Wake up you Idiots!Recently a Texas delegation came to California with a mission to lure private businesses away from California and to make there new home in the business friendly state of Texas. O! And they where successful. So successful that they are planning to up their efforts in an ongoing campaign to capitalize on California's failed economy, corrupt unions, corrupt local and state legislature and very unfriendly business environment. The poor relationship between the state and private enterprise has been going on for years and it took this "depression" to put it in full awareness.O! Wake up. Nobody in California reported on it. I would have thought the great and almighty Governor you elected would be on top of this. O! You must of forgot he did not do anything the last time he was in office. Quite trying to make it in Hollywood and wake up!!!!!!
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I am speaking to you Mr.President!I am a small business owner and want to enlighten you on how my 22 years of experience will give you advice. This maybe to late!The small business owner is like a wild cat. When cornered or trapped it fights tirelessly to get free. Even it that freedom means death. 30 months ago when you "inherited" a "economic condition" you printed money on the backs of our children, degraded banks, business, imposed a very expensive healthcare, had no energy plan, forced our energy away from our shores, had no economic plan to assist the hiring engine of America, built our president institution on blaming the previous administration, managed to insult the Jews and our relationship with Israel, embarrass us to Great Britain, creep us into war with Libya. I could go on and on and on!!!!!You see Mr. President when you did all this the small business owner was backed into a corner. He became super efficient. He increased production while at the same time e cutting costs. He has learned that his business can produce the same if not more with less. Actually you ignorance in business ha fore e the business owner to be more savvy. Plane and simple he became a better business man. Here is the catch! The new efficient business doing more with less will effect unemployment for a very very long time. This will creep into your administration failed economic policy and prolong the recession further.All you needed to do what cheer us on, pat us on the back, encourage us, lower business taxes, incentive growth, be pro business and promote American jobs and products.Pretty simple!
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I am a practicing Catholic and have traveled to Israel it's breaks my heart to see what this president did this past week to my brothers and Jesus's brothers in that ancient land. I am not a conspiracy person at all but I have never questioned the judgment of our president like I am with Obama. Failed economic policy, failed foriegn policy, failed energy policy, failed healthcare policy, failure to get the Olympics policy, failure of hope and change, failure to get a British toast right policy, failure to close Guantonimo policy. Failure to bring unemployment down policy.It sickens me that more and more people don't overwhelmingly see this. But then again I live in California. I'll bet 2012 will be a very close election.The Jews! We need to support them with all our might! They have done nothing wrong and have been for peace. Ever since the world unanamously gave them Israel after WWII a plot to detroy them has haunted them. They have faught wars defending themselves, been the victims of terror and are living in fear of genoicide from the radical sectors of their neighbors. Somebody please step up and get pissed off and lead our great nation.
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I am amazed and stunned watching these DC politicians destroy or deliberately take apart what a America was founded on. Why do we elect Harvard, Yale and other Ivey league rich boy lawyers every election. Lawyers are raised intellectually to argue. Long dragged out arguments equate to billable hours. It is a wonder nothing gets done!Stop America! Stop doing this! Joe the plumber like me a small business owner with the right advisors would run rings around a Romney or a Obama. I want a hard hitter, straight talker average person like us to run for office. One that is in love with the constitution and founding principles. No sissy's! Knute, Romney I am not sure can get it done. I don't want our candidate to get to Washington and go all Ga Ga.This 2012 run is going to be a "bitch"! Obama is a smart guy! The things he is weak on like the constitution, foreign policy, national security and economics is also the most critical and dangerous areas of this country. Remember we elected this guy on three words "yes we can" and nothing of substance to back that up. Scary!
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