burton george wolf's Posts (2)

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The One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) announced the foreclosure of the world’s banks and “governments” on

December 25th 2012 stemming from prior investigation into massive fraud across the entire system: http://



What happened?

The OPPT posed to the world’s Banks and Governments:

1. that they had by deceptive acts and practices been stealing from the people for hundreds of years, and;

2. nothing stood between the Creator and each of the Creator’s creations,

and gave due opportunity to rebut both statements. They could not and did not. To understand this fully please read

the Declaration of Facts at http://www.peoplestrust1776.org/ > UCC Filings > 2012 ptII > Declaration of Facts. Here

are two excerpts:

Government Charters Cancelled: (Refer: DECLARATION OF FACTS: UCC Doc # 2012127914 Nov 28 2012)

“...That any and all CHARTERS, inclusive of The United States Federal Government, UNITED STATES, “STATE

of ...", Inclusive of any and all abbreviations, idem sonans, or other legal, financial or managerial forms, any and

all international equivalents, inclusive of any and all OFFICES, inclusive of any and all OFFICERS, PUBLIC


other contracts and agreements made thereunder and thereby, are now, void, worthless, or otherwise cancelled,

unrebutted; ...”

Bank Charters Cancelled: (Refer: TRUE BILL: WA DC UCC Doc# 2012114776 Oct 24 2012)

“Declared and ordered irrevocably cancelled; any and all charters for Bank of International Settlements (BIS)

members thereto and thereof including all beneficiaries, including all certain states of body owning, operating,

aiding and abetting private money systems, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems, operating SLAVERY

SYSTEMS …commandeering lawful value by unlawful representation...”

Orders to Cease and Desist:

Attention is drawn to DECLARATION AND ORDER: UCC Doc # 2012096074, Sept. 09 2012, duly reconfirmed and

ratified by COMMERCIAL BILL UCC Doc. No. 2012114586 and TRUE BILL UCC Doc. No.2012 114776 which states:

Volunteers within the military ... “to arrest and take into custody any and all certain states of body, their agents,

officers, and other actors, regardless of domicil by choice, owning, operating, aiding and abetting private money

systems, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems, operating SLAVERY SYSTEMS against the several

states citizens, ...”, and “Repossess all private money systems, tracking, transferring, issuing, collection, legal

enforcement systems operating SLAVERY SYSTEMS...”

“...all beings of the creator shall forthwith assist all Public Servants identified herein, to implement, protect,

preserve and complete this ORDER by all means of the creator and created as stated herein, by, with, and

under your full personal liability...”

Search document numbers listed at the Washington DC UCC Registry: https://gov.propertyinfo.com/DC-Washington/

What does this mean to you?

Are you paying a “debt” to a foreclosed entity..? e.g. mortgage, credit card, car loan?

OPPT has foreclosed on hierarchy. No one stands between you and your creator... not even “Government”.

Because a CEASE AND DESIST order exists, you are free to offer terms and conditions to individuals acting on behalf

of a foreclosed Bank or “Government”, by issuing a Courtesy Notice.

What does this mean to Banks & “Governments”?

All beings now act in the capacity of individual entities without a corporate safety net and with full personal liability for

each and EVERY ACTION THEY TAKE under common law, protected and preserved by public policy UCC 1-103, and

Universal law, the governing law laid out in the OPPT UCC filings. (Refer: WA DC UCC Ref Doc # 2012113593)

Should any individual pursue any actions on behalf of a foreclosed Bank or “Government”, causing another individual

any damage as herein described, they in their individual and unlimited capacity are absolutely liable. Such actions may

result in the receipt of a Courtesy Notice.

Courtesy Notice

The Courtesy Notice contains the information of this flyer and offers terms and conditions for future dealings.

Whereas Banks and “Governments” have been foreclosed worldwide... Acts, Statutes, Codes, Courts, Executive

Orders etc were thereby foreclosed, thus without a lawfully binding contract - individual to individual, no instrument

exists to compel performance.

The Courtesy Notice offers new terms to any individual of a foreclosed entity for their acceptance and the method of

acceptance is clearly defined.

Individuals are now downloading and sending Courtesy Notices worldwide; 64,000 were downloaded in the first two

days following release in early Feb 2013. See www.oppt-in.com

What is the UCC - Where and to whom does it apply?

The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is the ‘bible’ of commerce and used world wide, but sometimes in disguise.

UCC is not taught in law schools; it is used in high level banking and government corporations. Accordingly most

lawyers, attorneys and magistrates know nothing about UCC and will argue it has no application.

1. Executive Order 13037 dated 04 Mar 1997 defined humans as capital. See: http://


2. UCC Doc # 0000000181425776 filed 12 Aug 2011 evidences sale of US citizens in transaction between The

Federal Reserve System and The United States Department of the Treasury 1789 for $14.3 trillion. (Linked above)

3. UCC Doc #2001059388 evidences the template the Federal Reserve Bank of New York uses to secure the

collateral in major banks around the world... including chattel paper, goods and the unborn young of animals. See


Those who would regard the UCC as irrelevant outside the US are thereby claiming former funding arrangements with

the Federal Reserve Bank of New York null and void.

Due Diligence

Given the usage of UCC filings in the upper levels of “government” and banks worldwide, due diligence is a necessity.

If there is a dispute, error, or falsity make AND deliver a duly verified sworn DECLARATION OF REBUTTAL to the

duly verified, sworn and REGISTERED OPPT DECLARATION OF FACTS, point by point, with specificity and

particularity, with full responsibility and liability, under the penalty of perjury under any law you identify, that the

forgoing is true and accurate, signed by your wet-ink signature.

To date, no such rebuttal has been registered.

Further Research

Radio shows:



All People Declared Free of Debt (Refer Notice of Declaration of Absolute Truth UCC# 2013032035)

The final filing of the OPPT occurred on March 18, 2013. This document terminated all remaining man-made entities

and returned all people of this planet to absolute freedom. In this document the creator is referred to as "absolute

essence" and all creations people are referred to as "absolute essence embodied".

Article VI states..."I duly verify, with full responsibility and liability, by DECLARATION OF ORDER, that eternal

essence IS made transparent and known by the DO'ing of any and all embodiment of eternal essence in eternal

essence's universe, IS free and free of debt, unrebutted."

This means THERE IS NO DEBT.

You have no debt... No one has debt... it is done.

Read more…

Life in America

Life in America, The Way it Was Meant To Be

     I, Burt Wolf, have been self-educated in the realm of Constitutional Law from a Sovereign’s perspective. I have spent many hours in Law Libraries reading US Supreme Court decisions and American Jurisprudence and my library consists of many documents, treatises, books, reports and essays from well-educated individuals. From all that I have read I have come to a final conclusion and here is my conclusion pertaining to Life in America, the way it was meant to be:

     GOD, our creator, possessor of Ultimate Sovereignty, created the universe and within that universe he created one planet for which to inhabit man, Planet Earth. Then God created man and gave man dominion over all of Earth including dominion over other species of life. He created man pursuant to His image therefore He passed on to US full sovereignty and He provided for this by giving man a superior consciousness while His Ultimate Sovereignty guides US through Our sub-conscious and spiritual soul. What He did not do was create a being, an entity, a species that had more power and authority than Him. He created All Man equal with equal sovereignty as such no man has greater power and authority over his brethren. GOD governs mankind through GOD’s Laws and the Laws of Nature and it is God’s WILL that we, all of man, live pursuant to these Laws loving and caring for each other and solving our own dilemmas through His guidance and not forceful influence of other man.

     As time progressed man populated and there came a time that man began to lose the concept of GOD’s WILL allowing for greed, hate, and the want for a ruling class to prosper. This ruling class that which is clearly evident today has been forcefully increasing its power and authority over other man for the past 500 years but with resistance for not all of man is this evil intent to rule other man. Resistance which is guided by GOD has in itself a power and authority that no man can eventually overcome.

     Let’s go back to 1215. The document known as the Magna Carta is also known as The Great Charter of the Liberties of England and this was the first document forced onto a King of England by a group of his subjects, the feudal barons, in an attempt to limit his powers by law and protect their rights and privileges. When the colonists left Britain, as result of the usurpation of their rights by the King, they brought with them Charters for the new colonies and these charters were based on and included the Magna Carta which was based on and included the English Common Law. So here we have the new colonies established here in America and the colonists established their legal system based on protecting their rights and privileges while limiting the powers and authorities over them of the King of England. 

     The King of England did not give up so easily for he wanted rule over the new colonies and of the land they dwelled. Things got so abusive that in 1776 the colonist wrote the King of England a document and is known as “The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America”. Through this document the colonists declared themselves sovereign citizens “endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights”. They were claiming to each one of themselves the rights and privileges of a King. Sovereign: a person, body, or state in which independent and supreme authority is vested; a chief ruler with supreme power; a king or other ruler in a monarchy- black’s law dictionary 6th edition page 1395. Now the colonies were upgraded into States and each had their charter which would then be transformed into their States’ Constitutions. But by upgrading to individual States the people retained their supreme authority, sovereignty, and passed on limited sovereignty to the individual States. It is a maxim of law the predates even the Magna Carta that what is created can never have more power and authority than the creator. The people retained their sovereign political power which was greater than the States’ sovereign political power and the sole purpose for the creation of a governance is to protect our property which does include all the sovereign rights endowed to us by our creator and evidenced in the clause “That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men”. This became even more evident with the establishment of the Constitution for the United States of America. Let’s make a note here that the name of the continent in which we dwell is North America and the boundary of America is created by the 50 individual sovereign countries known as American States. America is the mass of society that is formed from the union of these individual States. So at the most extreme the name of our country is “America” and not “United States”. The unawareness of this fact was the root of all of today’s evilness as will be later explained. So now the Constitution was created by sovereign citizens and the mission and vision of the newly formed governance was explicitly expressed in the Preamble: We, the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. We, the people, want a better way of life guided by GOD’s Laws and the Laws of Nature, establishing justice, insure peace and harmony between We, the people and the States, wanting to be protected from invasion of other countries, ALLOWING FOR SUGGESTIONS FOR THE GENERAL WELFARE, and exercise a guarantee of our liberty and the secured liberty of our offspring. These are the only authoritive goals requested of the sovereign people onto our newly created cooperative governance. Each individual branch of governance and Congress was given explicit job descriptions which included limitations detailing responsibilities and tasks. The priority of our Founding ForeFathers was to create a cooperative governance with limited powers and authorities. Since We, the People, created Congress and the branches of governance GOVERNMENT BRANCHES DO NOT HAVE POWER AND AUTHORITY OVER THE SOVEREIGN CITIZEN AND ALL POWERS OF GOVERNANCE ARE GRANTED WHICH CAN BE EXPRESSLY TAKEN AWAY AS WE SOVEREIGNS SEE FIT!!!!!

Now is where we can bring in the focus of this document which is our supposed way of life which was and is always guided by our Creator. Let’s recap the flow of Sovereignty. GOD created the Universe which includes Earth from His ultimate sovereign powers. Then He passed on sovereignty to man whom He created in His image and of equality to each other. Then man passed on limited sovereignty to State governance and then man passed on even more limited sovereignty to a national cooperative governance. We, the People, retain sovereignty over the State and cooperative governance and are explicitly expressed in the 10th Amendment:  the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. So the sovereign hierarchy is as follows: God,

We, the People

State governance

Cooperative national governance


     We, the People are governed by GOD’s Laws and the Laws of Nature and it is His WILL that we live in peace and harmony with all Americans. Men cannot create “Laws” that force compliance over other men therefore all acts of “Legislation” which includes, codes, rules, statutes, ordinances, executive orders, resolutions, joint resolutions, Acts of Congress, bills are not applicable and enforceable unto We, the Sovereign People. (footnote 1) These acts legislation are ONLY applicable to the CORPORATE UNITED STATES, which includes ONLY its territories and possessions and contracted employees. Corporate United States? (footnote 2) Yes our created cooperative governance through legal (not lawful) manipulation has incorporated itself and the location of the headquarters is Washington D.C. Our national Constitution became their corporate charter but they have created corporate meanings of words and phrases of the Constitution not consistent with our Anglo-Saxon Language and not coinciding with our Founding ForeFathers’ intent of the meaning and purpose of our Constitution. So Congress works in a dual capacity 1) has power and authority to pass “Laws” for Americans but must do so in accordance to Constitutional guidelines and limitations and also in accordance to GOD’s Laws and the Laws of Nature and 2) can pass “Legislation” as described above only applicable to the corporate possessions where they have exclusive legislative authority which include but not limited to Guam, Philippine Islands, Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, ten square miles of Wash. D.C. buildings and forts.

     It is expressly stated in our Constitution that each State shall be guaranteed a Republican form of government (footnote 3). The reason for this form of government is so to insure to all Americans a republican form of life which is of GOD’s WILL. A republican form of life is the way we are supposed to be living here in America and there is ONLY ONE law, GOD’s Law, English Common Law in a republic which states: Americans can do anything they want to as long as they do not infringe on other Americans’ property rights (footnote 4) and must abide to all lawful contracts they enter into (footnote 5). That is it. That is GOD’s WILL of life and is guaranteed by a Republican form of Governance. Now, we must realize that even though we are guaranteed a republican form of governance that guarantees a republican form of life, We, the People, must prove to our State and cooperative (federal) governances that we can be and are responsible enough to live this way. This is, in my opinion one of the reasons why our governances will not honor our constitutionally secured rights endowed to us by our creator. We, the People, here in America have not shown that we are responsible enough to exercise those rights and if we cannot be responsible enough to exercise those rights than we cannot claim to have them. Does this make sense?

     In a republican form of governance there is ONLY ONE request from We, the People, requesting of our lower powered (we are the sovereigns) governances in all lawful matters and that is: PROVE THAT YOU HAVE LAWFUL JURISDICTION OVER ME AND/OR ALL AMERICANS.  To all Americans, they DO NOT have either personal jurisdiction or subject-matter jurisdiction over US and they never did. Recall the maxim of law stated earlier: that which is created cannot have more power and authority over the creator. Does this not make sense? The executive branch of governance both at state level and federal level know that they do not have jurisdiction over us Americans and it is our responsibility to question ONLY jurisdiction unto the judicial branch of governance not whether an ACT of Congress is constitutional or not because it is constitutional for Congress to “pass legislation” that is applicable to ONLY the corporate United States. Here is a good Example. Recall the recent arguments in court by the State Attorney Generals over the constitutionality of the new Health Care Bill. The wrong argument was brought to court, the Attorney Generals who brought the lawsuits knew the federal government does not have jurisdiction over us Americans and so do the Judges but a judge cannot bring in outside info to a court case, they can only judge what is brought before them. So if the argument is of constitutionality and only of constitutionality the judges have no choice but to say it is constitutional but the right argument would have been “Does the federal government have jurisdiction over Americans such that the new Health Care Bill is lawfully applicable and enforceable upon them? Do you see the difference? Also please make note that in the Constitution it is explicitly expressed on the law making process. A bill must be originated in a house of Congress and it must pass through both houses and then onto the President’s office so he can sign it into Law (footnote 6). A “Bill” is never applicable to Americans because it is not passed as “LAW” i.e. the “Brady Bill” is not applicable to Americans.

     In closing I will recap briefly. We, the People are the Sovereigns who hold all the political power of this nation and it is We, the People who created State and Federal governances whom the government personnel work for US as public servants. It is within their job descriptions as outlined in Our Constitutions on how they can and cannot perform. The branches of governance do not have jurisdiction over We, the People, especially the legislative branch and it is up to us, and it is our duty pursuant to Declaration of Independence to keep a check on their actions through questioning proof of jurisdiction. Once jurisdiction is questioned it must be proven before a case in court can continue and all judges know this. It is up to the judicial branch to decide constitutional jurisdiction and all judges by law take a sworn Oath of Office to uphold and abide by Our constitutions and it is our duty to make them aware that when they act outside their duties as prescribed in our Constitutions, they are not immune from prosecution. We must understand that We, the People are Sovereign in respect to our governances and they work for US and the branches of governance do not have jurisdiction over Americans unless we lawfully contract with them.

     If there are any questions or comments directed to me please use phone number 419-871-2545 or use e-mail address:  steelersfanalways@hotmail.com. I will gladly discuss any concerns.

Burton George; Wolf


Footnote 1: Caha v US 152 U.S. 211 (1894) Opinion of the court: U.S. regulations apply only within the U.S. territories and the District of Columbia. The laws of Congress in respect to those matters [outside of constitutionally delegated powers] do not extend into the territorial limits of the states, but have force only in the District of Columbia, and other places that are within the exclusive legislative jurisdiction of the national government.  Foley Brothers Inc. v Filardo 336 U.S. 281 (1949) Opinion of the court: U.S. regulations apply only within the U.S. territories and the District of Columbia, it is a well-established principle of law that all federal regulations applies only within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States unless a contrary intent appears

Footnote 2: United States v Maurice 26 Fed. Cas. No 15, 747, 2 Brock 96, Circuit Court, D. Virginia, (1823) Opinion of the court: The United States is a governance, and, consequently a body politic and corporate… This great corporation was ordained and established by the American People   Hooven and Allison Co. v Evatt 324 U.S. 652 Opinion of the court: the term “United States” may be used in any one of several senses; (1) it may be merely the name of a sovereign occupying the position analogous to that of other sovereigns in the family of nations [i.e. Japan, England, France, Africa] (2) it may designate the territory over which the sovereignty of the United States extends [i.e. the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, etc.] (3) it may be the collective names of the states which are united by and under the Constitution [i.e. the 50 sovereign States of the Union]

Footnote 3: Article IV Section 4: The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a Republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

Footnote 4: Preterm Cleveland v Voinovich (Franklin 1993) 89 Ohio App. 3d 684, 627 N.E. 2d 570   Opinion of the court: Under Ohio Constitution’s Bill of Rights every person has inalienable rights under natural law that cannot be unduly restricted by government, which is formed for purpose of securing and protecting those rights, and all governmental power depends on consent of the people. In general, provisions of Ohio Constitution guaranteeing enjoyment of life and liberty confers upon individual right to do whatever he or she wishes to do so long as there is no VALID [emphasis added] law proscribing such conduct and so long as conduct does not infringe upon rights of others recognized by common law; it is only where there is law prohibiting express conduct that one may not so act and in all other cases, person doing act that unduly interferes with enjoyment of life and liberty by others is responsible for damages or other sanctions for such act.

Footnote 5: In order for a contract to be lawful it must possess certain criteria 1) full disclosure of all aspects of all parties 2) equal consideration meaning all parties must give something of value pursuant to the contract 3) lawful terms and conditions meaning all do’s and don’t’s and must be lawful 4) signatures of all parties so to demonstrate a “meeting of the minds”

Footnote 6: Article 1 Section 7 of the Constitution:  Sect. 7. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the house of representatives; but the senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills.
    Every bill which shall have passed the house of representatives and the senate, shall, before it become a law, be presented to the president of the United States; if he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his objections to that house in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such reconsideration two-thirds of that house shall agree to pass a bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of that house, it shall become a law. But in all cases the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their adjournment prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law.
    Every order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States; and before the same shall take effect, shall be approved by him, or, being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill.

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