America’s national security interests and the independence of its foreign policy.

     It was nObama and Vice President Loose Lips Joe Biden who spearheaded efforts to coerce Democratic lawmakers to boycott Netanyahu’s speech by announcing that they would refuse to meet with the leader of the US’s closest ally in the Middle East during his stay in Washington.

     So far only 15 members of the House and three Senators have announced their intention to boycott Netanyahu’s speech. But even if all the other Democratic lawmakers do attend his speech, the impact of nObama’s campaign to defame Netanyahu will long be felt.

     First of all, if all goes as he hopes, the media and his party members will use his demonization of Netanyahu’s character as a means to dismiss the warnings that Netanyahu will clearly sound in his address.

     Second, by boycotting Netanyahu and encouraging Democrats to do the same, nObama is mainstreaming the anti-Semitic boycott, divestment and sanctions movement to isolate Israel.

     Moreover, he is mobilizing Democratic pressure groups like J Street and to make it costly for Democratic politicians to continue to support Israel.

     There is another aspect of the Hyper Cacher massacre, which was similarly ignored by the White House and that bears a direct relationship to nObama’s attempt to destroy the credibility of Netanyahu’s warnings about his Iran policy.

     Whereas the journalists murdered at Charlie Hebdo magazine were killed because their illustrations of Muhammad offended Muslim fascists, the Jews murdered at Hyper Cacher were targeted for murder because they were Jews. In other words, the Islamist hatred of Jews is inherently genocidal, not situational.

     If Islamists have the capacity to annihilate the Jews, they will do so. And this brings us back to nObama’s statement to As is his habit, nObama refused to use the term Islamic to describe the “violent, vicious zealots” who randomly targeted Jews at the Hyper Cacher.

     Since the outset of his presidency, nObama has vigilantly denied the connection between Islamism and terrorism and has mischaracterized jihad as peaceful self-reflection, along the lines of psychotherapy. Last week his denial of the Islamist nature of jihadist assaults worldwide rose to new heights when in his remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast he compared today’s jihadists to the Crusaders from a thousand years ago. And whereas he identified the Crusaders as Christians, he refused to acknowledge that today’s mass murdering zealots act in the name of Islam.

     nObama’s stubborn, absurd and dangerous refusal to mention the word Islam in connection with the war being waged worldwide by millions in its name, coupled with his eagerness to always compare this unnamed scourge to the past evils of Western societies, indicates that his defense of Islamic supremacism is not merely a policy preference but rather reflects a deeper ideological commitment. The perception that nObama either does not oppose or embraces Islamic extremism is strengthened when coupled with his appalling attempts to ignore the fact of Islamic Jew-hatred and its genocidal nature and his moves to demonize Netanyahu for daring to oppose his policy toward Iran.

     It is in this policy and in nObama’s wider Middle East strategy that we find the real world consequences of nObama’s denial of the unique victimization and targeting of Jews and the Jewish state by Islamic terrorists and Islamist regimes.

     Loopholes in nObama’s interim nuclear framework deal with Iran from November 2013 have allowed Iran to make significant advances in its nuclear weapons program while still formally abiding by its commitments under the agreement. Iran has stopped enriching uranium to 20 percent purity levels, and sufficed with enriching uranium to 3.5% purity. But at the same time it has developed and begun using advanced centrifuges that enrich so quickly that the distinction between 3.5% and 20% enrichment levels becomes irrelevant. Iran has made significant advances in its ballistic missile program, including in its development of intercontinental ballistic missiles designed to carry nuclear warheads. It has continued its development of nuclear bombs, and it has enriched sufficient quantities of uranium to produce one to two nuclear bombs.

     According to leaked reports, the permanent nuclear deal that nObama seeks to convince Iran to sign would further facilitate Iran’s ascension to the nuclear club. Among other things, the deal will place a time limit on the already ineffective inspections regime, thus blinding the world entirely to Iran’s nuclear activities.

     At the same time that nObama is facilitating Iran’s emergence as a nuclear power, he is doing nothing to stop its regional empowerment. Today Iran controls Syria, Iran and Yemen and holds sway over Lebanon and Gaza. It threatens Saudi Arabia, and its Muslim Brotherhood allies threaten Egypt and Jordan.

     As for nObama’s allied campaign against Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, the largest beneficiary to date of the US-led campaign has been Iran. Since the US-led campaign began last fall, Iran has achieved all but public US support for its control over the Iraqi military and for the survival of the Assad regime in Syria.

     The trajectory of nObama’s policies is taking the region is obvious. He is clearing the path for a nuclear armed Iran that controls large swathes of the Arab world through its proxies.

     It is also clear that Iran intends to use its nuclear arsenal in the same way that Coulibaly used his Kalashnikov – to kill Jews, as many Jews as possible.

     Perhaps nObama is acting out of anti-Semitism, perhaps he acts out of sympathy for Islamic fascism.

     Whatever the case may be, what is required from Israel, and from Netanyahu, is clear. Speaking to Congress may be a necessary precondition for that action, but it is not the action itself.
Read more…

Monday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
How nObama and his mouthpieces
are encouraging anti-Jewish behavior
Jonathan Tobin
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"

 The Ambivalent Authorization to Avoid Fighting ISIL  
Barack nObama submitted to Congress his request for an Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant on Wednesday. It's so pathetic and restricted, however, it should be called the Authorization to Avoid Using Force at All Costs. For the last six months, the Nobel Peace Prize winner has unilaterally justified limited airstrikes against ISIL (Jihadistan) as an extension of George W. Bush's 2001 AUMF against al-Qaida and his 2002 AUMF against Iraq. But Obama's new AUMF will repeal the 2002 one. His proposal bars any "enduring offensive combat operations" (using the word "enduring" is clearly a slap at Bush) and it expires after three years. We thought he was bad with senseless timetables before -- now he's setting them before he even gets started. nObama has done nothing but burn bridges with Republicans, so it isn't surprising to see resistance from the GOP-controlled Congress, especially that nObama's AUMF doesn't go nearly far enough. Naturally, it goes too far for Democrats, who aren't willing to blindly follow their leader after he led them to a virtual bloodbath in the midterm elections. Besides, they've spent too much political energy since 2003 opposing "Bush's wars" to eagerly defend this one. 
 -The Patriot Post 
In a blistering column, influential conservative columnist Matthew Continetti calls President nObama’s request for congressional authorization for the ongoing war in Iraq and Syria a “trap” and says he would “happily” vote it down. “If the threat of ISIS is as dire as the president says it is in the preamble of his resolution,” Continetti writes, “then not only does the president already have the authority to strike granted to him by Article II of the Constitution and the 2001 and 2002 war resolutions, he also should not cavil or hesitate in unleashing every means at his disposal to confront and defeat the enemy.” Continetti goes on to say, “I also cannot help thinking that the presidential request is little more than a trap, a bone thrown in the direction of the cloakroom to distract from the collapse of America’s position in the Middle East and the approaching deadline for nuclear talks with Iran. How better to provoke infighting among both Republicans and Democrats, to switch the debate from sanctions against Iran to ‘Rand Paul versus Marco Rubio for the soul of the GOP,’ than to start a debate over presidential war powers as the war is going on.”  -Fox News   
 ISIS grabs ground -   Fox News: “Islamic State fighters reportedly seized most of a western Iraqi town on Thursday, in fighting taking place mere miles from an air base where hundreds of U.S. Marines are training Iraqis. Reuters, quoting local officials, reported Thursday that ISIS militants had overrun much of the town of al-Baghdadi. One local Iraqi official told Reuters that, "Ninety percent of al-Baghdadi district has fallen under the control of the insurgents."  -Fox News   
 A question of selfie control -   Buzzfeed released a video Thursday showing the commander in chief using a selfie stick and smiling at himself in the mirror to help promote nObamaCare. It delighted many in the media. The Washington Post called it, “cute” and “catchy,” while People Magazine gets in on the action suggesting, “judging by the president's expert selfie stick form, it seems like his meeting with Kim Kardashian last year really paid off.” Not mentioned in the stories: the video was reportedly shot on the same day the world learned ISIS hostage Kayla Mueller was dead.
           “Evil is real. There is no light grey. Murdering innocent people to move a political point of view has been, is and always will be evil.” Former President George W. Bush in a lecture at University of Mary Hardin-Baylor on Wednesday -Fox News   
“[W]riter, political activist and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, will attend Prime Minister [Benjamin Netanyahu’s] congressional speech regarding Iran on March 3,” reports the Observer. “A full-page advertisement declaring Mr. Wiesel’s intention to attend the controversial speech will appear in The New York Times on February 14th to be followed by The Washington Post.”
           [WSJ: “Senate Republicans on Thursday moved to officially welcome Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the U.S. ahead of his planned speech to Congress next month, the latest development in a saga that has roiled politics in both countries.”]   -Fox News   
057 hostage location 940
 Blood On nObama’s Hands – Knew In May Where ISIS Hostages Were   
(Rick Wells) - Katherine Herridge reports that the United States, including the White House, knew last May where all four of the now murdered Americans being held captive by ISIS were located...The information was complete to the point of identifying the specific building in which they were being held, but Hussein nObama refused to act to rescue them. Contrary to previous claims of vague or unspecific intelligence, Herridge’s sources state that the information even included building layouts and diagrams. nObama has said in the past that we didn’t have actionable intelligence; apparently the bar for action by this White House is extremely high, to the point of paralysis. She reports that there was a seven week delay in the time between when the information was first obtained until the belated action was finally undertaken. During that period of time ISIS became aware that the security of their facility had been compromised and removed and separated the four hostages.
GRAPHIC VIDEO: ISIS Enacts HORRIFIC, Never Before Seen Style Execution
 GRAPHIC: ISIS Enacts HORRIFIC, Never Seen Style Execution  
(Robert Rich) - ISIS has released yet another execution video, but this one incorporated something a bit more sinister. In their all too familiar, propaganda video style, they’ve taken to using a pump-action shotgun – and it had devastating results...The video, which can be seen at length here, begins with a soldier, thought to belong to Bashar Al-Assad’s Syrian Arab Army, saying a few words in Arabic. Before long, the video cuts, and he is seen wearing the iconic orange jumpsuit as seen in so many other ISIS execution videos.
A man walks past near an image of revolutionary hero Ernesto "Che" Guevara in Havana December 27, 2014. Cuba's most prominent dissidents say they have been kept in the dark by U.S. officials over a list of 53 political prisoners who will be released from jail as part of a deal to end decades of hostility between the United States and Cuba. Reuters
 nObama’s gambit misunderstands Cuban reality  
(Roger F. Noriega) - President nObama’s decision to normalize diplomatic relations with the Castro government after 54 years is certainly dramatic. However, it appears that his new approach to Cuba, announced on December 17, will neither...advance US interests nor produce any significant change on the island. Although nObama’s actions have been characterized as bold, their practical impact is to reinforce the status quo and favor a soft landing for the Castro dictatorship. Critics of the president’s initiatives assert that the normalization of political relations confers political recognition on a totalitarian regime, prioritizing conventional dialogue with the state over solidarity with the Cuban people.
Korea Unification Coming Soon? Jim Rogers Weighs In
 Concerning the Unification of Korea  
(Robert Williams) - In the fascinating image above, taken from a NASA satellite, it looks as if North Korea has disappeared. Notice how there seems to be nothing between China’s mainland and South Korea...But if you look closely, lights from the North Korean capital, Pyongyang, are visible at the center. The image eerily captures the country’s profound lack of technological advancement.
 Requirements for Handgun Purchases Deemed Unconstitutional  
(Tim Brown) - Well, Duh! A federal court in Texas has ruled that residency requirement for handgun purchases is unconstitutional...The ruling smacked down gun grabbing Attorney General Eric Holder‘s claim that banning handguns outside of a person’s state of residence is not a violation of the Second Amendment. The ruling, which overturned a ban on handgun transfers between citizens living in separate states, involved three individuals with the help of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA).
 Turkey's Crocodile Tears for the Holocaust  
(Burak Bekdil) - For a few moments, one could think there are two countries in the world that go by the name "Turkey." Then reality quickly corrects the mistaken belief. "We hope that every person develops an understanding of the Holocaust...which constitutes one of the darkest moments in human history, and will consider the importance of working together so that such a tragedy, and the conditions that made this inconceivable crime possible, will never re-emerge," the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a written statement on January 27. How nice and thoughtful. But there were more Turkish niceties. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu was among the participants in Poland at the ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp, on Holocaust Remembrance Day. And Turkey donated a modest sum of 150,000 euros this year as its contribution to the long-term preservation and restoration of the concentration camp.
 Constitution: A worthless piece of paper  
(Judge Andrew Napolitano) - President George W. Bush was fond of saying that “9/11 changed everything.” He used that one-liner often as a purported moral basis to justify the radical restructuring of federal law and the federal assault on personal liberties over which he presided...He cast aside his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution; he rejected his oath to enforce all federal laws faithfully; and he moved the government decidedly in the direction of secret laws, secret procedures and secret courts. During his presidency, Congress enacted the Patriot Act. This legislation permits federal agents to write their own search warrants when those warrants are served on custodians of records – like doctors, lawyers, telecoms, computer servers, banks and even the Post Office.
ISIS on the doorstep? Fighters reportedly seize Iraqi town near base holding US Marines
 ISIS: Fighters reportedly seize Iraqi town near base holding US Marines  
( - Islamic State fighters reportedly seized most of a western Iraqi town on Thursday, in fighting taking place mere miles from an air base where hundreds of U.S. Marines are training Iraqis...Reuters, quoting local officials, reported Thursday that ISIS militants had overrun much of the town of al-Baghdadi. One local Iraqi official told Reuters that, "Ninety percent of al-Baghdadi district has fallen under the control of the insurgents." A Defense Department spokeswoman confirmed to Fox News that “heavy fighting” took place in that area on Thursday, but referred questions about the status of the town to the Iraq government.
 Why the (toothless) Iran sanctions bill matters  
(Daniel Pipes) - Nearly all the 54 Republican U.S. senators will vote in favor of the Kirk-Menendez bill requiring sanctions on Iran if the P5+1 negotiations fail. President nObama has promised to veto it. Now, the senate is gearing up for a high-drama vote...will Democrats provide the 13 to 15 votes needed for a veto-proof majority? Lost in the shuffle is a little-noticed section of the bill that, if passed, guts it. The "Draft of Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2015," posted on the website of Sen. Mark Kirk (Republican of Illinois) contains a "Waiver of Sanctions." Designed to win the support of skittish Democrats, it also undermines the bill's goal of forcing Obama's hand in the negotiations. Section 208 bears quotation in full:
058 Jeff Session 940
 nObama And Pro-Amnesty Senators Poking American People's Eye  
(Rick Wells) - Senator Jeff Sessions addresses the Senate on the topic of Hussein nObama’s illegal amnesty, reminding them that it is a huge issue for America, both as a constitutional question as well as one of policy...He says the constitutional question, which he believes “the House of Representatives understands, is that Congress appropriates money. Congress has no duty to placate the ‘president’ of the United States when he wants to carry on an activity that Congress chooses not to fund.” Sessions says, “The ‘president’ is the one who has poked the American people in the eye. He’s poked the right and powers of Congress in the eye, by taking money that was designed and given to Homeland Security to enforce the laws of the United States and he’s taking that money and spending it at this very moment to undermine and to violate the laws of the United States.”

How nObama and his mouthpieces
are encouraging anti-Jewish behavior
Jonathan Tobin
  ( - President nObama's recent interview with Vox included an astonishing characterization of one of the most notorious recent terror attacks.

     As he did in his initial reaction to the assault on a kosher deli in Paris, the president did not call it an act of anti-Semitism or say that those slaughtered were singled out for murder because they were Jews. Even worse, he told Vox that those responsible for the attack on the Hyper Cacher had decided to "randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a Paris deli."

     The day after such a glaring misstatement of fact, one might expect the White House to walk back this remark in some way. But, instead, both White House spokesman Josh Earnest and State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki doubled down on the president's tortured logic in a stunning display of Orwellian doubletalk.

     Instead of just a president with a blind spot about anti-Semitism that comes out when he is interviewed, it is now clear that the United States has an administration with a blind spot about anti-Semitism.

     To have made such a statement once might be just a gaffe. To do it twice revealed that the president has a blind spot about anti-Semitism that somehow prevents him from either admitting that the incident was anti-Semitic or condemning it as an incident in which Jews were targeted. But today we learned that this is not just a rhetorical tic. It is now official U.S. policy to claim that when Islamist murderers go into a kosher deli looking for Jews to kill, they are not targeting Jews or acting out of religious bias.

     Earnest's insistence that the Hyper Cacher was not chosen by the terrorists because of the likelihood that it would be filled with Jews shopping for the Sabbath is mind-boggling. So, too, is Psaki's belief that calling it an act of anti-Semitism is a question so complex that only the local French authorities investigating the crime can know for sure.

     Why the adamant refusal to label an unambiguous act of anti-Semitism what it is?

     One reason is the natural resistance on the part of this administration to admit mistakes especially when the president commits them. President nObama is a notoriously thin-skinned individual who clings to the conceit that he understands every issue better than his critics. Few administrations like to concede they have erred but this one is particularly allergic to that type of transparency.

But this problem goes deeper than that.

     This is an administration that is loath to say that Islamist terrorists represent a significant minority of adherents of their faith. Indeed, this understandable desire to avoid casting the conflict as one of the West against Muslims has been exaggerated to the extent that the president now poses as the pope and claims that he has the authority to determine who does or does not reflect the true version of that faith.

     But now apparently this reluctance to admit that Islamists terrorists are Muslims extends to refusing to say that Jewish victims were Jewish or that the killers were trying to kill Jews. In doing so, the administration seems to think that denying that it was an act of anti-Semitism will absolve it of any responsibility to speak up against Jew hatred or to acknowledge the way the virus of anti-Semitism has spread among Muslims.

     It goes without saying that this controversy and the embarrassing lengths to which nObama's whims required Earnest and Psaki to foreswear both logic and honesty were entirely unnecessary.

     Acknowledging the obvious anti-Semitic nature of the Hyper Cacher attack has no real policy implications. No one expects the administration to do anything about anti-Semitism except to condemn it.

     In fact any mention of the attack is not a trick question. It is a layup for the president who could easily pose as a defender of Jewish interests and an opponent of hate by merely saying he is appalled by the targeting of Jews in France or anywhere else.

     nObama and his mouthpieces could have done this easily without being roped into unwanted action or even expressing sympathy for Israel as a refuge against anti-Semitism.

     But though speaking out against anti-Semitism is a cost-free way of demonstrating both sensitivity and a zealous defense of human rights, it is apparently too much to ask of a president who feels free in his last two years in the White House to say and do as he likes.

     But there is a cost attached to nObama's refusal to speak about anti-Semitism and his firm orders to underlings to copy his oblivious stand. By that I do not refer to a political cost for nObama who will never again have to face an electorate, including an American Jewish community that gave him the lion's share of their votes despite his obvious hostility to Israel.

     Instead it is the Jews of Europe, who continue to be targeted because of their faith amid what even nObama's State Department termed a "rising tide of anti-Semitism," who will pay the price for his refusal to speak the truth about violent Jew hatred.

     Islamist terrorists and their state sponsors in Iran will not be slow to pick up on this signal from Washington that the Jews are on their own. If the president and his spin masters won't speak about anti-Semitism, you can be sure that those ginning up these attacks and engaging in the most vile forms of delegitimization will interpret it as a sign that the U.S. isn't interested in the fate of the Jews.

     Were the president prepared to speak responsibly about terrorism he would do more than acknowledge that the Hyper Cacher was singled out because it was filled with Jews. He would, instead, connect the dots between these acts of terror and the hate spread by an Iranian regime that he is pursuing with offers of détente. But it is hardly surprising that a president who treats Israeli acts of self-defense against terror as an obstacle to his foreign policy goals would treat the siege of the Jews of Europe as beneath his notice.

     An administration with a blind spot about anti-Semitism is one that is not only encouraging more such attacks. It is also demonstrating that is unready to defend anyone against an Islamist scourge that this president dares not call by its right name.

Read more…

Monday Morning - The Front Page Cover

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
It’s Time To Impeach nObama –
We Don’t Have Two Years To Wait,
Our Nation Won’t Survive
Rick Wells
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 Were Chapel Hill Murders a 'Hate Crime'? 
Disturbing news out of Chapel Hill, North Carolina: The New York Daily News reports, "Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, a graduate student at UNC-Chapel Hill, his wife Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha, 21, and her sister, Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19, were all found shot to death in a condo near the campus late Tuesday afternoon. Neighbor Craig Stephen Hicks, a vehement 46-year-old self-professed atheist, surrendered to police and has been charged in the triple homicide." Naturally, the Left's early storyline is that, because the victims were Muslims, this was a "hate crime" inspired by "American Sniper," the NRA and Fox News. We'd argue that any time a human being is murdered it's a hate crime -- murder isn't committed out of love. Religion absolutely motivates some murderers, but, as Barack nObama clearly illustrated recently, for leftists, it's a one-way street. As for Hicks, he is a leftist who intensely hates all religion, and police say he committed murder over a parking dispute. Kind of undermines the Left's narrative, doesn't it? More...  -The Patriot Post  
 Judge Strikes Down Ban on Interstate Sale of Handguns  
Magic happens when the courts start to interpret the Second Amendment using strict scrutiny, which holds the government to the highest standards in justifying laws. Missouri applied this level when it reformed its gun laws in August. Now, a Texas judge ruled the government's requirement that a citizen purchasing a handgun must do so from an FFL dealer in their residing state violates the Constitution. This was challenged last June, when DC residents Andrew and Tracey Hanson tried to buy a handgun in Texas. In the decision, Judge Reed O'Connor wrote, "The federal interstate handgun transfer ban is unique compared to other firearms restrictions because it does not target certain people (such as felons or the mentally ill), conduct (such as carrying firearms into government buildings or schools), or distinctions among certain classes of firearms (such as fully automatic weapons or magazine capacity). Instead, the federal interstate handgun transfer ban targets the entire national market of handgun sales and directly burdens law-abiding, responsible citizens who seek to complete otherwise lawful transactions for handguns." This further cement's AG Eric Holder's failure to do anything with gun control. More...    -The Patriot Post  
 Congress Sends Keystone Legislation to nObama  
Cue Barack nObama's veto pen of doom. In a 270 to 152 vote Wednesday, the House sent a bill authorizing the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline to nObama's desk. The president has warned he would veto the bill because he claims his administration hasn't had enough time to review the environmental ramifications of the project. And while nObama's arguments that a congressional authorization violates the separation of powers is rich, coming from the phone 'n' pen president, the real reason is that nObama wants to follow the bidding of his Environmental Protection Agency. On the House floor, Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) told the chamber, "This is the most federally reviewed pipeline in American history. This is an American issue. Majority of the American people support this. ... It's way past time to say yes." Unfortunately, when nObama vetoes, Congress doesn't have the votes to override his veto. This may be the first veto of many from the newly minted president of no. More...  -The Patriot Post  
 backstabber Boehner to Democrats: 'Get Off Your A--'  
Now that the House has passed a measure to fund the Department of Homeland Security but block Barack nObama's executive amnesty, Speaker backstabber John Boehner had a short but stern message for Democrat obstructionists who are threatening to prevent its passage in the Senate: "The House has done its job. Why don't you go ask the Senate Democrats when they are going to get off their a-- and do something?" In order to pass, the bill needs the support of 60 senators -- a feat that is looking unlikely. "Apparently," said Rep. John Fleming (R-LA), "the strategy now with the Democrat minority is to block everything over there." And here the Leftmedia has been telling us that Republicans are the "party of no."

In other news, while Congress dithers, America has imported two immigrants for every job created since 2000.   -The Patriot Post  

 Cease-Fire in Ukraine May Only Be Temporary Peace  
As the Gipper once said, "Trust, but verify." After a night of talks, France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine worked out a cease-fire agreement that is supposed to take effect this Sunday. For months, Russian President Vladimir Putin has waged a proxy invasion in Ukraine because the country used to be the prized territory of the Soviet Empire. And while the violence that has claimed more than 5,300 lives is set to end, the future is still uncertain for Ukraine. Separatists -- proxy Russian troops -- made territorial gains since the last cease-fire in September quickly disintegrated. Furthermore, Hot Air's Jazz Shaw writes, "There are a few things which hold me back from too much optimism here and the first one can be summed up in two words: Vladimir Putin. Any deal with Putin relies on the credibility of his word. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 7,259 times, fire me and get a new negotiator." In short, Putin wants this territory. He's going to grasp for it, using troops or statecraft. More...   -The Patriot Post  
Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH), stand with members of his leadership team after a vote for Republican House leadership positions on Capitol Hill in Washington November 13, 2014. Boehner was reelected as Speaker of the House for the 114th Congress. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS) - RTR4E2UZ
 House Sends Keystone XL Bill To nObama’s Desk  
(Michael Bastasch) - House lawmakers passed another bill approving the Keystone XL pipeline Wednesday afternoon, marking the 11th time congressmen have voted to approve the contentious project...Pro-pipeline Democrats joined Republicans in passing a Senate bill approving Keystone over the objections of the nObama administration. The bill now heads to the White House where it is expected to be vetoed by President nObama. “It directly creates jobs,” Wyoming Republican Rep. Cynthia Lummis said on the House floor before the vote. “It’s a shot in the arm for our energy economy. It will make America more energy secure. Why the President would threaten to veto this bill is beyond rational explanation. It’s economic benefits could not be more evident.” Economic benefits do not mean anything to this president. 
 Proselytizing for Islam at the Huffington Post  
(Pamela Geller) - A recent article in the Huffington Post about alleged “Islamophobia” gives us a good look at how hard the left is working to give proof to their false claim that “Islamophobia” even exists...The article by Carol Kuruvilla claims that Darlene Hider, “a mother of four from Michigan, was traveling from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to Detroit on Monday when an unidentified woman reportedly began complaining that the children were being disruptive. Noticing Hider’s headscarf, the woman turned toward the mom and allegedly said, ‘This is America!’” Who can tell how true Hider’s story is, or even if the incident happened at all. But nevertheless, an offhand remark becomes the basis of an article at the Huffington Post — a lengthy piece proselytizing for Islam and even demanding an apology from Delta Airlines, which had no role in this incident whatsoever.
 Iran-backed Shi’ite jihadis seize US Embassy vehicles & weapons  
(Robert Spencer) - This is how weak the United States has become under the misrule of Barack Hussein nObama: another embassy is evacuated, and not only can Marines not prevent Iran-backed jihadis from seizing U.S. Embassy vehicles, but they’re so abject and hamstrung that they meekly hand over their weapons...The actions come after the United States, along with Britain, suspended operations at their embassies and moved out staffers because of the instability in Yemen. According to the official, the Houthis seized many U.S. Marines’ weapons at the airport, and the American troops also handed over some to random airport officials Wednesday.
 The Left and Islam Apologetics  
(Stephen Schwartz) - For some time, an argument has been made that the liberal left, in refusing to examine the problems of Islam, has betrayed its Enlightenment roots. That is, while secular, feminist, and protective of free speech in dealing with its Western peers...the liberal left has been accused of abandoning its heritage in its quest for political correctness regarding Muslims. In truth, however, the left has a distinguished background of courting Islam as a weapon against Western capitalism. Its most representative figures from the past did so frankly, as the following rehearsal of their statements demonstrates. Karl Marx supported the Ottoman empire, then accused of atrocities against Christians and non-Turkish Muslims. In 1853, as the Crimean War pitting Russia against Turkey began, Marx wrote, as the following rehearsal of their statements demonstrates.
 nObama’s Dangerous Iran Nuke Deal   
(Alan Caruba) - The Feb 10 Wall Street Journal editorial asked “Has the U.S. already conceded a new era of nuclear proliferation?” and concluded that “Mr. nObama is so bent on an Iran deal that he will make any concession to get one.”...As we should know by now, President nObama has no negotiating skills and even less understanding of the world the U.S. used to lead by virtue of its military power and democratic values. If he succeeds in getting a deal, absent Congress doing anything about it, the Wall Street Journal says it will result in “a very different world than the one we have been living in since the dawn of the nuclear age. A world with multiple nuclear states, including some with revolutionary religious impulses or hegemonic ambitions, is a very dangerous place.”
 Louder With Crowder  
Michelle Malkin EPIC Teardown of Michelle nObama! || Louder With Crowder...
 Republican FCC Commish: nObama’s Net Neutrality Plan   
(nicedeb) - Commissioner Arjit Pai, a Republican member of the Federal Communications Commission has been sounding the alarm about nObama’s plan to regulate the Internet...with a 332 page regulation that will be passed on February 27 unless a large enough outcry from the public prevents it. Pai told Mark Levin on Wednesday,  that the document goes well beyond what he ever imagined the administration would propose, amounting to huge increases in internet rates, and government control of nearly every aspect of the internet.
File photos of Argentine President Cristina Kirchner (L) taken in Buenos Aires on September 19, 2012 and of Argentina's deceased Public Prosecutor Alberto Nisman (R) taken in Buenos Aires on May 20, 2009 (Photo credit: Juan Mabromata/AFP)
 Argentina’s government accuses courts of ‘judicial coup’  
(AFP, AP and JTA) - The cabinet chief of Argentine President Cristina Kirchner said Friday the courts were trying to stage a “judicial coup” by accusing the embattled leader of a cover-up scandal, and lashed out at prosecutors’ plans to hold a march next Wednesday to mark one month since the mysterious death of the top investigator in the case...The prosecutor who inherited the high-profile case against Kirchner on Friday reaffirmed the accusations, formally renewing the investigation into whether the president helped Iranian officials cover up their alleged role in the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center. Prosecutor Gerardo Pollicita’s decision to go forward with the case was significant because it sets the stage for a close examination of the investigation that prosecutor Alberto Nisman was building before he was found dead on January 18. The next day, Nisman was scheduled to elaborate his accusations to Congress.
057 oreilly shaffer hunt 940
 ISIS, nObama And Congress, Serious About Defeating The Enemy?  
(Rick Wells) - Two topics are covered by the Colonels, with some disagreement. The length of time which is being spent in order to come up with a decision in the Bowe Bergdahl desertion seen by both as being driven by White House interference into what would in normal situations been strictly a military matter. Specific areas of blame are in dispute in the eyes of these two retired military officers. Shaffer wants to let the military off the hook and focus the blame entirely on the White House, Hunt believes a Four Star General should make the decision he has to make, and that he should not accept White House phone calls exerting “command influence.” Hunt says that in nObama is looking for an extension of the War Powers Act and “he wants to have it both ways, increase the war or decrease it.” He also wants Congress, in Hunt’s opinion, to make a decision and to go on the record. Col Hunt says that it is clear to all airpower alone won’t get the job done and that “in the Middle East, we are going to have to help.” Hunt believes nObama wants the Congress to say it with a vote and he wants the power to do what he wants as ‘president.’ It’s not unreasonable either way.”
057 ralph peters 940
 nObama Needs To Stop Telling Enemy What We Won’t Do  
(Rick Wells) - A clip of Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) starts off the segment with his statement, “It’s always better, though, if the Congress and the ‘president’ speak with one voice when it comes to national security...Unfortunately, the problem right now is not speaking with one voice it’s that the ‘president’ has largely been mute.” Ralph Peters comments on a letter sent by the White House to Congress regarding the Authorization of the Use of Military Force request to fight ISIS. The single line that Bill Hemmer reads to Col Peters says, “If left unchecked ISIL will pose a threat beyond the Middle East including the United States homeland.” Hemmer says, “That’s a long way from JV thirteen months ago.” Colonel Peters believes that the authorization will in some form pass and agrees that it should pass.  He says while it is important that the Congress be onboard, the language of the letter troubles him. He characterizes it as “the letter of a nervous lawyer, not of a bold commander-in-chief.  There are so many qualifications in there and limitations it’s ridiculous. And again, the ‘president’ is always focused on his domestic base, domestic politics and not on strategy.”
It’s Time To Impeach nObama –
We Don’t Have Two Years To Wait,
Our Nation Won’t Survive
Rick Wells
056 impeach obama 940
     ( - It’s time to stop allowing the racists in America to frame the discussion and kowtow Republicans into accepting nObama’s dictatorial violations of our sovereignty. A traitor and a communist subversive, regardless of skin color, who has illegally manipulated his way into the White House and has committed high crimes and misdemeanors against our nation must be arrested, charged with his crimes and held accountable. Our Constitution demands it, as does our very survival.

     Communists don’t play by the rules; they don’t care what our laws say. They will use any method to advance their agenda that they choose, unrestricted by morals or any other consideration other than whether the particular means is justified by the end, and the level of stealth that is needed to pull it off. In these days of blatant executive branch abuse of power, stealth is increasingly less of an issue and the march toward totalitarianism has quickened to a trot.

     When nObama said he would fundamentally transform America, he was speaking as a product of his communist upbringing and based upon is communist goals. He’s having success, acting with dictatorial impunity, virtually unchallenged by the cowardly self-serving blowhards in Congress, many of whom also guilty of un-American activities.

     The latest dictate, in which he mandates open induction for virtually every citizen of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, and pays their transportation to their all-expenses paid life in the United States, has gone beyond the point where we can conceivably wait until 2016 for relief.

     In this latest attack on our sovereignty, virtually anyone who can establish any type of relationship to an illegal in the United States is now being granted a “right” and American help in invading our nation. We simply cannot survive such a treasonous assault.

     Ann Corcoran, editor of Refugee Resettlement Watch described it as nObama opening, “a whole new pipeline for legal migration. The program, the “In-Country Refugee/Parole Processing for Minors in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala,” or the “Central American Minors – CAM” program, is a perfectly crafted mechanism for the circumvention of what remains of U.S. immigration laws.

     Under its provisions, even unmarried illegals could marry people in Central America, and then sponsor them for U.S. residency as well as their children. The insanity goes so far as to allow the grandchildren and adult children of illegal immigrants as well as convicts to be given residency, citizenship, and a full complement of government benefits. It’s a one-way ticket to financial disaster and the ruin of our nation.

     Perhaps the duplicitous duo of Hussein nObama and DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson duo have found a weakness in our Constitution, an assumption that those who hold office in Congress are basically patriotic Americans, one that now seems to be extremely generous. With Democrat Senators blocking the issue of nObama’s criminal dictatorial amnesty from coming to a vote, even when the funding of our national security apparatus is at risk, the only route to debate seems to be that of impeachment.

     The fact that a significant percentage of our Senate owes their allegiance to a man and to their party more so than to the nation they are sworn to defend is evidence that America is in a crisis situation, one that has taken the average law-abiding citizen by surprise. Who’d of thought we had so many traitors in such esteemed positions

     The question now becomes one of what to do about it. The House must, at a minimum, vote to impeach Hussein nObama and hold a public trial in which all Americans to bring his crimes into view of all citizens, even those who are normally completely disinterested in the affairs of government. ? Democrat Senators, accustomed to hiding behind dinky Harry Reid and voting from the safety of unanimity on related procedural issues must be forced to declare their loyalty before the American people. Impeachment will mandate they do exactly that. nObama’s crimes, including his outright treason, must be exposed to the nation and the world. No amount of Democrat Party pressure will be able to stand in the face of the reality of the gravity of his offenses.

     nObama’s constitutional violations, his criminal actions and the conspiracy through which they were committed must become common knowledge to those who put race, party and other irrelevant criteria above the sanctity, integrity and survival of our nation. It makes no difference what color Hussein nObama is. Treason knows no skin color or ethnicity. It cannot be tolerated and our nation does not have the luxury of two years to wait.

Read more…

Saturday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Holocausts & Other Horrors
Burt Prelutsky
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"

 Fed election board in disarray -   Fox News: “Democrats on the federal agency responsible for enforcing campaign finance law are being accused of taking a partisan turn, by voting to give liberal-leaning groups and campaigns a pass for alleged violations -- though the agency was tough on conservatives when they were under the microscope. The claims come as the Federal Election Commission prepares for a hearing on Wednesday that will examine, among other matters, the hot-button issue of whether it should regulate election-themed Internet videos -- an area that for years has been largely hands-off for the government.”  -Fox News   
“They spent the whole day pretending [the Paris attack] wasn't [anti-Semitic], which made them look silly…President [Francois Hollande] of France said that it was an egregious anti-Semitic act. What does it take? And why did they spend a whole day with this ridiculous pretense that it wasn't? Because, otherwise, it would have meant admitting that the president is not infallible and that he left out an adjective and he should have said kosher deli. That's all it took.” —Charles Krauthammer on “Special Report with Bret Baier” Watch here  -Fox News   

 Ukraine:   Ukrainian government sources said that the rebels fired long range rockets at Kramatorsk on 10 February. The rocket fire killed at least eight people and injured 31. The apparent target was a military base. Ten of the injured were at that location. The other casualties occurred from rocket explosions in a residential area. Ukrainian officials said they confirmed that the rebels fired cluster munitions from the town of Horlivka, which they said is 80 kms from Kramatorsk. Press services reported that a Ukrainian battalion began an offensive northeast of Mariupol. The purpose of this operation is to disrupt a rebel force build-up.

Comment: Rebel forces held Kramatorsk last summer, until they were drive out in July. The attack on Kramatorsk is significant for several reasons. NightWatch believes this the second time the rebels have used long range rockets recently. The rebels also used them to attack Mariupol in January. They enlarge the battle space and target rear areas that the Ukrainians had considered safe. This attack reinforces the judgment that the rebels intend to take back the entire region, as their leaders vowed last month. The Ukrainian army had 300-mm and 220-mm long range multiple-round rockets and launchers in its inventory before the civil war. The Mariupol operation is a local
action to try to prevent another rebel attack. Neither the government nor rebel
forces appear disposed to accept a ceasefire soon.  -NightWatch    


 Yemen:   Press images today showed Shiite Houthi forces entering al-Bayda, the capital of al-Bayda governate in central Yemen, without resistance. This is their first attempt to expand control since the government resigned on 22 January. In a radio statement on 10 February, Abdel Malik al-Houthi, the movement's leader, warned foreign powers against meddling. The top Houthi leader in Sana'a, Saleh Ali al-Sammad, told the press that the Houthis want all factions to participate in the government. For now, a Revolutionary Committee makes executive decisions. The US State Department announced that it closed the US Embassy in Sana'a because of the unstable and unpredictable security situation.

Comment: The Houthi force that entered Bayda might have caught the local tribes by surprise. Local tribes in al-Bayda and Ma'rib oppose the Houthi regime in Sana'a. Ma'rib's tribes promised to defend their governate against the Houthis. The Houthis need to control Ma'rib because it is the primary oil producing region. At this point, the Yemen situation has moved closer to civil war.   -NightWatch    


 Syria  The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told the press that two days ago Syrian government forces began an offensive to clear non-jihadist rebels from the region southwest of Damascus. "The operation started two days ago and is very big," according to Rami Abdulrahman, who heads the Syrian monitoring group. Abdulrahman said the offensive aims to take back a triangle of rebel-held territory from rural areas southwest of Damascus to Deraa city to Quneitra.

Comment: This report has not been confirmed.   -NightWatch   

 U.S. aid being used to reward anti-Israel carnage  
( - In an interview with the Voice of Israel, reporter Edwin Black says the salaries to the families of the terrorists who are in Israeli jails represent more than 15 percent of the Palestinian Authority's budget... "They actually increased the salary based upon the number of months you serve or the number of years you serve in an Israeli prison, according to a published graduated scale," he explains. "And so the more carnage you commit, the more lives that are devastated, the [longer] is your prison term – and the longer your prison term, the higher is your compensation." Black says the practice of giving terrorist families this foreign aid money is approved at the highest level of the Palestinian Authority.
McConnell Admits Defeat: Senate Can’t Pass Bill to Defund Exec Amnesty
 McCon-nell Defeated: Senate Can’t Pass Bill to Defund Amnesty       
(Caroline May) - With the House-passed Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill stalled in the Senate, the issue is now back in the House’s court, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McCon-nell (R-KY) told reporters Tuesday... “I think it’s clear we can’t go forward in the Senate, unless you all have heard something I haven’t and so the next move obviously is up to the House,” he said. Senate Democrats blocked debate on the DHS funding bill — which would fund all of DHS but defund President nObama’s executive amnesty —  three times last week.
 Will Saudi Prince Thwart Terror Probes?  
(Cliff Kincaid) - CNN has a problem: one of its hosts, Michael Smerconish, is uncovering evidence about the Saudi role in 9/11. But a CNN analyst, Frances Townsend, has been rubbing elbows with one of the alleged Saudi financiers of al-Qaeda...Perhaps they ought to get together and compare notes. The strange story begins with Smerconish on his CNN show last Saturday interviewing attorney Sean Carter, who recently took a sworn statement from 9/11’s so-called 20th hijacker, Zacarias Moussaoui. Convicted terrorist Moussaoui, speaking from behind federal prison walls, had told Carter and other attorneys suing Saudi Arabia over its role in 9/11 that three major Saudi figures, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, Prince Bandar bin Sultan and Prince Turki al-Faisal, were on a list of donors to al-Qaeda prior to 9/11. The Saudi regime flatly denied the allegations and dismissed Moussaoui as a lunatic.
 nObama’s Big Fat Greek Budget   
(Daniel Greenfield) - In a speech at the Department of Homeland Security, nObama declared that he wants to “replace mindless austerity with smart investments that strengthen America”...Those “smart” investments scattered across a gargantuan $4 trillion budget include a $500 million Green Climate Fund for the Third World and $105 million to help the government build better websites. nObama is fond of putting the word “smart” in front of stupid ideas to make them seem less stupid. The $4 trillion budget is actually as stupid as the new left-wing Greek government elected on a platform of not paying its debts. This new government intends to replace the old policy of getting money in exchange for cutting spending with a new policy of not cutting spending and demanding money anyway. So far this new policy has been rejected by every country from Germany to China.
 Ben Shapiro: Why Jews Vote Leftist?  
(TruthRevoltOriginals) - It’s too bad that they don’t realize that anti-semites will hate them just as much as if they were observant Jews...
 We Believe in the Rule of Law – It’s Federal Judges Who Don’t 
Bryan Fischer) - A federal judge’s ruling is not a “law.” It is a “ruling.” So, for example, when people refer to Roe v. Wade as “the law of the land,” they are simply mistaken...A “law” is something enacted by the elected representatives of the people (or by the people directly through referendum) and signed by the chief executive. A judge’s “ruling” is not therefore a “law.” Judges have no authority whatsoever to make law. They can issue rulings, but the power to make law is flatly prohibited to them. This is clear from the first words in the the first article of the Constitution. “All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”
Gary Locke
 The Telltale nObama Budget  
(FRED BARNES) - Democrats have moved to the left in the nObama era. And if the party’s base, President nObama, and Senator Elizabeth Warren have their way, they will move even further to the left in the next two years...Liberals will rejoice, but there’s a downside. The Democratic nominee will have a considerably harder time winning the presidency in 2016. The budget that nObama released last week reflects the shift. It is dominated by liberal policies that Democrats are eager to impose on the country: increased spending, higher taxes, government bigger in scope if not size, refusal to deal with the soaring cost of entitlements, minimal concern about the national debt. These policies were rejected by voters in November’s midterm elections—a nationwide disaster for Democrats. And as John Judis of National Journal argues persuasively in an article entitled “The Emerging Republican Advantage,” liberal policies have increasingly lost favor with working-class and middle-income Americans and with college graduates who don’t have a postgraduate degree.
057 chuck schumer 940
 Lying Senate Snake Chuck Schumer Casts House Republicans Sleazy  
(Rick Wells) - With the exception of the vermin who reside and operate within the White House, there are none among the ranks of government officials any sleazier, more corrupt or more staunchly un-American than Chuck Schumer (D-NY)...On Wednesday afternoon, the Senate snake crawled to the podium and delivered more of the customary partisan assaults on the minority in government who represent the wishes of the people, House Republicans. He was responding to a call from House Speaker John Boehner for Senators to “get off their ass and do something, other than to vote no” on the issue of DHS funding. Schumer portrayed House Republicans as “playing hostage,” probably some kind of elitist New York mobster wannabe game, something Americans by and large have never heard of, and “holding a gun to the head of America.” Schumer is accusing his opponents of doing exactly what his party is doing, a favorite lefty tactic. Hypocrisy is a staple of the socialist Democrats.
057 paul valllely 940
 Gen Paul Valleley – Bring In B-52’s – Coalition Is A Myth  
(Rick Wells) - Retired Major General Paul Vallely has a few comments on the “president’s” request for an Authorization for the Use of Military Force by Congress under which he will supposedly “really fight ISIS this time.”...He has a lot to say about what needs to be done and the reality of our situation and it differs considerably from the picture painted by the White House and the associated rhetoric. Vallely says, “First of all you know, it’s a draft resolution. Number two, you never put a time limit when you’re at war. So when you announce you’re at war against an enemy then you have to have the strategy and you never announce your strategy of current, future operations.” Vallely says we need to get rid of the “boots on the ground” terminology, that it is not an accurate reflection of the role or of the size of a ground presence. What are needed are air-ground operations, eyes on the ground locating and fixing the targets for air strikes. He says, “You don’t need a lot of what we call conventional forces, armored brigades, infantry brigades. Use your Special Ops Forces just like we did early on in Afghanistan.”He adds, “I’d bring the b-52’s in just like we did in Afghanistan and I’ll tell you what that’ll put the fear of Allah in em.”
057 hostage location 940
 American Blood On nObama’s Hands –  Know ISIS Hostages Were  
(Rick Wells) - Katherine Herridge reports that the United States, including the White House, knew last May where all four of the now murdered Americans being held captive by ISIS were located...The information was complete to the point of identifying the specific building in which they were being held, but Hussein nObama refused to act to rescue them. Contrary to previous claims of vague or unspecific intelligence, Herridge’s sources state that the information even included building layouts and diagrams. nObama has said in the past that we didn’t have actionable intelligence; apparently the bar for action by this White House is extremely high, to the point of paralysis. She reports that there was a seven week delay in the time between when the information was first obtained until the belated action was finally undertaken. During that period of time ISIS became aware that the security of their facility had been compromised and removed and separated the four hostages. Herridge’s sources within the intelligence community described “a significant delay on behalf of the White House,” and a decision to wait for more intelligence prior to taking action.
Holocausts & Other Horrors
Burt Prelutsky
     ( - Just when you think every actor is a narcissistic nincompoop along comes Sir Ben (“Gandhi,” “Schindler’s List”) Kingsley, who sadly observed that Europe never grieved over the Holocaust. Asked if he thought it could ever happen again, he said, “Of course,” noting that Hitler once asked “Who remembers the Armenians?” referencing the first holocaust of the 20th century when 1.5 million Armenian Christians were slaughtered by the Islamic Turks.
     Relating a personal anecdote, Kingsley reports that he was on the set of a Holocaust-related film being shot in Budapest when an elderly Hungarian passing by said, “It never happened, and if you don’t shut up it will happen again.”
     As happens with great frequency, I received an email from a reader asking me as a Jewish conservative to explain why the majority of American Jews seem to “bow and scrape and kiss the behinds of all the people that want them dead.”
     God knows I have spent years doing my best to explain this conundrum to non-Jews, even though I confess to being, if not entirely mystified, at least as angry and frustrated as anyone. The best I can do is point out that the Jews that my reader has in mind are really JINOs (Jews in name only). It partially explains why Hitler was as successful as he was. Many German Jews regarded themselves as loyal Germans, not as Jews, and stuck around until it was too late to escape. Some of them held the Jews from the Soviet Union, Poland, Hungary and Lithuania, in contempt, the way a great many Jews now regard Israelis. It’s not that American Jews aren’t religious, but that for 70% of them their religion is Liberalism.
     I can sort of understand why certain Democrats don’t really care that nObama lied about the Affordable Care Act. I get why others aren’t troubled by the Benghazi cover-up or the IRS’s targeting conservatives. Once I accept the blind partisanship of liberals, I can even grasp why they don’t seem overly concerned with nObama’s exchanging major terrorists for an Army deserter or his allowing the EPA to enact thousands of job-killing regulations. With all that, it’s easy to see why so many liberals, including those in Congress, don’t object to nObama’s ignoring the Constitution entirely when it comes to immigration or revising nObamaCare.
     What I can’t come to terms with is the fact that there are tens of millions of Democrats in the nation and hundreds more in Congress who don’t care about any of these things.
     When liberals devote so little time to thinking rationally, it doesn’t seem fair that we conservatives have to spend so much time trying to figure out their motives. For instance, liberals have no trouble parroting nObama’s big lie about Gitmo serving as a major recruiting tool for terrorists, but neither he nor they ever seem to give a moment’s consideration to the part that allowing Islamic clerics to proselytize our prison population plays in the recruitment process.
     But, then, the liberal academics at UC Santa Cruz chose Angela Davis, unrepentant communist, Black Panther supporter, anti-Semite and former Santa Cruz professor/propagandist, to speak on “Racism, Militarism and Poverty: From Ferguson to Palestine” at a Martin Luther King memorial service. Rumor has it that her address was drowned out by a loud whirring sound attributed to the reverend’s spinning in his grave.
     Apparently when King said he believed that people should be judged by their character and not by their skin color, the nitwits who run things at UC Santa Cruz thought he was kidding.
     Speaking of skin color, I wonder if Republican senators Orrin Hatch, Lindsay Graham and Jeff Flake, would be as anxious to confirm Loretta Lynch as the new Attorney General in spite of the fact that she has been personally endorsed by Barack nObama and Eric Holder, and has testified that she agrees that nObama had the constitutional authority to legalize five million illegal aliens, if she were white. It also makes me wonder if this trio of jackasses would also vote to confirm Eric Holder if nObama decides to appoint him to the Supreme Court.
     Even though the next presidential election is still nearly two years away, it is never too early to start making plans. My plan is to get California’s Republicans re-settled in those states where we can make a difference.  Although many people are surprised to hear that there are any Republicans in California, they’re overlooking how many people live in this state.  At last count, with a population hovering around 40 million, there were 17.7 million registered voters in California.
     Unfortunately, 43% of them are Democrats, only 28% Republicans. But even 28% of 17.7 million voters add up to five million Republicans, more than enough to swing elections in several states. Understand, I’m not volunteering to pull up stakes, feeling it’s my duty to report from the belly of the beast, but I would be happy to see to it that every other California Republican sacrifices great weather for the good of the nation.
     It’s not just individuals who are getting the message. A friend who recently moved from the Midwest to Atlanta, reports that during his first two weeks in town he learned that Mercedes-Benz is moving to Atlanta from New Jersey, Porsche is coming down from New York, and Quintiles, a major clinical research lab, is relocating from Chicago.
     Because I recently questioned the allocation of charitable contributions by the Wounded Warrior Project, I heard from a great many people asking how they could best help our wounded veterans. I believe the answer to that is the Fisher House. Its mission is to provide convenient free housing for the families of those vets undergoing hospitalization and therapy for their war-related injuries. And unlike the Wounded Warrior Project, Fisher House, modeling itself on the Salvation Army, relies almost exclusively on volunteers.
     Fisher House realizes that the price of serving our nation often entails loss of limbs and eyesight, but it shouldn’t also involve separation from one’s loved ones any longer than is absolutely necessary.
     A wise friend, Burt Roseman sent me something I’d like to share with all you conservative parents who are plagued with liberal, college-age, children.  First, ask the kids whether they support nObama’s proposal to raise inheritance taxes. Next, rewrite your wills accordingly.
     Finally, when I stopped for gas yesterday, I saw a sign on the pump that said “Mobil One – a fully synthetic motor oil.” Then I read it a second time to make certain I had read it correctly. I had.
     So is it just me or isn’t that the equivalent of a Hollywood starlet boasting that her boobs are 100% silicone?
Read more…

Saturday Morning - The Front Page Cover

 The Front Page Cover 
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Hamas, Hitler’s Hope
Stefan Kanfer
An update on campus anti-Semitism
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 Administration tries, fails to defend calling attack on Kosher   deli “random” -   In his interview with Vox released Monday, President nObama said the attackers in last month’s Paris kosher deli killings “randomly [shot] a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris.” In Tuesday’s White House briefing, reporters tried to get some clarification from Press Secretary Josh Earnest. Earnest doggedly stood by the president’s claim saying that “there were people other than just Jews who were in that deli” even though it was four Jews who were taken hostage and killed by an Islamist terrorist. After Earnest finished his odd efforts, it was State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki’s turn, “I believe if I remember the victims specifically, they were not all victims of one background or one nationality.” Later in the day, however, both Earnest and Psaki took to Twitter to say exactly the opposite of what they had been defiantly insisting to reporters hours earlier.
           Josh Earnest @PressSec “Our view has not changed. Terror attack at Paris Kosher market was motivated by anti-Semitism. POTUS didn't intend to suggest otherwise.”
           Jen Psaki ‏@statedeptspox “We have always been clear that the attack on the kosher grocery store was an anti-semitic attack that took the lives of innocent people.”  -Fox News 
“This is not a personal disagreement between President nObama and me. I deeply appreciate all that he has done for Israel in many fields. Equally, I know that the President appreciates my responsibility, my foremost responsibility, to protect and defend the security of Israel. I am going to the United States not because I seek a confrontation with the President, but because I must fulfil my obligation to speak up on a matter that affects the very survival of my country. I intend to speak about this issue before the March 24th deadline and I intend to speak in the US Congress because Congress might have an important role on a nuclear deal with Iran.” --Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Statement   -Fox News 
National Journal: “The Federal Communications Commission is misleading the public about its 332-page plan to regulate the Internet, a Republican member of the commission said Tuesday. The net-neutrality plan could in fact open the door to new fees and taxes, as well as government control over the prices that Internet providers charge their customers, Commissioner Ajit Pai told reporters. The claims echo attacks from Republicans on Capitol Hill, who are also scrambling to thwart the new regulations. Committees in the House and Senate have launched investigations into whether President nObama inappropriately influenced the FCC's decision, and Republican lawmakers are working on their own alternative net-neutrality legislation to override FCC action.  FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, who unveiled his plan last week, has denied that it would impose new fees or regulate prices. But it's difficult to determine who is right, because the commission won't release the actual text of the regulations until after it approves them on Feb. 26.”   -Fox News 

Today the Government Accountability Office is slated to list the Department of Veterans’ Affairs health network among high-risk federal programs according to congressional auditors for the first time. The audit is issued every two years and includes broad indictments of the $55.5 billion VA program. The Concerned Veterans of America has added Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., to the speakers’ list for their February 26 event Fixing Veterans Health Care Taskforce Summit where they will work toward improving delivery of care to our nation’s veterans.   -Fox News 


The Guardian: “The charitable foundation run by Hilly Clinton and her family has received as much as $81m from wealthy international donors who were clients of HSBC’s controversial Swiss bank. Leaked files from HSBC’s Swiss banking division reveal the identities of seven donors to the Bill, Hilly and Chelsea Clinton Foundation with accounts in Geneva. They include Frank Giustra, a Canadian mining magnate and one of the foundation’s biggest financial backers, and Richard Caring, the British retail magnate who, the bank’s internal records show, used his tax-free Geneva account to transfer $1m into the New York-based foundation. Hilly Clinton has expressed concern over growing economic inequality in the US and is expected to make the issue a cornerstone of her widely anticipated presidential campaign in 2016.”
          “The new allegations that HSBC colluded to help wealthy people and rich corporations hide money and avoid taxes are very serious. If true, the Justice Department should reconsider the earlier deferred prosecution agreement it entered into with HSBC and prosecute the new violations to the full extent of the law.” –Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., in the Financial Times   -Fox News 

Jordan Just Made HUGE Move As Vengeance Continues, ISIS Shaking In Their Boots
 ISIS On The Run And Bleeding: Makes MAJOR Plea Of The Public  
(Robert Rich) - As America and her allies continue to hammer ISIS with airstrikes, it appears they’re on the run and bleeding heavily. This fact is further verified as ISIS has most recently ordered the public to line the streets of their self-established capital, Raqqa, with able bodies in order to donate blood...Showing just how little America is doing, the Mail Online reports that the U.S. and “partner nations” have conducted 9 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria against ISIS since Sunday. Jordan on the other hand has unleashed hell on the scum of the earth, raining a furious 56 bombing runs down on their heads as retribution for the brutal murder of their pilot Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh. The results have been devastating on ISIS as dozens of jihadists have been killed and many more seriously injured. It is this reality that has prompted the radical Islamists to beg the public for blood as their supply runs dangerously low.
 EXPLOSIVE: Grover Norquist to Becoming Muslim Double Agent  
(Ben Barrack) - The already alarming connections of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) President Grover Norquist to Islamic terrorism have both come into sharper focus and gotten even more alarming...In an expose’ by Lee Stranahan, it’s revealed that being married to a Palestinian Muslim wife isn’t Norquist’s only connection to Islam through his family. In fact, the other connection appears to have come years earlier and may be far more consequential to American history (more on that at end of post). Norquist reportedly married his wife Samah Alrayyes in 2004. However, 1998 is a key year when digging into his nefarious dealings. The timing of those two events could suggest that Norquist was running in Islamic activist circles years before he met his wife. He founded the Islamic Institute with a man named Khaled Saffuri in 1998. In the year of ATR’s founding in 1985, Norquist’s sister Loraine graduated with an MBA from Harvard. Sometime thereafter, she married a Muslim man named Majed Tomeh, who also received a Harvard MBA. This provides us with a window in time (1985-1998) when something happened that would prompt Grover to partner with Saffuri.

Anti-Israel protestors march down Regent Street in London on August 9, 2014

 Why Don't the British Like Israel?  
(Alexander H. Joffe) - A recent poll shows that Britons regard Israel less favorably than any other country besides North Korea. The results came as a shock to Israelis and supporters of Israel, but they shouldn't have...After all, British supporters of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement are widespread, blood libels about the Palestinian 'genocide' and Israeli organ harvesting are heard from members of the peerage, and Israel remains one of the few countries the British royal family hasn't visited. True, Jews are deeply integrated into British society and have felt secure for decades. But incidents of antisemitic violence have been escalating and even notables like the Jewish director of television of the BBC have expressed fear about the future of Jews in the country. Antisemitism, interwoven and often indistinguishable from anti-Zionism, has reemerged full force. New statistics on antisemitic incidents prove that the British climate is changing for the worse.
 Bad News for Michelle nObama’s Taxpayer Luxury Vacations  
( - The nObama’s are known for taking vacations — lots of them. Between golfing and extravagant outings and parties, much of it on the taxpayer’s dime, at least one group, along with members of Congress, have had enough and are attempting to put a stop to it...Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit to request documents in an attempt to verify if the White House’s story that the nObama’s paid their expenses during a whirlwind, luxury tour of Spain or if it was funded by the American taxpayer. The lawsuit was filed back in March of 2012 and even though courts have ordered the nObama’s to release expense records, but it appears that they’ve determined they’re above the law and aren’t required to follow such orders — at least not yet.
 nObama burns down another US alliance  
(streiff) - It is my hope that when a new president is sworn in that we have at least one political or military alliance, other than with Iran, remaining. Right now the smart money would say that we don’t...For decades one of the staunchest allies the United States has in Asia has been Thailand. During the Vietnam War, Thai bases provided platforms to strike at targets in North and South Vietnam as well as staging areas for black operations (can I even uses this phrase anymore? are they now operations of color?) into Laos and North Vietnam. Thailand has contributed troops to operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. In an area of the world where our alliances are few and fragile, Thailand has been a bulwark.
 nObama’s Internet Power Grab  
(Arnold Ahlert) - In a completely unsurprising development, one of the two Republican Commissioners on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has made it clear the nObama administration’s effort to regulate the Internet is nothing more than another government power grab... “President nObama’s plan marks a monumental shift toward government control of the Internet,” said a statement released by commissioner Ajit Pai. “It gives the FCC the power to micromanage virtually every aspect of how the Internet works. The plan explicitly opens the door to billions of dollars in new taxes on broadband… These new taxes will mean higher prices for consumers and more hidden fees that they have to pay.”
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton waits to speak at the World Bank May 14, 2014 in Washington, DC. (Photo: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)
 Clinton Donors Implicated In Swiss Tax Scheme  
(Peter Fricke) - Hilly Clinton’s presidential campaign may have suffered a setback with the news that several major donors to the Clinton Foundation have used Swiss banks as tax havens...The Guardian reported Tuesday that, “Leaked files from HSBC’s Swiss banking division reveal the identities of seven donors to the Bill, Hilly, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation with accounts in Geneva,” who together donated as much as $81 million to the Clinton Foundation. The files were originally obtained by a former HSBC employee, who turned them over to French authorities to investigate several years ago. Recently though, those authorities made them available to several international news outlets, who then reviewed the documents before releasing them to the public on Monday. Hope she falls flat on her face.
Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch
 Senators ripped for bungling nObama's AG pick 
(Jerome R. Corsi) - An honest Senate vetting process would have uncovered the role of nObama’s attorney general nominee in a federal government cover-up of HSBC money laundering and other corruption, alleges a judicial watchdog... “When the White House and Justice Department first vetted Loretta Lynch to be Eric Holder’s replacement as attorney general, she was required to disclose that she had been the subject of at least one complaint of professional misconduct filed with the Justice Department Office of Professional Responsibility,” explained Elena Sassower, director of the Center for Judicial Accountability in White Plains, New York. “I know at least one complaint of professional misconduct has been filed against Loretta Lynch – because I filed it myself,” Sassower told WND in an interview, referring to a 2001 complaint. “The Senate Judiciary Committee was not interested in legitimate complaints that could have been filed against Lynch’s conduct as U.S. attorney,” Sassower said. “The committee members were not interested in investigating corruption in New York judicial politics.”
 EPA Under Fire for Concealing Controversial Scientific Data  
(Kevin Mooney) - For more than 15 years, the Environmental Protection Agency has resisted releasing data from two key studies to the general public and members of Congress...Government regulators used those studies to craft some of the most expensive environmental rules in U.S. history. When skeptics within the federal government questioned and challenged the integrity of the studies—the Harvard Six Cities Study and an American Cancer Society study known as ACS II—they were silenced and muzzled. That’s when the Republican staff on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee stepped in to shine light on the situation, revealing the scope of the scandal in in a report titled, “EPA’s Playbook Unveiled: A Story of Fraud, Deceit and Secret Science.”
 nObamacare Co-Ops Cost Taxpayers $17,000 Per Enrollee  
(Melissa Quinn) - More than 500,000 people enrolled in health plans offered by nonprofit insurance companies created under the Affordable Care Act...And with the co-ops receiving an average of $108.7 million from the federal government, taxpayer-backed funding per enrollee topped $17,000. Twenty-three co-ops received a total of $2.5 billion from the federal government and enrolled more than 520,000 people in plans through September. However, an analysis conducted by The Daily Signal published yesterday found that just one, Maine Community Health Options, was profitable last year.
Hamas, Hitler’s Hope
Stefan Kanfer
An update on campus anti-Semitism

TO: Adolf Hitler
FROM: Josef Goebbels

Mein Führer:

     ( - Our stein runneth over! I have brought you good news before, but this is BIG.

     In recent times, we have seen neo-Nazis demonstrating all over the Continent, Scandinavia, and Great Britain, as the Right becomes resurgent in the face of slumping economies and unchecked immigration. But the United States has been resistant to such activity. Until now.

     At the University of California in Davis—California, mein Führer!—there has been an incident guaranteed to warm a Nazi’s heart. The members of Alpha Epsilon Pi, a Jewish fraternity, awoke to find swastikas scrawled on the outside walls of their house.

     This was the culmination of successful maneuvering by members of the student senate. They called for the university to divest itself from companies doing business with Israel. And behold! Their resolution passed. So triumphant was one senator, Azka Fayyaz, that she posted a photo on Facebook with the caption: “Hamas & Sharia law have taken over UC Davis.”

     As you know, the Hamas charter not only reviles the Jewish State, it condemns Jews outright just as we did—though their statement is expressed in scriptural cadences: “The Day of Judgment will not come until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say, ‘O Muslim, O servant of God, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.’”

     No doubt Ms. Fayyaz and her colleagues knew what they were advocating.

     Predictably, the university administration issued a statement, harrumphing, “U.C. Davis is built on a foundation of tolerance and inclusion, and we have an obligation to treat each other with respect and dignity even when we disagree.”

     Well, mein Führer, there is a place for bilge, on ships, in concentration camps, and even in institutes of higher learning. In fact, the statement deceives no one.

     What is so encouraging about this clamor is that many countries regard Hamas as a terrorist organization. Among them are the U.S., Australia, Canada, Japan and, of course, Israel. Even Egypt condemns the armed units of Hamas.

     Thus, the Islamic militants are held in higher esteem in the American West than in the country of the Pharaohs. Progress, mein Führer, progress! Until the next anti-Semitic incident—which I promise you will not be long in coming. Prosit!
Read more…

Friday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
America’s Strategy Deficit
Peggy Noonan
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
 Putin Doesn't Want Peace, He Wants Donetsk  
Ukraine is filled with the crack of Kalashnikovs and the roar of artillery, and the time is running out to find a peaceful solution that doesn't embolden Russia. Russian-backed rebels have pushed Ukrainian troops further east. Last week, the rebels drove government troops from the ruins that were once called the Donetsk International Airport, and heavy fighting continues. European nations are working for peace. Germany and France have spearheaded the effort, with U.S. backing, trying to make the guns fall silent -- the ones that were supposed to fall silent in September. The leaders of those countries jetted to Russia in the last few days to speak to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The talks will culminate with a meeting in Minsk today involving the leaders of Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine. A violent game of thrones is not an option for German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who said, "I hope that we shall be able to solve this conflict by diplomatic means because I think by military means it cannot be solved."   -The Patriot Post 
“For a president and his administration, words matter. His tone and tenor matter. His emphasis matters. That is why there is such an uproar over President nObama’s recent statements about Islamist militants and the threat of terrorism. It’s been quite a rhetorical run of late. There were the president’s comments to Vox about a terrorist ‘randomly shooting folks in a deli in Paris,’ which spurred a day-long rhetorical dance at the White House and State Department. Prior to that, there was the president’s comparison at the National Prayer Breakfast of the acts of ISIS to the conduct of the Crusades of a thousand years ago. And throughout it all, there has also been the administration’s repeated use of the euphemism ‘violent extremists’ when talking about Islamist terrorists and militants.”
           In the president’s
interview with Buzzfeed this week, he was asked about ISIS and Vladimir Putin and other world threats. But here was interviewer Ben Smith’s take: ‘nObama saved his sharpest words Tuesday for American companies who have not entirely embraced the spirit of the Affordable Care Act, his health care overhaul.’ Is it possible that the president used his ‘sharpest words’ to discuss American companies? This all comes as supporters of the president’s request for congressional authorization to continue the war against ISIS are asking the president to make a forceful case for his policy. But recent statements suggest the president does not like to talk about war if he doesn’t have to. For the authorization to get the votes needed, he may have to.”  -Fox News 
 nObama looks to get GOP on hook for ISIS strategy -  Fox News has details on President nObama’s Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF), which sounds like it will seek to be all things to all lawmakers. The three-page resolution, sent to Capitol Hill this morning, “bans ‘enduring offensive combat operations’” as a nod to Republicans who blanched at language in an earlier draft that forbade any ground troops at all. But by deploying the modifier “enduring,” the White House pretty clearly is sending a message to Democrats that he has no intention of mounting an all-out war effort. The truth, of course, is that the language is largely meaningless. As this president and his predecessors have demonstrated, all such definitions are fungible. And since nObama has already promised that the war would last well past his time in office, Congress will have even less certainty about how the war will proceed.  
            “What the president needs to come up with is a strategy, militarily, to defeat them… We need to authorize the use of force sufficient to defeat them, to destroy them.” –Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., on “The Kelly File.” Watch here.
  -Fox News 
 So why now? -   There’s no thought that the president would end or alter his war strategy if Congress doesn’t approve his request or one like it. But by making this demand, the president can politically inculpate Republicans in Congress for his much-criticized strategy of a low-and-slow effort to deal with Islamists in Syria and Iraq, a strategy in keeping with his newly outlined doctrine of “strategic patience.” Since many Democrats can be expected to balk and Democratic leaders have little incentive to prod their members, it will fall disproportionately to Republican leaders to scrounge up the votes to pass it.  -Fox News 
 20,000 Islamist fighters flock to aid ISIS -   AP: “Foreign fighters are streaming into Syria and Iraq in unprecedented numbers to join the Islamic State or other extremist groups, including at least 3,400 from Western nations among 20,000 from around the world, U.S. intelligence officials say in an updated estimate of a top terrorism concern. Intelligence agencies now believe that as many as 150 Americans have tried and some have succeeded in reaching in the Syrian war zone, officials told the House Homeland Security Committee in testimony prepared for delivery [today]. Some of those Americans were arrested en route, some died in the area and a small number are still fighting with extremists.”  -Fox News 
 nObama Success Story, Yemen, Now A No Go Zone For Americans  
(nicedeb) - Seriously – it was only last Fall that this president was citing Yeman as a model of success...On September 10, 2014, the White House released a couple of excerpts from Obama’s address to the nation on his strategy to combat terrorism abroad: Today, via Gateway Pundit, the US Closed its Embassy in Yemen – Suspending ALL OPERATIONS. The US Embassy in Sanaa, Yemen released an emergency message in January warning ALL US CITIZENS to “depart immediately.” The embassy went on to say US citizens are responsible for making their own travel arrangements. Has anyone checked on Somalia lately?
Constitutional Crisis: Alabama Battles Feds to Protect Marriage
 Constitutional Crisis: Alabama Battles Feds to Protect Marriage  
(Alex Newman) - As federal courts engage in what Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore (shown) described as “judicial tyranny” to “desecrate” marriage in violation of the state and U.S. Constitution, a constitutional showdown of historic proportions is currently underway in Alabama...At issue is whether federal courts have the constitutional authority to redefine the institution of marriage and impose their definition on unwilling states. Justice Moore insists they do not, and over the weekend issued an order prohibiting lower-court judges in Alabama from issuing “marriage” licenses to homosexual couples. A handful of probate judges in Alabama have defied Justice Moore’s order, the state constitution, and the overwhelmingly expressed will of the people. However, most have refused to issue marriage licenses to homosexuals as the legal showdown plays out.
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 We Come To Govt To Feed Our Souls, He’s Feeding Us Something Else 
(Rick Wells) - Socialist Democrat and full-time race pimp Elijah Cummings is a big believer in big government. He’s also a big believer in distorting the truth, lying when it suits his needs...He did exactly that in a February 4th speech before a gathering of the Legislative Conference of the National Treasury Employees Union. In pandering before an audience of federal union workers, Cummings remains true to the most basic Democrat founding principle, offering them money in exchange for support. In his pitch, he extols those in attendance as choosing to work in the public sector as a means of satisfying a need to serve, in spite of a lower financial reward. Cummings is, as usual, not being honest. The opposite is in fact true. By and large there is more money to be made working for the federal government, much greater job security, better retirement and other benefits than is generally found in the private sector.
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 It’s Time To Impeach nObama – We Don’t Have Two Years To Wait  
(Rick Wells) - It’s time to stop allowing the racists in America to frame the discussion and kowtow Republicans into accepting nObama’s dictatorial violations of our sovereignty...A traitor and a communist subversive, regardless of skin color, who has illegally manipulated his way into the White House and has committed high crimes and misdemeanors against our nation must be arrested, charged with his crimes and held accountable. Our Constitution demands it, as does our very survival. Communists don’t play by the rules; they don’t care what our laws say. They will use any method to advance their agenda that they choose, unrestricted by morals or any other consideration other than whether the particular means is justified by the end, and the level of stealth that is needed to pull it off. In these days of blatant executive branch abuse of power, stealth is increasingly less of an issue and the march toward totalitarianism has quickened to a trot. When nObama said he would fundamentally transform America, he was speaking as a product of his communist upbringing and based upon is communist goals. He’s having success, acting with dictatorial impunity, virtually unchallenged by the cowardly self-serving blowhards in Congress, many of whom also guilty of un-American activities.
 How Best to Fight the 'Islamophobia Industry'  
(Burak Bekdil) - Time flies... It was nearly a decade ago that Turkish and Spanish leaders institutionalized their efforts to build interfaith dialogue and peace between the Islamic and Western worlds...Since then, at least a couple of million (overwhelmingly Muslim) people have been killed (overwhelmingly by Muslims in sectarian and other wars). Keeping a count of terrorist attacks on Muslim and non-Muslim targets by jihadists of this or that holy fraction would require meticulous academic work. Today, few recall or talk about the initiative that went with the fancy name, "Alliance of Civilizations." The world instead debates grimmer topics that do not speak of alliances, but rather of mis-alliances. For all the things that have gone wrong, Turkey's top cleric, Professor Mehmet Görmez, blames the "Islamophobia industry." In the words of Professor Görmez, it is Islamophobia that "is trying to spread fear to hearts by using clashes and incidents in the Islamic world for cruel propaganda against Muslims."
 Breaking Trust  
(GARY SCHMITT and THOMAS DONNELLY) - At what point do we—the institution and our nation—lose our soldiers’ trust? The trust that we will provide them the right resources—the training and equipment—to properly prepare them and lead them into harm’s way. Trust that we will appropriately take care of our soldiers, our civilians, and their families, who so selflessly sacrifice so much. This was the question Army chief of staff Gen. Raymond Odierno posed to the Senate Armed Services Committee on January 28, and it’s one that expresses a point of view rarely considered in Washington...Budgets are moral documents; they express our government’s priorities and what we value as a nation. By this standard, we care less and less about our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines as military professionals. We have lavished benefits—pay, housing, especially health care—on them endlessly, and we “honor their service” without irony. But we have shortchanged their ability to fight, depriving them of sufficient resources—of personnel, equipment, and training—first to win the wars to which we sent them, then to prepare them for the next conflict.
 Muslim Brotherhood Official Says White House Official Was Present  
( - A Muslim Brotherhood member who recently was hosted at the State Department along with several of the Islamist group’s key allies now claims that a White House official also was present in that meeting, according to recent remarks...
     Abdel Mawgoud al-Dardery, a Brotherhood member and former Egyptian parliamentarian, was in the United States late last month along with a delegation of fellow Brotherhood leaders and allies. The Brotherhood-aligned delegation caused an international stir after the Washington Free Beacon revealed that it had been hosted for a meeting with several State Department officials. While the State Department initially misled reporters about the meeting, it was eventually forced to admit that several Obama administration officials—including a deputy assistant secretary for democracy, human rights, and labor—and State Department officials met with the delegation. Al-Dardery now claims that in addition to these State Department representatives, a member of the White House also participated in the sit-down.
Kerry Meets Muslim Brotherhood

morsi muslim brotherhood in White House

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 500 American Citizen Jobs Replaced By Foreign “Guest Workers”  
(Rick Wells) - Cowardly sellout Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) and his equally despicable partner in crime John Thune (R-SD) went on the record surrendering to Democrats on the issue of nObama’s criminal illegal amnesty...They are opting to throw the ball back into the court of House Republicans rather than doing their job and finding a way to break up the bloc of obstructionism which is the Democrat Party under dinky Harry Reid. Rather than take their case to the American people, rather than engage in their much touted art of bi-partisanship, they simply shrug their collective shoulders and dump their ineptitude into the laps of the House. Against that backdrop of feckless unrepresentative representative government, Lou Dobbs invites Darrell Issa in for a discussion of just how badly the American citizens are getting screwed over by this regime and the largely useless Republican Senate majority, Senators Sessions, Vitter, Lee and Cruz excluded.
 NATO’s Russian ‘reset’: Less is not more  
(Gary J. Schmitt) - With NATO’s shrinking military capabilities and the reduced US military presence in Europe, the alliance’s attempts to deter Russia from destabilizing NATO’s eastern front have been less than impressive...Since the 1990s, the United States has been drawing down its forces in Europe under the assessment that the security situation on the Continent was largely and increasingly benign. Indeed, after the Balkan conflict, from an operational point of view, much of the military infrastructure, force structure, and alliance effort was increasingly in support of non-European military conflicts and operations in the Middle East, Central Asia, and Africa. The US strategic focus shifted to giving primacy to Asia in January 2012 with the issuance of the Defense Strategic Guidance. This “pivot” or “rebalancing” was justified, in part, on the grounds that Europe was now a security provider, not a security problem.
 Speechless on Iranian Nukes  
(Noah Beck) - A bad deal on Iranian nukes would be so catastrophic to global security that presidential resistance to a related speech – by the leader of an allied democracy, who may be the greatest expert on the issue – should leave everyone speechless...The nObama administration’s outraged accusation that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu violated protocol by accepting House Speaker backstabber John Boehner’s invitation to address Congress is preposterous: Bibi’s speech before Congress in 2011 came about in the exact same way with no similar nObama outrage (predictably, given the upcoming 2012 election). And the New York Times advanced this “violated protocol” narrative all too willingly, only to correct itself as inconspicuously as possible, revealing yet again its own anti-Israel agenda. Ironically, nObama’s main, if not only, motivation for visiting Israel in 2008 (and promising policies far from those he eventually adopted) was to gain the support of Jewish voters, back when he needed them to win the presidency.
America’s Strategy Deficit
Peggy Noonan
( - Something is going on here.

     On Tuesday retired Gen. James Mattis, former head of U.S. Central Command (2010-13) told the Senate Armed Services Committee of his unhappiness at the current conduct of U.S. foreign policy. He said the U.S. is not “adapting to changed circumstances” in the Mideast and must “come out now from our reactive crouch.” Washington needs a “refreshed national strategy”; the White House needs to stop being consumed by specific, daily occurrences that leave it “reacting” to events as if they were isolated and unconnected. He suggested deep bumbling: “Notifying the enemy in advance of our withdrawal dates” and declaring “certain capabilities” off the table is no way to operate.

     Sitting beside him was Gen. Jack Keane, also a respected retired four-star, and a former Army vice chief of staff, who said al Qaeda has “grown fourfold in the last five years” and is “beginning to dominate multiple countries.” He called radical Islam “the major security challenge of our generation” and said we are failing to meet it.

     The same day the generals testified, Kimberly Dozier of the Daily Beast reported that Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, a retired director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, had told a Washington conference: “You cannot defeat an enemy you do not admit exists.” The audience of military and intelligence professionals applauded. Officials, he continued, are “paralyzed” by the complexity of the problems connected to militant Islam, and so do little, reasoning that “passivity is less likely to provoke our enemies.”

     These statements come on the heels of the criticisms from President nObama’s own former secretaries of defense. Robert Gates, in “Duty,” published in January 2014, wrote of a White House-centric foreign policy developed by aides and staffers who are too green or too merely political. One day in a meeting the thought occurred that Mr. nObama “doesn’t trust” the military, “doesn’t believe in his own strategy, and doesn’t consider the war to be his.” That’s pretty damning. Leon Panetta , in his 2014 memoir, “Worthy Fights,” said Mr. nObama “avoids the battle, complains, and misses opportunities.”

     No one thinks this administration is the A Team when it comes to foreign affairs, but this is unprecedented push-back from top military and intelligence players. They are fed up, they’re less afraid, they’re retired, and they’re speaking out. We are going to be seeing more of this kind of criticism, not less.

     On Thursday came the testimony of three former secretaries of state, Henry Kissinger (1973-77), George Shultz (1982-89) and Madeleine Albright (1997-2001). Senators asked them to think aloud about what America’s national-security strategy should be, what approaches are appropriate to the moment. It was good to hear serious, not-green, not-merely-political people give a sense of the big picture. Their comments formed a kind of bookend to the generals’ criticisms.

They seemed to be in agreement on these points:

We are living through a moment of monumental world change.

Old orders are collapsing while any new stability has yet to emerge.

When you’re in uncharted waters your boat must be strong.

     If America attempts to disengage from this dangerous world it will only make all the turmoil worse.

     Mr. Kissinger observed that in the Mideast, multiple upheavals are unfolding simultaneously—within states, between states, between ethnic and religious groups. Conflicts often merge and produce such a phenomenon as the Islamic State, which in the name of the caliphate is creating a power base to undo all existing patterns.

     Mr. Shultz said we are seeing an attack on the state system and the rise of a “different view of how the world should work.” What’s concerning is “the scope of it.”

     Mr. Kissinger: “We haven’t faced such diverse crises since the end of the Second World War.” The U.S. is in “a paradoxical situation” in that “by any standard of national capacity . . . we can shape international relations,” but the complexity of the present moment is daunting. The Cold War was more dangerous, but the world we face now is more complicated.

How to proceed in creating a helpful and constructive U.S. posture?

     Mr. Shultz said his attitude when secretary of state was, “If you want me in on the landing, include me in the takeoff.” Communication and consensus building between the administration and Congress is key. He added: “The government seems to have forgotten about the idea of ‘execution.’ ” It’s not enough that you say something, you have to do it, make all the pieces work.

     When you make a decision, he went on, “stick with it.” Be careful with words. Never make a threat or draw a line you can’t or won’t make good on.

     In negotiations, don’t waste time wondering what the other side will accept, keep your eye on what you can and work from there.

Keep the U.S. military strong, peerless, pertinent to current challenges.

Proceed to negotiations with your agenda clear and your strength unquestionable.

     Mr. Kissinger: “In our national experience . . . we have trouble doing a national strategy” because we have been secure behind two big oceans. We see ourselves as a people who respond to immediate, specific challenges and then go home. But foreign policy today is not a series of discrete events, it is a question of continuous strategy in the world.

     America plays the role of “stabilizer.” But it must agree on its vision before it can move forward on making it reality. There are questions that we must as a nation answer:

     As we look at the world, what is it we seek to prevent? What do we seek to achieve? What can we prevent or achieve only if supported by an alliance? What values do we seek to advance? “This will require public debate.”

     All agreed the cost-cutting burdens and demands on defense spending forced by the sequester must be stopped. National defense “should have a strategy-driven budget, not a budget-driven strategy,” said Mr. Kissinger.

     He added that in the five wars since World War II, the U.S. began with “great enthusiasm” and had “great national difficulty” in ending them. In the last two, “withdrawal became the principal definition of strategy.” We must avoid that in the future. “We have to know the objective at the start and develop a strategy to achieve it.”

Does the U.S. military have enough to do what we must do?

     “It’s not adequate to deal with all the challenges I see,” said Mr. Kissinger, “or the commitments into which we may be moving.”

Sequestration is “legislative insanity,” said Mr. Shultz. “You have to get rid of it.”

     Both made a point of warning against the proliferation of nuclear weapons, which Mr. Shultz called “those awful things.” The Hiroshima bomb, he said, was a plaything compared with the killing power of modern nuclear weapons. A nuclear device detonated in Washington would “wipe out” the area. Previous progress on and attention to nuclear proliferation has, he said, been “derailed.”

     So we need a strategy, and maybe more than one. We need to know what we’re doing and why. After this week with the retired generals and the former secretaries, the message is: Awake. See the world’s facts as they are. Make a plan.

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Friday Morning - The Front Page Cover

"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
'I see parchment burning,
but the letters are soaring free'
Jeff Jacoby
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 Random Acts of Jihad?  
In an recent interview with Vox, Barack nObama pontificated on the recent jihadi attacks in Paris, which he said was perpetrated by "a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who ... randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris." It was absurd to say the attack was "random" when the Muslim jihadis' explicit motive was a killing Jews. nObama mouthpiece Josh Earnest struggled mightily to explain his boss's comments: "The adverb that the president chose was used to indicate that the individuals who were killed in that terrible, tragic incident were killed not because of who they were but because of where they randomly happened to be." He then told reporters, "There were people other than just Jews who were in that deli." Earnest repeatedly denied the kosher status of the market had anything to do with the attack. What utterly asinine horse pucky. American cops are clearly racist, according to nObama, but Muslims couldn't possibly target Jews on purpose. nObama and his underlings have a serious problem denying the role of Islam in the rise of terrorism on his watch. But perhaps even nObama's cronies realized how ridiculous the whole episode was, later taking to Twitter to "clarify" things. "Our view has not changed," Earnest tweeted. "Terror attack at Paris Kosher market was motivated by anti-Semitism. POTUS didn't intend to suggest otherwise." Somehow, we're disinclined to believe that.  -The Patriot Post 
 Shock: nObama Lied About Support for Traditional Marriage 
According to David Axelrod's memoir, Barack nObama once told his former adviser, "I'm just not very good at bulls----ing." We know; total BS. The subject matter was nObama's political choice to feign support for traditional marriage during the 2008 campaign. Even nObama's water carriers at Time magazine were dismayed: "Barack nObama misled Americans for his own political benefit." Right, this just in. According to Axelrod, "Opposition to gay marriage was particularly strong in the black church, and as [nObama] ran for higher office, he grudgingly accepted the counsel of more pragmatic folks like me, and modified his position to support civil unions rather than marriage, which he would term a 'sacred union.'" nObama even couched his lie in terms of his faith -- "as a Christian..." he said. So he lied about his own faith and principles, but Axelrod says it's a virtue that he was uncomfortable doing so. nObama then spent the next couple of years "evolving" on the issue so he could appear to have been persuaded by the evidence. Naturally, nObama claims he didn't mislead voters, he just hadn't come up with "a sufficient way of squaring the circle" of his personal beliefs and political reality. We don't buy it. Such deceit on nObama's part shouldn't surprise anyone. He knows nothing but politics, and he uses every issue, including family and his supposed Christian faith, for his own political benefit.   -The Patriot Post 
 Nobody Needs 10 Rounds Unless 'Arming Against the   Government' 
Undeterred by their ignominious defeat in the midterm elections, Democrats are bound and determined to keep pushing a losing issue -- gun control. Sen.Chris Murphy (D-CT), who so thoroughly politicized the murders at Sandy Hook Elementary School, introduced a bill to ban all magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds. He exploited a recent security crisis on Capitol Hill. Capitol Police claim to have foiled a planned mass murder in the halls of Congress. "Think of the damage that someone could do in the U.S. Capitol with 30 rounds," Murphy warned. Because he says he hasn't met "a single hunter or a single person who hunts for sport" who needs more than 10 rounds, he thinks none of us need that many. In fact, if we do, we're "arming against the government." That's an interesting thing to say since the final straw for colonists who launched their bid for independence from Great Britain was Redcoats coming to confiscate ammo and arms. Just saying. More...    -The Patriot Post 
 Is Climate Change Really the Biggest Threat?  
As part of Barack bObama's new National Security Strategy, the administration identified a bogus threat: "Climate change is an urgent and growing threat to our national security, contributing to increased natural disasters, refugee flows, and conflicts over basic resources like food and water." Asked about the rationale behind putting such emphasis on global warming while downplaying Islamic terrorism, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said, "The point that the president is making is that there are many more people on an annual basis who have to confront the direct impact on their lives of climate change ... than on terrorism." Pressed to explain further, Earnest doubled down, saying, "When you talk about the direct daily impact, on the daily lives of Americans, particularly Americans living in this country ... more people are directly affected by [climate change] than by terrorism." nObama's priorities are mixed up by design. Expand the government here, diminish U.S. standing abroad. Mission accomplished.
-The Patriot Post 
 NBC's Williams Angling for Comedy Job  
NBC News anchor Brian Williams lied repeatedly about his experience in Iraq, but also perhaps about other events in his career. Given this unsettling truth, NBC could no longer just ignore the problem. "We have decided today to suspend Brian Williams as Managing Editor and Anchor of NBC Nightly News for six months," the network wrote Tuesday. "The suspension will be without pay and is effective immediately. ... While on Nightly News on Friday, January 30, 2015, Brian misrepresented events which occurred while he was covering the Iraq War in 2003. It then became clear that on other occasions Brian had done the same while telling that story in other venues. This was wrong and completely inappropriate for someone in Brian's position." Of course, deceit is nothing new for the Leftmedia, but the Williams episode is really quite astonishing. And it will cost him about $5 million. In related news, Comedy Central's Jon Stewart announced he will leave the "Daily Show," so, if things don't work out for Williams at NBC, maybe the two comics could simply swap roles. More... 
-The Patriot Post 
hannah graham recovery body
 Hannah Graham Killer Jesse Matthew Indicted ‘First Degree Murder’  
(LARRY O'DELL) - Nearly four months after his arrest in the disappearance of a missing University of Virginia student, Jesse Matthew Jr. has been indicted on a murder count in the case...but he won't face the death penalty and still has not been charged in the death of another student. Matthew, 33, is charged with first-degree murder and abduction with intent to defile, Albemarle County prosecutor Denise Lunsford said Tuesday. Hannah Graham, 18, disappeared in September and was found dead in the county a few weeks later. Lunsford declined to say why Matthew was not charged with the higher count of capital murder, which would have carried a possible death-penalty sentence. The abduction and first-degree murder charges are punishable by up to life in prison.
 Europe’s Jewish Population Continues to Plummet  
(ETHAN EPSTEIN) - If you ignore the cringe-worthy opening line of this article from the Pew Research Center – the Holocaust did far worse than “decimate” Europe’s Jewish will find some interesting facts. In a nutshell, Europe’s Jewish population continues to decline. There are now approximately 1.4 million Jews living in Europe, compared to 9.5 million in 1939. Only 10 percent of the world’s Jews now live in Europe, and a mere 0.2 percent of Europeans are Jewish. And apparently, Europe’s Jewish population will only continue to decline. Thousands of French Jews, for example, are emigrating each year, most commonly to Israel. A Europe without Jews would be almost without precedent; the continent has played host to Jewish communities for millennia. It would also be an immeasurably poorer place, in myriad ways. We’re talking about the culture that produced Kafka, Freud, and Stefan Zweig – in addition to the bagel.
 nObama Brags To U.N. About 46.5 Million Americans On Food Stamps  
(nicedeb) - If you thought that record numbers of people on foodstamps was a negative thing – a problem that needs solving – you were wrong...The fact that a quarter of all Americans receive some kind of “food assistance” is something to “boast” about in today’s America – which is striving to compete with those paragons of human rights virtue – CUBA. Some day – if we work really really hard – The United States of America may be able to reach that pinnacle of Democratic fairness and equality that Cuba has become under the Castros. Hey let’s not forget the free nObamaphones, housing subsidies, welfare expansion, disability expansion – all of it – every bit rife with fraud. Oh there is so much to be proud of, here, America. At some point they are going to run out of other people’s money. I guess we’ll find out in 2016 if America wants to go full Greece.
Obama’s Former Campaign Adviser: ‘Obama Lied In Order to Win 2008 Election’
 Former Adviser: ‘nObama Lied In Order to Win 2008 Election’  
(Prissy Holly) - David Axelrod, who has had close ties with Barack nObama for years and even served as his chief campaign adviser at the beginning of his presidential career, has come out with a startling revelation in his new book “Believer: My Forty Years in Politics” about the president...In his book, Axelrod notes that nObama’s stance on same-sex marriage was a complete lie in order to garner support for his initial entry into the White House. Taking the counsel from his political advisers, nObama stated publicly that he opposed same-sex marriage, citing religious reasons.
 nObama: Media Overstates Terror Threat  
(Robert Spencer) - nObama’s timing couldn’t be worse. Just as a new report has demonstrated yet again that global warming is a hoax, he has backed it in a new interview as a “longer-term” problem than jihad terror...During a lengthy conversation published over two days by the far-Left publication Vox, interviewer Matthew Yglesias asked nObama: “Do you think the media sometimes overstates the level of alarm people should have about terrorism and this kind of chaos, as opposed to a longer-term problem of climate change and epidemic disease?” nObama readily agreed – and his full answer was revealing in several ways:
 ‘ISIS Is Here’: Islamic State Graffiti in America  
(Dawn Perlmutter) - On February 4, 2015 the head of the FBI’s counterterrorism division, Michael Steinbach said that the FBI has seen children as young as 15 recruited by the Islamic State aka ISIS, ISIL...Two days later FBI Director James Comey said there are open cases looking into individuals who may be connected to ISIS in every state in the Union except Alaska. Evidence of the Islamic State’s successful recruiting efforts in America is literally written on the walls. Islamic State graffiti has appeared in Minneapolis, MN, Houston, TX, La Vegas, Nevada, Phoenix, AZ, Bakersfield, Ca, Washington, DC , Brooklyn, NY, and in many cities around the world. Followers of the U.S. designated terrorist group are showing their support in every form of graffiti from full color pieces to the graffiti genre of stickers; aka labels or slaps.
 GOP Energy Agenda: Build Keystone, Stop The EPA  
(Michael Bastasch) - Republican lawmakers have released a new energy strategy to boost counter President Barack nObama’s climate agenda. The main points of the plan: build the Keystone XL pipeline and other projects like it and prevent the EPA from over-regulating... “Our energy realities have changed dramatically – we’ve gone from bust to boom practically overnight,” GOP Reps. Fred Upton of Michigan Ed Whitfield of Kentucky said in a statement. “Today’s energy policies are lagging far behind, and are better suited for the gas lines in the 1970s than this new era of abundance.” The strategy, called the “Architecture of Abundance,” urges Congress and the president to pass laws that enhance energy security, keep prices down and shepherd a manufacturing resurgence. The plan also includes calls for reforming the energy project permit process; keeping prices affordable; and stopping EPA global warming.
US Iran flags
 The dangerous allure of partnering with Iran  
(Danielle Pletka) - The immolation of a Jordanian pilot is only one of many signs of a Middle East collapsing into brutal disorder. Leaders have fallen, civil wars are spreading and terrorism is thriving...It’s tempting to yearn for the relative security of years past, when the United States’ client dictators kept the region quiet, and to look for another candidate to play the role. Of course, the lore of the old, stable Middle East is more myth than reality — the half-century before the Arab Spring saw multiple governments fall, the rise of Islamist terror, three Arab-Israeli wars and civil wars in Yemen and Lebanon. Still, the allure of the strongman pervades Washington. The latest example is what appears to be the nObama administration’s efforts to create a regional compact centered on Iranian power.
Carbon emissions
 US costs, foreign benefits  
(Kevin A. Hassett) - President nObama came into office with a plethora of policy objectives, from passing “card check” legislation to halting the rise of the oceans. For the most part, and perhaps as a student of the Constitution, he pursued these objectives in his first term with legislative action...Lately, though, the administration has used executive orders and regulatory actions to enact policy objectives by decree. By far the most economically significant of these actions is the EPA’s decision to require states to reduce their carbon emissions by 30 percent. Such a reduction would increase the cost of coal-fired electricity, for example, by about 80 percent. Most observers believe that states could meet this objective only by enacting a cap-and-trade system, an approach Representatives Henry Waxman (D., Calif.) and Ed Markey (D., Mass.) tried and failed to legislate into federal law in 2009. The courts will eventually decide whether nObama’s team has the legal authority under the Clean Air Act to enact such sweeping changes. In the meantime, the analysis that the nObama team provides to support its regulatory action sheds fascinating light on the global climate debate. This fact was made especially clear by a recent analysis of the EPA’s own data by Harvard professor Rob Stavins, a supporter of climate action but also an old-fashioned, honorable academic (who perhaps should be protected under the Endangered Species Act).
 Half-million U.S. women mutilated in barbaric practice 
(Curtis Ellis) - A disturbing Population Research Bureau report indicates the number of women in the United States at risk of ritual female genital mutilation has doubled in 10 years, in tandem with the increase in immigration from Muslim countries in Africa...The practice, also known as female circumcision, is common in Muslim countries in Africa and the Middle East. The report from the bureau indicates more than half-a-million women in the U.S. may have already been mutilated or could soon have the procedure done to them. The latest reports on the practice coincide with the United Nations’ International Day of Zero Tolerance. The U.N. estimates 130 million women and girls in the Middle East and Africa have undergone some form of the procedure. While the U.N. and associated groups are working to end the barbaric practice, none of the official reports and statements mentions the fact that Muslim religious leaders and scholars prescribe it.
'I see parchment burning,
but the letters are soaring free'
Jeff Jacoby
'I see parchment burning, but the letters are soaring free'
     ( - Book burning is as old as books, and as current as this week’s news.

     The Associated Press reported on Monday that Islamic State fanatics have ravaged the Central Library of Mosul, the largest repository of learning in that ancient city. Militants smashed the library’s locks and overran its collections, removing thousands of volumes on philosophy, science, and law, along with books of poetry and children’s stories. Only Islamic texts were left behind.

     “These books promote infidelity and call for disobeying Allah,” one of the ISIS jihadists announced as the library’s holdings were emptied into sacks and loaded onto pickup trucks. “So they will be burned.”

     There was more book-burning soon afterward, when Islamic State vandals sacked the library at the University of Mosul. “They made a bonfire out of hundreds of books on science and culture, destroying them in front of students,” AP reported. Lost in the libricide were newspapers, maps, and texts dating back to the Ottoman Empire. UNESCO, the United Nations’ educational and cultural agency, decried the libraries’ torching as “one of the most devastating acts of destruction of library collections in human history.”

     Perhaps the most chilling words ever written about book-burning were penned in 1821 by the great German poet Heinrich Heine: Dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man am Ende auch Menschen — “Where they burn books, they will in the end also burn people.” Today that axiom is etched on a plaque in Berlin’s Bebelplatz, the public square where more than 20,000 books deemed “un-German” and “decadent” were destroyed in a vast Nazi bonfire on the night of May 10, 1933.

     Though Heine’s words are indelibly associated now with the Holocaust, they have lost none of their grim prescience. Just one day after news emerged of the book-burnings in the Islamic State’s so-called “caliphate,” the jihadists released a ghastly video exulting in the murder of Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh, who was burned alive in a metal cage.

     There is something uniquely diabolical about setting books on fire, a lust to obliterate that almost ineluctably leads to even more dreadful evils. It is no coincidence that those obsessed with annihilating the physical expression of dangerous thoughts or teachings so often move on to annihilating the people who think or teach them.

     “A book is a loaded gun in the house next door. Burn it,” orders Captain Beatty, the book-hating fire chief in “Fahrenheit 451” Ray Bradbury’s dystopian classic. “Take the shot from the weapon. Breach man’s mind. Who knows who might be the target of the well-read man?”

     Yet if the long and heartbreaking history of book-burning teaches anything, it is that books cannot be killed by fire. Pages can be burned, libraries can be reduced to ash, treatises can be found guilty of heresy or sedition and set ablaze. But ideas are not so easily extirpated. Heine’s books were among those the Nazis flung on the bonfires in 1933; so were the books of more than 2,000 other authors, including Bertolt Brecht, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Ernest Hemingway, Leo Tolstoy, and Franz Kafka. Josef Goebbels assured the enthusiastic crowd that they would “commit to the flames the evil spirit of the past.” The books, however, are still alive. It was the Third Reich that went down in flames.
     The story of books is the story of books being suppressed — a story of staggering cruelty, and of equally staggering futility. The destruction of Mosul’s libraries prompted one Iraqi parliamentarian, Hakim al-Zamili, to compare ISIS to the Mongols who conquered Baghdad in 1258. Then, too, prized works of learning — on history, medicine, astronomy — were demolished. “The only difference is that Mongols threw the books in the Tigris River, while now ISIS is burning them,” al-Zamili said. “Different method, but same mentality.”

     Indeed, in their bloodlust and zealotry, the book-burners of ISIS have many antecedents — Crusaders, Mongols, Nazis, Wahhabis, Khmer Rouge. But ISIS too will find that it is easier to slaughter human beings than to destroy ideas.

     The Talmud records the death of Chanina ben Teradion, a 2nd-century Jewish sage killed by the Romans for violating a ban on teaching Torah. It was a terrible death: He was wrapped in the scroll from which he had been teaching and set on fire, with wet wool placed on his chest to prolong the agony. His horrified disciples, forced to witness his death, cried out: “Rabbi, what do you see?” He replied: “I see parchment burning, but the letters are soaring free.”
     Any brute can burn parchment, or ransack a library, or blow up a mosque, or bulldoze cultural treasures. But not even mighty armies can destroy the ideas they embody. The Roman Empire couldn’t keep the letters from soaring free. ISIS can’t either.
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