.F. Rolls on Videotaping Guns and Ammo Sales
Second Amendment supporters…now we know. In San Francisco politics, a Mexican illegal immigrant using a stolen gun in a high-profile murder is more of a gun issue than an immigration issue.
One would think Francisco Sanchez, a 45-year old a man with 7 felony convictions and who has been deported 5 times, would trigger an immediate review of the sanctuary city’s immigration policy. Instead, his random shooting of innocent 32-year old Kathryn Steinle at a San Francisco pier is sadly the trigger behind a new push for stricter new gun control, specifically videotaping guns and ammo sales.
A firearm stolen from a federal agent four days earlier was used in the murder. Somehow, this has provided all of the ammunition necessary for shooting down gun rights. As we explored earlier, Mark Farrell of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors went ahead yesterday and asked the city’s attorney’s office to draft his proposed legislation into a new city ordinance. It is expected to be formally submitted and voted on in September.
These strict gun laws would mandate the following:
- All sales of guns and ammunition within San Francisco city limits will be required to be videotaped. This follows the precedent set by the other big city anti-gun governments of New York and more recently, Chicago.
- The video recordings will need to be stored for a period of at least five years.
- At least once a week, the data on all sales transactions involving guns and ammo must be transmitted to the San Francisco Police Department.
“More big brother watching. More big government interference,” said Ares Armor CEO, Bryce Stirlen. “This proposal infringes on the freedom of citizens to legally exercise their Second Amendment Rights in privacy if they choose. Or, it may wrongly force them to leave San Francisco to do so.”
Supervisor Farrell says the city must do all it can to protect its citizens including videotaping guns and ammo sales. He believes stronger local oversight of guns and ammunition is needed because the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives is understaffed and unable to handle it all.
Ironically in San Francisco a gun shop by the name of High Bridge Arms is the only one in business within city limits. The store which already has security cameras is strongly against the proposed gun law. General manager, Steven Alcairo, told KTVU-TV, “It is a very intrusive law that will accomplish absolutely nothing. As of right now I would refuse that, unless they brought a subpoena.”
Mark Farrell countered by saying, “To me, this is no-brainer legislation.” If approved by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, the new restrictions on videotaping guns and ammo sales would go into effect by the end of 2016