And then there was silence... a deafening sound in a land once filled with the cries of liberties giants... A silence that pierces the soul, asks… Why?

Why the muted response to those who have torn down the Walls of Liberty and plowed under our institutions of Freedom? Where is the line of demarcation, when will enough be too much? Why do we tolerate our neighbor's silence and the selling of liberty to despots by our leadership?

Who is there that will stand to... too, brace the challenge of the silence? Too, raise the hewn cry "Give me liberty or give me Death" Has the Nation turned a deaf ear and gone blind to the tyranny in our midst... too, the WOK justices, to their arbitrary and capricious application of the law? Will there be justice for all... or but the few?

Who among us has invited the hand of tyranny to take the reins of government? Why do our nation's captains of industry rush to embrace foreign markets; while, sowing the seeds of want among our children... raising a generation of the confused. Who has opened the doors of our homes and businesses to the stranger; the invaders who come to profit from our heritage and the planting of generations before us. How is the rape of the nation labeled social justice?

What justice is there in the death of liberty and the looting of the wealth from generations past... Where comes this arrogant drumbeat of our leaders, as they willfully drive the Nation over tyranny's precipice? Who will ring Liberties Bell... Too, call the righteous to STAND TO, with the steel of generations past, to purge the corrupt and treasonous poison from our midst. What MEMORIAL will this Day present us... Will it be liberty or death?

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  • Where are the leaders of our nation... the men and women of steel needed to drive home Liberty's promise and our children's heritage.

  • How often I have wondered at the mystery of it all... How man would chain his brother to the millstone of eternity... leaving him to struggle for a place of rest, in a world of plenty...

    If only LOVE were our guide and GREED set aside.. to let universal joy search the tops of the highest mountains and reach into the depths of the fathomless sea... too, bring peace to every member of me and thee. Then, true joy and love would govern where despots once reigned with tyrannies whip... love would embrace the broken and tattered hearts of all...

    Let us pray that Love soon finds its way to our home and blesses our living rooms with its beckoning arms... with the promise of peace for all mankind.  Amen

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