William M. Finley's Posts (2815)

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NYPD Boss Jailed for 28 Years in Elite Pedophile Ring Sting

It truly is disgusting to see how many pedophiles hold high positions in our society. And for too long, they have been doing more than just getting away with it, they have been abusing their positions of power to exploit even more children. Well, that’s about to change, and the Trump administration’s often-unreported crackdown against pedophile rings continues. Their latest capture is former NYPD department boss Alberto Randazzo.

In the following video, Right Wing News looks at the crimes committed by Randazzo, which includes persuading mothers to sexually abuse their children for his own sick viewing pleasure. This is horrifying, but compared to the elite pedophiles infesting DC, this guy is a small fry. How many more pedophiles are hiding in positions of power?

Your News Wire reports:

Alberto Randazzo, a former New York City Police Department boss, was sentenced to 28 years in prison for sexual exploitation of children and receipt of child pornography, as the Trump administration’s investigation into the elite pedophile ring that has infiltrated politics and law enforcement nationwide continues taking down high-profile perpetrators.

Randazzo was caught targeting mothers, persuading them to sexually abuse their children and send him pictures and videos of the acts. (Read more from “NYPD Boss Jailed for 28 Years in Elite Pedophile Ring Sting” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/nypd-boss-jailed-28-years-elite-pedophile-ring-sting/

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MICHIGANISTAN: Designated terrorist group CAIR is fighting against a proposed anti-sharia bill

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

This is called sharia-creep. Muslims and their left wing useful idiots argue that banning sharia law is an infringement on religious freedom. A better idea would be to ban Muslims from this country. Case closed.

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbIPbXQ189U

There is only one supreme  law of the land Read our Constitution Article 6 no other law as any authority in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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New Jersey: Islamic Society with Questionable Background Joins with DOJ to Intimidate Citizens Opposing Mosque

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

Islamic Society of Basking Ridge website

Source: Islamic Society with Questionable Background Joins Forces with Justice Department to Intimidate Citizens Opposing Mosque – Thomas More Law Center

ANN ARBOR, MI – The Thomas More Law Center (“TMLC”) has learned that the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge (“ISBR”), which was trying to obtain zoning changes to build a mosque in Bernards Township, NJ, has hidden from public view anti-Christian and anti-Semitic verses on its website, as well as its connection to the Islamic Society of North America (“ISNA”)— an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in America.  ISNA is claimed by the Muslim Brotherhood as one of “our organizations and . . . our friends.”  According to internal documents seized by the FBI, the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategy is to engage in a “grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within . . .”—one of the stages of this civilization jihad is the building of mosques and Islamic centers.

Plaintiffs ISBR and Mohammad Ali Chaudry sued in March 2016, claiming that the denial of zoning changes to permit a mosque violated the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (“RLUIPA”) of 2000 and reflected community “religious and cultural animus against Muslims.”  Within a week of the ISBR lawsuit, the Justice Department launched its own investigation and filed its own lawsuit.

While a visible link to the quotes below was once contained on the ISBR website, ISBR has now taken the extraordinary step of hiding the links from public view.  Accordingly, the quotes cannot be found through a simple internet search or a view of the public portion of ISBR’s website, they can only be found by access to the direct links here:

“Ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them.”

“Fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war).”

“And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out; … .”

The Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, MI entered the case solely to protect the constitutional rights of several Bernards Township citizens who exercised their fundamental right to publicly oppose proposed zoning changes.

These private citizens had no authority to deny the zoning application; nor did they have any official role in the Township.  Nevertheless, they were served with burdensome and harassing subpoenas which demanded: all their email addresses and social media accounts; all personal documents including emails, voicemails, text messages, and social media posts concerning Muslims, Islam, mosques, the Quran, Muslim worship or prayer services, wudu, imams, burkas, hijabs, Sharia, jihad, or anything else associated with or related to Muslims or Islam; any object inscribed with or containing the words “Preserve Liberty Corner,” or anti-mosque signs, flyers, banners, email messages, or pamphlets, distributed or otherwise existing at any time within the Township.  In addition, Department of Justice (“DOJ”) lawyers began a new front of intimidation by directly contacting these private citizens, asking them to come in for interviews concerning the mosque.

Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, stated: “Under Attorney General Loretta Lynch, the Justice Department, using politically driven DOJ attorneys, weaponized itself against fundamental constitutional principles to intimidate American citizens with whom they disagreed.  Immediately after the San Bernardino terrorist attack and just months before DOJ inserted itself into this case, Ms. Lynch made the infamous statement chilling free speech: ‘…when we see the potential for someone lifting that mantle of anti-Muslim rhetoric…. when we see that we will take action.’  This is exactly what happened to the citizens of Bernards Township. DOJ attorneys initiated a deep state inquisition, seeking to bring citizens objecting to the mosque in for questioning.”

The Koran – it’s what’s taught in mosques. Some make the headlines, but most don’t.

via Islamic sheikh tells teenage girls they will go to hell for having non-Muslim friends

Sheikh Mohamad Doar told a room of teenage girls in Sydney’s west they needed to stop being friends with non-believers in a lecture that also covered Islamic fashion and grooming.

‘The reality is, my sisters, any friendship that is not built on the fear of Allah is only going to lead to hell fire so you need to be cautious,’ he said on Saturday night.

‘With your actions, you distance yourself from the corrupted people.’

More: Christian man tortured in Sheikhupura for ‘befriending’ Muslim woman

A Christian man was reportedly assaulted and burnt with hot iron rods, allegedly by the family of a Muslim woman in Sheikhupura district, for having “friendship” with her, it has been learnt.

And it will be taught in Basking Ridge, New Jersey just as it is taught in every mosque.


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Netherlands: Knife-wielding Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” refuses to drop weapon, shot by police

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

Geenstijl has more information here, in Dutch. Jihad Watch reader Peter, who sent this video to me, explains that the people who shot the video are Turks who are clearly not on the side of the police. According to Geenstijl’s translation, the man taking the video refers to the cops as “sons of whores” and shouts “Europe!,” which has become a curse word among the followers of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

“Images surface of shooting by police on Hobbemaplein,” translated from “Beelden opgedoken van schieten door politie op Hobbemaplein,” AD.nl, April 20, 2017 (thanks to Peter):

A videoer today revealed images of the arrest on the Hobbemaplein in The Hague, where officers shot a man in the leg.

The police confirmed that the incident took place on April 12. A man brandished a knife and did not listen to the officers who ordered him to drop the weapon. After a warning shot, the officers decided to shoot him.

In the video it can be seen that the man walks toward the officers with an object in his hand. A loud bang is heard from the gun of one of the officers. Then the man falls to the ground, grabs his leg and calls out ‘Allahu akbar’ (‘God is great’). Four officers then approach the man.

The video was made from a house near the square in Schilderswijk.Video https://www.jihadwatch.org/2017/04/netherlands-knife-wielding-muslim-screaming-allahu-a

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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Geller Report

 Today's Top Stories

To read all articles got http://pamelageller.com/

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ISIS Starves Civilians to Force Them Into Fighting for the Caliphate

The Islamic State is withholding food and water from citizens in Mosul in an effort to force them into joining the terrorist organization, according to an Iraqi non-profit.

The beleaguered terrorist organization has suffered personnel and territory losses since the U.S.-backed Iraqi Security Forces began operations to retake Mosul in October. Combat operations in Mosul have led to intense, street-to-street fighting in the city’s western area. ISIS is now forcibly conscripting the thousands of locals who remain by withholding food and water, according to a report by the Iraqi Observatory for Human Rights.

“An infant and its sister [have] died last week in Uruba neighborhood due to lack of food,” the report stated. “Now their mother is facing the same fate as she is in a very bad health condition.”

Some local civilians have given into ISIS to survive.

A single hospital in Mosul has seen hundreds of cases of malnourished and dehydrated people, mostly children, a representative told the Observatory. (Read more from “ISIS Starves Civilians to Force Them Into Fighting for the Caliphate” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/isis-starves-civilians-force-fighting-caliphate/

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Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective
Bill Wilson
Freedom of speech and of religion

NOTEWhen writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Friday, April 21, 2017
The First Amendment to the US Constitution reads : "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Yet our society in America seems to have come to a point where free speech is fine so long as you don't disagree with anything the news media, leftists, leftist politicians or certain political parties say. Then you are labeled a racist, bigot, homophobe, xenophobe, Islamophobe, misogynist, or some such other slur-especially if you respond with facts. Its free speech they say-that is, to insult you.
These folks would limit your free speech. Some of them think that people who voice concern about the flawed science of global warming should be put in jail. Others say that citing the Koran as the reason Islamists kill Christians, Jews and other infidels is hate speech and bigotry. Many believe that those who want people to immigrate to the United States legally are racists. If you believe that the safest place for a baby is the mother's womb, many consider you someone who is trying to take away women's health rights. These people have somehow taken what they consider a moral high ground and have boxed in those who disagree with their nonsense. Apply facts to support your ideals and you invite a personal attack.
If this isn't hate speech, it certainly is hateful speech. But it is free speech according to the shrill voices that accuse others of bullying while they, themselves, are the biggest bullies. When you or I make a statement based on facts, they immediately say we should have no voice, that we are hateful, and apply a label. Who gives them this right? In reality, free speech and free exercise of religion have their foundation in God's word. It is the laws of God that give us freedom. Galatians 5:1 says, " Stand fast therefore in the liberty with which Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." Liberty, freedom, free will, life abundantly springs eternal from God. The labels applied to us by these hateful people are of sin. They have no moral ground. Yet they claim they are crusading for social justice.
Proverbs 28:4,5 says, "They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them. Evil men understand not justice: but they that seek the LORD understand all things." These folks couldn't truly define social justice because they do not understand justice or from whom the law came. Freedom of speech and of religion comes with a responsibility to exercise such in reverence to Godly principles of love, truth, honor and justice. Those who do not know the one true God have no foundation to speak. We must do a better job. How? It comes through the free exercise of speech and religion as Ephesians 6:19 exhorts: "that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel."
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

PS. Please use the "Share This Email" link below to pass this on to as many people as you can!    
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25 Percent of Millennials Who Live at Home Are Unemployed

A quarter of millennials living at home with their parents have no job and no responsibilities. Twenty-five percent of 18-to-34-year-olds in the U.S. living under their parents’ roof are on an extended vacation, but not entirely by choice.

The U.S. Census Bureau released a comprehensive study Wednesday analyzing the economic and demographic changes of young adults from 1970 to 2016. Nearly 1-in-3 millennials live at home with one-in-four living idly, meaning they neither go to school or work. That’s approximately 2.2 million people.

The majority of the 2.2 million have a high school degree or less, over half of them are male, and about 20 percent of them have at least one child. A quarter of the group also has some type of disability.

The report also found another interesting development among young cohorts: Unlike their parents and other previous generations that chose to get married young, millennials are pushing their marriage prospects back rather dramatically . . .

The vast majority of Americans hold to the belief that educational and financially lucrative accomplishments are important milestones of adulthood. Those beliefs stand in stark contrast to their feelings about marriage and parenthood. (Read more from “25 Percent of Millennials Who Live at Home Are Unemployed” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/25-percent-millennials-live-home-unemployed/

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6 Reasons to Be Skeptical of RINO Tax ‘Reform’

“We must do ‘something’ on health care so we can get to tax reform. Now!”

This is the latest rage and clamor among the big donors, lobbyists, and consultants within the less intelligent arm of the Democrat Party, otherwise known as the GOP.

The entire argument is built upon a false premise and will not result in sound policy unless conservatives grab the mantle on tax policy away from the party establishment.

There are many emergency public policy issues vexing our economy, society, sovereignty, security, and the core of our ability to operate as a democratic republic: the judicial oligarchy crisis, Afghanistan, debt, the entitlement and dependency state, uncontrolled immigration, Islamic terrorism, the collapse of the civil society, and challenges to religious liberty and core family values, just to name a few. These are all either new problems or issues where the trends have dramatically worsened, have become unsustainable, and will destroy our country. The same cannot be said of the tax code, at least not in terms of trends, unsustainability, and a sense of urgency.

As much as we all hate the tax code, “tax reform” is not one of those emergency “triage” issues needed to solve an unsustainable trajectory within the next few months. If anything, relative to almost any other policy issue, the trend on taxes has gotten relatively better after the Reagan and Bush tax cuts. The political realities of what we are dealing with today will make any play for tax reform an interception rather than a touchdown. Which is why it would be better to stay away from it, at least from a “comprehensive approach,” and tackle more pressing issues, such as immigration, terrorism, and homeland security – or de-regulation of major industries, government reforms, and stripping down the judiciary from its autocratic nature.

Don’t get me wrong: A fair tax or a truly low flat tax that doesn’t punish productivity, redistribute wealth, and socially engineer the economy with asset bubbles induced by tax pork would go a long way towards reviving our economy. There would be no better cause to pursue. Except that is not on the menu. Because of the following factors, it is clear that “tax reform,” which is already ill-defined, will never result in the sort of fair, pro-growth, limited-government outcomes we are looking for and will likely make things worse.

1. Debt is the challenge of our time, not taxes: Taxes used to be the most important domestic policy issue, not only because the tax structure determined how much money stayed in the private sector, but because it was the source of nourishment for the federal leviathan. As such, by cutting taxes, we’d accomplish both the goals of economic growth and limiting the size of government. That era is over. Debt, serviced by monetary manipulation, is the new nourishment of a much greater entitlement state than Reagan ever feared. That is the challenge of our time, much like taxes were the challenge of Reagan’s time. The lesson of the Bush years was that we succeeded on the tax issue but needed to begin work on spending, entitlements, and dependency. Instead, we have gone backwards.

2. Budget scoring severely limits tax reform: Closely related to the first point – because crushing debt and entitlements are the challenge of our time, it makes balanced budgets that much harder. Mandatory spending is projected to cost $34 trillion over the next 10 years, and deficits are estimated to grow by $7.8 trillion. And that is using the CBO’s everlasting optimistic baseline for both revenues and spending. The health care crisis alone will sink this country into insolvency before we reach the end of the 10-year budget window. In addition, there is a consensus to increase military spending. And that doesn’t begin to factor in Ivankacare and the $1 trillion infrastructure porkulous plan. This is a very different era from the Bush years, when there was a projected surplus. To be clear, I’m not one of those who believes we should pass up any opportunity to cut taxes. We have already crossed the Rubicon of Greece-like debt by funding endless dependency without paying for it, so I’m not about to start applying rules of balance to giving people back their own money and growing the economy. But that is the view of conservatives. Republicans in Washington will feel constrained by the need for deficit-neutral “tax reform.” They are already looking for all sorts of corresponding tax increases and new revenue streams to offset any cuts. That will not end well.

3. Not a lot of juice to squeeze out of tax cuts for non-wealthy: The dirty little secret is that half of tax filers don’t pay, on net, federal income taxes. Thanks in large part to the success of the Reagan and Bush tax cuts (plus the Obama tax increases on the wealthy), lower income and lower-middle income earners don’t incur a net positive tax liability. The bottom two brackets have already been eliminated. By definition, any tax cut is going to be enjoyed primarily by the wealthy because they are the ones who pay the taxes.

According to the Tax Foundation, in 2014, the top 1 percent paid 39.5 percent of all federal income taxes, even though they earned just 20 percent of the income pie. The top 5 percent paid 60 percent of the income taxes, even though they earned just 36 percent of the income. The bottom 50 percent, on the other hand, paid just 2.75 percent of the income taxes, even though they earned 11 percent of the income pie. The point is that the income tax is already more progressive than it’s ever been. Yet Republicans have no ability or desire to properly articulate this. Inevitably, they are accused of “cutting taxes for the wealthy.” As such, every time they pick up the “tax reform” ball, they wind up throwing even more refundable tax credits at the bottom and raising taxes, on net, for those at the top.

There is simply not a lot that can be done in terms of a tax cut plan that won’t be perceived as tax cuts for the rich. Not that there is anything wrong with that. This is why it would be wise for Republicans to focus on the hidden tax of regulations, such as the ethanol mandate and many other pernicious interventions, which collectively cost all families $15,000 a year. Until we abolish the 16th Amendment through an Article V convention, I just don’t see any political appetite from this party to truly flatten out the tax code. A true flat tax (even with an exception of the first $30,000) will result in a tax increase on many people. Personally, I’m fine with a low flat tax raising just enough revenue to fund the constitutional aspects of the federal government and with making sure that such a tax would be paid by everyone. But politically speaking, Republicans will never let that happen.

4. Liberals are writing the tax plan: The main players behind the administration’s tax plan are Gary Cohen, Steven Mnuchin, and Wilbur Ross – not a single Republican among them. This will not end well.

5. Buying off Democrats with porkulous: The administration has already hinted that it intends to work to garner Democrat votes rather than push reforms to the existing practice of the filibuster in the Senate. Some prominent supply-siders are already advocating for a trade of tax cuts for more infrastructure spending. As we’ve noted before, transportation spending should be devolved to the states instead of purveying the wasteful federal transportation sinkhole. It’s not worth the trade.

6. Health care must be fixed first: One of the most important reforms that can be made to the tax code is equalizing the treatment of health insurance plans purchased by the individual with employer-provided plans. This will help tackle “the original sin” of health care and get more people to cost-continuously purchase their own plans rather than rely on the over-utilized employer system. The problem is that until and unless Obamacare is repealed, there is no individual market left to which people can take their tax deduction and purchase a cheap plan. Given that Republicans don’t plan to repeal Obamacare – just simply “pass a health care bill” – there is no point in fixing the tax distortion on health insurance.

The path forward

The best way to preempt a bad tax plan is for conservative members of Congress to introduce Trump’s campaign tax plan as a bill and approach the president with it in the hopes of making this plan the default position. His plan is actually really good and politically defensible because it is not flat (which is nearly impossible to achieve), cuts everyone’s taxes, but lowers marginal rates significantly. Recently, the Trump administration has disavowed this plan, but conservatives should not let the president violate another campaign pledge.

However, even such a plan that we agree with will take months to iron out the details and build the proper case for it publicly. If the president doesn’t understand that and wants a quick “victory,” the best course of action is to push for an immediate reduction of the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 25 percent without getting rid of any deductions (which would disrupt business models and take longer to work out). This will inject an immediate pro-growth shot into the economy at a time when it badly needs a recovery.

A modest reduction in corporate taxes is a proposition even many Democrats are on record as supporting. This has been a consensus issue, it will not disrupt the market, and it will not lose much revenue. Corporate taxes don’t bring in that much revenue to begin with. This can all be done in the short run while making the case for Trump’s original plan on individual taxes over the next few months.

When approaching the tax issue, Republicans cannot make the same mistake they did with the health care bill. We can’t assume “tax reform” is a policy punchline we all agree with, the same way “repealing Obamacare” clearly didn’t mean what it denoted. Both the broad principles and philosophy behind the effort as well as the details of the specific proposal matter. In the case of health care, Republicans adopted the Democrat philosophy, and the details of their original bill codified Obamacare instead of repealing it. The same will hold true for taxes unless conservatives take a proactive approach to stave off bad policy. (For more from the author of “6 Reasons to Be Skeptical of RINO Tax ‘Reform'” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/6-reasons-skeptical-rino-tax-reform/

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The Insane Punishment a School Gave a Teen Over a Water Gun

What is the appropriate punishment for a high school student found on campus in possession of a water gun?

The Autauga County Board of Education, which covers communities near Montgomery, Alabama, decided that a 16-year-old girl with a water gun was in violation of the board’s firearms policy. So Sara Allena “Laney” Nichols received a one-year expulsion.

According to a report in the Montgomery Advertiser, Laney explained that she acquired the water pistol “as a joke” from a male classmate in a school hallway at Prattville High School.

The school’s security cameras captured footage of Laney holding the toy gun, but not of the male student holding it at any time. He received no punishment.

Laney said she put the water pistol in her backpack and then, the same day, on the back seat of her car in the school parking lot. It went unnoticed by the principal and school officials until a classmate reported to the administration a few days later that Laney had a gun.

Prattville High officials, following proper procedures, questioned Laney. She told them that the purported gun was really a water gun and was in her car, parked on school grounds, at that time. Confirming that Laney, in fact, possessed a harmless piece of plastic, school officials successfully cleared the threat.

Laney’s mother, Tara Herring, says her daughter got a 10-day suspension. Herring conceded that the black water pistol may have looked like a real gun at first glance, but is made of plastic and clearly distinguishable the second someone touches it.

That could have been the end of the story, but the school board decided to hand down a one-year expulsion for Laney’s violation of the Parent/Student Code of Conduct, which classifies possession of a weapon as a “major offense” punishable by expulsion.

The board’s Policy Manual prohibits students from possessing firearms on school grounds, including cars parked in the school lot. “Any student who violates this policy shall be expelled for a period of one year,” it says.

The Policy Manual, however, also provides that the superintendent of schools “may modify the expulsion requirement on a case-by-case basis.” Thus far, Superintendent Spence Agee has declined to comment on the incident, although if he has any common sense, he’ll modify this draconian penalty.

Also at issue is whether Laney’s water pistol even qualifies as a prohibited firearm under school board rules. The Code of Conduct broadly defines a firearm as an object that “is designed to, or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive charge or by compressed air or by spring action.”

A water gun could fall under this broad definition of a firearm only if water qualifies as a projectile and the plastic toy uses compressed air or a spring mechanism to release it. Surely, the board did not envision a harmless water gun when it adopted its firearm prohibition.

The Policy Manual provides an even stricter definition by adopting the definition of a firearm provided by federal law (18 U.S.C. § 921). Under the statute, a “firearm” is “any weapon (including a starter gun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive.” Notably, not a water gun.

As the New Jersey State Supreme Court once reasoned, the statute is “talking about a real gun capable of discharging a projectile of some sort, not talking about a toy gun, not talking about a water gun, not talking about a plastic gun that can’t fire a projectile” (State v. Gantt (1986).

Laney’s water pistol is not a firearm under the adopted definition of Autauga County schools’ Policy Manual.

Education officials are understandably hypersensitive to threats of guns on campus, but the danger posed by real guns at school should not allow for a gross overreaction that could derail a student’s academic career.

Conflicting standards, overly broad definitions, and vague policies plague the criminal justice system with the possibility of absurd results. The same is happening here.

In this case, Agee should yield to reason, if not compassion, and use his discretion to modify the expulsion or yield to the statutory definition of a firearm to reduce the level of Laney’s offense.

Laney’s family has hired a lawyer and is threatening to sue if the school board does not act to remove the “scarlet letter E” (expulsion) from Laney’s record. It should not take a lawsuit to determine that a water pistol is not a firearm.

A 16-year-old girl deserves more from America’s public education system than a one-year expulsion for possession of a water gun. (For more from the author of “The Insane Punishment a School Gave a Teen Over a Water Gun” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/insane-punishment-school-gave-teen-water-gun/

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Harvard: Gender Changes Daily. Disagreement Is Violence

Harvard University is using tuition dollars to tell students that “there are more than two sexes” and that “gender is fluid and changing.” The school is also telling students gender can change daily —sometimes depending on what people choose to wear. If you disagree with those statements, you are promoting “systemic violence.”

The office of BGLTQ Student Life has released a guide promoting delusions instructing students to “fight transphobia” and “get the facts about gender diversity,” Peter Van Voorhis reports for Campus Reform.

The guide, which was distributed to students on campus, declares that “there are more than two sexes” and that “gender is fluid and changing,” adding that someone’s gender identity “can be affirmed and/or expressed in many ways,” and can even “change from day to day.”

Yes, that’s right. As Voorhis reports, “the flyer tells students that ‘for many people—cis and trans—gender expression, identity, and self-understanding can change from day to day,’ noting that gender can be expressed through one’s ‘speech, mannerisms, clothing,’ and more.”

Gender identity can fluctuate daily now?

How are you supposed to write a law that protects against gender or sex discrimination if a person’s “gender identity” can change daily? James Madison might’ve said something important about “mutable” or constantly changing government and “incoherent” laws once.

Pointing out the land of confusion into which the LGBT-rights movement is forcing us to descend could get students into trouble, however.

As the flyer reads, “Transphobic misinformation is a form of systemic violence.” What your kids are being taught, at Harvard University and likely elsewhere, is that traditional understandings of the roles of men and women the distinctions between male and female are “violence.”

If you follow this line of thinking then when, for example, Jesus says in Matthew 19, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?” — that’s violence.

Or, in Harvard’s terms, “Fixed binaries and biological essentialism, manifest in gendered language, misgendering someone, and the policing of trans bodies, threaten the lives of trans people.”

Some students are not happy their tuition dollars are being used to deny biological reality to make other students more comfortable with their mental delusions.

Campus Reform reports that several outraged students were upset school funds were used for this campaign, but declined to comment on for fear of “potential repercussions from the school.” One wonders if Harvard’s administration has paused to consider whether they are providing a safe space for students who think that men are men and women are women.

This is the sad state of affairs at colleges and universities. Traditional values are called violent. Mob violence to silence free speech is called justice. The same places that claim to create safe spaces for the liberal students are too dangerous for alternative points of view.

When will enough be enough? (For more from the author of “Harvard: Gender Changes Daily. Disagreement Is Violence” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/harvard-gender-changes-daily-disagreement-violence/

If you wonder why the snowflakes are so messed up the answer is obvious there is a problem with our colleges! We send our children to college for HIGHER EDUCATION NOT TO BE INDOCTRINATED
by these socialist who have not moral virtues!
Principles for a Free Society
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Professor Paints Picture of Trump’s Decapitated Head, Puts It on Display at Alaska College

A professor at an Alaska university has put a painting of President Donald Trump’s decapitated head on display at the college art gallery.

Thomas Chung, assistant professor of painting at the University of Alaska Anchorage, painted a portrait of a “Captain America” actor holding Trump’s severed head with two eagles to his side and a young Hillary Clinton holding onto the actor’s leg, KTUU reported.

“I was reminded of those ’80s rock posters,” said Chung, “where there’s a woman in tattered clothes clinging to a strong male hero’s leg.”

The professor explained that the 2016 presidential election results influenced his painting.

“After Trump was elected, I spent days just weeping,” the professor said. “And it was really surprising, because I’m not a political person. I am a social artist. I deal mostly in ideals of culture and global culture, but this election bled into that.” (For more from the author of “Professor Paints Picture of Trump’s Decapitated Head, Puts It on Display at College” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/professor-paints-picture-trumps-decapitated-head-puts-display-alaska

We have a big problem with our colleges!
Principles for a Free Society
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Documenting the Islamization of America

A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain( Muslims do not assimilate they infiltrate): March 2017

( Muslims do not assimilate they infiltrate)

Source: A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: March 2017

by Soeren Kern

March 1. A new Channel 4 documentary series called “Extremely British Muslims” showed the inner workings of a sharia court inside Birmingham’s Central Mosque. In the first episode, viewers witnessed the case of mother-of-four Fatima, 33, as she sought permission to divorce her drug dealer husband she says has abused her throughout their 14-year marriage. According to sharia law, Muslim women must plead their divorce cases in court, while Muslim men need only to say the words “I divorce you” three times to obtain a divorce. Birmingham Central Mosque said it allowed the sharia proceedings to be filmed in an effort to “break down misconceptions about Islam.” Some 100 sharia courts in Britain are now dispensing Islamic justice outside the remit of the British legal system.

March 2. English actor Riz Ahmed warned that the lack of Muslim faces on British television was alienating young people, driving them towards extremism and into the arms of the Islamic State. Delivering Channel 4’s annual diversity lecture in Parliament, Ahmed said that television had a pivotal role to play in ensuring that Muslims felt heard, and valued, in British society:

“If we fail to represent, we are in danger of losing people to extremism. In the mind of the ISIS recruit, he’s the next James Bond right? Have you seen some of those ISIS propaganda videos, they are cut like action movies. Where is the counter narrative? Where are we telling these kids they can be heroes in our stories — that they are valued? If we don’t step up and tell a representative story we are going to start losing British teenagers to the story that the next chapter in their lives is written with ISIS in Syria.”

March 3. The Amateur Swimming Association changed its swimsuit regulations to allow Muslim women to wear full body outfits, after a request from the Muslim Women’s Sport Foundation. The rule was changed to encourage more Muslim women to take part in the sport. Rimla Akhtar, from the Muslim Women’s Sport Foundation, said:

“Participation in sport amongst Muslim women is increasing at a rapid pace. It is imperative that governing bodies adapt and tailor their offerings to suit the changing landscape of sport, including those who access their sport.”

March 4. Ryan Counsell, 28, a jihadist from Nottingham who left his wife and two small children to fight with the Abu Sayyaf Islamist group in the Philippines, blamed his behavior on the Brexit vote. He told the Woolwich Crown Court that increased tension within the local Muslim community after Brexit sparked his decision to leave. He said that he wanted to escape Britain’s political climate and seek an “idyllic life” under sharia law. He was arrested at Stansted airport in July 2016 and was later sentenced to eight years in prison.

March 5. Homegrown terrorism inspired by the Islamic State poses the dominant threat to the national security of the United Kingdom, according to a comprehensive new report on violent Islamism in Britain. The 1,000-page report — “Islamist Terrorism: Analysis of Offenses and Attacks in the UK (1998–2015)” — was published by the Henry Jackson Society, a foreign policy think tank based in London.

The report found that number of Islamism-related offenses (IROs) in Britain doubled between 2011 and 2015 from 12 to 23 a year. More than half (52%) of IROs were committed by individuals of South Asian ancestry: British-Pakistanis (25%) and British-Bangladeshis (8%). Other offenders had family ties to countries in Africa, the Middle East and the Caribbean. Forty-seven percent of IROs were committed by individuals born in the UK.

The also report showed a clear link between terrorism and growing up in Muslim-dominated neighborhoods. London was the place of residence of 43% of IROs, followed by West Midlands, with 18%. Of the latter, 80% of IROs were in Birmingham. The third most common region was North West England, with 10% of IROs. Together, these three regions contained the residences in almost three-quarters (72%) of cases. East London was home to half (50%) the London-based offenders, while the three most common boroughs — Tower Hamlets, Newham and Waltham Forest — contained the residence of offenders’ in 38% of all London IROs (and 16% overall).

March 6. British security services have prevented 13 potential terror attacks since June 2013, according to Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley, the UK’s most senior counter-terrorism police officer. He also said that there were 500 live counter-terror investigations at any given time, and that investigators have been arresting terror suspects at a rate of close to one a day since 2014. The official threat level for international terrorism in the UK has stood at severe — meaning an attack is “highly likely” — for more than two years.

March 7. The National Health Service (NHS) revealed that there were 2,332 new cases of female genital mutilation (FGM) in Britain between October and December 2016. That brought the total of new cases in 2016 to nearly 5,500.

March 7. The managers of the cash-strapped Sandwell General Hospital near Birmingham are considering the construction of a special kitchen for preparing halal meals for Muslim patients and staff. The move follows complaints about the quality of halal meals that the hospital has outsourced to local vendors. A spokesman said: “We are still reviewing options around creating a separate halal kitchen and the best ways to provide a range of healthy halal options to patients and staff who want them.”

March 10. The BBC announced that it would begin outsourcing production of Songs of Praise, a Sunday worship program that has been produced in-house for 55 years. Critics of the move said they feared that Songs of Praise will lose its Christian focus in favor of Islam. Anglican priest Lynda Rose said a recent Songs of Praise episode featuring a segment about the Muslim faith, including Church of England children visiting a mosque, exemplified the “Islamization of the BBC.” More than 6,000 people have signed an online petition calling for MPs to investigate the BBC after it appointed Fatima Salaria as the BBC’s head of religious programming — the second Muslim in a row to hold the post.

March 11. Britain’s foreign aid budget is reportedly funding at least two dozen Palestinian schools, some of which are named after terrorists and murderers and which openly promote terrorism and encourage pupils to see child killers as role models. A Mail on Sunday investigation found pictures of “martyrs” posted on school walls, revolutionary slogans and symbols painted on premises used by youngsters, sports events named after teenage terrorists and children encouraged to act out shooting Israeli soldiers in plays.

Head teachers openly admitted to flouting attempts by British and European donors to control the curriculum at schools. They reportedly print overtly political study aids for pupils, some even denying the existence of Israel, while teachers boast of encouraging pupils to emulate teenage “martyrs” killed in terrorist attacks in the region.

One senior teacher from a prominent West Bank school, when asked what he would say to a pupil threatening to attack Israelis, said: “I would tell them go in the name of Allah.”

March 11. Islamic preachers may be asked to begin delivering their sermons in English under measures being prepared to rid Britain of hate preaching. The Telegraph reported that the government’s counter-extremism taskforce is working on the plans amid concern that preaching in foreign languages enforces divisions between Islam and mainstream British society and can foster radicalization.

March 12. An Islamic bookstore in Alum Rock, a predominately Muslim suburb of Birmingham that has produced 10% of all of Britain’s convicted terrorists, was found to be openly selling books promoting jihad. The Sunday Express visited the Madina Book Centre and bought a copy of the 440-page “Bringing up Children in Islam” for £5 ($6). The book encourages parents to “keep alive in the children the spirit of jihad.” It says:

“They [your children] may be inspired to strive for the restoration of the glory of Islam and Muslims. Jihad of warfare is where all humans spend their energies to stop a tyrant from being oppressive, for example when a tyrant makes it difficult for people to fulfill the commands of Allah to propagate Islam.

“Tyrants must be subdued whether they rule in an Islamic or non-Islamic land, or whether they are on a battlefield.

“It is the duty of Muslims to divert people from worshipping created things to the worship of the Almighty Allah alone.”

The book also rails against cinema and theater, arguing they are the work of “evil-minded” Jews, and warns of a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. The book supports adulterers being stoned to death and Muslim schoolchildren being kept separate from others: “Education under unbelieving and atheist teachers results in them going astray. Dangerous, communistic and materialistic ideas grow in their minds.”

March 14. A father who describes himself as “Anglo-Saxon” lost a legal battle to prevent his Muslim ex-wife from sending their 10-year-old son to an Islamic secondary school. The man, who was not named for legal reasons, said he wanted to prevent his son from attending a “school inside a mosque” on the grounds that he would be “marginalized” by his son if he enrolled at the London-based school. The man’s lawyer said that the mother and father had “different world views” and that it was client’s wish that his son be educated in a “neutral” environment. The man and his ex-wife, both in their 40s, had divorced more than three years ago following a nine-year marriage. The man had converted to Islam but renounced his faith following the separation. The lawyer argued that the boy’s Muslim faith could be adequately catered for at a secular school. A High Court judge dismissed the man’s appeal on the grounds that an earlier ruling made by a judge at a family court — that the man would not be marginalized by his son — was correct.

March 15. Lawyers warned that a landmark ruling by the European Court of Justice (ECJ), which allows employers to ban staff from wearing Islamic headscarves at work under certain conditions, will not automatically apply in Britain. The ECJ ruled that prohibiting the visible wearing of any political, philosophical or religious sign does not constitute direct discrimination. The judgment was delivered in cases brought by two employees, one in Belgium and one in France, who were dismissed for refusing to remove headscarves. Lawyers said that British companies adopting the ban could easily be sued for discrimination.

To read about what happened in the second half of March, go to Gatestone Institute.

Creeping Sharia, England, Immigration, Legal, Media, News, Politics, Religion, Sharia, Stealth Jihad

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One thought on “A Month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Britain: March 2017

  1. Joan

    This is like watching acts of horror, and being frozen in place, knowing there’s nothing you can do.
    It’s horrible watching Britian fall to satan. I know when the end comes….when these “radicals” become in charge of the mark system (to buy and sell), AND in charge of the punishment, for NOT taking it.

    Here’s a few references to their “peace”:
    “…Islam IS ‘The Religion of Peace’…”
    “…Qur’an or words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)…”.
    “…And the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that …”.
    “…And in an authentic hadith the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that…”.
    “…The Prophet, (peace be upon him) is reported to have said…”.
    “…The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)…”.
    “…According to Qur’an and Hadith, The saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)…”.
    “…Salam dear brother, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), the Quran lays down general principles to guide our actions…”.
    “…In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger…”

    And David says….”and by PEACE,… shall destroy many”….

    Now, what would he be talking about? Hmmm…

If sharia law continues spreading, you'll have less and less freedom of speech - so speak while you can!

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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Iran seeking to ban non-Muslims from running in elections: it’s against Sharia


Just one week before parliament is to approve a list of candidates, a letter published this week by Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, the head of the Guardian Council, declared it is against Sharia (Islamic law) for non-Muslims to be candidates in Shia Muslim-majority areas in city and village council elections.

Once again, the inherently supremacist nature of Sharia reveals itself: non-Muslims are deemed second-class, inferior to Muslims. In the meantime, infidels abroad continue to embrace the Islamic Republic of Iran, even as it funds jihad terror groups, and eagerly aid its expansionist efforts under the umbrellas of dialogue — and in large part by means of avenues opened up under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, that is, the Iran nuclear deal.

“Iran’s Guardian Council Tries to Exclude Non-Muslims from Running,” by Tara Sepehri Far, Human Rights Watch, April 19, 2017:

Authorities in Iran are threatening new restrictions on non-Muslims seeking to run in next month’s local elections.

Just one week before parliament is to approve a list of candidates, a letter published this week by Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, the head of the Guardian Council, declared it is against Sharia (Islamic law) for non-Muslims to be candidates in Shia Muslim-majority areas in city and village council elections. These contests, along with the presidential election, are set for May 19.
Religious minorities, especially members of the Bahai faith, who are not recognized in Iran’s constitution, suffer from serious discrimination. Even religious minorities recognized in the constitution cannot run for the presidency, and their participation in parliament is limited. But the law for city and village councils is clear: article 26 of the 1996 council election law allows candidates from recognized religious minorities to run as candidates in city and village elections so long as they “believe in and demonstrate their commitment to their own religious principles in practice.”

In 2013, for the first time, a Zoroastrian was elected to the city council of Yazd to represent the city’s diverse Muslim and non-Muslim residents. The Guardian Council, an appointed body of 12 Islamic jurists who are in charge of monitoring parliamentary and presidential elections, has long arbitrarily disqualified large numbers of candidates running for office. Now it is seeking to unilaterally amend the 20-year-old council election law.

But it is Iran’s parliament that is legally empowered to vet city and village council candidates – not the Guardian Council – and so far, it appears that the parliament is standing its ground. Today, Esfandiar Ekhtiari, the Zoroastrian member of parliament, called the Council’s letter “unconstitutional.” And the head of parliament has requested that parliamentarians overseeing the vetting process act in accordance with the law and not change the procedure….

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective
Bill Wilson
Media bias undermining Trump presidency

NOTEWhen writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Thursday, April 20, 2017
In an era where there is news 24-7, thousands of news stories are covered every day from all around the world. That's a lot of news to process. That's a lot to think about as you are trying to discern how the world is going. But there is one thing for certain: the news media is no longer trustworthy to provide unbiased news coverage. Even the news that is said to be unbiased has its own bias. Reporters no longer, or very rarely, report the news, but insert their opinions on what the news event means. President Donald Trump he has largely done what he said he would do if elected but has barely hit the 50% approval rating according to Rasmussen polling. The media, shaping public opinion, may be the logical answer as to why.
The Media Research Center (MRC), a media watchdog, conducted a survey of the news stories about the President on ABC, CBS and NBC's evening news from January 20 through April 9, the first 80 days of Trump's Administration. MRC analyzed 869 stories accounting for 1,900 minutes of total network airtime devoted to the Trump Administration. Five topics-the temporary travel ban, Russian election investigation, socialist health care replacement, increased immigration enforcement, and the ex "president" wire tap claims-all characterized Trump and his administration between 93-to-99.5% negative. Of 1,687 comments about Trump, excluding partisans, 89% were negative.
A similar analysis of the ex "president's" first 100 days of news coverage revealed that the news media characterized that presidency and Administration as 58-to-82% positive on the key topics of the trillion dollar stimulus package, intervention in the housing market, use of tax payer money to fund embryo-destroying stem cell research, and the action to support global warming. These are all socialistic and politically charged issues that apparently agree with the personal beliefs of the media reporters and leftists who own the media conglomerates. A 2014 study by Indiana University and quoted by the New York Times indicated that only 7% of journalists identified as Republicans. In 2015 over 30 "journalists" left their jobs to work for the previous "president's" Administration, and many "journalists" had spouses that worked there.
When the free press becomes exclusive of its belief system and political views, it no longer represents a free press. It becomes a voice for that belief system and a propaganda arm of those running that system. This has happened in America. The socialist revolutionary minions are trying to overthrow America and the media is helping them do it. We should not be influenced by these evildoers. As Solomon prayed in 1 Kings 3:9 saying, "Give therefore your servant an understanding heart to judge your people, that I may discern between good and bad," so should we seek such wisdom and discernment to judge truth from lies. As you should know, the truth can be found, but you have to seek after it.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

PS. Please use the "Share This Email" link below to pass this on to as many people as you can!    
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Professor Who Tweeted ‘Trump Must Hang’ Takes Paid Leave of Absence

The professor who tweeted “Trump must hang” and that two Republicans should be executed for each immigrant deported is taking a paid leave of absence for the rest of the spring semester.

Professor Lars Maischak of California State University, Fresno agreed upon the leave of absence with the university, according to The Fresno Bee.

The professor’s paid leave of absence comes after The Daily Caller News Foundation reported on threatening tweets sent from his Twitter account (since deleted), including the following:


Maischak’s five American history courses will be taught by a substitute teacher. Fresno State Provost Lynnette Zelezny told The Fresno Bee that 213 students will be affected.

“The agreement for the paid leave was reached in accordance with provisions in the collective bargaining agreement with the California Faculty Association, the union that represents all faculty,” said Joseph Castro, Fresno State’s president, in a statement obtained by The Fresno Bee. “During his leave of absence, Dr. Maischak will no longer have a teaching role, but will be conducting research off campus.” (Read more from “Professor Who Tweeted ‘Trump Must Hang’ Takes Paid Leave of Absence” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/professor-tweeted-trump-must-hang-takes-paid-leave-absence/

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Similar to Nidal Hasan, Omar Mateen, and Tsarnevs.

( Muslims do not assimilate,they infiltrate )

FBI and LE won't arrest these people BEFORE they commit jihad because of PC and no training on the Islamic threat. "This is how America will lose this war if it does not change course immediately at the local level."-Guandolo

Last Sunday evening, April 9, 2017, over 500 people gathered for the Worldview Weekend Rally in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The Muslim Brotherhood…
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SO MUCH FOR THE “FIGHTING IRISH.” Notre Dame snowflakes want Vice President Mike Pence disinvited as their commencement speaker because he makes them feel “unsafe”

Notre Dame has invited eleven previous presidents to speak at commencement during their first year in office, but decided not to invite President Trump this year. Some students at Notre Dame, immune to irony, say that Trump’s “utter lack of respect for opposing viewpoints” render him “unfit to set foot on our campus.” And apparently, they think the same of Vice President Pence.

CampusReform  (h/t Ellen H) University of Notre Dame students have begun a “#NotMyCommencementSpeaker” white board campaign to protest the invitation of Vice President Mike Pence to speak at Commencement. ND traditionally invites the new U.S. President during his first year in office, but chose Pence instead after student preemptively protested the possibility of inviting Donald Trump.

Last week, seniors Immane Mondane and Jourdyhn Williams invited students to take photos holding white boards with “direct quotes from Pence that are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, offensive, or ostracizing to members of our community,” along with the hashtag “#NotMyCommencementSpeaker.”

Alternatively, students could also write about why they “feel unsafe with the presence of Mike Pence on our campus,” with daily opportunities to have photos taken with their whiteboards through the week.

“For me personally, [Pence] represents the larger Trump administration,” Mondane told The Observer. “His administration represents something, and for many people on our campus, it makes them feel unsafe to have someone who openly is offensive but also demeaning of their humanity and of their life and of their identity.”

One student used a quote from Pence favoring traditional marriage, writing on their board, “‘Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal status with heterosexual marriage’ -Pence #NotMyCommencementSpeaker.”

Another read, “Because I am the daughter of Immigrants Family [sic] of LGBTQ folks.”

 Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs8XuirXgag

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FAKE (MUSLIM) REFUGEE CRISIS on the southern border, not our border, CANADA’s southern border

( Muslim do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

Illegal alien Muslim invaders are fleeing Trump’s America to seek asylum (for which they are not eligible) in Trudeau’s Canada, where there is now an open-border policy for Muslim freeloaders.

In recent days, reports have come out about border service officers assaulted by these illegals. And the Canadian Border Services Agency union boss says approximately “50% of the asylum seekers have [a] serious criminal record that includes crimes like theft, assault, trafficking, and even manslaughter.”

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=so4HYBHxsDk

CANADIANS can sign the petition here: http://www.GuardTheBorder.ca

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