
  • The "encouragement/invitation" began when Democrat Govorners and Mayors began harbouring and coddling illegal immigrants in so called "Sanctuary Cities" during President Obama's tenure. The fact that he and VP Biden neither condemned it, let alone did anything to stop it; is evidence they were either complicit in it; they condoned it; or they at least tollerated it for a specific political reason. Their haboring of illegal immigrants; stopping the border wall construction, and advocating open borders have motivated, inspired, and emboldened foreigners to ignore and violate our immigration law; therefore causing the current unprecedented dire crisis at the southwest border. Since there is no legitimate reason for the Democrats' actions and non actions; there is certainly an illigitimate reason. The most logical one is they want to inundate this nation with Hispanics and Latinos; whom they expect to eventually propell the Democratic Party to longterm dominate political power needed to transform this nation into a dictatorial socialist society.

    • Ozell, AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN!!!!!!!!!!  This nonsense should have been stopped then but Nazi war criminal george soros controlled both political parties, the elephant and donkey wings of the soros owned new world order socialist party!!!!!!!!!!


  • Univision (like telemundo) is a Spanish network,  Like the msm, they think illegal immigration is a wonderful thing so they were probably protecting this Coyote (the interview might even have been done on the Mexican side of the border.).  But I think that any coyotes that we catch shouild be in jail without bail, until they are tried and convicted.

    • no jail, an immediate trip to a gallows and a quick drop!!!!!!!!!!


  • Putting Coyotes in jail would put a great burden on the Drug Cartel's revenues from human trafficking... Coyotes are the systems managers and enforcers.  They ensure that their clients, the illegal alien, pay for the privilege of illegally entering the US or suffer serious consequences. They are the enforcers for the power behind the Human Trafficking taking place on the border.

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