Daniel F opines, “Judging by announcements coming from Bibi’s new government, it’s clear that defeating the worldwide BDS movement has become a top priority. That means Israel will be ratcheting up their ‘hasbara’ and taking concrete actions to turn up the heat on those who have been playing a double game: waving the Israeli flag in one hand while opening the door to anti-Zionist BDS groups with the other. This is a developing story; BB’s government is still settling in. But keep your eye on the headlines. They’ll soon be making those who once felt at ease aiding and abetting the enemies of Israel very uncomfortable. Stay tuned for more items like this. ”

Israel to sue firms calling for...

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Florida Muslims face prison for jihad mass murder bomb plot in NYC

More Muslims involved in jihad on our home soil, proving yet again the falsity of the mainstream narrative that jihad has nothing to do with Islam. Why do mosques have so much difficulty training converts in the proper understanding of Islam, if jihad terror is a misunderstanding of Islam?

The fact is that this understanding of Islam is widespread.

And while Muslims in the US pay lip service to denouncing jihad terror, where are they teaching against the ideology that gave rise to it?

Right now, nothing is being done to stop jihad recruiting in US mosques, even as several hundred young Muslims from the US have gone to wage jihad for the Islamic State.

If the moderates really reject extremism, let them show it by instituting genuine...

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Lou Dobbs, The Lone True Free Speech Champion in Broadcast News @loudobbsnews

Bravo to Lou Dobbs, the only TV news host to show the AFDI winning Muhammad drawing.

Lou Dobbs, The Lone True Free Speech Champion at Fox, By Dr. Andrew Bostom, June 10, 2015

Lou Dobbs rose (well) above the empty, hypocritical, preening din of all his colleagues at Fox News last evening: he unabashedly displayed the new free speech billboards (see above) of Pamela Geller/The American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), which feature ex-Muslim Bosch Fawstin’s thoughtful, Garland exhibit award-winning Muhammad drawing.

As I have repeatedly demonstrated (see herehereherehere; and here). despite the rhetorical flourishes in support of free expression by those at Fox News—notably Megyn Kelly—contra Dobbs’ forceful action,...

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Nuclear Jihad: Islamic State Working on Dirty Bomb

Obama does not have a strategy to fight the JV team, but he does have a strategy to destroy Israel and nuclear weaponize Iran.

A dirty bomb is a nuclear weapon improvised from radioactive nuclear waste material and conventional explosives.

Having chronicled the destruction of freedom and dismantling of American hegemony over the past years, it is increasingly clear that I am reporting the play-by-play on the road to Armageddon.

Operation Fetal Position is no strategy for survival.

“Australia warns Islamic State working to develop dirty bomb,” By Tamar Pileggi, TOI, June 10, 2015 (thanks to Izhak):
Foreign minister says terror group likely to have technical expertise and material for chemical or radioactive bombs


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The Islamic State in Possession of U.S. Anti-Tank Missiles

More of the poison fruit of Obama’s Islamic foreign policy initiatives and arming the “moderates.”

“ISIS Fighters in Possession of U.S. Anti-Tank Missiles,”
BY Leith Fadel, June 9, 2015

The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) has been terrorizing Iraq and Syria for over two years with relentless attacks on major cities and religious sites, while world powers like the United States (U.S.), France, and Great Britain struggle to dissipate the exponential growth and spread of this terrorist organization.

Part of the U.S.’ strategy to combat the rise of this terrorist organization has been to form a coalition of countries to carry-out airstrikes over the vast desert territory under ISIS’ control in...

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New York Police Department Ramps Up Recruitment Of Muslim Police Officers

While terror threats to NYC are at an all-time high and the murder rate in NYC has spiked underRed Bill DeBlasio, his new initiative is — to hire Muslim police officers.

Favoring one religion over another is unconstitutional.

“It’s changing every day; we are getting more and more recruits,” Lt. Adeel Rana, commanding officer of the community affairs immigration outreach unit said. “And as they see people of their own religion in uniform, their eyes brighten.”

This should be the goal of police departments across the nation — bright eyes.

“The more Muslims who work in the NYPD the better,” said Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the terror group, the Council on American-Islamic...

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Pennsylvania: Scores of teachers bow to Allah, celebrate Islam, visit local mosque to learn more about Islam

Photo: Teachers took time off school to attend a Muslim prayer session, courtesy of the taxpayer. /Photo: Lebanon Daily News

Key questions:

–Where is the separation of mosque and state?
–If special accommodation is going to be made for Islam, where are the days devoted toChristianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism, Mormonism, Bahai’ism, et al?
–Is this not a violation of the establishment clause? Taxpayer dollars are being used to funddawah (proselytizing for Islam).
Why aren’t these teachers being given a seminar by Robert Spencer and Ibn Warraq about thejihadic doctrine and Islam’s 1,400 year history of jihadi wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilation and enslavements?
— The...

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Obama: “The fact that you are an anti-semite, doesn’t preclude you from being rational”

Another jaw-dropping admission from the anti-semite in the White House. Clearly the narcissist was thinking of himself — projecting — when he said that antisemitism “doesn’t preclude you from being rational.” Tell it to Hitler, Hussein.

Raised a Muslim, Obama’s antisemitism is matter-of-fact and supremacist. Like most Muslim antisemites, they believe their hate is righteous. Obama studied Quran in elementary and middle schools — he knows what it says. He has never condemned or renounced the Jew-hatred in the Quran. I wrote of this extensively in my 2010 book, The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America (most particularly the chapters “Obama and the Jews”...

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AFDI Free Speech Ads Featuring Muhammad Go Up in Arkansas

Our AFDI free speech ads went up in in and around the northern tri-county area of Marion, Baxter and Boone counties in Arkansas.


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Anti-Islamophobia Group Had List of Jewish Targets, Plans for Nuclear Bomb

The charge of “Islamophobia” is used to intimidate people into thinking there is something wrong with opposing jihad violence.

The Muslim groups that complain most loudly about “Islamophobia,” like Hamas-tied CAIR, have opposed every counter-terror program that has ever been proposed or implemented.

And now one of them has fully outed itself as the Jew-hating jihad group it always was.

“Anti-Islamophobia Group Had List of Jewish Targets, Plans for Nuclear Bomb,” by Daniel Greenfield, FrontPage, June 8, 2015:

Forsane Alizza or the Proud Knights was founded to fight Islamophobia in France by a nice fellow named Mohammed.

And it was very serious about fighting Islamophobia.

First it protested outside a McDonald’s by...

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Temple Beth Am In Seattle Hosting Anti-Israel Program

Most houses of Jewish worship fly a flag of Israel and support the Jewish State. On Thursday, July 11, Temple Beth Am in Seattle is hosting a program that is hostile to the State of Israel and the Israel Defense Forces. We are calling on anyone who cares about Israel to let them know exactly how you feel.

Temple Beth Am is hosting a program from the extremist organization, Breaking the Silence, which travels the world undermining Israel with the help of the New Israel Fund.

As the Jerusalem Post reported today, about this exhibit  during is stop in Switzerland: “Swiss politicians say the country’s Foreign Ministry misused public funds to finance a hate-filled exhibit targeting the Jewish state.

 “We condemn sharply the...

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