William M. Finley's Posts (2815)

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Sweden: Man charged with assault for eating bacon too close to Muslim women

( Muslims do not assimilate, they infiltrate )

Sweden has succumbed to dhimmitude. Muslim migrants raping infidel women is becoming the norm, while eating bacon too close to Muslims can land you in court. It was bad enough that Sweden is the rape capital of the West and that Islamic enclaves and no-go zones terrify police so much that 80 percent of them are considering quitting their jobs. But now, a Swedish man is facing prosecution for eating bacon too close to Muslim women. Although he allegedly was behaving provocatively by following the women with the bacon, his deeds do not justify him being rounded up like a criminal and prosecuted when crimes are being committed by Muslims all over Sweden with impunity. Those crimes will become more common, because the West has been slowly surrendering over time to Sharia.

Reaction to the incident on social media has been a mix of laughter and disbelief amongst English language users.

Yet there is no indication that Swedish authorities are backing down.

“Swedish Man Prosecuted for Assaulting Muslims with Bacon”, by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, March 28, 2017:

A Swedish man is facing charges in court after being accused of eating bacon too closely to a group of veiled Muslim women and calling them derogatory names.

The incident occurred in the Swedish capital of Stockholm over the weekend. The Swedish man, who has not been named by media or the police, is said to have approached the Muslim women who were wearing Islamic veils on a train while he was eating bacon and dangled the bacon in front of their faces, Swedish broadcaster SVT reports.

According to the report, the women got up to find seating elsewhere and the man followed them with his bacon. He is alleged to have called them derogatory names and made racist comments, though neither the police nor the court has specified what was said during the incident.

The prosecutors allege he then used racial epithets on another woman in the train station after getting off the train. He faces charges of incitement to racial hatred.

Reaction to the incident on social media has been a mix of laughter and disbelief amongst English language users. Twitter user PeterSweden tweeted his disbelief at the charges saying: “What’s the next step, being racist for walking your dog?”

What’s the next step ?

Being racist for walking your dog ? https://t.co/7rmHGVUfj6

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) March 26, 2017

Other users found humour in the story posting various reaction images involving Islamic extremism and bacon. Many criticised the policies of the Swedish government and political correctness.

This insanity is made possible by so called “politic correctness” which creates an non liveable situation for nativs! ὢ pic.twitter.com/iFtHw5J577

— Jo Ker #Nexit (@JoKer33817736) March 26, 2017

However, the reaction to the article from Swedish speakers was different. On Facebook, one Swedish speaker wrote: “I hope I never see this. I will make him eat the bacon raw the f**k up!”

The sentiment was shared by another Swedish speaker who posted: “In what way do they really think that it would be okay to shove food in the face of someone you don’t know?” and added: “Grown men. Shame on you.”

The case is not the first time bacon misuse has led to prosecutions for hate crimes. In the UK last year, two Polish men were jailed for throwing bacon inside a London mosque. The pair were charged with a “racially motivated attack” when one of the men swore at a Muslim man and threw bacon at him.

In Bristol last year, police were also alerted to another potential hate crime after several people threw bacon sandwiches at the entrance of a local mosque…..

Jihad Watch

To read all articles go to https://www.jihadwatch.org/

The watchman on the wall sounding the ALARM

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Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective
Bill Wilson
America First agenda moving forward

NOTEWhen writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Despite all the bully protests and loud mouthing going on, and the leftist news media pounding Americans day in and day out about bringing impeachment and treason proceedings against President Donald Trump, he is getting done what he said he would do. Trump ended the war on coal and at least put a hole in the truly fake narrative about climate change by rolling back the ex "president's" stranglehold on the nation's energy regulations at the Environmental Protection Agency. Trump's Executive Order, in his words are " historic steps to lift the restrictions on American energy, to reverse government intrusion, and to cancel job-killing regulations." There are other promises that are being kept.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a crack-down on law-breaking sanctuary cities because they make "our nation less safe by putting dangerous criminals back on the streets." He said, " the Department of Homeland Security recently issued a report showing that in a single week, there were more than 200 instances of jurisdictions refusing to honor ICE Detainer requests with respect to individuals charged or convicted of a serious crime. These charges and convictions against these aliens include drug trafficking, hit-and-run, rape, sex offenses against a child and even murder. Such policies cannot continue." In short, Sessions said he will yank federal funding from cities not in compliance with the law.
On March 27, Trump tweeted "Why isn't the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech...money to Bill, the Hillary Russian "reset," praise of Russia by Hillary, or Podesta Russian Company..." Maybe Clinton will be investigated. Some sources claim she is under investigation. Time will tell. But if you want to find ties to Russia, the Clintons are an excellent place to start. While Clinton was Secretary of State: Nuclear grade uranium to Russia scoring $145 million to the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clinton's $500,000 speech in Moscow, Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta's $35 million energy deal with Russia, Clinton Foundation receipt of $2.35 million in donations from Ian Telfer, head of Russia's uranium company.
On the jobs front, Ford Motor Company announced that it was expanding in Michigan instead of Mexico, with a $700 million investment. Joining Ford is GM with an investment to create an additional 1,500 jobs; 45,000 jobs announced by Exxon Mobil, 10,000 new jobs each at Kroger, Walmart, and US Steel; and 50,00 new jobs by SoftBank Telecommunications. Toyota and Fiat also say they will create jobs in America. These are just a few signs that, despite all the fake news and talk of resistance, things are heading in a better direction. The temporary setback on socialist healthcare repeal will also be readdressed soon. Proverbs 24:20 says, "For there shall be no reward to the evil man; the candle of the wicked shall be put out." There is a lot of wicked to extinguish. But the light of one small candle does much.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

PS. Please use the "Share This Email" link below to pass this on to as many people as you can!    
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Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective
Bill Wilson
America First agenda moving forward

NOTEWhen writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Despite all the bully protests and loud mouthing going on, and the leftist news media pounding Americans day in and day out about bringing impeachment and treason proceedings against President Donald Trump, he is getting done what he said he would do. Trump ended the war on coal and at least put a hole in the truly fake narrative about climate change by rolling back the ex "president's" stranglehold on the nation's energy regulations at the Environmental Protection Agency. Trump's Executive Order, in his words are " historic steps to lift the restrictions on American energy, to reverse government intrusion, and to cancel job-killing regulations." There are other promises that are being kept.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a crack-down on law-breaking sanctuary cities because they make "our nation less safe by putting dangerous criminals back on the streets." He said, " the Department of Homeland Security recently issued a report showing that in a single week, there were more than 200 instances of jurisdictions refusing to honor ICE Detainer requests with respect to individuals charged or convicted of a serious crime. These charges and convictions against these aliens include drug trafficking, hit-and-run, rape, sex offenses against a child and even murder. Such policies cannot continue." In short, Sessions said he will yank federal funding from cities not in compliance with the law.
On March 27, Trump tweeted "Why isn't the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech...money to Bill, the Hillary Russian "reset," praise of Russia by Hillary, or Podesta Russian Company..." Maybe Clinton will be investigated. Some sources claim she is under investigation. Time will tell. But if you want to find ties to Russia, the Clintons are an excellent place to start. While Clinton was Secretary of State: Nuclear grade uranium to Russia scoring $145 million to the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clinton's $500,000 speech in Moscow, Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta's $35 million energy deal with Russia, Clinton Foundation receipt of $2.35 million in donations from Ian Telfer, head of Russia's uranium company.
On the jobs front, Ford Motor Company announced that it was expanding in Michigan instead of Mexico, with a $700 million investment. Joining Ford is GM with an investment to create an additional 1,500 jobs; 45,000 jobs announced by Exxon Mobil, 10,000 new jobs each at Kroger, Walmart, and US Steel; and 50,00 new jobs by SoftBank Telecommunications. Toyota and Fiat also say they will create jobs in America. These are just a few signs that, despite all the fake news and talk of resistance, things are heading in a better direction. The temporary setback on socialist healthcare repeal will also be readdressed soon. Proverbs 24:20 says, "For there shall be no reward to the evil man; the candle of the wicked shall be put out." There is a lot of wicked to extinguish. But the light of one small candle does much.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson

PS. Please use the "Share This Email" link below to pass this on to as many people as you can!    
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Meet ‘the Oversight Man’ in Congress

Some consider it the most powerful investigative committee in Congress: the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. It has nearly unlimited purview to look into most any matter that has a tie to government.

In the past, that’s meant investigating everything from steroids in sports to the housing crisis. I recently spoke to the current Republican chairman of the committee, Rep. Jason Chaffetz: “The Oversight Man” who’s watchdogging government under Donald Trump’s presidency.

The following is the transcript of our interview:

Attkisson: There’s no better way to understand the business of the House Oversight Committee than to see it in action.

Rep. Chaffetz: Who at the Department of Homeland Security office is holding you back?

Huban Gowadia: So I have to work with the Office of General Counsel.

Rep. Chaffetz: Give me some names. I want to know who to call up here.

Attkisson: Republican Jason Chaffetz is in the chairman’s seat and can usually found taking names or at least trying. Today, he’s grilling a TSA official about why the agency is stonewalling investigations into retaliation against whistleblowers.

Rep. Chaffetz: Tell me the attorneys that are telling you not to provide this information to Congress, tell me the names of the attorneys that are telling you not to provide this to the OSC. I want names.

Huban Gowadia: I will follow up with you.

Rep. Chaffetz: No. I want you right now, you’ve had notice of this hearing. I need specific names. You got staff sitting there, how many staff with the TSA? One, two three, four, five, six, seven. One of these seven people has got to get on the phone, get your butt up out of this committee, and go get that information before this hearing’s done.

Rep. Chaffetz: I think one of the, the big things you have to do as the chairman every day, almost every hour, you have to make decisions about what to investigate, what not to investigate. We get about 15 whistleblowers a day. You have to vet those and figure out what’s real and what’s not real.

Attkisson: What are some of the most famous or infamous instances of investigations this committee’s done over many years?

Rep. Chaffetz: When we have the FBI director, Mr. Comey, come and talk about what was going on and not going on with Hillary Clinton, that was certainly a big, big moment, and nation was captured to it.

James Comey: If I don’t see the evidence in that case that she was acting with criminal intent in her engagement with her lawyers.

Rep. Chaffetz: And I guess like I read criminal intent as the idea that you allow somebody without a security clearance access to classified information. Everybody knows that director. Everybody knows that.

Attkisson: How do you describe for people who don’t pay that much attention to Congress what the job of the Oversight Committee is?

Rep. Chaffetz: Oversight was founded in 1814, its role and responsibility is to look over every government expenditure there is. Abraham Lincoln actually sat on this committee in the two years that he served in the United States Congress.

Committee video: He was concerned that the president wasn’t telling the truth, and so he set off on this quest to find the truth.

Attkisson: More recently, the Oversight Committee issued more than 1,000 subpoenas involving alleged misconduct by the Clinton administration. It dug into Iraq War contract fraud under President George W. Bush. It’s probed the housing crisis, steroids in sports, and the IRS targeting of conservatives. And in 2012, it held an attorney general, Eric Holder, in contempt for the first time in history for withholding subpoenaed documents in the Fast and Furious gunwalking case.

Rep. Chaffetz: There is no one person in this country that’s above the law.

Attkisson: Some people accuse the committee, whether it’s being run by a Democrat or Republican at the time, of being political in nature, of in essence, going after whoever’s in the other party, or if the administration is in the opposite party.

Rep. Chaffetz: Our job is not to be a cheerleader for the president, and I think that’s over the long term one of the things we’ll be judged by is, did you call balls and strikes that are coming over the plate, to use a baseball metaphor, did you call the same on Democrats as you did on Republicans?

Attkisson: Now with President Donald Trump in the White House, that philosophy is already being put to the test. What issues has the Trump administration, if any, already put before you?

Rep. Chaffetz: Well we have five different things that we’re looking at as it relates to mishandling classified information. General Flynn going to Russia, taking money for a speech. The president in Mar-a-Lago, I’m glad he likes it there, I want him to enjoy life and get out and away from the White House from time to time but you still have to deal with classified information in a moment’s notice, and you have questions about how he is handling that. Another thing that we have done is when Kellyanne Conway went on national television and touted Ivanka Trump’s brand.

Kellyanne Conway: It’s a wonderful line, I own some of it, a free commercial, go buy it today, everybody, you can find it online.

Rep. Chaffetz: As an executive branch employee you can’t do that. At any level of government. You can’t endorse or support or use the bully pulpit or the assets of certainly the White House or any department or agency.

Attkisson: Chaffetz and the committee’s lead Democrat, Elijah Cummings, signed a letter asking the Office of Government Ethics to recommend possible disciplinary action.

Rep. Chaffetz: You have to call it out and refer to it what it is, which is wrong, wrong, wrong. And she can’t do that again.

Attkisson: What about the hottest topic in the media, the question of Russia’s interference in the U.S. election?

Attkisson: What is your understanding of the evidence as you know it?

Rep. Chaffetz: Well we rely heavily on Devin Nunes as the chairman of the intel committee, as well as Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat. You can’t just rely on The New York Times, but even The New York Times said there was no direct evidence that tied any of this together. So, let’s be vigilant, let’s understand that some of these bigger nation states; they’re not necessarily our friends, they’re not trying to do us a favor. The Russians, the Chinese, others are constantly trying to probe us, trying to affect our nation, they’re constantly spying on us. This is not breaking news. How you deal with it is interesting. So, to suggest that this was somehow Donald Trump’s fault or problem, it really does kind of mystify me.

Attkisson: How do you explain when you watch TV news and you see politicians talk about it, it seems like everything’s about Russia, almost disproportionately so?

Rep. Chaffetz: Where were they when Mitt Romney said that our biggest geopolitical threat was Russia and Barack Obama mocked him? Where were they at that point? And where were they when Barack Obama, as the president, stood up and said, even if you wanted to affect the election, you couldn’t.

President Obama: There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections. I’d invite Mr. Trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes.

Attkisson: But Russia and the election is one topic the Oversight Committee doesn’t plan to tackle under Chaffetz. He says that’s being done by the House Intelligence Committee, which has the necessary clearance to look into classified matters. A recent hearing got heated when Democrat Stephen Lynch argued the Oversight Committee should be investigating, too.

Rep. Lynch: They hacked the American election. That is their …

Rep. Chaffetz: There’s no evidence of that and President Obama said that that wasn’t even possible.

Rep. Lynch: This is high confidence, this is our own FBI! High confidence that they hacked the election. They interfered with our elections and if we’re turning a blind eye to that that’s a shame. That’s a shame. That corner of our democracy and we’re just gonna say, ‘Oh, that’s somebody else’s work.’ That’s not anybody else’s work. That’s our work.

Attkisson: Chaffetz says the committee is also taking a pass at voter fraud allegations from President Trump.

President Trump: We also need to keep the ballot box safe from illegal voting.

Rep. Chaffetz: I don’t see any evidence of that, so I didn’t pursue that investigation even though the president of the United States was saying there’s evidence. I haven’t seen any.

Attkisson: Sometimes the leader of this committee in particular becomes a target of whoever’s in the other party, or whoever is feeling attacked. Has that happened to you, or do you expect that to happen?

Rep. Chaffetz: It happens on a daily basis.

Attkisson: How do you handle it?

Rep. Chaffetz: Just let it fly right past. No matter what issue, I can say that the sun is going to rise tomorrow and people on either side of the parties will disagree about that. You could say that that flower is beautiful, and you still get disagreements. That’s just the nature of it and you don’t take it personally. Remember that you’ve got a wife and kids that love you and that’s what’s really important). (For more from the author of “Meet ‘the Oversight Man’ in Congress” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/meet-oversight-man-congress/

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The Left’s Sanctuary Cities Hurt Americans’ Safety

Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ announcement on Monday that the Justice Department will bar all sanctuary cities from receiving any grants or other federal funds from the department should be welcome news to Americans—especially those whose families have been victimized by criminal illegal aliens released by sanctuary cities like San Francisco.

As Sessions pointed out, Kate Steinle, a resident of San Francisco, was shot and killed two years ago by an illegal alien as a direct result of San Francisco’s policy of refusing to honor federal detainer warrants.

The killer, Francisco Sanchez, had seven previous felony convictions and the city released him from custody despite the fact that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had filed a detainer with San Francisco asking that he be kept in custody until immigration agents could pick him up.

Sanchez even admitted to a television reporter that the only reason he came to San Francisco was because of the city’s sanctuary policy.

Sessions also mentioned another such incident that happened just within the last two weeks.

According to the attorney general, Ever Valles, another illegal alien, was charged with the murder and robbery of a man at a light rail station.

The only reason he was on the street was because the city of Denver refused to honor a detainer that ICE had filed with the city and released him from the Denver jail in December.

Valles is just one of many such criminal aliens who are being loosed on the American public by the reckless policies of sanctuary cities.

ICE recently released the first of its weekly reports on cities that have refused to honor ICE detainer warrants, as mandated by President Donald Trump’s executive order, “Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States.”

The report details all of the local jurisdictions across the country from Florida to New York to Washington state that refused ICE detainers from Jan. 28 to Feb. 3 and released criminals from their jails rather than turn them over to the federal government for deportation.

The crimes committed by these illegal aliens, as outlined in a report covering just a single week, include: domestic violence, arson, aggravated assault, burglary, forgery, intimidation, possession of a dangerous weapon, intimidation, drug trafficking, sexual assault, homicide, and a host of other crimes. This is also no surprise.

As I have outlined before, prior reports by the Government Accountability Office that have reviewed the criminal histories of illegal aliens in federal, state, and local jails show a path of destruction and repeated criminal behavior by criminal aliens that is truly shocking.

There are literally millions of Americans like Steinle who have been victimized by crimes committed by illegal aliens that should not have happened and would not have happened if we actually enforced our immigration laws and if local jurisdictions cooperated with federal authorities instead of trying to obstruct them.

Sessions said that the American people “are justifiably angry” about these sanctuary policies that endanger them. They understand something that irresponsible local officials don’t seem to care about: “When cities and states refuse to help enforce immigration laws, our nation is less safe.”

The failure to deport criminal aliens like Valles puts “whole communities at risk—especially immigrant communities in the very sanctuary jurisdictions that seek to protect the perpetrators.”

The amount of federal grant money at stake is more than $4.1 billion, which the Justice Department distributes through its Office of Justice Programs.

Sessions said that all jurisdictions applying for such grants will have to certify that they are in full compliance with 8 U.S.C. Sec. 1373, which bans local and state jurisdictions from prohibiting their employees—including law enforcement—from exchanging information with the federal government over the citizenship status of any individual.

The American people certainly agree with what Trump and Sessions are doing. Sessions cited a poll in which 80 percent of Americans agreed that illegal aliens arrested by cities should be turned over to immigration authorities.

Sessions urged state and city officials to “consider carefully the harm they are doing to their citizens by refusing to enforce our immigration laws, and to rethink these policies.”

Hopefully, the added incentive of losing access to billions of federal dollars will help them “rethink” their rash sanctuary policies. (For more from the author of “The Left’s Sanctuary Cities Hurt Americans’ Safety” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/lefts-sanctuary-cities-hurt-americans-safety/

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De Blasio: Being A Sanctuary City Means LESS Terrorism

“The attorney general, on the other hand, argued that sanctuary cities make America more dangerous. ‘Countless Americans would be alive today if these policies of sanctuary cities were ended,’ Sessions said.”

The attorney general is arguing on the basis of fact. The mayor is arguing on the basis of leftist wishful thinking. What will he say when one of his illegal “refugees” murders a New Yorker? Probably nothing: the enemedia will make sure that he faces no reckoning.

“De Blasio: Being A Sanctuary City Means Less Terrorism,” by Alex Pfeiffer, Daily Caller, March 27, 2017 (thanks to Linda):

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday that New Yorkers will be at risk of terror if Attorney General Jeff Sessions follows through on cutting federal law enforcement grants to sanctuary cities.

Sessions appeared at the White House to say that jurisdictions that ignore immigration detainers will lose Department of Justice grants, which total $4.1 billion for the upcoming fiscal year.

“President Trump’s latest threat changes nothing. We will remain a city welcoming of immigrants who have helped make our city the safest big city in the nation,” de Blasio said in response. “Any attempt to cut NYPD funding for the nation’s top terror target will be aggressively fought in court. We won’t back down from protecting New Yorkers from terror – or from an overzealous administration fixated on xenophobia and needless division.”

The attorney general, on the other hand, argued that sanctuary cities make America more dangerous. “Countless Americans would be alive today if these policies of sanctuary cities were ended,” Sessions said….

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Read More http://pamelageller.com/2017/03/deblasio-sanctuary-terrorism.html/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_

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It Took a Freshman GOP Congresswoman To Pull The Mask From FBI Director Comey…

FBI Director James Comey unmasked as a Deep State Black Hat Operative.

Representative Elise M. Stefanik is a young, freshman republican congresswoman from the Albany New York area.  And using a probative questioning timeline, she single-handily pulled the mask from FBI Director James Comey, yet no-one seemed to notice.

Obviously Ms. Stefanik has not been in the swamp long enough to lose her common sense.

In the segment of the questioning below Rep. Stefanik begins by asking director Comey what are the typical protocols, broad standards and procedures for notifying the Director of National Intelligence, the White House and senior congressional leadership (aka the intelligence Gang of Eight), when the FBI has opened a counter-intelligence investigation.

The parseltongue response from Comey is a generalized reply (with uncomfortable body language) that notification of counter-intel investigations are discussed with the White House, and other pertinent officials, on a calendar basis, ie. “quarterly”.

With the statement that such counter-intel notifications happen “generally quarterly”, and against the backdrop that Comey stated in July of 2016 a counter-intel investigation began, Stefanik asks:

…”when did you notify the White House, the DNI and congressional leadership”?

BOOM!  Watch an extremely uncomfortable Director James Comey outright LIE… by claiming there was no active DNI -which is entirely false- James Clapper was Obama’s DNI.

.Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlXXZQgh72Y

Watch it again.

Watch that first 3:00 minutes again.  Ending with:

…”Because of the sensitivity of the matter”  ~ James Comey

Director Comey intentionally obfuscates knowledge of the question from Rep Stefanik; using parseltongue verbiage to get himself away from the sunlit timeline.

The counter-intel investigation, by his own admission, began in July 2016.  Congress was not notified until March 2017.  That’s an eight month period – Obviously obfuscating the quarterly claim moments earlier.

The uncomfortable aspect to this line of inquiry is Comey’s transparent knowledge of the politicized Office of the DNI James Clapper by President Obama.  Clapper was used rather extensively by the Obama Administration as an intelligence shield, a firewall or useful idiot, on several occasions.

Anyone who followed the Obama White House intel policy outcomes will have a lengthy frame of reference for DNI Clapper and CIA Director John Brennan as the two primary political operatives.   Brennan admitted investigating, and spying on, the Senate Intelligence Committee as they held oversight responsibility for the CIA itself.

The first and second questions from Stefanik were clear.  Comey’s understanding of the questions was clear.  However, Comey directly evaded truthful response to the second question.   When you watch the video, you can see Comey quickly connecting the dots on where this inquiry was going.

There is only one reasonable explanation for FBI Director James Comey to be launching a counter-intel investigation in July 2016, notifying the White House and Clapper, and keeping it under wraps from congress.    Comey was a participant in the intelligence gathering for political purposes – wittingly, or unwittingly.

As a direct consequence of this mid-thought-stream Comey obfuscation, it is now clear -at least to me- that Director Comey was using his office as a facilitating conduit for the political purposes of the Obama White House.

Unfortunately, a slightly nervous Stefanik, never forced Comey to go back to the non-answered question and respond by saying:

No, Mr. Comey, there WAS a DNI in place in 2016, please answer the question of when did you notify him (Clapper) and the White House?

….. then it would get a little ugly:

Why did you notify Clapper and the White House but delay congressional notification?

With all the banter about these hearings, and against this slight moment of clarity of purpose, it bears repeating:

There is only ONE KNOWN Factual and CRIMINAL activity currently identified: the unmasking and leaking of Mike Flynn’s name to the media.

FBI Director Comey states his organization is “investigating”.  Fair enough, however – not a single congresscritter asked HIM if he is the source of the unmasking or leaks.

♦ How can a congressional committee conduct an investigation if they don’t know if the primary witness, the lead investigator, is the source of the leaks?

♦ Wouldn’t the very first step, the actual basis of the foundation for the investigation itself, be to ensure the person conducting the investigation did not participate in the illegality of the conduct being investigated?


Avoid the shiny things.

Why wouldn’t congress ask this simple question?

Admiral Mike Rogers answers that approximately 10-20 people within his NSA organization had the potential to unmask and/or leak to the media.  Fair enough.

♦ Wouldn’t the first question as follow-up be to ask Admiral Mike Rogers if he is one of those numbered possibilities?

♦ Wouldn’t the second follow-up question, in an authentic inquiry, be to ask Mike Rogers: if he is one of the possibilities with access to that information, then was he actually the person who unmasked or leaked?

If Mike Rogers and James Comey admit they are in charge of two of the possible source organizations for leak activity (expressly known illegal behavior)… then what affirmative confidence has either person expressed to congress to ensure the inquiring body that they personally were not the originating source?

And why didn’t congress ask them?


There is NO PEA in this shell game of distraction.

Why didn’t congress ask them?

Occam’s Razor – Because the question(s), the brutally obvious question(s), then lead to the follow-up:  If the only criminal activity is the sourcing of the leak, and the two people giving testimony are potential suspects in that criminal activity, then: A)  How can we trust their testimony, and B) Why are we even having this hearing”? (with two people who are suspects in an ongoing investigation)…

The answers reveal the current intention of the intelligence committee is not to actually investigate, but rather to give the outward illusion of investigation.

If they were not merely giving an illusion….  Congress would be pointing out that FBI Director James Comey has a direct and specific conflict of interest that is so glaringly obvious it’s unfathomable no-one see it.

Director Comey, and to a lesser extent Rogers, would have been in direct contact with the prior administration individuals, and entities acting on their behalf, who were politicizing the information being gathered and lying about (ie. leaking to the media) the content therein.

“Because of the sensitivity of the matter”  ~ James Comey

Didn’t Comey further claim in this hearing that lying about the content of (or even the existence of) a counter-intelligence investigation was not itself a criminal act?    Hello?

That said, James Comey has an expressed interest in claiming an ongoing investigation exists (even if it doesn’t) just to ensure the prior administration contact and behavior was shielded behind the wall of “an ongoing investigation”.  Comey says: “Because of the sensitivity of the matter”..  Where “the matter” is the politicized and entirely false information from the White House.

FBI Director James Comey has singularity of knowledge and has cleverly placed himself in a position where there is no “oversight” of his claims.

…”Because of the sensitivity of the matter”  ~ James Comey

See how that works?

At one point in his political life Comey may have been a White Hat, but there’s no doubt his behavior is exactly what a black hat operative would be doing to shield his connection to the black hat activity of the prior administration.

Summary:  Hillary Clinton political operatives manufactured the illusion of a computer connection between Russian entities (financial banks) and the Trump campaign/organization.  Those manufactured points of evidence were then passed along to White House entities who used the political intel community (Clapper to Comey) to open an investigation of nothingness – to nowhere.  The mere existence of that investigation was then used as the originating point for a series of media intel leaks (the narrative) intended to cloud and damage the Trump campaign/organization. FBI Director James Comey, as head of one of the investigative agencies, became part of that political apparatus.  Now, usefulness exhausted and with the media engaged, it’s CYA time all around for the originating entities.

“Because of the sensitivity of the matter”  ~ James Comey


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Jordan pressures Trump to scrap listing Muslim Brotherhood as terrorist group

Source: Muslim Brotherhood listing as terror group delayed by Donald Trump – Washington Times

President Trump has — for the time being — put on the back burner an executive order designating the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, according to U.S. officials close to a heated debate inside the administration over the status of the global Islamist movement.

While the White House has declined to comment publicly, officials speaking on condition of anonymity say the administration backed down from a plan to designate the Brotherhood last month after an internal State Department memo advised against it because of the movement’s loose-knit structure and far-flung political ties across the Middle East.

The Brotherhood has prominent political factions engaged — at least perfunctorily — in democracy in Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and several other Muslim-majority nations, and the State Department memo coincided with high-level pressure placed on the Trump administration from at least one of them.

Senior diplomats from Jordan — a close U.S. ally — are believed to have weighed in heavily against the idea of adding the Brotherhood to the State Department’s foreign terrorist organizations list, said the official, because the movement’s political arm in Amman currently holds 16 Jordanian parliament seats.

But debate over the Brotherhood’s status remains biting in Washington, where hard-liners in the fight against radical Islamic terrorism say former President Barack Obama erred for years by failing to target the organization’s promotion of extremist ideology, and that President Trump is now badly fumbling a chance to rectify the situation.

A former terrorism finance analyst at the US Department of the Treasury recently wrote, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

Source: The careful way to go after Muslim Brotherhood radicals

The Trump Administration is mulling an order designed to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization. The best approach would be a piecemeal one: Some Brotherhood branches belong on that list, some don’t — and making the distinction will help President Trump more effectively fight the war on terror.

It’s no secret why the Muslim Brotherhood is in the crosshairs. Its hateful and anti-Western worldview has long served as an ideological gateway to jihadi terrorist groups. Famously, Osama bin Laden’s partner in founding al Qaeda was a Muslim Brother named Abdullah Azzam. And while al Qaeda has broken with the Muslim Brotherhood on a range of political issues, Brotherhood thinkers have undeniably shaped al Qaeda’s ideology over the years — and the ideology of other jihadist groups, too.

The Brotherhood has evolved quite a bit since its founding in Egypt in 1928. For one, the group now operates worldwide. Over time, the political and military pressure from host governments in the Middle East also forced the Brotherhood to dial back on its overt extremist positions. Under the threat of annihilation, these groups had little choice to but to lay down their weapons and embrace politics.

Once some Brotherhood branches are designated, it may become easier to target others. When certain branches or even leaders of the Brotherhood are caught providing financial, technical or material support to listed entities, they immediately become candidates for designation.

Meanwhile, there will be opportunities to take further action at home. According to an official Treasury report submitted in December, “The US has not designated a domestic US-based charity since . . . 2009.” In other words, it appears that the Obama administration placed an unknown number of terrorist financing cases on hold at the Department of Justice over the last eight years.

Trump should instruct the DOJ to reopen them. When these cases meet criteria, they should be prosecuted. And if they involve Muslim Brotherhood activists, that nexus should be made clear.

Finally, the Trump administration has one last crucial point of leverage to undermine the financing of the Muslim Brotherhood. Qatar and Turkey, two countries typically viewed as US allies, are the top financial and logistical supporters of the Brotherhood worldwide. They also serve as financiers and headquarters to the Brotherhood’s most violent branch: Hamas.

The administration should call upon Qatar and Turkey to end support for Hamas. They should also be warned about their support for Brotherhood branches that appear to be engaged in violent activity or even simply spreading extremist rhetoric.

The administration has a number of options at its disposal shy of a blanket terrorist designation. Because going after the “mother ship” may not ultimately hold up under legal scrutiny, an incremental approach may have a higher likelihood of success. That may also ultimately lead to a broader campaign against the Muslim Brotherhood that enjoys the backing of foreign partners and American skeptics alike.


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Nikki Haley to the UN: “The days of Israel bashing are over”

About time. Now can the Trump administration this focus and decisiveness in its other endeavors? Or are we to be sentenced to four years of drift and confusion, followed by the final victory of the global internationalist establishment elites? “Nikki Haley to the UN: ‘The Days of Israel Bashing Are Over,’” by Cameron Cawthorne, Washington […]

Jihad Watch

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How Jeff Sessions Plans to Fight Back Against Sanctuary Cities

The Justice Department will start enforcing federal immigration laws by discontinuing the funding of sanctuary cities, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said on Monday while speaking at the White House.

If carried out, this new policy will result in the loss of federal money for cities that permit residents to be illegal immigrants, as Sessions stated that the Justice Department will avoid using its $4.1 billion in grant money to fund sanctuary cities. The attorney general added that the DOJ will even “claw back” funds from jurisdictions that refuse to comply with federal immigration laws.

“The Department of Justice will require that jurisdictions seeking or applying for DOJ grants to certify compliance with [U.S. Code 1373] as a condition of receiving those awards,” Sessions said.

U.S. Code 1373 is a law stating that localities cannot prevent the federal government from enforcing the nation’s laws on immigration. The law also regulates communications between local agencies and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“Countless Americans would be alive today … if these policies of sanctuary cities were ended,” Sessions said.

Sessions said following this policy was simply enforcing policies put in place by the Obama White House a year ago, as the previous administration made similar threats to sanctuary cities but did not act on the threats in the way Sessions is proposing.

“I strongly urge our nation’s states and cities and counties to consider carefully the harm they are doing to our citizens by refusing to enforce our immigration laws, and to rethink these policies,” Sessions said. “When cities and states refuse to enforce immigration laws, our nation is less safe.”

“We have simply got to end this policy,” Sessions said.

The DOJ’s targeting of sanctuary cities follows a January executive order from President Donald Trump aimed at improving border security and enforcing immigration laws.

Hans von Spakovsky, an immigration law expert at The Heritage Foundation, views this sanctuary city policy as a step in the right direction.

“This is a long-needed move by the Justice Department. The federal government’s chief law enforcement agency should not be giving any funds to cities or states that are obstructing federal enforcement of our immigration laws through sanctuary policies,” von Spakovsky said. (For more from the author of “How Jeff Sessions Plans to Fight Back Against Sanctuary Cities” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/jeff-sessions-plans-fight-back-sanctuary-cities/

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Will Trump Take Advantage of This New Lawsuit to Hold Hillary Clinton Accountable?

Several unanswered questions remain In the Hillary Clinton State Department email scandal. For instance, there was never an official government report detailing if and how her illegal email practices damaged national security.

Now, Judicial Watch has filed a lawsuit to find an answer to that question.

“In the critical matter of Hillary Clinton’s illegal email practices, the Director of National Intelligence simply ignored a directive requiring a damage assessment and a report,” Judicial Watch said in a statement.

As such, they have filed a lawsuit in federal court to force the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and the Department of State to comply with the law.

The suit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, cites the requirement in Intelligence Community Directive (“ICD”) 732, issued on June 27, 2014, that a damage assessment be conducted whenever there is “an actual or suspected unauthorized disclosure or compromise of classified national intelligence that may cause damage to U.S. national security” ICD 732(D)(2) (Judicial Watch v. Office of the Director of National Intelligence et al. (No. 1:17-cv-00508)).

Since the election is over, and because President Trump has declined to prosecute the case against Clinton’s mishandling of classified information, the story has fallen out of the news. It is important to remember that Clinton’s actions weren’t scandalous merely because she was a presidential candidate, but because her actions might have enabled America’s enemies to access classified State Department intelligence.

With all the suspicion over suspected Russian hacking, one would assume there would be bipartisan support for determining how Hillary Clinton may have compromised America’s security. If nothing else, there should be interest in preventing such gross negligence from happening again.

Judicial Watch says this new lawsuit presents the Trump administration with the opportunity to hold Clinton and others responsible for compromising national security to account. (For more from the author of “Will Trump Take Advantage of This New Lawsuit to Hold Hillary Clinton Accountable” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/will-trump-take-advantage-new-lawsuit-hold-hillary-clinton-accountabl

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3 Questions Ryan Needs to Answer Before Running to the LEFT on RINOcare

A new refrain echoing through the Washington, D.C., swamp, is the need to find Democrats to play along with GOP leadership, simply because the House Freedom Caucus didn’t jump at its beckoning during last week’s RINOcare debacle.

To paraphrase Sterling Archer, do you want single-payer healthcare? Because this is how you get single-payer healthcare – in the long run, at least.

(In case anyone needs a recap of the last few weeks, here’s a succinct one.)

Now failed GOP presidential candidate John Kasich, Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., Fox News’ Judge Jeanine Pirro have all joined the call to disregard conservatives and run to the left to score support from the other side of the aisle.

This new impulse raises three questions that will have to be answered first:

1. Which Democrats do they plan on working with?

Yes, there are some Democrat members in states where the president won whose positions are precarious, but the Blue Dog Coalition is now a storied legend of a bygone era at this point. And Jim Webb’s 2016 campaign (and statements following) have provided more than enough insight as to what happens to those on the Left who don’t keep to the party’s line in the sand.

2. What will Trump trade to get “bipartisan consensus”?

Even if Paul Ryan can find some folks to break away, a bill that would gain Ryan enough consensus on the Left would almost certainly lose him critical support on the Right, all the while dragging the Republican Party even further from its repeal promises. Any sort of reform would have to be a real sweetheart of a deal for enough votes to break away from Minority Leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, especially since Dems have every political incentive to allow the system to collapse under Republican governance.

3. Is it worth it?

Even in a best-case scenario, such an effort would only wreck the market slightly less than the current scenario, which is an easy way to slap the old “bipartisan” sticker on a bill while putting the country closer to an elephant-brand collapse (for which the inevitable answer will be a single-payer system). How IS Venezuela doing, by the way? I haven’t checked in a while.

Such a proposal would obviously run outside of the pale for the House Freedom Caucus, but what about those in the Republican Study Committee who weren’t sold on the RINOcare beta version to begin with?

And we mustn’t forget that the president himself cannot introduce legislation, nor can he bring it to the floor. For all the flaws in the original health care design, one would only hope that the speaker’s conservative leanings would lead him to put his foot down at some point … lest he put his name on anything that would taint the GOP’s “Better Way” agenda with a health care law that would be, at best, a slight reform of Obama’s signature boondoggle.

Meanwhile, Freedom Caucus leadership has made it clear that obstruction is not its goal — a real repeal of the law is. HFC Chair Mark Meadows, R-N.C., and Vice Chair Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, have iterated and reiterated their willingness to work with House Leadership and the Oval Office to draft a bill that better repeals more of Obamacare.

Rather than perform an act of ideological and political contortion to create an even more lukewarm bill with Democrat consensus, it would appear that Republican leadership would simply have to try something it failed to do on the first attempt: adequately include free-market reformers in the process, rather than handing them a do-or-die ultimatum.

This is not a situation where the conservative approach has been tried and found wanting, but one where the Republican approach has been found difficult and left untried.

Indeed, the temptation to take one’s ball and go home can be quite tempting, especially when you’re down a few runs in the second inning. But, in this case, it makes far less sense than going back to the dugout, tweaking your game plan, and finding a winning strategy that plays to your whole bench. There’s still time to win this one. (For more from the author of “3 Questions Ryan Needs to Answer Before Running to the LEFT on RINOcare” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/3-questions-ryan-needs-answer-running-left-rinocare/

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It’s Official: The Post-RINOcare War on Conservatives Has Begun

Seven years of campaign promises to repeal Obamacare were broken when the Republican Party rolled out the American Health Care Act. But somehow, the Freedom Caucus is now taking the brunt of the abuse for the bill’s failure to launch.

Everyone but House leadership seemed to recognize the bill was bad. The chief complaint of conservatives in the House Freedom Caucus was the bill’s failure to repeal mandated essential health benefits – those insurance regulations responsible for increasing premiums and high deductibles. Still, moderates thought the bill went too far and sought to protect Medicaid expansion in their states. Voters across the political spectrum were unhappy, with the AHCA polling at only 17 percent public approval.

When those concerns were brought to the president from the Freedom Caucus, he reportedly told them to “forget about the little shit.” What the president failed to understand was that the “little shit” would break this bill. House Conservatives were on the cusp of supporting the legislation if Speaker Paul Ryan and leadership agreed to repeal the fundamental insurance regulation problems. Moderates in the party balked at that proposition and the Speaker Ryan pulled the bill Friday.

Now the spin has begun. Rep. Austin Scott, R-Ga., declared it was Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., who “betrayed” the American people.

The media has latched on to that narrative. The Wall Street Journal lambasted the Freedom Caucus as “the Obamacare Republicans.” Politico published a hit piece over the weekend detailing insider frustrations with the “far-right” members who sunk the bill, insisting that if fulfill seven years of campaign promises.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., is running around insisting that the Freedom Caucus just saved Obamacare, and pledging to work with Democrats to overcome conservative opposition to future legislation.

Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen, R-N.J., is one of the moderates, with a 29 percent Liberty Score©. He is the chairman of the powerful House Appropriations Committee, and the news that he wouldn’t support the bill opened the floodgates to more moderate defections.

According to one report, Speaker Ryan was pleading on one knee with Rep. Don Young of Alaska for support on the bill. Young, with an “F” Liberty Score©, is hardly one of the conservative “purists” who supposedly defeated this bill. Yet Paul Ryan was begging for his support? If it was the moderates who were pulling out on the GOP health care plan, how is it the conservatives’ fault it all fell apart?

Regardless, on Sunday morning, the president chose a side.

On Friday, President Trump blamed the Democrats for Obamacare’s failures. In the same remarks, he said he would be “totally open” to working with Democrats after Obamacare “explodes.”

Really, the whole of the weekend’s news can be summed up in one succinct Ben Shapiro tweet.

As the Republican Party moves on to tax reform, conservatives should be prepared to be boxed out of negotiations, again. (For more from the author of “3 Questions Ryan Needs to Answer Before Running to the LEFT on RINOcare” please click HERE) http://joemiller.us/2017/03/its-official-the-post-rinocare-war-on-conservatives-has-begun/

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Has the latest Islamic terrorist attack made you sick to death of hearing that Islamic terrorism has “nothing to do with Islam?”

Then you’re probably just as sick of hearing that violent jihad, beheadings, Muslim supremacism, Jew hatred, Christian hatred, non-Muslim hatred, wife beating, forced child marriage, female genital mutilation, killing gays, and everything else you hate about Islam also has nothing to do with Islam.

Yes, it’s way past time to ban Islam from the civilized world.

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N46mIHEGHN0

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More evidence that Sweden will become the first Islamic state in the West


Not ashamed to live in the rape capital of Europe because of Muslim immigration, not infuriated to be arrested for criticizing mass Muslim immigration which kicks senior citizens out of their homes to make way for Muslim refugees, now a male Swedish government official is wearing an Islamic headbag to protest the EU ban on headbags in the workplace.

Speisa (h/t Christine D)  Director General of the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration, Göran Mårtensson, decided to wear the Muslim headbag to protest the EU’s ruling on banning it at the workplace. “I can fry hamburgers, make waffles and clean just as well in this,” says Göran Mårtensson, as he wears the veil in protest against a controversial decision by the EU, reports nt.

Many of the visitors to the cafeteria looked a little extra when they came to the premises on Friday. Behind the counter stood as usual Göran Mårtensson, but on this particular day he was wearing a Muslim headbag, called a hijab.

Most laughed at first, but then they asked why I was wearing it. And so far all have been positive, except the odd occasions, he says.

Göran Mårtensson on this day chose to go to work wearing the headbag due to a recent ruling by the European Court of Justice, where a Belgian company that fired a Muslim woman because she wore the head covering at work was acquitted. The verdict, which is expected to set precedence, means indirectly that it’s okay to ban the Muslim headbag at work.

Göran was one of the many who were upset by the news. Not least because he in his job meets many Somali and Arab women who wear the Muslim supremacist headbag. Therefore, he made his choice of dress for Friday in “solidarity with his sisters.”

This is almost as bad as the group of construction CEO’s in Sweden donning pussy hats.

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March 1971: Pakistan’s Genocide and Mass Rape of Bengalis


Indian soldiers helping East Pakistan citizens during the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War. (Getty Images)

Source: Bangladesh wants UN to declare March 25 as Genocide Day in remembrance of 1971 | world-news | Hindustan Times

Bangladesh on Thursday said it would reach out to the UN to declare March 25 as Genocide Day globally, in remembrance of the atrocities carried out by the Pakistan Army on the same day in 1971.

The Bangladesh Parliament earlier this month unanimously adopted a resolution declaring March 25 as the Genocide Day.

The Pakistani army launched their infamous ‘Operation Searchlight’ on March 25 to suppress Bengali people’s calls for self-determination, killing over 20,000 people alone in Dhaka.

Officially three million people were killed in the subsequent nine-month Liberation War.

And from Wikipedia, with footnotes:

Following the partition of India, the new state of Pakistan represented a geographical anomaly, with two wings separated by 1,000 miles of Indian territory.[23] The wings were not only separated geographically, but also culturally. The authorities of the West viewed the Bengali Muslims in the East as “too Bengali” and their application of Islam as “inferior and impure”, believing this made the Bengalis unreliable “co-religionists”. To this extent the West began a strategy to forcibly assimilate the Bengalis culturally.[24]

The Bengali people were the demographic majority in Pakistan, making up an estimated 75 million in East Pakistan, compared with 55 million in the predominantly Punjabi-speaking West Pakistan.[25] The majority in the East were Muslim, with large minorities of Hindus, Buddhists and Christians. The West considered the people of the East to be second-class citizens, and Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi, who served as head of the Pakistani Forces in East Pakistan in 1971, referred to the region as a “low-lying land of low-lying people”.[26]

More details from an archived excerpt of the book Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape by Susan Brownmiller

Bengal was a state of 75 million people, officially East Pakistan, when the Bangladesh government declared its independence in March of 1971 with the support of India. Troops from West Pakistan were flown to the East to put down the rebellion. During the nine-month terror, terminated by the two-week armed intervention of India, a possible three million persons lost their lives, ten million fled across the border to India, and 200,000, 300,000 or possibly 400,000 women ( three sets of statistics have been variously quoted) were raped. Eighty percent of the raped women were Moslems, reflecting the population of Bangladesh, but Hindu and Christian women were not exempt. As Moslems, most Bengali women were used to living in purdah, strict, veiled isolation that includes separate, secluded shelter arrangements apart from men, even in their own homes. The Pakistanis were also Moslem, but there the similarity stopped.

And from the genocidebangladesh.org website:

“…… we were told to kill the hindus and Kafirs (non-believer in God). One day in June, we cordoned a village and were ordered to kill the Kafirs in that area. We found all the village women reciting from the Holy Quran, and the men holding special congregational prayers seeking God’s mercy. But they were unlucky. Our commanding officer ordered us not to waste any time.”

Confession of a Pakistani Soldier

Religion of peace? Ask the million dead and hundreds of thousands of raped Bengalis.


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Arizona: Muslim accused of planning ISIS-inspired jihad attack in U.S. released on bail



Source: Phoenix man accused of planning ISIS-inspired terror attack released on bail and the same report on ABC 15 Arizona

A 30-year-old Phoenix man accused of plotting to carry out a “lone wolf” attack inspired by the Islamic State has been released from jail after posting bail.

Court documents showed Derrick Thompson was released March 14 on a $75,000 bond.

Terms of his release include a requirement to wear an electronic monitoring device.

Thompson, aka Abu Talib al-Amrikipleaded not guilty to charges of assisting a criminal syndicate, attempting to commit misconduct involving weapons and inciting or inducing a criminal syndicate in January.

Court documents said Thompson tried to buy a semi-automatic weapon online in January 2015, but the seller sold the gun to someone else because Thompson was not in Phoenix at the time.

A probable cause statement filed in state court said it was clear Thompson attempted to buy a weapon “with the intent to use that weapon to promote or further the objectives of a criminal syndicate.”

Police also found that Thompson, who is not legally permitted to purchase a gun due to a felony conviction, had online postings dating back to July 2014 in support of ISIS and had “hundreds” of Google searches for weapons.

He also had searched for “midnight mass” and the difference between martyrdom and suicide.

Thompson was labeled as an “avowed jihadist” by court documents and had numerous interactions with ISIS websites.

As we noted here, Abu Talib Al-Amriki reportedly posted on his Google Plus account in October, “We need to get down with this ISIS S***.”

Neither report named the judge who approved bail for a convicted felon who was plotting a jihad attack on Americans.

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Jihad Watch

Muslim countries to press at UN for “legal options” against “blasphemy” on social media(


“He said that sections of the Western world must get out of double standards about Islam and the Muslims. On the one hand, they have laws against any kind of distortion or disrespect towards any religion…” They do? “The meeting decided that after response is received from the governments of Islamic countries, the matter would […]

Jihad Watch

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Jihad Watch

Muslim countries to press at UN for “legal options” against “blasphemy” on social media(


“He said that sections of the Western world must get out of double standards about Islam and the Muslims. On the one hand, they have laws against any kind of distortion or disrespect towards any religion…” They do? “The meeting decided that after response is received from the governments of Islamic countries, the matter would […]

Jihad Watch

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