We need to get the U.S.A back on track by:
- Electing politicians that can make good decisions and get things done including working with the opposite political party.
- Cutting taxes and preferably flatter rates where everyone pays something and into the system they benefit from.
- Reducing government spending & indiscriminate government subsidies which I know is hard to do but it needs to be done. Have some of the government agencies privatized or abolished especially Fannie May and Freddie Mac which have run deficits in the billions and continue to do so plus these agencies were a large contributor to the down turn in the U.S.A. economy in 2008 which has not been corrected.
- Reducing the amount and breadth of government regulation so that our business can get back to conducting their real business objectives but maintaining some basic common sense safe guards to protect its citizens.
- Getting our people back to work including our valuable blue collar workers. Let's compete on an international but fair playing field. Take into account other countries that are subsidizing their private industries and playing currency manipulations; which is not by definition a fair playing field.
- Improving our educational system by rewarding our excellent teachers for performance in grades K to 12. Also make our university system affordable and practical leading to employment opportunities in the 21st century. Much of our educational curriculum especially in college is not tied at all tied to employment upon graduation.
- Remove Obama Care but revise our private medical & dental insurance system to make it more affordable & accessible with varying levels of payment tied to coverage.
Rusty Gilbert