
  • Chinese Nationals Among Largest Demographic of Illegal Immigrants
    CBS: Last year, U.S. Customs and Border Protection recorded two-and-a-half million instances of detaining or turning away people attempting to cross into the United States from Mexico. So what’s the fastest growing group among them? Chinese migrants (CBS). New York Post: As an influx of immigration from around the world continues to surge, many are now crossing into the country through gaps in the border wall – and TikTok is reportedly helping them do it. “TikTok, TikTok,” a translator speaking for a 37-year-old female Chinese migrant relayed to “60 Minutes” after being asked about how they learned about the southern border gaps near California. Migrants have purportedly been using videos on the China-owned social media platform that provide ‘step-by-step instructions’ for how to find gaps in the border wall and hire smugglers (New York Post). Citizen Free Press: Chinese are using Tiktok to cross the U.S. Border. Step-by-step instructions for hiring smugglers and detailed directions to that hole we visited (X).
    every day we see this invasion, it's obvious to all of us with open eyes and minds that CHINA IS INVADING US BY SENDING IN THEIR MILITARY AGED YOUTH. 
  • "The Biden administration would not even know it??"  Don't be misled, the Biden administration is encouraging AND paying for it.

  • From China who is already killing off tens of thousands of our youth with drugs they send in through the cartels! Plus all the Muslims! 

  • Where is the Secretary of Homeland Security on this issue... stamping waivers for green cards or snipping razor wire on the Border?  Too, ignore this warning should be considered an act of treason.  The Border MUST BE CLOSED TO ALL BUT CRITICAL COMMERCIAL TRAFFIC until the Border Patorl certifies it has been secured.... probably, a minimum of one year.

    Based on this report alone... Pres. Biden and VP Harris SHOULD RESIGN OR BE IMPEACHED... Speaker Johnson.... should call an Article 5 convention and use it to remove Pres. BIden and his cabinet from office. The DHS Secretary should be IMPEACHED and charged with treason... adhering to our enemies, giving them aid and comfort.  If this situation is left to fester  WE MAY NOT HAVE ELECTIONS... they may be postponed indefinitely due to riots and massive internal conflict... up to and including civil war...  

    Marxist insurgency doctrine calls for waging domestic terrorism, spreading social chaos, to disrupt the government and its elections...  This is especially true where the Marists have gained sufficient government power to engage in a systematic purge of dissident patriots. However, fear of losing power through an election often results in all elections being canceled... 

    The crisis on our borders appears to be a strategic asymmetrical warfare operation... designed to create such chaos that the government postpones the coming election...thus, leaving the Marxists in power, and giving them the additional time needed to fully secure control of the government and our civil and commercial institutions.

    What is so shocking is that Congress the administration and State governors know this... and are doing nothing effective to stop it. It may be to late to save America...  civil war will only make it worse.

  • Of course! The Progressives WANT a disaster and are building a tinderbox now, waiting for that one spark! That way they can install Marshal Law, set aside the constitution, put the military on our streets and grab our guns!  

    Why is everyone so surprised?

  • I believe all below!

    This is a small step in the right direction, but way too late!!! This is making it look like someone is finally doing something! Forget about it, we are ALREADY INVADED! Invaded with financing from US, you and your kids and grand kids, kids ! Even the Clinton Foundation has offices throughout Central America making $$$ on the invasion! One of their operations helping the invasion of the US is ON the prior American Military Base on the Suez Canal. You know, the Canal that we built and that that demon Carter gave away!!!!!

    Both president bushes were working for the NWO and so is Governor Abbot. He is working with the CIA, FBI, NWO to create a national emergency to stop the election and we shall never have another, REAL election.. This country is so far gone, I’ll bet it’s in even in worse shape than I realize today.

    Can it be saved? YES! But it’s not going to happen with everyone spending more time and effort on NFL sports than saving this country! YOU are NOW going to have to stand up and get to work and I truly mean right now, today!!! Forget about sports! Take all that energy and effort toward saving the USA, while you still have a chance. Otherwise, kiss everything you hold dear good by!!!

  • Wow....finally????????.

    we are allowing the Chinese to murder hundreds of thousands of our youth with drugs produced by China and delivered by the cartels. They are taking out our military aged youth while they are sending in tens of thousands of their military aged youth! Remember the hundreds of thousands of acres of land the Chinese own......what are they using it for? Are they preparing an army within the US borders?

    • BTW, the Muslims have been doing that and training for DECADES! 

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