Religious Liberty : Dakota Conference Bismarck ND

During a speech before the Federalist Society on Thursday, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito stated that “in certain quarters, religious liberty is fast becoming a disfavored right.” And is viewed by some as “not a cherished freedom, it’s often just an excuse for bigotry and it can’t be tolerated, even when there is no evidence that anybody has been harmed.”


Alito began by cautioning that, aside from specific references to any Supreme Court cases, he isn’t commenting on the legality of coronavirus restrictions and isn’t making any statements as to whether the restrictions constitute good policy.

He stated that coronavirus has “highlighted disturbing trends that were already present before the virus struck.”

Alito said that cases involving coronavirus restrictions have “pointed up emerging trends in the assessment of individual rights. This is especially evident with respect to religious liberty. It pains me to say this, but in certain quarters, religious liberty is fast becoming a disfavored right.

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  • Time to fight for our Constitution and not let the Socialist Party rewrite it,their is no constitution in the world like our and the reason are the first three words "We the People ".

  • Watch is be at a point that the democrats can only practice religion, and ours is outlawed.


    • I never took note of that but you are right if what he does is not first start the sign of the cross at the forehead. But then he is a faux Catholic anyway so blessing himself in any manner has no real meaning being the abortion advocate he is. He should be excommunicated for advancing homosexual marriage and abortion, both of which are in opposition to Catholic tenets.

  • It will get to a point where we will have to fight for the US Constitution and our rights.

  • Alito is right. When we live in a society where gay marriage and abortions are legal, we automatically lose our religious freedom and our ability to follow our rigious morality.

  • The anti religous have used the 'separation of church and state' as if a fact and as a method to limit the protective rights in our constitution. The 1st amendment never made the separation. It did in fact protect religion from the state.

    • LBJ, the Lying Racist put that into play.


    • I remember those days

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