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Friday Morning - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Empty words?
Iran and Hezbollah jointly threaten Israel
with 'devastating thunderbolts'
Lora Moftah  
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 No Nuke Netanyahu vs. nObama the Appeaser  
Barack nObama is furious. A president who embellished the truth so often during his State of the Union address that the Associated Press felt compelled to fact-check his speech wants no interference -- more commonly known as congressional input -- in his effort to reach an agreement with Iran. "New sanctions passed by this Congress, at this moment in time, will all but guarantee that diplomacy fails  -- alienating America from its allies and ensuring that Iran starts up its nuclear program again," nObama said during his address. "It doesn't make sense. That is why I will veto any new sanctions bill that threatens to undo this progress." Yet for the first time in recent memory (or perhaps ever), House Speaker backstabber John Boehner (R-OH) decided an opposing viewpoint on this highly critical issue would be appropriate, especially one coming from an individual well-versed in Islamofascism and Iran's murderous ambitions. Thus backstabber Boehner invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress on March 3.  -The Patriot Post 
Time: “A recently-born baby named Nutella was renamed by a court in the French city of Valenciennes after a judge ruled that the parents’ decision to the name the child after a food was against the child’s interest, according to a new report in the newspaper La Voix Du Nord. ‘The name ‘Nutella’ given to the child is the trade name of a spread,’ the court’s decision read, according to a translation. ‘And it is contrary to the child’s interest to be wearing a name like that can only lead to teasing or disparaging thoughts.’ The judge renamed the child Ella after the parents failed to show up at a court appointed day in November. The baby was born in September.” -Fox News 
 Economy OK Now, but the Social Security Bill Will Come  
The economy will have three years of growth before the government's deficit weighs the country down, according to a report on the nation's economic outlook issued by the Congressional Budget Office. By 2025, the federal budget may be returning to a $1 trillion deficit, mostly thanks to an increase in entitlement spending due to nObamaCare and the Baby Boomer generation collecting Social Security. In the short term, the economy will grow because of low oil prices, higher hourly compensation, and more people returning to the workforce and starting households. But the CBO revised its August prediction to say the GDP will only grow 2.5% per year instead of 2.7% because it overestimated how many people are leaving the workforce permanently -- possibly for retirement. As James Pethokoukis writes for the American Enterprise Institute, "Let me boil it down for you: These are the good times. Enjoy them because things are unlikely to get much better. In fact, they are likely to get worse." The economy will shift as the White House administration turns over. Hopefully by then, Washington leadership has enough economic acumen to tackle the deficit, regardless of how it may affect political careers. More... 
-The Patriot Post  
 nObamaCare: The $2 Trillion (and Counting) BIG Lie  
$2 trillion. That's what the Congressional Budget Office now says nObamaCare will cost over the next decade. If that figure sounds a bit higher than you remember in the 2009 sweep of Hope 'n' Change, that's because it's more than double what Democrats told us it would cost. The Washington Examiner's Philip Klein writes, "When nObama pitched the healthcare law to Congress, he said it would cost 'around $900 billion' over 10 years. But his statement was misleading because the way the law was designed, the major spending provisions didn't kick in until 2014. This meant that 10-year estimates at the time the law was passed in 2010 were artificially low, because they included four years (2010 through 2013) in which spending was negligible." Democrats told the BIG Lie because they needed the American people to swallow nObamaCare, and keeping it in the "few hundred billion dollar" range was critical to helping the medicine go down. And for all that, 31 million people will remain uninsured 10 years from now. It was never about insurance, though -- it was and is about control. More...   -The Patriot Post  
 Just Lower Your Standard of Living  
Billionaire Jeff Greene, who Bloomberg News describes as having "amassed a multibillion dollar fortune investing in real estate and betting against subprime mortgage securities," has a pessimistic view of the U.S. economy. "Our economy is in deep trouble," Greene said. "We need to be honest with ourselves. We've had a realistic level of job destruction, and those jobs aren't coming back." Because of that, he argues, "America's lifestyle expectations are far too high and need to be adjusted so we have less things and a smaller, better existence. We need to reinvent our whole system of life." To highlight his hypocrisy, he made the comments after having flown his wife, children and two nannies on a private jet (just one of about 1,700) to the climate confab in Davos, Switzerland. But we're the ones who need to tighten our belts. By the way, Greene is a Democrat who ran for the Florida Senate seat currently held by Marco Rubio.
  -The Patriot Post  
 The Pity Party  
(Daniel Greenfield) - Progressives will always claim that no matter how badly their plans go wrong, at least their terrible policies were well-intentioned...The regimes that shot orphans, starved entire cities into submission and committed genocide were “caring” in comparison to the heartless Dickensian capitalists who did nothing for the poor except create cheap products and jobs. They might have killed millions, but their red hearts were in the right place. They didn’t just spend all their time gobbling caviar and diving into swimming pools full of all money like the millionaires of the West. Instead they gave speeches about Marxism-Leninism, killed anyone who wasn’t up on their dialectical materialism and then gobbled working class caviar and dove into proletarian swimming pools full of money. The path to everything from death panels to gulags was paved by outrage over the oppressed and compassion for the less fortunate… even if the real less fortunate turned out to be those on whom the tender-hearted compassion of progressives was practiced on.
 And the odds of the nObama admin lying about Global Warming…  
(Dr. Steven J. Allen) - The nObama administration announced that 2014 was “the hottest year on record” by a margin of 0.04 degrees (four one-hundredths of a degree) compared to 2005...a fake fact that was repeated in hundreds of “news” media, virtually none of whom, it appears, bothered to check out the claim.  (It was later clarified that the claim was 0.02 degrees by one part of the nObama administration and 0.04 degrees by a different part.) A simple check would have revealed the problem with the administration’s “hottest year on record” assertion—that, as every scientist should know, the supposed increase, which is the basis for the claim of a “record” temperature, is too small for science to measure. It would be as if government experts announced that the average height of ten-year-old boys in America had increased in the past nine years from 55 inches to 55.00765 inches. How could you possibly measure such a thing so precisely? The answer is, you couldn’t.
 Rep. Trey Gowdy Grills State Dept Weasel on Benghazi Docs 
(nicedeb) - The Select Committee on Benghazi chaired by Rep Trey Gowdy is taking place Tuesday morning and can be viewed live on CSPAN...Here is the opening statement by Rep Gowdy, complaining about the slow pace of the investigation due to the State Department’s stonewalling.
        Gowdy grilled Asst. Deputy Sec of State Joel Rubin.
 nObama Bashes America For Being A Racist Country While in India   ( - “There have been times where my faith has at times been questioned by people who don’t know me, or they’ve said that I adhere to a different religion, as if that were somehow a bad thing,” nObama said...He forgot to mention how people judge him because of his "funny name." Oy. Yeah, nObama's faith has been questioned by people who know him to be a pathological liar - someone who will lie about literally anything - including his own mother's health insurance status when she was battling cancer. Not to mention about a gazillion other things - too numerous to keep a file. One assumes at this point that about 75% of what comes out of the man's mouth is utter BS. Would such a man lie about his religious convictions? By their fruits ye shall know them. Enough said?
 Rockets Strike Golan Heights, IDF Returns Fire  
(By Tova Dvorin and Yishai Karov) - Rocket alarms have sounded in the Golan Heights, the Home Front Command announced Tuesday afternoon, with the army confirming that two rockets were fired at Israel...IDF spokesman Peter Lerner said in a text message the Syrian fire was "intentional, not spillover from the Syrian civil war" as has sometimes been the case in the past, reports AFP. The alarms sounded in Majdal Shams, Odem, Krum, Kafr Bukaata, Massadeh, Neve Ativ, Nimrod and Ein Kenya. After initial reports suggesting no rockets actually struck Israel, a military source clarified to Channel 2 that two rockets did hit Israeli soil - one in the Hermon region, one in El Rom. Two additional rockets were fired from Syria as well, but struck Syrian soil, according to Walla! News. IDF forces have returned fire. The IDF Spokesperson's Office confirmed at 2 p.m. that it had successfully struck the source of the rocket fire.
 Will the West Defend Itself?  
(Dr. Walter E. Williams) - Leftists and progressives believe that the U.S. should become more like Europe. They praise Europe’s massive welfare state, socialized medicine and stifling economic regulation and accept its unwillingness to defend itself against barbarism...I wonder whether America’s leftists and progressives want to import some of Europe’s barbaric extremism associated with its Muslim population. Several European countries have what are called “no-go zones.” No-go zones function as microstates governed by Shariah. The host countries’ authorities have lost control over these areas. In some cases, they are unable to provide even police, firefighting and ambulance services.
 The Silencing of the Soul  
(Robert Knight) - The massacre in Paris by Muslim militants at the Charlie Hebdo magazine office was about much more than freedom of speech. After all, militants also killed four hostages at a Jewish market, and that was not about freedom to buy kosher food...Both incidents are about using violence to intimidate people into surrendering to Muslim domination in the form of Shariah law. It is a war that is being waged on all continents by several radicalized Muslim groups whose dictionaries omit the word “mercy.” While the slaughter in Paris was going on, a far larger massacre was unfolding in Nigeria, where Boko Haram systematically killed as many as 2,000 non-Muslims and then torched what was left of their village. The dead, many of whom reportedly were women, children and elderly, will never speak again.
 Saudi Arabia’s New King Helped Fund Radical Terrorist Groups  
(Adam Kredo) - King Salman, Saudi Arabia’s newly crowned monarch, has a controversial history of helping to fund radical terror groups and has maintained ties with several anti-Semitic Muslim clerics known for advocating radical positions...according to reports and regional experts. Salman, previously the country’s defense minister and deputy prime minister, was crowned king last week after his half-brother King Abdullah died at the age of 90. While Abdullah served as a close U.S. ally and was considered a reformer by many, Saudi Arabia has long been criticized by human rights activists for its treatment of women and its enforcement of a strict interpretation of Islamic law.
 nObama's 'Free Stuff Army'  
(Robert Knight) - Fresh from offering "free" health care, "free" phones and "free" food to the masses, Barack nObama has upped the bribery to "free" community college tuition and "free" child care...It's not that the Clintons oppose any of these; they just need to affect moderation in case Hilly runs for president and has to knock back boilermakers again with the good old boys in Pennsylvania taverns. Since someone has to pay for these expensive, new entitlements to the Free Stuff Army, Mr. nObama has proposed yet another "tax the rich" scheme that, if enacted (which is unlikely) would eventually plunder working-class families. To liberals, that's what tax "reform" is all about. Over a few decades, the U.S. government has morphed into a gigantic income-redistribution machine, the ultimate mugger.
 Gen Keane: Al Qaeda Has Grown Fourfold In The Last 5 Years 
(nicedeb) - This, of course, contradicts nObama’s triumphant reelection message of 2011/2012 – “al Qaeda is on the run”, “on it’s heels”, “decimated”, etc. We all knew that was Bravo Sierra...But it’s worse than your everyday, garden-variety BS. This level of dishonesty and deceit can only be described as Stalinesque. Al Qaeda have in fact metastasized under nObama’s watch. The former vice chief of staff of the Army warned the Senate Armed Services Committee today that al-Qaeda has “grown fourfold in the last five years.”
Empty words?
Iran and Hezbollah jointly threaten Israel
with 'devastating thunderbolts'
Lora Moftah  

     ( - Israel’s strike on an Iranian general in Syria has prompted ominous warnings from both Tehran and its Hezbollah allies in Lebanon, including the threat of “devastating thunderbolts” against the Jewish state. As alarming as some of the rhetoric may be, neither party is likely to risk major retaliation against Israel, Middle East experts said. Instead, Hezbollah and Iran are likely to temper their response so as not to provoke a military escalation neither of them can afford to sustain at the moment.

     Along with Revolutionary Guards General Mohammed Allahdadi, five other Iranian military men were killed in the Israeli strike on Sunday, as well as six members of Hezbollah, including the Lebanese militant group’s Golan coordinator, Jihad Mughniyeh. The killings of the high-profile targets elicited the response of the chief of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, Ali Jafaari, who vowed that his country would “fight to the end of the Zionist regime,” according to Reuters.

     The high rank of the leaders targeted in the strike will make it difficult for both parties to restrain themselves from responding, said Yoram Schweitzer, a senior research fellow and the head of the program on terrorism at the Institute for National Security Studies in Israel and the former head of the Israeli Defense Forces’ Counter International Terror Section. However, neither Iran nor Hezbollah will follow through on their threats and “burn the ground under Israel.” “At this stage it's not in the interest of Iran or Hezbollah to open a war,” he said. “They would not want to open a new front in Lebanon which may deteriorate into a very messy situation.”

     Because Hezbollah, which is widely seen as Iran’s military proxy in the Levant, is already stretched thin supporting the embattled regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad amid Syria's ongoing civil war, sustaining a second front would be near impossible for the militant group. “Even for countries that are much stronger than Hezbollah, it is difficult to fight a war on two fronts,” said Schweitzer. “Both Iran and Hezbollah are heavily invested in trying to save Assad's regime so they don't need another enemy on the agenda.”

     The militant organization may have a strong record of retaliation against Israel in cases like these, but the Syrian conflict has transformed the group and made it more cautious, said Bilal Saab, a senior fellow for Middle East security at the Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security at the Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C. “This is a new Hezbollah; ever since its entry into Syria, the organization has been overstretched militarily and on the defensive politically,” he said.

Hezbollah's AlManar leads with quote from social media, in Arabic and Hebrew: "Two Words: Prepare your Shelters" (Two words in Arabic).

— Shibley Telhami (@ShibleyTelhami) January 19, 2015

     According to Saab, the heated rhetoric by Hezbollah operatives in the wake of the attack is more geared toward audiences at home than Israel. Instead, the organization is keenly aware of the consequences of an irresponsible military response to the strike, something that would be “absolutely destructive” for the group and its Shiite constituency in Lebanon, he said.

     A monthlong war that erupted between the militant organization and Israel in 2006 resulted in at least 1,109 mainly civilian deaths in Lebanon, along with widespread destruction of homes and villages across the country, according to Human Rights Watch. The memory of that war is still fresh in the minds of Hezbollah’s leadership, alongside practical considerations of its capabilities given the Syrian conflict, said Saab.

     This point was underscored by the comments of Hezbollah MP Kamal Rifai on Tuesday, who said that the militant organization’s response to the strike would be harsh but measured. "Hezbollah and its leadership have the smarts, the resources and the capability to respond accordingly, after taking into consideration the political-security situation of Lebanon and the region at large," he said, according to Haaretz.
     The most likely scenario for a response by the group would be an attack outside of the region, rather than a provocation of hostilities on the border, said Brent E. Sasley, an associate professor of political science at the University of Texas at Arlington. Hezbollah is thought to have utilized this tactic in the past, targeting Israeli and Jewish interests in countries outside the Middle East, including Bulgaria, where a July 2012 bus bombing in the Black Sea resort of Burgas resulted in the killing of six people, including five Israelis.

     “Israel is not going to go to war with Hezbollah over a terrorist attack outside of the country,” said Sasley. “If Hezbollah did something outside of the region, it's harder... to respond to an attack like that” especially as the group tries to cover its tracks when they’re involved in such cases, he said, though he noted that a major attack could still trigger Israeli retaliation.

     Hezbollah’s backers in Tehran are in a similar situation in that they are unlikely to want to back down following the killing of Allahdadi, but are also not interested in igniting a tit-for-tat conflict with Israel at the moment, especially in the midst of Iran’s ongoing nuclear negotiations with world powers. While Iran might be able to distance itself from attacks committed against Israeli interests abroad, a larger retaliation against Israel would make it difficult for the United States and other international players to proceed with the talks, said Sasley. “The question is," he said, "What's more important to Iran, responding and shoring up their position in the region or the nuclear talks?”


A Bright New Look

  The eBook, nObama Nation II: Judgment Day, is a critical review of nObama's presidency and the predictions Jerome Corsi made in his 2008 bestseller, The nObama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, that stayed on the New York Times bestseller list for a month in the run-up to the 2008 presidential election.

     Dr. Corsi's goal in writing nObama Nation II is to restore America to the limited government of checks-and-balances its Founding Fathers intended to create in the Constitutional Republic Americans were bequeathed. It is the authors hope that, in rejecting the nObama presidency as an exercise in unconstitutional government, Americans will reject once and for all the imperial presidency that grew in power through the 20th century to the heights we see today.

The eBook is available exclusively on

     Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., is coauthor of Unfit for Command and author of The nObama Nation, both #1 New York Times bestsellers. Since 2004, Dr. Corsi has written six New York Times bestsellers on subjects including presidential politics, the economy, and Iran. He has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business, and MSNBC, as well as in hundreds of Radio interviews. Dr. Corsi received his Ph.D. from the Department of Government at Harvard University in 1972, and is a senior staff reporter with


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Thursday Afternon - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Lessons Worth Learning
Burt Prelutsky
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"

 nObama to Clog Alaska Oil Drilling  
It's come to the point where the executive branch, with the swoop of a pen, can doom the entire economy of a state. The Department of the Interior released a revised conservation plan of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Sunday, which proposes a prohibition of oil and gas production on 13 million acres of federally owned land in Alaska. The economy of Alaska is already struggling thanks to low oil prices and lower extraction rates in the state. "What's coming is a stunning attack on our sovereignty and our ability to develop a strong economy that allows us, our children and our grandchildren to thrive," Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski said in a statement responding to Interior's plan. In his State of the Union address, Barack nObama boasted, "We are as free from the grip of foreign oil as we've been in almost 30 years. ... Today, America is number one in oil and gas. ... And thanks to lower gas prices and higher fuel standards, the typical family this year should save about $750 at the pump." With proposals such as the one from Interior, we're reminded quite clearly that the boom is no thanks to him. More...  -The Patriot Post 
 Jobs Boom Thanks to Ending Unemployment Benefits Extension  
"After a breakthrough year for America, our economy is growing and creating jobs at the fastest pace since 1999," Barack nObama boasted in his State of the Union address. Indeed, he mentioned "jobs" some 19 times. The trouble is, it's not his policies that are growing the job market -- it's the end of his policies. Democrats have long claimed that paying people not to work creates jobs, but as Ronald Reagan once quipped, "Our liberal friends ... know so much that isn't so." According to a new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research, roughly 60% of 2014's job growth came because Democrats' lavish unemployment benefits were not extended again. The study is by no means the last word on the subject, as there are innumerable factors that go into something so complex as the job market. But as National Review's Patrick Brennan summarizes: "The general economic consensus has always been that unemployment insurance slightly boosts the unemployment rate. ... [W]e still have unemployment insurance, of course, because we want a safety net for people in the event of job loss. That just has to be balanced against the costs that the program imposes on the labor market." More... -The Patriot Post 
 Oh, Now Will Protect Privacy?  
Even after last year's dismal launch of the federal health insurance exchange website, the government still can't learn from its mistakes and build a website that doesn't harm those who use it. Last week, news broke that the government was sharing with third parties the sensitive health information of Americans who used the federal exchange. Now, the Associated Press reports the government has stopped the practice. But the government went into damage control by not speaking to the AP reporter, as if protecting the image of the administration is more important than the privacy of millions of Americans. Still, it's not clear how much information the government was sharing, what that data was used for, and if there was any abuse. It's not even clear if they can protect the privacy of Americans. The Department of Health and Humans Services fired CGI Federal for creating the original, unworkable website. But now, the IRS has hired the contractor to help with its nObamaCare tax enforcement. The government can't even hire a competent IT firm. Why do we think it will successfully protect Americans' privacy? More...  -The Patriot Post 
 Al Gore Wants No Cars in Major Cities  
Al Gore and Felipe Calderon, former president of Mexico, have hit upon a grand plan to save the world from global warming: a massive social engineering scheme that will make cities denser. For $90 trillion, the climate-fighting duo proposed at the World Economic Forum ripping up neighborhoods and squeezing together millions of people so tightly that cars won't be used in major cities. The Daily Caller reports, "Calderon and Gore argued that $90 trillion is going to be spent anyways in the coming decades upgrading cities around the world. They argue that it should be spent on making cities more climate friendly. 'The mistake we made in Mexico was to let cities develop however they want, and it's a mess,' Calderon told Business Insider." The duo can pontificate, but while they're proposing restricting the mobility of millions of people worldwide, Gore for one isn't about to give up his mansion in Tennessee, nor his private jet. How else would he travel the world blowing smoke about global warming? More...  -The Patriot Post 
 Fun With Federalism  
Democrats don't often like federalism, and, when they do, you have to wonder what they're smoking. Speaking of that habit, Barack nObama weighed in on the controversy over legalized pot, saying, hey, it's a states' rights issue, man. "[W]hat you're seeing now is Colorado [and] Washington -- through state referendum -- they're experimenting with legal marijuana," he said. "The position of my administration has been: We still have federal laws that classify marijuana as an illegal substance, but we're not going to spend a lot of resources trying to turn back decisions that have been made at the state level on this issue." That's funny -- when he's not forcing states to do his bidding via nObamaCare he's lobbying the courts to overturn their marriage laws or suing them over voter ID laws and immigration enforcement. Talk about making a hash out of policy.  -The Patriot Post 
 Federal Double Standard on Debt  
(K. Lloyd Billingsley) - As we noted, the “debts” in question are highly dubious. Mary Grice, now 58, was four years old in 1960 when her father died and her mother began receiving survivor’s benefits under Social Security...The federal agency was not even sure which member of the Grice family had been overpaid. They grabbed $2,997 from Mary Grice, refunded it, then sent a new bill for the same amount they had refunded. And Social Security is after Jessica Vela for $16,888 that the government claims she owes for overpayments made to her mother in child support benefits when Vela was one year old. Social Security mouthpiece Pete Spencer told Fox News, “The commissioner is concerned about the public perception about the way we’re running this program.” Social Security bosses were running the program badly, in other words, and didn’t like the adverse publicity. But even though they are not picking off tax returns this year, as Spencer explained, “we are bound by federal law to collect these debts and they don’t go away.” So the same federal agency that paid millions to old Nazis and dead people will deduct the money from future Social Security benefit payments. Of course, it’s all for the children.
 Same as the Old Boss?  
(K. Lloyd Billingsley) - As California Senate boss, Darrell Steinberg compiled quite a record of abuse and waste. In 2012, for example, he killed the California Channel’s live broadcast of hearings on four ballot measures dealing with taxes and spending, depriving voters of vital information...He compounded this censorship by claiming: “I pride myself on being open and transparent.” He wasn’t. Steinberg was also the author of Proposition 63, a 2004 measure that levied a surtax of 1 percent on multimillionaires, ostensibly to fund mental-health services. The measure raised some $7.4 billion but with “virtually no oversight or accountability” as to how the money would be spent, as UC law professor Barry Krisberg observed, so it was like “putting money on the stump and running.” The Sacramento Bee wondered if the billions had been “shoved down a rat hole never to been seen again?” That indeed seems to be the case. Steinberg is now termed out, but his successor Kevin de Leon shows every sign of being the same as the old boss.
 nObama Backs Campaign to Defeat Netanyahu in Israeli Elections  
(Susan L.M. Goldberg) - Caroline Glick picked up on one article the Israeli left-wing paper Ha’aretz didn’t bother translating into English that details nObama’s involvement in the upcoming Israeli elections...A summary of the article is provided by IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis): Haaretz reporter Roi Arad revealed in an article in the Hebrew edition today January 26 that the foreign funded organization, “One Voice”, is bankrolling the V-2015 campaign to defeat Binyamin Netanyahu’s national camp in the March 2015 Knesset Elections. One indication of the generous financing is that it has now flown in a team of five American campaign experts (including Jeremy Bird, the nObama campaign’s national field director) who will run the campaign out of offices taking up the ground floor of a Tel Aviv office building. As far as I am concern, nobama has no business in any foreign country's election.
 American Citizens Betrayed By nObama’s Amnesty  
(Rick Wells) - Rep Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has been and remains one of the House’s staunchest supporters of the American people against the abuse inflicted by the nObama regime’s assault on our rights, our nation and our Constitution...On Monday she published an Op-Ed piece on in which she laid out her case to the American people of just how desperate our situation is, the nature of the attack, and the need for the American  people to rise in support and demand appropriate action. She, Steve King (R-IA) and Jeff Sessions (R-AL) can’t do it alone. They need to have the American people supporting them. She noted the disastrous impact the illegal amnesty dictates will have economically on the ability of Americans to find work and the lowered wages that will result from a labor glut. She points to the falsified employment figures which remove a large percentage of the unemployed from the metrics as well as the lack of basic fairness in a policy which rewards lawbreaking non-citizens with jobs which should rightfully go to Americans.
 Bergdahl to Be Charged with Desertion  
(Jeffrey Poor) - On Monday’s broadcast of “The O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Channel, retired Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer of the London Center for Policy Research revealed to host Bill O’Reilly that sources tell him U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl will face charges for desertion...
 Gingrich Straight Talk – U.S. Losing War Against Radical Islamists  
(Rick Wells) - Newt Gingrich speaks to the gathering of conservatives at the Iowa Freedom Summit, characterizing the current global threat in crystal clear terms...He says, “There is one common pattern occurring everywhere across the planet and that is radical Islamists, who hate our civilization, are prepared to cut off our heads and are determined to impose their religion by force.” Gingrich says he’s not going to spend a lot of time talking about Hussein Obama’s “pathological incapacity to deal with reality.” He says, “There’s no point in trying to get him to learn how to say the words ‘radical Islamists’ because he has a speech impediment which blocks him from being able to say the words.” He points out that even the institution of the U.S. Army has become so corrupted by the dishonesty we now live with that they described the Ft. Hood attack as a workplace violence incident.
Crazy Saudi’s Building A 600 Mile Border Fence  
 (Rick Wells) - The design of a proposed triple layer fence protecting 600 miles of the Saudi Arabian border from illegal alien intruders looks quite similar to one which was mandated by Congress to be built along the southern border of the United States with Mexico...Our version would have been 700 miles in length and the funding had been completely appropriated. President George W. Bush said when he signed The Secure Fence Act of 2006, “This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. Instead, President Bush and DHS Director Michael Chertoff teamed up to delay things and successfully prevented the construction from ever taking place, in spite of the wishing of the American people. Hussein nObama wasn’t the first to put the interests of big business and lobbyists ahead of American citizens and he wasn’t the first to be willing to violate our laws in the process. His brother Jeb is now seeking to carry on that shameful globalist “profit before country” border tradition.
 Key Dems Waver on New Iran Sanctions Bill  
(Adam Kredo) - Following initial publication this report, Schumer spokeswoman Meredith Kelly told the Washington Free Beacon in an email that the senator “plans to co-sponsor Sen. Menendez’s new sanction legislation when it is introduced.”...Kelly did not respond to subsequent questions about why Schumer had not already signed on to co-sponsor the legislation, which has been public and in the works for months. Kelly did not specify if Schumer would sign onto the legislation that will be up for a vote in the Senate Banking Committee later this week, which Menendez may not back.
 nObama's Internet 'takeover' means 'massive' taxes  
(Paul Bedard) - Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, is stepping up his criticism of President nObama’s plan to regulate the internet, warning that new rules will lead to the types of taxes and fees slapped on telephones and cable service... “Under this new regulatory regime, Internet service providers will be subject to these fees as well, and then pass them on to you, the consumer,” said Lee. “This is essentially a massive tax increase on the middle class, being passed in the dead of night without the American public really being made aware of what is going on,” he added. Lee’s warning comes in a new letter asking supporters to sign a petition demanding that the president withdraw his plans to reclassify the internet as a public utility. It follows other warnings from Lee on the issue.
 A No-go Zone for Truth  
(Cliff Kincaid) - Accurately reporting on no-go zones dominated by Muslims in Europe is now a no-go zone. Our media have made a mess of the whole issue and are now afraid to dig themselves out. What a disgrace and disservice to news consumers...Jumping on the pile, the left-wing Politico has published a story accusing Louisiana Republican Governor and possible presidential candidate Bobby Jindal of telling a “lie” about the no-go zones by saying they exist. But the story is itself based on a lie. Things are so twisted that Politico is doing the lying by denying that the no-go zones exist. How did we get in such a mess? Let’s understand that the method in this madness is to accommodate the radical Muslim lobby and demonize politicians who talk about the jihad problem.
Lessons Worth Learning
Burt Prelutsky
     ( - A friend, knowing how strongly I object to politically correct speech, which I regard as self-censorship, sent me ammo in an email. He reminded me that the same nObama-Holder federal government that has deprived the Washington Redskins of its constitutionally-guaranteed trademark protection has Tomahawk cruise missiles, along with Apache, Blackhawk, Kiowa and Lakota, helicopters. For good measure, the same holier-than-thou hypocrites saw nothing wrong with employing “Geronimo” as the code name for the Navy Seal attack that killed Osama bin Laden.

     Until one of my readers called my attention to the group, I had been unaware of "Anonymous," an international affiliation of cyber-hackers. He was alerting me to the fact that in the wake of the massacre of the French journalists, the Belgian branch of Anonymous has tossed down the gauntlet, announcing to the Islamic terrorists, via a video: “You will not impose your sharia law in our democracies, we will not let your stupidity kill our liberties and our freedom of expression. We have warned you; expect your destruction. We will track you everywhere on the planet, nowhere will you be safe. We are Anonymous. We are legion. We do not forget. We do not forgive. Be afraid of us, Islamic State and al Qaeda – you will experience our vengeance.”

     They vow to track down all jihadist activities online and to close down their accounts on Twitter, YouTube and Facebook.

     And unlike the way nObama invariably draws his red lines with invisible ink, apparently when Anonymous makes a threat, they follow through. Since coming into existence in 2003, they have wreaked havoc on the Church of Scientology, the Westboro Baptist Church and a great many child porn sites. Unfortunately, proving that nobody’s perfect, they have supported WikiLeaks and the Occupy Wall Street movement.

     After publishing three collections of interviews, “The Secret of Their Success,” “Portraits of Success” and “67 Conservatives You Should Meet Before You Die,” my wife Yvonne asked me what I had taken away from meeting and picking the brains of nearly 200 highly accomplished people who had made their mark in politics, religion, movies, TV, music, literature and business.

     Because their stories were all so different and because the interviews had been conducted over a number of years, I was stuck for an answer. I was actually forced to re-read the books and take notes. But, finally, I was able to come up with 10 lessons that, collectively, the two hundred taught me:

     Although only a small handful of these people were born into wealth, money was very rarely a prime motivator. (I know -- I was highly skeptical, too. But when I kept hearing it from one person after another, it began to sink in that if they had only cared about money, most would have given up long before they made any.)

     It was the passionate pursuit of their dreams that propelled them to success. So even though only two of them, Catholic priest and onetime head of the Humanitas Society John Catoir, and minister and onetime presidential candidate, Pat Robertson, had what is generally regarded as a calling, all of them seemed to share the same sense of personal destiny.

     Those of modest means may doubt it, but fame and fortune do not make people immune to many of the same problems, frustrations and tragedies, that plague the rest of us. Some of these people have lost or very nearly lost all of their money, others have tragically lost their beloved children.

     Those who cope successfully with whatever problems befall them are those who see setbacks as challenges and temporary detours. They may be delayed, but they are never permanently derailed.

     Age is a number, not an excuse. Some of these people were changing career paths at an age when others would be planning their retirement.

     Becoming successful is often easier than remaining successful if only because it’s easier to compete with others than with oneself.

     If these people have any one trait in common, it is the ability to be a self-starter.

     Art Linkletter, one of my subjects, once sagely observed that old age is not for sissies. Neither is success. Only the terminally goofy believe it’s all a matter of dumb luck. Those who achieve success create their own luck through extraordinary self-discipline, long hours and hard work.

     Even the most successful people experience failure, but what separates them from the crowd is that they don’t wallow in self-pity. They don’t blame others. They don’t say “Why me?” because they know the inevitable answer is, “Why not you?” They accept that life is rarely if ever fair. But instead of whining about it, they do as the old Jerome Kern tune suggests: they pick themselves up, dust themselves off and start all over again.

     Finally, several of these people sing, dance or act, for a living. They do things that seem like a lot of fun. But a great many others put on a suit and tie, go to an office and have meetings with other people wearing suits and ties. What I discovered to my surprise was that they were also having fun. The secret of their success was that their work was also their play. Even the oldest among them was still astonished that they actually got paid to have such a swell time.

     But even if you’re never rich or famous, there are other consolation prizes
that life offers the runner-ups. For instance, in my own case, I have a wonderful wife, good friends, the world’s best dog, and how many people can boast that along the way Fred Astaire danced just for them, Oscar Levant played piano just for them and Tiny Tim sang “Tiptoe Through the Tulips” just for them?

     In the immortal words of George Bailey, “Thanks, Clarence.” It really is a wonderful life.


A Bright New Look

  The eBook, nObama Nation II: Judgment Day, is a critical review of nObama's presidency and the predictions Jerome Corsi made in his 2008 bestseller, The nObama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, that stayed on the New York Times bestseller list for a month in the run-up to the 2008 presidential election.

     Dr. Corsi's goal in writing nObama Nation II is to restore America to the limited government of checks-and-balances its Founding Fathers intended to create in the Constitutional Republic Americans were bequeathed. It is the authors hope that, in rejecting the nObama presidency as an exercise in unconstitutional government, Americans will reject once and for all the imperial presidency that grew in power through the 20th century to the heights we see today.

The eBook is available exclusively on

     Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., is coauthor of Unfit for Command and author of The nObama Nation, both #1 New York Times bestsellers. Since 2004, Dr. Corsi has written six New York Times bestsellers on subjects including presidential politics, the economy, and Iran. He has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business, and MSNBC, as well as in hundreds of Radio interviews. Dr. Corsi received his Ph.D. from the Department of Government at Harvard University in 1972, and is a senior staff reporter with


Read more…

Thursday Morning - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
nObamaCare Must Go!
Alan Caruba
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
 Another Foreign Policy 'Success' Story       
As more proof that drone strikes and occasional American advisory assistance are no way to bring peace and stability, let us present the woebegone desert nation of Yemen. It's virtually under siege and perfectly illustrates Barack nObama's failed foreign policy. Few Americans can locate Yemen on a world map, but Yemenis are the largest group still held at Guantanamo Bay, and al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which claimed the Charlie Hebdo massacre as one of its operations, is based there. To paraphrase Loose Lips Joe Biden: In the world of Islamic terrorism, Yemen is a "big effing deal." It's so big a deal that the U.S. had to put an informal halt on releasing Gitmo detainees who hail from Yemen. While nObama had previously pointed to Yemen as a successful model in his fight against radical Islamic terror vague operation of appearing to care about national security, that confidence vanished in recent days. Neither al-Qaida nor Yemen was mentioned in the very brief portion of the State of the Union address that dealt with "violent extremism." It's no wonder nObama avoided the topic, as Yemen has crumbled in recent weeks. To mention it also would have brought up the obvious questions about nObama's absence from the Paris demonstrations and his lack of success against other terror groups. 
 -The Patriot Post 
American flag animated on a flagpole
Just a few weeks ago, the sun was shining again in nObamaland. The economy was snapping out of its six-year funk, thanks in large part to cheap gasoline, liberals were pumped up about executive action on immigration, no one else had died of Ebola and the press and public were swooning over Cuba. A conventional wisdom that had concluded just a month prior that President nObama was a failure, scampered right past “comeback kid” and ran all the way to “conquering hero.” The seeming conclusion was that if only the country could have seen January, November would have looked completely different. And then everything started to fall apart overseas again.

          [AP: “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned trip to Washington in March is kicking up a diplomatic dust storm in the nation's capital. On Thursday, the White House said President Barack nObama would not meet the prime minister when he comes to the U.S. to address a joint session of Congress.]  -Fox News  
American flag animated on a flagpole
 Long shadows -   But the one who should be most worried is not the current president, but rather the woman who Democrats believe will succeed him. Hilly Clinton will have little trouble ditching domestic policies from this administration. But on foreign policy, which was in her care for the president’s first term, there will be no escape.
          “This is a president who the other night talked about turning the page, who talked about the shadow of crisis having passed. I think any of us who watched what's happened around the world not just the last 48 hours but the last few weeks, in France… Any time you have freedom loving people anywhere around the world who are under attack by radical Islamic terrorists, it's a threat to all of us.” – Gov. Scott Walker, R-Wis., on “The Kelly File” Watch here.   -Fox News  
American flag animated on a flagpole
Fox News: “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McCon-nell followed through on a threat to keep members of the upper house of Congress working late Thursday, as he teed up a final vote on a bill approving construction of the Keystone XL pipeline for next week. Facing a slate of 12 amendments to the legislation, McCon-nell took the unusual step of pushing the Senate into two so-called live quorum calls requiring Senators to come to the floor. The Senate also voted to have Sergeant at Arms Frank Larkin request absent lawmakers to go to the floor. The unorthodox maneuver by McCon-nell stemmed from unsuccessful attempts to come to an agreement with Democrats to allow up-or-down votes on the various amendments…Democrats objected to the maneuvers, claiming that McCon-nell was attempting to stifle further debate on the bill.”  
-Fox News  
American flag animated on a flagpole
Roll Call: “The most quotable member of Congress may have violated House ethics rules by using campaign cash to cover travel expenses for speaking engagements in England, a liberal watchdog group alleged Thursday. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington [CREW] filed a complaint with the Office of Congressional Ethics against Rep. Louie Gohmert [R-Texas], asking for an investigation into the Texas Republican’s use of more than $6,000 in campaign funds to for a late November trip CREW believes was not for campaign or political purposes…But Gohmert said the trip was political…House rules state that campaign funds may not be used for official purposes. With respect to travel rules, campaign funds may only be used to pay travel expenses when the primary purpose of the trip is an activity that serves a bona fide campaign or political purpose.”  -Fox News  
American flag animated on a flagpole
 nObama Takes on His Own Party  
(Daniel Greenfield) - The theme of nObama’s last campaign was “Forward.” Having thoroughly alienated Republicans in Congress, he is boldly moving forward on his final mission of also alienating the Democrats...It’s no secret that dinky Harry Reid, the former Senate majority leader, now loathes nObama. But the conflict between Senate Democrats and nObama is approaching explosive temperatures. Senator Menendez accused nObama of parroting talking points out of Tehran as the Senate approaches a sanctions vote. nObama has threatened to veto bills on Iran and Keystone, along with others, leading to a showdown in which Democrats will have to choose between nObama and electability. The last time Democrats chose wrongly they lost the Senate. Many of the survivors aren’t looking forward to another round of getting stomped on by an angry middle class tired of a thoughtless celebrity administration and its abuses. And the White House is treating them like yesterday’s garbage. “Party loyalty isn’t worth what it used to be. He’s going to steamroll them,” a White House aide warned Senate Democrats.
 nObama 'intimidating Benghazi witness into silence'  
(Drew Zahn) - The nObama administration has been using General David Petraeus’ legal predicament over an extramarital affair to keep him “on a leash” and prevent him from him from providing “devastating testimony” on Benghazi, charges Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas... “We’re not even getting to the people that really have the most direct information,” Gohmert said in a radio interview Sunday. “Have you not wondered about Petraeus being so silent all this time?” Gohmert cited Petraeus’ legal troubles as just the kind of ammunition the White House could use to keep the former CIA director quiet about what really happened in Benghazi and the immediate aftermath, when the administration took public criticism for a series of misleading “talking points” about the attack.
 Hamas Conducts Large-Scale Rocket Test  
(Ari Yashar) - Israel and the Gaza-based terrorist organization Hamas may have reached a truce ending Operation Protective Edge late last August, but that didn't stop Hamas on Monday from firing rockets into the sea as part of tests to improve its ballistic capabilities and prepare for its next war against Israel...Channel 2 reports that a full ten rockets were fired from the ruins of the Jewish community of Gush Katif into the Mediterranean Sea during the test, and that it was meant to expand the range of Hamas's rockets which have already reached Hadera outside of Haifa in the north. Hamas has been busily developing its own domestically produced rockets, including the M-75 long range missile, given that Israel has been earnestly working to prevent outside arms from Hamas backers including Qatar, Turkey and Iran from reaching the terrorist group.
(Arlene from Israel) - There is a colossal danger to the world coming down the road:  A nuclear Iran.  It’s scary as hell because of the radical jihadist intentions of the Iranian mullahs...Right now the president of the United States and the Congress of the United States are at odds regarding how to respond to Iran.  Currently there is a “Joint Plan of Action” (JPOA) in place – an agreement between Iran and P5 + 1 (US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany – those nations in negotiations with Iran). This is a temporary agreement, scheduled to end on June 30, 2015 (having been extended from its prior expiration date of November 24, 2014). JPOA outlines restrictions placed on Iran, and sanctions relief provided to Iran, for the course of negotiations regarding final understandings on Iran’s nuclear status.  It is theoretically the case that all negotiations are to be completed by that June deadline.
 Trevor Loudon’s Speaking Schedule For The First Half Of 2015  
(Terresa Monroe-Hamilton) - Trevor Loudon is back in the states, gearing up for the 2016 election and spreading the word on how and why conservatives must win...Noted author and anti-communist figure Trevor Loudon from New Zealand has an important message all Americans need to hear: Ever wonder why the U.S. Congress has moved further and further left over your lifetime, while much of the electorate has become more conservative? Why government regulation and taxes have exponentially increased, even though most Americans still oppose Big Government?  “The Enemies Within” profiles fourteen Senators and more than fifty Representatives and their ties to the Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America, Workers World Party, the Institute for Policy Studies, Council for a Livable World and other radical anti-American organizations. Trevor says the Tea Party has stopped the socialist agenda in its tracks, but we must keep fighting. Freedom-loving people around the world are counting on us.
 Meet the Freedom Caucus          
(Joel Gehrke) - About 30 House Republicans will meet Monday evening to establish the bylaws of a new caucus animated by two principles...First, rank-and-file Republicans must pressure leadership to enact a more conservative agenda. And second, this pressure should never involve frantic scurrying on the House floor. The House Freedom Caucus, an invitation-only group, will work in concert in order to guide the House Republican Conference at key junctures, starting with the debate over a border-security bill that has conservatives alarmed.
 The one power Democrats don’t want nObama to have  
(Vicki Needham) - Congressional Democrats have strongly supported President nObama's use of executive authority — but there is one power that many don’t want him to have...Liberals are waging a vigorous fight against nObama’s push for expanded trade power, fearing it would lead to trade deals that favor corporate interests over American workers. Democrats and some Republicans are adamant that trade promotion authority (TPA) would give Obama’s trade team too much control over negotiations, and are making their opposition known in a barrage of press conferences on Capitol Hill.
 New Sham GOP Border Bill Changes Nothing - Just Trickery, Lies  
(Rick Wells) - Senator Jeff Sessions joins Laura Ingraham in a discussion of the McCaul bill that is currently in markup in the House, a supposed border security bill...It’s not what they McCaul, backstabber Boehner and the other open borders advocates claim it to be. It’s an illusion, intended to satisfy the people that the sellouts have finally heard our demands when in actuality they are passing a mechanism through which to institutionalize within DHS the countermanding of our will. Sessions describes one of the primary dangers of that bill being an attitude among the people that once we have “fixed the border” that we have fixed the problem. The systematic methods of abuse which are contained in the bill, among others transferring the definition of border security to the open borders maniac at DHS, are a ticket to disaster. Nothing will change for the better, the system of catch and release, which is a de facto amnesty, will still be in place and five years from now, when the problem is still critical, nothing will then be done to correct the problem and we will have essentially lost our nation.
 nObama Not Surprised In Yemen, Still Working With Govt  
(Rick Wells) - White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough made the talk show rounds on Sunday in defense of the failed policies of the nObama regime...He was asked by Bob Schieffer of “Face The Nation” how the nObama comments that we have not curtailed our joint counter-terrorism efforts with Yemen could possibly be a true statement when the government we were partnered with has been run out of power. McDonough is not on the program to provide answers, but to talk in circles and deflect responsibility, as he proceeds to demonstrate. He replies with an ambiguous “Important counter-terrorism efforts continue, there’s no doubt about that and we will continue to press that.” Whether he meant he would press the talking point or the efforts wasn’t clear but it was odd language to use if he meant the actual events against the Islamic terrorists in Yemen.
 The nObama Refuses to Release White House Benghazi Photos  
(Michael Becker) - The “Most Transparent Administration Ever” has repeatedly refused to release photos taken by White House photographers on the night of the Benghazi attack...White House Press Secretary Joshua (oxymoron alert) Earnest will not even comment on the subject, let alone release the photos. Why would those photos be classified? Why couldn’t they be released? Why SHOULDN’T they be released? After all, this is the most transparent administration in history, right?
nObamaCare Must Go!
Alan Caruba
     ( - Can anyone remember how awful the U.S. healthcare free market system was that it needed to be replaced by the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as nObamaCare? Can’t remember? That’s because it was ranked one of the best of the world and represented 17.9% of the nation’s economy in 2014. That’s down from the 20% it represented in 2009 when nObamaCare was foisted on Americans.
     One of the best ways to follow the nObamaCare story is via Health Care News, a monthly newspaper published by The Heartland Institute. The January issue begins with an article by Sean Parnell, the managing editor, reporting that nObamaCare enrollment is overstated by 400,000.
“The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) once again lowered its estimate of the number of Americans enrolled in health plans through government exchanges in 2014. The 6.7 million enrollees who remain are far lower than the eight million touted in May at the end of the last open-enrollment period.”

    nObamaCare has been a lie from the moment it was introduced for a vote, all 2,700 pages of it, to the present day. Everything President nObama said about it was a lie. As to its present enrollments, they keep dropping because some 900,000 who did sign up did not make the first premium payment or later stopped paying.

     Michael Cannon, director of health policy studies as the Cato Institute, said the dropout rate is a troubling trend. “It means that potentially hundreds of thousands of Exchange enrollees are realizing they are better off waiting until they get sick to purchase coverage. If enough people come to that conclusion, the exchanges collapse.”

     Elsewhere in this month’s edition, there is an article, “States Struggle to Fund Exchanges”, that reports on the difficulties that “states are experiencing difficulty in paying the ongoing costs of the exchanges, especially small states. “’The feds are asking us to do their jobs for them. We get saddled with the operating costs,’ said Edmund Haislmaier, senior research fellow for health care policy studies at The Heritage Foundation.” Some are imposing a two percent tax on the insurance companies which, of course, gets passed along to the consumer. Even so, the exchanges are not generating enough income to be maintained.

     Why would anyone want nObamaCare insurance when its rates keep rising dramatically? In Nebraska the rates have nearly doubled and another article notes that “A 2014 study finds large numbers of doctors are declining to participate in health plans offered through exchanges under the Affordable Care Act, raising questions about whether people buying insurance through exchanges will be able to access health care in a timely manner.” One reason physicians gave was that they would have to hire additional staff “just to manage the insurance verification process.”

     Dr. Kris Held, a Texas eye surgeon, said nObamaCare “fails to provide affordable health insurance and fails to provide access to actual medical care to more people, but succeeds in compounding existing health care costs and accessibility problems and creating new ones.”

     Health Care News reports what few other news outlets have noted. “In Section 227 of the recently enacted ‘Cromnibus’ spending measure, Congress added critical but little-noticed language that prohibits the use of funds appropriated to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to pay for insurance company bailouts.” William Todd, an Ohio attorney, further noted that “Congress did not appropriate any separate funding for ‘bailouts.’” Todd predicted that “some insurers are likely to raise premiums to avoid losses, or they will simply stop offering policies on the exchanges altogether.”

     The picture of nObamaCare failure emerging from these excerpts is a very true one. Its momentum, in fact, is gaining.

     In mid-December, the Wall Street Journal opined that “With the Supreme Court due to rule on a major nObamaCare legal challenge by next summer, thoughts in Washington are turning to the practical and political response. If the Court does strike down insurance subsidies, the question for Republicans running Congress is whether they will try to fix the problems Democrats created, or merely allow nObamaCare damage to grow.”

     “King v. Burwell will be heard in March with a ruling likely in June. “Of the 5.4 million consumers on federal exchanges, some 87% drew subsidies in 2014, according to a Rand Corporation analysis.”

     The Wall Street Journal recommended that “The immediate Republican goal should be to make insurance cheaper so people need less of a subsidy to obtain insurance. This means deregulating the exchanges, plank by plank. Devolve to states their traditional insurance oversight role, and allow them to enter into cross-border compacts to increase choice and competition. Allow insurers to sell any configuration of benefits to anyone, anywhere, and the private market will gradually heal.”

     Or, to put it another way, eliminate nObamaCare entirely and return to the healthcare insurance system that had served Americans well until the White House decided that socialism was superior to capitalism.

     The problem with the Affordable Care Act is that the cost of the insurance sold under the Act is not affordable and nObamaCare is actually causing hospitals and clinics to close their doors, thus reducing healthcare services for those who need them.

     nObamaCare must go. If the Republicans in Congress did nothing more than repeal nObamaCare, the outcome of the 2016 election would be a predictable win no matter who their candidate will be. If not repeal, some separate actions must be taken such as eliminating the tax on medical instruments.

     If the Republican Congress fails to take swift and deliberate action on nObamaCare between now and the 2016 elections, they will have defeated themselves.


A Bright New Look

  The eBook, nObama Nation II: Judgment Day, is a critical review of nObama's presidency and the predictions Jerome Corsi made in his 2008 bestseller, The nObama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, that stayed on the New York Times bestseller list for a month in the run-up to the 2008 presidential election.

     Dr. Corsi's goal in writing nObama Nation II is to restore America to the limited government of checks-and-balances its Founding Fathers intended to create in the Constitutional Republic Americans were bequeathed. It is the authors hope that, in rejecting the nObama presidency as an exercise in unconstitutional government, Americans will reject once and for all the imperial presidency that grew in power through the 20th century to the heights we see today.

The eBook is available exclusively on

     Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., is coauthor of Unfit for Command and author of The nObama Nation, both #1 New York Times bestsellers. Since 2004, Dr. Corsi has written six New York Times bestsellers on subjects including presidential politics, the economy, and Iran. He has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business, and MSNBC, as well as in hundreds of Radio interviews. Dr. Corsi received his Ph.D. from the Department of Government at Harvard University in 1972, and is a senior staff reporter with


Read more…

Wednesday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Multicultural Follies
Tom McLaughlin
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 nObama's YouTubing Is Embarrassing  
Since 2010, the White House has invited fawning political neophytes to converse with the president after his State of the Union address. It's another way for Barack nObama to circumvent the watchdog media and virtually kiss babies. This year, three entertainers who garnered fame on YouTube "interviewed" nObama. Instead of pitching the hardball questions, Hank Green thanked the president for nObamaCare. Bethany Mota, 19, who earned a following for dispensing fashion advice, admitted she didn't care about politics until YouTube asked her to conduct the interview. And so, nObama used her naiveté to his advantage by twisting the history of American education, saying politicians created the first colleges. Comedian GloZell Green, who pulled stunts like bathing in a bathtub of milk and Fruit Loops, probably asked the hardball question of the evening when she said former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro "puts the d--- in dictatorship." The interviews were embarrassing -- even for nObama, as he was hugging himself at one point. "He's got a good sense of humor -- that's a political asset," media analyst Howard Kurtz said. "But it just seemed beneath the dignity of the office to be hanging out with some of these YouTubers." But the one who is really beneath nObama's dignity, the White House made clear, is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. More...  -The Patriot Post 
Statue of Liberty
 nObama Flips on Gov't Funds Used for Abortion  
On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Barack nObama called abortion a "core constitutional right" and threatened to veto a bill Congress has passed every year banning the use of federal funds for abortions. The statement read, "I am deeply committed to protecting this core constitutional right, and I believe that efforts like H.R. 7, the bill the House considered today, would intrude on women's reproductive freedom and access to health care and unnecessarily restrict the private insurance choices that consumers have today." It didn't used to be this way. "And one more misunderstanding I want to clear up," nObama told Congress in 2009, "under our plan [nObamaCare], no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place." We're shocked that nObama lied. He not only supports abortion in any and all circumstances but he wants you to pay for it. More... -The Patriot Post 
Statue of Liberty
 Saudi King Dead, Iran Advances  
"King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, who came to the throne in old age and earned a reputation as a cautious reformer even as the Arab Spring revolts toppled heads of state and Islamic State militants threatened the Muslim establishment that he represented, died on Friday," reports The New York Times. "Toppled heads" is an interesting choice of words, given the Saudis' regular use of beheading. Still, the U.S. and Saudi Arabia have long been allies, in large part because of oil. The Wall Street Journal reports that even with the ascension of Crown Prince Salman, "[T]he kingdom is likely to continue to pump crude in the face of a global glut, which has helped push prices down by more than 55% since last June." Saudi Arabia is also an important regional counterweight to both al-Qaida and Iran. And as we now see in Yemen, those are getting harder to come by. In fact, Salman assumes the throne at a time when his nation is surrounded by Iran's proxies -- Syria, Lebanon, and increasingly Iraq and Yemen.  -The Patriot Post 
Statue of Liberty
 SOTU Rebuttal: Climate Change Scheme 'Wealth Redistribution'  
In his rebuttal of Barack nObama's State of the Union address, Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) said the president's plans to save the earth from climate change by enacting massive regulation are nothing but "a wealth redistribution scheme." Inhofe argued that even if nObama could enact his policies, they would not do enough to change the globe's climate. "Why the pain for no gain?" He continued, "The President's agenda will cost our economy $479-billion dollars; we will experience a double-digit electricity price increase; and tens of thousands of Americans will lose access to well-paying jobs over the course of the next decade." Inhofe surprised the Left by co-sponsoring an amendment saying climate change is happening. Unlike the Left, however, Inhofe realizes that if climate change can in any way be mitigated, we will need a strong economy to do so. More...  -The Patriot Post 
Statue of Liberty
 Envirofascists Deploy 1,700 Jets to Switzerland  
The 45th World Economic Forum kicked off this week in beautiful Switzerland, where organizers will hash out policy agendas, among them how to address the global effects of climate change. With that glorious goal in mind, one would hope that attendees would at least set a good example by burning as little fossil fuel as possible. After all, writes Brendan Bordelon at National Review, "Climate scientists view air travel as the most costly per-person contributor to carbon emissions, with some estimates saying it accounts for 5 percent of 'warming.'" Except "green" travel isn't what they did at all. According to reports, envirofascists needed roughly 1,700 airplanes to transport over 2,500 ticket-holders at $40,000 a pop. And just how does WEF plan on neutralizing such a heavy carbon footprint? So far, the answer to that is ... crickets. The enviro-elite are quick to lecture us peons about the importance of ridding the world of fossil fuels. That is, as long as it doesn't cramp their luxurious lifestyle. More...  -The Patriot Post 
Statue of Liberty
 The Collapse Of nObama’s Foreign Policy Continues  
(nicedeb ) - Are there any bright spots on the foreign policy front? Is there any place in the world that hasn’t gotten more dangerous and deranged under this leader of the free world who refuses to lead?...During nObama’s presidency the influence of Ayatollah Khamenei’s Iranian Shiite regime has spread across the world like the proverbial wildfire, reaching from North Africa into Iraq, Lebanon (via Hezbollah), Syria (via Assad whose red line on chemical weapons famously faded into invisibility), Gaza (via improved relations with Hamas) and now into Yemen (via the Houthis) and undoubtedly a number of other places, including Venezuela, North Korea and Cuba.  And our president, consciously or unconsciously or both, has had as much to do as anyone with the creation of this nascent, soon-to-be nuclear armed and missile-ready  fundamentalist “Greater Persia.”
 U.S. Commander in Korea Leads Secret Strategy Session  
(Bill Gertz) - The commander of U.S. military forces in Korea is leading a high-level military strategy meeting this week examining how U.S. forces would respond to North Korea’ mobile long-range missiles and the use of other weapons and capabilities, according to defense officials. Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti, commander of U.S. Forces Korea, will direct what the command is calling the Korean Strategy Seminar (KSS) at the U.S. Special Operations Command Wargame Center in Tampa. A spokesman for U.S. Forces Korea declined to provide details of the seminar but told the Washington Free Beacon that the strategy session will focus on preparing to deal with North Korea’s weapons of mass destruction.
 Wallace and S. Smith: Netanyahu’s speech could damage relations   
(Elad Benari) - Fox News on Friday aired a rare criticism of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, over his decision to accept an invitation from House speaker backstabber John Boehner to address Congress...Fox News hosts Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith criticized the move, saying it would cause backlash in Israel and damage the relationship between the United States and Israel. I would have to disagree with both Chris and Shepard, also with nObama and the dem party. I do hope he does come and express his view on Iran.
 Swedish Reporter Wearing Yarmulke Attacked in Malmo  
( - A reporter wearing a kippah, a Jewish skullcap, was attacked in the Swedish city of Malmo in an experiment to gage anti-Jewish attitudes...according to an Expressen report highlighted by Algemeiner. Peter Lindgren, who is not Jewish, walked through Malmo with a hidden camera and was subjected to direct threats by various individuals. In a documentary which aired on Sweden's national television last week, one man is seen calling Lindgren a "Jewish s***" and told him to "leave," while another physically assaulted him and shouted "Satan Jew." The threats increased as the reporter approached areas with more Muslim residents. The video shows a gang threatening Lindgren, while people from neighboring homes verbally abused him.
 nObama/Cameron Oped Hides a Catch 22  
(Lt. Colonel James G. Zumwalt, USMC (Ret.) ) - A January 15th London Times oped, co-authored by President Barak nObama and England’s Prime Minister David Cameron, is most disturbing...The two analytical geniuses link the underlying cause for the violent attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris not on Islamic extremists but on economically disadvantaged ones. That’s right-Islam was not even mentioned as a possible cause, instead pointing to poverty. But their oped fails to take their analysis back to the root cause of that poverty-perhaps because they knew where it would take them. But, even examining poverty as a factor , these two counter-terrorism featherweights fail to mention it is Islam that has kept Muslims economically downtrodden for centuries.
 America’s Enemies in Hollywood Then and Now  
(Cliff Kincaid) - With the war on Islamic terrorism being portrayed as a righteous cause in “American Sniper,” the Clint Eastwood film breaking box office records, a book which documents the days when Hollywood was a mouthpiece for communist propaganda might seem out of date...But Allan H. Ryskind’s book, Hollywood Traitors, is a reminder that Hollywood can’t always be counted on to take America’s side in a war, even a World War when the United States faced dictators by the names of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. The Ryskind book, published by Regnery, documents how the much-maligned House Committee on Un-American Activities, known as HUAC, uncovered dramatic communist infiltration of Hollywood and forced the studios to clean house.
 Kurds defeat Islamic State jihadists in Syria's Kobane  
(Rita Daou) - Kurdish militia drove the Islamic State group from the Syrian town of Kobane and raised their flags on Monday, dealing the jihadists a heavy blow after months of heavy fighting...Across the border in Iraq, meanwhile, a top army officer announced troops had "liberated" Diyala province from IS jihadists. In Syria, the Kurdish advance in Kobane, on the frontier with Turkey, marked the culmination of a battle lasting more than four months in which nearly 1,800 people were killed. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) had "expelled all Islamic State fighters from Kobane and have full control of the town".
 Major Homosexual Activist Confronts Christian Man  
(Ted) - When Theodore Shoebat published his recorded phone calls exposing how intolerant the gay bakeries were when they refused to put “Gay Marriage Is Wrong”, the LGBT community were upset...It ended up with VICE Magazine sending one of their best gay writers Josiah Hesse to interview Shoebat. What VICE did not know was that Shoebat recorded the interview in which this gay writer, having been embarrased by Shoebat’s counter hard-hitting arguments to the point that he even ended up denying he was even gay. Watch the amazing dialogue:       To defend his homosexual style and gain his ultimate goal to promote his deviant lifestyle, Hesse wrote an article entitled, After Equality: “What Will LGBT Culture Look Like When We’ve Won Equality Everywhere?” Before Hesse gains his ultimate dream, he should first ask as to why he lost this short debate unable to justify the homosexual lifestyle. Is it no wonder that because he was unable to justify his deviant lifestyle that he in the end of the interview denied he was even a homosexual?
 nObama admin intervened to silence prosecutor in Argentine probe  
(Pamela Geller) - A prosecutor was assassinated in cold blood for pursuing the truth while the nObama administration sided with the jihadists and pressed for an end into the investigation of the truth behind the Islamic attack on the Jewish center in Argentina...nObama sided with the Iranian assassins. A week ago, today the Argentian prosecutor Alberto Nisman was found murdered in his apartment. Nisman was investigating the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires. He had filed a report alleging that the President, foreign minister and other officials conspired to cover up Iran's involvement in the attack, which killed 85. Nisman was murdered the night before he was scheduled to present findings to Congress.
 A Logical Consequence  
Multicultural Follies
Tom McLaughlin
     ( - “Nothing to do with Islam.” That’s what our political leaders keep telling us when radical Muslims enslave, rape, crucify, behead, and otherwise slaughter people by the thousands all over the world. It has nothing to do with Islam.

     Teaching in public school a few years ago, I showed students pictures of burning cars in France. French media said it was exuberant “youths” torching the cars — well over a thousand vehicles in one night. NBC News also called them “youths.” French and American media both averted their eyes from the plain truth that youths burning cars all over France were Muslim.
     Reuters said only 1137 cars were burned on New Year’s Eve in 2009, while 1147 had been torched the year before. Responding to what it called, “another wave of reader complaints that we don’t brand these arsonists as Muslims,” Reuters explained: “Sure, there were Muslims among them — but there were non-Muslims as well. What value do we add to a news story by using a questionable religious label to describe a political and socio-economic phenomenon?” Nothing to do with Islam. The arsonists were victims of western capitalist greed, they suggest.
     When my students asked why media refused to call the “youths” Muslims, I told them it went against their cherished concept of “Multiculturalism.” They looked at me with blank faces, having no idea what multiculturalism was. I told them to look it up on their laptops.
     Some recited the Wikipedia definition, which said: “Multiculturalism refers to the historical evolution of cultural diversity within a jurisdiction, incarnated by its selection policies and institutionalized by its settlement policies.”

     “Okay now?” I said. That should clear it up.” Some laughed. Most remained confused.
     “Countries in Europe have formed into something called the ‘European Union,’” I explained, “kind of a United States of Europe. Elite EU leaders made ‘multiculturalism’ one of their founding principles, and it basically means that all cultures are equal. No culture or religion is any better or any worse than any other. They’re all the same.”
     Then I explained how Muslim imams were like priests of Islam, and when many encouraged Muslims in the mosques to kill the rest of us, that made it hard for European leaders to continue insisting that Islam was no worse than any other religion. So what do European leaders do in the face of Muslim violence? “They pretend it isn’t happening, that’s what. Don’t call the arsonists Muslims. They’re just ‘youths’ getting a little rambunctious.”
     More than forty thousand cars are torched in France every year. Nothing to do with Islam, though.

     Then I showed them media accounts of how radical Muslim US Army Colonel Nidal Hasan shot forty-three American soldiers at Fort Hood in Texas while shouting “Allahu Akbar!” I told them nObama Administration officials insisted the shootings had nothing to do with Islam. The president said: “Well, look, we -- we have seen, in the past, rampages of this sort. And in a country of 300 million people, there are going to be acts of violence that are inexplicable.”
     I told them how the Pentagon investigated and published an 86-page report that never mentioned jihad, Muslim, Islam, or Koran. My students knew what all those words meant. Ultimately nObama’s Department of Homeland Security explained the Fort Hood shooting as “Workplace violence.”

Nothing to do with Islam.
     Muslims believe Mohammed was “The Prophet” of Islam and the “Hadith” is an ancient record of Mohammed’s sayings, secondary only to the Koran. The Hadith prohibits making images of Mohammed. Radical Muslims kill people who draw cartoons of Mohammed, but President nObama and socialist French President Hollande insist those killings have nothing to do with Islam.
     When the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) murders thousands of Iraqis and Syrians in the name of Islam, President nObama and Secretary of State Hanoi Kerry, and Attorney General Eric Holder maintain it has nothing to do with Islam. When Islamic terrorists from al Qaeda, Boko Haram, and al Shebaab torture and murder thousands of people across Africa and the Middle East in the name of Islam, our leaders assert it has nothing to do with Islam.
     When the Koran, the holy book of Islam, instructs Muslims: “…cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them,” it has nothing to do with Islam. So what if there are over 100 sections of the Koran encouraging followers to commit violence against non-believers? If our leaders are right, we must conclude that the Koran has nothing to do with Islam.

     Get it? The teachings of Mohammed — the Prophet of Islam, the teachings in the Koran — the holy book of Islam, the teachings of imams in the mosques of Islam, and the actions of millions of Muslims around the world — have nothing to do with Islam.
     Islam is a religion of peace. If not, multiculturalism would be seen as a fraud, and we can’t have that.


A Bright New Look

  The eBook, nObama Nation II: Judgment Day, is a critical review of nObama's presidency and the predictions Jerome Corsi made in his 2008 bestseller, The nObama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, that stayed on the New York Times bestseller list for a month in the run-up to the 2008 presidential election.

     Dr. Corsi's goal in writing nObama Nation II is to restore America to the limited government of checks-and-balances its Founding Fathers intended to create in the Constitutional Republic Americans were bequeathed. It is the authors hope that, in rejecting the nObama presidency as an exercise in unconstitutional government, Americans will reject once and for all the imperial presidency that grew in power through the 20th century to the heights we see today.

The eBook is available exclusively on

     Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., is coauthor of Unfit for Command and author of The nObama Nation, both #1 New York Times bestsellers. Since 2004, Dr. Corsi has written six New York Times bestsellers on subjects including presidential politics, the economy, and Iran. He has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business, and MSNBC, as well as in hundreds of Radio interviews. Dr. Corsi received his Ph.D. from the Department of Government at Harvard University in 1972, and is a senior staff reporter with


Read more…

Wednesday Morning - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Iran Nonsense
Stephen F. Hayes
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
 Celebrate the Sanctity of Life  
Today marks the 42nd anniversary of the two most tragic Supreme Court decisions in American history, Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. Those decisions sparked a contentious debate between those who would deny legal protection for babies in the womb, and those who rightly acknowledge that those babies constitute "life" as understood throughout history and affirmed in our Declaration of Independence. Tragically, that right has been denied to 57 million unborn children sacrificed on the altar of "choice" since 1973. Fortunately, there are numerous new state laws restricting abortion and saving lives. Federal law, however, won't change any time soon after the U.S. House abandoned a vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would have banned abortions after 20 weeks. The U.S. is one of only seven nations in the world that allows the practice. The GOP couldn't muster the votes even with its enormous majority, or with wide public support. (The same bill passed in 2013, for goodness sake.) Instead, the House will attempt to permanently ban federal abortion funding. Though this issue will never be resolved until the yearly number of abortions is zero, there are encouraging prospects to note as we consider the sanctity of human life. And every life saved is a victory.  -The Patriot Post 
 What's Spanish for 'Amnesty Stays'?  
Barack nObama wasn't the only one to largely ignore immigration in his State of the Union address Tuesday night. In its much-anticipated response as the majority party for the first time in eight years, the GOP opted to nix the topic as well -- at least, in the English version. Republicans thought it appropriate to give one response to English-speaking listeners and another to Spanish-speaking listeners. Go figure. Newly elected Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa made not one mention of immigration in her response, alluding to it (and a plethora of other topics) only by saying, "We'll work to correct executive overreach." Meanwhile, in the Spanish version of the response, which House Republicans initially described as merely the Spanish translation of Ernst's response, Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Florida added, "We should also work through the appropriate channels to create permanent solutions for our immigration system, to secure our borders, modernize legal immigration and strengthen our economy." Nothing like consistency in messaging.   -The Patriot Post 
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is in Salt Lake City today to call on the man who might derail his hopes of a presidential bid, Mitt Romney. The NYT was first to report the sit-down, and as Fox News heard from aides to both men, the meeting was initially scheduled as a friendly get-together before Romney announced he was exploring the possibility of a third White House bid. The session remained on the calendar as Bush and Romney have turned into rivals. Bush’s purpose when he first asked for the meeting was presumably to get the blessing of the party’s 2012 nominee – the kind of courtesy calls that Romney himself paid to party elders in 2008 and 2012. But as a contender rather than a influencer, Romney will be a very different host for Bush.

          [“… Romney will deliver the keynote address and receive an honorary degree at Jacksonville University’s Spring Commencement on April 25, the University announced.”]  -Fox News  
 Hilly backers fudge on transparency -   National Journal: “The Center for American Progress, the liberal think tank whose founder, John Podesta, is a key adviser to President nObama and will likely take a top post in Hilly Clinton’s presidential campaign, made a big show Wednesday of releasing its 2014 donor list in response to complaints about a lack of transparency.  But the list is anything but complete.  At least three donors gave $1 million or more, but they are shown only as ‘Anonymous.’” 
          [The Hill: “President nObama is tapping Brian Deese, the deputy director of his budget office, to replace veteran aide John Podesta when he departs the White House next month.] 
       Trouble - WashEx: “…a potential problem for Clinton, CAP and Podesta — the latter's association with ‘Hansjorg Wyss, a reclusive Swiss billionaire whose company conducted illegal human experiments that resulted in the deaths of three elderly patients.’”  -Fox News  
 Dem congresswoman says ‘great concern’ over nObama’s   refusal to say ‘Islamic   extremism’   Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, told Fox News that President nObama’s refusal to describe jihadist attacks as “Islamic extremism” is a “great concern” that is shared by lawmakers from both parties. “By his not using this term ‘Islamic extremism’ and clearly identifying our enemies, it raised a whole host of questions in exactly what Congress will be authorizing? Who will we be targeting? Who is our enemy? Gabbard said on “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” “Unless you understand who your enemy is, unless you clearly identify your enemy, then you cannot come up with a very effective strategy to defeat that enemy.”  -Fox News  
 Their Bill: They Noticed THIS Strange Charge And It’s Infuriating  
( - When loyal Texas Buffalo Wild Wings customers saw this tax on their bill in addition to sales tax and gratuity, they were exploding with anger...The Amarillo and Lubbock locations of Buffalo Wild Wing in Texas have attempted to passed off their nObamacare taxes onto their loyal customers, reports News Channel 10. The new restaurant “tax” magically appeared on customer’s receipts starting January 1st, the same day businesses with 100+ employees were required to provide at least 70 percent of their full-time employees’ health insurance coverage. “It’s just absurd that I have to use my after-tax money to pay for someone else’s health insurance,” he said.
 Al Gore: Let’s Spend $90 Trillion To Ban Cars  
(Whoopie) - The cost of delusion…Al Gore has a plan: Make cities all over the world – all of them – ban cars...That’s right. Ban cars outright from the world’s largest cities, re-build them to be denser and more compact so residents will rely more on walking and mass transit. The price tag for this genius idea: $90 trillion. Gore and former Mexican President Felipe Calderon believe this will help solve the global warming crisis. Their argument is that the money will be spent anyway, so why not spend it this way. Which of course is so stupid it’s baffling. Gore – who has clearly lost his senses – and Calderon made their pitch at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland this week. Of course not his car, just ours. Would he go along with this idea if Gore was a teenager?
 nObama, Modi Resolve Nuclear Deal Issues  
( - U.S. President Barack nObama and India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi broke a deadlock on a long-stalled nuclear pact Sunday, with both leaders noting their "friendship" as the catalyst for closer diplomatic ties...Hours after arriving in India, the U.S. leader said he and Modi have "agreed to deepen" their defense and security cooperation. Modi said the relationship between the United States and India "stands at a new level." The deadlock has been stalling a civilian nuclear power agreement for years, and the action agreed upon is a step that both sides hope will help establish an enduring strategic partnership.
 GOP bills go after nObamacare, with more on the way  
(Paige Winfield Cunningham) - It’s doubtful whether any of the bills targeting nObamacare that Republicans are advancing will ever become law, since nObama has threatened to veto them...But they do help show which parts of the healthcare law the GOP will complain about the most and where they’re winning some Democrats over. So far, the House has voted four times this month to change parts of the Affordable Care Act, adding to the dozens of bills it has approved in the last five years to modify the law or repeal it entirely. Two of the bills tweaking the law’s employer mandate were noncontroversial and approved unanimously. Not so for the other two measures, which were passed largely along partisan lines. One changes the law’s definition of full-time work, while the other bans subsidized nObamacare plans from covering abortion.!
 The President's Tax Plan is Bad for America  
(Adam Brandon) - Pop quiz: When a progressive is confronted with a problem, what will they invariably propose as a solution? If you said, “higher taxes,” congratulations! You’ve been paying attention...President Barack nObama’s State of the Union address was a perfect example of this, with calls for $320 billion in tax increases over at least five different collection programs. Here are five reasons why tax increases are the wrong answer to a question nobody asked.
 The Shadow of Crisis Engulfs the United States  
(Terresa Monroe-Hamilton) - In case anyone missed it, the worst case scenario – a trifecta from hell – just occurred. Yemen has fallen to the rebels; the King of Saudi Arabia just passed away and Iran now has the capability to drop nuclear missiles in our laps...The shadow of crisis hasn’t passed… it’s engulfed us in its stormy, dark depths. On Tuesday, as nObama bloviated on about how, “The shadow of crisis has passed and the state of the Union is strong,” Iran was testing their new toys and Yemen was coming apart at the seams. You remember Yemen… that success story that nObama touted last fall, just like Loose Lips Biden clucked on about Iraq. The shining example for all the world to see on how nObama’s fight against terrorism was working. Except, as with every other lie nObama has put forth on the foreign policy front, it has failed. Now we are evacuating the embassy in Yemen – in fact, during nObama’s speech, we had three US Naval warships off the coast of Yemen ready to evacuate the embassy. Think about that. Just like Libya, another embassy is being emptied. At least this time, no dead American bodies are being left in its wake.
 AQAP releases infographics detailing attacks  
(Oren Adaki) - A Twitter account affiliated with al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has released two infographics detailing the terror group's activity for the first quarter of 1436, the current year according to the Islamic or Hijri calendar...Being that the current Islamic year began on October 25, 2014, these infographics purportedly represent terrorist attacks carried out by AQAP in the three months since. The two infographics (shown below), and the accompanying report produced by AQAP, indicate that the group has claimed credit for a total of 205 attacks in the three months since the beginning of the current Islamic year.
 Valerie Jarrett Cornered  
(Rick Wells) - Valerie Jarrett employs the tactic of claiming to base an entire policy upon the exceptions to the rule in arguing against recognizing Islamic terrorism as the real threat America faces...She mentions the rarity, a Sikh Temple and the Holocaust Museum terrorist acts as examples of why the regime is pretending that Islamic terror is not the threat that it is. No one asks if the regime’s position has anything to do with her Iranian birth or the Muslim upbringing of Hussein nObama, his Madrasa education or their extensive Muslim Brotherhood affiliations. Brian Kilmeade does ask Jarrett about the open door policy at Gitmo. He states it is his belief that the American people don’t want former terrorists “running wild.” He says, “They are not under lock and key in Uruguay, they are not under lock or key in Oman, they are able to do whatever they want in Afghanistan and these prisoners swapped for Bowe Bergdahl are also free.” He asks, “What did they do to deserve freedom?” That’s a question Jarrett won’t answer directly as there is no answer. They did nothing to deserve freedom and they shouldn’t be free. She’ll talk around the issue, as is the political custom.
 nObama Plans Huge Fed Land Grab To Prevent Oil Production  
(Rick Wells) - Hussein nObama’s agenda of the dismantling and diminishment of the United States uses the environment and the false narrative of protecting it as one their primary tools in their assault upon our nation...Although nObama is quick to take credit for the resurgent energy production in the U.S., it’s only been achieved in spite of his best efforts, on private land, where he can’t yet get his grimy obstructionist hands on it. He’s making up for that lost ground though, announcing plans to take twelve million acres of open, resource laden land in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge permanently out of production, supposedly setting it aside for future generations. Part of what he’s doing is removing and preventing competition to other energy producers, such as his new soul mates in Iran, and helping to bolster their sagging oil prices. The new Saudi King, who perhaps may not yet hate nObama as much as his predecessor did, also stands to benefit from nObama’s treachery.
 Muslim “No-Go” Zones Are Already Here – In Nine U.S. States  
(Rick Wells) - Many of us were shocked when we first learned of the Pakistani-sponsored terrorist training camps within the United States...These aren’t merely some dual purpose mosques, but as the video shows, real dedicated training facilities established for the explicit purpose of training radical Islamic terrorists in the craft of killing Americans. The interview starts off with footage of a confrontation the guest, Martin Mawyer and his associates had with members of an Islamic training facility in Red House, VA. The operators of the facility had extended an open invitation to anyone who wanted to come visit their compounds in search of reassurance that their intentions were peaceful. It appears they didn’t expect that anyone would actually take them up on their offer as they certainly were not welcoming to outsiders. Mawyer brought with him a video of the terror training which was actually produced by the Islamists for use by their devotees.  Some of the techniques covered in the video include kidnapping, strangulation, how to kill guards and guerilla warfare tactics. Locations of the camp include Sweeney, TX; York, SC; Commerce, GA; Red House, VA as well as upstate New York, California and Michigan. And what is this government doing about it, nothing. They should do what Portland, Or. did, disband them and sent them back to where they came from.
Iran Nonsense
Stephen F. Hayes

     ( - When House speaker backstabber John Boehner invited Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress in the coming weeks, the reaction from the White House was swift. In background interviews with reporters, top nObama administration officials made clear that they considered the invitation itself an affront and the acceptance of it a breach of protocol.


     This is the same White House that last week had British prime minister David Cameron making calls to Capitol Hill to lobby lawmakers against more sanctions on Iran. It’s the same administration that had to apologize to Senator Marco Rubio and others for violating its pledge to “consult Congress” before making any unilateral changes to U.S. policy on Cuba. This is the same president who has boasted repeatedly of his ability and willingness to ignore the legislative branch and use his “pen and phone” to do what he wants. And this is the same administration that used the cover of anonymity to call Netanyahu “chickenshit” in a recent interview.

     So spare us the whining about prerogatives and propriety and protocol. In a functioning capital—with a White House that understands the enemy is Iran and not the Republican Congress—it’d be better for Congress and the White House to coordinate efforts. But that’s not Washington today. Consider the section on Iran in President nObama’s State of the Union. It took up just 172 words of his 6,500-word address. It reads, in its entirety:

Our diplomacy is at work with respect to Iran, where, for the first time in a decade, we’ve halted the progress of its nuclear program and reduced its stockpile of nuclear material. Between now and this spring, we have a chance to negotiate a comprehensive agreement that prevents a nuclear-armed Iran, secures America and our allies, including Israel, while avoiding yet another Middle East conflict. There are no guarantees that negotiations will succeed, and I keep all options on the table to prevent a nuclear Iran.

But new sanctions passed by this Congress, at this moment in time, will all but guarantee that diplomacy fails—alienating America from its allies; making it harder to maintain sanctions; and ensuring that Iran starts up its nuclear program again. It doesn’t make sense. And that’s why I will veto any new sanctions bill that threatens to undo this progress. [Applause] The American people expect us only to go to war as a last resort, and I intend to stay true to that wisdom.

     This is delusional. The United States hasn’t “halted” Iran’s nuclear program. A week before that claim, Iran announced it would build two more reactors. During this diplomacy, it has made progress on its plutonium program and continued enriching. It was supposed to freeze centrifuge activities at the Pilot Fuel Enrichment Plant at Natanz, but the IAEA reported last fall it was feeding uranium hexafluoride gas into the IR-5 centrifuge there.

     The fact that the nObama administration still insists Iran hasn’t violated the terms of its interim agreement with the United States and its allies says more about the administration’s eagerness to continue diplomacy than it does about Iran’s behavior.

     Even as the nObama administration has demonstrated its determination to give the Iranian regime every benefit of the doubt, the president reflexively questions the motives of anyone who has a different view. In comments at a press briefing with Cameron, nObama implied that Congress—not Iran—would be at fault if military conflict erupted. And at a recent meeting with congressional Democrats, nObama accused Senator Bob Menendez of bowing to the interests of campaign contributors when the New Jersey Democrat expressed concern about never-ending negotiations without consequence.

     When backstabber Boehner announced his Netanyahu invitation, he accused nObama of downplaying the Iranian threat in the State of the Union. “There is a serious threat that exists in the world,” he said, “and the president last night kind of papered over it.”

backstabber Boehner is correct, of course. And he was right to invite Netanyahu to address Congress and the American people.

     The State Department lists Iran as the foremost state sponsor of terror in the world. According to a former top U.S. military official, the Iranian regime is responsible for more than a third of American troop deaths in Iraq. The regime talks openly about eliminating Israel.

     It’s long past time for a serious discussion of the threat posed by Iran. Let’s have one.


A Bright New Look

  The eBook, nObama Nation II: Judgment Day, is a critical review of nObama's presidency and the predictions Jerome Corsi made in his 2008 bestseller, The nObama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, that stayed on the New York Times bestseller list for a month in the run-up to the 2008 presidential election.

     Dr. Corsi's goal in writing nObama Nation II is to restore America to the limited government of checks-and-balances its Founding Fathers intended to create in the Constitutional Republic Americans were bequeathed. It is the authors hope that, in rejecting the nObama presidency as an exercise in unconstitutional government, Americans will reject once and for all the imperial presidency that grew in power through the 20th century to the heights we see today.

The eBook is available exclusively on

     Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., is coauthor of Unfit for Command and author of The nObama Nation, both #1 New York Times bestsellers. Since 2004, Dr. Corsi has written six New York Times bestsellers on subjects including presidential politics, the economy, and Iran. He has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business, and MSNBC, as well as in hundreds of Radio interviews. Dr. Corsi received his Ph.D. from the Department of Government at Harvard University in 1972, and is a senior staff reporter with


Read more…

Tuesday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
John Velisek
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 Shameful Incompetence: House Scraps Abortion Bill  
The GOP sure knows how to create a debacle. The House scrapped plans to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would have banned abortions after 20 weeks. The U.S. will thus continue to stand with China and North Korea as one of only seven nations in the world to allow the practice. Today is Sanctity of Life Day, and Republican leadership had planned on passing the bill to mark the occasion. Opposition came from some women in the GOP ranks, however, who worried Democrats would exploit the bill to further the "war on women" narrative. But that's an odd worry given the 2-1 public support (over 70% among women) for the law in question. Reps. Renee Ellmers (R-NC) and Jackie Walorski (R-IN) withdrew their sponsorship from the bill, despite having voted for the same bill in 2013. Now the Leftmedia can run headlines declaring a right-wing bill was defeated by women and moderates. Granted, the bill faced a certain veto by an abortion-loving president, but if the GOP's historic majority can't manage to pass something with overwhelming public support -- after having passed the same legislation in 2013, no less -- what can they do? More...  -The Patriot Post 
 No Civil Rights Charges Against Darren Wilson 
No matter what Attorney General Eric Holder said previously about police profiling, it doesn't make Officer Darren Wilson guilty. The Department of Justice recommends not charging Wilson with violating the civil rights of Michael Brown when Wilson killed him in Ferguson, Missouri. (Interesting timing -- the day after Barack nObama mentioned the case in his State of the Union.) Holder still needs to sign off on the end of the investigation, but if anyone could find a racial issue where there is none, Holder would. But it's not over, either. "It gives the Justice Department an ostensible justification to subject the entire police department to an investigation over its 'patterns and practices,'" warns Andrew McCarthy at National Review. "Using a Clinton-era statute that lowers its burden of proof, and the staggering DOJ budget and resources that make it prohibitively expensive for states and municipalities to contest federal investigations and lawsuits, the Justice Department extorts the police departments into signing agreements to conduct policing in an nObama-compliant manner." This is unsurprising. Wilson fell back on his training when responding to an unprovoked attack and the altercation lasted a few seconds. Eric Holder could find plenty to critique as the Ferguson PD responded to weeks of protests and looting. More...   -The Patriot Post 
 nObama's Economic Success Story Was a Democrat Staffer  
Few Americans cared to watch Barack nObama give his delusional State of the Union address. Early numbers indicate only eight million tuned into CNN, MSNBC and Fox to watch nObama -- the lowest numbers in 15 years. And who can blame them? nObama continued to steal the credit for the nation's modest economic prosperity, but he's too far entrenched in the Democrat political system. When the White House cast about for an economic success story where an every-day American worked hard and prospered, it could only find Rebekah Erler. nObama described Erler as a newlywed and new mom who waited tables when the recession hit. As she returned to school, the economy improved, nObama continued. But, The Washington Free Beacon reports, "Unmentioned in the White House bio of Erler is that she is a former Democratic campaign operative, working as a field organizer for Sen. Patty Murray (D., Wash.). This also wasn't the first time the White House used the former Democratic campaign staffer as a political prop." For nObama, the only way to economic prosperity is touting to big government. More...   -The Patriot Post 
 Netanyahu to Address Congress  
To his credit, House Speaker backstabber John Boehner wasted little time in responding to Barack nObama's absurd assertion in the State of the Union that "we've halted the progress of [Iran's] nuclear program." To make the point that nObama's living in an alternate reality, backstabber Boehner invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress on Feb. 11, specifically on "the grave threats radical Islam and Iran pose to our security and way of life." backstabber Boehner said, "There's a serious threat that exists in the world and the president last night kind of papered over it." But here's the kicker: backstabber Boehner didn't talk to the White House first. "The Congress can make this decision on its own," he explained. "I don't believe I'm poking anyone in the eye." Actually, it was almost certainly a poke, given how many times nObama has made decisions on his own. Indeed, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest complained, "The protocol would suggest that the leader of one country would contact the leader of another country when he's traveling there. This particular event seems to be a departure from that protocol." The White House is worried about "protocol," but could care less about the Constitution. Or a nuclear Iran. backstabber Boehner also added feistily, "[nObama] expects us to stand idly by and do nothing while he cuts a bad deal with Iran. Two words: 'Hell no!' We're going to do no such thing."  -The Patriot Post 
 WH Talking Points 'Straight Out of Tehran'  
The nObama administration has done such a miserable job dealing with Iran that even some Democrats are starting to question the president's policy. Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, said, "The more I hear from the administration and its quotes, the more it sounds like talking points that come straight out of Tehran. It feeds to the Iranian narrative of victimization when they are the ones with original sin." Par for the course, the president threatened this week to veto any new sanctions Congress might place on Iran, insisting that sanctions would scare Iran away from the negotiating table. As if to reassure Iran the administration isn't serious, the White House reminded the world that eliminating Iran's nuclear program isn't on the table-The Patriot Post 
 Whistleblower: Pulosi Covered Up Role In Crisis  
( - Subprime Scandal: We've long suspected the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission wasn't honest in examining events before the meltdown...But an ex-commissioner says the probe was actually a full-blown political cover-up. In a just-released book, former FCIC member Peter Wallison says that a Democratic Congress worked with the commission's Democratic chairman to whitewash the government's central role in the mortgage debacle. The conspiracy helped protect some of the Democrats' biggest stars from scrutiny and accountability while helping justify the biggest government takeover of the financial sector since the New Deal. Wallison's sobering, trenchantly written "Hidden in Plain Sight: What Really Caused the World's Worst Financial Crisis and Why It Could Happen Again" reveals that the Democrat-led panel buried key data proving that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and other federal agencies pushed the housing market over the subprime cliff. The final FCIC report put the blame squarely on Wall Street.
 U.S. teams up with rebels taking over Yemen 
(F. Michael Maloof) - As the Iranian-backed Shiite Houthis take over the Yemeni capital, there are indications the U.S. and the Houthis may be teaming up to battle a common foe, al-Qaida in the Arab Peninsula, or AQAP...Senior U.S. intelligence official Michael Vickers has indicated that despite the political unrest in Yemen, the U.S. has developed an intelligence relationship with the Houthis that may allow the U.S. to continue its counterterrorism attacks against AQAP. The undersecretary of defense for intelligence, Vickers told the Washington-based Atlantic Council that it is a “safe assumption” that the U.S. maintains these intelligence ties. This revelation comes even as the nObama administration has suspended its counterterrorism operations in Yemen with the resignation of U.S. ally and Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi.
 Senate Missed Huge Opportunity On ‘Hoax” Vote  
(Elmer Beauregard) - Yesterday the Senate voted 98 to 1 that “Climate Change” is not a hoax, in my opinion they missed out on a huge opportunity to save America’s economy...All of our energy policies are based on the hoax of climate change, from mileage standards and wind energy to light bulbs. Normally these things would be regulated by the market but because of the the threat of climate change they are now regulated by the government. We finally have a Republican majority in the Senate and most of the them are Global Warming Skeptics and if they would have voted in unison that global warming is a hoax we could have started dialing back the clock on some of these policies. Did we vote the right people in?
 Judge Jeanine Opening Defends Chris Kyle The American Sniper  
(Rick Wells) - Judge Jeanine says she sick and tired of people who aren’t worthy of carrying Chris Kyle’s backpack taking cheap shots at American heroes and their sacrifices for our nation...The judge addresses the comments of leftist Michael Moore, who she notes wouldn’t last one day in basic training, let alone SEAL training, in which he said that snipers are cowards who shoot people in the back and certainly are not heroes. She summarizes the character of Kyle and his dedication to God, country and family, contrasting that to the overall lack of any redeemable characteristics in the parasitic self-serving personage of Mr. Moore.
 Liberals Are Saying These 6 Terms Are The “New N-Words”  
(Brooke Bosca) - Race-hustlers are forever trying to convince Americans that racism is everywhere, despite all evidence to the contrary. But now it has gone from the divisive to the ridiculous...In a piece published in the Atlanta Blackstar, the so-called “Black BuzzFeed,” the article states that there are six words that no white person should ever use because they are “synonymous” with the “N” word. The author had to do some pretty ridiculous stretching to turn these into “racist” terms — but we found out that they are not alone. Apparently this list comes right out of “Black Studies” and “Critical Race Theory” classes at “Ivy League” schools. Let’s take a look:
 Spanish police arrest 4 suspected members of a jihadi cell  
( - Spanish National Police arrested four suspected jihadis Saturday in the country's North African enclave of Ceuta who allegedly had formed a terror cell and were ready to carry out an attack, the Interior Ministry said...Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz said investigators, working with their Moroccan counterparts, were struck by the similarities between the suspected cell members and the two French brothers who killed 12 people in an attack upon the Charlie Hebdo newspaper in Paris. "These are two pairs of very radicalized brothers who are highly trained militarily, physically and mentally and are prepared to carry out an attack, and ready, according to the police, to blow themselves up in the act," Fernandez Diaz said.
 Attention Liberals: Christians Aren't Bad as Muslim Terrorists!     
( - Wondering why Islamo-facists terrorists seem to be covered by the protection of political correctness?...  Notice how liberals feel more outrage for terrorists who are water boarded than they do for the person they beheaded? Hear more in this ZoNation as Alfonzo puts the Koran in perspective and defends what Christians are all about!
 Christians Bloodied by Stone-Throwing Muslims…In Michigan  
( - Don’t let anyone tell you that Muslim “no-go zones” are a figment of your imagination, because they’re quite real and they’re happening all over the world and have even been spotted right here in the United States of America...Recently, a group of Christians filed a First Amendment complaint with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit over an incident that took place at the annual Arab International Festival in our very own domestic Muslim stronghold of Dearborn, Mich. Ruben Israel, the leader of a group of Christian protesters who were exercising their right to Freedom of Assembly during the Muslim festival were stoned and attacked as they approached the large gathering of Muslims. The group were merely holding signs and protesting peacefully and the attacks were unprovoked.
 Muslim from Morocco convicted on terror charges stripped...  
( - This is exactly what needs to be done with all Muslims from Western countries who go wage jihad for the Islamic State. If they are non-citizens, they should be deported. If they are citizens, they should be stripped of their citizenship...To join the Islamic State is treason and should be treated as such.  France’s top court ruled it was possible to strip a Moroccan-born man convicted on terror charges of his French nationality, paving the way for more dual nationality jihadists to lose their passports. The council had been asked to rule on the case of Ahmed Sahnouni, born in Morocco and naturalised as French in 2003. He was convicted last March on a seven-year sentence for “association with criminals in relation to a terrorist plot”. He was stripped of his nationality by a decree signed by the prime minister but contested the ruling.
 Netanyahu Defends US Congress Address  
(Cynthia Blank) - At his weekly Cabinet meeting Sunday, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu focused primarily on international issues including the Iran nuclear agreement, the struggle with Islamic State, and global anti-Semitism... "In the coming weeks, the major powers are liable to reach a framework agreement with Iran, an agreement that is liable to leave Iran as a nuclear threshold state, which would endanger - first and foremost - the existence of the State of Israel," Netanyahu warned as he began the meeting. "This is the same Iran that has taken over Lebanon and Syria and is now taking over Yemen and Iraq. This is the same Iran that is preparing an active front against us both on the Golan Heights and in southern Lebanon. This same Iran cannot advance toward nuclear weapons," Netanyahu stressed.
John Velisek

     ( - It appears the rest of the world has begun to ignore the phony charges of Islamophobia which are still tossed about in Washington, DC.

     -The United Arab Emirates placed the Council on American-Islamic Relations and others on the terror watch list in their country.

     -Egypt is looking to arrest a spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, as President Abdel el-Sisi has spoken of a reformation of Islam to become part of the modern world.

     And then there is our administration, which admittedly has no strategy. President nObama displays Yemen as a success story, while the murderers of the Charlie Hedbo staff were being trained there. Even our own military admits the “degradation and destruction” of ISIS isn’t working.  And Al-Qaeda is not decimated, the declarations of our Community Activist in Chief notwithstanding.

     Radical Islam is with us, probably in this country and still the administration turns a blind eye to any strategy to displace those who would do us harm. England, France and most other Western democracies are waking up to the fact that the ideology is correctly called Islamism. It is an ideology stuck in the seventh century, but with highly sophisticated, 21st century weapons.

     After the attacks in France, most major democracies decried the attempted hijacking of free speech.

     But the powers that be in the United States have a pointed aversion to those who violate the politically correct notions of the day, even though they claim to value nothing more highly than freedom of speech. Professors opposed to gay marriage are fired, yet these advocates of free speech are nowhere to be found. And our universities impose even more restrictive speech codes to shut off speech they don’t agree with. A student at a major university was threatened for letting the world know a fellow student was applauding the shooting of two police officers in New York. The left attempt to impose unusual values of right and wrong and almost always on those of us who already know the difference. And make no mistake, it invariably starts at the top, like with a video being blamed for the murders in Benghazi.

     And a President with an unverifiable background proclaims: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam,” a fine enticement to terrorists everywhere. Can you see Obama saying the same thing about Jews or Christians?

     So what does our President do? He trots out his spokesman Josh Ernest to say the priority is to fight Islamophobia. They claim most Muslims are peaceful and don’t agree with the terrorists. But it is these same “moderates” who support, encourage and help this sub-human, 7th century social order move forward.

     There are so called “moderate” Muslims in our government and in our universities who proclaim themselves jihadists. They support the terrorism that pervades the Middle East and Europe and unfortunately here soon. Why are they still here? Students aren’t permitted to hear Condoleezza Rice or Ayaan Hirsi Ali, but are encouraged to spend hours learning of the “peaceful” ways of Jihadists!

     There is so much more we could do in the monitoring of our schools, prisons and places of worship. No double standards for Muslims, turn the demands for special treatment aside.

It is time to start to fight back.
Read more…

Tuesday Morning - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
NASA Keeps Telling "Warmest" Lies
Alan Caruba
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
The Hill: “President nObama pledged to veto any new sanctions on Iran during his State of the Union address on Tuesday night. ‘New sanctions passed by this Congress, at this moment in time, will all but guarantee that diplomacy fails, alienating America from its allies, and ensuring that Iran starts up its nuclear program again,’ the president warned lawmakers. ‘It doesn’t make sense,’ he continued. ‘That is why I will veto any new sanctions bill that threatens to undo this progress. The American people expect us to only go to war as a last resort, and I intend to stay true to that wisdom.’ Sens. Bob Menendez [D-N.J.] and Mark Kirk [R-Ill.] have recently drafted legislation that would impose sanctions on Iran if it walks away from international negotiations or violates the terms of any deal…The international community fears Iran is seeking to develop a nuclear weapon. The talks have been extended twice, but June 30 is expected to be the final deadline.”
          [The Senate Foreign Relations Committee
holds a hearing today about the status of the Iran Nuclear Negotiations.]  -Fox News 
 Iran bill may prompt nObama’s first veto override -   National Journal: “A potential showdown is looming between Senate Democrats and the White House over Iran, one that could lead to the first successful veto override of President nObama’s tenure. On one side are Hill Democrats who, along with Republicans, want to weigh in on Iran's nuclear program. On the other is the White House, which has said that any statement from Congress would jeopardize a long-term deal to dismantle the country's nuclear capabilities. nObama has vowed to veto any legislation that imposes sanctions, urging Congress to ‘hold your fire’ while talks continue. Twelve Democrats in the Senate have in the past cosponsored legislation to impose sanctions on Iran. If they all continue to call for the sanctions, it would put the Senate close to the two-thirds majority necessary to override nObama's veto; supporters would need just one more vote if all 54 Republicans support the bill. nObama has vetoed only two bills in six years, and neither was overridden.”
         “The greatest threat to our national security is Iran acquiring a nuclear weapons capability. Yet, the president is dug in on a negotiation strategy making it more likely that Iran acquires nukes.” --Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, on “The Kelly File” Watch here -Fox News 
 Immigration raised twice in 6,500 word speech -   The Hill: “President nObama on Tuesday amplified his threat to veto GOP efforts to undermine his executive actions easing deportations. But unlike years past, the president stopped short of using his annual State of the Union speech to press Congress hard for the comprehensive immigration reform legislation that’s been a campaign promise since 2008. Indeed, nObama’s speech, as written, mentions ‘immigration’ only twice in almost 6,500 words.  In the first instance, the president threatened to veto any GOP bill that rehashes ‘past battles on immigration when we've got a system to fix’ - a reference to recent Republican efforts to use legislation funding the Homeland Security Department selectively to undo his executive actions halting deportations for millions of illegal immigrants. The remarks drew Democrats out of their seats in applause, while Republicans looked on in silence. The second reference is also brief, as the president called broadly for Congress to resist policies that would tear families apart.”
         “He was talking about the fact Republicans, on Capitol Hill, some of them are threatening to defund the Department of Homeland Security unless they can use that bill as a vehicle for turning back reforms with immigration.” --Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., on “The Kelly File” Watch here -Fox News 
 Ditches Mitch -   The Hill: “President nObama made no mention Tuesday night of Sen. Mitch McCon-nell’s [R-Ky.] recent ascension to Senate Majority Leader, even though he will likely play a major role in congressional negotiations this year. nObama made a point of congratulating backstabber John Boehner [R-Ohio] for taking over the speaker’s gavel at the start of his 2011 State of the Union address, weeks after Republicans ousted Democrats from the House majority…While nObama has golfed with backstabber Boehner, he hasn’t had much of a relationship with McCon-nell.  He joked two years ago at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner that he couldn’t imagine having a beer with the Senate Republican leader, who once declared his top political priority was to limit nObama to one term.”  -Fox News 
images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRz84cEbwqK5Z8lkMB8zWdTChKlF1ooYR6x07j2d7oodj5qgedkDw is MIA -   The Hill: “President nObama did not mention or nObamaCare’s current enrollment period in his State of the Union address, a major departure from last year's speech. nObama made scant reference to the healthcare law on Tuesday night, never mentioning it by name or acknowledging the details of Republican attacks. The general remarks skipped over the federal health insurance enrollment site, which remains open for sign-ups until Feb. 15. Federal health officials have devoted significant energy to urging people in the United States to buy plans, hoping to reach an enrollment goal of 9 million for 2015. nObama did not mention the goal or the deadline in his speech. It was a far cry from last year, when nObama's address came after a dramatic turnaround at”
          Whoops - The federal government didn’t vet contractors for website according to a new HHS inspector general report -Fox News 
 DHS Director Jeh Johnson: Enforcing Immigration Laws Are Over  
(Rick Wells) - Who would have believed that we’d ever come to this? The person in charge of every aspect of the federal enforcement of our immigration laws just proclaimed to a gathering of mayors that he is not going to do his job...he is not going to enforce immigration law, and that nobody in the future will return to enforcement once his treasonous criminal tenure at DHS has ended. That’s exactly what just happened when DHS Director Jeh Johnson addressed a meeting of mayors from around the nation in Washington DC on Thursday.  It wasn’t long ago that this type of criminality by a government official would not have been tolerated, let alone promoted. Johnson and Obama both would have at a minimum been impeached by now. Things have changed. It is becoming accepted that America is ruled by criminals who are above the law. As long as they make a semi-convincing argument, no real challenge is brought forth.
 Pro-Amnesty Illegals Warn GOP Presidential Hopefuls  
(Rick Wells) - Congressman King is the House version of Senator Jeff Session (R-AL), a strong opponent of illegal amnesty and illegal immigration. The threats are not coming from American citizens of Latin descent...but from illegal aliens who have no legal right to be in the U.S. beyond the abdication of their duty and violation of their sworn oaths by Hussein Obama and DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson. One of those making demands and simultaneously providing an example of what can happen when these entitled militants are allowed to flout the law is illegal alien agitator Erika Andiola. She threatened prospective candidates in her tortured use of the English language, saying, “If the GOP wants to win [in] 2016, then they are going to have to make sure that they stay as much as possible away from Steve King as they can.”
 Hanoi Kerry: In Fighting Terrorism “We Have To Keep Our Heads”  
(Rick Wells) - At a meeting on Friday of the global elites know as “The World Economic Forum” in Davos, Switzerland, Hanoi John Kerry addressed the topic of terrorism...this time making the case as to why the Muslim component cannot or should not, in the opinion of the regime be recognized. In his remarks, Hanoi Kerry says, “We can’t shy away from this reality. That terror networks are operating in some places with near impunity, and imminent danger in others and a potential threat everywhere.” That near impunity couldn’t get any closer to true impunity than what already exists in several areas, such as Iraq and Syria. Maybe he ought to watch more Fox, less MSNBC. He just discovered that ISIS and Boko Haram are attempting to govern land, calling it a first time event in this transition to these terror groups. They might as well, nobody’s stopping them and nobody will likely try until January of 2017.
 Number One With a Bullet  
(TruthRevoltOriginals) - The USA has, by far, the highest per capita gun ownership in the world. Progressives will tell you that this is what makes America the Murder Capitol of Planet Earth...But we’re not, and in this devastatingly effective Firewall, Bill Whittle shows why the center of Gun Nut Nation is in fact one of the safest places in the world.
 House Set to Vote on “Toughest Border Bill Ever”  
( - In the Republican response to President nObama’s State of the Union address, Senator Joni Ernst avoided the specific topic of executive amnesty in favor of pushing for stronger border security...That seems now like a prelude to the upcoming machinations inside the House of Representatives, where GOP leaders are calling a new bill the “toughest border security bill ever.” Sponsored by Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul, the bill focuses on outlining penalties for federal agencies who don’t live up to the requirements of their mission statement. Another mandate in the bill is to see the border reach “operational control,” where all illegal immigration is effectively stopped within the next five years. Republicans say that stepping up border enforcement is the necessary first step to a broader reform of the nation’s immigration laws. The bill, however, is far from uncontroversial. Conservatives are worried that by addressing border security first, it could signal that Republican leaders are planning to cave on a “path to legalization” further down the road. “I’m always apprehensive to advance a piece of legislation that could become a vehicle for a lot of other stuff that’s not very good,” said Rep. Steve King of Iowa, one of the most vocal critics of the so-called moderate establishment wing of the GOP.
 Conservatives Ask New Congress to End nObama’s Abuse of Power  
( - Demanding action on the rule of law, conservative leaders around the United States have issued a decree ordering the new Republican-led Congress to stop President nObama’s “fundamental transformation of America” and put an end to his abuse of power...Published this month, the seven-page mandate also calls for an end to the president’s disastrous and hostile takeover of the nation’s health care system and executive amnesty initiatives. “Restore constitutional balance of power among the three branches of government,” it says, and “hold the executive branch accountable for its myriad of abuses of power and its national security failures both foreign and domestic.” The document also asks that the interests of the U.S. and Americans get put first, which has clearly not been the case since nObama moved into the White House.
 State Gives Illegal Aliens $35 Mil in Healthcare  
( - Though it violates both state and federal law, Massachusetts spent tens of millions of dollars to give illegal immigrants medical care—including prescription drugs, physical therapy and dental services—through its taxpayer-funded healthcare program for low-income individuals...Tax-paying residents of the Bay State should be outraged, to say the least. The information comes straight out of a scathing report that contains the findings of an investigation conducted by Massachusetts State Auditor Suzanne Bump. It reveals that questionable or prohibited medical claims totaling $35,137,347 were reimbursed by the state’s Medicaid agency known as MassHealth. A chunk of it went to non-emergency services for illegal immigrants, according to the audit.
 Global War on Terror is bring in a Global Govt of Terror 
Bradlee Dean) - I am humored by the sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity that some people in this country accept concerning their representatives on the topic of “Global terror.”...Friends, it is not just America that I am now addressing, I am addressing the peoples, the governments and the incumbent representatives on a global scale. We see these officials act rather strangely after these supposed “terror attacks.” They seem to conglomerate on cue and ally themselves to condemn the acts, yet not the actors.  In the end, they ask the people to give up their rights while attempting to disarm them for the “global good.” Additionally, they attempt to forge new powers against the very people they are supposed to represent. Concerning the current nObama administration, terror is nothing more than a created battering ram to upend government sovereignty in order to implement new totalitarian government and establish a global government. Just ask Secretary of State under George W. Bush Condoleezza Rice, when she said of Josef Stalin:
 GOP may abolish Supreme Court filibusters  
(Burgess Everett and Seung Min Kim) - Top Senate Republicans are considering gutting the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees — a move that could yield big rewards for whichever party controls the White House and Senate after 2016...The move, still in its early stages, reflects growing GOP confidence in its electoral prospects next year. But it could also have a major immediate impact if a justice such as 81-year-old Ruth Bader Ginsburg steps down, making it far easier for President Barack nObama to get a replacement confirmed. The proposed change would expand on the dramatic move Democrats made in 2013, when they killed the 60-vote hurdle for executive branch nominations and almost all judicial nominees. Republicans have complained bitterly about the Democrats’ action ever since, saying it violated the Senate’s tradition of being a deliberative body where the minority holds big sway. But now, GOP supporters contend, it may be time to bring majority rule to votes on Supreme Court nominations, too. The 60-vote filibuster threshold would remain for legislation. Hold on Ruth.
 Why Are We Settling 50,000 People From Yemen In the U.S.?  
(Charles C. Johnson) - The U.S. government continues to settle Yemeni nationals in the U.S. despite a proven track record of extremism, terrorism on the part of its nationals...The number of Yemenis settled in the U.S. may soon pass 50,000, according to a population survey from the left-wing Migration Policy Institute. That number might not seem like much but it’s a 110% increase from 2000 to now.
NASA Keeps Telling "Warmest" Lies
Alan Caruba
     (Warning Signs) - On January 16 The New York Times reported the lies NASA keeps telling about global warming with an article titled “2014 Breaks Heat Record, Challenging Global Warming Skeptics.”  We have reached the point where neither a famed government agency nor a famed daily newspaper can be believed simply because both are lying to advance the greatest hoax of the modern era.
     Remember that 2014 started off with something called a “polar vortex” to describe the incredibly cold weather being experienced and remember, too, that we were being told that it was evidence of global warming! That’s how stupid the “Warmists” who keep saying such things think we are.

     The Earth is in the 19th year of a natural cooling cycle based on the reduced radiation of the Sun which is in its own natural cycle. It hasn’t been getting warmer and most people who give it any thought at all know the truth of that.

     Enough people have concluded this that, according to a recent CNN poll, more than half, 57%, say that global warming is not a global threat. In addition, the poll revealed that only 50% of Americans believe the alleged global warming is not caused by man-made emissions, while 23% believe it is the result of natural changes, and 26% believe global warming is not a proven fact.

     That’s progress. No youngster under the age of 19 has ever experienced a single day of global warming. No computer model that ever predicted it has been accurate. Neither the Pope nor the President, nor any other world leader who repeats the global warming claim is correct.

     The latest claim came from NASA and, as I continue to remind readers, it is a government agency whose budget depends on parroting the lies the President keeps telling about global warming.

     Astrophysicist, Dr. David Whitehouse, said “The NASA press release is highly misleading…talk of a record is scientifically and statistically meaningless.”  He was joined by climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer who said “We are arguing over the significance of hundredths of a degree.” 

     Do you believe that a hundredth of a degree makes a difference? Well, it does if you are a government agency desperately trying to keep the global warming hoax alive. Climatologist Dr. Pat Michaels asked “Is 58.46 degrees distinguishable from 58.45 degrees? In a word, NO.”

     Marc Morano, the editor of CFACT’s, said, “There are dueling global datasets—surface temperature records and satellite records—and they disagree. The satellites show an 18 year-plus global warming standstill and the satellite was set up to be ‘more accurate’ than the surface records.” As for the NASA claim, Morano dismissed it as “simply a political statement not based on temperature gauges.” Morano, a former member of the staff of the U.S. Senate Environmental & Public Works Committee, is working on an upcoming documentary “Climate Hustle.”
     How does this affect you? The lie that carbon dioxide and methane emissions, dubbed “greenhouse gases”, are causing global warming is the basis for the nObama administration’s attack on the nation’s energy sector and, in particular, the provision of electricity by coal-fired plants. In the past six years many of these plants have been shut down or will be. The result is less electricity and higher prices for electricity. The other result is an attack on the oil and natural gas industry that drill to access these resources.  There is not a scintilla of truth to justify what is being done to Americans in the name of global warming.

     There is yet another result and that is the loss of jobs in the energy sector and the reduction in revenue to the nation and states it represents. The nation’s economy overall has been in sluggish state which the word “growth” doesn’t even begin to describe. That hurts everyone.

     Most of us don’t have a lot of time to get up to speed and stay there regarding the facts surrounding global warming or climate change. An excellent source of information is the Environment & Climate News, a monthly publication by The Heartland Institute, a thirty year old non-profit free market think tank that will sponsor its tenth annual International Conference on Climate Change in Washington, D.C. in June.
     NASA has been allowed to degrade to the point where the agency that sent men to the Moon no longer has the capacity to even transport them to the International Space Station built by the Russians. We have gone from the world’s leader in space exploration to an agency that has been turned into a propaganda machine asserting that a hundredth of a degree “proves” that global warming is happening.

     The U.S. and the rest of the world are setting records, but they are records for how cold it has become everywhere. There was snow recently in Saudi Arabia from a storm that swept across Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan. Does that sound like global warming to you? For an excellent source of information on the cooling of the planet, visit
     You have an obligation to yourself, your family, friends and co-workers to not just know the truth but to denounce entities like NASA, the EPA, and The New York Times, Time, Newsweek, National Geographic, and others that keep repeating the lies about global warming.

Read more…

Monday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Salman Rushdie, Meet Charlie Hebdo
Peggy Noonan
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 Who Can Fathom the Depths of nObamaCare Tax Filing?  
Perhaps H&R Block is just calling it as it is, or perhaps it's getting an early start on advertising for business, but the nation's largest tax preparation service is warning people that nObamaCare has made the already complex tax code incomprehensible. "Now that the Affordable Care Act has made health care a tax issue, no one can understand it," H&R Block says in a video on its specially dedicated nObamaCare web page. nObamaCare rules that take effect for this tax filing season amount to "the biggest tax code change in the last 20 years." Now that individuals have been enrolled in nObamaCare for the first time, subsidies -- based on income -- play a role in tax filing. Some estimates put the number of people who will be forced to repay those subsidies at over three million. Other taxpayers will receive smaller refunds after their penalty tax is confiscated. According to The Daily Caller, "Penalties for non-compliance with nObamacare have tripled since 2013, from $95 to an average of $301." In short, it's going to be a painful tax season, because, if you like your refund, you can't have all of it. More...  -The Patriot Post 
 Health Care Website Shares Information With Web Marketers  
The "Affordable" Care Act demands not only more money, but people's privacy. It's not exactly clear why needs to share sensitive health information it has trolled from millions of users with web marketing companies. While the government told the Associated Press the web marketers analyze the data to "improve the customer experience," there is little information about what is shared and how it is used. The AP reports, "[I]t can include age, income, ZIP code, whether a person smokes, and if a person is pregnant. It can include a computer's Internet address, which can identify a person's name or address when combined with other information collected by sophisticated online marketing or advertising firms." According to Peter Suderman at Reason the health care website has had a dismal record protecting people's data -- the Government Accountability Office has proved that. Three can't keep a secret. Especially if one doesn't care about privacy and the other is compelled to disclose their private health information by government diktat.  -The Patriot Post 
 Feinstein's $1 Billion Conflict of Interest  
The real estate company owned by Sen. Dianne Feinstein's husband is about to get a windfall thanks to the government-run economy. Here's what the New York Post's Richard Johnson had to say about it: "The US Postal Service plans to sell 56 buildings -- so it can lease space more expensively -- and the real estate company of the California senator's husband, Richard Blum, is set to pocket about $1 billion in commissions. Blum's company, CBRE, was selected in March 2011 as the sole real estate agent on sales expected to fetch $19 billion. Most voters didn't notice that Blum is a member of CBRE's board and served as chairman from 2001 to 2014." Apparently, deals like this have been going to the Feinsteins for years. Once again, Feinstein has found a loophole to direct taxpayer money to her husband and the companies owned by his friends. Even while Feinstein says the bidding processes were competitive, her husband has scored military construction contracts, and CBRE was positioned in such a way to catch the windfall from the senator's tampering with the real estate market. While leftist elite decry the "One Percent," they don't mind being part of it themselves. More...  -The Patriot Post 
 About That Yemen Model... 
In September 2014, Barack nObama announced that Operation Inherent Resolve against ISIL would not be like Iraq. It would be like Yemen. "I want the American people to understand how this effort will be different from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan," nObama said. "It will not involve American combat troops fighting on foreign soil. This counter-terrorism campaign will be waged through a steady, relentless effort to take out ISIL wherever they exist using our air power and our support for partner forces on the ground. This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us, while supporting partners on the front lines, is one that we have successfully pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years." So how about a check-up on that success? The Washington Post reports, "Shiite insurgents overran Yemen's presidential palace and shelled the president's residence Tuesday in an escalating offensive striking at the heart of the Western-allied government. ... A government collapse could send the country into full-scale civil war and raise fears of militant factions cementing control of key territory in the southwestern corner of the Arabian Peninsula." Oh. Well, then, nObama might need to look for another model. In all seriousness, this is not good for the fight against terrorism-The Patriot Post 
The Prince of Thieves  
During his lame-duck term, Barack nObama intends to pursue what he calls "middle-class economics," i.e., proposals to reduce income inequality through taxation. Apparently a one-trick pony, nObama is back to raising taxes on the rich. In last night's State of the Union Address, nObama explained "middle-class economics" as "the idea that this country does best when everyone gets their fair shot, everyone does their fair share, everyone plays by the same set of rules. We don't just want everyone to share in America's success, we want everyone to contribute to our success." Except his policies don't give everyone a fair shot, or set the same rules for everyone. And only a few at the top "contribute to our success."  -The Patriot Post 
 Muslim call-to-prayer on UCLA campus  
( - A columnist is urging people to contact UCLA officials to protest a Muslim call to prayer broadcast on the campus of a “publicly funded institution.”... “This in an act of Islamic supremacism,” writes Carol Brown for the American Thinker. “If Muslim students at UCLA can’t figure out how to tell time or keep track of when they need to pray, that’s their problem.” Her column provides contact information for UCLA officials, including Janet Napolitano, president of the Universithy of California system, and corporate donors to the university. “The call to prayer is something that is blasted over loudspeakers in Muslim majority countries and Muslim enclaves around Detroit,” Brown wrote. “We’ve already heard enough ‘Allahu Akbar’ for a lifetime.” She said “fighting creeping Shariah requires constant vigilance.” What's going on with you, UCLA?
 House confronts nObama's lie with pro-life bill  
(Charlie Butts) - A host of speakers – some from Congress – made similar comments yesterday during the event in Washington, DC, that drew tens of thousands of pro-life Americans...Congressman Chris Smith (R-New Jersey), who co-chairs the Bipartisan Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, pointed to H.R. 7, a bill that (1) bars use of federal tax dollars for abortion and (2) requires insurance plans in nObamaCare to reveal whether they cover abortion. Smith told the gathering that that piece of legislation (No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2015), which passed Thursday, is a response to President nObama. "He put out an executive order that said he would comport with the Hyde Amendment," the lawmaker stated. "Those promises have turned out to be untrue, a lie – and now we have a situation where over a thousand nObamaCare plans on the exchange are paying for abortion on demand."
 Islamic State Supporters Protest in Gaza  
( - Roughly 200 Salafi-Jihadis in Gaza rallied outside of the French Cultural Institute on Monday, denouncing the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and praising the recent terrorist attacks in Paris...the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reports. The protesters raised black Jihadi flags and carried posters featuring the Kouachi brothers and Amedy Coulibaly, the terrorists who carried out the deadly attacks on Charlie Hebdo and a Paris kosher supermarket. The Salafis threatened attacks on French citizens and attempted to storm the cultural institute before being prevented by Hamas security forces. "We were going to cut off [i.e. boycott] your products and now we will cut off your heads" and "Frenchmen, leave Gaza or else we will slaughter you," chanted the Islamic State [IS] supporters.
 Family claim leader of Ansar al Sharia in Benghazi has died 
(Thomas Joscelyn) - Family members of Mohamed al Zahawi, the leader of Ansar al Sharia in Benghazi, say that he has died of wounds suffered during a battle last year, according to Reuters...Separately, a Libyan military leader has also claimed that Zahawi has passed away as a result of injuries "sustained in an ambush" that occurred sometime in September 2014. Rumors of Zahawi's demise have circulated for months, but there has been no hard evidence to back up the claim. Thus far, Ansar al Sharia has not released an official martyrdom statement or video confirming Zahawi's death. Zahawi has frequently starred in Ansar al Sharia's videos. The group has featured scenes of Zahawi leading the charge against General Khalifa Haftar's forces. Haftar and his fighters have sought to take control of Benghazi from the jihadists since the middle of last year.
 Islamist Panel Approaches Self-Parody in Hebdo/Radicalization Talk 
( - A panel discussion Thursday hosted by the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy (CSID) promised to plumb the "the root causes of radicalization" in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks at Charlie Hebdo magazine and a kosher market...It turns out the problem is not Islamic theology or radical Muslim ideology. It's all the things the West does wrong. Fix those problems, panelists said, and things get better. During the 90-minute program at the National Press Club, no speaker discussed the Quranic verses invoked by terrorists in the Islamic State or al-Qaida to justify their actions. Instead, speakers emphasized a host of grievances that they say lead young Muslims to believe that peace and democracy will not lead to the changes they desire.
 Hanoi Kerry, Mossad denies it opposes new Iran sanctions 
(Lazar Berman) - Contradicting Secretary of State Hanoi John Kerry, Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency denied on Thursday reports that its chief warned US senators against a bill that would hit Iran with sanctions if ongoing nuclear talks fail to secure an agreement by their June deadline...A report saying that the head of the spy agency, Tamir Pardo, opposed new sanctions was carried by Bloomberg on Wednesday and Hanoi Kerry also cited Pardo’s purported comments. But the Mossad insisted Thursday that Pardo’s remarks had not been accurately reported. “Mossad head Tamir Pardo met two days ago with a delegation of US senators, at the request of the senators and with the prime minister’s permission,” the agency said in a rare statement. “Despite what the report said, the head of the Mossad did not say he opposes additional sanctions against Iran; the head of the Mossad emphasized in the meeting the extraordinary effectiveness of the sanctions against Iran, for a number of years, in bringing Iran to the negotiating table.”
 nObama’s Border Policy Fueled Epidemic, Evidence Shows  
(Neil Munro) - The deadly EV-D68 enterovirus epidemic, which struck thousands of kids this fall, was likely propelled through America by President Barack nObama’s decision to allow tens of thousands of Central Americans across the Texas border, according to a growing body of genetic and statistical evidence...The evidence includes admissions from top health officials that the epidemic included multiple strains of the virus, and that it appeared simultaneously in multiple independent locations. The question can be settled if federal researchers study the genetic fingerprint of the EV-D68 viruses that first hit kids in Colorado, Missouri and Illinois to see if they are close relatives to the EV-D68 viruses found in Central America.
 $10,000 Tax Credit To Hire Ex Cons  
(Michael Strickland) - At an event put on by Don’t Shoot Portland, the city’s #Ferguson protest meme, Mayor Charlie Hales announced that the city has “banned the box” for hiring city employees...referring to the part on a job application where an employers asks the applicant if they’ve ever been convicted of a crime. This is part of a larger “Ban The Box” movement, which hopes to make that into a law that applies to the private sector as well. This means a business owner will be legally barred from asking an applicant if they’re a felon. The business won’t know if their employees are child molesters, drunk drivers, drug traffickers…To make this even more ridiculous, Mayor Hales is also proposing a $10,000 per year tax credit to companies that hire “returning citizens”, which is apparently the new, politically correct term for an “ex offender”. That’s right, companies would get a huge tax credit for hiring felons over non felons. Don't know if this Portland, Oregon or Portland, Maine?
 Racist Commie Luis Gutierrez Attacks Patriot Jeff Sessions’  
(Rick Wells) - Aside from being a bigoted anti-American activist, Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) is behaving in a manner not unlike a freshman school girl meeting the senior starting quarterback at a high school dance in the way he smiles disturbingly into the camera at the start of the video...In spite of his apparent aversion to testosterone, the wormy little communist community organizer has no problem attacking a real man, one who represents the citizens of America irrespective of their color or national origin, one who is a patriotic defender of our Constitution and our way of life, Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama. The tactic of Gutierrez is the tried and true divide and conquer, belittling the selection of Sessions as a concession to “the racists of the south.” He warns the Republicans that there is more to the United States than just the south and that they “better have a vision and a manner in which they can approach the rest of the American population.”
 Ben Shapiro: nObama's Broken Promises, 2014       
(Truth Revolt) - Ben Shapiro takes a look at the President nObama's tough talk from 2014 - and the dismal results...
Salman Rushdie, Meet Charlie Hebdo
Peggy Noonan

     ( - It was a sunny Tuesday in London, Valentine’s Day 1989. The phone rang in the novelist’s home. It was a BBC reporter. At first he was irritated: She didn’t even bother to tell him how she’d gotten his private number. “How does it feel,” she asked, “to know that you have just been sentenced to death by the Ayatollah Khomeini ?”

“It doesn’t feel good,” Salman Rushdie, said. I am a dead man, he thought.

     In a daze he walked around closing shutters, locking the front door. Witnessing his own fear he decided to keep a commitment to do a television interview. When he left the house he didn’t know it would be three years before he entered it again.

     Walking into the studio he was handed a printout of the edict just released by the supreme leader of Iran: “I inform the proud Muslim people of the world that the author of the ‘Satanic Verses’ book, which is against Islam, the Prophet and the Quran, and all those involved in its publication who were aware of its content, are sentenced to death. I ask all the Muslims to execute them wherever they find them.”

Mr. Rushdie read it. The interviewer asked him to respond.

     “I wish I’d written a more critical book,” he said. He was ever after proud he said that, though in future years he occasionally wobbled under the pressure, as one would.

     And so began his roughly 10 years in hiding, with heavy police protection, under an assumed name “Joseph Anton,” which is what he called his 2012 memoir, from which the above is taken.

     Salman Rushdie had written a novel critical of Islam, and so he had to die. It was the first famous fatwa in the West.

     I was a writer and producer at CBS News in New York, and I remember the general American reaction, which was bafflement: They’re threatening an artist for producing art? Who are these people? In the publishing world Mr. Rushdie’s became a celebrated cause, but to others he was not an entirely sympathetic figure—arrogant, a snooty lefty luvvie who wrote a rude book about the faith of his fathers and now they’re coming down on him like a ton of bricks. Remind me why I care?

     Looking back, he was the canary in the coal mine. Theo van Gogh, the Dutch filmmaker and writer, was shot to death on the street and almost decapitated in November 2004, after his short film on women and Islam was broadcast on television. His collaborator, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, got death threats and eventually fled to America. Kurt Westergaard, the Danish cartoonist who drew Muhammad with a bomb hidden in his turban, was a target of two assassination attempts and had to go into hiding.

     And now the atrocity in Paris. Extremist Muslim fanatics cut down 12 people at the offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine. Their crime too was insulting Islam.

     What do we know now that we did not know when Mr. Rushdie was targeted? That extreme, militant Islamists continue to clash with the liberal West. That the West must see to it that its values are not compromised by the fears the murderers seek to spread.

     Charlie Hebdo magazine has struck me as aimed at the immature, or at least the not fully formed. Its cartoons and other humor are broad and vulgar, even primitive, not witty or sly. The magazine delights in crudely, grossly insulting all faiths, especially Islam. But as a Westerner would say, so what? It has been alleged by a few people that the staff of Charlie Hebdo brought the tragedy on themselves. That is exactly what was said of Salman Rushdie, that he shouldn’t have written such an offensive book.

     Maybe it would be instructive to look at how we in the West handle what is rude and unpleasant and offensive.

     First, our freedoms are not merely our “traditions,” our “ways,” “reflective of Enlightenment assumptions” or “very pleasant.” In America especially, they are everything to us. Here freedom of expression is called free speech, and it is protected in the first of the Constitution’s amendments because it is the most important of our rights.

     In the way that courage is the first of the virtues because without it none of the others are possible, the First Amendment protects the freedom upon which all others depend. Without free speech no difference of opinion can be resolved, no progress made in the law or in politics, no truth found and held high, no scandal unearthed and stopped.

     But free speech takes patience. It requires us to hold our temper and give each other plenty of room in which to operate.

This is how we deal with offensive speech:

     In the late 1980s, Andres Serrano produced “Piss Christ,” a photograph of a small crucifix submerged in the artist’s urine. That didn’t go over well with a lot of Christians. They wrote op-eds, protested peacefully, and criticized the National Endowment for the Arts for subsidizing the work with tax money. The arguments were vigorous. But the protests were peaceful, and no one even dreamed of harming the artist.

     In the late 1990s it was Chris Ofili, whose painting “The Holy Virgin Mary” depicted Mary surrounded by pornographic images and smeared with elephant dung. When it was exhibited at the Brooklyn Museum it didn’t go over well with Catholics, including Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. The museum received public money. There were protests and arguments, the mayor withheld funds, the museum sued him and won. No one ever dreamed of harming the artist.

     We resolve these things peacefully in the West. And this is not only “tradition.” We know on some level that this is how civilization keeps itself together. I remember long conversations during these controversies in which people tried to view the provocative works charitably. Maybe the artist is trying, awkwardly and imperfectly, to say something big and even good? Maybe he’s trying to say: “You say you love Christ but you don’t honor him.” Maybe he’s trying to say, “You say you honor Mary, but in your own actions and lives you cover her not with glory but dung.” Or maybe the artists were just talentless hacks producing the only thing they were good at: publicity.

The point is people considered and debated. They didn’t pick up a gun.

     A singular feature of extremist Islamists is that they are not at all interested in persuasion. They don’t care about winning you over, only about making you submit. They want to menace and threaten. They want to frighten. They enjoy posing with the severed head.

It is the West’s job not to be overcome by fear, not to give an inch.

Steady is the word.

     Tracked down by a reporter for Deutsche Welle after the Charlie Hebdo massacre, Kurt Westergaard offered his wisdom. He said the murderers were “fanatics.” He told the media “not to be afraid” and not to “surrender” free speech. And he said he hoped for “a reaction from the moderate majority of Muslims against this attack.”

That majority actually exists, and should step forward.

Read more…

Monday Morning - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Country before camaraderie
Caroline B. Glick
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
 State Dept. to Undermine nObama's Keystone Veto Threat?  
Barack nObama may have greeted the 114th Congress with threats to veto the Keystone XL pipeline, but the State Department signaled it's wrapping up its review of the project, possibly undermining the president's threat. nObama's reasoning for threatening the veto was because the executive branch hasn't reviewed the project -- as if nObama cares about the separation of powers. Now, State has set a deadline for Feb. 2 to gather the executive branch's thoughts on Keystone. "Fox News has learned eight agencies have been asked to provide their views. The State Department has been wading through a review process for months and in setting a deadline, signaled it was preparing to make a final decision." The Fox News report continued, "That is important because the White House had said previously that it was waiting for the agency to conclude its probe before President nObama decides whether to support the project." The State Department's move seems to weaken nObama's stance, but we expect them to find environmental reasons for ditching the pipeline, thereby giving the president even more ammo. More...  -The Patriot Post 
 Canadian Firefight in Iraq Indicates U.S. Mission Slip  
In an instant, the Canadian Special Forces, who were only in Iraq to train the Iraqi Army to fight ISIL, found themselves in a firefight with jihadists. Canadian Brigadier General Michael Rouleau told AFP, "My troops had completed a planning session with senior Iraqi leaders several kilometers behind the front lines. When they moved forward to confirm the planning at the front lines in order to visualize what they had discussed over a map, they came under immediate and effective mortar and machine gunfire." It took some Canadian sniping to "neutralize both threats," according to the general, which we infer means Canadian snipers -- boots on the ground -- sent a few ISIL soldiers to meet their 72 virgins. Increasingly, the 2,200 American soldiers who also advise Iraqi troops are coming under ISIL mortar fire themselves. If the distinction between nObama's military advisers who have "no boots on the ground" and active soldiers is a firefight, America is creeping towards another campaign in Iraq. More...   -The Patriot Post 
 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Does Anything But  
In Orwellian fashion, the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau does not protect consumers' finances, but wastes them. In starting luxurious renovations on its building -- which include a glass staircase and a water wall -- the bureau ignores the fact that consumers are taxpayers. And they are wasting the taxpayers' money. "A government report pegs the price of the work at $210 million -- $120 million more than initial estimates, with off-site leasing costs included," reports. "'That's more per square foot than the Bellagio hotel-casino in Las Vegas,' said John Berlau, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. And, critics add, CFPB doesn't even own the building." The bureau is less than five years old (the bureau was created in response to the 2008 financial crisis), but it's already become a monument to big-government narcissism and inefficiency. Too big to fail, indeed. More...  -The Patriot Post 
 Supreme Court Agrees to Define Marriage  
For Americans who maintain that marriage is between one man and one woman, gear up for the next battle. On Friday, the Supreme Court announced it had agreed to hear cases regarding same-sex marriage. Given the track record of activist judges on the High Court, we are not overly optimistic the justices will rule in favor of the third pillar of Liberty. In October, the Supreme Court declined to hear cases from five states seeking to preserve their lawful, voter-approved definitions of marriage. By choosing not to take on those cases, the Supreme Court left in place lower court rulings overturning laws on same-sex marriage. And two years ago, the Supreme Court tossed Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, ruling that the federal government is bound to recognize same-sex marriages from states in which they are legal. The justices did not, however, go so far as to declare same-sex marriage a right -- yet. The result of that decision led to most of the lower courts striking down numerous state bans on same-sex marriage.  -The Patriot Post 
 nObama's SOTU Oil Slick  
The oil boom blindsided Barack nObama. In his 2012 re-election campaign, the president said the adage "Drill, baby, drill" would never bring about $2 gas. So when he described America's oil boom, he couched the success of the free market in leftist terms. "We believed we could reduce our dependence on foreign oil and protect our planet," nObama crowed during last night's State of the Union. "And today, America is number one in oil and gas. America is number one in wind power. Every three weeks, we bring online as much solar power as we did in all of 2008. And thanks to lower gas prices and higher fuel standards, the typical family this year should save $750 at the pump." nObama's green energy has not propelled Americans down the roads, and it won't unless the government massively manipulates the markets. Despite oil production on federal land being stifled 16%, the federal government snatching up tracts of land, and an Environmental Protection Agency hostile to conventional sources of energy, America's oil production continues to grow in the private sector. In spite of nObama trying to orchestrate his "middle-class economy," free enterprise brought a true benefit to the American people.   -The Patriot Post 
 nObama Releases Convicted Terrorist al-Marri  
(Andrew McCarthy) - Long War Journalreports that the nObama administration has released Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri from a U.S. prison – not from Gitmo, but from a civilian jail after a federal terrorism conviction...Al-Marri is an al-Qaeda operative who was planted as a “sleeper” in the United States by Khalid Sheikh Mohamed to await instructions on carrying out a second wave of attacks after the 9/11 atrocities – against water reservoirs, the New York Stock Exchange, U.S. military academies, and other targets. The Justice Department quietly sprung him on Friday so he could return to his native Qatar, a country the administration regards as a crucial counterterrorism ally . . . and a country that is notorious for providing material support to jihadists. While appalling, this news was inevitable. The al-Marri case was a cause célèbre for the Bush-deranged Left because he was detained as an enemy combatant, rather than arrested and charged in court as a criminal defendant, despite being apprehended in the United States. Upon taking office, nObama ordered him transferred from military detention under the law of war to the civilian criminal-justice system. Once there, he was given a bargain-basement plea deal by Attorney General Eric Holder and his minions.
 Islam experts: No-go zones looming for America 
Bob Unruh) - The “no-go zones” in some Western nations, where law enforcement has lost control because of the influence of Islamic law, are coming to America...That’s according to several Islam experts interviewed by WND who believe the kind of Muslim enclaves that have developed in Europe due to a lack of assimilation will eventually arise in the U.S. as the Muslim population grows. The contention that “no-go” zones exist is controversial, as evidenced by the widespread ridicule that arose when an analyst said in a Fox News interview shortly after the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack in Paris that the major English city of Birmingham was a “no-go” zone itself. The analyst apologized, but only for exaggerating his point, not for asserting “no-go” zones exist.
 Pope Francis Condemns Muhammad!  
(David Wood) - Following the recent Charlie Hebdo Massacre in Paris, Pope Francis condemned Muhammad ... without even realizing it...According to Pope Francis, it is wrong and immoral to insult another person's religion. Yet history shows that Muhammad and his companions regularly insulted other people's religion. Hence, the Pope has declared that Muhammad and his companions were immoral!
 nObama asks for trade promotion authority  
(Tom Karst) - While Republicans in Congress are likely to ignore most of President nObama’s proposals in his State of the Union address, trade promotion could be the exception...nObama asked Congress to give him trade promotion authority to negotiate agreements with European and Asian trading partners. Stating the U.S. should have a hand in global trade pacts, nObama asked both parties to give him trade promotion authority to “protect American workers with strong new trade deals from Asia to Europe that aren’t just free, but fair.”
 Dem Senator Drops Bombshell About nObama and Muslim Country  
( - President Barack nObama has made no bones about how he is “a friend” of the Iranian regime, and how he wishes to “partner” with them going forward...However, his secret negotiations and one-sided concessions to the tyrannical theocratic regime have been infuriating, and there is bipartisan opposition to his efforts at outreach to Iran. Despite nObama’s threats to veto any new sanctions on Iran passed by Congress, they are nevertheless pushing forward with them, surprisingly with a Democrat senator at the forefront of that push, according to the Washington Times.
 GOP Congress Delivers Some Epic Bad News to Mexico  
( - Now that the GOP has a firm grip on Congress, or so we hope, they’re set to launch an anti-immigration initiative aimed at decreasing the number of illegal aliens who sneak into the U.S. every year...The border security bill, said to be part of a piecemeal strategy to reform nObama’s disastrous immigration policies, is scheduled to hit committee next week. That’s the last step before heading to the House floor for a formal vote. The bill would do what Mexico hates and has protested before — impose much tighter controls on the southern border, set a timeline for securing the entire southern border, and repair damaged border fencing, among other things.
 Sleeper Cells: The Immigration Component of the Threat  
(Michael Cutler) - In the wake of the terror attacks in Paris, France terror raids were carried out in Belgium and Greece to identify, locate and hunt down so-called “sleepers cells.”...Journalists and politicians have finally raised the issue of the threats potentially posed by sleeper agents in the United States, going back to the future — the same concerns about sleeper cells in the United States were voiced in the wake of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 including by the then-director of the FBI, Robert Mueller. Of course any discussion about sleeper agents gaining entry into the United States would logically call into question the multiple and massive failures of the immigration system. Today politicians from both sides of the political aisle are hell-bent on making certain that the flood of foreign workers, foreign tourists and foreign students continue without impediment. Consequently admitting that immigration is a vital component of national security and must be treated as such would run contrary to the goals of advocates for Comprehensive Immigration Reform.
 Islam’s Self-Destructive Seed  
(Nonie Darwish) - Within the DNA of Islam is a self-destructive element: a prophecy by Mohammed in which he said that Islam will eventually be rejected by the world and would return back to where it came from...Ask your local imam, and he’ll tell you: Mohammed doesn’t lie. Incredibly, Mohammed himself was not optimistic about his own message and the future of Islam and Muslims: The Messenger of Allah (Mohammed) observed: Verily Islam started as something strange and it would again revert (to its old position) of being strange just as it started, and it would recede between the two mosques just as the serpent crawls back into its hole.” [Sahih Muslim, Book 001, Number 0270.]
 Fed Agencies Stonewall House Committee’s Benghazi Investigation  
(Sharyl Attkisson) - Some federal agencies continue to stonewall when it comes to the ongoing investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attacks, according to insiders familiar with the process...They say the House Benghazi Select Committee isn’t getting access to all relevant documents and witnesses. That will be the topic of the committee’s first public hearing of 2015 called for Tuesday next week. Most of the committee’s work since a (slightly) bipartisan vote created it May 8, 2014, has quietly focused on the massive task of gathering information. The committee has provided relevant federal agencies a list of several dozen witnesses it wishes to interview.
 ISIS Hints it Wants to Depose Hamas and PA  
(Dalit Halevy, Ari Yashar) - The Islamic State (ISIS) branch in "Bayt al-Maqdis," an Arabization of the Hebrew Holy Temple and a term for Jerusalem, has started distributing publications explaining ISIS's a campaign to expand its influence in Gaza, Judea and Samaria. On the opening page of the publication by ISIS in "Palestine" is written "this is our position, this is our worldview, these are our founding principles. ...The liar will not be left with an excuse, and the supporters will not be left with doubt." A large ISIS symbol is drawn on the center of the page, including the oath of allegiance to Islam that reads "there is no God but Allah." Along with it appears a ring of Mohammed, the founder of Islam, with three words on it: Allah, Prophet, Mohammed.
Country before camaraderie
Caroline B. Glick

Country before camaraderie

     ( - Iran has apparently produced an intercontinental ballistic missile whose range far exceeds the distance between Iran and Israel, and between Iran and Europe.
     On Wednesday night, Channel 2 showed satellite imagery taken by Israel’s Eros-B satellite that was launched last April. The imagery showed new missile-related sites that Iran recently constructed just outside Tehran. One facility is a missile launch site, capable of sending a rocket into space or of firing an ICBM.

On the launch pad was a new 27-meter long missile, never seen before.

      The missile and the launch pad indicate that Iran’s ballistic missile program, which is an integral part of its nuclear weapons program, is moving forward at full throttle. The expanded range of Iran’s ballistic missile program as indicated by the satellite imagery makes clear that its nuclear weapons program is not merely a threat to Israel, or to Israel and Europe. It is a direct threat to the United States as well.

      Also on Wednesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was invited to address a joint session of Congress by House Speaker backstabber John Boehner.

     backstabber Boehner has asked Netanyahu to address US lawmakers on February 11 regarding Iran’s nuclear program and the threat to international security posed by radical Islam.

      Opposition leaders were quick to accuse backstabber Boehner and the Republican Party of interfering in Israel’s upcoming election by providing Netanyahu with such a prestigious stage just five weeks before Israelis go to the polls.

      Labor MK Nachman Shai told The Jerusalem Post that for the sake of fairness, backstabber Boehner should extend the same invitation to opposition leader Isaac Herzog.

      But in protesting as they have, opposition members have missed the point. backstabber Boehner didn’t invite Netanyahu because he cares about Israel’s election. He invited Netanyahu because he cares about US national security. He believes that by having Netanyahu speak on the issues of Iran’s nuclear program and radical Islam, he will advance America’s national security.

      backstabber Boehner’s chief concern, and that of the majority of his colleagues from the Democratic and Republican parties alike, is that President Barack nObama’s policy in regard to Iran’s nuclear weapons program imperils the US. Just as the invitation to Netanyahu was a bipartisan invitation, so concerns about nObama’s policy toward Iran’s nuclear program are bipartisan concerns.

      Over the past week in particular, nObama has adopted a position on Iran that puts him far beyond the mainstream of US politics. This radical position has placed the president on a collision course with Congress best expressed on Wednesday by Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez. During a hearing at the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee where Menendez serves as ranking Democratic member, he said, “The more I hear from the administration and its quotes, the more it sounds like talking points that come straight out of Tehran.”

     Menendez was referring to threats that nObama has made three times over the past week, most prominently at his State of the Union address on Tuesday, to veto any sanctions legislation against Iran brought to his desk for signature.

      He has cast proponents of sanctions – and Menendez is the co-sponsor of a pending sanctions bill – as enemies of a diplomatic strategy of dealing with Iran, and by implication, as warmongers.

      Indeed, in remarks to the Democratic members of the Senate last week, nObama impugned the motivations of lawmakers who support further sanctions legislation. He indirectly alleged that they were being forced to take their positions due to pressure from their donors and others.

      The problem for American lawmakers is that the diplomatic course that nObama has chosen makes it impossible for the US to use the tools of diplomacy to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

      That course of diplomatic action is anchored in the Joint Plan of Action that the US and its partners Germany, France, Britain, China and Russia (the P5+1) signed with Tehran in November 2013.

      The JPOA placed no limitation on Iran’s ballistic missile program. The main areas the JPOA covers are Iran’s uranium enrichment and plutonium reactor activities. Under the agreement, or the aspects of it that nObama has made public, Iran is supposed to limit its enrichment of uranium to 3.5-percent purity.

      And it is not supposed to take action to expand its heavy water reactor at Arak, which could be used to develop weapons grade plutonium.

      THE JPOA is also supposed to force Iran to share all nuclear activities undertaken in the past by its military personnel.

      During his State of the Union address, nObama claimed that since the agreement was signed, Iran has “halted the progress of its nuclear program and reduced its stockpile of nuclear material.”

     Yet as Omri Ceren of the Israel Project noted this week, since the JPOA was signed, Iran has expanded its uranium and plutonium work. And as the Eros-B satellite imagery demonstrated, Iran is poised to launch an ICBM.

      When it signed the JPOA, nObama administration officials dismissed concerns that by permitting Iran to enrich uranium to 3.5% – in breach of binding UN Security Council Resolution 1929 from 2010 – the US was enabling Iran to develop nuclear weapons. Enrichment to 3.5%, they said, is a far cry from the 90% enrichment level needed for uranium to be bomb grade.

      But it works out that the distance isn’t all that great. Sixty percent of the work required to enrich uranium to bomb grade levels of purity is done by enriching it to 3.5%. Since it signed the JPOA, Iran has enriched sufficient quantities of uranium to produce two nuclear bombs.
     As for plutonium development work, as Ceren pointed out, the White House’s fact sheet on the JPOA said that Iran committed itself “to halt progress on its plutonium track.”

     Last October, Foreign Policy magazine reported that Iran was violating that commitment by seeking to procure parts for its heavy water plutonium reactor at Arak. And yet, astoundingly, rather than acknowledge the simple fact that Iran was violating its commitment, the State Department excused Iran’s behavior and insisted that it was not in clear violation of its commitment.

      More distressingly, since the JPOA was signed, Iran has repeatedly refused to allow the International Atomic Energy Agency to access Iran’s nuclear installations or to inform the IAEA about the nuclear activities that its military have carried out in the past.

      As a consequence, the US and its partners still do not know what nuclear installations Iran has or what nuclear development work it has undertaken.

      This means that if a nuclear agreement is signed between Iran and the P5+1, that agreement’s verification protocols will in all likelihood not apply to all aspects of Iran’s nuclear program. And if it does not apply to all aspects of Iran’s nuclear activities, it cannot prevent Iran from continuing the activities it doesn’t know about.

      As David Albright, a former IAEA inspector, explained in a Wall Street Journal op-ed last May, “To be credible, a final agreement must ensure that any effort by Tehran to construct a bomb would be sufficiently time-consuming and detectable that the international community could act decisively to prevent Iran from succeeding. It is critical to know whether the Islamic Republic had a nuclear weapons program in the past, how far the work on warheads advanced and whether it continues. Without clear answers to these questions, outsiders will be unable to determine how fast the Iranian regime could construct either a crude nuclear-test device or a deliverable weapon if it chose to renege on an agreement.”

     Concern about the loopholes in the JPOA led congressional leaders from both parties to begin work to pass additional sanctions against Iran immediately after the JPOA was concluded. To withstand congressional pressure, the nObama administration alternately attacked the patriotism of its critics, who it claimed were trying to push the US into and unnecessary war against Iran, and assured them that all of their concerns would be addressed in a final agreement.

      Unfortunately, since signing the JPOA, the administration has adopted positions that ensure that none of Congress’s concerns will be addressed.

      Whereas in early 2013, Secretary of State Hanoi John Kerry declared that “the president has made it definitive” that Iran needs to answer all “questions surrounding Iran’s nuclear program,” last November it was reported that the US and its partners had walked back this requirement.

      Iran will not be required to give full accounting of its past nuclear work, and so the US and its partners intend to sign a deal that will be unable to verify that Iran does not build nuclear weapons.

      As the administration has ignored its previous pledges to Congress to ensure that a deal with Iran will make it possible to prevent it from acquiring nuclear weapons, it has also acted to ensure that Iran will pay no price for negotiating in bad faith. The sanctions bill that nObama threatens to veto would only go into effect if Iran fails to sign an agreement.

As long as negotiations progress, no sanctions would be enforced.

      nOBAMA’S MESSAGE then is clear. Not only will the diplomatic policy he has adopted not prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons (and the ability to attack the US with nuclear warheads attached to an ICBM), but in the event that Iran fails to agree to even cosmetic limitations on its nuclear progress, it will suffer no consequences for its recalcitrance.

And this brings us back to backstabber Boehner’s invitation to Netanyahu.

      With nObama’s diplomatic policy toward Iran enabling rather than preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear power, members of the House and Senate are seeking a credible, unwavering voice that offers an alternative path. For the past 20 years, Netanyahu has been the global leader most outspoken about the need to take all necessary measures to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power, not only for Israel’s benefit, but to protect the entire free world. From the perspective of the congressional leadership, then, inviting Netanyahu to speak was a logical move.

      In the Israeli context, however, it was an astounding development. For the past generation, the Israeli Left has insisted Israel’s role on the world stage is that of a follower.

      As a small, isolated nation, Israel has no choice, they say, other than to follow the lead of the West, and particularly of the White House, on all issues, even when the US president is wrong. All resistance to White House policies is dangerous and irresponsible, leaders like Herzog and Tzipi Livni continuously warn.

      backstabber Boehner’s invitation to Netanyahu exposes the Left’s dogma as dangerous nonsense.

      The role of an Israeli leader is to adopt the policies that protect Israel, even when they are unpopular at the White House. Far from being ostracized for those policies, such an Israeli leader will be supported, respected, and relied upon by those who share with him a concern for what truly matters.
Read more…

Saturday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
How to Fight Alleged Corruption in Turkey:
Eliminate the Allegers
Burak Bekdil
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 Quickies -   What on earth is the president going to say about national security? He can stretch out Cuba, but unless the ghost of Che Guevara is a special unannounced guest, that’s pretty small beer. As surveys show, Americans are increasingly worried about the threat from Islamist militants and terrorism. The president doesn’t have much good to say on that front. And the magnum opus of his foreign policy – a deal setting parameters for Iran’s nuclear program – is looking very shaky today with word of a new Russo-Iranian military pact. The president may look to make good for his no-show in Paris with a little français from the podium, but foreign policy references will be hard to come by.
          [Watch Fox: 2016 GOP hopefuls Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., will react to President nObama’s State of the Union address tonight in a special 11 p.m. ET edition of “The Kelly File.”
-Fox News 
 What liberals dream may come -   While even the president’s staunchest defenders acknowledge that the president’s proposals are irrelevant from the perspective of governance, the hope on the left is that the economic policy will become a new litmus test for candidates of both parties and leave a lasting legacy for the president. John Cassidy captures the vibe, writing “Simply advocating tax cuts for the masses will reshape the politics of the next couple of years, and, particularly, the 2016 Presidential election.” How it would come to pass that this medium-bore version of the president’s ever-present economic policy would become the gold standard for both parties next year is a mystery not even Nero Wolfe could solve. But in order for the speech to be more than self-congratulation for the president, there’s got to be more than just hot air. The legacy bit will be ringing in the ears of every viewer of every establishment outlet.
          [Every year - WashEx examines the proposed tax hikes President nObama has made to Congress every year since 2009.]  -Fox News 
 Upton calls for nObama to back medical technology -   House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton can boast one of the few areas to have seen bipartisan breakthroughs in a gridlocked Washington. The 21st Century Cures initiative for spurring medical advances has been a hit on both sides of the aisle. Ahead of the speech, Upton and his Democratic counterpart Rep. Diana DeGette, D-Colo., are calling on the president to make it part of his 2015 agenda.   -Fox News 
 Whatever Happened to the Scientific Consensus? 
The alarm dial cranked to full throttle Friday after NOAA released its much-anticipated "bombshell" report analyzing last year's climate numbers. According to NOAA, at 1.24 degrees Fahrenheit (0.69 degrees Celsius) above average, global temperatures sizzled to a value unmatched by previous years. We preemptively debunked the report in December and cautioned against falling for the dubious data crunching methods employed by federal agencies. But did the government actually come to the conclusion it's claiming? Not exactly. The report "failed to mention ... that the alleged 'record' amounted to an increase over 2010, the previous 'warmest year', of just two-hundredths of a degree -- or 0.02C," the Daily Mail revealed. That's important because "[t]he margin of error is said by scientists to be approximately 0.1C -- several times as much." The Mail continued, "As a result, GISS's [Goddard Institute for Space Studies] director Gavin Schmidt has now admitted [government officials believe] the likelihood that 2014 was the warmest year since 1880 is just 38 per cent." And you can bet they'll take that "consensus" to the bank. More...  -The Patriot Post   
 Sandy Hook Panel to Recommend More Gun Control  
After the horrific murders in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012, Democrat Gov. Dannel Malloy and the state legislature exploited the emotional panic to enact strict gun control measures. Malloy also set up a commission to investigate what further gun measures the state could employ to make people safer infringe the Second Amendment. The full report isn't due until Feb. 14, but at last Friday's meeting the 16-member panel decided to recommend -- surprise! -- even stricter gun control. Reuters reports the details: "Its recommendations included banning the possession of guns or ammunition clips [sic -- they're magazines] holding 10 or more bullets [sic -- bullets are only part of a round], and expanding a 2013 law that prohibited the sale of such weapons but allowed continued possession. The panel dropped a recommendation that would have allowed Connecticut gunmakers to continue manufacturing such weapons for sale out of state." Many, if not most, handguns hold more than 10 rounds and that's not, as Reuters calls it, "high capacity" -- it's standard capacity. Naturally, law enforcement will be exempt, which seems to indicate that more than 10 rounds might come in handy when battling a criminal who's not abiding by the law in the first place. Leftists like to yammer about "common sense," but we don't hold out much hope for that in the Constitution State. More...  -The Patriot Post   
 Muslims Establishing No-Go Zones in America  
(iizthatiiz) - Watch footage taken inside Islamic Terrorist Training camps in the U.S. where young Jihadists are taught how to kill guards, kidnap Christians, and strangle the infidel...Muslim enclaves that are hostile to surrounding communities are springing up across America. Funded by Pakistani radicals, 22 villages in 9 states have already been established that are teaching terrorist tactics to members of their compounds. Find out where they are.
 Senator Session Takes Over Immigration Subcommittee  
(Rick Wells) - The leading advocate and voice of the American people in the fight against the forces of greed and national destruction that are conducting an illegal squatter invasion is Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL)...He has now been named as the Chairman of the Senate Immigration subcommittee, a truly fortuitous development for the American citizens and the defense of the Constitution and our nation. In announcing his chairmanship, Senator Sessions also changed the name to the “Immigration and the National Interest” subcommittee, noting that in doing so he is making a declaration that the subcommittee belongs to them. He remarked that for too long the financial and political elite have controlled the immigration debate and he will see to it that the interests of the American people are now the primary concern. He also announced that fellow anti-amnesty ally, Senator David Vitter (R-LA) will be serving as the Republican Deputy Chairman.
 Lieutenant Gets 19 Years at Ft. Levenworth defending his Troops 
(Tim Brown) - First Lieutenant Clint Lorance never imagined that following the rule of engagement to save not only his life, but the lives of his fellow soldiers against Islamic enemies would result in him spending nearly two decades in prison...But it did. Lorance, 30, had been trained to make split-second decisions and his training culminated in a real-life scenario in July 2012 when he and his squad were on a foot patrol in southern Afghanistan. He had just been made Platoon Leader after his predecessor had been severely wounded. At that time, Lorance led his troops into a Taliban-infested territory, where their air support had indicated that there were enemy personnel were in the vicinity. Jennifer Bucholtz reports what happened next.
 Megyn Kelly Refuses To Stop Speaking Her Mind  
( - Mrs. Kelly is one of the best news anchors out there, she isn’t afraid to speak the truth, even if she gets threatened when she does. One of her biggest opponents is the Council on American-Islamic Relations or CAIR for short...She recently supported a film called “honor diaries” which is a documentary on muslim women and their culture of domestic abuse. As soon as Megyn backed this documentary for the harsh truth it shows, CAIR stepped in to show their disdain. But this isn’t stopping Megan.
 MIT Prof Calls Global Warming Alarmists a Cult  
(Aleister) - An MIT professor of meteorology is dismissing global-warming alarmists as a discredited “cult” whose members are becoming more hysterical as emerging evidence continues to contradict their beliefs...During an appearance on this writer’s radio show Monday, MIT Professor emeritus Richard Lindzen discussed the religious nature of the movement. “As with any cult, once the mythology of the cult begins falling apart, instead of saying, oh, we were wrong, they get more and more fanatical. I think that’s what’s happening here. Think about it,” he said. “You’ve led an unpleasant life, you haven’t led a very virtuous life, but now you’re told, you get absolution if you watch your carbon footprint. It’s salvation!”
 Conservatives Target McCon-nell For Quick Surrender On Amnesty  
(Rick Wells) - Guiding your troops in retreat or surrender is still technically leadership, but it’s not the kind that conservatives were expecting or seeking when the Republicans were given the majority control of the Senate in November...Unfortunately, to this point at least, that is exactly the type of sellout leadership we are experiencing. Conservative leaders have had enough, making their sentiments known Wednesday at a Heritage Foundation gathering called “Conversations with Conservatives.” The target of their criticism was the good ‘ole boy from Kentucky, Majority Leader Mitch McCon-nell. (R-KY) There was plenty of criticism to go around, with Rep Raul Labrador (R-ID) suggesting that McCon-nell is no better than his Democrat predecessor dinky Harry Reid. Labrador said, “It’s uncanny to me that our leadership is already sending the message that we’ve already lost this battle,” referring to the premature amnesty surrender announcement of McCon-nell from the Republican Retreat last week. McCon-nell stated in a closed-door bicameral session that the Senate didn’t have the votes to overturn amnesty and he didn’t have a way of producing them.
 As nObama Shuts His Eyes, Iran Building A New Persian Empire  
( - Lt Col Ralph Peters makes the point that to a degree the comments of Vice President Loose Lips Joe Biden are correct, that without boots on the ground in Syria nothing good is going to happen...As to Iraq, in spite of claims by the regime to the contrary, Peters reports that ISIS continues to consolidate and grow. Having said that, Col Peters points to “A bigger issue; ‘president’ nObama wants a nuclear deal however bad. He wants it with Iran so desperately that he’s ignoring the phenomenal changes in the Middle East, all to our disadvantage.” Peters addresses the situation in Iran in particular, saying that they are, under our noses, or more correctly while our eyes are closed, building a new Persian Empire.
 Saudi King Abdullah is dead  
(Robert Spencer) - Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah is dead. This is not an optimum time for a transition. The Saudis’ massive expenditures to export the jihad doctrine have come back to bite them in the form of the Islamic State...a self-proclaimed caliphate that denies the legitimacy of the House of Saud (and every other government other than its own) and has vowed to conquer it (and every other country, but it is right on the Saudis’ doorstep). The Iranians, meanwhile, are always jockeying to become the leader of the Islamic world, and in that Saudi Arabia is one of their chief rivals. But Iranian-backed Shi’ite Houthi rebels have just won a major victory in Yemen, and Iran has just concluded a military pact with Russia. Could the death of Abdullah be the Iranians’ moment? Or the Islamic State’s?
 NSA Details Chinese Cyber Theft of F-35, Military Secrets  
(Bill Gertz) - China obtained more than 50 terabytes of data from U.S. defense and government networks, notably the Joint Strike Fighter’s stealth radar and engine secrets...through cyber espionage, according to newly disclosed National Security Agency documents. A NSA briefing slide labeled “Top Secret” and headlined “Chinese Exfiltrate Sensitive Military Data,” states that the Chinese have stolen a massive amount of data from U.S. government and private contractors. The unique capability of spying on the spies was described in a series of documents that were stolen in 2013 by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, currently a fugitive in Russia. For the F-35, according to NSA the Chinese were able to obtain digital design information on several different types of radar modules used by the fighter.
 Congress Prepares For Dogfight With Pentagon Over Military Cuts  
(Jonah Bennett) - House Armed Services Committee Chairman Rep. Mac Thornberry told reporters on Thursday that any attempts from the nObama administration to “nickel and dime our people to death” in the defense budget won’t fly without a fight... “That’s not fair to [personnel],” Thornberry said, according to Military Times. “It’s also not a good way to have a coherent pay-and-benefits system.” Lawmakers already had to fight hard late last year for a personnel pay raise in the National Defense Authorization Act. The result was a compromise. Personnel received a 1 percent pay increase, instead of the originally slated 1.8 percent.
How to Fight Alleged Corruption in Turkey:
Eliminate the Allegers
Burak Bekdil
     ( - Imagine one chilly day the American people wakes up to news that, in early morning raids, squads of public prosecutors and police detain the sons of cabinet secretaries, a mayor, a state bank manager and prominent businessmen -- all with publicly known close ties to the nObama administration. The mounds of evidence include telephone conversations, video material, and more -- all unmasking the trafficking of huge amounts of illegal money and expensive gifts among the suspects, who include a shady Iranian businessman.

     Dozens of audio recordings reveal a network of relations among nObama's closest political and business allies, involving billions of dollars. And imagine an audio recording of nObama calling his son and ordering him to get rid of all the cash he keeps at home; and his son, after trying for several hours, tells him there are still millions left. And nObama claims this is a coup d'état against his elected administration, and purges all prosecutors and police officers investigating the charges. This is what exactly happened in Turkey in December 2013.      

     In the investigation, Reza Zarrab, an Iranian businessman, was accused of running a network that laundered at least 87 billion euros to bypass international sanctions on Iran, and bribing ministers, their sons and senior public officials in Turkey.

     The prosecutors claimed Zarrab handed out around $60 million in bribes. Zarrab allegedly gave $5 million to (then) Interior Minister Muammer Guler in return for Turkish citizenship. Zarrab also allegedly paid $5 million to (then) Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan's son, Salih Kaan, and gave a $300,000 Patek Philip Swiss watch to the minister.

     Meanwhile, the police found around $9 million in cash stuffed into shoe boxes at the home of Suleyman Arslan, then general manager of Halkbank, a government-owned bank that was instrumental in trade between Turkey and Iran (shoe boxes would later become a symbol of corruption at anti-government protests across Turkey). EU Minister Egemen Bagis was the other recipient of cash from Zarrab, according to the prosecutors. And Housing Minister Erdogan Bayraktar was accused of arranging multibillion dollar contracts for government-friendly companies.

     At the peak of the wave of arrests and investigation, Bayraktar would publicly say: "Whatever I have done, I have done it with Erdogan's knowledge and orders." And he would argue that "the prime minister Erdogan too should resign." On Dec. 25, 2013, a week after the investigation officially took off, three ministers resigned from cabinet.

     From the start of the investigation, Erdogan seemed to fear that the allegations now in the public domain could finish him off at the ballot box in municipal and presidential elections in March and August 2014, respectively. He claimed that an influential Muslim preacher, Fethullah Gulen, and his network of prosecutors and police officers were behind the investigations. He and his closest political associates, including Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu claim the same thing to this day. Gulen, who lives in self-exile in the United States, was Erdogan's most powerful political ally until the two were engaged in a power struggle early in 2014.

     For the past year, since December 2013, Erdogan's administration has suspended, reassigned, prosecuted and jailed thousands of (mostly) police officers on charges of attempting illegally to topple his government. "If reassigning individuals who betray this country is called a witch hunt, then, yes, we will carry out a witch hunt," Erdogan said.

     There is speculation in Ankara that the next target of Erdogan's "witch hunt" will likely be prosecutors and judges believed to be members of Gulen's movement.

     All the same, the big blow to the Gulenists did not come from Erdogan's counter-offensive, but from the ballot box. Erdogan's Justice and Development Party AKP won 43.3 percent of the vote in municipal elections last March, and Erdogan won 51.5 percent of the vote in presidential elections in August.

     For Erdogan, his election victories meant that all allegations of corruption were baseless. The nation had found the suspects not guilty. For the first time in the history of justice, voters had acted as the jury for a high-profile corruption case.

     That thinking, coupled with a move to reshuffle the top layers of the judiciary, changed the balance of power in favor of Erdogan.

     In October, a prosecutor in Istanbul dropped all charges against the suspects in the corruption investigation. The cash confiscated from them was returned, with interest! But there was another investigation not yet closed.

     Upon AKP's proposal, a parliamentary commission was set up to investigate the charges independently. The commission consisted of nine AKP members of parliament and five opposition members. Despite findings reported by the government's financial crimes investigation body, which said the personal wealth of the ministers in question had increased disproportionately to their incomes, the commission decided on Jan. 5 not to send the suspects to the Constitutional Court to stand trial. All nine government MPs had voted against trials for the suspects, and all five opposition MPs voted in favor.
     Turkey's top court, the Constitutional Court, has the authority to try ministers and prime ministers on criminal charges. A few days before the commission announced its decision, Health Minister Mehmet Muezzinoglu said that his party did not trust the Constitutional Court, which, he said, could be part of the coup d'état against the administration. To which the main opposition party replied: "If you don't trust the top court, how should ordinary citizens trust the ordinary courts?" Good question. But the government shrugs it off.

     Turkey is once again heading for elections. The parliamentary elections in June will be particularly critical for Erdogan, for a number of reasons. First, someone other than him (Davutoglu) will be leading the party's campaign for the first time since 2002. Second, Erdogan's ambitions are not about just winning the elections. He seems interested in securing a two-thirds majority, so that the constitution can be amended to legitimize his present effective executive presidency. Erdogan calculates that any publicity about his former ministers standing trial, and evidence against them hitting headlines, could prune his party's votes in June. He is probably right. If he wants to change the constitution in favor of a lawfully executive presidential system, he cannot     afford to lose even a handful of votes.

     The opposition is furious. So is the anti-Erdogan bloc, which makes up roughly half of Turkey. There will be a final round of voting at the parliament's general assembly at the end of January. The vote will be about whether to send the corruption suspects to the Constitutional Court or not. The AKP has enough of a majority to kill the move. But the opposition relies on "secret voting," which can produce defectors from the AKP benches. The opposition will need about 55 defectors from the government to send the former ministers to the Constitutional Court. This looks unlikely, but not altogether impossible.

     Once again, Turkey has proven to be a fascinating country, putting rules of law and ethics upside down. In Turkey, corruption suspects have a shield against prosecution, and law enforcement officers who prosecute corruption can go to jail.

Read more…

Saturday Morning - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
nObama To Media:
Don’t Report Against Muslim Jihadis
Gina Miller
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"

 Trolling where the fish are -   The day after his State of the Union address President nObama travels to a bright red state to plug the themes laid out in his speech. It’s a longstanding trend. Daily Caller: “With his scheduled trip to Idaho on Wednesday, President nObama will have visited 47 U.S. states. Along with the Gem State, the remaining three, South Dakota, Utah and South Carolina, have something in common: they voted for Republicans by significant margins in 2008 and 2012…Seventeen of the 20 states visited most often by nObama during his presidency all supported him in the 2012 election, according to an analysis conducted by NPR in June. Likewise, out of nObama’s 20 least-visited states, 17 voted for [Mitt Romney] in 2012.” 
-Fox News 
U.S. News: “Abortion foes, encouraged by GOP control of the House and now also the Senate, are rallying behind a bill they believe will be the first step in a new campaign against the procedure. Congressional Republicans are fast-tracking legislation that would prohibit abortion 20 weeks after fertilization, with the House likely to bring the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act up for a vote on Jan. 22 to coincide with the anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision….‘It is a starting point. There is a direct route to very quickly -- it involves a presidential election -- to pass this legislation,’ Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the anti-abortion advocacy group Susan B. Anthony List, said at a National Press Club event Thursday. “When that happens, it will be the first time in 40 years that we have drawn a line and said, “After this point, no more.” A majority of Americans -- 60 percent in a November Quinnipiac University poll -- support banning abortion after 20 weeks. With President Barack nObama signaling his opposition, proponents compare the proposal’s path to that of the partial-birth abortion ban, which was signed into law by President George W. Bush after President Bill Clinton vetoed it twice before. They hope to make it an issue in the 2016 presidential campaign.   -Fox News 
 Keystone votes continue -   National Journal: “The Senate will enter into its second week of debate on the Keystone XL pipeline having taken exactly one vote on the issue. That vote was last Monday and, ironically, it was supposed to allow members to get to the business of amending and voting on the bill.….”   -Fox News 
LaPoint had never run into anything quite like this in his years as a contractor. The Lansing [Mich.] State Journal explains: as LaPoint was excavating his neighbor’s yard to construct a pond, he uncovered a massive rib bone in a pile of dirt. The four-foot long piece of bone was gray with age, but this wasn’t a dinosaur, rather part of a mastodon skeleton. Together with his neighbor Eric Witzke, the pair continued digging discovering additional rib bones, leg, shoulder and hip bones as well as vertebrae and part of a tusk. The pair brought in paleontologist Daniel Fisher of the University of Michigan to examine their discovery, “Preliminary examination indicates that the animal may have been butchered by humans,” he said. Once donated to the museum a more exact age can be determined, but Fisher’s preliminary assessment puts the bones between 10,000 and 14,000 years old. The experience was the most fun LaPoint has had at work in a long time, “Digging and finding the bones for the first time, it's not something that can be replicated. It really is a once-in-a-lifetime thing.”   -Fox News 
Not only will this package not pass a Republican Congress, it wouldn’t have passed a Democratic Congress. Some of the items actually already got rejected by Democrats and others he would never even have proposed for fear of forcing a difficult vote for Democrats. A tax on college savings funds? An increase in the death tax? Yikes! The headlines are delicious, but the proposals are all empty calories. Even after the president gives Republicans a black eye for blocking his Robin Hood act, there’s still not political nutrition here. As we have seen in other States of the Union, the enthusiasm of January produces a bitter autumn harvest when promised results do not materialize. But because Republicans will blockade the measures, the president feels at liberty to offer pie in the sky since no vulnerable Democrat will ever be forced to vote on the issue. Remember, these are not policies that have been broadly popular in his party.  -Fox News 
 D.C. lawmakers float bill to allow voting without U.S. citizenship  
(Andrea Noble) - A bill introduced by D.C. lawmakers would grant some immigrants lacking U.S. citizenship the ability to vote in municipal elections...The Local Resident Voting Rights Act of 2015 would allow D.C. residents who are not U.S. citizens but meet the federal definition of having permanent residency status to cast ballots in local elections, including races for mayor and the D.C. Council as well as initiatives and charter referendums. D.C. Council member David Grosso, at-large independent, introduced the legislation Tuesday. In a statement announcing the introduction of the bill, Mr. Grosso cited statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau that indicate the District is home to nearly 54,000 foreign-born residents who are not naturalized U.S. citizens.
 NY Times Boldly Lies About nObama’s Illegal Amnesty  
(Gina Miller) - OnTuesday I took a look at the New York Times website and made the mistake of reading a short piece from the opinion page. I say "mistake," because I needlessly subjected myself to a piece of lying propaganda that would make any communist regime proud...Billed as having been written by the "Editorial Board," the column, "Nativist Lawsuit on the Texas Border," is one of the most blatant examples of misinformation put out by an ostensibly "legitimate" news source I've ever seen. The title of the piece alone is enough to induce vomiting, as if wanting to protect our borders, national sovereignty and rule of law is a bad, "nativist" thing, but it gets worse. Take the opening paragraph (please!): The first thing to know about the lawsuit brought by two dozen states to block President nObama's executive actions on immigration is that it is a meritless screed wrapped in flimsy legal cloth and deposited on the doorstep of a federal district judge in Brownsville, Tex.
 Gitmo releases by nObama based on lies and deception  
(Jim Kouri) - Despite the death and destruction this week and last week caused by Islamic terrorists from groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and Nigeria's ruthless and bloodthirsty Boko Haram...President Barack nObama continues to release captured terrorists -- including five Yemenis Wednesday night -- from the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo) which outraged lawmakers and citizens alike on Thursday morning, according to news stories. The White House press secretary, Josh Earnest, went so far as repeating the canard that Gitmo is a recruiting tool terrorists. In fact, he didn't say "it's believed" or "it's possible," he said that "we know" that Gitmo is being used to inflame the radical Muslim world. But many observers believe the arguments for closing the terrorist detention center are filled with lies and half-truths from an administration that's adept at covering up and escaping culpability.
 In Failing to Confront Islamism, the Left Betrays Itself  
(Tarek Fatah) - As the world struggles to understand and cope with the rise of pan-Islamism and international jihadi terrorism within Western countries, one thing is becoming increasingly clear...the success of the Islamists is partly due to what I believe is a grand betrayal of civil society by the political left in Western democracies. Instead of leading the fight against the fanatics' religious obscurantism, they have embraced it. The refusal of social democrats, liberals and leftists to stand up to Islamofascism in the democracies of Europe, North America, India and South Africa, has also had an unintended consequence. It has paved the way for an anti-immigrant backlash against all non-whites, in which the left are portrayed as apologists for religious fanaticism. An unnecessary rise of xenophobia that could have been avoided, had the left led the struggle against Islamofascism, is now entrenched.
 The Two Faces of Renee “Abortion” Ellmers House Fail Pro-Lifers  
(Erick Erickson) - House Republicans were set to re-pass the 2013 Pain-Capable Unborn Children Protection Act today. The legislation would prohibit 99% of abortions after 20 weeks, the point at which there is no doubt children can feel pain...The measure is identical to the legislation passed in 2013. But this time, with a chance of passing both the House and Senate, Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (R-NC) worked tireless to scuttle the legislation then had the temerity to claim she actually would vote for if only it would come to the floor. Ellmers, according to multiple sources, persuaded a number of women in the House Republican Conference to walk away from the bill to ensure it could not pass. Then she declared she’d vote for it once she was sure it could not pass. It was a two-faced ploy that worked.
 U.N. Gun Treaty: It’s “Already” Being “Implemented” by nObama  
(Sara Noble) - The 50th country signed on to the UN Small Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) at the end of last September, putting it into effect. Mr. nObama has signed on to it and even helped plan the way it’s structured with the UN so he can implement it without Senate ratification...The U.N. Programme of of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects.” will now begin to meet on implementation. Mr. nObama is reportedly beginning to implement the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) without ratification by the Senate. nObama’s Assistant Secretary of State Tom Countryman told a group of NGOs and UN officials recently that the White House is “already implementing the treaty” without Senate ratification.
 Flourishing ISIS Training Camps for Little Children  
(Sara Noble) - ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham) has an endless supply of militant terrorists as they train young boys to become ISIS terrorists...The children will be taught to hate instead of love, to kill instead of to protect, to become consumed with anger instead of peace, to die instead of live. Future generations in the Middle East will be ruined. Remember al Qaeda is hardly better. ISIS is an offshoot in competition with ISIS. People tend to minimize al Qaeda because ISIS is aggressively stealing lands and “appear” to be more violent which isn’t the case. Al Qaeda is now comprised of many groups and they’ve spread far and wide. Both plan to establish a global caliphate ruled under the harshest of laws – Sharia.
 WorldNetDaily Examines Benghazi Through Citizens’ Commission  
( - Jerome Corsi, Senior Staff Reporter for WorldNetDaily, is the first journalist to attempt to understand the 2012 Benghazi, Libya attacks through the eyes of the members of the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi (CCB)...These members bring a vast array of knowledge, experience and contacts to the Commission. Corsi is writing a series of articles about the events surrounding the terrorist attacks on the U.S. Special Mission Compound and nearby CIA Annex on September 11 and 12, 2012, that resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. Accuracy in Media established the CCB in 2013. “[Paul] Vallely explained that the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi was formed ‘after we saw all the stumbling and deception that was going on’ with the initial round of Benghazi hearings held by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee in January 2013,” writes Corsi.
 Senate Climate Alarmists Get Punked by GOP  
(Alex Newman) - As if to prove that global-warming alarmism is in fact a political movement rather than a scientific one, the U.S. Senate, composed primarily of carbon dioxide-spewing attorneys...voted this week to declare that the climate is changing as it always has, and that (natural) climate change is “not a hoax.” Warming theorists celebrated the news, as if a majority vote by lobbyist-controlled politicians — who remain less popular than cockroaches in most polls — constituted evidence of Truth. In the end, though, despite their cheering, many climate alarmists apparently either did not understand the measure or were deliberately trying to mislead the public about it. The Senate never agreed with their increasingly discredited catastrophic man-made global-warming theory. Instead, lawmakers simply stated the obvious: the climate changes, just as it has since Earth’s creation and just as it will likely continue to change as long the planet exists.
 Republicans Won’t Stop Amnesty Or Defund nObamacare  
(Rick Wells ) - Mark Levin has ideas on what the Republicans in Congress should be doing for the American people. He remarks that it is a difficult recommendation to make, since they have already handicapped themselves by surrendering their power of the purse...and other parts of article one of the U.S. Constitution. He says they should “take it back.” Congress should look at these bureaucracies and “take their law-making authority back.” He also recommends that they pass a federal statute that slashes spending across the board by five percent. He says it doesn’t matter if nObama signs it or not and that Republicans “need to make the case to the American people that they are going to save the Republic, they’re going to protect the Constitution, they’re going to do something about this debt which is absolute insanity.” Levin suggests, “When it comes to nobamacare, why don’t they try repealing it first and we the people, the private sector, the private industry, we’ll replace it. How about that as an idea, first of all?” He says in view of the fact that the Republicans already funded obamacare until September, they need to start making their case now to the American people that it is ending in October, they are not going to fund it and let the chips fall where they may.
nObama To Media:
Don’t Report Against Muslim Jihadis
Gina Miller

     ( - There is truly no end to the string of outrages perpetrated on our nation by Barack nObama (or whatever his name is). The laundry list seems interminable, and today we can honestly regard anyone—anyone— who supports this man and his administration as being dangerously deceived. There is simply no defense of this lawless “president,” who is a clear and present danger to our freedoms, our economy, our healthcare system, our property rights, the freedom of the Internet, our military and national defense—every aspect of our constitutional Republic.

     Many of us have long observed that nObama has traitorously aided and abetted our Muslim enemies, giving them weapons, billions of taxpayer dollars and their formerly-imprisoned “soldiers of Allah,” to continue the spread of their cancerous caliphate across the Middle East and elsewhere. If we didn’t know any better, we would believe his sympathies lie on the side of the barbaric Islamists. In truth, we don’t know any better. The only rational conclusion is that this man is an enemy of the United States.

     Therefore, it was no surprise, but no less outrageous, when the Daily Caller reported on Tuesday that the White House Minister of Press Propaganda, Josh Earnest, reported that nObama wants to squash freedom of the press. Well, that’s not exactly how he put it. From the Daily Caller piece:

President Barack nObama has a moral responsibility to push back on the nation’s journalism community when it is planning to publish anti-jihadi articles that might cause a jihadi attack against the nation’s defense forces, the White House’s press secretary said Jan. 12.

“The president … will not now be shy about expressing a view or taking the steps that are necessary to try to advocate for the safety and security of our men and women in uniform” whenever journalists’ work may provoke jihadist attacks, spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters at the White House’s daily briefing.

     Isn’t this always the case? Our freedoms are so often stolen by facetious claims of “safety.” It’s why we stupidly stand without shoes in airport “security” lines, and like sheep, allow junior power-trippers of the TSA to grope our bodies before boarding a plane. “Safety.”

     So, nObama, who believes the Muslim “call to prayer” is one of the “prettiest sounds on Earth,” wants to protect from offense the delicate sensibilities of his jihadi brethren by preventing the media from reporting the truth about Muslim jihad. Excuse me, but that’s not the American way, Mr. Quisling! Aside from the fact that one of our most sacred, God-given freedoms is freedom of speech, which includes freedom of the press, Americans do not bow to 7th century throwback Muslim bullies. But I don’t believe we are being ruled by an American—at least not in the theoretical sense of the word. Whatever nObama is, regardless of where this mystery man was or wasn’t born, he is not behaving like an American, much less an American President. He is behaving as a despotic, anti-American enemy within our nation.

     As with everything this man and his fellow travelers do, the ostensible reason is not the reason. Spokesmouth Earnest claims nObama’s desire to squelch media expression is for the “safety” of our military troops. That’s a lie. Since when does nObama give a rip about the military, much less its safety? Besides the fact that, if left to its own power, free from insane bureaucratic rules of engagement, the military can take care of itself, the past has shown us that caving to bully Muslims will never appease them. It only makes us appear weak and ripe for attacking. No. I’m certain that the real reason for this lunatic anti-American proclamation is that nObama agrees with one goal of the Islamists: to silence all criticism of Islam. He is just as offended by it as the most retrograde Muslim brute. After all, he claimed the future must not belong to those who “slander” the “prophet” of Islam, right?  And, in this case, “slander” means “tell the truth about.”

     I’m losing what little optimism I might have had about our chances of undoing nObama’s “fundamental transformation” of the United States. This man and his criminal cabal have their evil machine set on “full demolition,” and with a craven, corrupt Congress too scared of its own shadow to oppose him, and with a detestably compliant media—no longer a “free press,” by the way—from where can there possibly emerge a force to stop or reverse this dreadful course of tyranny on which we’re locked?
Read more…

Friday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Jews, get the blazes out of France . .. NOW
Caroline B. Glick
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
Dan Balz at WaPo looks at the candidate trying to bridge the gap between the warring wings of the GOP: “Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker doesn’t light up rooms when he enters. He is unassuming in that way, a proud cheesehead who wears a battery-powered electric jacket to keep warm at Packers and Badgers football games. He appears a Midwestern everyman, belied only by his burning ambition to be president…The Republican National Committee keeps a list of prospective candidates, names of those who have been mentioned as possibilities to run in 2016. It totals an astonishing 24 people. The eventual field almost certainly won’t be that big, but right now, at least among those with even an outside chance of being competitive, no one seems intimidated by the candidacy of anyone else. Candidates fill predictable lanes…
          “There are many questions about a Walker candidacy that go beyond whether he can break through in a field with bigger names and flashier personalities. Is he too much a stolid Midwesterner, too narrow in his Wisconsin grounding. Would he be able to marshal the necessary forces for a national campaign and to let go some of the strategic micromanagement of his own candidacy? Would he be able to withstand the rough-and-tumble ahead? Walker has focus and determination. His hope may be that he will be long underestimated, a candidate ready to surprise at the moments it counts most.”  -Fox News 
The Hill: “Republican Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) on Sunday argued for additional sanctions on Iran amid a veto threat from President nObama. The Florida lawmaker said that the only reason Iran is at the negotiating table is because of existing sanctions. On Friday, the president said he would veto any plan produced by Congress to expand sanctions on Iran. He argued that piling on sanctions would derail the steady work done to craft an agreement to limit Iran's nuclear capability. But Rubio expressed doubts that any agreement will come out of the discussions. ‘These negotiations that are going on now are really not going to bear fruit,’ he said on CBS's ‘Face the Nation.’ He argued that the proposed sanctions could go into place if talks fail.”  
-Fox News 
President nObama
is staying on offense with a campaign-speech-style State of Union message that has appeal to the liberal Democratic base. The proposals have even less chance in a Republican-controlled Senate than they did when Democrats let similar ideas languish, but the message matters. As conservative columnist John Podhoretz, observes: “Tuesday night’s State of the Union address could be the first one in history deliberately designed solely to generate a Pavlovian rage response in members of the opposing party….nObama and his team have clearly decided that one of the metrics by which they will measure their success is by just how wild he drives his Republican opposition in Washington and conservatives across the country.” 
-Fox News 
 What’s in the plan -   AP: “The centerpiece of the president’s tax proposal is an increase in the capital gains rate on couples making more than $500,000 per year to 28 percent…The top capital gains rate has already been raised from 15 percent to 23.8 percent during nObama’s presidency. nObama also wants to close what the administration is calling the ‘trust fund loophole,’ a change that would require estates to pay capital gains taxes on securities at the time they're inherited.…Raising the capital gains rate, ending the inheritance loophole and tacking a fee on financial firms would generate $320 billion in revenue over a decade, according to administration estimates. nObama wants to put the bulk of that money into a series of measures aimed at helping middle-class Americans. Among them:
* A credit of up to $500 for families in which both spouses work.
* Expanding the child care tax credit to up to $3,000 per child under age 5.
* Overhauling the education tax system by consolidating six provisions into two”
          [The latest WSJ/NBC News poll finds the American public to be less pessimistic. 38 percent of voters chose descriptions such as “recovering” or “hopeful” up slightly from a year ago…. 48% chose negative descriptions of the nation, such as “troubled’’ and “deteriorating.’’ Fewer people chose those terms than a year ago.]
          “And it is the simple proposition that, now that the economy is in a stronger place than it has been in a very long time, we need to double down on our efforts to deal with wage stagnation and declining economic mobility, and so the simple proposition that we should ask the wealthy to pay a little more and invest more in the middle class, give the middle class a raise.” – White House Adviser Dan Pfeiffer, CBS’s “Face the Nation”  -Fox News 
 SOTU soothsayers -   It’s State of the Union time and Power Play host Chris Stirewalt is joined by Democratic strategist Liz Chadderdon and Republican strategist Steve Snyder to discuss what we can expect from the president. nObama says he’s going on offense, rolling out a wish list that is highly partisan and unlikely to pass. And then there’s the legacy imperative. The president may be concerned about his place in the history books, but his party is worried the next election. WATCH HERE -Fox News 
 Legendary A-10 'Warthog' sends ISIS fleeing faces Pentagon cuts  
( - With a roaring engine, 30-mm. cannon and nose painted like a toothsome, snarling beast, the A-10 Thunderbolt sends ISIS fighters scattering like cockroaches on the Iraqi desert plains...but the legendary fighter plane pilots call the "Warthog" may be fighting for its own life. The venerable plane, first built for destroying Soviet tanks, has been on the chopping block since the sequester of 2011 mandated steep cuts in the Pentagon budget. Although the planes haven't been built in more than 30 years, the Defense Department believes it can save maintenance costs by phasing them out. Air Force brass believes newer, faster aircraft like the F-16, F-15E, and, eventually, Lockheed Martin’s F-35 fighter can do a better job of the Warthog’s mission of providing close air support to soldiers on the ground. But supporters say Islamic State fighters are finding out the hard way what they have said all along.
 Norway Finally Had Enough Of Radical Muslims, Deport Them  
( - Norway recently instated a program that seeks to deport radical Muslims in an attempt to lower crime rates throughout the country. Despite the fact that liberals are labeling this program as racist, the program has seen amazing success...According to crime data and records, violent crime in the country is down by approximately 30 percent since this program has gone into affect. However, liberals are still demanding the program be shut down because they believe it is racist and that it unfairly targets a religious group.
 Rubio Hints He Won’t Run In 2016  
(Neil Munro) - Sen. Marco Rubio today suggested that he will not run for the presidency in 2016... “I need to make a decision in due time if I want to mount a credible campaign for the presidency,” he told reporters attending a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor. Staying in the GOP majority will give him the opportunity to get things done, he suggested.
 Will the Natural Born Citizen Requirements for Pres Haunt GOP 
(Suzanne Hamner) - Most everyone is familiar with the saying, “two wrongs don’t make a right.” What this commonly refers to is that violating a law, ethic or moral, is justified as long as someone else does...For example, an employee embezzles from his employer because his employer is cheating on his taxes. Both are clearly wrong and in violation of the law; but one precedent of wrong-doing by one does not make it acceptable to engage in additional wrong-doing or the same wrong-doing by another. It becomes a fallacy that the actions cancel each other out. For the past six years, Barack nObama’s eligibility to hold the office of the president has been questioned on the “natural born citizen” requirement. And, many debate what constitutes a “natural born citizen.” While some may disagree, “natural born citizen” refers to a person, regardless of birth location, born to citizen parents in some sources; whereas, other sources follow natural law meaning the individual, regardless of birth location, follows the citizenship of the father to be classified as “natural born.” Either way, this brings into question the eligibility of nObama to even seek the office much less occupy the office of the presidency. It is known that nObama’s alleged mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was a US citizen; but, nObama’s Kenyan father, as listed on his “legal” birth certificate, has never been proven to be a US citizen through naturalization.
 Proof Of Green Communist Agenda, From Jarrett And Jones  
(Rick Wells) - Valerie Jarrett was gushing in this event over the fact that the nObama regime was able to recruit the communist community organizer Van Jones into the administration...It was those same communist ties, along with comments related to the 911 truth movement which would eventually play a role in his later resignation. The position to which Jones was appointed was one which was created just for him in the czar mill that was the nObama regime in the early days, that of Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation at the White House Council on Environmental Quality. It’s a vague and long title for a position which, as he explains in the video, builds upon the Rosa Parks model, using the climate and global warming as a mechanism to achieve a political end.
 New House Bill Removes 66 Miles Of Border Fence  
(Rick Wells) - What is being labeled by its RINO proponent, Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mike McCaul (R-TX), as a border bill, might lead one to believe it provides for increased enforcement. That’s where the trickery part comes into play...It actually calls for the removal of 66 miles of bothersome border fencing that gets in the way of those foreigners wishing to travel back and forth into our nation illegally at will. In exchange, 27 miles of fencing will be built in other areas. It’s a dismal drop in the bucket when compared to the 700 miles of similar, double layer fencing that was approved in 2006 and never built, in spite of full funding being appropriated by Congress at a time when Michael Chertoff headed the DHS. What seemed to be an inexplicable resistance to national security at the time is now been exposed as a component in the long term plan intended to create the North American Union.
 States continue war over nObamacare  
(Fred Schulte) - Oklahoma State Rep. Mike Ritze is a foot soldier—one of hundreds— in a passionate war over the Affordable Care Act that is reigniting as state legislatures convene across the country...The Republican lawmaker, a family doctor, has stood behind three anti-nObamacare bills supported by conservative groups in Oklahoma and other states. None has made it into law, but Ritze plans to pick up the fight in the 2015 legislative session that convenes in the Sooner state next month. “We need to do everything we can to try and reverse this,” said Ritze, who practices in Broken Arrow. “We can make it harder to enforce if the states get together…to attack it on all fronts.”
 Pupils at Christian school branded 'bigots' ordered it to CLOSE 
(Eleanor Harding and Mario Ledwith for the Daily Mail) - Pupils at a Christian school have been branded bigots after a young boy gave the wrong answer when asked what a Muslim was...Durham Free has been told to close after inspectors branded it an educational failure and said some children displayed ‘discriminatory views’ toward people of other faiths. The boy’s answer to the Muslim question apparently included a reference to terrorism. But teachers said the verdict was grossly unfair and based on a throwaway and ignorant comment made by a single pupil. They said the school’s Christian ethos made it an easy target for officials who wanted to show they were promoting the Government’s diversity agenda. Why don't the muslim grow some skin. The Christians are always being discriminated against.
 Ex-Muslim Tells of Literal Slaughterhouses where Christians are  Dissected (Onan Coca) - This may be one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever had to report on. The intrepid and brave Walid and Theodore Shoebat are reporting on a story out of Albania that has been breaking over the last couple of months...Muslim Albanians in Kosovo are apparently kidnapping Christians in an effort to harvest and sell their organs before killing them. A Serbian Christian and former Special Forces officer tipped them off to the insidious story. “They abduct people in Kosovo, Serbian people — in some cases Albanian people — and they take their organs… they torture the people and take their organs while they are still live.” He also said that the victims are usually, “Christians serbs, young women, and men, and also children.” Please be advised the videos are incredibly graphic and not suitable for everyone.
 Dems Kick And Scream As Border Security Bill Cruises The House  
(Rachel Stoltzfoos) - The House version of a Border Security bill cleared committee Wednesday night, after frustrated Democratic committee members ran out of ways to effectively stomp their feet...Members of the Committee on Homeland Security met soon after 2 p.m. Wednesday to consider and debate potential amendments to the “Secure Our Borders First Act,” before passing it through to the House. Chairman Michael McCaul introduced the bill Friday, saying it would beef up border patrol capabilities, and establish an independent commission to verify the security of the border. It’s on a leadership sponsored fast track that is frustrating Democrats, so they used procedural maneuvers and delay tactics to obstruct the bill and make things difficult for McCaul and the rest of the Republican committee members.
Jews, get the blazes out of France . .. NOW
Caroline B. Glick
     (jewishworldreview) - January 16 is the nine-year anniversary of the beginning of the Ilan Halimi disaster.

     On January 16, 2006, Sorour Arbabzadeh, the seductress from the Muslim anti-Jewish kidnapping gang led by Youssouf Fofana, entered the cellphone store where Halimi worked and set the honey trap.

     Four days later, Halimi met Arbabzadeh for a drink at a working class bar and agreed to walk her home. She walked him straight into an ambush. Her comrades beat him, bound him and threw him into the trunk of their car.

     They brought Halimi to a slum apartment and tortured him for 24 days and 24 nights before dumping him, handcuffed, naked, stabbed and suffering from third degree burns over two-thirds of his body, at a railway siding in Paris.

He died a few hours later in the hospital.

     In an impassioned address to the French parliament on Tuesday, Prime Minister Manuel Valls gave a stirring denunciation of anti-Semitism, and demanded that his people stop treating it as someone else’s problem.

     In his words, “Since Ilan Halimi in 2006... anti-Semitic acts in France have grown to an intolerable degree. The words, the insults, the gestures, the shameful attacks... did not produce the national outrage that our Jewish compatriots expected.”

     Valls insisted that France needs to protect its Jewish community, lest France itself be destroyed.

     “Without its Jews France would not be France, this is the message we have to communicate loud and clear. We haven’t done so. We haven’t shown enough outrage. How can we accept that in certain schools and colleges the Holocaust can’t be taught? How can we accept that when a child is asked, ‘Who is your enemy?’ the response is ‘The Jew?’ When the Jews of France are attacked France is attacked, the conscience of humanity is attacked. Let us never forget it.”

     Valls words were uplifting. But it is hard to see how they change the basic reality that the Jews of France face.

     When all is said and done, it is their necks on the line while humanity’s conscience is merely troubled.

     Ilan Halimi’s case is more or less a textbook case of the impossible reality French Jewry faces. And, as Valls noted, the situation has only gotten worse in the intervening nine years. Much worse.

     But back when things were much better, Ilan Halimi was kidnapped, tortured for 24 days and murdered. As Tablet online magazine’s Marc Weitzmann reported last September in an in-depth summary of ordeal, the gang that perpetrated the atrocity had been hunting for Jewish victims for several weeks before Arbabzadeh set her trap for Halimi. All their previous attempts had failed. Their previous marks included Jewish doctors, lawyers, television directors and human rights activists, as well as Jews of no particular distinction aside from the fact that they were Jews.

     The anti-Jewish nature of the gang was clear from its chosen victims. The anti-Semitic nature of their atrocious crime against Halimi was obvious from the first time they contacted his mother, Ruth Halimi, demanding ransom for his release. They made anti-Jewish slurs in all their communications with her.

     And as she heard her son's tortured cries in the background, Ruth was subjected to his torturers’ recitation of Koranic verses.

     And yet, throughout the period of his captivity, French authorities refused to consider the anti-Jewish nature of the crime, and as a result, refused to treat the case as life threatening or urgent.

     The same attitude continued well after Halimi was found. As Weitzmann noted, the investigative magistrate insisted “There isn’t a single element to allow one to attach this murder to an anti-Semitic purpose or an anti-Semitic act.”

     The denial went on through the 2009 trials of the 29 kidnappers and their accomplices. Anti-Semitism was listed as an aggravating circumstance of the crime – and as such, a cause for harsher sentencing – only for the gang leader Fofana. And in the end, even for him, the judges did not take it into account at sentencing.

     As for those 29 kidnappers and accomplices, as Weitzmann notes, each one of them had a circle of friends and family.

     As a consequence, by a one reporters’ conservative estimate, at least 50 people were aware of the crime and where Halimi was being held, while he was being held. And not one of them called the police. Not one of them felt moved to make a call that could save the life of a Jew.
     After the fact, the media in France were happy to publish articles by the torturers’ defense lawyers insisting, “Only people motivated by ‘political reasons’ would try to sell the opinion that anti-Semitism is eating away at French society.”

     When the Halimi family lawyer boasted of close ties to the government and announced he would appeal the sentences of the perpetrators if he didn’t think their punishments were sufficient, the French media eagerly shifted the conversation from the torture and murder of a Parisian who just happened to be a Jew by a band of sadists who just happened to be Muslims, to the more comfortable narrative of the Jewish lobby and Jewish power. So, too, when Halimi, and six years later when the three children and the rabbi massacred at Otzar Hatorah Jewish day school in Toulouse, were brought to Israel for burial, the media reported their decision in a negative way hinting that it was evidence of the basic disloyalty, or otherness of the Jews of France.

     In other words, what Halimi’s murder exposed is that anti-Semitism in France is systemic. Muslims are the main perpetrators of violence. And they operate in social environments that are at a minimum indifferent to Jewish suffering and victimization. This violence and indifference is abetted by non-Islamic elites. French authorities minimize the unique threat Jews face. And the media are happy to ignore the issue, or when given the slightest opportunity, to claim that the Jews are responsible for their own victimization.

     Indeed, in live reports from the scene of the hostage taking at the kosher supermarket in Paris last week, Weitzmann noted that in the early hours of the attack, French media failed to mention that the hostages were Jews.

     Under these circumstances, where the entire French system is stacked against them, what can be done for French Jewry? What can they do for themselves? It is far from clear that France is capable of correcting its downward trajectory.
     Demography is moving France in a different direction. According to Israeli political scientist Guy Bechor, Marseilles will be the first Western European city with a Muslim majority. The ruling Socialists owe their victory to the Muslim vote. It is hard to see French President François Hollande and his comrades taking actions that could anger that constituency which votes as a bloc.

     Moreover, anti-Semitism in all its forms is manifested throughout French society. For instance, the prosecutor in the Halimi murder trial is the son of a French Nazi collaborator and according to Weitzmann, spent an inordinate amount of the trial trying to understand the perpetrators.

     Then there is the Israel issue. Valls has distinguished himself from his colleagues for his willingness to acknowledge that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.

     But his is a voice in the wilderness. The overwhelming sentiment of the French elites is hostility toward Israel.

     This sentiment was manifested in Hollande’s treatment of Israel, and through it of the French Jewish community, in the aftermath of the supermarket massacre last Friday.

     Hollande told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to attend the anti-terror march in Paris on Sunday, claiming that Netanyahu’s presence would detract from the message of unity against terrorism that he hoped the march would communicate.

The underlying assumption of Hollande’s message is deeply disturbing.

     That assumption is that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism and is not, as a result, evil. The subtext is that the murder of Jews by Islamic terrorists who seek Israel’s destruction is similarly not a crime deserving of the same condemnation as the jihadist murder of French journalists.

     Netanyahu rightly ignored Hollande’s request that he not attend. And for this move he was subjected to harsh criticism by the French media which accused him of crashing the party and pushing himself onto center stage against the wishes of his unwilling hosts.

     Their criticism was then parroted by the Israeli media that studiously ignored the endemic anti-Israel hostility of the French media and the anti-Israel policies of the Hollande government. The Hebrew media, together with Hatnua leader Tzipi Livni, also ferociously attacked Netanyahu as well as Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman and Economy Minister Naftali Bennett for upsetting French sensibilities by calling on French Jewry to make aliya, ascend to the Holy Land.

     But aliya is the key for contending with the increasing danger that the Jews of France face from the systemic nature of French anti-Semitism. This is true first of all because as France makes it clear that it is not a warm home for its Jews, Israel is a better option. Israel exists so that Jews always will have a better option than suffering at the hands of hostile non-Jews.

     Speaking of aliya is also essential because so far the only thing that has caused French authorities to speak directly against anti-Semitism and take action to defend French Jewry has been the prospect of a mass exodus of their Jews.

     The year 2014 saw a 50 percent increase in French aliya. And the Jewish Agency anticipates that that number will double to 15,000 in 2015, with 50,000 more not far behind.

     After Ilan Halimi was murdered, out of fear of upsetting the French, no Israeli leader, including then-foreign minister Livni, uttered a word of condemnation against the atrocity. No Israeli representative attended his memorial ceremony.

No one urged French Jews to make aliya.

     And the number of anti-Semitic attacks increased massively each year. French governmental hostility toward Israel similarly escalated with each passing year.

     There is unfortunately every reason to believe that the massacre at the kosher supermarket in Paris last Friday will not be the last one. But it is also clear that the best way to avert more suffering is to speak often and forcefully about the option of moving to Israel. Israel must also take active steps to prepare the country for the arrival of our French brothers and sisters.

     Hollande will certainly express his annoyance as he continues to condemn Israel at every turn for imaginary misdeeds. But the French Jews will be strengthened. While the conscience of humanity may be uselessly miffed by the victimization of Jews, the Jews of France will know that there is one place on earth that exists to prevent that victimization, and that they are welcome here whenever they choose to come.


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Friday Morning - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Why Jews suffer under mob rule
Jonah Goldberg
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
 Loose Lips Biden's Shotgun Unused During Security Threat  
Loose Lips Joe Biden's home security was put to the test Saturday, as someone fired four shots from a pistol near the vice president's Delaware estate. And no, it wasn't from Biden's double-barrel shotgun. Last year, the vice president said his home security consisted of a 12-gauge shotgun and that he didn't need an AR-15 rifle. "I promise you, as I told my wife -- we live in an area that's wooded and somewhat secluded -- I said if there is ever a problem, just walk out on the balcony, walk out, put that double barrel shotgun, and fire two blasts outside the house. I promise you whoever is coming in is not going," he said. Loose Lips Biden failed to mention he also had a Secret Service detail backing up the ol' scattershot. The suspect fired the gun from a speeding vehicle on the public road hundreds of yards from the politician's house before speeding off. But all the president's horses and all the president's men couldn't find the person who took the shots again. Maybe the Loose Lips Biden's should consider a weapon with a bit more ... range. More...  -The Patriot Post 

The 2012 election has had a searing effect on the Republican Party. The 126-electoral-vote defeat of its nominee by an incumbent thought to be highly vulnerable may have altered the trajectory of the GOP even more than the similar, though narrower, defeat Democrats suffered in 2004. The question is: To what end? The 35-vote loss Hanoi John Kerry suffered in 2004 left many Democrats, as James Taylor might say, “down and troubled,” and looking for the way forward (or back) to success. The party eventually decided to sprint farther leftward and reject triangulation, with the surprise selection of Barack nObama as its nominee in 2008. Mitt Romney’s 2012 defeat left Republicans stunned and searching for answers, a quest that very much continues today. But one thing seems clear: Most don’t seem to blame Romney.  -Fox News 
 Who wants sea bass? -   A CBS News poll that showed 59% of Republicans would like to see Romney run compared to just 26 percent who thought he should stay out. This, combined with Romney’s return to the campaign trail has kept the two-time candidate aloft in a great gust of buzz. Yes, and it shows that the Romney “yuck” from the conservative intelligentsia is not reflective of the broader GOP electorate. Buuuuut…The poll asks whether the candidate should run, not whether a voter would support him or her. As a result, apparent support for Romney (and everyone else in at least the top 5) looks overstated by perhaps 30 points or more. If you asked diners at a restaurant whether the chef should offer sea bass that night, only serious fish haters or hardcore conservationists might say no. The rest would probably say, ‘Fillet away!” But that doesn’t mean that’s what they’re going to order.  
          [Ouch - CBS News: “Only 29 percent say they’d like to see [New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie] launch a bid, while 44 percent say otherwise.”]   -Fox News 
 Two primaries in one -   Romney is definitely pack leader right now, but the pack is dense and his advantage is vanishingly small. The CBS poll, though, at least shows Romney is not widely blamed for the 2012 defeat. So would the Republican Party would like a do-over, or will its members follow the example of Democrats a decade ago and move in a dramatically different direction. Romney is, of course, not the only back-to-the-future candidate on offer. Jeb Bush invites Republicans to imagine a perfected version of his brother’s and his father’s presidency. And the presence of two nostalgic, establishmentarian candidates greatly increases the chance that Republicans may shake things up in 2016. While Romney and Bush are out on the fundraising circuit, conservatives are getting busy picking their candidate. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, brought the house down at a big Tea Party gathering in South Carolina on Sunday and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., rocked ‘em in Reno on Saturday.
          “If we nominate another candidate in that mold the same people who stayed home in 2008 and 2012 will stay home in 2016 and the Democrats will win again…there is a better way.” – Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, at Tea Party Convention in Myrtle Beach, S.C.  -Fox News 
 Trap game -   If Bush and Romney spend the next two months trading paint and seeking the same staffers and donors, the GOP establishment will have surrendered a major advantage. We know Cruz, Paul and others will be in an all-out fight for the love of the right, losing valuable time needed to face the onslaught from the eventual establishment nominee. But if the establishment remains divided in its own loyalties, the onslaught may never arrive. While the GOP money men and women bicker over the question of who should take on Hilly Clinton, they are forgetting a more pressing and difficult question: Who is best suited to face down what may be the most intense challenge for party dominance from the right in 50 years. Perhaps the establishment’s success in the 2014 Senate primaries has made previously mortified Mandarins complacent.
          [The Hill: “Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee [R] on Sunday said there is a ‘very strong likelihood’ that he will ‘clearly state [his] intentions’ about a possible White House run in the spring.”]  -Fox News 
 Yes, there ARE 'no-go' zones in Europe 
Art Moore) - In the wake of the Fox News apology for a guest expert’s on-air claims regarding Muslim “no-go zones” in international clamor has ensued with condemnation of Fox, claims that Muslim immigrants really do want to assimilate, and a threat by the mayor of Paris to sue the cable network for “insulting” the great city. There’s only one problem: Europe is full of Muslim “no-go” zones, which have been documented, lamented, reported on and openly discussed for years. In fact, the governments of France and other European nations have identified specific enclaves, where Muslim immigrants have chosen not to assimilate, as areas in which law enforcement has lost some degree of control.
 The Foreign Policy Failures of 2014  
(Herbert London) - Despite administration claims to the contrary, 2014 was the year of failure on the foreign policy front. In every area of the globe chaos or instability reign...The Middle East is a cauldron of warring factions and theological imperatives. Libya is falling under the sway of radical groups each trying to gain control of Tripoli. In essence, government has ceased to exist. French forces may be the only hope for the restoration of order, but that is not a sustainable solution. Iraq is struggling to maintain a state that resembles the recent past. With ISIL carving out a segment for itself and the Kurds banging the drums for autonomy, the future is indefinite. A modus vivendi between Shia and Sunni leaders is also unlikely. On Iraq’s border, Syria is in a similar state of dismemberment. Assad holds on to power precariously with overt Russian support and tacit U.S. acceptance, but his base is restricted to an area around Damascus as rebels of various stripes carve up the rest of the country.
 Hilly Refusing to Put Boko Haram On Terrorist List  
(Don Irvine) - Hilly Clinton, who thought that her stint as Secretary of State would help propel her to the presidency in 2016, may be in for a rude awakening...A Nigerian journalist and contributor, China Okasi, told Lawrence O’Donnell on Monday that Hillary’s refusal to put Boko Haram on the U.S terrorist list could hurt her campaign: Well, and this is going to be a problem for Hilly Clinton because Boko Haram has been around for quite a while. It became a stronger hold in 2009. Now when Hilly Clinton was Secretary of State, she was a bit reluctant to put the group on the terrorist list because she did not want to give them the validation they were looking for. Current Secretary of State Hanoi John Kerry who called Boko Haram “one of the most evil and threatening terrorist entities on the planet” placed the group on the terrorist list in November 2013.
 An American Intifada – Communists and Radical Islamists Join  
(Terresa Monroe-Hamilton) - Trevor Loudon wrote an article that each and every one of us should read and take note of: Intifada USA? American Radicals Build Ties to “Palestinian” Revolutionaries...I agree completely with Trevor when he says that 2015 could usher in chaos, unrest and violence as we have not seen in our lifetime. The Communists are now joining hands in America with the Radical Islamists, forming an American Intifada – an uprising, resistance, revolt. They are using racism as the building blocks and their hate for America as the glue to forward massive havoc and violence in our streets. The riots in Ferguson and New York were just the warm up act for these thugs. They are looking to create what they think is an American Spring, which will push every radical and Communist ideal there is out there. It will scream racism, go after the police and alphabet agencies, cry social and environmental injustice, push demands for Islamic acceptance and Shariah law – and in the mix will be the ever-present Jew-hatred which is the kindling for their hatred. In this twisted case, the enemy of my enemy is my ally. For the short term anyway.
 Congressman Confirms nObama Is Blackmailing Petraeus  
( - It was recently revealed that the contemptible Attorney General Eric Holder, who is somehow still in office months after announcing his resignation...has directed the Department of Justice to review a potential prosecution of retired General David Petraeus. But many people suspect that Petraeus was forced out by the nObama administration and is being blackmailed into staying silent on what he knows about the Benghazi terrorist attacks. Congressman Gohmert is absolutely right about General Petraeus knowing critical information about Benghazi, information which could possibly expose and destroy the carefully crafted cover up of what was really going on there, before, during, and after the attacks.
 The President’s Address of Lies  
(Daniel Greenfield) - nObama’s previous State of the Union address claimed last year would be a “breakthrough year.” In this year’s State of the Union address he announced that he would turn the page...And then next year he comes out to announce once again that the country has recovered from the crisis that he had already announced that it had recovered from last year. What exactly is nObama turning the page on? Two lost wars and the lowest employed population since 1977… under his predecessor Jimmy Carter? When everything on the last page looks so bad, then it’s time to turn the page, offer up a minor variation on the same promises about infrastructure, income inequality and education, before going back to a busy schedule of playing golf, visiting foreign countries on pseudo-vacations and ruling unilaterally without regard for the other two branches of government that don’t control the military.
 Netanyahu To Address Joint Session of Congress  
(nicedeb) - Speaker of the House backstabber John Boehner invited Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress on February 11, and Bibi has accepted...backstabber Boehner explained his decision to invite Netanyahu to speak before Congress in a press conference, Wednesday morning. backstabber Boehner said. backstabber Boehner tells CNN that he did not consult the White House, and denies “poking anyone in the eye”.
 nObama Statements on Iran ‘Talking Points Straight out of Tehran’  
(Washington Free Beacon Staff) - Menendez has led the Democratic caucus against nObama’s calls for Congress not to add more sanctions to Iran. nObama maintains that more sanctions may foil negotiations with Iran to end their nuclear program...Senate Republicans and a number of Democrats disagree, saying that sanctions will motivate Iran to cut a deal or face economic ruin, and that the sanctions would not be implemented unless Iran walked away from the negotiating table. Menendez asked United States Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken a great rhetorical question for which he had no answer: “They get to cheat…in a series of ways, and we get to worry about their perceptions?”
 DOJ to Recommend No Civil Rights Charges in Ferguson Shooting  
(MATT APUZZO and MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT) - George Soros spent $33 million of his own hard earned money, hoping to spur civil action – yet no civil action appears to be forthcoming...So after many months of stoking the flames of racial division, Eric Holder’s DOJ is quietly preparing a legal memo recommending that no civil rights charges be brought against the white police officer in Ferguson, Mo., who shot and killed Michael Brown. Nevermind that the last five months of protesting was over nothing – what was the point of all this talk about imposing police reforms on police departments about then? If a grand jury and now the most radical, race-obsessed DOJ in our nation’s history, found  that Officer Wilson did nothing wrong, what exactly needs to be reformed?
 Christ the Expositor  
(Pastor John MacArthur) - Open your Bible, if you will, to Matthew chapter 5 and just put your finger there for a minute. I’m going to come back to that, but it will be a moment. We are at the second stop in a journey...We started last time, I guess we could say this is the first stop, we started last time on a journey to find Christ in the Old Testament, finding the Lord Jesus Christ in the Old Testament. That’s what this series is going to be about. For forty years we have been learning the majestic glories of the Lord Jesus Christ as revealed on the pages of the New Testament. We have learned His history in the four gospels. We have learned the expansion of the gospel in the book of Acts, the preaching of Christ, the theology of Christ in the book of Acts and as well in the rest of the epistles of the New Testament. We’ve even come to understand the eschatology concerning Christ from the book of Revelation. This sermon is very long, so set back and enjoy the teaching of Pastor John MacArhthur.
Why Jews suffer under mob rule
Jonah Goldberg
     ( - In the wake of the terrorist attack on a kosher market in Paris, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked French Jews to come home.

     I don't particularly like that advice. I think it would be a tragedy if centuries of Jewish French culture had to die out because Jews were chased out by Islamist thugs. The French government agrees -- for now at least -- and has posted armed soldiers everywhere Jews live and gather.

     Still, what Netanyahu understands is that there is strength in numbers. The more Jews there are in Israel, the stronger Israel will be. The flip side is that the fewer Jews there are in France -- or Europe or America -- the weaker Jews as a whole will be.

But no matter how you slice it, Jews are at a numerical disadvantage.

     People understand that in a democracy there will always be strength in numbers. The politician who gets the most votes wins, the constituency with the most voters gets heard the most, etc. This also tends to be true of intellectuals, activists and businesses. If China didn't have more than 1 billion people, Hollywood wouldn't kowtow to Chinese sensibilities. And if Duke University didn't have a growing number of Muslim students, no one would have thought to broadcast calls to prayers from its chapel bell tower.

     And if there were a billion Jews in the Middle East, HarperCollins would never have edited out Israel from its atlas. The publisher was recently embarrassed by the revelation (first reported by the British Catholic magazine The Tablet) that it had been selling an atlas "developed specifically for schools in the Middle East," promising "in-depth coverage of the region and its issues" that nonetheless left Israel on the cutting room floor. A spokesman for the subsidiary that put out the map told The Tablet that including Israel would be "unacceptable" to their customers in the Persian Gulf and elsewhere. And the customer is always right.

     A similar attitude pervades the leaders of the so-called international community. Tiny Israel manages to chafe the sensitive pinstriped derrieres of the State Department and foreign ministries around the globe. According to "realists," Israel is a problem because the majority of nations -- and many Muslims in the West -- don't like it. It was this sort of thinking that prompted French President Francois Hollande initially to ask Netanyahu not to attend the unity march in Paris against terrorism. It's also probably why Hollande ostentatiously walked out on Netanyahu's remarks at the Grand Synagogue.

     Realism itself is not anti-Semitic. But it's often hard to tell where realism ends and anti-Semitism begins, as when a French diplomat in 2001 famously used a common epithet to describe that "sh***y little country Israel" and blame it for all the troubles in the world. He added, "Why should the world be in danger of World War III because of those people?" Many had similar attitudes about Czechs and Poles before World War II.

     Since 2006, the U.N. Human Rights Council has condemned Israel 50 times. It has denounced human rights violators such as Iran, Saudi Arabia and China zero times.

     Nearly every conversation about the Charlie Hebdo cartoons makes reference to the fact that there are 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, as if there's an obvious correlation between the number offended and the nature of the offense. This is less about manners and more about power worship. A musical mocking Mormons (15 million worldwide) has been a smash hit on Broadway for years. Yet according to many of the same people who leap to defend Muslim sensibilities on cable TV, defending Mormon sensibilities marks you as a rube.

     In much of the Muslim world, newspapers frequently run vile anti-Semitic cartoons depicting, for instance, Jews dressed as Nazis eating babies. Perhaps if Jews outnumbered Muslims by roughly 115 to 1 rather than the other way around, we'd hear more about those blasphemous drawings.

     Anyone who cherishes democracy understands that numbers matter. But the key word in "liberal democracy" is "liberal," not "democracy." A mob can be of one mind on an issue, but that doesn't make it right. And giving into the mob simply because it is large and dangerous may be realistic, but a better word for it is "appeasement."
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Thursday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Whiners & Sore Winners
Burt Prelutsky
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 Take Down School Shooters With ... Canned Food?  
Which of these does a better job of dropping a gunman: bullets or beans? Granted, it's a stupid question, but since when did anti-gun lefties make sense? According to one Alabama school, beans -- or any other canned food item -- make an excellent self-defense weapon. "As a result of school shootings throughout the United States and discussing with law enforcement on the best procedure to follow to keep our students safe, we are enhancing our procedure for intruders," explained administrators of W.F. Burns Middle School in a letter to parents. "The procedure will be the same as we have done in the past with the addition of arming our students with a canned food item." 'Cause nothing scares a would-be shooter like a flying can of Green Giant green beans. The officials added, "We realize at first this may seem odd" -- you don't say? -- "however, it is a practice that would catch an intruder off-guard." Here's a better idea: Arm teachers who can quickly and effectively alleviate the threat. Liberals like to talk about "common sense" reforms; that is, unless it involves putting guns in the hands of good guys. More...  -The Patriot Post 
 Sharpton Attacks Hollywood Over Perceived Selma Snub 
Al Sharpton wanted "Selma" to sweep the Oscars. The film tells the story of Martin Luther King Jr.'s marches from Selma to Montgomery in 1965, and it was only nominated for Best Motion Picture, but that wasn't good enough for race-baiter Sharpton. He's calling an "emergency meeting" with his Hollywood task force to decide what to do, because, in his eyes, the Oscars are not diverse enough this year. "With all of the talent in Selma and other Black movies this year," Sharpton said, "it is hard to believe that we have less diversity in the nominations today than in recent history. ... The movie industry is like the Rocky Mountains, the higher you get, the whiter it gets." Sharpton -- who has no film criticism cred to date -- probably threatened to attack Hollywood over this issue because he wants to sway the decision, not to mention this sort of shakedown is how he makes his living-The Patriot Post 

 SOTU Will Push Income Redistribution  
Barack nObama will use his State of the Union Address tomorrow to call on the Republican Congress to pass his progressive tax policies. It will not be a speech to update the legislative body on the state of the union, but to embarrass Republicans before the nation. nObama will promise tax plans that redistribute "free" stuff, calling on Congress to hike taxes so the government rakes in an extra $320 billion over 10 years and can then "give" the middle class $175 billion. Top White House aide Dan Pfeiffer said, "I think we should have a debate in this country between middle-class economics and trickle-down economics. I think, in divided government, each side should lay out their agenda, what they think is in the best interest of the country." Liberals miss that "trickle-down economics" -- their pejorative term for Reaganomics -- is based on people keeping their own hard-earned income. nObama proposes increasing the capital gains and dividend tax rate to 28%, placing a limit on how much money Americans can save for retirement -- and even taxing college saving plans to pay for his "free" community college boondoggle. So much for encouraging responsible personal finance. It's a shameful policy rooted in envy. More...  
-The Patriot Post 
 nObama Goes on Offense, Will Seek 7% Budget Hike  

Congressional Republicans better take note that Barack nObama has no intention of quietly riding off into the sunset -- even if he does frequently check out and play more golf over the next two years. "I'm not going to spend the next two years on defense; I'm going to play offense," he told congressional Democrats Thursday. Part of that offense is going to be on the budget, which the White House is due to release on Feb. 2. According to officials who leaked details, nObama wants to increase spending by 7% -- clearly indicating he's not content with allowing Republicans to slow down his spending bonanza. Thanks in large part to the sequester and the stalemate in Congress since 2011, the budget deficit for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30 was $483 billion -- the smallest since 2007. Obviously, that's better than the trillion-dollar deficits of nObama's early years, and lower deficits are likely why the economy is finally showing signs of life. That means increasing spending by 7% isn't going to be good. It's up to the Republican-controlled Congress to stop nObama in his tracks. More...  -The Patriot Post 


 Ryan: No Gas Tax Hike  
Some in Washington, including Republicans, have recently pushed a hike in the gas tax. What better time to gouge consumers replenish the Highway Trust Fund than when drivers are finally paying less at the pump? Well, House Ways and Means Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) put an end to such talk, saying flatly, "We won't pass a gas tax." Ryan added that he'd love to tackle more comprehensive tax reform, saying, "We just want to make sure we have the best possible tax reform that creates jobs [and] is fair." But he also acknowledged Barack nObama stands in the way of any sensible tax policy. In related news, Ryan recently announced that he would not seek the 2016 GOP presidential nomination, despite calls for him to run. For our part, we're glad to see him running the Ways and Means Committee, as it seems he's right where he belongs. 
-The Patriot Post 
 When Illegals Kill Cops  
(Lloyd Billingsley) - Rep. Ami Bera, a northern California Democrat, has invited Susan Oliver, 46, to President nObama’s State of the Union Speech. The White House is aware of the invitation, and Mrs. Oliver has a message of her own for the chief executive... “Build unity between citizens and law enforcement,” she told Richard Chang of the Sacramento Bee. “The damage is tearing people apart.” Activists, she said, try to “excite people who don’t know all the facts” and “people will do negative things just because there’s an opportunity.” Mrs. Oliver, an African American, can speak to the issue with some authority. She can also address another issue the president and his handlers prefer to avoid: the murder of American law enforcement officers by people who are not supposed to be in the country.
 No No-Go Zones? Really?  
(Robert Spencer) - The Leftist media and Islamic supremacist groups have been doing a victory dance ever since Saturday night, when Fox News issued an apology for statements made on the air by terror expert Steve Emerson and others about Muslim no-go zones in Britain and France...However, the apology doesn’t say what it has widely reported as saying – and there is considerable evidence that Muslim areas in both countries are a growing law enforcement and societal problem. However, Emerson was not guilty of fabrication, just of overstatement. Some of the comments on a piece in the UK’s Daily Mail about his gaffe and British Prime Minister David Cameron’s reaction to it (he called Emerson a “complete idiot”) insisted that Emerson was at least partially right: “Just shows cameron doesn’t even know what is happening in this country , as the news presenter is totally correct , its a no go zone .” “There ARE some parts of Birmingham where you darent or shouldn’t go !” “Is he far off the truth? Maybe it’s not true for Birmingham as a whole but there are certain areas where it is true. Certainly it is true of certain other Towns in the UK. Bradford, Leicester, Luton spring to mind.”
 Alberto Nisman’s Warning About Iran  
(Claudia Rosett) - Nisman spent the past decade seeking justice for the victims of the 1994 terrorist bombing of a Buenos Aires Jewish community center, which killed 85 people and wounded many more. Nisman compiled a massive case, accusing Iran and its Lebanese terrorist affiliate, Hezbollah, of the attack...He indicted a member of Hezbollah and a number of former high-ranking Iranians officials. And he found himself increasingly at cross-purposes with the machinations of Argentina’s President Cristina Kirchner. Last week, Nisman filed a criminal complaint almost 300 pages long, accusing Kirchner, her foreign minister Hector Timerman, and a number of others, of orchestrating a cover-up of Iran’s responsibility for the 1994 attack. A summary of the complaint, sent out last week by Nisman’s office, accused Kirchner of secretly cutting a deal with Iran to concoct a story that would exonerate Iran and its fugitives from the 1994 bombing, thus opening the way for Argentina to trade grain for Iranian oil, at the cost of “sacrificing a lengthy and legitimate quest for justice.” Nisman was due to testify Monday to Argentina’s Congress about his allegations. He never made it. On the eve of his testimony, the 51-year-old Nisman was found dead in his Buenos Aires apartment, shot in the head.
 Official Outsourcing of Security to Muslim Terrorists in Benghazi   
(Ben Barrack) - If there has been a U.S. Congressman whose behavior relative to the investigation of what happened in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, has been’s Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), the recently retired congressman and former chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI). According to John Shaw, former deputy undersecretary of defense to international technology security, the security company Rogers’ wife worked for as a high-ranking official, may provide more of those answers. As reported, shortly after Mr. Rogers became HPSCI Chairman in early 2011, the company she worked for (Aegis) began its work in Libya. What role Aegis played has to this point, been largely unclear. However, Shaw’s claims point to a trail of security outsourcing that ended up in the hands of February 17 Martyrs Brigade (F17MB), which provided security at the Benghazi Special Mission Compound (SMC) the night four Americans were murdered.
 House McCaul Bill Is Republicans Caving On Amnesty  
(Rick Wells) - A diversionary tactic to provide protective insulation from angry Americans will be “marked up” in the House Homeland Security Committee tomorrow and falsely an effective piece of legislation that will fulfill Republicans’ promise to secure the border and fight Hussein nObama’s illegal amnesty. It does none of that. What it does is attempt to perpetrate yet another fraud upon the American people, with our sovereignty and surrender to illegal foreign invaders hanging in the balance. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is the preeminent patriotic voice against the lawlessness of the executive branch and the multitude of complicit and corrupt members of Congress. He issued a statement today detailing just what is wrong with the proposal and why.
 nObama and UN Created Terror State in Libya  
(Alex Newman) - When the nObama administration and NATO, acting under the purported “authority” of a United Nations resolution, backed al-Qaeda-linked jihadist rebels and helped overthrow the regime of Moammar Gadhafi...a former U.S. terror-war ally, Libya was supposed to have been “liberated.” Instead, it spiraled into deeper and bloodier civil war, and has now essentially become a terror state — with groups ranging from the Islamic State (ISIS) to al-Qaeda openly roaming the capital and operating training centers across large swaths of the nation under their control. Libya today, following what analysts and even former U.S. generals described as nObama “switching sides” in the terror war, also features multiple self-styled “governments” battling each other for control over the ruins and traumatized survivors. Amid the chaos, it has become open season on Christians and journalists, too. And he wanted to do the same with Syria.
 nObama’s Bergdahl Deal, Treason, High Crimes And Misdemeanors  
(Rick Wells) - After claiming that deserter Bowe Bergdahl served his country with honor and distinction, the validation of those now obviously false claims has not slow in coming...The military investigation is supposedly complete, but the Army and the nObama regime are sitting on the results, with no information of any kind as to the results or the timetable of future actions being provided. Judge Andrew Napolitano says that, given this “president’s” personal involvement, the truth may never come out. He says, “The ‘president’s’ personal, personal involvement in the trade of Sgt Bergdahl for five Taliban leaders at Gitmo is so toxic, such a hot potato, I think he prefers that we never know exactly what happened.” He indicates it is possible that the government might never decide which crime it chooses to charge him with, from missing a roll call to treason or anywhere in between.
 Israel Braces for Retaliation After Airstrike in Syria  
( - Israel is bracing for potential attacks from Hizballah, after an airstrike in the Syrian Golan Sunday killed 11 members of the Hizballah-Iranian axis...The dead include Jihad Mughniyeh, a son of former Hizballah leader Imad Mughniyeh, Iranian General Mohamed Allahdadi and Mohammed Issa, the leader of Hizballah's operations in Syria and Iraq. In response, Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, warned of a "destructive" retaliatory actions against Israel and called for the destruction of the Jewish state. "The Zionists should await annihilating thunderbolts," Jafari told Iranian media. While on high alert in the north, Israel deployed several Iron dome anti-missile systems on the border in case Hizballah decides to launch rockets into Israel.
 Gohmert to Have Oversight of the Bureau of Land Management  
(Bob Price) - U.S. Representative Louie Gohmert (R-TX) was appointed chairman of the House Subcommittee for Natural Resources Oversight and Investigations...This subcommittee has, among other responsibilities, oversight of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Gohmert received the committee chairmanship despite his recent historic challenge to House Speaker John Boehner earlier this month. “It is an absolute privilege to represent the Lone Star State, more specifically east Texas, in the capacity of subcommittee chairman of such a relevant and responsible subcommittee,” Chairman Gohmert told Breitbart Texas. “This administration has hindered the United States’ ability to produce and manage our own vast resources, but I am really looking forward to helping the federal government become more responsible.”
 U.S. to Award Iran $11.9 Billion Through End of Nuke Talks  
(Adam Kredo) - The nObama administration on Wednesday paid $490 million in cash assets to Iran and will have released a total of $11.9 billion to the Islamic Republic by the time nuclear talks are scheduled to end in June, according to figures provided by the State Department...Today’s $490 million release, the third such payment of this amount since Dec. 10, was agreed to by the nObama administration under the parameters of another extension in negotiations over Tehran’s contested nuclear program that was inked in November. Iran will receive a total of $4.9 billion in unfrozen cash assets via 10 separate payments by the United States through June 22, when talks with Iran are scheduled to end with a final agreement aimed at curbing the country’s nuclear work, according to a State Department official. It sure seems like we are just giving and not receiving nothing in return.
Whiners & Sore Winners
Burt Prelutsky
     ( - Sometimes when I attack urban blacks, I worry that some pinheads will fail to understand that I am not tarring all black Americans. I’m certainly not referring to those who work hard, get married and raise their children to be good citizens. Obviously, I am not referring to the likes of Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Allen West, Condoleezza Rice, Tim Scott, Herman Cain, David Clarke, Mia Love, Ben Carson or Jason Riley.

     The ones I have in mind are the 95% of plantation blacks who vote for Democrats year in and year out, the ones who not only know which side of their bread is buttered, but know only too well who gave them the bread they didn’t have to work for or bake for themselves.

     Democrats are like those zombies in the movies who are constantly prowling the countryside looking for brains because they have none of their own. But that doesn’t matter to black voters, who understand the deal is that so long as they vote for liberals, they’ll be fed, housed and clothed, and not only will their mob violence be tolerated, but it will be encouraged by the likes of nObama, Holder and De Blasio.

     They’re also aware of the fact that the liberal media, in collusion with academia, will promote the false narrative that these scofflaws and human sloths are being persecuted by white society, when in fact they are being coddled by white taxpayers.

     Racial bias that favors blacks has become so endemic in America that I’m wondering if the Democrats haven’t cried “Wolf!” or, rather, “Racist!” once too often for their own good. There used to be a slogan popular during the Vietnam War that asked: “What if they threw a war and nobody came?” I think it’s time to revise it to read: “What if they cried ‘Racist!’ and for once nobody cowered?”

     Recently I wrote about a friend who said he would prefer it if I referred to the Democrat Party instead of calling it the Democratic Party. In my defense, I said that “Democrat Party” looks wrong to my eye and sounds wrong in my ear.

     A few of my mutinous readers let me know they agreed with my friend, pointing out that I unintentionally give the Democrats too much credit because there’s nothing democratic about them.

     In response, I said the mistake was theirs because there’s nothing all that wonderful about democracy. I realize that sounds like heresy, but the fact is that in Venezuela, Hugo Chavez won a democratic election; in Russia, Vladimir Putin did the same; the so-called Palestinians voted for Hamas; and here in the U.S., we elected a tyrant of our own. In fact, we did it twice.

     When it comes to voting, the truth is that most people just aren’t very good at it. What’s more, Democrats, in spite of being really awful at it, are so fond of voting, they often do it twice or three times in the same election.

     In the past, while I’ve never been a booster of backstabber John Boehner or Mitch McConnell, I have usually refrained from attacking them. After all, it is just possible that the Republicans who have to deal with them on a day to day basis like them for reasons I can’t possibly imagine. The worst I’ve ever said about either of them is that they don’t speak well on camera and neither is particularly adept at presenting the GOP position on the important issues. I usually summed it up by stating that what they lacked in smarts, they failed to make up for in charm and personality.

     But that was then and this is now. I can’t ignore the fact that backstabber Boehner is so thin-skinned that simply because 25 House Republicans either voted for others to be the majority leader or merely voted “Present,” he had a hissy fit. As a result of which, he decided to punish Florida congressman Daniel Webster for opposing him, and Florida congressman Richard Nugent for supporting Rep. Webster, by removing both of them from the powerful House Rules Committee.

     So much for those who insist that backstabber Boehner lacks a backbone. Like nObama, who only sticks to his guns when opposing Republicans, never when confronted by Syria, Russia or Iran, backstabber Boehner turns into a mighty warrior when confronting conservatives. The most pathetic part of all this is that backstabber Boehner faced very little resistance by his lickspittle colleagues, and easily won re-election. So, just in case you thought there was nothing worse than a sore loser, allow me to introduce you to crybaby backstabber John Boehner, who gives new meaning to “sore winner.”

     Recently Barack nObama invited Mexico’s President Enrique Nieto to the White House. Predictably, Nieto complimented nObama on granting legal status to five million illegal aliens through an unconstitutional executive edict.

     What does it say about the swamp known as Mexico that one presidente after another urges the U.S. to accommodate millions of their fleeing countrymen? Frankly, I wouldn’t object quite so much to the influx if it were a quid pro quo arrangement in which we accepted their illiterate peasants in exchange for our own ungrateful welfare junkies, but that deal, you’ll have noticed, is never on the table.

     Shame on Rudy Giuliani and the other politicians and bureaucrats who chided the New York cops who turned their backs on Mayor De Blasio at the funerals of the two assassinated police officers. They weren’t showing disrespect to their two fallen comrades or to their families, and we all knew it. In fact, I was reminded of the All Star baseball game in St. Louis a few years back when nObama figured he wouldn’t be booed if he rode out onto the field in a convertible seated next to Cardinal legend Stan “The Man” Musial. It helped some, but he still got razzed because the Cardinal fans, Mr. Musial and the rest of us, all knew for whom the booing was intended.

     Finally, I’m going to have to work on my timing. For years, dinkyHarry Reid took great pride in pushing nObamaCare down our throats and preventing any Republican legislation bound to embarrass his Senate colleagues or the president from even reaching the Senate floor. It took a while before I began hoping and praying that the schmuck would wind up in the hospital with broken bones and a concussion.

     It finally happened, but only after the midterm elections had transformed dinky Reid from being the second most powerful man in Washington into just another cranky old geezer from an inconsequential state that was put on the map by mobster Bugsy Siegel.

     Now I’m targeting backstabber John Boehner in my prayers. Let’s see how long his luck holds out.
Read more…

Thursday Morning - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
The “dead” TEA party movement makes
itself felt while media/Democrats/GOP-e
make believe it is gone
Kevin Coach Collins
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
Gov. Doug Ducey, R-Ariz., signed the American Civics Act making Arizona the first state to require high school students to pass 60 out of 100 questions on the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization civics test. The Arizona Republic reports that the class of 2017 will be the first group impacted by the new law. Students can start taking the test in eighth grade and are allowed to continue retaking it until they pass. The test is the same one immigrants take when seeking citizenship.  -Fox News 
 War Against ISIL Now in Europe  
After a violent Islamist took hostages at a Kosher market in France, European police traced the man's connections across Europe, arresting another man who wanted to buy a car from the jihadi's wife, and apprehending one more in Germany on suspicion that he had returned from Syria after fighting with ISIL. The investigation came to a head in the Belgium town of Verviers Friday, as Belgium police closed in on a group of jihadis about to launch a terrorist attack in that country. Belgian prosecutor Thierry Werts told reporters after the raid, "This operational cell of about 10 people, some of whom had returned from Syria, was on the point of launching significant terrorist attacks in Belgium. During the search, certain suspects immediately opened fire at special forces of the police with automatic weapons. They opened fire for several minutes. Two suspects were killed and a third was arrested." CNN now reports there may be 20 such "sleeper cells" across Europe, plotting eminent attacks. Because many of these jihadis are fighters who returned to their home countries after fighting for ISIL in the Middle East. In other words, the fear that ISIL would fragment and take their terror to the West is realized. More... 
-The Patriot Post 
 'Every Religion Has Its Dignity'?  
Pope Francis is no stranger to making waves with what he says, and his pronouncement regarding Islam, the jihadi attack on Charlie Hebdo and free speech is no exception. "One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people's faith, one cannot make fun of faith," the pope declared. "There is a limit. Every religion has its dignity." We take issue with a couple of things here. Let's start with "cannot" instead of "shouldn't." Certainly, people should be respectful in dialogue and debate, but free speech is a universal right worth defending -- even vulgar, unintelligent and pointless speech such as that produced by Charlie Hebdo. More to the point, not all religions have dignity. Any religion that kidnaps girls to deploy them as suicide bombers, that beheads innocent victims, that slaughters playwrights and cartoonists for expressing their beliefs, or that flies airliners into skyscrapers has no dignity-The Patriot Post 
 Duke Cancels Plans to Broadcast Muslim Prayer From Chapel  
Duke University prides itself in tolerance. This is probably why the university intolerantly canceled a talk on motherhood in 2010 because the university learned the speakers were pro-life. And then there was the time in 2013 when the open-minded academy kicked Chick-fil-A off campus because three people emailed the administration to complain about the restaurant after its CEO declared his support of traditional marriage. On the other hand, the spirit of inclusiveness compelled the university to announce it would broadcast the Muslim 1 p.m. call to prayer every Friday starting Jan. 16. But after the likes of Franklin Graham asked alumni to pull support from the school, the school backed down and announced that Muslim students will only gather in the quad before using the chapel for Friday prayer, sans an amplified call to prayer. Duke Vice President of Government Affairs Michael Schoenfeld told the Associated Press, "Duke remains committed to fostering an inclusive, tolerant and welcoming campus for all of its students. However, it was clear that what was conceived as an effort to unify was not having the intended effect." The problem for Duke is that they believe some faiths deserve more inclusivity and tolerance than others. More...   -The Patriot Post 
 Carter Official Slams nObama's Foreign Policy  
Foreign policy guru Leslie Gelb is no conservative -- he's the former assistant secretary of state for Jimmy Carter. Early on, Gelb championed Barack nObama's administration and the change it brought from the George W. Bush years. But now, the hope has faded. Late to the party, Gelb writes, "The failure of nObama or Loose Lips Biden to show up in Paris made clear that most of the president's team can't be trusted to conduct U.S national security policy and must be replaced -- at once. Here's why America's failure to be represented at the Paris unity march was so profoundly disturbing. It wasn't just because President nObama's or Vice President Loose Lips Biden's absence was a horrendous gaffe. More than this, it demonstrated beyond argument that the nObama team lacks the basic instincts and judgment necessary to conduct U.S. national security policy in the next two years. It's simply too dangerous to let Mr. nObama continue as is -- with his current team and his way of making decisions. America, its allies, and friends could be heading into one of the most dangerous periods since the height of the Cold War. Mr. nObama will have to excuse most of his inner core, especially in the White House." But even that won't be enough if nObama remains his old, stubborn self. Gelb adds, "In the end, making the national security system work comes down to one factor, one man -- Barack nObama." Indeed it does, and that's why we're in bad shape until at least 2017. Then again, Hanoi John Kerry took James Taylor to France to sing "You've got a friend," so that should fix it.  -The Patriot Post 
 Russian Defense Minister in Iran for Arms Pact Talks  
(Adam Kredo) - Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu is in Iran for high-level talks with Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei about boosting Tehran’s supply of submarines, torpedoes, and sea-based cruise missiles...according to Russian media reports and sources familiar with details of the talks. Shoigu, whose trip is being kept quiet with few details being released publicly, landed in Tehran on Monday to talk with Iranian leaders about “increasing defense cooperation and arms trade with the Islamic republic,” the Moscow Times reported. The talks will focus on Iran’s desire to purchase from Russia a slew of advanced military hardware that would significantly boost Tehran’s sea power, particularly in the Gulf of Oman, according to one source familiar with the substance of the talks.
 GOP: Articulate Republican values  
(David Limbaugh) - If we can’t have a wholly unified Republican Party, can the GOP at least agree on some major issues that are essential to the Republican brand and, more importantly, help to get this country back on the right track?...If we can’t come together on some of the basic issues that have always defined us, how do we effectively oppose President nObama’s ongoing destructive agenda? How do we sell ourselves in 2016 as not just a plausible but an imperative alternative? Part of our problem, especially in presidential races, is that too many among us are fearful that if they advocate truly conservative solutions, we’ll be scorned by the media, the PC culture, the finger-wagging Democratic Party and the liberal establishment and lose elections. They simply don’t believe in the power of our ideas anymore.
 Paul Krugman Rejected by His Peers  
(John C. Goodman) - Paul Krugman has become an embarrassment to the economics profession...Despite his Nobel Prize and despite his previous high regard in the profession, his twice-a-week editorials in The New York Times are causing even progressive economists to treat him as somewhat of a kook. Since 2011, the United States has followed what Krugman correctly calls a policy of “austerity.” For example, the federal budget deficit has declined from 8.4 percent of GDP in 2011 to a predicted 2.9 percent of GDP for all of 2014. All along the way Paul Krugman protested that such policies would prolong the recession and even push us into a “low-grade depression.” In fact the opposite occurred. As Jeffrey Sachs wrote the other day:
 nObama buys attention with other people's money  
( - With just two years left in the White House, President nObama faces a major challenge — not so much from Republicans as from the public at large...As Democrats look ahead to 2016 and imagine the coming campaign of a yet-to-be-chosen nominee, nObama risks being written off by all parties as irrelevant. Having now lost both houses of Congress, nObama has lost the platform from which he can set the agenda. Soon, his party will choose a new leader to move forward, and he will be a thing of the past. This means nObama must now go to greater lengths than before in order to assert his relevance and keep the attention of a weary public. To that end, his proposals are now beginning to match the worst stereotype of liberal policymaking — a stereotype often unfairly applied, but which certainly fits now. nObama's ideas are getting more expensive and more generous with other people's money, because that's what he believes it will take to keep the public's attention.
 Texas Islamic Protest Erupts  
(Bob Price) - The protest over the Honor the Prophet conference nearly turned violent as the two sides clashed over an incident in the parking lot. The incident occurred shortly after another heated verbal altercation occurred in the parking lot driveway that served as a demilitarized zone of sorts...The crowds from both sides had filled the driveway and the Muslim driver was attempting to exit the parking lot. He was blaring his horn in an inflammatory manner. One of the protesters placed a sign with the image of Muhammad under the front right tire of the vehicle and the driver stopped before running over the image.
 Fonda: Once a Traitor, Always a Traitor  
( - More than 40 years have passed since Jane Fonda made her trip to Hanoi in North Vietnam, but some wounds last a lifetime...As a liberal activist against the war, Fonda raised the ire of a generation of military men and women (to say nothing of patriotic Americans everywhere) when she decided to visit the enemy in the midst of combat. On her two-week tour of the country, Fonda visited villages, schools, factories, and hospitals. She met American prisoners of war, and – most damningly – posed for pictures atop an anti-aircraft battery. When the pictures, along with Fonda’s insistence that American soldiers had deliberately destroyed the Red River dike system, hit the media, the backlash was swift. Fonda was given the moniker “Hanoi Jane” and labeled a traitor. While younger generations are more likely to relate Fonda to Ted Turner, exercise videos, and the occasional movie role, many Vietnam veterans will always see her as the woman who spit in the face of the troops. That’s why 50 former members of the military and their supporters gathered outside the Weinberg Center for the Arts on Friday night to protest Fonda’s appearance.
 Is it Time for States to Ban Islam? 
(Jim White) - One high-profile blogger says it’s time to propose legislation to ban Islam. Tim Brown, of Freedom Outpost and Sons of Liberty Media, is no stranger to controversy....If you follow any of his widely published articles, or spend any time on the websites that Tim edits, you will quickly realize that Tim is, unapologetically, a devout Christian who backs his worldviews with Biblical truth. However, has Tim Brown gone too far this time?
 Muslims Want to Pass Shariah Law in Alabama Get Some Bad News  
( - A number of states have taken legislative action to guard their own courts and citizens against the use of a foreign codes of law like Shariah...Alabama just became one of those states by passing a popular amendment to their Constitution during the recent election, according to The Political Insider. The amendment, which prohibits the use of foreign codes of law in Alabama courts, passed overwhelmingly by a vote of about 72-28%. Of course, Muslim groups and suicidally tolerant liberals are going crazy about their religious rights and freedom being violated. But the new law doesn’t infringe on individual religious freedom at all and merely prevents lawyers from making arguments based on Shariah in Alabama courts.
 Reporter Mystified to Find ISIS is Evil 
(Tad Cronn) - Jurgen Todenhofer, who is believed to be the first Western reporter to live among Islamic State fighters and survive to share the tale, told al-Jazeera that he was surprised by the violence of ISIS...I know. Right? Todenhofer somehow managed to get himself a 10-day vacation among the “non-Islamic” Islamic Statesmen, bringing his son (!?!?!?) along with him as a cameraman. The real “insight” in the interview came when Todenhofer started blabbing about ISIS’s plan to exterminate infidels. “Something that I don’t understand at all is the enthusiasm in their plan of religious cleansing, planning to kill the non-believers. … They also will kill Muslim democrats because they believe that non-ISIL-Muslims put the laws of human beings above the commandments of God,” he said. “… They were talking about (killing) hundreds of millions. They were enthusiastic about it, and I just cannot understand that.”
 SF Bay Area To Consider Banning Backyard BBQing  
(Brian Anderson) - The problem is, the people of California’s Bay Area, which includes San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose, have too much damn freedom...Sure, they can’t express their 2nd Amendment rights, are banned from using plastic bags, and are forbidden to own butterflies but the liberals in charge still think the people’s freedoms are running rampant. With that in mind, a ban on backyard barbequing is being floated. The booming popularity of outdoor kitchens among homeowners in the San Francisco Bay Area has an increasing number of their neighbors coughing and hacking from the smoke, leading air-quality officials to consider tightening rules on wood-burning pizza ovens and smokers. It’s not just smokers and pizza ovens that are facing restrictions, but all wood or charcoal burning outdoor grills.
The “dead” TEA party movement makes
itself felt while media/Democrats/GOP-e
make believe it is gone
Kevin Coach Collins

     ( - Last week both the Republican and Democrat wings of the Uniparty celebrated another “defeat” of the TEA party movement with the re-election of backstabber John Boehner as the Speaker of House. After all, try as it might the TEA party movement was not able to muster the necessary votes to at least push the contest into an embarrassing second round. Closer examination suggests a very different reality.

     The rules of the House say that in an election for Speaker the person who gets the most votes of those actually present when the roll is called wins. Clearly this gives an advantage to an incumbent Speaker as he/she is in a position to work behind the scenes to lower the number of voting members.

     In a collaborative effort that brought both the Republican and Democrat wing of the Uniparty together, the Democrat leader, Nancy Pulosi allowed (more like instructed) 12 of her members to stay away using Mario Cuomo’s funeral as their excuse; even though it was the day before the vote. That would have given them plenty of time to get to Washington and vote, but of course they didn’t. That stunt, combined with a few legitimate weather problems, resulted in a voting poll that was reduced to 408 meaning backstabber Boehner really only needed 205 votes. Going into the vote the TEA party movement Republicans knew they could not derail backstabber Boehner yet 25 of them courageously voted against backstabber Boehner’s re-election.

     This small step forward was absolutely a function of the TEA party movement’s, grass roots activism that elected more conservatives and swung state after state legislature to the conservative side.        

     Perhaps the biggest victory the TEA party movement has scored lately is going completely ignored by the Democrat/media/GOPe and sadly enough the so-called conservative media as well.

      As part of Barack nObama’s sellout of the Cuban people, the Castro Brothers had to agree to release fifty three political prisoners. Initially they ignored this concession, but this week they finally caved in and let these brave Cuban patriots go.

     There can be no doubt whatsoever that if the TEA party movement did not deliver the stunning upsets it did in the Senate and increase the conservative presence in the House, not a single one of them would have been released. A dinky Harry Reid Senate would have turned their back on those people. This was a very sizable victory for our side and a smack in nObama’s face.

Not bad for a “dead” movement.

Get your free PDF of Coach’s book “Crooks Thugs& Bigots: the lost, hidden and changed history of the Democrat Party.” If you don’t know the truth all you’ll have are Democrat lies.

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Wednesday Afternoon -The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Hey, How's America's Rail Security Doing?
Michelle Malkin
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
Have you ever read Skip Gatesvery brief memoir of growing up segregated Mineral County, W.Va.? A lot of junk will be foisted upon readers today and this weekend as editors and writers use the Martin Luther King holiday as an excuse to commit unbecoming acts journalism. Given the fact that a movie about the Civil Rights movement is in theaters and that we are still in the shadow of another failed effort at a “national discussion” on race, you can brace yourself for a torrent of treacle and overstuffed sentiment. That’s not to say that there won’t be good, important things to read and see, it’s just that you will have to look closely to find them. But if you’d like to start with a fish in your creel, read Gates’ recollection of how things were to his eyes at the time. It is sometimes bracing, sometimes warm and funny and, most importantly, seemingly honest: “Civil rights took us all by surprise. Every night we’d wait until the news to see what ‘Dr. King and dem’ were doing. It was like watching the Olympics or the World Series when somebody colored was on. In 1957, when I was in second grade, black children integrated Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. We watched it on TV. All of us watched it. I don’t mean Mama and Daddy and Rocky. I mean all the colored people in America watched it, together, with one set of eyes.”  -Fox News 
 What’s the flight plan? -   WSJ: “As Republican Party leaders gather to plot their path back to the White House, their reactions to the prospect of a third campaign by Mitt Romney range from curiosity to deep skepticism…. [M]any GOP officials have the same question for him: How would it be different this time?…Mr. Romney’s loss led to a sweeping review of the 2012 campaign by the RNC, which recommended a top-to-bottom makeover in the party’s messaging, collection of voter data and outreach to women and minorities…Several RNC members at this week’s meeting said the party has made progress in addressing those concerns. They said Mr. Romney needs to offer his own prescriptions if he runs again…Other GOP leaders said younger candidates or those new to the national stage may be better suited to be the standard-bearer of a party trying to freshen its image.”  -Fox News 
WaPo: “Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker laid out a clear rationale for his prospective presidential candidacy and drew a sharp contrast with Hilly Rodham Clinton here Thursday night, saying the country needs new leaders with fresh ideas from outside of Washington…‘We took the power out of the hands of the big government special interests and put it in the hands of the hard-working taxpayers, and they [his opponents] didn’t like it,’ Walker said. “They were worried if we won, it would catch on. And I hope it will.” In a dinner speech to the Republican National Committee, Walker touted his record in Wisconsin and that of other Republican governors around the country as the GOP’s model for the 2016 presidential campaign. And just 24 hours before Mitt Romney, the party’s 2012 nominee, was due in San Diego to make his first public remarks since declaring his serious interest in a 2016 run, Walker argued that Republicans need ‘a new, fresh leader.’”  -Fox News 
Daily Caller: “As Islamic terrorists launch attacks across the globe, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal plans to call on Muslim leaders to publicly condemn these ‘acts of barbarism,’ declaring: ‘Let’s be honest here, Islam has a problem. If Islam does not support what is happening in the name of Islam, then they need to stand up and stop it,’ Jindal says in prepared remarks released by his office ahead of his Monday speech in London. ‘Many Islamic leaders argue that these are the acts of a radical few.’ ‘I will warn you in advance that I’m going to say some things that are not politically correct, so brace yourselves,’ Jindal, a potential Republican candidate for president, will say at the Henry Jackson Society on Monday.”
          #mediabuzz - Host Howard Kurtz will continue to have some of the best coverage of the media response to the attack by Islamist militants on Paris magazine Charlie Hebdo, but you also don’t want to miss what promises to be a spicy and smart discussion about the political press as The Daily Beast’s Jackie Kucinich and Washington Examiner’s Susan Ferrechio will look at the negative media feedback surrounding Mitt Romney moving toward a 2016 candidacy. Watch “#mediabuzz” Sunday at 11 a.m. ET, with a second airing at 5 p.m.  -Fox News 
 Just About Everybody In Health Care Is Ripping Off The Govt  
(John C. Goodman) - When patients pay for care with their own money, doctors and hospitals tend to vigorously compete on the basis of cost, quality and access to care...But when medical bills are paid by third-parties (insurance companies, employers and government), providers will tend to deliver care in the way that gets the most money out of the bureaucratic payment formulas. You would think that this fact would be prima facie obvious. Yet every once in a while we get a new government report that expresses surprise that the provider community acts in its own financial self-interest.
 Asra Nomani, A Muslim Woman, Exposes the Islamic Shut Down  
(Sara Noble) - A Washington Post article written by a Muslim woman, Asra Q. Nomani, exposes a movement that she says silences all debate on extremist ideology in order to protect the image of Islam...Even reasonable, well-documented critiques, she said are met with “hideous, disproportionate responses.” The movement is known as the “ghairat brigade.” If the goal is to protect the image of Islam, it’s having the opposite effect. More and more think most who follow Islam are extremists. If true, this certainly would explain the silence coming from the Muslim community when extremists go on rampages.
 France's Moment of Truth  
(Michel Gurfinkiel) - The jihadist killing spree in Paris last week has been described as "France's 9/11" by Le Monde, the French liberal daily newspaper. Indeed, just like the American 9/11 fourteen years ago, it was a moment of truth...for France as a nation, for the French political class and — last, but certainly not least — for French Jews. The question, however, is not so much whether one sees the truth or not, but rather what one is supposed to do once truth has been seen. America's instincts after its own 9/11 were sound: it understood that it was in a state of war and that it had to react accordingly, but it wavered about what war to wage and what strategy to follow. As a result, the War On Terror, in spite of considerable American and Western investment, pugnacity, and heroism, has been largely inconclusive and even, in many respects, a failure. Likewise, whatever the emotional or philosophical impact of the present French 9/11, either in France or abroad, it is not clear whether it will translate — or can translate — into adequate policies.
 Romney Rips Hilly to Shreds in Just 3 Sentences  
( - Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney had some hard words for President Barack nObama — but they were more likely aimed at the presumed 2016 Democrat candidate for the presidency, Hilly Clinton...In fact, he really needed only three sentences to rip Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state to shreds. “The results of the Hilly Clinton, Barack nObama foreign policy have been devastating,” Romney said. “Terrorism is not on the run. As a matter of fact, the radical violent jihadists in their various forms are terrorizing and brutalizing people all over the world, just in the last several days.”
 nObama's other weapon to cripple Congress  
(Garth Kant) - President nObama’s use of executive actions to govern while bypassing Congress is well known, particularly after his move in November to grant amnesty to 5 million illegal immigrants...What is perhaps not as well-known is the president’s increasingly frequent use of a second powerful tool to go around Congress – regulations. And those regulations, often carrying the full force of law, are written by unelected bureaucrats working in departments overseen by the administration. “The reason that matters is because as bright and hard-working and well-intentioned as our friends in the executive branch bureaucracies might be, they don’t work for you,” U.S. Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, told WND.
 Abbas Claims Hamas and Israel Agreed on 'Palestine' in Sinai  
(Ari Yashar) - Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas unleashed vitriolic invective on his unity partner Hamas, the terrorist organization ruling Gaza, claiming on Saturday that it had reached secret agreements with create a Palestinian state in Gaza and the Sinai Peninsula. Hamas "is still seeking its old dream of an independent Islamic state in Gaza, which matches the plans of many countries who work against the interests of Palestine," Abbas claimed to Al-Bawaba, as cited by the Palestinian Arab Ma'an News Agency.
 Afghan villager who saved Navy SEAL in hiding, seeking US asylum  
(Maxim Lott) - An Afghan villager who saved a Navy SEAL and was portrayed in a Hollywood film faces death threats from the Taliban and is having a tough time getting permission to come to the U.S., according to his lawyer...Mohammad Gulab's ordeal began in 2005, when Marcus Luttrell and three fellow Navy SEALs were ambushed by Taliban fighters in Afghanistan. A fierce fight left three dead and Luttrell, the only American survivor, with a broken back and several shrapnel wounds. Luttrell credits Gulab with saving his life, as the Afghan brought the wounded soldier into his home and protected him from the Taliban until U.S. reinforcements arrived.
 Ted Cruz at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention  
( - Ted Cruz gave a fantastic speech at the South Carolina Tea Party Convention yesterday and you can watch the full speech below...
 Americans EVACUATE country under terrorist threat  
( - Back in September nObama was really reaching when he tried to reassure the American public about hos competent he is in battling the terrorist threat of ISIS in Iraq...Specifically, he cited the country of Yemen as a success in counter-terrorism, and a model for Syria and Iraq. Four months later, Americans are evacuating from that same country under terrorist threat. But will any “journalist” challenge nObama’s incompetence in foreign policy at all? All signs point to NO.
 Iran Promises ‘Crushing Response’ to Israeli Strike  
(Adam Kredo) - Iran on Monday promised that Hezbollah would deliver “crushing response” to the Israeli attack over the weekend, which killed six Iranian agents, including a top-level commander, and five Hezbollah members... “The experience of the past shows that the resistance current will give a crushing response to the Zionist regime’s terrorist moves with revolutionary determination and in due time and place,” Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), was quoted as saying. The Israeli strike came just days after Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah declared that the terror group was preparing for a war in Israel’s northern Galilee region. It also occurred just a week after Iranian military leaders announced that they are operating missile sites in Syria, which potentially include a nuclear facility.
Hey, How's America's Rail Security Doing?
Michelle Malkin

     With vengeance-seeking global jihadists on the loose here and around the world, now is a good time to ask (again):

Are we ready for a nefarious terrorist attack on our train and transit lines?

     Smoke and fire plagued two of the nation's major metro rail stations this week, raising justified questions about safety and preparedness. On Monday, one person died and 84 fell ill after heavy smoke filled the L'Enfant Plaza Metro in Washington, D.C. Officials believe an "electrical arcing event" caused the lethal Beltway incident. A probe into the cause of the arcing -- as well as an investigation into evacuation delays that trapped hundreds of passengers -- is underway.

     On Tuesday, an estimated 150 New York Fire Department personnel responded to a three-alarm fire at Penn Station that started before 2:30 a.m. Two firefighters suffered injuries battling the Big Apple blaze, which was initially deemed "suspicious" and then "accidental." Worth noting: A militant ISIS sympathizer published multiple threats on Twitter a few hours before the fire, warning that "tomorrow New York will burn" and predicting a "3:00 a.m. bomb."

     Whatever the causes of these two incidents, Americans need to know whether homeland security bureaucrats are doing their jobs -- or hitting their over-worn government snooze buttons.

     Jihadi rail attacks have been a domestic and worldwide threat for more than 15 years, from the 1997 NYC subway-bombing plot to New Delhi, Mumbai, Chechnya, Madrid and London. Since 9/11, there have been 1,800 worldwide terrorist attacks on surface transport systems, which have claimed 4,000 innocent lives. Jihadi mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, whose Gitmo classmates have been released in droves by the nObama administration, told interrogators in 2003 of al-Qaida's plot to target the D.C. metro rail system.

     In 2010, Afghan-born jihadist Najibullah Zazi pleaded guilty to terrorism charges after plotting to bomb New York subways with devices similar to the ones used in the 2005 London rail attacks. And last year, two al-Qaida-supported terrorists were arrested after plotting to bomb and derail Canada's national train service between Toronto and New York City's Penn Station.

     The U.S. General Accounting Office has issued copious rail security recommendations since at least 2004-2005. What has the Transportation Security Administration done with all those reports? Not much, as far as I can tell.

     It's been nearly three years since the GAO last concluded that TSA was failing to collect and analyze rail security threat data. The audit found that oversight and enforcement of transit security measures were "inconsistent" and inspections so spotty that "three of 19 rail agencies GAO contacted were not inspected from January 2011 through June 2012, including a large (unnamed) metropolitan rail agency."

     The Department of Homeland Security "accepted" the recommendations, but issued no timeframe to address the deficiencies. Capitol Hill and the White House have been far too preoccupied with legalizing millions of illegal aliens in the name of homeland security to follow up.

     Meanwhile, Amtrak remains bogged down in union politics and crony business as usual. As I first reported in 2009, the nObama administration quietly gutted the nation's most highly trained post-9/11 counterterrorism rail security team, Amtrak's Office of Security Strategy and Special Operations (OSSSO).

     The elite unit -- whose members came from U.S. Special Forces, counter-terrorism and other military service -- was disbanded in a power play with powerful labor leaders angered over its non-union status. Team nObama also pushed out former Amtrak Inspector General Fred Weiderhold, who played an instrumental role in creating OSSSO's predecessor at Amtrak, the Counter-Terrorism Unit. Weiderhold had blown the whistle on financial improprieties and called out the administration's interference with his watchdog probes.

     Eleanor Acheson, Amtrak's general counsel and longtime crony pal of Vice President Loose Lips Joe Biden, remains in her post despite a congressional probe and the Transportation Department inspector general's conclusion that she "unlawfully interfered" with Weiderhold's investigative work. Sources tell me that Acheson's law department continues to be rife with contract favoritism, shady billing practices and partisan pocket-lining.

     Rest assured: America's top rail officials are hard at work -- protecting themselves, their jobs and their bottom lines. All aboard!

Read more…

Wednesday Morning - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
"nObama's Racist Pointman"
Burt Prelutsky
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
 Will GOP Fight Amnesty?  
Following in the footsteps of Hanoi John Kerry's famous "I was for it before I was against it" approach to governing, House Republicans voted Wednesday to defund Barack nObama's amnesty plan -- that is, after they voted in December to fund it. Lacking the anatomical necessities required to take a stand against the president's abuse of the executive office, Republican leadership last year opted to support nObama's amnesty plan through the "CRomnibus" bill that funded through Feb. 27 the Department of Homeland Security -- the agency responsible for carrying out nObama's immigration action. They justified the vote with the promise that, come this year, they'd vote to defund amnesty. Forever the optimists, they apparently believed Santa would bring them their long-lost backbone for Christmas. With February looming, Republican leadership has decided to drum up some courage and vote to halt the egregious executive overreach. And they're serious this time. No, really. Honest. Sort of. Well, maybe. Okay, maybe not so much.  -The Patriot Post
 A Bolt of Enlightening  
One might think that with the phenomenal "success" of the Chevrolet Volt gas-electric car -- for the record, that's sarcasm -- we wouldn't see another General Motors (GM) foray into the quicksand of failed eco-car ventures for quite some time. Unfortunately, in the Kafka-esque world wrought by Barack nObama, one would be wrong. The perverse system of incentives and penalties set up by the economic rubes within the current regime is simply too strong for automakers to ignore. Witness GM's buffoonerific redux of its electric Edsel, the Volt, recast with a new, totally-thinking-out-of-the-box name, the ... ... "Bolt." Yeah. That's what we thought, too. To be sure, the Bolt promises to deliver a 200-mile-per-charge range, considerably better than the anemic 38-mile range of its impotent older brother. But at a time when gas prices have plummeted, putting another government-subsidized (to the tune of $7,500 per vehicle) eco-pipedream on the road doesn't seem to make sense -- or does it? We've lamented on numerous occasions this administration's willful disregard of economic reality in lieu of Pollyanna visions of zero-fuel-emission tomorrows and social-engineering agendas. This mindset is what brought GM to its knees before nObama's $10 billion auto industry bailout, resulting in its cynical renaming by the public as "Government Motors." But it gets worse: This delusion is also the reason domestic auto companies like GM produce things like the Volt and its progeny in the first place. 
-The Patriot Post
We are told that President nObama promised his fellow Democrats in the Senate, who huddled this week in Baltimore to contemplate life in the minority, that he is “going to play offense” against the Republican-controlled Congress. This is hardly surprising, given that his response to every political setback in his presidency has been to escalate his conflict with his political rivals. Remember that this is a president who, even when he was riding high at the start of his term, has made it a priority to break and remake the Republican Party, opponents his top communications adviser said were not “worthy” of the moment. At every inflection point, nObama has sought to change his opponents, but shown little interest in changing how he, his administration or his party operates. This effort promises to be as much of a failure as all of the prior tries.  -Fox News
 Consider this:   What would motivate a person to release from a prison camp Yemeni Islamist militants – battle hardened veterans – at the very moment the world is coming to grips with an audacious raid by Yemeni Islamist militants? Surely the president did not mean to further antagonize grieving allies. And surely he did not intend to further frighten an American public that our polls show to be deeply worried about Islamist raids and deeply skeptical of his commitment to the cause of stopping them. And now we see that terrorism has risen to the top of the stack of public concerns.
           It seems more likely his intention was to send a message to Republicans in Congress who stated more clearly their goal to prevent the president from closing the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay. Much as we saw in summer of 2014 when the president continued to try to downplay the threat from ISIS, one suspects that public outrage will force a course correction for this administration soon as Democrats in Congress feel the heat from their own constituents. As the president tries to keep America focused on his agenda, Americans will be demanding that he focus on theirs.  -Fox News
 nObama to seek 7 percent spending hike -   Bloomberg: “President Barack nObama will ask Congress for as much as $68 billion more than current budget limits in fiscal 2016, according to two people familiar with the administration’s proposal. The request sets up a fight with the Republican-led House and Senate over whether to reverse part of the spending limits that the U.S. Congress and the White House agreed to in fiscal deals earlier this decade.”
          [‘We need to close the revolving door…’ - WashEx: “Former nObama economic adviser Gene Sperling has joined the investment firm PIMCO as an economic policy adviser…”] 
-Fox News
 ISIS Cell Busted in Israel  
(Uzi Baruch and Tova Dvorin) - The Israel Security Agency (ISA or Shin Bet) has arrested seven Israeli Arabs, residents of the Galilee, for setting up an official Islamic State (ISIS) affiliate branch in Israel, it was cleared for publication Sunday...The Shin Bet said that the seven admitted that over the last year they had formed a Salafi jihadi group, which they later aligned with ISIS. One of them also admitted to purchasing weapons to commit terror attacks on Israelis, specifically against the security establishment and the Druze community, in ISIS's name. Several more Galilee residents were arrested in this context.
 The Kelly File  
( - What is America's strategy for fighting the war on terror? Ret. Gen. Jack Keane weighs in...
 The O'Reilly Factor  
( - Barack nObama, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Islam...
 nObama Calls for $320 Billion in New Taxes 
(Ryan Ellis) - On Saturday night the White House leaked the major tax hike details of the president's upcoming budget. The common theme is higher taxes on savings and investment, totaling $320 billion over the next ten years... "Democrats are demanding, yet again, tax increases on America. This never ends. When it comes to tax hikes Democrats are like a teenage boy on a prom date: they keep asking the same question different ways but always to the same point," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. Here are the major tax increases in the President's upcoming budget:
 nObama Moves to Advance U.N. Gun Ban Treaty  
(Dan Weber of NRA-ILA) - When Barack nObama signed the U.N. Gun Ban Treaty last year, he invited global gun banners to carve up our constitutional freedom...Now nObama is using the full force of the international community to pressure our U.S. Senators into replacing our Second Amendment rights with U.N.-style gun control. Earlier this year, nObama conspired with the European Union to issue an international declaration demanding immediate “disarmament and arms control” under the United Nations Gun Ban Treaty.
 We Shouldn’t Use “Islamic Terrorists” It Could Lead To Violence 
(Walid Shoebat) - Occupy Wall Street supporter and Democratic congressman from Oakland, Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) is suddenly concerned about preventing violence. During the OWS protests, her city was perhaps the most violent of all and she helped fan the flames...In 2009, Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) cheered the appointment of Marxist Van Jones as nObama's Green Jobs czar. Lee was also one of the 70 members of Congress registered with the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) caucus, essentially outing herself as a communist. Communism is among the most violent and murderous of ideologies in existence. Nonetheless, when Lee was asked whether the nObama administration was right to avoid identifying Islamic terrorism as such, Lee fully embraced the idea and showed unmitigated support for nObama.
 Egypt Warns U.S. About CAIR's Brotherhood Links  
( - An Egyptian government website features a warning that the Muslim Brotherhood has a lobby in the U.S. disguised as civil society organizations...The United Arab Emirates has made similar statements and the U.S. Justice Department has confirmed the existence of a Muslim Brotherhood branch in America. The Egyptian government’s State Information Service has an entire section devoted to documenting the violence and terrorism of the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt is furious with the U.S. for its stance on the Brotherhood. President El-Sisi told the Washington Post in December 2013, then as Defense Minister, that the U.S. has turned its back on Egypt and is misunderstanding the Islamist group.
 Germany bans anti-Islamization rally, citing jihad terror threat  
(Robert Spencer) - Muhammad Atta told the passengers on the flight he hijacked on September 11, 2001: “Stay quiet and you’ll be OK.” They weren’t. Nor will the Germans be: even if they silence protests against jihad terror, jihad terror will still come at them...German police banned a planned rally by the anti-Islamic PEGIDA movement and other public open-air gatherings in the eastern city of Dresden Monday, citing a terrorist threat. Dresden police said Sunday they had received information from federal and state counterparts indicating a “concrete threat” against the right-wing populist group “Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the Occident.”
 It's the President’s Policies—Not His Team’s Vision  
(Roger Aronoff ) - It’s been a gradual process, but we welcome former New York Times columnist Leslie Gelb to the realization that President Barack nObama’s leadership has been disastrous for this country...Last October Gelb wrote, “While nObama inherited rather than caused many of the world’s current crises, his habitual complacency and passivity prevent him from mitigating or resolving them.” By November, Gelb had scathing criticism for nObama, writing for The Daily Beast that “The leak suggests that Mr. nObama remains blind to the principal cause of his foreign policy woes… he is the person most responsible for the absence of a U.S. foreign policy strategy, for policy zigs and zags, and for the loss of credibility and power. The essential fault lies not with the stars around him, however dim, but with himself.”
 Don’t ignore the writing on the wall  
(Yoram Ettinger) - In 539 B.C.E., Babylonian King Belshazzar ignored the writing on the wall — as interpreted by the Prophet Daniel — and was, therefore, annihilated by the Persians (Daniel 5)...In 2015, Western civilizations must read the writing on the wall, desist from ambiguity, denial and political correctness and embrace clarity, realism and political incorrectness, in order to survive and overcome the clear and present lethal threat of Islamic takeover, which is gathering momentum via demographic, political and terroristic means.History proves that Western ambiguity and the refusal to identify enemies — due to ignorance, gullibility, oversimplification, appeasement, delusion and wishful thinking — have taken root, yielding major strategic setbacks and painful economic and human losses. When it comes to reading the writing on the wall, Western eyesight has been far from 20:20, dominated by modern day Belshazzars, ignoring modern day Daniels.
"nObama's Racist Pointman"
Burt Prelutsky
     ( - I know know that even six years into his presidency there are people who still see nObama in the exact same way he was presented to us in 2008 -- as the great uniter of blacks and whites. But, then, there are those who also approve of his foreign policy in the Middle East. Sometimes you merely have to accept innate stupidity as a part of the human condition and move on.

     Among the legion of disasters one can lay at nObama’s feet, the racial antagonisms he has fostered might well stand out as his greatest failing. That’s because it’s the one he could have most easily avoided.

     On other issues, one could, to a greater or lesser degree, blame his partisan politics. But because he was black, when it came to the racial divide, he was in the unique position of being able to bridge it in ways that no other president could. But instead of using the bridge, he blew it to smithereens by appointing one unrepentant racist, Eric Holder, to head up the Justice Department and he made another, Al Sharpton, his consigliore on racial matters.

     Sharpton gained his initial fame back in the 1980s using the lies of a black teenage girl, Tawana Brawley, to denounce the NYPD. For those too young to remember, Ms. Brawley was afraid that her mother would ground her if she found out that Tawana had spent the weekend making whoopee with her boyfriend. So, instead, she concocted a sordid tale about being tossed in a trash dumpster after being raped by six New York City cops.

     The lies worked to his advantage then and Sharpton has seen no reason to change his ways. He has merely revised the narrative. Back then, his stooge was a sexually precocious teenager; today, he uses a couple of black thugs as the innocent victims of police brutality in his tale of woe. But the motive now, as it was then, is simply to promote Al Sharpton as the conscience and spokesperson for black America.

     For reasons I can’t fathom, race hustlers like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are catnip for the media. Although they both speak as if their mouths, along with their brains, were full of mush, they have been the go-to guys on matters of race for the past several decades. In spite of his deficiencies as a public speaker, Sharpton even gets to host his own show on MSNBC. The fact that nobody watches MSNBC is no excuse, and his bosses at NBC shouldn’t be allowed to use that as an alibi for providing the putz with a megaphone.

     When in December, Sharpton hosted an anti-police demonstration in Washington, D.C., he actually flew arsonist Joshua Williams, whom most of us had last seen on TV burning down the Quik Trip market in Berkeley, Missouri, so that he could address his fellow thugs.

     Although Sharpton owes his current prominence to the likes of nObama and NY Mayor Bill De Blasio, he owes far more to Jesse Jackson. It was Jackson, after all, who taught him all he knows about corporate extortion.

     At present, Sharpton is being paid by Colgate-Palmolive, Anheuser-Busch, Macy’s, Pfizer, Pepsi, GM, Walmart, Chase, Verizon, McDonald’s and MGM, among a great many other companies, for what the mob used to call “protection.” When Al Capone got paid off, it was to prevent a bomb being tossed through a tavern window. When Jackson receives a corporate donation to his Rainbow Coalition or Sharpton gets a donation to his National Action Network, it’s to prevent having a bunch of black stiffs parading for the TV cameras in front of their headquarters, claiming the companies engage in racist policies.

     And because Sharpton gets to sit next to Barack nObama more often than Michelle does might also explain why he is still walking around a free man even though he’s in arrears to the IRS to the tune of $4.5 million.

     For me, the biggest surprise is that Sharpton, who was a roly-poly guy back in the 1980s and is now so tiny he looks as if his neck is too skinny to hold up his head, never thought to market the Sharpton Diet. The change has been so dramatic, the weight loss so astounding, I thought at times he might actually disappear altogether. But, alas, that was only wishful thinking.

     But that’s not my only wish when it comes to one of America’s three most odious race hustlers. My other wish, far-fetched as it might be, would be for all those companies who are currently being bled by Sharpton to receive thousands of angry letters and phone calls from customers threatening to take their business elsewhere if they continue to pay a shakedown artist who knows everything there is to know about extortion, except, that is, how to spell the word or pronounce it.
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Tuesday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
United in Victimhood?
Jews And Muslims Alike
Fear Religious Backlash In France
Alessandria Masi  
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 Leftmedia Self-Censors to Appease Violent Islamists  
The Leftmedia's resolve to uphold the freedom of speech buckled this week as, one by one, television news stations reported on the latest Charlie Hebdo edition featuring a weeping Muhammad but did not show the cover. (We haven't shown the cover for the simple reason that it's lousy and even phallic.) NBC's "Today" and ABC's "Good Morning America" told its viewers what to think of the image that they didn't show, describing the front page as "a triumph for free speech." SkyNews went so far as to reprimand a writer for Charlie Hebdo when she tried to show the image during a live interview. As she held up the paper, the station cut away and the anchor said, "We at SkyNews have chosen not to show that cover, so we'd appreciate it, Caroline, not showing that." He continued, "I do apologize, for any of our viewers who may have been offended by that." CNN digressed even further when its religion editor, Daniel Burke, compared the Muslim communities in France to the community in Ferguson, Missouri. "There is a prevailing feeling in France among many Muslims that they are not treated as part of the state at large," Burke complained. Pandering to violent extremism is only one sign that our culture's moral fortitude has begun to decay.  -The Patriot Post
 White House Proposes Methane Regs  
Barack nObama's Environmental Protection Agency spent most of its first six years targeting CO2 emissions. In a move clearly intended to snarl the energy sector, the White House this week formally proposed methane gas regulations, reports The Washington Times: "nObama on Wednesday put forth long-awaited regulations on methane emissions, setting an ambitious goal of reducing those emissions by 45 percent over the next decade and again drawing the ire of many in the energy industry." There's no denying that methane, a byproduct of hydraulic fracturing -- the technique often used to extract oil or natural gas from the earth -- is a far more potent greenhouse gas than CO2. But as we wrote last month, years before the natural gas boom, environmentalists heralded natural gas as the solution to America's energy problems. It's cleaner than oil, it's plentiful and it's easy to reach. But now that we are actually harvesting more energy, the environmental lobby wants to shut it down. Moreover, a recent study revealed that there are few methane leaks from fracking. If you're looking to point a finger, much of the blame lies with, yes, cows passing gas. What are Democrats going to come up with next? A plan to regulate nature? Oh, wait...  -The Patriot Post
 Cost of Government Regulations Predicted to Rise  
According to Wayne Crews of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, government regulation will cost Americans $1.882 trillion in 2015. Now that nObama has ushered in the era of the imperial presidency, much of this cost will be hidden in executive orders and rule-making. "Regulations plus interventions, bans, gov't-steering-while-the-market-rows and the like may have impacts greater than government spending, but it is not monitored and disclosed like government spending, and accountability is abysmal," writes Crews. "Unmeasured costs, and in particular, 'regulatory dark matter,' the 'costs of benefits' and citizens' loss of liberty imply that if we're missing regulation, we are missing the biggest part of government's role in the economy, perhaps society itself." At least we have low gas prices -- until some lawmaker decides he or she thinks the American people can afford a higher gas tax. More...   -The Patriot Post
 Bill de Blasio Forgets Definition of Citizen  
Ever since last February, disgraced New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has been trying to make the Big Apple welcoming to immigrants -- regardless of legal status. Now, he's giving out rights a mayor has no power to grant. NPR writes, "New Yorkers 14 and older can now join the largest municipal identification program in the country. De Blasio said renting an apartment, opening a bank account and entering a school building will now be easier for the city's estimated half-million unauthorized immigrants. 'We don't want any of our fellow New Yorkers to feel like second-class citizens. We don't want them to feel left out,' he said." Wait... Illegals are second-class citizens? It must be hard for them come voting season. Using de Blasio's logic, we're rude if we don't let people who disrespect our laws determine the course of the country. More...  -The Patriot Post
 Marines Capture Would-Be Robber Without Messing Up Uniforms  
Three Marines foiled an attempted robbery that happened outside a Washington state recruiting office Jan. 6, detaining one perpetrator -- without even ruining the blue dress uniforms they were wearing. A 60-year-old woman was getting into her truck when two men approached her, told her she was being robbed and that they had a gun. The woman replied that she was an ex cop and put up a fight. The suspects fled, but not before the commotion attracted the attention of Staff Sgt. Bryson Twigg, Sgt. Ricardo Schebesta and Staff Sgt. Ben Shoemaker inside the nearby Lynnwood recruiting office. The three tore after the suspects. "That kid was never going to outrun me," Shoemaker told KIRO-TV. "Marines run towards the sound of chaos." Shoemaker, who faced combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, told the New York Daily News he didn't care if the suspects had a gun. "I've been shot at before. It's not as bad as everyone thinks. Most people miss." When he caught up with Diego Tavares, 19, Shoemaker wasn't about to tackle him. "I was wearing my dress blues. I was not going to the ground," he said. Instead, he placed Tavares in an arm bar until the police could arrive. Later, police would discover that Tavares was armed with a baseball bat he hid inside his pants. Another reason to be thankful for the few and the proud. Semper Fi! More...  -The Patriot Post
 Planned Parenthood kills 1,000 times as many blacks as cops do  
(Bryan Fischer) - The facts say Planned Parenthood terminated the lives of 117,955 black babies in 2013. The previous year, cops killed 123 black men. Um ... maybe something should be done about Planned Parenthood?...According to Black Genocide, Planned Parenthood situates 78 percent of its abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods. It's almost as if Planned Parenthood is targeting black and brown babies. And perhaps it is. Margaret Sanger, the founder of PP, shockingly said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." She created the Negro Project to sterilize unwitting black women and others she considered undesirable. Her motto was grotesque as well as Hitler-esque: "More children from the fit, less from the unfit." This just show you that the rioting that is happening across America is a lie and misleading. Wake up black people.
 Ex-Gitmo detainee leads contingent of ISIS fighters in Afghan 
(Thomas Joscelyn) - A former Guantanamo detainee, Mullah Raouf Khadim, is reportedly leading a contingent of Islamic State fighters in Afghanistan's southern province of Helmand...Khadim's role was first reported by The Wall Street Journal and the Associated Press (AP). Raouf had served as a top Taliban military leader until he and his allies lost an internal power struggle, paving the way for him to switch allegiances. "A number of tribal leaders, jihadi commanders and some ulema [religious leaders] and other people have contacted me to tell me that Mullah Raouf had contacted them and invited them to join him," the AP quoted Gen. Mahmood Khan, an Afghan military official, as saying.
 The Islamist Threat to European Security  
(Leslie Lebl) - Growing Muslim populations in Europe affect European security in a variety of ways from changes in voting patterns and military the proliferation of Islamist groups espousing goals antithetical to Western values and interests; to the development of no-go zones where traditional Islamic law, or Shari'a, is replacing Western law; to Islamist attempts to influence and exploit European policies toward conflicts in the Muslim world. America be aware of what is happening in Europe is starting to happen here.
 Al Qaeda Turncoat: 'Sleeper Cells Are Waking Up Now'  
(TheRightScoop - Fox News) - An al Qaeda turncoat who claims to have led the CIA to Anwar al-Awlaki was on “The Kelly File” to warn of sleeper cell threats...
 Is nervous nObama White House holding Bergdahl report hostage?  
(Lt. Col. Bill Cowan (ret.)) - Last Sunday, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, indicated that he expected a decision “fairly soon” on whether the Army will court martial Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for allegedly deserting his post in Afghanistan...or has cleared him, paving the way for separation from the service and back pay in excess of $200,000. Moreover, a decision to clear Bergdahl may well open the door for him to be designated a former prisoner of war, ensuring him substantial monthly pay, medical and educational benefits for the rest of his life. To those who have followed all angles of Bergdahl’s case, it appears the Army has a true dilemma on its hands, as does the nObama administration. By now the investigating team has done an in-depth look into the circumstances surrounding Bergdahl’s disappearance from his post, has probably interviewed every witness with credible information, has looked at every piece of physical evidence and has reviewed hundreds of classified intelligence reports regarding his captivity. Its conclusions are long overdue.
 Success In Garland, Texas  
( - - I never call Pamela after a rally to “see how it went,” but this one was different. I was nervous about this one because if 100 people showed up, particularly while her site is in the midst of a uniquely large DDoS might’ve knocked a bit too much wind out of the counter-jihad sails. No suck luck for the anti-freedom Muslims “Standing For Their Intolerant Prophet” in Garland. The counter-rally was a huge success.
 Jeanine Pirro: “We’re Not Winning The War On Terror”  
(nicedeb) - Jeane Pirro took the opportunity to blast the president’s “strategy” for the global war on terror, starting with his insistence on emptying Gitmo at a time when Islamic terrorism is on the rise and replenishing the enemy... “ISIS is bigger, richer, and more determined than it’s ever been,” Pirro lamented. “I believe that without the will to destroy the enemy, without the purpose of winning at all costs, we simply cannot and will not succeed.” Pirro listed off an impressive array of unfortunate policies that have been adopted by the nObama Regime.
 George Soros: The Man Behind Ferguson  
( - According to a blockbuster new expose from the Washington Times, however, that’s not the case at all. The protests that eventually gave way to the larger, nationwide Black Lives Matter movement were funded, in large part, by liberal billionaire George Soros...The man behind has donated more than $30 million to groups that turned a small St. Louis suburb into a flashpoint for America’s latest conversation about race and justice. Soros’ Open Society Foundation played a key role in organizing protests on the ground in Ferguson, sponsoring small-scale movements with national social media campaigns. Other groups funded by Soros spent their days monitoring American media to make sure they didn’t miss anything else they could use to their advantage. By dragging in largely-unrelated cases and comments, the groups were able to keep the media interested in the protests, fueling the ongoing movement long beyond its natural expiration date. The growing protests in the streets of Ferguson were made up not of town residents, says the Washington Times, but of bussed-in activists from groups like the Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference in Chicago and the Center for Community Change in Washington, all of which enjoy funding from none other than George Soros.
 Pulosi Commits TREASON  
(Ben Barrack) - The next time the American people are told by a U.S. member of Congress that they can’t know something because it is “classified” or “still under investigation”, they should point their collective finger directly at one man – Andre Carson...The reason is that Carson is not just one of the only two Muslim members of Congress; he is now a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), appointed by House Minority leader Nancy Pulosi (D-CA). The problem isn’t solely that Carson is a Muslim. It’s also that he’s accepted contributions from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and is tied to other Muslim Brotherhood front groups. CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) trial, which actually represents an additional problem. That problem is that it reveals another extremely fundamental flaw in the Bill Clinton strategy of treating acts of terrorism as criminal acts instead of as acts of war.
 Busted! Turkey caught smuggling weapons to al-Qaida 
(F. Michael Maloof) - Turkish intelligence, under the apparent direction of then Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, allegedly has been authorizing the smuggling of arms to al-Qaida cells in Syria, according to informed Turkish sources...The weapons, said to include rocket warheads, were allegedly smuggled in up to seven container trucks under the direction of Turkish Intelligence, or MIT, but were ordered halted by Aziz Takci, the public prosecutor for the southern Turkish city of Adana. While he was still prime minister before recently becoming Turkish president, Erdogan had given a speech saying that the MIT trucks cannot be stopped. “You cannot search it,” he said in a speech last year. “You don’t have the authority. These trucks were taking humanitarian assistance to Turkmens.”
United in Victimhood?
Jews And Muslims Alike
Fear Religious Backlash In France
Alessandria Masi  
     ( - When the thousands who marched Saturday through Paris’ Sainte-Mante district in solidarity with the victims of the Hyper Cacher attack began to trickle away, knots of people lingered around the candlelight memorial with frayed nerves, visibly on edge after several false alarms around the city on Saturday.   

     What started off as a rally in defense of the freedom of expression turned into a debate on religious discrimination -- one in which Muslim and Jewish people found themselves blaming the same government for the same reason.

     One day earlier, a young Muslim man had attacked Hyper Cacher, a kosher supermarket, killed four people, and barricaded himself with more than a dozen hostages before being killed in an assault by a SWAT team. He had apparently coordinated his action with the attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine by two men bent on avenging the weekly’s cartoons lampooning the Prophet Muhammad.   

      In secular France, where the state makes a point of enforcing the strictly non-religious values known here as “Republican,” religion has become a flashpoint.  

     “The problem in France is that you can’t speak about religion,” said Beni Bouccarra, a waiter who lives down the street from Friday’s standoff in the Kosher supermarket and attended Saturday’s impromptu rally.

     The man standing next to him, whom Bouccarra just met, chimed in with just one word: “Intolerance.”

     “Non, not intolerance. It’s a country that’s come to a halt,” Bouccarra replied. Though the French government may prefer not to discuss the subject, he said, “each community needs to know where they came from and their religion.”

     Bouccarra is Jewish and his new friend -- who asked not to be named -- is Muslim, but the inability to express themselves religiously without fear of violence or discrimination is a grievance both their communities share.

     “It’s 2015, imagine yesterday we were advised not to go pray at the Synagogue,” said Charlie, a 23-year-old university student studying economic development. Authorities asked Jewish stores in Paris’ historically Jewish district, the Marais, to close up shop Friday, and temples were invited not to hold Saturday services -- all for fear of more attacks.  

     As one suspect in the two attacks, Hayat Boumeddiene, is still on the run, religious leaders and government officials are on high alert for another religiously motivated attack.

     “Freedom of expression is a problem in France,” said Dylan, a 20-year-old French and Israeli citizen. “In France we don’t feel safe.” He has an upcoming flight to Israel booked and he’s not sure if he’s booking a return: “We’re safer in Israel,” he said, echoing a recent trend of rising Jewish emigration from France, in the wake of mounting anti-Semitic violence.

     Joey, a 23-year-old university student studying audio engineering who, like the others, did not want his last name published, said he is “afraid to leave” his house. Joey lives across town in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, where there is a high concentration of Jews and Muslims. His neighborhood has always had issues, he said, but after the Hyper Cacher attack Jewish residents are living in fear.

     Many feel the Islamic extremist who seized the Hyper Cacher chose the location because it was a Jewish supermarket. The terrorist, Amedy Coulibaly, in fact said as much himself.

     But people from several different communities were present at the  solidarity march.

     “We’re not here as Jews or as journalists,” Joseph, a 24-year-old student at the Université de Lille, said. “We’re here as human beings.”

     “It was necessary to meet each other here to pay homage to the victims and so terrorists know we’re not afraid,” said Alejandro Ronard Alem, a writer, who was at the rally.

     Both anti-Semitic and anti-Islamic attacks have become frequent in France. After Wednesday’s massacre at Charlie Hebdo, when 12 people were gunned down, several mosques were attacked in retaliation. During Israel’s offensive in Gaza this summer, a man in Toulouse threw three firebombs at a Jewish community center after a pro-Palestine rally.

     People gathered at the Sainte-Mante rally expressed a fear that their compatriots may not learn how to move beyond a climate of fear and retaliation. “France doesn’t take lessons from the past,” Joseph said.  The country’s future, he said, and the future of its religious minorities, “is a question mark.”

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Tuesday Morning - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Abbas at Paris kumbaya march:
Hypocrisy Isn't Progress
Jonathan Tobin
"Rise up together as one voice"
"Be careful where you stand"
WaPo: “Everyone knows by now that 2010 and 2014 were very good to the Republican Party. What they don’t understand (or understand well enough) is just how good. Yes, Republicans now control the Senate and have their largest majority in the House since World War II. But it’s downballot (way downballot) where the depth of the Republican victories over the past three elections truly reveal themselves -- and where the impact will be felt over the long term. In the past three elections, Republicans have gained 913 state legislative seats, according to calculations made by Larry Sabato at the University of Virginia…Now, there are more 7,000 state legislative seats in the country, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, which makes that 913 number slightly less eye-popping. Still, the Democratic losses between 2010 and 2014 amount to 12 percent of all state legislative seats nationwide.”  -Fox News 

With the date of the 2016 Republican Convention set for
July, a final verdict on the GOP presidential debate schedule and adoption of proposed primary rules are the highly anticipated announcements up next at the Republican National Committee’s winter meeting in San Diego.  The early national convention date (July 18 - 21 in Cleveland) is part of move by the RNC to condense the nominating process and allow the party’s eventual nominee to access general election funds sooner.  The timing and number of debates, which the committee wants to limit, along with adoption of strict rules to make the primary season more orderly, are part of a strategy meant to avoid a repeat of 2012’s drawn-out primary schedule and seemingly endless debates. Most states have signaled a willingness to go along with the new RNC rules, though moving the convention to July could create problems for those with primaries falling within 45 of the July 18 convention start date.  -Fox News 

 Committeeman censured for toxic social media presence -   Detroit Free Press: “The Republican National Committee’s top officers formally censured Michigan member Dave Agema [Wednesday] for what they called ‘harmful rhetoric’ and demanded his resignation. National Party Chairman Reince Priebus announced the censure of Agema, a former state representative from Grandville, who has been roundly criticized for remarks and posts on social media considered insensitive to gays, Muslims and blacks. ‘Agema’s history of harmful and offensive rhetoric has no place in our party, which is why the RNC Executive Committee acted in the swiftest way possible to avoid giving him a platform,’ Priebus said [Wednesday night] as the RNC's Winter Meeting was set to get under way outside San Diego.”  -Fox News 

 Cruz not shy about 2016 -   The [Harrisburg] Patriot News: “For an afternoon the lobby at the Hershey Lodge resembled a corridor at the U.S. Capitol. Scores of congressmen, some in obligatory dark suits, others sporting far more casual attire, filed in throughout Wednesday afternoon to check in for a two-day retreat billed as part policy and strategy generating, part bonding. Unlike Congress, though, these officials were only Republicans…Sporting an unbuttoned sheepskin jacket and a green button-down shirt, Sen. Ted Cruz [R-Texas] arrived alone and made a beeline for the check-in line. The Texas conservative, who was swept into Congress by the tea party in 2012, didn't hesitate when answering a question about a possible bid for the 2016 presidential ticket: ‘I'm looking at it very seriously. I expect the field will form in the next several months. By June we should have a good picture of who is running.’”  -Fox News 

WaPo: “Elections keep getting older, but the young voters stay the same age. And those young voters, by and large, keep on not voting. There’s a lot of benefit to getting younger voters involved in campaigns: they’re often tireless volunteers, and having a strong advocate in a home with regular voters certainly doesn’t hurt. But 18- to 24-year-olds are often among the smallest percentage of the electorate… The age of Boomer-controlled politics is fading. Gen Xers are ascendant. #Millennials, the generation that’s done so much to shape our culture, have largely yet to appear on the political scene.”  -Fox News 

 New Effort to Revoke Citizenship of American ISIS Members  
( - A prominent attorney is calling on lawmakers to pass legislation that would revoke the citizenship of any American who joins a terror group like ISIS or al Qaeda...Jay Sekulow, chief counsel at the American Center for Law and Justice, told Neil Cavuto that right now there is a "loophole." He said the current law allows for citizenship to be revoked if an American joins a foreign state that is in conflict with the United States, but it doesn't apply to terror organizations. Sekulow said the procedure to revoke citizenship should be "pro forma" once it's determined that an American has traveled to join ISIS.
 Haines City crime spree ends with 2 dead, 4 arrests  
(Eric Glasser, WTSP) - All four suspects in a violent rampage and manhunt through Polk County were in custody Friday, but not before two innocent women were killed and an entire neighborhood – terrorized... "These people were terrorized as the store was robbed," said Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, referring to the Cash America Pawn Shop robbery where it all started Thursday. Judd described it as a well-thought out, "well organized, armed robbery. And it was designed to create the maximum terrorism of the people in the store."
 Bill Whittle: The Road to Hell  
(Truth Revolt) - The road to hell is paved with good intentions. But those good intentions do not cause the harm; they prevent us from seeing it...In his latest Firewall, Bill Whittle shows how little things – student loans; the Path to Heck – can go as dreadfully wrong from good intentions as the genuine horrors on the real Road to Hell.
 The Wrong Kind of Market Disruption  
(Bill McMorris) - Federal and state governments are using seemingly unlimited tax bases to compete with private businesses, disrupting the free market and even endangering troops, according to a new report...The Business Coalition for Fair Competition, which represents a broad base of trade associations, released an analysis on Friday morning documenting 10 times public sector entities have hindered the free market by injecting government-backed entities into competition. The U.S. Postal Service, for example, is looking to enter the grocery delivery business after losing market share to Fed Ex and UPS. The guarantees of government support mean that it can charge inordinately lower prices, unfairly competing with private sector services, such as Pea Pod, according to the BCFC.
 Top nObamacare Chief Resigns In Wake of Phony Figures Fiasco  
(Wynton Hall) - Embattled Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Administrator Marilyn Tavenner is resigning her post overseeing nObamacare...just months after she admitted that the nObama White House’s highly publicized 8 million nObamacare enrollment figure was inflated by at least 1.3 million. “The mistake we made is unacceptable,” said Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell. “I will be communicating that clearly throughout the department.” Tavenner sent the House Oversight and Government Reform committee a letter blaming the nObama administration’s unfinished back-end system for the inflated figures.
 Senator’s husband stands to profit big from government deal  
(Richard Johnson) - Ever wonder how lowly paid lawmakers leave office filthy rich? Sen. Dianne Feinstein is showing how it’s done...The US Postal Service plans to sell 56 buildings — so it can lease space more expensively — and the real estate company of the California senator’s husband, Richard Blum, is set to pocket about $1 billion in commissions.
 nObama Blames America for Muslim Terrorism  
( - Why, when the focus of the most recent terror attacks happens to be Al-Qaeda in Yemen, why the hell is nObama releasing Al-Qaeda from Yemen from Club Gitmo?  Why is he doing it? Two reasons...Yeah, in your face is part of it. But I'm gonna give you the charitable reason, and it's gonna be pretty close to right.  nObama really believes that the prison at Guantanamo is responsible for all this. I think nObama and a number of leftists actually believe that when a terrorist says, "Yeah, I saw those pictures at Abu Ghraib, yeah, that's what made me a terrorist." I think he believes it. They're so invested in Bush being the devil. They're so invested in Bush being to blame for all this. They're so invested in having the convenience of being able to blame George W. Bush and Gitmo's Bush. I think nObama can tell the world, "I'm just trying to stop this stuff. I'm just trying to stop these attacks."  He doesn't realize that by releasing Al-Qaeda in Yemen prisoners they're free to go perform jihad. He thinks releasing them is akin to appeasing them. That's the charitable view, Snerdley, that's the charitable view. That's being as charitable as I can... I'm just telling you I'm being as charitable as I can be. I'm not telling you I believe this. I'm just telling you that's the most charitable I can be to explain it.
 Slap in the face! nObama taps surprise source to fund amnesty 
Greg Corombos) - Rep. Bill Flores, R-Texas, says President nObama’s loyalty to liberal special interests could doom Republican efforts to fund the Department of Homeland Security...while blocking funding for nObama’s unilateral action to confer legal status on at least five million people in the nation illegally. However, Flores said nObama is already taking additional actions to undermine the rule of law and American families before Congress even finishes it defunding efforts. “I don’t hold out much hope for the president,” Flores said. “He puts the interests of others ahead of the interests of families.” I do think, its time to impeach him. Its overdo.
 The UK Made a Huge Move Against the Muslim Brotherhood  
( - The United Kingdom may have finally had enough of the Muslim Brotherhood. New reports indicate that the U.K. is working on a plan to keep the radical Islamic group from gaining more traction or political power...That decision is a sharp contrast to the polices of President Barack nObama’s administration, which continues to play word games and ignore extremist groups. For many years, the Brotherhood has advocated harsh Shariah law, which subjugates women and uses the Quran as the basis of rules. The group also has a historic connection to violence that goes back decades. Telegraph sources indicated that government will investigate “charities that are effectively ‘fronts’ for the  Brotherhood” as well as make “inquiries into funding of the organisation and links to jihadi groups abroad.”
 Muslim Brotherhood Makes Major Move INSIDE the United States  
( - There may be a chilling political movement happening within the United States. A recent report indicates that radical-leaning Islamic groups may be planning to use America’s own political system to push the country toward a takeover by Shariah law...The respected financial news source Investor’s Business Daily revealed that the Muslim Brotherhood is working to build a political party and organize Muslims to influence U.S. elections. “Muslim voters have the potential to be swing voters in 2016,” said Nihad Awad, a man behind the new U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations, which sounds tame but has connections to radical groups. The FBI reportedly raided Muslim Brotherhood locations in the wake of 9/11 and found pages of documents that outlined a disturbing plan. The papers listed many organizations that were being used as fronts for the Brotherhood. I don't have to tell you who is encouraging this political movement.
Abbas at Paris kumbaya march:
Hypocrisy Isn't Progress
Jonathan Tobin

     ( - The presence of Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas at today's unity rally in Paris probably seemed quite natural to those whose knowledge of the his activities is limited to the statements praising him as a champion of peace from President nObama and Secretary of State Hanoi Kerry.

     But the baggage Abbas, who was given an unusually prominent place in the front rank of the march symmetrically balancing the presence of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on the other side of French President Francois Hollande, carried a great deal of baggage to the event in terms of his own association with terrorism and fomenting of hate against Jews.

      The instinct of the news media is to embrace Abbas's presence there along with that of Netanyahu as proof that the march was a transcendent kumbaya moment that will mark a turning point in the struggle against terror and anti-Semitism. But the question more sober observers will struggle with is whether Abbas's poor record on these issues does more to undermine progress than the symbolism did to advance it.

Why question Abbas at all?

     Though the nObama administration and all of Europe treats him as a hero of peace, his personal record as well as that of his government gives the lie to such assurances. His critics will bring up his long service as a deputy to arch terrorist Yasir Arafat as well as his doctoral thesis denying the truth of the Holocaust. But we don't have to go back to the period preceding his service as president of the PA (an office in which he is currently serving in the 10th year of the four-year term to which he was elected).

     Since taking over the PA after Arafat's death, Abbas has not only turned down peace offers and refused to negotiate seriously with Israel, he has repeatedly stated that he will never accept the legitimacy of a Jewish state no matter where its borders are drawn. He has also continued to support the "right of return," which is inconsistent with Israel's existence though at times he has said things to the English and Israeli press that contradicts those given to his own people.

     Moreover, rather than standing in unity with the world against terrorism, Abbas signed a unity pact with Hamas terrorists last year, an act that blew up the peace talks Secretary of State Hanoi Kerry worked to keep alive.

     But even more than that, Abbas has in recent months personally incited his people to commit acts of violence as part of an effort to falsely convince them that the mosques on the Temple Mount are in danger.

     Abbas's praise of a terrorist who tried to assassinate a rabbi advocating Jewish prayer rights on the Mount as someone who went straight to heaven tells us all we need to know about the PA. This is, of course, in addition to the steady drumbeat of incitement against Jews and Israel on the official PA media controlled by Abbas.

     Indeed, had the Charlie Hebdo and kosher market murderers committed their acts in Israel, there is little doubt that Abbas would have honored them by naming a square or some edifice after them. It is also certain that had they been captured alive after taking part in an act of terrorism, he would have supported taking Israeli hostages in order to free them in a prisoner exchange, after which he would have greeted them as heroes as he has terrorists who committed equally heinous crimes against Jews.

     One may say that, to use Francois de La Rochefoucauld's memorable phrase, Abbas's presence at the rally is a classic case of hypocrisy being "the homage vice pays to virtue." But any good that might come from the symbolism of Abbas being there also reminds us that it will take more than one rally, however impressive it might have been, to defeat Islamist terror.

     What France and the world need to do to defeat terror is to acknowledge that the problem lies not so much in the few who commit these acts but in the vast number of people in the Muslim and Arab worlds that either rationalize or support such acts. Progress will come not when Mahmoud Abbas marches in Paris but when he stops supporting it at home.

     Until then, inviting him to such events only undermines the purpose of the rally.

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Monday Afternoon - The Front Page Cover

The Front Page Cover
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened"
Communist Lawyers and Judges
subverting the American legal system
Lou Hodges
"Know who you are standing with"
"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"
 ISIS gains territory -   Fox News: “The Islamic State terror group reportedly has increased the amount of territory they control in Syria as the U.S.-led bombing campaign approaches its four-month anniversary. The Wall Street Journal, citing U.S. government and  independent assessments, say that the Islamic State, commonly known as ISIS, has control of a large swath of northeastern Syria and is creeping toward key cities in the country's west, including Aleppo, a center of the uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad.”
          [Fox News Poll: 56 percent of voters disapprove of President nObama’s handling of ISIS and 57 percent disapprove of his overall foreign policy record.-Fox News 
 THE JUDGE’S RULING:   Fox News Senior Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano says that speech isn’t as free in the West as Paris protesters and their American supporters would have you believe. “And how hypocritical was it of the French government to claim it defends free speech! In France, you can go to jail if you publicly express hatred for a group whose members may be defined generally by characteristics of birth, such as gender, age, race, place of origin or religion…. What’s going on here? What’s going on in France, and what might be the future in America, is the government defending the speech with which it agrees and punishing the speech with which it disagrees.”
          [Fox News Poll: 35 percent of voters are very concerned that recent attacks will limit free speech in America.]  -Fox News 
 Calls for crackdown on natural gas -   WSJ: “The nObama administration released proposed methane regulations set to go in effect in 2016 which include lowering levels of emissions by 40 to 45 percent from 2012 levels. These rules are designed to meet the commitment President nObama made in Beijing last November to lower greenhouse gases and would only impact new or modified locations.”  -Fox News 
 Seeks new federal control of Internet -   Des Moines Register: “Speaking in Cedar Falls, Iowa, a city that invested in broadband access as a municipal utility, President nObama unveiled new grant and loan opportunities for Internet service providers as well as ensuring the Federal Communications Commission has the regulatory power it needs to assist municipal utilities in providing internet access.”   -Fox News 
 Conservative counterpoint -   The Koch brothers-backed conservative group, Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce is launching a new Plan for Economic Growth, a plan that focuses on fiscal responsibility and smaller government. “The first six years of the nObama administration have been defined by massive debt, broken promises, harmful regulations and an increasingly incompetent federal government,” said Freedom Partners spokesman James Davis. The three pillars of the agenda include tax and regulation reforms, repair ineffective government programs and restore a fiscally accountable government.  -Fox News 
 Is A Stab In The Back On Amnesty Coming From Capitol Hill GOP?  
( - It is the kind of irony that only politics in the nObama era can deliver that on the same day a group of over 50 conservative leaders and organizations released a document called “THE CITIZENS MANDATE FROM THE NOVEMBER 2014 ELECTION,”...Rep. Jeff Denham, the GOP’s most outspoken advocate of amnesty for illegal aliens, revealed that the House leadership is “committed” to ignoring the mandate voters gave them in the 2016 midterm election by bringing amnesty to the Floor of the House. The California Republican says he is part of a working group laying the ground work to bring forward comprehensive immigration reform, and that top-ranking Republicans are supportive of addressing the full gamut of immigration topics in legislation in 2015.
 White House Blames Gitmo For Terrorism Throughout the World  
( - In other embarrassing news, today, the White House Press Secretary, as justification for nObama’s policy of releasing terrorists,  blamed Gitmo for the rise of Islamic terror throughout the world...Closing Gitmo is one of the last things Americans think this administration should be doing to fight terror – especially in light of recent events. But the nObama administration is adamant. Earth to nObama: It’s the Islamists’ IDEOLOGY that inspires violent Jihadism throughout the world. It is not Bush’s fault. It is not Gitmo’s fault. It is not America’s fault. But of course, this administration refuses to put the two words “Islamic” and “Terror” together in a sentence. It’s easier to blame terror on something we did.
 A better way to patrol the Middle East  
(Retired Adm. James A. Lyons) - With all the core elements of Iran’s nuclear weapons program now guaranteed and secured by the one-sided concessions made by the United States and agreed to by the other P5 plus 1 negotiators in the 2013 interim agreement...Iran is on track to achieve a deliverable nuclear weapons capability. Iran is already a threshold nuclear state, which the negotiators were supposed to prevent. All the hype over progress being made by our negotiators is a sham. Furthermore, with no restrictions imposed on Iran’s missile programs, they have made significant progress on both their regional and intercontinental missile capability, with help from North Korea and other allies such as China.
 nObamacare Exchanges Have Decreased Competition  
(Alyene Senger) - Unsurprisingly, nObamacare has made yet another problem worse—creating a government exchange that is less competitive than the prior individual market...In 2009, when President nObama was trying to sell his health care reform ideas to Congress, he promised a competitive marketplace, where costs would decrease and quality would increase. He said: But thus far, much like his other promises, this one falls flat on all fronts.
 Ban of Haqqani Network unlikely to end Pakistan's support of group 
(Bill Roggio) - Anonymous Pakistani officials have told news agencies that the government will ban the al Qaeda-linked Haqqani Network "within weeks."...But a listing of the Haqqani Network as a terrorist entity is unlikely to change decades of support that the jihadist group has received from the Pakistani military and intelligence establishment. Pakistani officials first told The Express Tribune that the Haqqani Network Jamaat-ud-Dawa (the political front of the Lashkar-e-Taiba) and 10 other jihadist groups would be banned in "coming days." "It's our first step towards execution of the National Action Plan," against terrorism, a senior intelligence official told the news agency. "The nation will see more positive steps towards dismantling militant groups. Both civilian and military leadership decided to ban the Haqqani Network and Jamaat-ud-Dawa."
 nObama Warns Congress: Back Off New Iran Sanctions 
( - President Barack nObama says the likelihood is very high that nuclear negotiations with Iran would collapse if Congress moves forward with new sanctions. He says he'll veto a sanctions bill if it comes to his desk...nObama is urging members of Congress including Democrats not to pursue new sanctions while talks are underway. He says there's no good argument for undermining the negotiations. You are worthless Mr. President, you and Hanoi Kerry should stay out of the negotiations all together. You haven't done a thing in 6 plus years.
 Muslims Establishing No-Go Zones in America  
( - Watch footage taken inside Islamic Terrorist Training camps in the U.S. where young Jihadists are taught how to kill guards, kidnap Christians, and strangle the infidel...Muslim enclaves that are hostile to surrounding communities are springing up across America. Funded by Pakistani radicals, 22 villages in 9 states have already been established that are teaching terrorist tactics to members of their compounds. Find out where they are.
 Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Memory to Fight Illegal Immigration  
(Warren Mass) - Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS), an organization that has made a connection between lax federal immigration policies and California’s many socio-economic problems...has launched an ad campaign focusing on the effects of unrestrained immigration on unemployment. CAPS will run the ads on national cable news networks and local Los Angeles TV stations in anticipation of Monday’s holiday in observance of King’s birthday. The ad asks: On Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, we must ask ourselves, how he would feel about 19 percent of African Americans being unemployed or under employed? About amnesty and work permits for 4 million illegal aliens when so many Americans are jobless.
 Iran Goes Ballistic  
(Yoel Guzansky and Yiftah S. Shapir) - While discussions of Iran's growing strategic threat focus almost exclusively on its nuclear capabilities and objectives, Tehran's massive ballistic missile arsenal poses a clear and present danger to both the oil installations of the Persian Gulf monarchies and to the Western military presence in the region...This in turn has prompted members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to acquire air defense and ballistic missile defense (BMD) systems at various levels and in various configurations. At the same time, endemic inter-gulf rivalries (e.g., the growing rift between Riyadh and Doha) have left these nations highly vulnerable to Iranian missile threats.
 nObama Negotiating with Iran Out of 'Weakness and Desperation'  
( - Charles Krauthammer nailed the weakness and desperation of this administration on their Iran deal in another great commentary on Fox News...
Communist Lawyers and Judges
subverting the American legal system
Lou Hodges

     ( - Wonder no more why the Supreme Court voted for nObamacare or why New York Mayor Bill de Blasio re-appointed Brooklyn Judge Laura Johnson who freed without bail 2 defendants who had threatened police just days after the double assassination of officers in Bedford Stuyvesant.  

     The communist version of law is “social justice” as opposed to the rule of law.  The Constitution protects the individual, whereas “social justice” protects the aims of the collective.

     That is why the Communist Party began sending certain of its members to law school; to gain credibility in the courts and subvert the Constitution by distorting the intent of the law. Eventually the Party controlled the law schools themselves.  And anyone trying to challenge the system will usually run headlong into a communist court. Case dismissed.  

     The House Un-American Activities Committee addressed the problem of communist lawyers in 1959. The main focus of their investigation was the National Lawyers Guild and notably, Yale Law.    

     The hearings were opened with a statement by the International Red Aid (IRA) from its Second International Conference in Moscow (1927). The Red Aid was established by the Comintern in 1922 for the purpose of providing organizations of lawyers for the legal defense of Communists and communist causes in all parts of the world.

According to the International Red Aid:

     “The proletariat must gather and organize those lawyers and learned barristers in various countries who sympathize with the liberation struggle and are prepared together with the legal bureau of the IRA, to assist and give legal help to the victims of the class domination of the bourgeouis . . . to organize legal bureaus in every country where they do not yet exist where this is possible, in particular in England the U.S.A., and Japan . . .”

The Un-American Activities Committee then remarked:

     “The committee is issuing the present report as a result of substantial evidence that the Communists, over the course of the past several decades, have sought and are seeking to pervert our democratic processes not only by their campaign of political subversion but by a parallel operation which may be designated as “legal subversion.” This operation involves subversion by Communists trained in the law.

     The mechanics of legal subversion extend far beyond any legitimate process of legal representation. They embrace the efforts of a conspiratorial minority, trained in the use of the legal instruments of our society to turn those instruments into weapons for the destruction of our free society.

     Though relatively few in number, the principals of this operation enjoy a disproportionate influence in the American community as a result of legal training, schooling in Communist subversive techniques and the fact that they are supported by the entire Communist apparatus. Moreover, each is made the subject of favorable publicity build-ups on the part of the Communist Party, its fronts and fellow travelers in all walks of life.

      In its final report, “Communist Legal Subversion,” the Committee on Un-American Activities left us with the warning to beware communists in the courts.  That report can be downloaded at:
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