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North Korea Prepping EMP Attack On U.S.-North Korea Could Kill 90 Percent of Americans: ex-CIA Chief Woolsey
Article HERE: http://www.newsprepper.com/north-korea-prepping-emp-attack…/


North Korea Prepping EMP Attack On U.S.-North Korea Could Kill 90 Percent of Americans: ex-CIA Chief Woolsey

Article HERE: http://www.newsprepper.com/north-korea-prepping-emp-attack…/

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Muslim spokesbaghead for designated terrorist group CAIR wants to know how the President will deal with so-called ‘Islamophobia’ promoted by the Trump team

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

To watch video  http://www.barenakedislam.com/2017/04/12/muslim-spokesbaghead-for-designated-terrorist-group-cair

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SWEDEN: There’s no turning back That’s right, Sweden is on its death bed, directly related to open-door mass Muslim immigration.

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

This ‘Kumbaya’ video is a pathetic attempt by the Swedish government to make people think that if they would just open their hearts to this invasion of Muslim freeloaders, rapists and jihadists…everything would be fine and dandy.

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGq8e7OPRcc

Pat Condell has been putting out videos about Sweden for a long time

. Too bad the Swedish people chose to ignore them. 2010

Sweden Goes Insane 2014 :SWEDEN Ship of Fools 2015 : Rape of Sweden https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=236&v=o_znVnOizU8

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Islam Today: Slave markets in Libya; gay concentration camps in Chechnya

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

Hillary Clinton owns this. Source: Migrants are being sold at open slave markets in Libya

Migrants from West Africa are being openly traded in “public slave markets” across Libya.

As a departure point for refugees trying to get to Europe, migrants arriving in Libya from sub-Saharan Africa are particularly vulnerable due to a lack of money and little in the way of documentation.

Survivors have told the International Organization for Migration (IOM) how there are slave markets and private prisons all over Libya.

Mohammed Abdiker, IOM’s head of operation and emergencies, said: “The situation is dire. The more IOM engages inside Libya, the more we learn that it is a vale of tears for all too many migrants.”

One survivor from Senegal spoke of how he was brought by smugglers across Niger in a bus to the southern Libyan city of Sabha, where he was due to risk a boat trip to Europe. When the middleman did not get his fee, the survivor was put up for sale along with other passengers.

He was taken to a prison where he worked without pay while the captors demanded 300,000 West African francs (about £380) before selling him on to a larger jail. Livia Manante, an IOM officer based in Niger, said migrants would be brought to a square where they were put up for sale.

Manante said: “IOM Italy has confirmed that this story is similar to many stories reported by migrants and collected at landing points in southern Italy, including the slave market reports.”

Those who did not get their ransom paid were often taken away and killed while others would die of hunger and disease in unsanitary conditions.

“If the number of migrants goes down, because of death or someone is ransomed, the kidnappers just go to the market and buy one,” Manente said.

The going rate for a migrant was between $200 (£160) and $500 (£400) each, with many forced into captivity for months before they are freed or sold on. So far this year more than 170 bodies have washed up on the shores of the Mediterranean while the Libyan Coast Guard has also rescued thousands more.

More: People are held for ransom, forced labour or sexual exploitation after being sold for up to $500, UN agency says.

And in another Islamic paradise, Chechnya opens world’s first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler’s in the 1930s:

Chechyna has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler, where campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.

It comes after it was claimed 100 gay men had been detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.

A report by Novoya Gazeta said authorities had set up several camps where homosexuals are killed or forced to promise to leave the republic.

One of the camps is reportedly at the former military headquarters in the town of Argun.

‘Those who have escaped said they are detained in the same room and people are kept altogether, around 30 or 40. They are tortured with electric currents and heavily beaten, sometimes to death.’

[President Razman] Kadyrov, who introduced Islamic rule in the Muslim-majority region, has been accused of earlier human rights violations.

He described the allegations as ‘absolute lies and disinformation’.

Kadyrov’s spokesman Alvi Karimov told the Interfax News Agency: ‘You cannot arrest or repress people who just don’t exist in the republic.

‘If such people existed in Chechnya, law enforcement would not have to worry about them, as their own relatives would have sent them to where they could never return.’

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Arizona: Muslim who worked for terror-linked CAIR & MAS announces bid for U.S. Senate

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

Deedra Abboud stands in front of an upside down Arizona state flag to announce her candidacy

Source: Democrat Deedra Abboud announces U.S. Senate bid

Emphasizing a message of unity, Deedra Abboud, a Phoenix attorney and community activist, on Monday announced she will seek the 2018 Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate.

Abboud, 45, formally launched her candidacy at a brief 10:30 a.m. event with supporters at the Japanese Friendship Garden in downtown Phoenix.

“The journey that I have decided to take on today is not just for the people who look like me or sound like me, but for all Arizonans,” Abboud told onlookers. “Because we cannot continue to go backwards on this path that weakens our children’s education, strips health care from people who need it the most, locking up and breaking up families, and, once again, empowering big banks that caused the worst housing crisis in Arizona.

“I am with the growing majority of Arizonans who know that anger and resistance can only take us so far,” she added. “We need to unite to move our families forward. We need to unite to move Arizona forward. We need to unite to move America forward.”

During her 15-minute event, an upside-down Arizona flag behind Abboud flapped in the wind. A spokesman said it was an error, and not a political statement.

U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., is the incumbent. Flake already is facing a GOP challenge from second-time Republican Senate candidate Kelli Ward of Lake Havasu City. Abboud is the first Democratic candidate to announce for the race.

Others mentioned as possible Senate candidates include Arizona State Treasurer Jeff DeWit, a Republican who is close to President Donald Trump, and three-term U.S. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz.

Abboud has been registered to vote as an independent, but a campaign spokesman said she re-registered as a Democrat Monday in advance of filing official candidacy papers.

“This isn’t about left and right. It’s about today and a tomorrow that unites us, gets the work done,” Abboud said in her announcement. “I’m ready to have the tough and candid conversations that we need in Arizona so that we can progress. I’m ready to hold our president and his administration accountable and to challenge elected officials who are more interested in keeping their job than in doing their job.”

Asked about Trump’s decision Thursday to launch a cruise missile attack on Syria in response to the suspected use of chemical weapons by Bashar Assad’s regime, Abboud zeroed in on Trump’s attempts to temporarily block refugees from Syria and certain other countries.

“We have a president who wants to ban refugees,” Abboud said. “Ban refugees who are experiencing atrocities that, thank God, America has really never experienced. And we never want to experience those. But at the same time, we have a president that is singularly partnershiping with Russia to bomb the very people who are already dying on the ground and we are denying refuge to.”

Abboud is the founder of an organization called the Global Institute of Solution Oriented Leadership and the recipient of the Martin Luther King Award in Tempe and Phoenix, according to the short bio that accompanied the news advisory about her Senate candidacy. As a lawyer, she focuses on immigration and estate planning.

In 2003, Abboud helped open the first Arizona office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. She was the group’s local executive director at the time.

Alarm bells should be ringing in the ear’s of Arizona voters. CAIR is a notorious, terror-defending, terror-linked Muslim organization with many of its leaders convicted of terror-related crimes.

Both CAIR and MAS – organizations that Abboud chose to work for – have been listed as terrorist organizations.

Back in 2006 she was interviewed via Phoenix New Times in The Chosen One:

She defends her husband’s right under Islam to have as many as four wives. “But I wouldn’t want that,” Abboud says, her hands deep in soap suds, her pastel blue headscarf, or hijab, hugging her round face. “I wouldn’t agree to it. Not right now, anyway.”

A lot of multicultural couples have blended their beliefs to make a marriage work, but Deedra Abboud’s not just a Southern girl who converted to Islam and married a guy from Iraq. She’s the director of the Arizona chapter of the Muslim American Society‘s Freedom Foundation, a Washington-based civil rights group.

Abboud is 34. Not so long ago, she was a Southern Baptist, a business major at the University of Arkansas, where she warned Muslim students that they were going to Hell for treating women poorly.

Now, she prays five times a day, but chooses which interpretations of Islam work and don’t work for her, personally. In conversation, she admits she doesn’t understand the fuss over the Danish cartoon controversy that’s sparked violent protests around the world.

“If Muslims want to protest,” she says, “why don’t they protest Guantánamo?”

But her press releases say something else. “The [Danish] paper wanted to instigate trouble by disrespecting Muslims from the very beginning,” she wrote in an e-mail to local media on February 9. But, she also wrote, “Deliberate provocations like these cartoons only gives additional power to extremists — who we are all attempting to fight in the ‘war on terror.'”

Her measured diplomacy is an asset, as well as a burden.

Still, Deedra Abboud is the chosen one, picked by Muslim men to be the face of Islam in Arizona. A white, fair-skinned face with ocean-blue eyes and a disarming smile.

Abboud was also on the board of directors of the Council of American-Islamic Relations, which was attempting to start an Arizona chapter. Abboud got involved in CAIR because she’d wanted to establish a career and an identity within the Muslim community separate from her husband.

She was politically savvy, with strong communication skills, according to her friend and spiritual adviser, Ahmad Al-Akoum. She had already established contacts with the local media. And, like most converts, she had the enthusiasm and zeal to defend Islam — and its 3 to 8 million practitioners in America, depending on whom you ask — at all costs.

So when CAIR looked to hire an Arizona staff, Abboud applied and was hired as the chapter’s director.

“Deedra was somebody we saw as already widely respected within the Muslim community,” says Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR’s national spokesman in Washington, D.C.

Of course, it was impossible not to see her for what she was:

A white woman with a seemingly sweet, Southern disposition — a face for Islam in America that looked nothing like the mug shots of the 19 hijackers.

Yet Hooper says that neither Abboud’s race nor her gender had anything to do with her hiring.

“It’s always valuable to have people who can relate to the community that you’re trying to reach,” Hooper says.

She is the female version of Dougie Hooper – a convert to Islam who is known for his less-than truthful double-talk. 

Abboud also helped raise bail money for a now-dead Muslim terrorist who was previously convicted about lying to the FBI:

Abboud, who helped raise money for [Elton] Simpson’s bail and knows many of his closest acquaintances.


Simpson and another Phoenix resident, Nadir Soofi, were identified as the two gunmen who were shot and killed Sunday night after they tried to approach the cartoon contest in Garland, Texas.

They tried to approach it to kill those inside the Mohammad art contest. Jihad! Abboud – the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Arizona – raised bail money for the dead jihadi.

Beware the smiling hijabi.

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Truman State University in uproar as Thought Criminal Robert Spencer set to speak on campus

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

Note the title of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch article. If I am “anti-Muslim,” then foes of the Nazis were “anti-German.” People find it hard, if not impossible, to believe, but it is nonetheless true: character assassination is a primary weapon of the enablers of jihad terror nowadays. For years they have defamed opponents of jihad terror as “hatemongers” who are “anti-Muslim,” such that by now a “journalist” such as Ashley Jost of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch repeats it as if it were axiomatically true. It seems impossible that the object of so much hatred and contempt could be a perfectly innocuous individual with innocuous opinions that are inconvenient for a powerful and well-heeled machine, such that this innocuous person has to be the recipient of a fire hose of defamatory propaganda, with the goal that people of good will turn away without giving him a hearing, right? That kind of thing never happens, right? At least not in America…right?

Note also that only evidence that anything I say is actually “controversial” is the the SPLC has put me on its list. No quotes from me. Of course, Ashley Jost of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, as well as these Truman State University students and parents who are supposedly “concerned” because I am set to speak on campus, would be hard-pressed to come up with any quotation from me that is actually hateful. And of course Ashley Jost of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch did not bother to reach out to me for comment.

Much more below.

“Truman State grapples with controversial anti-Muslim speaker,” by Ashley Jost, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, April 11, 2017:

Truman State University students and parents have expressed concerns on social media this week ahead of the arrival of controversial speaker Robert Spencer, who comes to campus Thursday.

Spencer is an author who runs the website “Jihad Watch.” The Southern Poverty Law Center identifies Spencer as an extremist and anti-Muslim “propagandist.”

What evidence does Ashley Jost of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch adduce to show that the SPLC is a neutral, trustworthy arbiter of such matters, rather than the hard-Left propaganda mill that it has shown itself to be? Why, none. None at all.

The Truman State College Republicans received just more than $3,000 from the university’s student-led Funds Allotment Council to bring Spencer to campus. The Council is an organization funded by student fees that accepts applications from all other student-led groups on campus for funding for activities such as speakers….

Campuses nationwide have struggled recently with how to handle controversial speakers. Some schools have decided to revoke invitations after campus uproars. In other cases, protesters have interrupted events, making it difficult or impossible for speakers to make their remarks….

“Controversial,” i.e., not reflecting the far-Left line that prevails on campuses everywhere. Note how it doesn’t occur to Ashley Jost, or to the student protesters, to engage the “controversial speakers” in discussion and/or debate of the relevant issues. University students today generally aren’t interested in thinking or engaging difficult or unfamiliar ideas. They’re only interested in reflections of the same propaganda they’re fed in their classes. Critical thinking? Pah! “Islamophobia”!

Spencer said in a guest column on a conservative college blog that an invitation for him to speak at a private school in New Hampshire was revoked because “officials caved to pressure from Muslims who played the victimhood card to shut down those who air inconvenient truths about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat.”


Truman State doesn’t plan on shutting down Spencer’s talk. Instead, spokesman Travis Miles said the public university is hoping to create an essay contest and create “an educational experience” around Thursday night.

Spencer speaks in a campus auditorium at 8 p.m. That same evening, at 6:30 p.m., the Muslim Student Association is bringing in Faizan Syed, executive director of the Council on American-Islam [sic] Relations in Missouri. Syed is based out of St. Louis.

I plan on attending Faizan Syed’s talk. I doubt he will attend mine, although he is most welcome to do so, and indeed, I invite him to do so. I fully expect that I will either be prevented from attending his speech, or will be subjected to insults and abuse while I am there. If he attends my lecture, he will be welcomed and no one will treat him with anything but courtesy. I also expect that his lecture will be filled with deceptions, distortions, half-truths, and ad hominem attacks against me. My address, by contrast, will be carefully buttressed with specific citations from the Qur’an and Hadith, and contain no ad hominems at all.

I also hereby invite Syed to a public discussion or debate of the relevant issues, either at Truman State University or at any other venue. He will either contemptuously refuse or ignore the invitation altogether. This is because Leftists today, and their Islamic supremacist allies such as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations, wish only to smear, demonize and marginalize those whom they hate. They have no interest in honest, equitable discussion and dialogue. That should tell the students at Truman State University something. However, students today are so used now to that kind of treatment being meted out to those who are dissenters from the establishment line that they will probably welcome it, and cheer Syed on.

In separate statements on Facebook, the College Republicans and Muslim Student Association both called for peaceful dialogue around both speakers Thursday, despite some controversy about comments made on Twitter about Spencer’s visit.

“We appreciate the solidarity for people who would like to speak against Robert Spencer but we’d also appreciate it if there won’t be any disruptive protests,” the Muslim Student Association wrote on Facebook. “We do love the support and believe there’s a lot of genuine concern. We’d like to be part of the conversation. So please use your energy wisely. Because we will.”

In a Facebook statement, College Republican leaders said “unsafe practices will not be tolerated” at Spencer’s speech.

“[The Muslim Student Association has] called for civility and discussion in this issue, and we couldn’t agree more,” the group wrote on Facebook. “We would like to parrot them as we have done before, and stress to everyone on and off this campus that our ultimate goal is the safety of those who attend our speaker. We urge all people to attend these events in a civil manner that is productive to dialogue and does not put anyone else in harm’s way.”

But not all dialogue has been conciliatory. On Twitter, one student posted about Spencer’s visit. Another student responded, saying “PUNCH! HIS! FACE!” which Spencer wrote about on his blog. Spencer’s writing then generated hostile comments from readers, some of which have been deleted.

In individual messages to some students and parents on social media, Truman State leaders made a point of saying Spencer’s speech isn’t sponsored by the university, and doesn’t “reflect the values of Truman State University.”

Indeed. And that’s quite an indictment of Truman State University, that it can’t get behind opposition to jihad terror and Sharia oppression of women, non-Muslims, gays, etc. But that’s par for the course in American academia toda

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Hugh Fitzgerald: A Few Scenes, Drawn from Life, of the Latest in Muslim Outreach (Part I)

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate! )

1. “Islam Is Not A Monolith”

You’ve just decided to attend a Meet-Your-Muslim-Neighbor gathering at a local mosque, the one that was built a few years ago to accommodate a swelling population of Believers. When the plans for the new mosque had first been announced, some people objected to its being built, but they were denounced in the local paper as being “Islamophobes.” They had actually been worried only about increased traffic in a residential area, and said so, but few believed their story, and the local Muslims publicly decried this act of “bigotry,” even though the same objections had been raised previously by the same people about traffic problems resulting from the construction of other, non-Muslim buildings. Only a few intrepid souls were prepared to withstand the ordeal of being labelled as “Islamophobes,” and those few who continued to object to the mosque were quickly silenced.

You’ve prepared for the evening by jotting on a notecard a few verses from the Qur’an that you are hoping to discuss with your Muslim hosts. At the mosque, many Muslims are already there to welcome their guests. The master of ceremonies turns out to be Mohammed Al-Noor, not a cleric but a layman. He’s an attractive fellow, jovial, known to many in the town; the owner of both a real estate business and a halal grocery; he was elected last year to the School Committee and has been involved in the choice of “more inclusive” social studies textbooks for the high school in order to avoid “otherizing.” In Chaucerian terms, he’s “a smyler with the knyf under the cloke.” He’s eager to welcome his visitors, as he puts it in his welcoming words: “I want tonight to clear up some misconceptions you might have about Islam, and about Muslims, which are perfectly understandable, given what the mass media are always practically screaming at you about Islam. Tonight, I won’t have time to discuss everything, but at least let me make a start, and hope that if you are interested, you will want to continue our conversation both at the mosque – I hope this will be the first of many such meetings — and in informal gatherings at the houses of our members, who came out to be with you tonight” (he points to several rows of seats where, to judge by hijabs and beards, members of the mosque are seated).

“I’m very glad so many of you could come out tonight and I know you all want to get behind the headlines, which always seem to have something unpleasant about Islam. There’s so much confusion, so much noise. In the first place, there’s this notion that ‘Islam is a monolith.’ So I thought I’d start by showing you something of the diversity of Islam.” A giant television set has been set up in front of the room. He moves to the right of the screen, so as not to block the view. Now your host clicks on his remote, and the videos start: a dozen or so of the most famous mosques, not just in Istanbul and Medina and Mecca and Karachi and Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta and Kano, but also in London and New York and Lanham, Maryland, each with its own crowd of worshippers, with some prostrate in prayer inside the mosque, others walking in the courtyard outside, still others performing wudu at a fountain. “As you can see, we come in every color and race, all shapes and sizes, for Islam is a message for all, a message that does not belong to any one group but is meant to be shared by all humanity.” Murmurs of assent from the crowd of Infidels.

“And now, take a look at this white cloud of humanity” (it’s a word he likes, and uses a lot). On the screen, a sea of Believers — tens of thousands? hundreds of thousands? – all robed in white, appears; these are Muslims, white, brown, black, yellow — making the hajj, walking widdershins round the Magic Wonderstone in Mecca, casting pebbles at three walls as they Stone the Devil. Another scene: now they are prostrating themselves in prayer at the Grand Mosque of Mecca itself. “Did you know, folks, that there was a paper in a medical journal about how Muslims get much less back trouble because of the way they pray? That’s something to think about. Maybe you should give it a try.” (He gives a little laugh, not entirely joking.) Then more scenes on the screen: young Muslim boys, each intently studying a text — the Qur’an, of course – open before him, while a bearded and benevolent teacher looks on. “Where do you think that photograph was taken?” “Cairo?” suggests one lady. “No.” “Baghdad?” asks her husband. “No.” “Maybe in Riyadh?” asks another Infidel. “No. I thought you’d be surprised. Remember, this is a madrasa, a kind of Muslim Sunday school. This one on the screen could be in Cairo or Baghdad, you’re right, but it happens to be right here, in our state capitol. I’m especially fond of this photo because it was at the capitol where I became an American citizen – I’ll never forget that day, I was so proud – sometimes I think we who have given up everything to become Americans appreciate it more than those who can take it for granted. That’s why I’ve wanted to give something back and why I’m here tonight. I finally figured out that the most useful thing I can do is to share with you folks, my non-Muslim friends and neighbors, my understanding of Islam. Obviously we can’t cover all the bases tonight, but I can make a start. For let’s face it, Islam doesn’t always get a good press. And it’s just so sad and so unfair.” Faces of non-Muslims expressive of “yes, unfortunately that’s true” and “I’m so glad I came.” And murmurs of sympathy.

“Of course we all know that the media thrives on sensationalism. Not just about Islam, but about everything. But in this age of so much fake news and when anyone can anonymously post hate speech, it’s easy to lead people astray. One thing I would like to remind you of is this: so many of our leaders who, as you know, are privy to secret information about real security threats, and who have actually taken the time to study Islam, have almost to a man declared that Islam is not the problem. It’s the outliers, people who are mentally unbalanced, who put the worst possible interpretation on everything in the Qur’an and exploit religion as a way to justify their own criminality, who use Islam. Call them misunderstanders, perverters, defamers – they’ve been called all of these things, and more, and quite rightly – but the point is they are trying to start wars wherever they go – look at the so-called Islamic State – and we, you and I, are just not going to let them get away with it. They want to create conditions so that normally peaceful Muslims will be lured into committing acts of aggression. They thrive, the terrorists and their mirror images, the Islamophobes, on divisiveness, and on otherizing. Hatred between Muslims and non-Muslims, that’s their goal. It’s up to all of us, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, to keep them from succeeding. And meetings like these, I hope you will conclude by the end of this evening, can help us stop them. Education about Islam, the real Islam, is the key.”

Now he segues to a list of leaders who “know about Islam”: “Did you know that Tony Blair never goes anywhere without his Qur’an? Or that President Bush, and President Obama, and Angela Merkel, and Theresa May, and Pope Francis — these are leaders, the people who are in a position to know what’s really going on behind the scenes, and they keep telling us that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism. Why shouldn’t we assume that they know what they’re talking about? Why would they want to misinform us?” “True,” “Of course,” “Yes,” “You’re right,” from various non-Muslims in the audience. On their faces, expressions of indignation and sympathy at the raw deal Muslims have been getting from the media and other spreaders of confusion and hate.

“But I didn’t invite you here tonight to complain. That doesn’t get us anywhere. Let’s have a few more views of Muslim life. Here’s a short tour of Al-Azhar, the center of Islamic learning. Think of it as our Vatican. Look: you can see the courtyards, the fountains, the main mosque, the, study halls, the classrooms, the library with its Qur’ans, and Hadith collections, and tafsirs, that is Qur’anic commentaries.” “Did you know, by the way, that if a Muslim manages to memorize the whole Qur’an, he is given the title of ‘hafiz’? I believe that more than ten million Muslims worldwide have managed to do so.” (A few looks of amazement on the faces of his guests). “And along with the Qur’an, which is the immutable word of Allah sent to Muhammad, ‘the Messenger of God,’ you should know about the Hadith. These are stories about what Muhammad said and did. They help us understand how to rightly interpret the Qur’anic verses.They were collected long ago, and inevitably some of them are more reliable than others, and we have Muslim scholars who study the likely reliability of each Hadith, and winnow down their number, based on that study. Some of these Hadith scholars are believed to be more authoritative than others – the two considered to be most trustworthy are Bukhari and Muslim. But again, to fully explain this matter would take up most of the evening, and I want tonight to simply give you an overview.”

He goes on: “Now, here are a few videos of ‘ordinary Muslims’ at work: here’s a doctor” (white-coated Muslim doctor, clean-shaven, listening intently with his stethoscope to someone’s – a kuffar’s? – chest) “from Egypt. He’s a graduate of Harvard Medical School, now a resident at the Mass General. He’s planning on staying here – there’s a shortage of G.P.s, and there are quite a few Muslim doctors taking up the slack. Four of them in this mosque alone…And here’s a computer engineer from M.I.T….Ten years ago he was in high school in Karachi, and now he’s got his own startup in Cambridge; it’s doubled in size in the last year.. And here are two hijabbed women, with their children, shopping at a halal food market — it’s not the one I own, by the way. Any of you find the hijab scary?” “No-o-o, of course not” several people answer at once. “No, I didn’t think you would, but you know there are people who do….And here’s something new: our first Muslim member of the state legislature, Ahmed Al-Noor, who was elected last year, speaking at a rally, about the need for greater diversity in state government to truly reflect our changing population. Of course, he would say that, wouldn’t he? But didn’t he have a point? You can see these are all perfectly normal people, not a supporter of ISIS among them. I didn’t see a single suicide belt.” (Laughter from the audience.)

“And here’s more video about the younger members of our mosque: here are our teenagers. yes, the girls are wearing hijabs, but because they want to, no one is forcing them. And look – they are not segregated from the boys, as you might have thought from reading the newspapers. They’re all engaged in collecting for a clothing drive – see the sign on the door of the truck – ‘for Syrian victims of the civil war.’ Last year they sent eight truckloads of clothes, including almost 250 winter coats, to northern Syria. And here are Muslims of all ages running in a half-marathon to raise money for cancer research. Not exactly a security threat.” (More laughter from the audience.)

“Oh, and now, just this last video. It’s our imam delivering a sermon (khutba) at Friday Prayers in this very mosque.” But it’s in Arabic. What can he be saying? Your host explains: “He’s talking about the need for an end to the civil war in Syria, and Iraq, and Yemen. He wants – we all want, don’t we — a durable peace, with justice, all over the Middle East.” Who could disagree with that? That endless Syrian conflict. Those wars in Iraq and Yemen. If you listen closely, you will hear the word “jihad” repeated four or times in his sermon. And another word comes up even more often. “Yahud.” What could it mean? Must remember at some point to ask him.

2. The Five Pillars

Now with the audio-visual part of the evening out of the way, it’s time for the “Introduction to Islam” lecture. The Infidel visitors are told first about the Five Pillars of Islam: Shehada, Zakat, Salat, Sawm, Hajj. They’re invited to recite the Shehada along with their hosts. What fun! “And don’t worry, my friends. This won’t turn you into a Muslim, as some people claim. You have to want to believe, deeply and truly, and not just recite a single verse.” Muslim women are now distributing hijabs through the audience, handing them out to any of their female guests who want to try them on, and then showing them just how to wrap the scarves around their heads, in an Islamic game of Let’s Pretend. Even more fun!

And we’ve come now to the discussion of “Zakat” – this is charitable giving by Muslims “which is just like your charities, except that we Muslims are required to give a certain amount to charity every year to the less fortunate. It’s very important.” Sounds good, except that there is no mention of the fact that Zakat, according to many Muslims, should be given only for fellow Muslims, or to those who are on the verge of converting to Islam, or in order to further the cause of Islam. That gives quite a different feel to the requirement of Zakat. If you don’t know about this, your Muslim host is not about to enlighten you.

A similar silence occurs in the discussion of Salat, the five canonical prayers, for nothing is said about the fact that seventeen times a day, Muslims – saying those daily prayers – actually curse the Kuffar. Robert Spencer explains:

Now — what about those prayers? In the course of praying the requisite five prayers a day, an observant Muslim will recite the Fatihah, the first surah of the Qur’an and the most common prayer in Islam, seventeen times. The final two verses of the Fatihah ask Allah: ‘Show us the straight path, the path of those whom Thou hast favoured; not the (path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray.’ The traditional Islamic understanding of this is that the ‘straight path’ is Islam — cf. Islamic apologist John Esposito’s book Islam: The Straight Path. The path of those who have earned Allah’s anger are the Jews, and those who have gone astray are the Christians.”

Nothing about this cursing of kuffar will be mentioned by any Muslim apologist, and certainly not by anyone at the Meet-Your-Muslim-Neighbors night. It is up to non-Muslims to raise the issue, to quote the last two verses of the Fatihah and to show that they understand their significance, and that every Muslim, in saying his five daily prayers, curses the kuffar seventeen times a day. If you can make that known to, and understood by, your fellow Infidels, despite the attempts of your Muslim hosts to deflect attention from the matter, it could have a bracing and salutary effect. It’s worth trying, even if means interrupting the proceedings. Or perhaps you can try to smuggle it in during a final Q and A, as an innocent inquiry.

Then your Muslim host will explain that Sawm, another of the Five Pillars, is the period of fasting during Ramadan. “And here’s something I bet you didn’t know,” he says, “the first Iftar dinner was not that given by Barack Obama, but by President Thomas Jefferson himself back in 1805.”

But that story, or fable, more properly belongs to the next movement of the Meet-Your-Muslim-Neighbors overview. To wit: “The History of Islam In America Is As Old As America Itself.”

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective
Bill Wilson
The brutal Islamic Slave Trade

NOTEWhen writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
The United Nation's International Organization for Migration has posted a report on what it calls "shocking" events in Northern and West Africa. Its staff in Niger and Libya have "described as 'slave markets' tormenting hundreds of young African men bound for Libya." While this horror may come as a "shock" to the UN, it is commonplace in Islamic nations and Islamic controlled areas. Each year the State Department's Report on Human Rights points to Islamic nations as the most egregious violators of human rights because of human trafficking, violence against women and children, persecution of non-Muslims, and slavery. These very things are encountered each day in our ministry in Ghana.
Our ministry partner in Ghana, Pastor William Agbeti writes: "Quite recently, a Ghanaian lady smuggled to Dubai managed to send a voice-recorded appeal to a friend, who forwarded it to me for help. I, in turn, forwarded it to the police. In her appeal, the lady said she and numerous others were trafficked from Ghana to Dubai, under false pretenses. She ended up in the house of a Muslim man in Dubai as a sex slave and house cleaner. She is forced to work endlessly during the day, and at night she is subjected to extreme sex. She is not allowed to leave the house under any circumstance. Not even for medical attention. In a heartbreaking voice, amidst weeping, she appealed to the Ghanaian authorities to come to her aid. The police have not gotten back to me on the issue."
Agbeti continued: "Now, in our own ministerial quarters, a young girl also almost fell victim to the Islamic human trafficking. The traffickers took her money, warned her not to tell anybody, and set a date for her journey to "greener pastures". God loving her so much, she mustered up courage and approached us to seek a final opinion about the opportunity. Was she fortunate or what? To cut a long story short, the girl is currently under the care of our ministry, safely enrolled in a school, far from harm's way. We are responsible for her needs and school fees. These and other developments make our work quite dangerous but highly necessary as we seek to make the world a much better place to live in with your help."
The UN has similar reports. The Islamic slave and human sex trafficking trade is big business. In Libya and Somalia, for example, Islamists entice people unawares or outright kidnap them and hold them for ransom. If their families are unable to pay up, the victims are sold into slavery. They are used up, starved, raped, and are often murdered. This is reality. Islam protects and foments human trafficking and the modern slave trade. Unlike the Koran, the Bible says the theft of a man for profit is a capital offense. Exodus 21 lists judgments set before the Israelites. Verse 16 says, "He that steals a man, and sells him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death." God's freedom vs allah's slavery. Who in their right mind would consider Islam?
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

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Tillerson Issues Tough Ultimatum to Putin

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson issued a ultimatum to Russian President Vladimir Putin over his support of Bashar al-Assad in Syria. He made the comments Tuesday to reporters after a meeting with diplomats in Italy.

Tillerson pressured the G-7 countries to join together against Assad’s regime, and demanded that Putin choose between his ally in Syria accused of war crimes and Hezbollah, or join his detractors, led by the United States. He also made it clear that the United States placed at least part of the blame on Russia for the chemical attack.

“Last week Bashar al-Assad’s regime killed even more of its own people using chemical weapons,” he explained. “Our missile strike in response to his repeated use of banned weapons was necessary as a matter of U.S. national security interests. We do not want the regime’s uncontrolled stockpile of chemical weapons to fall into the hands of ISIS, or other terrorist groups who could and want to attack the United States and our allies” . . .

“It is also clear that Russia has failed to uphold the agreements they had entered into under multiple U.N. Security Council resolutions,” Tillerson added. “These agreements stipulated Russia as the guarantor of a Syria free of chemical weapons, that they would also locate and destroy all such armaments in Syria. Stockpiles and continued use demonstrate that Russia has failed in its responsibility to deliver on its 2013 commitment. It is unclear whether Russia failed to take this obligation seriously, or Russia has been incompetent.” (Read more from “Tillerson Issues Tough Ultimatum to Putin” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/tillerson-issues-tough-ultimatum-putin/

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Anonymous US Official: Russia Knew Syrian Chemical Attack Was Coming

The United States has concluded that Russia knew ahead of time that Syria would launch a chemical weapons attack last week, a senior U.S. official says.

The official offered circumstantial elements to back up his claim, but no concrete proof. And others in the Trump administration cautioned that final American determination had been made that Russia had advance knowledge of the attack, which killed more than 80 people and prompted retaliatory U.S. cruise missile strikes.

The senior official said Monday that a drone operated by Russians was flying over a hospital as victims of the attack were rushing to get treatment. Hours after the drone left, a Russian-made fighter jet bombed the hospital in what American officials believe was an attempt to cover up the usage of chemical weapons. (Read more from “Anonymous US Official: Russia Knew Syrian Chemical Attack Was Coming” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/anonymous-us-official-russia-knew-syrian-chemical-attack-coming/

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Idaho’s ‘Free Market’ Education Program Is Just Another Form of Government Control

A new program the Idaho Department of Education is calling “Advanced Opportunities” is being hailed as a “revolutionary” and “free-market” approach to improve student outcomes. The program works by giving public school students a $1,500 scholarship for every year skipped and graduated early, which can then be used for post-secondary education in the state.

The term “free market” appears to have slowly morphed into code for the insidious meddling of behavioral economics, invariably carried out with the power of government. In fact, there’s nothing market-based about subsidies, wealth redistribution, and a centrally directed incentive structure that treats students as pawns in a master plan rather than as capable, self-actualizing individuals.

In fairness, I can see where the program’s proponents are coming from. Students who are too bright to be stuck in high school for four years are allowed to leave early, and use the taxpayer resources they would have consumed for more productive endeavors. Sounds great. But, in fact, this reeks of social engineering.

In a free market, people pay for services they wish to consume. You pay for school, because you want what it has to offer, including classes and a diploma. In Idaho’s perverse model, it is the schools that effectively pay students for obtaining a diploma, which is precisely backward from how business is supposed to work.

If families were receiving back the same amount they pay in taxes for schools, that would be one thing, but in most cases not only will they receive significantly more (also known as a government subsidy), it is the state that gets to choose how those funds are spent. This is the illusion of choice — not actually allowing students to self-direct their learning.

Furthermore, the Idaho program assumes that early graduation is the best thing for students. Government always presumes to know what students need. And while some would undoubtedly flourish from graduating early, others would not. Yet the incentives are purposely lined up to encourage one behavior over the other, without any regard for individual variation.

When you establish these centralized incentives, it can push students in the wrong direction, or make them feel forced into a path they wouldn’t have chosen.

There’s a simpler and better way to reform education without all this technocratic tinkering. If you want to give students more options, repeal mandatory education laws and let them choose. If you want people to have more resources for education, stop taxing them for schools they don’t want to go to.

The problem with education policy is that it has all become about the details, while failing to examine fundamental philosophies of learning and childhood. It would be hard to think of a better example of missing the forest for the trees.

Policy becomes an endless debate about which forms of control work best, with nobody stopping to ask whether we need to control people at all. Freedom is never on the table.

You can tinker with funding and incentive structures forever, arguing over the minutia of whether vouchers are preferable to charter schools. But until we start to examine seriously the basic assumptions of the government-run education system, we are unlikely to make any real progress. (For more from the author of “Idaho’s ‘Free Market’ Education Program Is Just Another Form of Government Control” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/idahos-free-market-education-program-just-another-form-government

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Red Crayons That Identify as Blue: The Latest in the Radical Indoctrination of Public Schools

Sixth graders quizzed on what they’d do if asked to go to a gay bar, high schoolers forced to write the Islamic creed “There is no god but Allah, and Mohammad is his prophet,” first graders forced to read about a red crayon that self-identifies as blue. The push of radical ideology onto our public school children continues. These latest examples shock, but don’t surprise.

The Invitation to a Gay Bar

Students at a Florida middle school recently brought home a disturbing survey, reported The Blaze. A teacher asked her students to answer questions about how they would feel in different situations. The only problem? They were questions designed to teach the children liberal morals.

One question asked how the sixth-graders would feel if they were asked to a gay bar. Or if they went to a gay bar and someone of the same sex asked them to dance, if they saw their brother kiss a boy, or if two women down the hall (in a dorm) were lesbians.

Others were designed to detect racism. Students were asked how they would feel if they lived in a black neighborhood. Or how they would feel if they saw black men approaching them on the street.

Even the kids knew something was wrong. One sixth-grader named Tori told WFTS-TV that she felt the questions on the survey were “very inappropriate.” “I thought some of them were racist, I thought some of them were sexist, I thought it was completely intolerable.”

At some point, the teacher realized what she did. When kids asked if they could take the survey home to mom or dad, the teacher seemed to panic, said Tori. “She was going, ‘No, don’t show your mom, don’t take that home. I’m taking it back up.’” The survey came from a book titled Exploring White Privilege by Robert P. Amico.

This is not an isolated event. Schools nationwide thrust the liberal agenda on their students. Here are three more examples.

Islamic Creeds, Boys in Dresses

At least one lawsuit arose over a Maryland high school’s telling students to write out the Islamic creed, the Shahada, and recite the Five Pillars of Islam. According to The Free Beacon, students “were subjected to disparaging teachings about Christianity.” They were taught Christianity for one day but Islam for two weeks. So not only were the Christian students’ religion demeaned, but they had to memorize another religion’s tenets in opposition to their own.

Last year the Obama administration threatened to pull funding from schools that did not let transgendered students use the bathroom they wanted. More than one school buckled under the pressure.

A first-grade book called Jacob’s New Dress was in every first-grade classroom in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools in North Carolina. After outrage from state legislators, the schools pulled the book. They replaced it with Red: A Crayon’s Story about a red crayon that self-identifies as blue. The Charlotte Observer reported that the school board is getting ready to add sexual orientation and “Gender identity/Expression” to its multiculturalism policy.

The Need for Vigilance

The drive to force radical ideas onto our children is alive and well in the classroom. Even at the first-grade level. “The purpose of our elementary schools is to teach writing, reading and arithmetic, not to encourage boys to wear dresses,” said Tami Fitzgerald of the North Carolina Values Coalition.

Thomas More Law Center’s President Richard Thompson urged parents to “be ever vigilant to the Islamic indoctrination of their children under the guise of teaching history and multiculturalism. This is happening in public schools across the country.”

Conservative and Christian parents must watch like hawks the education their children receive, especially if they go to public school. Too many schools in too many places want to feed our children information hostile to conservative or Christian values. (For more from the author of “Red Crayons That Identify as Blue: The Latest in the Radical Indoctrination of Public Schools” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/red-crayons-identify-blue-latest-radical-indoctrination-public-schools/

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The Cancer Eating Away at College Campuses

The average American has little knowledge of the extent to which our institutions of higher learning have been infected with a spreading cancer.

One aspect of that cancer is akin to the loyalty oaths of the 1940s and ’50s. Professors were often required to sign statements that affirmed their loyalty to the United States government, plus swear they were not members of any organizations, including the Communist Party USA, which sought the overthrow of the United States government.

Fortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down loyalty oaths as a condition of employment in 1964.

Today we’re seeing the re-emergence of the mentality that gave us loyalty oaths, in the form of mandating that faculty members write “diversity statements,” especially as part of hiring and promotion procedures. They are forced to pledge allegiance to the college’s diversity agenda.

For example, the University of California, San Diego requires that one’s “Contributions to Diversity Statement” describe one’s “past experience, activities and future plans to advance diversity, equity and inclusion, in alignment with UC San Diego’s mission to reflect the diversity of California and to meet the educational needs and interests of its diverse population.”

George Leef, director of research at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal, has written an article titled “Loyalty Oaths Return with Faculty ‘Diversity Statements.’”

His article documents the growing trend of mandated faculty diversity statements—such as that at Virginia Tech, in which “candidates should include a list of activities that promote or contribute to inclusive teaching, research, outreach, and service.”

College diversity agendas are little more than a call for ideological conformity. Diversity only means racial, sex, and sexual orientation quotas.

In pursuit of this agenda, colleges spend billions of dollars on offices of diversity and inclusion, diversity classes, and diversity indoctrination. The last thing that diversity hustlers want is diversity in ideas.

By the way, the next time you hear a college president boasting about how diverse his college is, ask him how many Republican faculty members there are in his journalism, psychology, English, and sociology departments.

In many cases, there is none, and in others, the ratio of Democrats to Republicans might be 20-to-1.

Nearly 100 percent of political campaign contributions from liberal arts faculty go to Democrats. At Cornell University, for example, 97 percent of contributions from faculty went to Democrats. At Georgetown University, it was 96 percent.

A study by my George Mason University colleague Daniel B. Klein, along with Charlotta Stern, titled “Professors and Their Politics: The Policy Views of Social Scientists,” concluded:

The academic social sciences are pretty much a one-party system. Were the Democratic tent broad, the one-party system might have intellectual diversity. But the data show almost no diversity of opinion among the Democratic professors when it comes to the regulatory, redistributive state: They like it. Especially when it comes to the minimum wage, workplace-safety regulation, pharmaceutical regulation, environmental regulation, discrimination regulation, gun control, income redistribution, and public schooling.

The fascist college trend that we are witnessing today is by no means new. As early as 1991, Yale University President Benno Schmidt warned:

The most serious problems of freedom of expression in our society today exist on our campuses. The assumption seems to be that the purpose of education is to induce correct opinion rather than to search for wisdom and to liberate the mind.

What diversity oaths seek is to maintain political conformity among the faculty indoctrinating our impressionable, intellectually immature young people. Vladimir Lenin said, “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

That’s the goal of the leftist teaching agenda.

You might ask, “Williams, what can be done?” Parents, donors, and legislatures need to stop being lazy. Check to see whether a college has diversity mandates for faculty. Check to see whether campus speakers have been disinvited.

College administrators have closed minds about their diversity agenda, but there’s nothing more effective ‘in opening up closed minds than the sound of pocketbooks snapping shut. (For more from the author of “The Cancer Eating Away at College Campuses” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/cancer-eating-away-college-campuses/

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NETHERLANDS: Somali Muslim thugs start attacking customers in a supermarket


UH OH! Were they caught shoplifting? Or was the halal section too close to the pork section?

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayIconN6ASk

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Bare Naked Islam
to read more http://www.barenakedislam.com/
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SOUTH DAKOTA: Former Muslim from Iran, now a Christian Pastor, scares the bejeezus out of people by speaking about the rising menace of Islam in America


 Washington state-based Pastor Shahram Hadian spoke about “Sabotaging America: Islam’s March Towards Supremacy” at a private presentation to large group in Sioux Falls.

Argus Leader Pastor Hadian was joined by Tennessee author Brannon Howse who spoke on “Genesis to Revelation: A Biblical Worldview Briefing on the Past, Current and Future World Events.”

Hadian, who was born in Iran and came to the U.S. as a young boy, warns audiences that Islam is not just a religion but a totalitarian system governing people’s lives. Americans must not let political correctness and tolerance keep them sidelined while Islam destroys their way of life, he said.

Wisely, the media were banned from the Sioux Falls event and were relegated to talking to the Muslim protestors  and their non-Muslim useful idiots. (The Muslims, as usual, had to show their supremacy by lifting their asses to Allah and praying outside the event)

Hadian planned to speak on the importance of “extreme vetting of Muslim immigrants,” the event’s registration page said, due to the “clear and present threat ISIS poses to America as they have boasted of placing their terrorists among the refugees flooding into America.”

Hadian’s messages, which paint Islam as a religion of violence, have drawn criticism from Islamic groups as representing a message of intolerance.  In February, Hadian’s ministry was listed as a hate group (as are ALL anti-Islam groups) by the George Soros-funded Southern Poverty Law Center.

Outside the conference hall Ismael Mulamba, 32, stood alongside Ali Elkafifi, 14, holding a sign that said, “No hate in SF.” The two men booed as a man in a pickup truck drove by and shouted out the window that “Islam is evil and that Muslims worship a false god.”

“We are all sons of God, whether we’re Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu,” Mulamba said. He then looked toward the hotel and said, “They preach loving your neighbor as yourself, but the reason they are there is to promote hate and fear.”

Below is a short sample of what Pastor Hadian tells audiences:

 Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojikAADWLpk

Bare Naked Islam
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Germany: Muslim boys beat schoolmate after he tells them he is Jewish


“He endured a campaign of intimidation by Muslim pupils who told him ‘Muslims hate Jews. All Jews are murderers.'”

“You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers to be the Jews…” (Qur’an 5:82)

“German boy beaten, kicked by Muslim schoolmates after telling them he is Jewish,” by Justin Huggler, Telegraph, April 3, 2017:

BERLIN — The case of a British Jewish child forced to leave his Berlin school after being subjected to anti-Semitic violence has provoked outrage and soul-searching in Germany.

The 14-year-old, who cannot be named under child protection laws, was beaten, kicked and threatened with a replica gun after he revealed to fellow pupils that he was Jewish.

He endured a campaign of intimidation by Muslim pupils who told him “Muslims hate Jews. All Jews are murderers.”

His British mother, who asked not to be named to protect the identity of her son, told the The Daily Telegraph the school had done little to stop the bullying.

“They told us this is normal for adolescents from this background, that they’re just trying to find their identity,” she said. “But it shouldn’t be normal. I’ve never experienced such direct anti-Semitism before in all the years I’ve lived in Germany.”…

“In some German mosques, anti-Semitism is being actively encouraged,” said Josef Schuster, head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany.

The boy at the centre of the most recent case was born in London to a German father and British mother, but the family moved to Berlin when he was a baby and he has lived there all his life.

Ironically, his family chose the Friedenauer Gemeinschaftsschule in part because they were attracted to the school’s ethnic mix. The majority of pupils at the school are Muslim.

The trouble started when he attended a class on religion and told his fellow pupils he was Jewish.

“It was natural for him to tell them. It wouldn’t occur to him to hide it,” his mother said. “The next day was his birthday. He was looking forward to going to school – he had this friend and they were planning to rap together.”

But the other child asked her son if he was really Jewish. “He said, ‘Listen, you’re a cool guy, but I can’t be friends with you. Muslims aren’t friends with Jews, ” she said.

The boy was later pushed and threatened. On one occasion, another pupil hit him twice in the back.

The family arranged for the boy’s grandparents – both Holocaust survivors – to give a talk to pupils. But his mother remained dismayed at the lack of support from the school. “They didn’t want to know,” she said.

One older pupil pulled a replica gun on the boy, leading to his parents decided to move him to another school….

Jihad Watch

To read more https://www.jihadwatch.org/

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Australia: Muslims assault Orthodox Christian while screaming “F*** Jesus”


Transport police stood by and did nothing. After all, Greek Orthodox Christians do not have protected victim status; Muslims do. The officers no doubt did not want to appear “Islamophobic.”

“We rush to condemn Islamophobia. What about anti-Christian attacks?,” by Miranda Devine, Daily Telegraph, April 8, 2017 (thanks to The Geller Report):

WHILE we constantly are lectured about Islamophobic violence, despite little evidence of its existence, there is official silence about its flip side: religiously motivated attacks on Christians.

One Greek community leader, Rev George Capsis, has gone so far as to warn Christians not to wear overt religious symbols when they are travelling though Muslim enclaves of southwestern Sydney.

But last Tuesday afternoon, 30-year-old Greek Orthodox Christian, Mike, discovered too late the risks of wearing a large cross outside his clothing while travelling on the train from Campsie to Bankstown with his girlfriend.

He says he was minding his own business talking on his mobile phone, when four young men of Middle Eastern appearance allegedly violently ripped the crucifix off his neck, and stomped on it while swearing “F*** Jesus” and referring to “Allah”.

He says they punched him and kicked him in his face, back and shoulders during the attack which began about 3pm, just after the train left Belmore station.

When his girlfriend tried to defend him, two Arabic-speaking women also allegedly hit and kicked her.

The crucifix, which his mother had given him, was bent, and the silver chain broken in two places.

“I was born in Australia of Greek heritage,” says Mike. “I’ve always worn my cross. For him to rip it off and step on it has to be a religious crime… It’s not on to feel unsafe in your own country.”…

He claims that five uniformed railway “Transport Officers” watched the attack and did nothing to help him, although police were waiting for the train when it reached Bankstown station.Two police officers took the names of three alleged assailants and a statement from Mike, photographed his injuries, told him they would review CCTV footage from the train and that he should expect a letter in a month, which may require his attendance at court….

Capsis claims Mike is the fourth Christian who has complained to him of a religiously-motivated attack in the past six months.“This is not an isolated incident. There are gangs of these young fellows of Muslim background who have been harassing people they identify as Christian… You don’t hear about it because no one’s reporting it.”

The other three attacks Capsis says have occurred around public transport in southwest Sydney: “It’s like their territory; they don’t want Christians or other types of infidels there…

“People like Greek Orthodox carry a big cross. I tell them to be practical and if they’re in those areas and wearing a big cross and a group of young guys comes, hide it in your shirt. Why provoke it?

“If this keeps up, someone will be hurt. It’s got to be nipped in the bud.”…

There have been isolated reports of anti-Christian abuse in recent years, such as churchgoers in Sydney’s west copping death threats from men driving past in a car bearing the Islamic State flag….But there are no hashtags for Christians like Mike when they ride on Sydney trains.

Jihad Watch

To read more https://www.jihadwatch.org/

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Globalist Google Now Unilaterally Labeling Stories It Dislikes as ‘Fake News’

Google is to start displaying fact-checking labels in its search results to highlight news and information that has been vetted and show whether it is considered to be true or false, as part of its efforts to help combat the spread of misinformation and fake news.

The fact-checking feature, which was first introduced to Google News in the UK and US in October, will now be displayed as an information box in general search results as well as news search results globally.

The small snippets display information about the claim made by a particular page or site and who made the claim, as well as the results of fact checking on the highlighted claim. The fact checks are not performed by Google, but by named trusted publishers and fact-checkers using an open system to mark claims as having been checked.

Cong Yu from Google and Justin Kosslyn from fact-check partner Jigsaw said: “With thousands of new articles published online every minute of every day, the amount of content confronting people online can be overwhelming. And unfortunately, not all of it is factual or true, making it hard for people to distinguish fact from fiction . . .

Fact check boxes will not be displayed for every search result, and only publishers that are “algorithmically determined to be an authoritative source of information” will be included in the program Google said. (Read more from “Globalist Google Now Unilaterally Labeling Stories It Dislikes as ‘Fake News'” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/globalist-google-now-unilaterally-labeling-stories-dislikes-fake-news/

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College May Punish Students Who Disrupted Conservative’s Speech

Claremont McKenna College officials have announced possible repercussions for students who protested a conservative speaker’s speech last week.

Protesters successfully blocked students and professors from entering an on-campus building to hear Heather Mac Donald’s pro-police speech, as reported by The Daily Signal last Friday. Mac Donald is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a conservative think tank.

In response, Hiram Chodosh, the president of Claremont McKenna College, or CMC, released a statement Friday, saying, “Blocking access to buildings violates College policy. CMC students who are found to have violated policies will be held accountable.”

Joann Young, director of media relations for CMC, elaborated on Chodosh’s statement, telling The College Fix in an email that students could face a variety of repercussions, including “temporary or permanent separation from the college.”

Steven Glick, a senior at Pomona College, one of the five undergraduate institutions that make up the Claremont Colleges alongside CMC, covered the protests as editor-in-chief of The Claremont Independent, an “independent journal of campus affairs and political thought” that is dedicated to “upholding truth and excellence at the Claremont Colleges,” according to its website. The publication receives no school funding.

“I wasn’t able to speak with many of the protesters and about what they were doing,” Glick said. “Several protesters prevented me from conducting interviews by pushing me, putting their hands and clothing in front of the camera, and shouting over anyone who did try to talk to me. Another correspondent from The [Claremont] Independent was threatened with physical violence while he attempted to interview protesters.”

Glick’s interactions with protesters were shared on The Claremont Independent’s Facebook page through Facebook Live.

Glick said it was evident many protesters “had no clue what was going on.”

“They chanted about Palestine for quite a while, which had nothing to do with Heather Mac Donald’s planned lecture,” Glick said. “It seems that protesters simply viewed Ms. Mac Donald as an opponent of progressivism, and felt it apt to chant about any progressive cause they could think of.”

Since CMC is one of eight institutions that make up the Claremont Colleges, many of the protesters were not students of CMC, and some, according to Glick, were not students at all. “Some of the protesters were middle-aged people who were clearly just there to help organize the protest,” Glick said.

When asked how students have responded to the protest, Glick said, “I get the sense that most students were disappointed that the protests led to the cancellation of the event, whether they agreed with Heather Mac Donald or not.”

As The Daily Signal previously reported, Peter Uvin, vice president of academic affairs for Claremont McKenna College, said in an email to students after the incident that he understands that “words hurt” and “people have strong opinions and different—often painful—experiences with the issues Heather Mac Donald discusses.”

Uvin went on to add that he “could not accept” students’ attempts “to make it impossible for her to speak, for you to listen, and for all of us to debate.”

In reaction to the administration’s response, Glick said:

The CMC administration should have had a bigger presence at the protest and told the students what consequences, if any, they would face for their actions. By remaining largely absent from the scene, they effectively gave the protesters a free pass.

(For more from the author of “College May Punish Students Who Disrupted Conservative’s Speech” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/college-may-punish-students-who-disrupted-conservatives-speech/

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