How Did We Become a House Divided? An Open Letter to All Those Suffering from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome); Supporters of Black Lives Matter, On the Payroll of George Sorus and Admirers of Saul Alinsky and Karl Marx By: E.P. Unum January 14, 2024 Dear Malcontents, the Seemingly Oppressed and Misguided Students: I just have a few questions for you. I already know you don't like President Trump and feel that he is the cause of all your problems, including, but not limited to, the Great Flood, Noah’s Lost Ark, the Black Death of the Middle Ages, WWI, WWII, the Korean War, and Vietnam and the many other trials and tribulations of mankind. You feel this way because that is what you have been told by the paid-for liberal media, who have lost all sense and discipline of what it means to be a journalist, your socialist/communist college professors, and the cancel culture crowd, hell-bent on destroying everything about our nation. I get all of that. I don’t accept it, but I understand you think you are upset and are feeling oppressed. Hell’s bells, Trump was in government for four years while Joe Biden has been in government 53 years, Nancy Pelosi 47 years, Chuck Schumer 44 years, Gerry Nadler 41 years, and Adam Schiff 27 years, so Trump must be at the heart of all the problems because things were fine up until Trump arrived, right? I feel for you and I would like your help in trying to understand why there is such a huge schism….a division in America. How did we become a house divided? I’d like to understand how it all started and why you blame President Trump for this. So, reflecting on a bit of actual (not revisionist) history, here are my questions: • Did this division in America and among Americans start when none (as in zero) of the Democrats showed up for President Trump's Inauguration on January 20, 2017? Was that the date when the division began? He hadn't even taken the Oath of Office, and except for the Clintons and Obamas, not one Democrat showed up. Is that when Trump divided America? Do you think it was respectful on the part of Democrats to not show up for the traditional transition of power from one Administration to the next? Can you imagine if the Republicans didn't show up for Obama's inauguration because they lost? I can’t because, in the neighborhood where I grew up, you would be considered sore losers if you did something like that. But, what I did see was women marching in Washington wearing pink vagina hats and screaming obscenities against Trump because they suddenly and inexplicably developed a hatred for the man without ever giving him a chance to demonstrate what he could do for America…and all Americans! But was this part of the division we are experiencing in our country? • But perhaps it can be narrowed down a bit more precisely. Did the division in America begin when 19 minutes after Trump was inaugurated, the Washington Post declared the Impeachment Campaign had Started? Was that when Trump divided America? • Did this great schism that divides us begin when Nancy Pelosi ripped up Trump's State of the Union Address right in front of the entire world, showing complete disrespect for the President of the United States and the Office he holds? Did that one self-serving, hateful, and ridiculous act bring the country together, or was that the point when Trump divided America? • Did the division occur when America had to endure, 3 years and over $40 million dollars spent on investigations and hearings trying to prove that Trump won the 2016 election because of Russian Collusion (whatever that is) and not because America voted him into office? Or did the division occur when 17 democrats did everything in their power, including spying on President Trump before, during and after his election, in an attempt to prove that there was collaboration with Russia and that he was…wait for it….a Russian Agent...and came up with zero evidence to support their contentions! Was that when Trump divided America? • Do any of you remember, the donors, people like Michael Bloomberg, who gave $27 million, Tom Steyer who gave $17 million, George Soros who gave $9 million and dozens of Hollywood Stars and Liberal Corporate Executives who gave multi-million dollars to Hillary Clinton, and now wanted a return on their investment? How do you think the Russians felt after they had forked over $145 million to the Clinton Foundation? Do you think that kind of financial assistance was simply because they thoroughly liked and respected Hillary? Do you realize that the Russians, the people President Trump was accused of collaborating with, made zero, zilch, nada donations to the Trump campaign? Yet, President Trump was the one who was investigated! Was that when Trump divided America? • Do you really think that all these donors who had given hundreds of millions of dollars did so just because they love and adore Hillary? Wealthy, successful business people don’t do that. These weren't campaign donations, they were investments into what Hillary had promised them when she became president. They were so sure she would win and they would be showered with huge returns, and when that didn't happen, and they realized their investments were lost, they went all out to take Trump out of office by any means possible. Oh, and by the way, did you know that 90% of the Mainstream media and the corporations that own them are owned by or run by large Democrat Voters? You can verify all of that for yourselves...I did. But, I digress. Let me ask the question: was this when Trump divided America? • Since the moment Trump won, and even before he was inaugurated, the mainstream media's reporting was 92% negative on Trump. Do you know why? Well, one reason surely might be that all those big donors who lost millions of dollars on their investments in support of Hillary’s quest to become President, suddenly had zero chance of getting a return on that investment when Hillary lost!. These folks weren't going to take that loss lightly. They needed to punish Trump and those that voted for him. They realized that Trump could not be controlled by them like Hillary could, and so they were faced with the only possible solution: they needed to find a way of getting him out of office. And that way was a bloodless coups d’etat…impeachment. And on the road to impeachment they would stand fast at being uncooperative with any Trump initiatives. The result was a totally dysfunctional government in terms of getting legislation enacted. But that didn’t stop Trump. Despite this, he built the greatest economy our country has ever seen, got NATO to finally contribute its fair share and rebuilt the U.S. military to the strongest force in the world! But all of you suffering from TDS still hate him! Why is that? It just doesn’t seem logical! I've said this since the night Trump was elected..."There is nothing the left won't do to take down our President, our country, and us; no low to which they won't go to get their power back". Sadly, we have seen this every single day since his election. There was no clearer illustration of this than when Democrats lined up to cast filthy accusations against Judge Kavanagh trying to prevent him from becoming a Justice of the Supreme Court for which he is eminently qualified and deserving. They levied baseless, fraudulent accusations without a shred of evidence mind you, charging Kavanaugh with sexual molestation, causing him and his family tremendous anxiety and embarrassment. Thank God Judge Kavanaugh had the quality of character and integrity to face these accusations squarely and with the competence that will make him a successful Associate Justice of our Supreme Court. But was this chapter in the Trump Presidency when the great division in our country began? Then there were the two failed impeachments of Trump, both based on fictitious evidence, in a quest to remove Trump from office. Was this when Trump divided our nation? Let me ask you this...Have you ever listened to Trump or appreciated any accomplishments or campaign promises he's kept? Have you ever gone to one of his rallies or have you just closed your mind to anything he does? You do realize, I hope, that if you objectively evaluated Bidenomics and measured it against the economic results of the Trump administration you would find that there really is no comparison. Trump wins hands down! Have you looked into the wonderful things Trump has done for everyday people like you and me, without fanfare or publicity? His good works are legion and the stuff of which movies are made. Trust me. I know…firsthand!. Do you know that he served our nation as President and did not accept a single penny for his work, opting to donate his entire salary of $400,000 per year ($1.6 million) to various charities and causes like Wounded Warriors, Disabled Veterans, the Interior, etc? Did President Obama ever do this? Did Joe Biden ever do this in any of the 53 years he has been in government? Has anyone serving as President ever done this? Are you aware that President Trump, without fanfare or media attention, visited Arlington National Cemetery, alone, sometimes when it was cold and raining, solely to pay respect to our fallen heroes? Please ask yourselves the following questions: · What has Joe Biden done for America for the last 53 years that he's held an office? · What did Joe Biden ever do for Black Americans when he and Obama were in office? · What has Joe Biden ever done in his entire life to create a private-sector job? · What has Joe Biden done to help the American middle-class worker? · What has Barack Obama done for Blacks, Hispanics, and people of color? · What has Barack Hussein Obama done to help the U.S. Economy during his tenure? Let me also ask you this...Why do you think there are so many people tearing down statues, burning our flag, beating up police officers, robbing small business owners in broad daylight, disrespecting our founders, and hating our country along with the contemptuous college students protesting against Israel and waving Palestinian flags in our streets shouting “from the river to the sea”? You do know this phrase contemplates the destruction of the state of Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East and one of America’s strongest allies! But today, three years into the Biden Presidency, our silver-tongued leader announced that he suddenly does not support Taiwan's independence! Yet another abandonment of an American ally and an open invitation to China to move against this nation. Forgive me, but didn’t Biden do the very same thing with Ukraine? Why? Whose side is he on? Do you really believe that America was a country founded on evil principles? Do you honestly believe that America is an imperialist nation? America saved Europe twice in the 20th century winning two World Wars in the process. What lands and treasures did we seize other than small tracts of land to bury our honored dead? Do you believe that there is systemic racism in our nation and that all blacks killed in our streets are the result of police brutality? Here are some facts you need to reflect upon: The reason why today we see so much rioting and violence in our streets and a desire to change our culture and tear down memorials and historical statues is twofold: First it is the decline in family values and the elimination of Christian faith from our daily lives. Secondly, is the fault of an education system that is corrupt to its core. You may not like to hear this, but our children are actually being taught to hate America in our school systems, colleges, and universities across this great land. They are being taught that there is nothing exceptional about America. They are being taught Revisionist History, not history as it occurred. Schools have slowly been tearing down our history. If you don’t believe me, do some research on Google or any search engine and look up the “1619 Project”. This has been embraced in over 3,500 school systems in America and it is simply a fraud, a hoax. And it is being taught to our children and young college-aged students across America. But, while we are on the subject of education, and in specific, the fallacy of systemic racism, which the left keeps trying to sell to the American public, and which does not exist, if you happen to be a teacher or a parent involved in your child’s education, here are a few additional questions: • Do you teach your students that it was the Democrats that started the KKK? • That the Grand Leader of the KKK was none other than Senator Robert Byrd, who was elected to Congress and served for decades as a Senator, and that it was Hillary and Bill Clinton and Barack Obama who gave the eulogy praising him? Why are there no protests about that? • That the Democrats fought the Civil War to keep slavery and that Democrats voted against the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution which freed slaves and gave them the right to vote as citizens. Let that one sink in. • That the inner-city ghettoes were created by Democrats to keep control of slaves after they were freed? • That Planned Parenthood was founded in inner cities to control the Black Population? Is any of this in your history books? Let me ask you this as well: Can a student speak up today when he/she disagrees with a teacher when the teacher says that Trump is a horrible president or the Electoral College has to be eliminated? Do you know if this happens? Well, I know a student to whom it actually happened. When the teacher said the Electoral College had to be eliminated because Hillary lost, the student spoke up, took exception to her comments, and provided historical facts as to why the Electoral College was created by the Founders and why it is necessary today. The teacher responded by giving the class a test and stated she was doing so because the student dared to disagree with her. How does that sit with you? This is not an isolated instance. It is happening all over America today. Did you know that it was the Portuguese who first brought black slaves from Africa to our shores? I didn’t either because it is not true. Muslim slave traders did this. But this is what young students are being taught in our schools today. Do you think the average tenth grader in high school can recite the Gettysburg Address or tell you how a bill becomes a law? Is this any of this happening in schools your child attends? I'm only asking questions...I'd like you to think about your answers. President Trump and his entire family have been vilified, demeaned, and disrespected, for one reason and one reason only...he won! And because he won, he was in a position where he can and has upset the gravy train of political corruption. He is a very dangerous figure to those who have made careers in politics, who can retire after serving only five years of service in Congress and receive a lifetime pension equal to 100 percent of their compensation as either a member of Congress or the Senate. Can you retire from service and get a pension of $175,000 or $190,000 per annum with full family health care? I couldn’t and I spent over 45 years in industry and teaching at some of the finest universities in the nation! Have you noticed that Democrats only throw tantrums and object to everything President Trump says or does and have never once gotten behind him to make America the best it can be? Why is that? The simple answer is: they can't afford to get behind him...he would win again, and they can't let that happen. If he wins again, the Democrat party will be dealt a terrible blow and they know it. Heck, if you look closely at the Democratic Party today it is nothing like the Democratic Party your grandparents knew. It is a leftist-leaning, Socialist/Marxist party that is seeking to literally destroy our nation from within and rebuild it as a socialist state. Remember the words of Barack Hussein Obama…”Change You Can Believe in” Obama’s entire mantra was to tear down America and rebuild it as a socialist state. What he meant by that catchy phrase was “We are Going to Change What You Believe!” Just look at the so-called platform espoused by Joe Biden. It is nothing more than a regurgitation of the Socialist Green New Deal of Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocascio-Cortez, and others and it will literally and figuratively destroy America! It simply cannot work from a financial and economic perspective. Their focus on climate change is nothing more than a major effort to usher in a New Order, one which completely restructures our economic and financial system. The end result will be failure as in the cases of Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba, China, and North Korea all rolled into one and it is spelled disaster! It seems to me that people ought to take a deep breath and think a bit about history, specifically who we are and where we came from: America has been in existence for 248 years. There are nations on this earth that have existed for thousands of years….China, England, France, Spain, Italy, Japan, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany. We are a speck in terms of the period these countries have occupied in history. Yet, America has created the single greatest economy in the history of mankind with the highest standard of living known to man. We have developed technology, and a space program, earned more Nobel Prizes in Science and Medicine, pioneered flight, cured diseases, and developed new surgical interventions in the span of 248 years. And during that time we have made slavery illegal in this nation. Americans need to know that slavery exists even today. But not in America. Yes, we have more work to do but as the commercial says so eloquently “We’ve come a long way baby”. But here are some additional questions: · Did you notice that the "cages" the left claimed that Trump built to put illegal children in, were built by President Obama for the very purpose of putting illegal immigrant children in them? Was that fact shared all over the news media when Obama did it? The very same "cages"...but the media was silent!! · How about when Trump commuted Roger Stone's sentence, and was demonized 24/7 but not a word was said in the media when Obama commuted 1,715 inmates, which included 330 that he granted on his last day in office. Were there reporters even reporting it? Just look at the difference in the reporting. By the way, when Trump was in office he commuted the sentences of 10 people. Compare that to Obama. Or Bush. Or Bill Clinton. · How about when Biden and Obama allowed the H1N1, the Swine Flu, to infect 60 million Americans before declaring it a health emergency? Was the press losing its minds and calling it the “ObamaFlu” and blaming Obama and Biden for the spread? No, just silence…except for Nancy Pelosi who today calls COVID-19 the “Trump Virus” · Compare this to the negative media coverage that Trump got when he immediately halted travel from China, to when, that February, Nancy Pelosi went to Chinatown and said come on down, it’s safe! Or when New York’s Mayor DeBlasio said to ride the subways and go to Broadway Shows....but those same people are blaming Trump for the spread of coronavirus. You can’t make this stuff up! · Have you looked at what Trump did with no help whatsoever from the Democratic party to deal with the Coronavirus? ü He ordered the retrofitting of two U.S. Navy Hospital Ships capable of handing over 1,000 patients each and dispatched them to Los Angeles and New York City in response to “urgent requests” by the governors of those states. ü He deployed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to build 3,000-bed hospitals at New York’s Javits Center and San Francisco’s Mosconi Center, and a like number of hospital beds in NYC’s Central Park. These assets went virtually unused! Did you catch that….unused? ü Trump engineered through government/private enterprise partnerships the single greatest effort to produce PPE (remember then Governor Andrew Cuomo pleading for thousands of ventilators which Trump delivered, the bulk of which went unused). ü Then Trump personally orchestrated the fastest level of research to develop a vaccine for COVID-19 as well as the development of much-needed treatment regimens over the criticism and gnashing of teeth of democrats who never lifted a finger to help! All in record time. Yet, he is still assailed by the media and Democrats even to this very day. Why? What have Democrats done? What initiatives have they advanced? SOME FINAL QUESTIONS AND OBSERVATIONS: What have the Democrats done to help make America the best, to get behind a President that works tirelessly and genuinely cares about We the People, instead of using us as political pawns? What have the Democrats done for people of color except for giving illegals more rights than citizens and having us pay for it with higher taxes? Biden now wants to give illegal aliens free health care and allow them to participate in Medicare. You do realize that Biden single-handedly is responsible for over 8.0 million illegal aliens entering our nation over the past three years with an estimated 1.0 million “got-aways”. More threatening, some 300 illegal aliens are on the terror watch list. Doesn’t that give you a warm and fuzzy feeling of comfort in today’s hate-filled world? We don’t even know where these thugs are. Remember, it only took nineteen illegal aliens to give us September 11, 2001. And Biden has allowed over 9 million into our nation. I have one word for this…treason! People say he is old and tired. I say that is true but he is also pure evil because if he were not, he would care about the people…and he doesn’t! Just imagine what this country could accomplish if the Democrats and Republicans actually worked together on behalf of America! What a novel thought! Imagine if they worked with President Trump on the economy, the coronavirus, the inner cities where he created opportunity zones, job training, etc. When Trump tried to get school choice for inner-city students they ran Betsy Devoss out! The Democrats running those inner city schools wanted no part of school choice. I found this fascinating and very revealing. Have you ever wondered why its cities that have been run, for decades, that have the most homeless, the most crime, the most murders, the worst inner-city schools, are all run and led by Democrats? Did you know that today, as I write this letter, all of the cities where we are seeing riots, looting, destruction of businesses, desecration of churches, tearing down of statues and monuments, and attempting to destroy federal buildings and courts are all led by Democrats? Are you happy with that? If you haven't started asking yourselves all of these questions, maybe you should. Today we have front-row seats to the outrageous spectacle of Trump defending himself in four separate legal actions all intended to stop him from running for the Presidency in 2024. Never before have I ever witnessed such politicization and weaponization of our legal system against one man. It is a disgrace and a stain on who we are as a nation and as a people. Equally disgraceful was the letter signed by 51 former National Security and Intelligence Officers stating that the infamous Hunter Biden Laptop had “all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign”, when none of these people ever saw what was on the laptop, and didn’t even read the letter. This was during the Presidential Debate of Trump vs Biden. It has been proven false and was orchestrated by Anthony Blinkin, now Secretary of State for Joe Biden. But it was also election interference in spades! And 91 charges against Trump in four separate jurisdictions, all arising in an election year are also election interference. This must not be allowed to stand in America. Trust me, this is not because they hate Trump. It is because they fear him. Trump is a good man and he is incorruptible…and they know it. In the minds and hearts of all fair-minded Americans, Trump was a great President and he will be again. This by no means is intended to thumb down Nicki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy or Ron DeSantis who are all good people. But Trump can hit the ground running, knows Washington D.C. and the Swamp, and will make the tough decisions needed to set our nation on the right path. Our country desperately needs his leadership today. |