George Floyd: One Year Later


A year ago, all Americans were transfixed by the video footage of the white cop with his knee on the black guy’s neck for that interminable length of time. And we waited for the riots.

They came, and they spread across the country, and they re-erupted with every perceived police transgression in every urban area. The agenda-driven media told us they were “mostly peaceful protests,” which, of course, was a demonstrable and despicable lie.

But a year later, after an orgy of burning and looting and wanton destruction; with race relations having been hijacked and run off the rails by a small band of money-grubbing Marxists; with violent crime and murder having skyrocketed across our nation’s urban centers due to the Left’s war on cops; and with federal police reform legislation still seemingly stuck in the congressional mud, we have to ask: Was it worth it?

It sure seems not.

It certainly wasn’t worth it at ground zero, least of all for the aggrieved, who now live in a city that has defunded its police — or “reimagined” them, as the Left now prefers to put it. There, as Minnesota’s own John Hinderaker  observes at Power Line, “The vast majority of Minneapolis’s murders are of blacks, by blacks, and many are gang-related. Yet the City Council natters on about ‘police violence.’”

In yesterday’s Wall Street Journal, crime researcher Heather Mac Donald noted that it’s now open season in Minneapolis, and she added some grim statistics to Hinderaker’s observation:

Nineteen children in Minneapolis have been shot this year, an increase of 171% over the same period in 2020. Their relatives wonder where the protesters are. … Minneapolis homicides between Jan. 1 and last week were up 108% compared with the same period in 2020; shootings were up 153%, and carjackings 222%. The crime increase began after Floyd’s death and has never let up. Nor has the assault on law enforcement that began with the arson destruction of the Third Precinct building on May 28, 2020. Officers are routinely punched, kicked, and hit with projectiles.

We’re guessing this carnage won’t come up when George Floyd’s family meets with leading Democrats today. As NBC News reports, “The family will meet with House Speaker scumbag/liar-Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Tuesday morning in Washington before their scheduled White House meeting with socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden. Then the family will meet with several senators from both parties, but Crump declined to identify the lawmakers.”

It’s interesting that the family would agree to meet the 81-year-old scumbag/liar-Pelosi, who couldn’t even  remember their son’s name when she discussed House legislation that would be named in his honor; who wore  the garb of slave traders while kneeling to show “solidarity” with Floyd; and who, in the wake of the murder conviction of Officer Derek Chauvin, couldn’t keep from bizarrely thanking Floyd for having died. In any case, it’ll be interesting to see whether the topics of escalating violence and black-on-black crime come up during today’s opportunistic events. We’d guess not. After all, none of them said a damned thing about last summer’s Black Lives Matter mayhem until their pollsters told them they had to.

George Floyd, it should be noted, was an unlikely martyr  and an unlikely subject of massive murals and nationwide remembrances. He was a career criminal, after all, who once held a gun to a pregnant woman’s belly while his fellow thugs ransacked her house. And on the day of his death, he’d passed a counterfeit bill to a local vendor, he’d put enough fentanyl into his system to kill a man, and he’d repeatedly resisted arrest.

And yet, what good purpose did his martyrdom serve?

A year later, as Hinderaker concludes, our nation’s institutions “are all aligned behind an agenda that is deeply divisive. Not only divisive, but essentially anti-American. Has any country ever survived, let alone prospered, when led by elites that hate their own country? I doubt it. The City of Minneapolis is a pretty good guide to where the Left’s anti-American, anti-civilization policies are taking us.”   ~The Patriot Post


socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s BLM State Department

On the one-year anniversary of George Floyd’s death, socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s State Department is encouraging employees to promote the Marxist Black Lives Matter organization via flying “the Black Lives Matter flag.” According to an anonymous source within the State Department, a memo was circulated on Saturday that reads in part, “The Department supports the use of the term ‘Black Lives Matter’ in messaging content, speeches, and other diplomatic engagements with foreign audiences to advance racial equity and access to justice on May 25 and beyond. We encourage posts to focus on the need to eliminate systemic racism and its continued impact.”

It’s been clear from day one that the socialist/scumbag/ liar-Biden administration embraces the divisive and Marxist doctrine known as Critical Race Theory, as well as the BLM “systemic racism” narrative. “Last year, the horrific video of Mr. Floyd’s final 9 minutes and 29 seconds went viral and spurred Black Lives Matter protests worldwide, in response to his senseless killing and to demand an end to systemic racism and police brutality,” the State memo reads. “One year later, many in the international community will honor Mr. Floyd and acknowledge the long journey nations face to advance racial justice.”

And here we were led to believe racial injustice was a uniquely American problem.

Was it not socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden’s anti-American UN ambassador whose throwing our nation under the bus over the dubious charge of “systemic racism” opened the door for China to effectively dismiss any criticism of its own current human rights abuses? At a diplomatic meeting in Anchorage, China’s director of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs, Yang Jiechi, used BLM’s narrative as a cudgel against the U.S.: “We believe that it is important for the United States to change its own image and to stop advancing its own democracy in the rest of the world. Many people within the United States actually have little confidence in the democracy of the United States.”

Where did this idea come from? socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s own incessant “America Worst” pronouncements.

One might conclude that Team socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden has failed to learn its lesson, since its players continue to promote and promulgate a false narrative that is becoming increasingly unpopular. In truth, however, the socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration’s actions are a deliberate attempt to prop up a false narrative for political reasons.

Even so, recent polling shows that Americans’ support for BLM has dropped back down to the level it was in the year prior to Floyd’s death. After a summer of peaceful  violent protests and riots coupled with a narrative that failed to accurately present the facts — namely that the number one threat to black lives is not the police but other blacks — Americans have grown tired of the movement. The “anti-racism” demands of the CRT advocates behind BLM activism are being exposed for their promotion of a legitimately racist and anti-American ideology.

Floyd’s death was not the racial reckoning the Left demanded. Rather it was an event exploited by extremists in their efforts to attack the very fabric of American society writ large. The socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden administration is more than happy to continue the effort in an official capacity. And if doing so damages America’s standing and work in the world? Well, then we deserved to be knocked down a few pegs.  ~The Patriot Post


The Rise of Violent Leftist Anti-Semitism

For the last year, Democrats have used the death of George Floyd at the knee of Derek Chauvin to accuse the rest of the nation of “systemic racism.” For the last year-plus, Democrats have used the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to accuse Republicans of racism against Asians because Donald Trump had the nerve to call it the “China Virus.”

So, judging them by their own standards, the Democrats’ rank anti-Semitism and anti-Israel hysteria in the midst of Palestinian attacks is clearly to blame for the stunning rise in attacks against American Jews, right?

In at least one sense, yes. A disproportionate number of the anti-Asian “hate crimes” around the nation have been committed by blacks, and we’re gonna go out on a limb and say it’s not the <10% of blacks who vote Republican. Who, then, are the anti-Semites perpetrating attacks on Jews?

“From coast to coast, synagogues have been vandalized. American Jews have been chased down by cars, attacked by mobs and verbally harassed in the worst outbreak of anti-Semitism this country has seen in decades,” writes Gary Bauer. “In virtually every case, the attacks took place in large cities. They were committed by Middle Eastern men waving Palestinian flags. Left-wing extremists frequently joined in the attacks.”

The Hill reports, “Those incidents are being compounded by an uptick of antisemitic speech online, with the [Anti-Defamation League] finding 17,000 tweets between May 7 and 14 with some variation of the phrase ‘Hitler was right.’”

Does that mean Palestinian Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib’s anti-Israel venom motivated the attackers? Does it mean Somalian Representative scumbag/worthless-Ilhan Omar’s hatred of the “apartheid” and “terrorist” state of Israel inspired the assaults? They and other progressives explicitly compare American blacks with the Palestinians in their cloaked justifications for violent uprisings. It’s part of their Critical Race Theory worldview that classifies all people as either victims or oppressors, based on class or race.

What role did President socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden play? He offered disgraceful moral equivalence between Israel’s painstakingly careful self-defense and Hamas’s 4,400 indiscriminate rocket attacks, and he arrogantly dismissed his predecessor’s outstanding work to bring peace to the Middle East via the Abraham Accords.

Again, judging Democrats by their own standards, they unequivocally are to blame.

Perhaps Senator socialist/commie-Bernie Sanders knows this. After his presidential campaign implied that Israel is an apartheid state and after recently trying to block a U.S. arms sale to Israel, now Sanders says maybe folks should “tone down the rhetoric” a bit.

Likewise, socialist/scumbag/liar-Biden tweeted, “The recent attacks on the Jewish community are despicable, and they must stop. I condemn this hateful behavior at home and abroad — it’s up to all of us to give hate no safe harbor.”

Indeed, aren’t leftists the ones with those virtue-signaling “Hate Has No Home Here” signs in their yards?

To be clear, we’re not saying or even suggesting that any American politician has directly called for attacks against Jews. The unfortunate truth is that anti-Semitism exists on both extreme ends of the political spectrum. We  are saying that Democrats have sown seeds of hatred and division for their own political gain, and, whether it’s the rise of anti-Semitism or black-on-Asian or even black-on-black crime, the nation is reaping the ugly harvest.   ~The Patriot Post


liar-Psaki: Crime Surge a ‘Gun Problem’?

In a scripted layup question for socialist/scumbag/liar-Joe Biden’s press secretary, ABC News reporter Cecilia Vega asked Jen “Circle Back” Psaki about the surge in violence over the last year: “A look back over the weekend and over the last year. This past weekend, there were more than a dozen mass shootings across this country — 4,000 more people shot and killed by guns in 2020 compared to the year before. Is there a crime problem in this country?”

“Shot and killed by guns,” not the violent offenders using guns and other weapons to kill.

For the record, the FBI, which maintains national homicide and assault data, has no definition for “mass shooting” — and the Left is as loose with those words as it is with “assault weapon.” But there were 12 assaults  this past weekend resulting in 11 deaths and 69 injuries — the vast majority of which were gang and drug related. And the unofficial homicide rate for 2020 may have surged 25% over 2019. That surge is being driven by Demo cities like Minneapolis (“Minnopolice”), the epicenter of the “defund police” movement after the death of George Floyd, where homicides are already up this year by 113%.

The abject stupidity of Vega’s question notwithstanding, clearly, she gave liar-Psaki an opportunity to deflect blame for the real cause of the dramatic surge in homicides and assaults in Demo-controlled urban centers — leftists’ deadly “defund the police” advocacy and their empowerment of the violent Marxist so-called “Black Lives Matter” movement. Both of those strategies were designed to foment violence in order to blame Donald Trump ahead of last year’s election.

liar-Psaki responded: “I would say certainly there is a gun problem, and that’s something the president would say, and there are communities where local violence and community violence is an issue, and that’s one of the reasons that we have proposed and now are implementing funding for community violence prevention programs across this country. I will say that we don’t often highlight — and you just gave me the opportunity to — the fact that between mass shootings, mass shootings get a lot of attention … There are hundreds, thousands of people who lose their lives, and that’s one of the reasons the president will continue to advocate for the Senate passing [gun control measures] but also advocate for actions in states where we have seen the greatest level of activism over the past several years.”

That was a convoluted way of insisting that the grossly disproportionate black-on-black murder and violence is a “gun problem” rather than what it actually is, a cultural problem created primarily by years of misguided leftist social policies.

Despite her disjointed answer, liar-Psaki managed to use Vega’s question as fodder for leftists’ relentless assault on the Second Amendment, which they know is the most formidable barrier to their relentless assault on other civil rights.

Time for liar-Psaki to circle back for a reality check. The Democrat Party is the author of cultural violence in America, and until the party addresses the real problem, the underlying policy issues that have resulted in the cultural devolution of its most loyal constituency, the violence will continue unabated.   ~The Patriot Post


The Deceit and Suppression of ‘Fact-Checking’

As conservatives know all too well, social media platforms use censorship to control the content of which they approve or disapprove. The biased writers of these algorithms create their own morality and reality, all while enjoying protections under the U.S. Code that should no longer apply.

If there was a time in recent months you posted on your own personal Facebook page or Instagram an opinion or experience related to COVID, election integrity, a Bible verse, or climate change, then you might either have received warnings from Facebook “fact-checkers” or perhaps merely noticed that the number of likes or views was significantly lower than your typical traffic. While certain content gets marked as untrue or mostly untrue, a great many posts will simply have the “distribution reduced,” according to Facebook’s rather opaque explanation to the public.

Facebook claims the moral high ground of stopping viral misinformation. That sounds virtuous and good, yet Big Tech is really serving as the vocal cords and typing fingers of the political Left. Cyberbots are programmed to search for keywords and embedded links or phrases that for the most part target the Right and have no real regard for truth.

According to an analysis last August by veteran journalist Sharyl Attkisson, the “fact-checker” echo chamber is constructed and filled with the heads of massive corporate giants aligned with the political Left. Attkisson exposed Facebook’s oversight board of 20 members, 18 of which have direct ties to scumbag-George Soros’s Open Society Foundations, which “have spent billions of dollars on global initiatives aggressively advocating for the progressive side on topics ranging from immigration policy and climate to abortion, gender, and racial policies.” There’s also the fact that Google employees  contributed almost $22 million to Democrats in 2020 compared to $1.4 million to Republicans. Twitter employees were even more obvious with 98.99% of political donations going to Democrats. And on it goes.

A recent City Journal article featured Maggie Williams, a high-schooler running the 800-meter race who barely cleared the finish line when she fell face-first. She and her coach blamed the state’s mandate requiring her and her other competitors to wear masks throughout the events, even during active competition. When posted on Facebook, the story was marked “Partly False Information. Checked by independent fact-checkers.” Despite the author’s best efforts, the label still accompanies the post when shared. It’s all based on the assessment from Science Feedback, which has a record of vetoing mostly center-right content related to COVID, Donald Trump, vaccines, and treatments.

Writing for City Journal, John Tierney cited a study appearing in a peer-reviewed medical journal, Monthly Pediatrics, for the risk of oxygen depletion with physical manifestations. Yet the post police asserted the article had “methodological shortcomings” and in October 2020 declared the claim that a COVID vaccine was imminent as “inaccurate.” Yes, your memory is accurate. The first shots were in arms by the first week of December. Just don’t get confused by the facts. These “fact-checkers” continue to hide content about COVID, climate, Judeo-Christian morality, and election integrity, including that of Stanford physician Scott Atlas, MD, who has given both sides of the mask issue only to suffer public shaming.

How does this continue? In U.S. Code Section 230, these social media platforms have legal immunity as providers of a platform, not as editors or publishers of content. But for the last two years at least, Big Tech has exerted overt bias with active censorship and discrimination of free speech. Congress must act to eliminate the protections being abused by these tech giants, all of which make no effort to camouflage their bias and disdain of the Right.

It must also be accepted as reality that the distrust in the media now includes the social media platforms that offer free profiles, posting, and perusing — in exchange for personal data and habits. Trying to control public opinion and censorship expose an authentic danger in America: the erosion and destruction of free speech.   

~The Patriot Post


Barack scumbag/liar-nObama: Profane Parasite of the Left

“That corrupt motherf—er.” That’s what Barack scumbag/liar-nObama reportedly said when he learned that then-President Donald Trump was communicating privately with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the investigation into potential Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.

It’s rich, isn’t it? scumbag/liar-nObama, the same guy who oversaw the greatest political corruption scandal in American history — the fake, phony, fraudulent “Russia collusion” hoax that allowed his administration to weaponize the Department of Justice and our nation’s intelligence services to spy on then-candidate Trump and continue to spy on him and his team after they’d taken office — is calling Trump corrupt.

The same guy who sicced the IRS, DOJ, FBI, ATF, and OSHA on private American citizens, trampling on their rights for the sole purpose of intimidating and thereby suppressing his political opposition.

Yep, the same guy who was once caught on a hot mic whispering sweet nothings into then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s ear about how he’d be better able to compromise our national security and betray our NATO allies on missile defense as soon as he got through his 2012 reelection campaign. “This is my last election,” he quietly told Medvedev, stressing the importance of being able to look tough until after the American people had cast their ballots. “After my election, I have more flexibility.”

And this guy has the nerve to call Donald Trump a “corrupt motherf—er.” Way to keep it classy, 44.

scumbag/liar-nObama also called Trump “a ‘madman, a 'racist, sexist pig,’ and a ‘f***ing lunatic,’ according to a new book set to release next week by Atlantic reporter Edward-Isaac Dovere,” writes the Washington Examiner’s Michael Lee. “The remarks, reportedly made to donors and political advisers, were a departure from the first three years of Trump’s presidency when Obama rarely spoke out against the man who replaced him.”

Clearly, scumbag/liar-nObama is consumed with hatred for both the man who succeeded him and for the deplorables who made it happen. We suppose that’s fair enough given that Trump was a clear repudiation of scumbag/liar-nObama. Yet scumbag/liar-nObama also seems to have held his own party in contempt throughout his two terms in office — so much so that he never lifted a finger to build it.

As Fox News’s Morgan Phillips reports, “In a chapter entitled ‘Benign Neglect,’ Dovere writes that the section’s namesake is how scumbag/liar-nObama aides privately described his abandonment of the Democratic Party once in the White House.”

“‘Negligence’ might be more accurate,” writes Dovere, who also observes that scumbag/liar-nObama carried himself with a “self-assured self-regard.”

“The numbers,” says Dovere, “are hard to ignore: during his eight years in office, scumbag/liar-nObama oversaw a net loss of 947 state legislative seats, 63 House seats, 11 senators, and 13 governors.”

Essentially, then, scumbag/liar-nObama was a one-man neutron bomb: He wiped out the party’s human assets while keeping its physical assets intact. His excuse for having used the Democrat Party’s resources whenever it suited him while ignoring the continual need to build the party’s bench? Apparently, he didn’t want to “taint” his presidency by “mucking about in fundraising.”

Concerning scumbag/liar-nObama’s relationship with the Democrat Party, Dovere described the former president as “a parasite.”

“Parasitical” seems an apt description of the man, though we’d also add “profane” and “petulant.” In any case, Barack scumbag/liar-nObama continues to polarize the American people, and he continues to remind us why we chose Donald Trump to succeed him. ~The Patriot Post


Millions for Election Integrity Abroad, Ignore It at Home

In 1999, Tim Meisburger helped Indonesia run its first open election in almost half a century.

“The people were very distrustful of the process because in the past the party in power rigged elections to get the outcome they wanted,” Meisburger, former Director of Democracy and Governance at the U.S. Agency for International Development, explained. The United States helped fund more than 500,000 election observers across the country to prevent voter fraud and ballot tampering.

“Because of that scrutiny, the elections were fair and honest,” Meisburger added.

Today, Meisburger is trying to get America to adopt the same election integrity measures we encourage other countries to use to build confidence in their elections.

According to a Politico/Morning Consult poll conducted in the days following last November’s presidential election, 70% of Republicans didn’t believe the 2020 election was free and fair.

“It’s clear many Americans still don’t trust the results of the 2020 elections, and it is vital that we restore that trust,” Meisburger said. “I can’t predict what would happen if we don’t. But I can tell you what I’ve seen in other countries. When the people don’t trust the election results, they stop voting and eventually take to the streets in protest.”

While a growing number of Republican-led states are passing election reform measures, left-leaning groups and Democrat lawmakers are actively fighting against any attempt to improve transparency and integrity in our elections.

The latest example of this is in Florida, where Governor Ron DeSantis earlier this month signed into law Senate Bill 90, a measure that includes prudent, commonsense reforms that make Florida elections more efficient. These reforms include solutions-based improvements to the voting process like more transparency on voting websites, preventing ballot harvesting, strengthening voter ID requirements, increasing security for vote-by-mail drop boxes, protecting voters from intimidation at the polls, and requiring third-party registration groups to provide voters with reasonable disclaimers.

A group of far-left political agitators (Advancement Project National Office, Demos, and Latino Justice PRLDEF) filed a lawsuit challenging the law.

“It is an anti-Democracy bill that makes it harder to vote by mail, criminalizes line warming activities … violates free speech rights … denied reasonable accommodation for people with disabilities,” said Judith Browne Dianis, executive director of Advancement Project National Office, during a Zoom news conference Tuesday. Dianis went on to describe the new law as “racist, antidemocratic and unjust,” adding that “we cannot stand idly by when states lean into Jim Crow 2.0.”

Former Florida Governor Rick Scott, currently serving as National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman, said this lawsuit is part of “the Big Lie that any effort to secure the integrity of our elections is racist.”

Meisburger said reforms such as Florida’s will improve transparency in the system, which he says is essential to building voter trust and participation.

After working in more than 40 countries over a 30-year career in democracy building, Meisburger has developed a blueprint for how to run elections whose results will be trusted. He has six reforms he thinks every state should make.

Use paper ballots

Meisburger has found that the “black voting boxes” such as the ones Dominion Voting Systems sold to state election boards lead to trust issues. “When ballots are not counted at the polling site in full view of the poll watchers, we have the problem of mysterious ballots showing up in the middle of the night with no oversight,” explained Meisberger. “In every single case, when we lost sight of the ballots, it provided an opening for people to claim malpractice and cheating. Paper ballots counted at the polling site is the most secure way to have an election. And it’s also the most transparent and creates confidence in the result.”

Require in-person voting

In a recent guest column in American Greatness, Meisburger wrote, “The vast majority of voters should vote in person on Election Day, in what should be viewed as a national celebration of democracy. If this requires making Election Day a national holiday, that should be considered.”

Require voter ID

Meisburger wrote, “Effective voter ID and accurate voter lists are cornerstones of international standards for fair elections; and the U.S. government has spent hundreds of millions of dollars helping other countries with voter ID and voter registration programs to prevent fraud and enhance voter confidence in the integrity of the process.”

He added, “In some situations there are marginalized populations that do lack access to ID, but the response in those cases has always been to develop programs to ensure the marginalized have ID (the United Nations even recognizes the right to ID), not to lower standards for election integrity.”

Prohibit external funding of election processes and campaigns

Meisburger said, “There should be curbs on the undue influence corporations and oligarchs play in American elections. Democracy requires equal influence for every citizen, and a level playing field for all Americans, regardless of their wealth. Laws should be adopted that prevent private funding of elections by corporations and oligarchs, and most importantly, we should prevent corporations and oligarchs from undermining the most basic civil rights of the American people: freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion. That we allow them to limit our freedoms for profit is unconscionable.”

An example of this was Facebook’s multimillion-dollar campaign to influence voter turnout in states such as Georgia.

Eliminate early voting Offer limited absentee voting

Judged against any international standard, America’s legal framework and election processes are convoluted, inefficient, and nontransparent. We’ve spent hundreds of millions of dollars, possibly billions, teaching other country’s how to run fair and honest elections. It’s time we practice what we preach.   ~The Patriot Post


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Critical Race Theory: Warmed-Over Marxism

The latest academic fraud being inflicted on school children by leftist ideologues is critical race theory. CRT posits, among other things, America is guilty of systemic racism and bigotry is an inborn characteristic of those of us with fair skin. CRT teaches children to judge others by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character, to view white people as perpetual oppressors and to treat Black people as eternal victims.

Officials in Florida, Tennessee, Texas, Georgia and South Dakota have either banned the teaching of CRT or are moving in that direction, and parents in other states are beginning to speak up in opposition to this nonsensical concept. However, there are still a lot of places — primarily in blue states — where school children are being taught how they and their parents are racists. For example, the state of Washington recently mandated the teaching of CRT.

CRT is just warmed-over Marxism. It is being pushed by leftist professors trying to breathe new life into their failed philosophy. University campuses have long been breeding grounds for leftist looniness, but CRT is the nuttiest idea to come out of the academy in decades. The failure of Marxism in the former Soviet Union, Cuba, Cambodia and, more recently, Venezuela, forced leftists on university campuses to revise their theory. Whereas Marx tried to stir up class warfare, CRT proponents tried to incite racial polarization.

Knowing that forthrightly revealing the truth about their theory might raise eyebrows, CRT proponents engage in semantic subterfuge, twisting the language and changing the meaning of words to disguise an ugly reality and, in turn, minimize pushback. They claim CRT is about “equity,” “social justice” and “inclusion.” But to Marxist ideologues, these terms mean something much different than they mean to average Americans, or to Merriam-Webster for that matter. For example, to Marxist ideologues, “equity” does not mean equal opportunity, the goal of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and many other civil rights pioneers — Black and white — who died in its pursuit. Rather, it means equal results without regard for talent, motivation, effort or relative contributions. Equal results achieved and enforced by government coercion is the Marxist goal.

How extreme is CRT? One of its most vocal proponents, a UCLA law professor, advocates the elimination of private property rights through government confiscation of land, property and other forms of wealth. She recommends redistributing the confiscated land and wealth according to skin color. In other words, CRT proponents believe everything you have worked hard for all your life should be taken from you simply because you are white and given to others simply because they are not.

Don’t waste time debating proponents of CRT. If you agree with them, you admit to being a racist. If you disagree with them, you admit to “unconscious” racism. Convenient argument, is it not? CRT proponents have slyly fashioned the argument for their bogus theory so dissenters lose no matter what they believe. Putting aside the fact their circular reasoning wouldn’t pass muster in a high school debate, they use this lose-lose apologetic to avoid having to defend an indefensible concept.

Fortunately, informed parents — white, Black, Latino and Asian — are beginning to speak up against CRT at the local level. Lawsuits are being filed to prohibit the teaching of CRT in public schools. Parents are speaking against it at school board meetings, writing letters to their state legislators and supporting political candidates who take a stand against it. Some parents are going so far as to remove their children from public schools teaching CRT. If you have children or grandchildren in public school, find out if CRT is being taught. If it is, join the growing number of parents who just say “NO” to this bogus theory.   ~The Patriot Post

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