I am a United States Citizen. I am not a republican nor a democrat. I, again, am a United States Citizen. I believe that our Constitution and the Bill of Rights grant us the opportunity to pursue happiness and that these two great documents do not guarantee happiness. That part is up to us.
I also believe that all laws and regulations should strictly follow the Constitution and that we have some laws that indeed violate our Constitution.
I believe that, based on past experience and results, that the government should immediately vacate its roll in the management of citizens lives. They can't seem to get the Post Office on track; social security is in the ditch because it is trying to do more than what it was originally established for; welfare programs are huge failures; the governments management of our current economy has been a monumenatl wasted effort; and etc.
It is so easy to become disenfranchised with the government because the political leaders appear to do whatever it takes to placate the citizenry so that they can be re-elected. If our leaders, started today doing the right thing, very few would be re-elected. If our national leaders truly tried to correct our debt problems (that they created), the negative impact would affect millions of people. It would, no doubt, hurt but our elected officials need to realize that something has to be done immediately.
I would say that because of our national leaders arrogance that there failure to respond to our debt crisis has cost Americans literally trillions of dollars. Maybe we all need to send our elected officials a bill for the money that was lost in the stock market on August 8th.