A Message From Israel, The World Is Worried!

il.png?profile=RESIZE_180x180From one of our friends in Israel (name withheld) 


I'm really worried the Democrats are getting ready to cheat again, and that's infuriating me. It's evident they are now manipulating poll numbers to enable them to claim "the polls were close and she won," a claim they were previously unable to make about Biden because no one would believe it was close.

Kalama is pure evil, and "war coward" Tim Walz is even worse (I take that back; no one is worse than Kamala Harris, but still). It can't be that they cheat again, and millions of American patriots do nothing again. Patriots should reclaim their country, but I'm not optimistic (especially with "do-nothing" Republicans).

What do you think is happening? It's not just Americans who have a stake in this; Harris would be a disaster for Jews around the world, Israel, and Christians. I am particularly concerned for American parents of young kids who want to raise them as good people of faith.

G*d bless you, and may G*d bless President Trump, his entire campaign, his family, and all those who support him. 


My Response

us.webpIn 2016, the polls showed Hillary was a head by 17+ points and predicted a landslide. Don't believe the polls. 

"Believe like it's all up to G*d; work as if it's all up to me" is my motto! 

Relax and enjoy the circus. Patriots will rise up if they unequivocally prove that the Democrats have once again cheated their way into power.

The vastness of the 'cheat level' in 2020 caught America off guard. Today, We the People, are wiser and ready. 

May I post about your concerns without identifying you? 

I consider your email important and will not post it without your permission, and of course it will remain confidential.


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  • Good to see that some Jews are clear on what is going on, unfortunately too many American Jews are sticking to the democrats hell or high water!  Besides that out politicians for the most part are at best useless if not distructive.....both sides! 

    "Believe like it's all up to G*d; work as if it's all up to me"  Thank you for putting it that way, I'm so tired of hearing people comment as if we are to sit back and wait for God to do it for us.

    • Welcome. I get emails from Israel all the time. They are in a middle of a war for their existence but they know if America stumbles Israel will be wiped out! 

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