
  • He told the truth, you liberals don't understand that concept. 


    In Minnesota

        This is what happened in Minnesota, I watched it all.  At 11:00 election night, Trump was ahead by 280,000 votes here in Minnesota. The next morning he was behind by 200,000 votes, even though the tabulating facility’s was “closed” over night. Sometime around 3:00 in the morning we had a massive ballot dump. This happened in every state that I know of, not just the swing states.

    BTW, these Mail-in ballots had their circle marks completely blacked out by computer, not by hand and the majority were never folded meaning they were never in envelopes, meaning they were never mailed and they were ALL for Biden!

       My wife & I received 3 sets of absentee ballots even though we never requested them. We threw them away and voted with our feet!

    A good friend of ours in an adjoining town, got 2 sets even though his wife died in 2017, he also threw them away.  If we got fraudulent absentee ballots, so did A LOT OF other PEOPLE! Where did these fake ballots come from, sources say China. Bottom line, fake absentee ballots, crooked voting machines and illegal vote counting  was a big part of the Biden steal in 2020. In other words, the 2020 election was won by the vote counters, not the voters.


    In PA, taken from the state’s Dominion computers:

    Final inflated tally for JB:               3,458,229

    Final deflated tally for DJT:           3,377,674

    Difference in final tallies                       80,555

     Electronic tally switch:                       188,078

    Difference in final tallies:                     80,555

    DJT actually won PA by                      107,523

     Days since Nov. 3, 2020           537 days, with no Dem/RINO response!

    The same holds true for GA, AZ, WI, and MI.  Trump actually won!


    DeSantis Signs bill to create Election Police Force in Florida to investigate voter fraud.

    Other State Governor’s WAKE UP! Support your citizens!




    5th grade Logic. ( remember these numbers come from CNN).

         How many votes did Biden actually get? The impossibility of a Biden win is mathematically trivial for a 5th grader to understand. First problem, Dominion voting machines, for whatever reason allocated .74 votes for every Trump vote, 1.26 for every Biden vote, which adds up to the number 2 stated at the Arizona inquiry. Why not equal? (It looks equal, but it’s not) Dominion refuses to answer that. This is an old system glitch that always keep every past dictator in power and totally fools the voting public.

        5 AM Nov 3rd, CNN reported an estimated 158 million registered voters in U.S. In a high turnout elections going back 200 years the turnout has never been over 65%. For this discussion we will use 75% to be generous.  Multiplying CNN’s registered 158 million voters by 75%, computes to an estimated 118.5 million possible voters….max!

       10 PM Nov 3rd, CNN reported Trump got 74 million votes. Let that sink in for a moment. 118.5 minus 74 leaves 44.5 million possible votes for Biden. Aside from all the other improbable’s, Trump already won by 30 million votes according to CNN! After many stops & starts, when the counting finally ended, Biden reportedly got 80 million votes. 80 million plus 74 million votes for Trump equals a whooping 154 million voter turnout out of a possible 158 million voters stated by CNN, (93%, not 75%) IMPOSSIBLE!! 

       Now, go one step further. Reverse the algorithm to get the true vote count. Divide 74 by .74 (allocated by Dominion which is stated above) gives the true Trump vote at 100 million out of the estimated 118.5 million probable votes, leaves 18.5 million votes for Biden, NOT 80 MILLION! Remember, this is using CNN numbers. The rest had to be by corruption & fraudulent mail in ballots!

        So, do Patriots believe the outcome?  NOT A CHANCE! This is an insurrection of the first order by the Democrats and being our military watched and recorded all of it, they have the Constitutional duty to fix it! BTW, Trump has very high support in our military even though Obama scrubbed thousands of Conservative officers from the higher ranks, (now Biden is doing the same thing to the rank & file). Both Congress and our Courts joined The Deep State and embraced the massive fraud against the American voters!

    Originally Written by  H. Gregory Badger

    H. Gregory Badger
    Command Center is a social network
  • What else would a Clinton judge say? Of course there was massive voter fraud! According to CNN numbers, Trump got about 100 million votes, Biden got about 18 million. 

  • He was mistaken! Instead of 20 million fraudulent votes cast for Biden there were actually 25 million fraudulent votes cast for Biden!

    Was it a lie or a common mistake?

    • What difference does it make... in an electoral system where those counting the votes determine the winners ... and those casting their votes decide nothing?

  • B.S. Trump is spot on! 

  • AND he knows this is a lie

  • Admin Dee says in the comment, "I'm starting to think that all judges should be voted on and not appointed. Would that stop the rampant partisanship of the courts? Something has to be done about this."  Admin Dee is correct. The appointment of judges is another example of problems with the US Constitution.

    • There is another side to this!
      The voters have no clue who these judges are, they aren't  required to give heir political affiliation. There was a site years ago where they did list them all so people could get an idea who they were voting for.....but they stopped doing that! it must have been too successful, not enough democrats got in. Now I look up cases by these judges to see how they rule, and go from there....but that means we have to do our homework.

      We should demand judges have a complete bio, including their political affiliation, political activities, even their religion. Religion is important because I remember when John Brennan was the head of the CIA, at first in his bio he came up as MUSLIM.....then it disappeared! They are covering up what they think is negative in the public eye to gain their positions!


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