15 days into the respite Trump gave us.


Today in America it is 15 days into the respite Trump has given us, from the destruction levied on us by the corrupt Democrats and the global elitists who control them one way or another. IMHO!
The next 4 years will be the most critical years in Americas history including the Revolution, 1812 War, Civil War, WWI, and WWII. Everything hinges on establishing or actually re-establishing our traditional social order and morality. To do that we will have to do everything possible to reverse the last 112 years of Democratic Malfeasance and Defilement, by the Globalist Elites, who have chosen forms of Marxism to try and takeover the world. 
Like Bernie Eisenfield who pretends to be a Socialist, but is a typical socialist Multi-Millionaire/leader because of his position as are all of his Democrat contemporaries, who are pretending to be for the little guy, while reaping the benefits and money from the labors of others. 
Trump is bringing the retribution full speed, to try and insure the damage done by the Democrats will be reversed, and new orders will be in place by the end of the second year. Furthemore we must primary every Hard Left Democrat and every corrupt RINO, to insure they are kicked out of Congress. Then we will get more conservative members elected.
While we are doing that, we desperately need to work tirelessly and concurrently in our home States, to get our State Legislators to petition Congress for a States called Article-V Amendment Proposal Convention. With a States called Article-V, Congress must by Constitutional Law, call it, and step back for the people to run it through the States. This means for the first time the American People will have the ability to propose Amendments without Congressional input or interference. Congress can't even change one word of the proposals. When they are delivered to Congress, they must be sent out to all 50 states for Ratification. Bear in mind all delegates to the Article-V must agree on the wording of any proposals, and even the State Legislatures can't interfere with the peoples desires for the wording of an amendment. 
Finally, it's NOT a Constitutional Convention, and the main body of the Constitution cannot be opened and changed. What Amendments do is change how the sections of the Constitution are interpreted by Courts, the People, and Politicians. Besides that, amendments are not permanent changes because they can be, and have been, repealed, (the 18th for instance). 
If we want Trump's changes to survive the next Democrat superiority in Congress and the next Democrat President, we will have to lock them in with Amendments to stave off a potential back and forth rivalry situation between the parties in power. Just like the last 16 years when Obama made certain changes, Trump came along and switched them, Biden reversed almost everything Trump placed, and how quick Trump is repealing all of Biden's damaging changes, and also the Bureaucracy. 
If this keeps up everything in America will be in constant flux until it crashes and burns.
A States petitioned for Article-V will be the only way the American people will be able to stop this from happening. 
Finally, America must embrace a return to God, and keep the Commandments. Outside of their religious context, the Commandments are basically a blueprint for a workable human society, but only if we follow their intent as well as their strictures. 
Amarica, I will be praying that we all realize this is our last chance to "Save America and maintain our Freedoms". If America falls, the Constitution will only be a piece of scrap paper to our enemies who will have overthrown us.
The Tradesman

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  • The Courts. Are a problem. Have been for a long time.

    Blasphemy made legal, Burstyn, Inc. vs. Wilson.  1952

    Blasphemy made legal. State vs. West. MA.  1970

    Burning the American Flag made legal. Texas vs. Johnson.   1989
    Several times a bill passed the House to make it illegal, but it did not pass the Senate. Another effort by Steve Daines in 2019, but did not pass.

    No Prayer in Schools, Engel vs Vitale.  1962
    Roe. 1973. 

    West VA vs. Barnette. The "freedom to NOT pledge Allegience. And to NOT salute the Flag.

    Bostock, the junk opinion.  2023. Life is 2ndary to borders. [I get that. huge sarc.]

    SCOTUS decided to subject themselves to a Code of Ethics. Judged by themselves.....2023. And they allowed themselves to not recuse themselves if their vote is needed in the case. So, no oversight....That's how good they are.  "To make matters worse, the Supreme Court is decidedly ungoverned by any code of ethics we can follow or enforce and seems responsive only to its own views of right and wrong. It has resisted all public efforts to have it adopt the same or similar code of ethics that governs the conduct of every other federal judge in America and provide a mechanism to enforce it."

    Record low of Americans saying they are proud to be an American. Lowest ever at 38%
    Record low of Americans who support SCOTUS. Lowest at 51% {Pew)


  •  "The next 4 years will be the most critical years in Americas history".........unbelie couple of weeks, and today we find we, the USA is taking over Gaza! 

  • Great article! I like "Everything hinges on establishing or actually re-establishing our traditional social order and morality." That is done by re-installing Judeo/Christian values from the classroom to the board room. Hopefully the religious community will see this opportunity! 

    • Right on the money, Steve. It has GOT TO HAPPEN.

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