Navigation Tip For Ning Members
Using a Ning website can be more rewarding than Facebook. Yes, we have rules; but unlike Facebook we do not take issue over those who have a conservative perspective and ban them or delete their content simply because they may have an opposing view.
Some people think Facebook is easier to use than a Ning website. I beg to differ. With a Ning platform website, you can unlock your creative abilities all the while expressing yourself. You cannot do that on Facebook.
As with any venue, to be effective, you need to understand how the website features work. This is why I've created this group; to equip our members so they can become more effective not only here, but in the resistance movement at large.
Discussions on this group are limited to posts that are informative to Ning websites only. You may reply to a discussion in any length. I do not monitor comments here; I just do not have time.
If you have a specific question to the site features that is not answered here, you may send me an e-mail, or ask another member.
This group is for educational purposes only.