William M. Finley's Posts (2815)

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Persecution of Journalists Who Exposed Planned Parenthood Is Malicious

We are witnesses to an abuse of power by government that represents a test of our democracy. Anyone who fails to rally to the cause of the Americans victimized in this case should be discredited.

Though I have not been shy about criticizing President Donald Trump when I think he deserves it, he is not involved.

I refer to the Kafkaesque malfeasance by Xavier Becerra, attorney general of California. Becerra, for many years a Democratic congressman, is using his office to hound two citizen journalists. They came into his sights because their videos exposed the sickening reality behind the euphemistic surface of Planned Parenthood. Becerra and other abortion-rights absolutists found this embarrassing. Why do I call it Kafkaesque? Because David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, who went undercover to reveal the law breaking of Planned Parenthood, now find themselves, not Planned Parenthood, accused of 15 felony counts by the state of California.

Their crimes? Recording people without their consent. The editorial board of the LA Times, to its credit, has called this a “disturbing overreach.” And Kevin Drum of Mother Jones, while condemning Daleiden’s politics, has defended his rights, saying, “This was a legitimate investigation, and no level of government should be in the business of chilling it.”

Xavier Becerra is no stickler about secret recordings. In 2012, he relished the release of Mitt Romney’s surreptitiously recorded comments to donors in which Romney mentioned the “47 percent.” Romney had joked that if he were Hispanic, he’d win the election. Becerra didn’t seem concerned about Romney’s privacy rights when he rushed to the press to denounce the Republican: “The insult of all insults, Mitt Romney says if he was Latino he would win the presidential election, as if being Latino would have given him any advantage to win the White House.” (Read more from “Persecution of Journalists Who Exposed Planned Parenthood Is Malicious” HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/persecution-journalists-exposed-planned-parenthood-malicious/

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While Trump Attacks Conservatives, His Immigration Agenda Burns

The biggest news story of the week is not that President Trump is attacking conservatives for wanting to uphold his campaign promise and protect him from owning a more insolvent version of Obamacare. The biggest story is that he is not attacking the establishment and Senate appropriators for preemptively negotiating away his leverage by promising Chuck Schumer there won’t be funding for the border wall in the April budget.

President capitulating on border funding

One of the few good things that has come from this nascent administration is its discretionary budget proposal for FY 2017 and FY 2018. The budget bill for the remainder of the fiscal year, which comes due on April 28, presents the president with his only opportunity to force through critical policy changes and his spending priorities. The president has asked for immediate supplemental funds for the border wall and for rebuilding the military in exchange for $18 billion in cuts to the non-defense bureaucracies. Yet, as we noted earlier this week, Senate Republicans already forged a deal to fund Planned Parenthood, refugee resettlement, and the extra spending for the bureaucracies…but not for the border wall!

Why isn’t the president demanding an immediate course correction? The border wall is the most foundational promise of Trump’s campaign, yet he has nothing to say when liberal Republicans negotiate away his leverage. The more the border wall funding is delayed, the less likely it will ever get done. What gives?

Refusing to fight for moratorium

Meanwhile, the maniacal courts continue to assault national sovereignty. On Wednesday, the radical judge in Hawaii upgraded his temporary restraining order on the immigration moratorium to a preliminary injunction. Unfortunately, this administration refuses to plow ahead with the moratorium and its lawyers are capitulating to the courts, even though courts have no jurisdiction over this issue and there was no legitimate case or controversy to rule on. A district judge cannot place a nationwide injunction on the lack of issuance of visas to hypothetical prospective immigrants or travelers.

There is a term for this obsequious behavior from the White House, widely popularized by some pro-Trump social media outlets, and it begins with a C.

Welcome to sanctuary nation

We haven’t heard the last from the courts, either. The Seattle mayor is also suing the administration for cutting off funding to lawless sanctuary cities. Mayor Ed Murray filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington (the court where James Robart sits) claiming that the federal government cannot cut off funding despite the jurisdiction’s violation of federal law and national sovereignty. I’ve already explained that their anti-coercion federalism argument is absurd, but there is no doubt the courts will place a nationwide injunction on this order and declare America a sanctuary nation. The courts are insane and have already issued similar rulings.

Which is why it’s so important to include in the funding bill a provision denying Justice Department grants to lawless jurisdictions. Why is the president not making the case, and why is he groveling before the courts when the courts are engaging in civil disobedience?

Make refugee resettlement great again

Worse, as the Huffington Post reported, the State Department has reset the refugee caps to near-Obama levels and is bringing in 900 refuges per week. This is completely gratuitous, even for one who wants to abide by the lawless court decision.

Obsessing with Palestinian “peace” and allowing terrorist travel

Meanwhile, the State Department is issuing a visa to Palestinian terrorist Jibril Rajoub to participate in peace talks! Aside from the fact that this action reveals the administration is just as obsessed with the two-state solution as the Obama administration, the issuance of such a visa violates federal law (INA Sec. 212(a)(2)(B)), which bars entry to anyone associated with terrorists or who has espoused support for terrorism.

What happened to putting Americans first?

Moreover, why is he not demanding that the House and Senate vote on all his immigration promises – from halting the Central American surge to the Davis-Oliver interior enforcement bill? Why isn’t he demanding that they pay for the wall by cutting off remittances to Mexico and refundable tax credits for illegal aliens, including the “DACA” amnesty he continues to facilitate?

Sure, constitutionally speaking, Congress sets the agenda, but politically, the president sets the agenda when his party controls Congress. And if Trump has the time and moxie to go after conservatives on health care, why is he not subjecting the establishment to his Twitter treatment as it relates to the budget, immigration, and his most foundational promises?

Yet instead of harnessing the outrage from the Rockville rape to protect our sovereignty, DHS Secretary John Kelly won’t stop talking about “Dreamers” as if they are covered by a legitimate statute. He promised Democrats on Wednesday that he would not deport any “Dreamer” without a criminal record. Not only is it against the law to categorically exempt them from deportation, but the Rockville rape demonstrated that there are indeed violent ones who have never previously offended.

It is precisely the promise of “Dream” amnesty that has led to the disastrous border surge from Central America. Furthermore, forget about deportations, why is DHS handing out affirmative benefits to new applicants every week? This is patently unconstitutional, as well as a violation of our sovereignty and a drain on taxpayers. Not to mention a violation of another campaign promise.

Then again, it’s always easy to make conservatives the bogeyman. The media will certainly let that one go. Attacking the swamp? Not so much. (For more from the author of “While Trump Attacks Conservatives, His Immigration Agenda Burns” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/04/trump-attacks-conservatives-immigration-agenda-burns/

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CAN demands Dept. of Education remove Islamic indoctrination program
( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )
by Martin Mawyer
The United States Department of Education has developed an Islamic indoctrination program for public schools called, 'Access Islam.'
Pro-Islam Lessons Found in All Grades in Public Schools
The taxpayer-supported Department of Education (DOE) is funding an Islamic indoctrination program in America’s public schools in grades 5 through 12, Christian Action Network has learned.
Students are taught to learn Islamic scripture, give the meaning of that Islamic verse, and explain how they can use it in their daily lives.
“How can this be anything other than indoctrination?” said Martin Mawyer, president and founder of Christian Action Network (CAN).
The DOE offers no similar lesson plans for Christianity, Mawyer added. “There is absolutely no balance in the curricula offered. Only Islam is given a full course of study.”
"Access Islam," from the PBS web site, funded by the U.S. Department of Education.
"Access Islam," from the PBS web site, funded by the U.S. Department of Education.
The Islamic education program, funded by the DOE, is primarily disseminated through PBS LearningMedia and the Educational Broadcasting Corporation.
The curriculum is called “Access Islam" and includes such lessons as:

The Five Pillars of Islam, in which students in grades 5 through 12 explore and understand the basic beliefs of Islam, as well as “the Five Pillars that guide Muslims in their daily life … students will create posters about the Five Pillars for classroom display.” Students also learn the proclamation of Islamic faith -- which is akin to learning the Christian "prayer of salvation." (More information here)

The U.S. Department of Education's funding of an Islamic indoctrination curricula is the topic of a new video produced by Christian Action Network.
The U.S. Department of Education's funding of an Islamic indoctrination curricula is the topic of a new video produced by Christian Action Network.

Salat: Prayer in Muslim Life, in which students in grades 5 through 12 learn “the importance of the Quran in daily worship.” The students are asked, “What do you see and hear when Muslims pray? How do the words sound? What is the purpose of praying five times a day?” (More information here)

Quran: Sacred Scripture of Islam, in which students in grades four to six are taught that the Quran “is considered the word of Allah." Students must review quotes from the Quran and Hadith. They must then to present one of the Islamic quotes to the teacher and "describe the passages practical application…” (More information here)

“Can anyone imagine The Lord’s Prayer recited in a classroom?" asked Mawyer. "Or students taught that the Bible is the inspired, infallible final Word of God? Or displaying the Christian cross in the school classroom? Or lesson plans that encourage students to pray to Jesus Christ? It’s out of the question! Christ, the Bible, the cross and Christian prayer were thrown out our public schools decades ago.
In one DOE funded video, students are introduced to a man who has converted from Christianity to Islam. The Muslim man tells students that Islam "is the true worship of God." The man then instructs children to "submit yourself" to Allah.
Mawyer said he was so shocked when he learned that the Islamic curriculum was funded by the DOE that his organization fired off a legal “Letter of Demand” to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos demanding that the Islamic program be defunded and removed from access to the public schools of America.
In the Five Pillars of Islam lesson plan, students are told to "focus on learning about the core duties of Muslims" and to "read about what it means to proclaim faith or belief as a Muslim."
“As I scanned through the information online, it became obvious to me that the material is much more like a Sunday School lesson plan than a proper educational lesson on Islam,” said Mawyer. “These lessons are teaching our children and grandchildren how to be, act and live like Muslims. It’s outrageous! And every Christian and Jewish parent in America should be appalled at how our children are being indoctrinated into the Islamic belief system and lifestyle.”
Students are taught in detail how to pray like a Muslim in the lesson plan “Salat: Prayer in Muslim Life.” The lesson plan includes prayers that can be recited by students, descriptions of how and when to pray, and refers students to the web site “islamicity.com” to get more information about Islamic prayer times around the world.
In this same study students are told to memorize the following prayer from Quaran 96:1-5:

“In the name of thy lord who created man from a clot. And thy lord is the most generous who taught by the pen, taught man that which he knew not.”

Mawyer noted that students are NOT taught that Jesus is Lord, but they DO learn that Allah is God.
Preview for CAN's latest film "Islam In The Schools A Quick Look". To order the full version and learn more about this topic visit us at www.ChristianAction.org
“I am calling on all Americans to demand the Department of Education dump this program,” said Mawyer. “This is an outrageous abuse of our taxpayer dollars, and an affront to the rights of parents to teach their children the religion of their choice.”
As well as the DOE video, CAN has also released a video that takes a broader look at Islam in the Schools. It can be viewedhere.
Download Christian Action Network's letter of demand to the Department of Education here.
Martin Mawyer is the Founder and President of Christian Action Network, a non-profit public advocacy and education group based in Lynchburg, Virginia. He began his career as a freelance journalist and has authored several books, including “Silent Shame,” “The Pro-Family Contract With America,” “Pathways to Success,” and his most recent, “Twilight in America: The Untold Story of Islamic Terrorist Training Camps Inside America.” He has produced a number of documentary films, including Europe’s Last Stand – America’s Final Warning, Homegrown Jihad, Islam Rising, Sacrificed Survivors and America’s Islamic Threat. Mawyer has appeared on The O’Reilly Factor, Hannity, Larry King Live, Pat Robertson’s 700 Club, NBC’s Today Show, Entertainment Tonight and Fox and Friends. His latest book, “Twilight in America,” co-authored by Patti A. Pierucci, details the activities of Islamic camps scattered throughout the United States operated by The Muslims of America. It can be purchased at Amazon.com in book or Kindle version.
Get involved with Martin Mawyer and the Christian Action Network. Use the links below to connect via our website, latest documentary and social media.
<-- Our upcoming documentary, The Islamization of our Schools, examines how Muslim doctrine are being taught in U.S. schools using money from from Saudi Arabia -- and U.S. taxpayers. Learn more. Help the project!

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM
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The Hypocrisy of the Trump-Hitler Comparisons

As an historian and expert on Hitler, I’ve been wary to debate the common comparisons between President Trump and Adolf Hitler. But I’ve been slowly pulled into the debate anyway.

Around January 26 Christopher Hooton published an image from my book, Hitler’s Ethic: The Nazi Pursuit of Evolutionary Progress. Several internet news sites then picked it up. Some of them also quoted from my chapter on “Morally Upright Aryans and Immoral Jews.” On March 2nd, the Washington Post published this image and quoted from an e-mail interview with me. As you might have guessed, the piece compared Hitler and President Trump.

The image in question was from an article about “The Criminal Jew.” It was first published in 1935 in a Nazi periodical. Several photos featured Jews, along with the crimes they allegedly committed. The article claimed that Jews are biologically prone to criminality. This was a major theme in Nazi anti-Semitic rhetoric.

The is what the Washington Post tried to apply to Trump. Here’s the basic argument: Hitler targeted Jews as being criminal and publicized their crimes. Trump is now publicizing the crimes of illegal immigrants. Thus, Trump is like Hitler.

Before dismantling this argument, I should say that I’m not a big fan of Trump’s immigration policies. Nor do I endorse his rhetoric. Though illegal immigration is a tough issue on which decent people can disagree, I think as Americans we should be more welcoming and loving toward immigrants.

Even though I disagree with Trump’s immigration policies, this does not make his policies on par with Hitler. Hitler did many things during his career — some evil, some not. He was a vegetarian, loved dogs, and built highways. Does this make vegetarians, dog lovers, and highway builders “like Hitler”?

Hitler was also a pantheist, as I demonstrated in my recent book, Hitler’s Religion: The Twisted Beliefs That Drove the Third Reich. Pantheism has its problems, to be sure. But, it isn’t wrong because Hitler believed it.

I also explain in Hitler’s Religion that before coming to power, Hitler sometimes claimed he was a Christian. He showed no commitment to Christianity in his private life and his morality. Doesn’t this also sound a lot like hundreds or thousands of other politicians who have never done anything like Hitler? Does this make them, or Trump, a Hitler? Of course not.

To come to grips with the Hitler comparisons, we should ask: Why do people consider Hitler one of the most megalomaniacal evil figures of all time? I submit that it was because he launched an aggressive war to annihilate whole groups of defenseless human beings. He exterminated millions of people whom he deemed inferior biologically or racially. This included the mass murder of about six million Jews. Hitler also orchestrated the mass murder of over 200,000 disabled Germans, hundreds of thousands of Gypsies, millions of Soviet POWs, and others. Now ask yourself: Do Trump’s policies rise to this level? Is Trump threatening to commit mass murder?

Of course not. Ironically, those who are eager to compare Trump to Hitler are doing just what they are decrying in Trump. What is their chief complaint against Trump when it comes to immigration? It’s that he connects other people — illegal immigrants — with criminals.

But what are Trump’s detractors doing? Associating another person — Trump — with the most fiendish criminal they know. Trump’s critics surely know that Trump is not a mass murderer. So why do they keep tarring him with the Hitler label? It’s simple. They think Trump is hateful and intolerant.

But wait a minute. Aren’t they being hateful and intolerant toward him and his supporters? Flinging the epithet Hitler at someone is not exactly a sign of tolerance, love and good will.

I’m not suggesting that those who disagree with Trump’s immigration policies and rhetoric should crawl into a corner and shut up. But, it would be much better, and more productive, if his opponents would take the moral high ground. They should engage in civil debate based on real love and reason, rather than doing the very thing they accuse Trump of doing: demonizing political opponents. (For more from the author of “The Hypocrisy of the Trump-Hitler Comparisons” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/hypocrisy-trump-hitler-comparisons/

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GOP Repeal Bill Left Too Much of Washington Power Grab in Place

The federal government has been too involved in regulating America’s health care system for years.

Yes, long before the unaffordable “Affordable Care Act,” aka Obamacare, came along, Washington was picking winners and losers in health care.

The unfair tax treatment of health care started post-World War II when we began giving tax breaks to those getting health care via their employer but not to others like the self-employed and the small business owner. More meddling occurred in the 1960s with the creation of Medicare and Medicaid. And it continued in the 1980s when Congress passed a law guaranteeing free emergency room care to both the uninsured and illegal immigrants.

And then came the mother of all meddling: Obamacare. It came with a huge push to not only expand Medicaid, but to take over what was left of the private insurance market through government mandates and regulations.

This was the one of, if not the chief reason, voters wanted to see Obamacare repealed. Its regulations were taking away their doctors, their health care choices, and imposing premium prices many could no longer afford.

Obamacare’s regulations alone were responsible for driving premiums costs up by as much as 68 percent.

For example:

The essential health benefits mandate and actuarial requirements that forced insurance plans to include coverage many Americans don’t want, don’t need, and definitely can’t afford, raised premiums nationally by over 16 percent, and in some states, over 30 percent.

Adding newly uninsured people to the rolls, not surprisingly, caused an uptick in the sickness of the population in insurance markets. Nationally that drove up premiums by 4 percent, but in some states like Ohio, it contributed to a more than 35 percent hike.

And then there is the age factor. It’s a basic fact of life that the older you are, the more health care you are going to need and consume. Insurance markets have long recognized this. But Obamacare mandated they lessen the differences older people versus younger people paid.

The result? National averages show young people will see rate increases of almost 60 to 90 percent.

No wonder far fewer than needed young and healthy Americans have decided to risk paying a fine than sign up for health care.

But getting rid of Obamacare’s architecture, the latest in a long line of Washington attempts to regulate our lives, was not in the GOP’s most recent repeal and replace legislation.

And this is why that attempt failed and a new repeal effort is now underway.

No amount of tinkering with other factors will make up for the costs Americans will pay or privacy we will lose if we allow Congress to leave this Washington power grab in place. (For more from the author of “GOP Repeal Bill Left Too Much of Washington Power Grab in Place” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/gop-repeal-bill-left-much-washington-power-grab-place/

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You Will Never Hear These Truths Discussed in the Mainstream

The general public truly lives in two separate worlds. We have the world of the mainstream media, popular culture and political rhetoric; a world which constantly and desperately seeks to twist or destroy any legitimate measure of reality, leading people into a frenzied fog. Then, we have the world of concrete facts; an ugly, brutal world that upsets many people when they see it and leaves them with little more than the hope that the most innovative of us will perhaps reverse the disastrous course, or at least, survive to carry on a meaningful level of civilization.

The sad thing is, if a majority of the population studied and accepted the world of fact, then preparation and intelligent or aggressive action might negate any destructive outcome. Reality only grows more ugly because we continue to ignore it.

Have you ever come to a logical or practical conclusion in response to a national or global problem and waited in vain to hear it represented in the mainstream? Have you ever thought — if I can figure this out, why can’t they? And by “they,” I mean the people most commonly offered a mainstream platform. This includes so called “professional journalists,” political leaders, mainstream economists, highly paid “analysts,” etc. Well, I think more and more Americans in particular are finally considering the notion that these “professionals” are either not very smart, or they have an agenda that seeks to perpetuate the problem rather than fix the problem.

Yes, the intellectual class, the longtime gatekeepers of public thought and consent, are actually mostly morons and/or liars with a terrible purpose in mind. I understand that this does not come as a surprise to many of my readers, but remember, the masses are still trapped in a stupefying fog. The goal here is to bring just a few more of them out of the doldrums whenever possible.

In the meantime, they are being fed one dishonest narrative after another, and there are certain truths, suggestions, solutions and philosophies they will never stumble across in their daily lives. Here are just a few questions and ideas on very specific mainstream events and propaganda memes which just don’t seem to receive the light of day.

The Healthcare Bill Debacle

If you happen to take note of stock market reactions to legislative events, you may have observed that equities recently suffered a swift sidekick to the solar plexus (read the section on stocks below as to why this matters little). This is, according to the mainstream, due to the failure of the Trump administration’s Obamacare repeal efforts. The first assumption here is that stock markets exploded higher after Trump’s election win purely because the investment world was placing bets that Trump would ram through tax cuts and pro-business legislation within his first year. The second assumption is that because Trump’s first piece of major legislation, the repeal of Obamacare, has failed, he will not be able to achieve any of his other stated goals, including tax cuts.

There are perhaps some minor truths within this narrative. A repeal of Obamacare might have helped free up billions in capital which could have been used for Trump’s infrastructure programs among other things. With the health care act still bleeding Americans dry and overextending the expenses of government, that border wall is looking a little less likely right now. Unless, of course, taxes remain the same or even increase in the near term.

My question is, why isn’t anyone in the mainstream questioning why a “new” healthcare bill was necessary at all? What was the point of this debacle? To marginally shift Obamacare so that it still exists but with reduced funding? Why not just get rid of the damn thing completely? That is what people voted Trump in for.

Instead of chasing a pointless piece of legislation through Congress trying to make every special interest happy, why won’t Trump simply remove enforcement of the Obamacare tax? It is, after all, a perfect example of taxation of without representation. If businesses and individuals no longer had to worry about the fines for not paying into Obamacare, then most of them would not voluntarily pay for it. Thus, Obamacare would be defunded naturally. It seems to me that the most obvious solution to the problem is being completely ignored in the mainstream.

Russian Hackers And Political Influence

This narrative just refuses to die, and the only point I can see to it so far is that it is a way for establishment elites to keep the political left constantly agitated. The left becomes more and more insane in their rhetoric and behavior exactly because the mainstream continues to perpetuate the rationale that Trump is “not really president.” Think about it — the left was already hurtling towards the madness of full-blown communism, but in order to reach a crescendo of schizophrenic violence, they need a little more psychological justification. If they can be convinced that Trump is now a “Russian agent,” they have all the justification they need to take their mob actions to the next level.

Just one problem — why is no one in the mainstream asking for the evidence that supposedly proves that Trump’s campaign was influenced by the Russian government? I keep hearing it exists, but where is it? The media is more than willing to demand hard evidence that the Trump team was being electronically tapped by the Obama administration; but so far there is more evidence coming to light of Obama wiretapping than evidence that Trump is working for the Russians.

Beyond this, as far as the Russian “hacking” of the DNC during the election is concerned, why is no one presenting the most important point — that point being, WHO CARES who actually hacked the DNC? It does not matter. What matters is that extreme corruption was found, along with regular collusion between the Clinton campaign and the media. It is the corruption that people should be up in arms about, NOT the hacking.

Clinton Corruption

Why are the Clintons still running around free? Why is no one talking about prosecution anymore? This question is for Trump, of course. Now, I predicted post election that Trump would indeed abandon all talk of Hillary Clinton going to prison almost immediately, but I would like to hear his argument as to why this should no longer be pursued.

Stock Market Relevancy

Why do mainstream economists hyper focus on the stock market? The stock market is nothing more than a trailing indicator of economic decline, and is ultimately irrelevant to the bigger fiscal picture. Yet, the health of the economy is almost always first tied to stock market performance (and to unemployment numbers which are also highly manipulated).

If stocks are in complete reversal by June/July as I predicted right after the election in my article ‘World Suffers From Trump Shellshock — Here’s What Happens Next’, does this mean that the economy is finally considered “in decline?” Or, does it mean that the economy has been in steady decline for years and only now is the stock market reflecting that reality?

Also, why do people still listen to mainstream economists? They are almost always wrong, and alternative economists are almost always right. Shouldn’t these supposed “professionals” be out of a job by now?

Illegal Immigration

Why is enforcement of existing immigration laws, laws which have been a standard for decades, such a divisive issue? Most countries in the world have stringent immigration laws, why is it that America is not allowed to enforce similar laws? Why does the left in particular consider the removal of illegal immigrants representative of “racism” or “fascism?” I realize they are mostly insane, but I would just like to hear one valid and practical argument from them as to why the U.S. specifically should be saddled with wide open borders and why American conservatives in particular are racist merely for demanding that the current laws be followed?

I don’t want to hear nonsensical mainstream arguments about how we are a “nation of immigrants.” We are NOT a nation of immigrants. I was born here. Most of us were born here. Our ancestors settled here and built this nation from nothing. This nation is established now and has been for generations. Times change and we don’t need a flood of random immigrants. If anything, we need highly selective immigration of only the best and brightest and most skilled from around the world.

Illegal immigration is not a debate. There is no logical reason to defend it, unless your goal is to overwhelm the American system with potential democrat voters or to completely destabilize the country altogether. Why are we still arguing about this?

The Mainstream Media Is Dying

The bastion guardian of all that is “mainstream,” the arbiter of who is “fake news” and who is “real news,” is actually in rapid decline, but you will never hear them admit it publicly. Many alternative media outlets are crushing the readership and viewership numbers of many mainstream media publications and shows, but much of the public still clings to the faulty concept that there is a particular level of “professionalism” that goes into the production of these narrative peddlers. We have been brainwashed with stories of “journalistic integrity” that lead us to consider media a higher calling. This is, of course, pure garbage.

As was made fully evident this past election, there is absolutely no integrity whatsoever in the journalistic field. There are only people with agendas and people who whore themselves out for people with agendas. That’s it. You may find a few honest souls on the conservative side of the media apparatus, but in large part, journalism is like a Vegas brothel.

Unfortunately, our society is in a period of transition in which the public is skeptical of mainstream media influences, but still pays attention to them. While people are rapidly abandoning these “news sources” for more independent fair, this may be too little too late. As I have outlined above, there are numerous questions which are never asked; numerous solutions that are never presented. The majority remains oblivious to practical options and practical actions. They remain oblivious to certain truths. The mainstream may have already done all the damage it can do. All that is left is for alternative analysts to pick up the pieces, ask the right questions, fight for the right causes and see if we can salvage this mess in time. (For more from the author of “You Will Never Hear These Truths Discussed in the Mainstream” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/will-never-hear-truths-discussed-mainst...

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You Will Never Hear These Truths Discussed in the Mainstream

The general public truly lives in two separate worlds. We have the world of the mainstream media, popular culture and political rhetoric; a world which constantly and desperately seeks to twist or destroy any legitimate measure of reality, leading people into a frenzied fog. Then, we have the world of concrete facts; an ugly, brutal world that upsets many people when they see it and leaves them with little more than the hope that the most innovative of us will perhaps reverse the disastrous course, or at least, survive to carry on a meaningful level of civilization.

The sad thing is, if a majority of the population studied and accepted the world of fact, then preparation and intelligent or aggressive action might negate any destructive outcome. Reality only grows more ugly because we continue to ignore it.

Have you ever come to a logical or practical conclusion in response to a national or global problem and waited in vain to hear it represented in the mainstream? Have you ever thought — if I can figure this out, why can’t they? And by “they,” I mean the people most commonly offered a mainstream platform. This includes so called “professional journalists,” political leaders, mainstream economists, highly paid “analysts,” etc. Well, I think more and more Americans in particular are finally considering the notion that these “professionals” are either not very smart, or they have an agenda that seeks to perpetuate the problem rather than fix the problem.

Yes, the intellectual class, the longtime gatekeepers of public thought and consent, are actually mostly morons and/or liars with a terrible purpose in mind. I understand that this does not come as a surprise to many of my readers, but remember, the masses are still trapped in a stupefying fog. The goal here is to bring just a few more of them out of the doldrums whenever possible.

In the meantime, they are being fed one dishonest narrative after another, and there are certain truths, suggestions, solutions and philosophies they will never stumble across in their daily lives. Here are just a few questions and ideas on very specific mainstream events and propaganda memes which just don’t seem to receive the light of day.

The Healthcare Bill Debacle

If you happen to take note of stock market reactions to legislative events, you may have observed that equities recently suffered a swift sidekick to the solar plexus (read the section on stocks below as to why this matters little). This is, according to the mainstream, due to the failure of the Trump administration’s Obamacare repeal efforts. The first assumption here is that stock markets exploded higher after Trump’s election win purely because the investment world was placing bets that Trump would ram through tax cuts and pro-business legislation within his first year. The second assumption is that because Trump’s first piece of major legislation, the repeal of Obamacare, has failed, he will not be able to achieve any of his other stated goals, including tax cuts.

There are perhaps some minor truths within this narrative. A repeal of Obamacare might have helped free up billions in capital which could have been used for Trump’s infrastructure programs among other things. With the health care act still bleeding Americans dry and overextending the expenses of government, that border wall is looking a little less likely right now. Unless, of course, taxes remain the same or even increase in the near term.

My question is, why isn’t anyone in the mainstream questioning why a “new” healthcare bill was necessary at all? What was the point of this debacle? To marginally shift Obamacare so that it still exists but with reduced funding? Why not just get rid of the damn thing completely? That is what people voted Trump in for.

Instead of chasing a pointless piece of legislation through Congress trying to make every special interest happy, why won’t Trump simply remove enforcement of the Obamacare tax? It is, after all, a perfect example of taxation of without representation. If businesses and individuals no longer had to worry about the fines for not paying into Obamacare, then most of them would not voluntarily pay for it. Thus, Obamacare would be defunded naturally. It seems to me that the most obvious solution to the problem is being completely ignored in the mainstream.

Russian Hackers And Political Influence

This narrative just refuses to die, and the only point I can see to it so far is that it is a way for establishment elites to keep the political left constantly agitated. The left becomes more and more insane in their rhetoric and behavior exactly because the mainstream continues to perpetuate the rationale that Trump is “not really president.” Think about it — the left was already hurtling towards the madness of full-blown communism, but in order to reach a crescendo of schizophrenic violence, they need a little more psychological justification. If they can be convinced that Trump is now a “Russian agent,” they have all the justification they need to take their mob actions to the next level.

Just one problem — why is no one in the mainstream asking for the evidence that supposedly proves that Trump’s campaign was influenced by the Russian government? I keep hearing it exists, but where is it? The media is more than willing to demand hard evidence that the Trump team was being electronically tapped by the Obama administration; but so far there is more evidence coming to light of Obama wiretapping than evidence that Trump is working for the Russians.

Beyond this, as far as the Russian “hacking” of the DNC during the election is concerned, why is no one presenting the most important point — that point being, WHO CARES who actually hacked the DNC? It does not matter. What matters is that extreme corruption was found, along with regular collusion between the Clinton campaign and the media. It is the corruption that people should be up in arms about, NOT the hacking.

Clinton Corruption

Why are the Clintons still running around free? Why is no one talking about prosecution anymore? This question is for Trump, of course. Now, I predicted post election that Trump would indeed abandon all talk of Hillary Clinton going to prison almost immediately, but I would like to hear his argument as to why this should no longer be pursued.

Stock Market Relevancy

Why do mainstream economists hyper focus on the stock market? The stock market is nothing more than a trailing indicator of economic decline, and is ultimately irrelevant to the bigger fiscal picture. Yet, the health of the economy is almost always first tied to stock market performance (and to unemployment numbers which are also highly manipulated).

If stocks are in complete reversal by June/July as I predicted right after the election in my article ‘World Suffers From Trump Shellshock — Here’s What Happens Next’, does this mean that the economy is finally considered “in decline?” Or, does it mean that the economy has been in steady decline for years and only now is the stock market reflecting that reality?

Also, why do people still listen to mainstream economists? They are almost always wrong, and alternative economists are almost always right. Shouldn’t these supposed “professionals” be out of a job by now?

Illegal Immigration

Why is enforcement of existing immigration laws, laws which have been a standard for decades, such a divisive issue? Most countries in the world have stringent immigration laws, why is it that America is not allowed to enforce similar laws? Why does the left in particular consider the removal of illegal immigrants representative of “racism” or “fascism?” I realize they are mostly insane, but I would just like to hear one valid and practical argument from them as to why the U.S. specifically should be saddled with wide open borders and why American conservatives in particular are racist merely for demanding that the current laws be followed?

I don’t want to hear nonsensical mainstream arguments about how we are a “nation of immigrants.” We are NOT a nation of immigrants. I was born here. Most of us were born here. Our ancestors settled here and built this nation from nothing. This nation is established now and has been for generations. Times change and we don’t need a flood of random immigrants. If anything, we need highly selective immigration of only the best and brightest and most skilled from around the world.

Illegal immigration is not a debate. There is no logical reason to defend it, unless your goal is to overwhelm the American system with potential democrat voters or to completely destabilize the country altogether. Why are we still arguing about this?

The Mainstream Media Is Dying

The bastion guardian of all that is “mainstream,” the arbiter of who is “fake news” and who is “real news,” is actually in rapid decline, but you will never hear them admit it publicly. Many alternative media outlets are crushing the readership and viewership numbers of many mainstream media publications and shows, but much of the public still clings to the faulty concept that there is a particular level of “professionalism” that goes into the production of these narrative peddlers. We have been brainwashed with stories of “journalistic integrity” that lead us to consider media a higher calling. This is, of course, pure garbage.

As was made fully evident this past election, there is absolutely no integrity whatsoever in the journalistic field. There are only people with agendas and people who whore themselves out for people with agendas. That’s it. You may find a few honest souls on the conservative side of the media apparatus, but in large part, journalism is like a Vegas brothel.

Unfortunately, our society is in a period of transition in which the public is skeptical of mainstream media influences, but still pays attention to them. While people are rapidly abandoning these “news sources” for more independent fair, this may be too little too late. As I have outlined above, there are numerous questions which are never asked; numerous solutions that are never presented. The majority remains oblivious to practical options and practical actions. They remain oblivious to certain truths. The mainstream may have already done all the damage it can do. All that is left is for alternative analysts to pick up the pieces, ask the right questions, fight for the right causes and see if we can salvage this mess in time. (For more from the author of “You Will Never Hear These Truths Discussed in the Mainstream” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/will-never-hear-truths-discussed-mainstream/

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Meet the Shady Terror Supporter Welcomed by Georgetown University With Open Arms

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate ) 

Is a prominent academic institution empowering Islamic despots to propagandize college students?

Georgetown University’s satellite campus in Doha, Qatar recently hosted a man convicted of aiding and abetting a terrorist group Tuesday evening for a talk on “Youth In The Middle East.”

Sami Al-Arian, who spoke Tuesday, has reportedly called for Islamic warfare and has encouraged suicide bombings in the name of God. Nonetheless, Georgetown gave the Kuwait-born alleged terror mastermind a prominent platform, describing him as a “civil rights activist.”

The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) notes that Al-Arian is a board member of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), a U.S.-designated terrorist group. Founded in 1979, the jihadist group is committed to the destruction of Israel through warfare. Considered even more radical than the terror group Hamas, it is widely believed that most of the group’s funding comes from Iran.

Reached for comment, IPT President Steven Emerson told CR he was concerned Georgetown would allow a man convicted of aiding terrorism “who still spouts the same evil and poisonous ideology (as) when he ran the Islamic Jihad” to speak on campus. He further described it as “one of the most hideous things” that an institution of higher learning could do, as it “represent[s] the core fundamental moral values it intends to impart to its students.”

In 1995, following a suicide attack that killed 19 Israelis, Al-Arian reached out to a Kuwaiti politician to solicit funds for more terror operations. Al-Arian said, according to IPT:

“The latest operation, carried out by the two mujahideen who were martyred for the sake of God, is the best guide and witness to what the believing few can do in the face of Arab and Islamic collapse at the heels of the Zionist enemy.”

He continued:

“I call upon you to try to extend true support of the jihad effort in Palestine so that operations such as these can continue, so that the people do not lose faith in Islam and its representatives.”

Al-Arian was deported in 2015 as part of his 2006 plea agreement, in which he pled guilty to providing services to Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Despite this guilty plea, Georgetown makes no mention of Al-Arian’s nefarious activities. The Georgetown profile whitewashes his extremism:

“Al-Arian is a prominent Palestinian human rights advocate and community leader. While working as a tenured professor of computer science … he was pursued by the U.S. government on various charges, resulting in a prolonged legal battle over which he eventually prevailed. After years in detention, solitary confinement, and under house arrest, Al-Arian relocated to Turkey in 2015.”

So how does Al-Arian get invited to speak at Georgetown Doha? To start, Al-Arian’s son, Abdullah, is an assistant professor there.

But the school’s Middle East hub is not its only location accused of promoting extremism.

Georgetown’s main campus in Washington, D.C. has an entire campus institution funded by a $20 million dollar donation from Saudi Arabia: the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding.

“Georgetown has literally sold its soul to the devil — to terrorist funding ‘charities,’ to rich propagandists for the Muslim Brotherhood which built an entire wing at Georgetown in DC to propagate the values and beliefs of groups like Hamas and has been all too willing to form collaborative alliances with countries like Qatar,” Emerson commented, adding, “which is the largest state financial supporter of Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS.”

Several professors at Georgetown’s D.C. campus have run into controversy of their own.

John Esposito, a renowned professor there, is affiliated with at least half a dozen groups connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. Additionally, when an alleged Muslim Brotherhood delegation came to visit the United States in 2015, Georgetown “organized and funded” the trip, according to the State Department.

Jonathan Brown, Al-Arian’s son-in-law and an Islamic studies professor at Georgetown, also is accused of recently endorsing rape and slavery in a February lecture on “Islam and The Problem of Slavery.”

By placing a man who may have led a Palestinian terror cell in front of unassuming college students, Georgetown has acted grossly irresponsible in empowering the forces of evil.

Georgetown University did not respond to a request for comment. (For more from the author of “Meet the Shady Terror Supporter Welcomed by Georgetown University With Open Arms” please click HEREhttp://joemiller.us/2017/03/meet-shady-terror-supporter-welcomed-georgetown-university-open-

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Hey, BNI Readers, I told ya the guy who released the Department of Education Islamization of public schools video would get media attention


DOE is being asked to remove the Islamic Indoctrination Program for Grades 5 – 12 by Martin Mawyer of the Christian Action Network.

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UBfpphaT3Y

In case you missed the original video, go here: ATTENTION PARENTS! The U.S. Department of Education has developed an Islamic indoctrination program for public schools

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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PAT CONDELL on the abject stupidity of ‘Islamophobia Awareness Month’


Everyone knows there is no such thing as “Islamophobia,” yet it has been growing like a malignant tumor on Western society for some time now. Constantly being lectured by the media about poor downtrodden Muslims as “victims of Islamophobia” is enough to bring tears to your eyes…tears of laughter at the brazen effrontery of it.

Islamophobia is no more real than Naziphobia and there are a myriad of reasons to be afraid of both. Frankly speaking, an awareness month for Islam is a good idea but it should be renamed “Cultural Terrorism Awareness Month,” or even better, “Hatred and Violence in the Quran Awareness Month” because unlike Islamophobia, these are the tenets of Islam that should strike fear in people’s hearts.

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfJ6FpabknY

Bare Naked Islam

To read all articles go to http://www.barenakedislam.com/

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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Indiana: ‘Allah Akbar’ screaming Muslim attacks woman, cop after failing to convert Goodwill employee


Source: Police: Man tased after striking officer, yelling ‘Allah Akbar’ in Goodwill scuffle | WISH-TV   h/t thereligionofpeace.com

MUNCIE, Ind. (WISH) — One man is facing charges after he struck an officer for attempting to restrain him following a commotion in Muncie.

It happened just before 2 p.m. Saturday inside a Goodwill store when officers were responding to a call for a fight.

Upon arrival, officials found 24-year-old Khalid Bilal confronting store employees.

According to reports, Bilal then went on to break an officer’s hand after an attempt to place Bilal into custody.

Bilal was later tased after charging another officer that arrived on scene. After the tasing, the officer was eventually able to corral Bilal into handcuffs. The suspect then began to kick the officer repeatedly with both legs, causing authorities to shackle his legs.

Reports stated that Bilal was yelling “Allah Akbar” throughout the ordeal.

One customer told 24-Hour News 8 she was scared for her life. She was inside the store shopping with her three children when she heard a man screaming at the front.

“A guy had become very irate and was screaming at one of the employees and then grabbed him by the collar and start pushing him and screaming are you scared,” said Chasity Fraley, customer.

He was just so full of rage and violence I never seen anything like that before,” Fraley added.

Not sure what was going on, Fraley said she began moving her kids.

“We moved to a different aisle… so I could take my kids away from the situation because they got very scared at that point and then I heard him say ‘I’m going to kill everyone in here,”’ she said.

That’s when Fraley says a female employee stepped in trying to calm the man down.

“With her, she kinda used a softer tone with him at first, ‘let’s talk about this, what’s the matter can we take it outside,’” Fraley recalled.

But out of nowhere, she said the man attacked that employee.

“He violently grabbed her around the neck and just was punching and whatever he could to her,” she said. “A bunch of employees came out to keep him away from customers.”

It is believed that Bilal had beaten a female worker at the store and grabbed her by the throat prior to officers’ arrival. Bilal reportedly had become upset while attempting to convert the employee to Islam.

Fraley believes employees handled the situation very well.

“They were protecting one another and protecting us they (did) an excellent job at keeping him in a somewhat secured area,” she said. “They were telling people to get back trying to protect people in the store and one another.”

Police said the man was taken to the hospital and continued to attack officers when they tried to restrain him.

Once at the hospital for treatment, Bilal went on to strike an officer three times when the officer attempted to secure a restraint that held Bilal to a hospital bed.

He faces preliminary charges of battery on police, resisting law enforcement, disorderly conduct, battery with injury, intimidation and strangulation.

Creeping Sharia

To read all articles go to https://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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Saudi, Islamic State, Iranian activity in Latin America “major security threat” to US


March 30, 2017 

By Christine Williams

  Growing Islamic extremism in Latin America constitutes a “major security threat” to the United States… The Islamic Republic has the capability and infrastructure to strike the United States from Latin America, but experts disagree over whether it would take that risk. It is reckless for so-called experts to gamble with the lives of the American public by downplaying the risk of Iranian, Saudi Wahhabi, and Islamic State activity in Latin America. Islamic jihadis’ goal is global conquest, and death in the way of Allah is for jihadis the path to martyrdom. Yet Trump’s quest for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration and plans to erect a wall at the US-Mexican border are denounced and derided. Willful blindness about the nature of the enemy and the failure to effectively implement strategies to protect homeland security only exacerbate the “major security threat” to Americans, while jihadis step up their activities in Latin America. Two years ago, it was also reported by Breitbart that Tehran was using Hizballah “in Latin American ‘Cultural Centers’ To Infiltrate West”: Shiite cultural centers in Latin America have provided the Islamic Republic of Iran with a means to expand its covert recruitment operations throughout the western hemisphere. “Report: Growing Islamic Extremism In Latin America Poses ‘Major Security Threat’ To US”, by Peter Hasson, Daily Caller, March 30, 2017: Growing Islamic extremism in Latin America constitutes a “major security threat” to the United States, according to an analysis published this month by the National Center for Policy Analysis. “The threat from Islamic extremists in Latin America remains an overlooked aspect of U.S. national security strategy,” NCPA senior fellow David Grantham argued. Grantham noted that “Saudi Arabia has invested millions to construct mosques and cultural centers in South America and Central America that expand the reach of its rigid version of Islam, known as Wahhabism.” “The international spread of Saudi dogma, which the State Department’s first special representative to Muslim communities worldwide, Farah Pandith, called ‘insidious,’ has laid the foundation for likeminded radicals to thrive in other areas of Latin America,” he explained. Later in the brief, Grantham noted that the “threats to U.S. security in the Greater Caribbean region are even more alarming in Trinidad and Tobago. The small island nation off the coast of Venezuela, once the target of an overthrow by Islamic militants, has also become a breeding ground for ISIS — 70 of the 100 Latin Americans known to have joined ISIS originated from the small country.” The ease of mobility Islamic extremists have in Latin America is also cause for concern. “Islamic extremism thrives where there is illicit finance and relative ease of movement across national and international borders. The mobility of terrorists throughout Latin America poses a serious problem,” Grantham stated. Perhaps the greatest Islamic extremist threat in Latin America, though, is the Islamic Republic of Iran, which Grantham said could potentially strike the US from Latin America as a retaliatory act. “The Islamic Republic has the capability and infrastructure to strike the United States from Latin America, but experts disagree over whether it would take that risk,” Grantham writes. “Experts consistently discuss the likelihood of a preemptive or first strike attack on the United States, though, which creates too high a standard. Instead, the argument should focus on the prospect of retaliatory attack.” Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton also warned of Iranian sponsored terrorism through Latin American “proxies” during a 2013 off-the-record speech to Goldman Sachs employees that was made public by WikiLeaks. “If we had a map up behind us you would be able to see Iranian sponsored terrorism directly delivered by Iranians themselves, mostly through the Revolutionary Guard Corps, the operatives, or through Islah or other proxies from to Latin American to Southeast Asia,” Clinton said. “The growth of extremist activity in Latin America is a major security threat. The prospects of retaliation from Iran, in particular, should not discourage action against Iran where necessary but should heighten awareness regarding the high probability of revenge attacks,” Grantham concluded. “Iran’s influence in Latin America and extremists, in general, demand new national security strategies in the region….

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Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective
Bill Wilson
The real Russian connection

NOTEWhen writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
There is one thing that unifies establishment Democrats and Republicans. It's socialist globalism. Yes, no matter if they disagree on abortion, sanctity of marriage, or the religious freedom of God in the public square, establishment members of both parties are unified when it comes to a global economy, global trade, global migration, global climate control (or at least the wealth redistribution that it entails). In a sense, there are many factions vying for world domination-Islam, communism, capitalism-to name a few. Then there are the human vassals of these systems, ever seeking dominance in the one world order. This may well be at the bottom of all the problems between the globalists and Russia and Donald Trump.
At one time in America's history, the progressives (communists) adored populists. Think about how the radical left embraced those they considered populists-Mao, Che Guevera, Castro, Malcolm X. Even the ex "president" went to Cuba to pay homage to his populist communist idol, Fidel Castro. These godless populists promote anarchy, rebellion, anti-establishment mentalities. Ignorant pawns adore them, many not even knowing what they stand for. But when the leftist populists become the establishment, governing the very institutions they dreamed of overthrowing, a new populism arises comprised of people fed up with the antics of rebellion, anarchy and communism. They want a return to common sense decency. This underscores why globalists, especially the Democrats, are so hung up on nailing Trump and Russia.
When the Soviet Union collapsed, its leader Boris Yeltsin essentially shifted communism into a form of corrupt capitalism. Russian opponent of communism, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, wrote, "As a result of the Yeltsin era, all the fundamental sectors of our political, economic, cultural and moral life have been looted or destroyed." Populist Vladimir Putin, albeit no boy scout, restrained the corrupt billionaires who were looting Russia and restored its international standing. He is a pragmatic "Russia first" kind of guy. Along came Trump, an "America first" kind of guy. Neither of them fit in the globalists' "international system." As Christopher Caldwell, Senior Editor of The Weekly Standard, writes, "because they (globalists) assume there can never be legitimate historic reasons why a politician would arise in opposition to it."  
For differing reasons, both Putin and Trump represent a threat to the socialist globalist establishment. In my opinion, the many differing forms of the antichrist system have suffered a setback because of the populist movement, although the prophetic march toward the end times was at a double-step until this newfound populism took root. It may provide a breather for some pieces to fit into the prophetic puzzle, such as the settling of Islamic colonization in Europe and America that accelerated under the socialist globalists. The prophecies of the end time will play out on God's time. Russia and the US will play their role-one way or another. In the end, however, what the Lord God says in Ezekiel 38:23 shall be true-"...they shall know that I am the Lord."
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

PS. Please use the "Share This Email" link below to pass this on to as many people as you can!    
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CAN demands Dept. of Education remove Islamic indoctrination program

The United States Department of Education has developed an Islamic indoctrination program for public schools called, 'Access Islam.' The lesson plans are written for grades 5 through 12. They include worksheets and videos to help students perform the 5 Pillars of Islam - prayer, fasting, alms giving, pilgrimage to Mecca and the proclamation of Muslim faith.

Pro-Islam Lessons Found in All Grades in Public Schools

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDgxoiW1EEc

The taxpayer-supported Department of Education (DOE) is funding an Islamic indoctrination program in America’s public schools in grades 5 through 12, Christian Action Network has learned.

Students are taught to learn Islamic scripture, give the meaning of that Islamic verse, and explain how they can use it in their daily lives.

“How can this be anything other than indoctrination?” said Martin Mawyer, president and founder of Christian Action Network (CAN).

The DOE offers no similar lesson plans for Christianity, Mawyer added. “There is absolutely no balance in the curricula offered. Only Islam is given a full course of study.”

"Access Islam," from the PBS web site, funded by the U.S. Department of Education.

"Access Islam," from the PBS web site, funded by the U.S. Department of Education.

The Islamic education program, funded by the DOE, is primarily disseminated through PBS LearningMedia and the Educational Broadcasting Corporation.

The curriculum is called “Access Islam" and includes such lessons as:

  • The Five Pillars of Islam, in which students in grades 5 through 12 explore and understand the basic beliefs of Islam, as well as “the Five Pillars that guide Muslims in their daily life … students will create posters about the Five Pillars for classroom display.” Students also learn the proclamation of Islamic faith -- which is akin to learning the Christian "prayer of salvation." (More information here)
The U.S. Department of Education's funding of an Islamic indoctrination curricula is the topic of a new video produced by Christian Action Network.

The U.S. Department of Education's funding of an Islamic indoctrination curricula is the topic of a new video produced by Christian Action Network.

  • Salat: Prayer in Muslim Life, in which students in grades 5 through 12 learn “the importance of the Quran in daily worship.” The students are asked, “What do you see and hear when Muslims pray? How do the words sound? What is the purpose of praying five times a day?” (More information here)
  • Quran: Sacred Scripture of Islam, in which students in grades four to six are taught that the Quran “is considered the word of Allah." Students must review quotes from the Quran and Hadith.  They must then to present one of the Islamic quotes to the teacher and "describe the passages practical application…” (More information here)

“Can anyone imagine The Lord’s Prayer recited in a classroom?" asked Mawyer. "Or students taught that the Bible is the inspired, infallible final Word of God? Or displaying the Christian cross in the school classroom? Or lesson plans that encourage students to pray to Jesus Christ? It’s out of the question! Christ, the Bible, the cross and Christian prayer were thrown out our public schools decades ago. 

In one DOE funded video, students are introduced to a man who has converted from Christianity to Islam.  The Muslim man tells students that Islam "is the true worship of God." The man then instructs children to "submit yourself" to Allah.

Mawyer said he was so shocked when he learned that the Islamic curriculum was funded by the DOE that his organization fired off a legal “Letter of Demand” to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos demanding that the Islamic program be defunded and removed from access to the public schools of America.

In the Five Pillars of Islam lesson plan, students are told to "focus on learning about the core duties of Muslims" and to "read about what it means to proclaim faith or belief as a Muslim."

“As I scanned through the information online, it became obvious to me that the material is much more like a Sunday School lesson plan than a proper educational lesson on Islam,” said Mawyer. “These lessons are teaching our children and grandchildren how to be, act and live like Muslims. It’s outrageous! And every Christian and Jewish parent in America should be appalled at how our children are being indoctrinated into the Islamic belief system and lifestyle.”

Students are taught in detail how to pray like a Muslim in the lesson plan “Salat: Prayer in Muslim Life.”  The lesson plan includes prayers that can be recited by students, descriptions of how and when to pray, and refers students to the web site “islamicity.com” to get more information about Islamic prayer times around the world.

In this same study students are told to memorize the following prayer from Quran 96:1-5:

“In the name of thy lord who created man from a clot. And thy lord is the most generous who taught by the pen, taught man that which he knew not.”

Mawyer noted that students are NOT taught that Jesus is Lord, but they DO learn that Allah is God.

www.ChristianAction.org</a></p>">http://christianaction.org/shop/islamintheschools">www.ChristianAction.org</a></p>;" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1490888537153_202">www.ChristianAction.org" src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5282f0d1e4b0b6e93a7910d6/t/58d86e3f1b10e366b42eb9a0/1490579046292/ISLAM+IN+THE+SCHOOLS+A+Quick+Look?format=500w" data-image-resolution="500w" />

Preview for CAN's latest film "Islam In The Schools A Quick Look". To order the full version and learn more about this topic visit us at www.ChristianAction.org

“I am calling on all Americans to demand the Department of Education dump this program,” said Mawyer. “This is an outrageous abuse of our taxpayer dollars, and an affront to the rights of parents to teach their children the religion of their choice.”

As well as the DOE video, CAN has also released a video that takes a broader look at Islam in the Schools. It can be viewed here.

Download Christian Action Network's letter of demand to the Department of Education here.

Published on March 29, 2017 by Patti Pierucci.

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Former Planned Parenthood Medical Director: “Pay Attention to Who’s in the Room” When Infants Are Born Alive

Today the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released a new video of their investigation into Planned Parenthood’s sale of baby body parts. This video features former Planned Parenthood of Arizona Medical Director Dr. DeShawn Taylor. Taylor describes in detail how she delivers intact fetuses. She also suggests that she ignores an Arizona law that protects infants born alive.

This video comes a day after California attorney general and Planned Parenthood champion Xavier Becerra charged CMP’s David Daleiden with 15 felony counts. Daleiden promised to release more footage, even though there is a campaign to silence him.

Previous CMP videos showed Planned Parenthood executives negotiating for sales of body parts from aborted babies. The first video featured Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola. In it, she explains how she harvests organs using partial-birth abortions.

This latest video confirms what we knew from earlier videos: Selling baby body parts is a strategy by Planned Parenthood of America to help their affiliates profit.

The new footage shows Nucatola presiding over a boozy reception at a meeting for abortionists. She is happy to connect Daleiden, who poses as a buyer from a biotech company, with Dr. DeShawn Taylor. Nucatola trained Taylor as a former medical director for Planned Parenthood Arizona.

“I get a lot of referrals from Planned Parenthood,” Taylor tells the investigators.

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeINzcwb3qU

She discusses her “technique” in abortion, and explains that she prefers to deliver fetuses that are dismembered rather than fully intact.

“It’s not a matter of how I feel about it coming out intact, but I gotta worry about my staff and people’s feelings about it coming out looking like a baby,” Taylor said. She agrees with the investigator’s suggestion that this is for her staff’s comfort. She also claims that “Arizona is so conservative, I just don’t even want to send a full fetus for cremation.”

It may be that Taylor herself is not at ease with the intact body of a dead fetus. “We have the people who do our paperwork for the fetal death certificates,” she explains, “they email us calling them ‘babies.’ Baby this, baby that, baby so-and-so, and I’m like, that’s creepy!”

But she knows the law. So, she tells the investigators, “In Arizona, if the fetus comes out with any signs of life, we’re supposed to transport it. To the hospital.” One investigator then asks, “Is there any standard procedure for verifying signs of of life?”

Taylor responds, “Well, the thing is, I mean the key is, you need to pay attention to who’s in the room, right?”

She then laughs. “It’s a mess,” she says as she repeats what the Arizona law requires. “It’s a mess.”

Taylor then describes in grisly detail how she prefers to do abortions. It’s known as dismemberment dilation and evacuation. It requires a drug known as “dig,” for digoxin. The drug kills the fetus before the forceps enter the womb. She says, “My biceps appreciate when the dig works.” Taylor then says that without the drug it takes “a bit more” force to perform the abortion with her forceps.

“I remember when I was a [Family Planning] Fellow and I was training, I was like, Oh, I have to hit the gym for this,” she says.

Taylor’s next admission is the most damning. She explains how delivering an “intact calvarium [head]” requires killing the fetus when most of its body – all but the head – is outside the womb. This is the partial-birth abortion method Nucatola described in the first CMP video.

As the conversation wraps up, Taylor says she’s “definitely interested” in a partnership with the buyer. She assures them that her “market share of the abortion services continues to increase.”

“This footage,” Daleiden says, “shows a longtime Planned Parenthood abortion doctor willing to sell baby parts for profit, use criminal abortion methods to get more intact body parts, and even cover up infanticide.”

He says that Taylor “was trained by Planned Parenthood’s Senior Director of Medical Services and encouraged by her to participate in the fetal body parts market.”

Daleiden vows that this latest video is not the last. It is “just a preview,” he says, “of the damning and incriminating admissions of Planned Parenthood leaders on our further unreleased tapes, being censored by an unconstitutional gag order from a federal judge in San Francisco.” (For more from the author of “Former Planned Parenthood Medical Director: “Pay Attention to Who’s in the Room” When Infants Are Born Alive” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/former-planned-parenthood-medical-director-pay-attention-whos-roo

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New ‘Children’s’ Book Has Prince Charming Finding True Love With Farm Boy

Here is a short argument to keep in mind as you read about a new “children’s” book that promotes homosexual relationships.

If there is nothing morally wrong with same-sex relationships, then there is nothing wrong with exposing children to same-sex relationships. After all, kids will see same-sex relationships around them in our culture. And some kids will go on to form same-sex relationships. So, if there is nothing wrong with such relationships, why not show kids stories about men in love?

This was the implicit reasoning used by authors Adam Reynolds and Chaz Harris who wrote Promised Land. This is a picture-book about how “a young Prince and a farm boy meet in the forest and their newfound friendship blossoms into love.”

The Prince’s mother is divorced and has taken up living with an evil man. The evil man covets Farm Boy’s land. The land sits, as expected, in an Enchanted forest.

The book ends with a lovely picture of the Prince and Farm Boy smacking each other on the lips over the words, “They got married and started their own family.”

That is, of course, impossible. Two men cannot marry. And two men certainly cannot start a family. That is biologically impossible. These are not only theological truths. They are scientific realities as well.

Well, nobody expects Reality in a children’s fantasy. Magic isn’t real either, but that didn’t slow sales of, or enthusiasm for, Harry Potter. We shouldn’t therefore be critical of fantastical elements. But can we say anything against positive portrayals of homosexual love?

We cannot. Not if we cannot also say, out loud and in public, that homosexual love is immoral. Now love between two men, or two males, need not be immoral. A father loves his son. A man loves his friend. But if homosexual love is different than the love of two friends, what is that difference? It is sexual desire. Yet that desire is objectively disordered. The desire, if one indulges it, often leads to homosexual acts, which are immoral and sinful.

But if we cannot say that, then we cannot say that Promised Land should not be shown to children. And we cannot say that it should not be shown to children in schools. The only argument we can muster against it would be based on some bad effects of doing so. “We cannot show the book,” the utilitarian might argue, “because we do not want to pay for it.” What happens when a generous soul then donates copies?

We have reached a point in our culture where we could teach Promised Land in schools, but we could not teach about the Promised Land!

“And God almighty bless thee, and make thee to increase, and multiply thee: that thou mayst be a multitude of people. And give the blessings of Abraham to thee, and to thy seed after thee: that thou mayst possess the land of thy sojournment, which he promised to thy grandfather” (Genesis 28:3-4).

What an inversion.

The press is in love with Promised Land. Huffington Post says the book is about a place “where all people are equal no matter what they look like or who they love.” It’s obvious the author of that sentence has not thought through all its implications. Should men who love children be celebrated? Doesn’t Equality demand such a thing?

Harris told Huffington Post a truth: “The [kinds of media] we consume as kids and young adults form our attitudes towards those around us. … Most importantly, they influence our attitudes towards ourselves. … If we can be heroes in stories, we’re seen more positively in the real world.”

That homosexual relationships will be seen in a more positive light is just the effect Promised Land will have.

Teen Vogue calls Promised Land “required reading” and that says that the book “smashes any taboo around the subject” of homosexual relationships. It does, too.

The book has already set off a debate in New Zealand (home of the authors). Women’s Weekly asks, “Should children be taught about homosexuality in school?” The question was, as you might guess, mostly rhetorical.

What this book is doing is no different than what Disney did in Beauty and the Beast. That’s the new movie to made a point to show “an exclusively gay moment.” And they did it in a charming way. Kids who saw the movie would, as calculated, look with a kinder eye on homosexual relationships.

As they should, if there is nothing wrong with homosexual relationships.

Update: Santa Claus to be “Gay” Too

Just in is news that another picture-book will feature Santa Claus in a homosexual relationship with a black man. Time reports the book will be titled Santa’s Husband and will go on sale on 10 October. (For more from the author of “ ‘Children’s’ Book Has Prince Charming Finding True Love With Farm Boy” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/new-childrens-book-prince-charming-finding-true-love-farm-boy/

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Trump’s Budget Cuts Face Resistance From Republican Lawmakers

Republican leaders are voicing disapproval of budget cuts proposed by President Donald Trump.

“I doubt there’d be a lot of appetite for dramatic cuts this year,” Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, told Roll Call. “I just look at it as a conversation. They’ve got their views, we’ve got our views, and we need to sit down and work that out.”

According to CQ Roll Call’s Budget Tracker newsletter, Republican leaders such as Cornyn are openly disproving of Trump’s requested $18 billion in spending cuts for the current fiscal year budget, Politico reports.

Funding for the federal government will run out during the last week of April. In order to avoid a government shutdown, Congress must pass a spending bill by April 28.

Trump has suggested several ways to trim government spending, and some of the reductions include cutting “$1.3 billion from Pell Grant funding for college students; $1.2 billion from the National Institutes of Health; and $1.5 billion from the Community Development Block Grant program,” according to Budget Tracker.

Some of these cuts are alarming Republicans lawmakers such as Sen. Lamar Alexander. The Tennessee Republican chairs the Senate energy-water appropriations subcommittee. He’s hinting that Trump’s requested budget cuts may go ignored.

“[Trump] suggested some things and of course we’ll look at them, but we’ll write the budget,” Alexander told CQ.

Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., who serves as chairman of the House subcommittee on labor, health and human services, education, and related agencies, also suggested that Trump’s requested budget cuts might not be implemented.

“You know that’s fine, but it’s a little late in the process,” Cole told CQ. “We’ve closed out our bills.”

In his “skinny” budget proposal for the next fiscal year, Trump proposed to end taxpayer funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which supports public TV and radio broadcasters like NPR and PBS.

“This is an agency we all admire,” Cole said, according to Budget Tracker.

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting received $445 million in federal funding in 2016.

According to Budget Tracker, Republican lawmakers appeared skeptical about ending funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. One GOP lawmaker, Rep. Andy Harris of Maryland, questioned if funding the corporation is necessary.

Romina Boccia, deputy director of the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation, told The Daily Signal in an email that the apparent refusal of Republican lawmakers to support Trump’s budget cuts are disappointing.

“For years now, Republicans have told the American people that if only they controlled both chambers of Congress and the executive, they could actually get stuff done,” Boccia said. “Now, we are seeing that those too were apparently empty promises.” (For more from the author of “Trump’s Budget Cuts Face Resistance From Republican Lawmakers” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/trumps-budget-cuts-face-resistance-republican-lawmakers/

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Is THIS What Really Happened Regarding Candidate Trump’s ‘Wiretaps’?

“Stop the presses,” as they used to say in the old days, “for this one!”

Is the letter written by Freedom Watch’s Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman, Esq., real news or fake news? That’s something everyone in the USA ought to be entitled to know the legally correct answer to and, as the familiar colloquialism goes, “where the bodies are hidden,” e.g., the real facts of what happened!

Here is the four-page letter Attorney Klayman wrote to Chairman David Nunes, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in the U.S. House of Representatives. Attorney Klayman was so insistent that the Chairman and that Committee received his incriminating letter, he sent it several ways: Facsimile, Federal Express and Mail.

What could be so important about information Klayman was presenting? Remember he’s a licensed attorney, who is subject to legal sanctions for his inappropriate actions, so for him to go out on a limb with the information he presented truly is ‘earth shaking’ not only for him and his career, but also for those involved who are the perpetrators of Klayman’s allegations and apparent proofs.

Since my computer ‘censors’ won’t permit me to copy and paste any part of Klayman’s letter, I refer readers to paragraph 2 on page 1.

Paragraph 1 on page 2 offers some interesting insights:

Regrettably, neither Chairman Nunes nor anyone else on the Committee raised the serious questions I suggested be posed to FBI Director Comey at the hearing on March 20, 2017. In the interests of justice and a full hearing of the important issues before it, these questions must be asked in open session at the subsequent hearing now scheduled for March 28, 2017. Indeed, Chairman Nunes has asked that persons with important and relevant information come forward. That is exactly what whistleblower Dennis Montgomery has done, through me, his undersigned counsel.

In the following paragraphs on page 2, Attorney Klayman goes on to elaborate what whistleblower Montgomery has as documentation: “47 hard drives and over 600 million pages of information” Montgomery left the NSA and CIA with which, according to Klayman, “expose that the spy agencies engaged for years in systematic illegal surveillance on prominent Americans, again including the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, other justices, 156 judges, prominent businessmen such as Donald Trump, and even yours truly.”

On page 3, paragraph 2, Attorney Klayman states:

It was there that Montgomery laid out how persons like then businessmen Donald Trump were illegally spied upon by Clapper, Brennan, and the spy agencies of the Obama administration. He even claimed that these spy agencies had manipulated voting in Florida during the 2008 presidential election, where illegal tampering resulted in helping Obama to win the White House.

In paragraph 4 on page 3, Attorney Klayman alleges:

It would appear the FBI’s investigation was ‘buried’ by FBI Director Comey, perhaps because the FBI itself collaborates with the spy agencies to conduct illegal surveillance.

And further down in paragraph 7,

My [Klayman’s] expressed purpose: to have Chairman Nunes of the House Intelligence Committee ask Comey, under oath, why he and his FBI have seemingly not moved forward with the Montgomery investigation while, on the other hand, the FBI Director recently claimed publicly, I believe falsely, that there is ‘no evidence’ of surveillance on Donald Trump and those around him by the Obama administration. Indeed there is.

Attorney Klayman ends his legally-challenging letter to the Committee and its Chair with this admonition, which is indicative of the swamp that exists within the halls of Congress and Washington, DC, federal agencies:

Do you intend to get at and investigate the full truth, or as has regrettably been the case for many years in government, sweep the truth under the carpet?

Applause, applause, and kudos to Attorney Klayman and whistleblower Montgomery!

Where is the real fake news and media on this one? Why aren’t they knocking on Attorney Klayman’s door for interviews, especially 60 Minutes and the networks nightly news anchors? What’s truly wrong with letting people know the depth and scope of the illegalities government agencies are undertaking upon unassuming citizens in the USA? If this were happening in some foreign country, wouldn’t it be headline news? Maybe not, because this all could be part of the cabal’s New World Order takeover plan so many politicians are clandestinely involved with.

Readers, please do your homework, then demand accountability and transparency from Congress, federal agencies and judges. (For more from the author of “Is THIS What Really Happened Regarding Candidate Trump’s ‘Wiretaps’?” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/really-happened-regarding-candidate-trumps-wiretaps/

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Video: Dept of Education’s Islamic indoctrination program for public schools

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

March 29, 2017

/ creeping via CAN

The United States Department of Education has developed an Islamic indoctrination program for public schools called, ‘Access Islam.’ The lesson plans are written for grades 5 through 12. They include worksheets and videos to help students perform the 5 Pillars of Islam – prayer, fasting, alms giving, pilgrimage to Mecca and the proclamation of Muslim faith.

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDgxoiW1EEc

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

This short video contains excerpted clips taken from the “Access Islam’ program which not only teaches children how to perform a Muslim prayer, but asks students such questions as: ‘What does a Muslim prayer sound like?’ ‘What do the movements look like?’ and ‘What are some of the things Muslims say during prayer?’ Children are also expected to memorize verses from the Quran and give the meaning of those verses. Taken as a whole, the U.S. Department of Education’s ‘Access Islam’ program is nothing short of a Sunday school class on Islam. Another example of the Islamic infiltration of the U.S. public school system sent by a reader recently. Below are links to information published in the Communique – the official newsletter of the National Association of school psychologists. In the November 2016 issue of the communique there is the 3rd of a series of articles about muslim students. The current article is titled “Meeting the Needs of Muslim American Students.” To access the online document you would need to be a NASP member. The second and 3rd links show the conference brochure for Arizona Association of School Psychologists. A 3-hour session is devoted to accommodating muslim students. http://www.nasponline.org/search/search-results?keywords=muslim+students http://www.aasp-az.org/docs/uploads/AASP_Brochure_2016_5_Front.pdf http://www.aasp-az.org/docs/uploads/AASP_Brochure_2016_5.pdf

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  Call Senator Portmannd ask him to Co-Sponsor the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation ACT

March 28, 2016
Dear Sue, 

This is the 2nd of 3 emails that I am sending out this week.
It's Time to ACT!
It's time for Senator Portman 
to show us what side he's on. 
It's time for Senator Portman to 
Co-Sponsor the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation ACT of 2017
Please watch Brigitte explain the issue.
Now after watching Brigitte clearly explain the problem. Are you ready to do your part to fix this?  Pick up the phone and contact Senator Portman's office in DC and one of the Ohio offices and politely make it perfectly clear to everyone and anyone, that you want Senator Portman to CO-SPONSOR Senator Ted Cruz's legislation to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. You don't just want his support if it goes to the floor for a vote. You want his name on the Bill, S. 68.
Please remember that when viewing Trevor Loudon's film, "The Enemies Within", Trevor refers to the legislation as SB 2230 in the Senate and HR 3892 in the House. 
Those are the numbers associated with the OLD legislation. Keep in mind, Trevor's video was made early in 2016. 
The NEW BILL #s are S 68 and HR 77. Here are the links to them:
 S.68-The Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act of 2017
( 4 co-sponsors in the Senate so far, 
Senators Hatch, Inhofe, Roberts and Johnson)
H.R.377-The Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act of 2017
( 40 co-sponsors in the House so far, including 
Ohio Congressmen Dave Joyce and Brad Wenstrup). 
Keep reading this email before you call.
This next video is from our Director of Government Relations, Lisa Piraneo,  who gives advice on how to handle phone calls to your legislators.
Lisa is fantastic, however, there is one small thing I disagree with her on in this specific instance. We want calls made to all of Senator Portman's offices throughout Ohio, as well as in DC, because we want all of the staffers working in those offices to be talking about this issue and to be concerned.  Please explain to the staffer that you are not only a constituent of their boss' but also a member of ACT for America. 
Take comfort in the fact that all ACT chapters in Ohio are working on this issue. At the very least, everyone in Ohio should be calling the DC office. 
Please watch the video.

3 Things to Remember
Point 1: Please call Senator Portman, and tell him to CO-SPONSOR and support the passage of The Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act. ( S. 68)

Point 2: As you know, the Muslim Brotherhood is the oldest Islamic terrorist organization in the world, and has served as the mothership for radical jihadists for almost a century.

Point 3: Now that the two bills affirming that the Muslim Brotherhood be designated as a foreign terrorist entity have been reintroduced in the 115th Congress, we must once again take advantage of our influence on Capitol Hill and let our elected officials know how strongly we feel about the necessity of this designation.
Senator Rob Portman's offices and phone numbers:

Washington, D.C. Office

448 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3353

Cleveland Office

1240 East 9th Street
Room 3061
Cleveland, OH 44199
Phone: 216-522-7095
Cincinnati Office

312 Walnut St.
Suite 3075
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Phone: 513-684-3265

Columbus Office

37 West Broad Street
Room 300
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: 614-469-6774
Toll-Free: 1-800-205-6446 (OHIO)
Toledo Office

420 Madison Avenue
Room 1210
Toledo, OH 43604
Phone: 419-259-3895
Finally, keep track of whom you talk with, which office, the date and the time. Ask for a call back. If you don't receive that call back within a week, or a mutually agreed upon time frame, then call back and keep asking for the person that you talked with originally. Keep a log and we can discuss this at our next meeting in a few weeks. 
The game that is played is that the staffer will say that " the Senator will consider supporting the Bill if it it gets to the floor for a vote." 
That's NOT good enough, we want his NAME on the the Bill as a C0-SPONSOR. Bills don't get to the floor unless leadership wants them to get there or unless there are enough co-sponsors that will force leadership to do so.
Remember, Senator Portman works for us!... Failure to ACT on his part, or ours, endangers all of our children and grandchildren!
Information about our next meeting will be announced on Thursday.
Thank you, 
Dan & Bev
Stay Connected
Act for America-Cleveland Chapter, 869 Lynnhaven Pkwy, Ste. 113 #411, Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Sent by actcleveland@gmail.com in collaboration with
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