American People Without A Country

12423462874?profile=RESIZE_584xThe November election will bring the American people back to the path of "for the people and by the people," or the citizens will be disinherited and become transient in their own land.

Make no mistake, Donald Trump is simply the test case and if the progressive cabal succeeds then all dissenting voices will be silenced and prosecuted for felonious crimes against the state. Thus, the very government designed to serve and protect morphs into a Frankenstein monster consuming its citizens and devouring the vast resources owned by We the People! 

After reviewing Donald Trump's legal troubles, a concerning narrative arises which goes beyond the individual and raises important questions about the American justice system. The allegations against Trump, lack a crucial element of fairness: concrete evidence directly linking him to criminal activities. Instead, America is witnessing a troubling trend of using ‘eccentric charges’ as a means to undermine influence and suppress any dissent against the progressive left's agenda.

Is it justifiable to pursue legal action based solely on verbal statements, without any accompanying concrete actions? 

It seems the fundamental principle of American jurisprudence, which upholds the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, is currently facing significant challenges. 

However, if the progressives can create a new system of laws predicated upon ‘guilt by accusation’ then the justice system of the past is nullified and without value, thereby paving the road to serfdom for all those who will not lick the boots of their masters.

The prosecution's heavy reliance on circumstantial evidence highlights the potential dangers associated with eccentric charges. In a Republic which values free speech and expression, the criminalization of political discourse is concerning and establishes a worrisome precedent leading to a disenfranchised society.

The distortion of justice for the sake of political convenience undermines the fundamental principles of our Republic.

A growing choir of Patriots voicing disapproval of government institutions and electoral processes has sparked strong opposition from the progressive cabal, resulting in conservatives being heavily criticized and facing legal consequences.

The erosion of individual rights signals a wider attack on constitutional liberties, encompassing the freedom of speech and association. The MAGA movement which grew out of the Tea Party and the Minutemen before them, represent consort of strong voices of opposition against established power structures, is encountering determined attempts to undermine its impact and silent Patriots who only desire the government be fair and constitutional.  

Final Word: The strength of our Republic is upheld by the watchfulness and determination of its people, who must stand against any efforts to undermine the principles of justice and stifle differing opinions. It is essential for all Patriots to remain steadfast and resilient in order to overcome challenges and win the battle against tyranny. If We the People do not succeed in protecting the Republic then we will be American People Without A Country.

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    • FOR EXAMPLE----MARK Elias is just another lib liar trying to CYA. Adults are aware that the communist party (Demonrats and RINOs) here are trying everything and anything to make the vote in their favor so shut up Elias. Dem Lawfare Head Elias Melts Down: True the Vote and America Project are rolling out Tech to Stop Election Fraud ->->->>> Final Word: The strength of our Republic is upheld by the watchfulness and determination of its people, who must stand against any efforts to undermine the principles of justice and stifle differing opinions. It is essential for all Patriots to remain steadfast and resilient in order to overcome challenges and win the battle against tyranny. If We the People do not succeed in protecting the Republic then we will be the America People Without Country.

  • I was watching the news about the ECLIPSE and the amount of people throughout the Country that ran to see it as our Country goes to hell. How about working on what can be done about the voter fraud they are planning on like the last one. Why would the DEMS want the same idiot running for President?  Because he is a puppet and will do as they say.

  • Anyone who screams "DEATH TO AMERICA" should not be allowed to remain in this country; the same applies to those who protest and riot in support of HAMAS- - - the latter should be deported and sent to Gaza!!

    • Our current Immigration and Naturalization laws make it illegal for aliens to promote sedition and insurrection... their speech and actions are outlawed and at one time resulted in the IMMEDIATE deportation of resident aliens or visitors spouting such CRAP.  Enforce our current laws and this would stop as those doing it would be lawfully deported.

      We have many fundamental and needful laws that are being ignored... laws that if enforced would clean up our border crisis and solve the epidemic of ciminal conduct.  Our political leadership and civil law enforcement... prosecutors, and judges... refuse to enforce our EXISTING laws due to their MARXIST VIEWS ON EQUITY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE.  Many of our public servants are waging civil war upon the citizens of the United States... either as dupes or belligerent Marxist activists.

      Time to rewrite the Judiciary Authorization Act and to review all judges, prosecutors, and lawyers.... The legal profession's licensing and performance standards need to be reviewed and strengthened to establish new guards against the current abuses of our legal system.

    • Exactly, and in order to make all that happen, we have to get DJT back in to the Oval Office, with a House and Senate that will support his efforts.  A herculean task!

    • An arduous task... and even if we have a Hercules to lead the way there is no guarantee of the outcome.  America's principal institutions of power and wealth...  its captains of industry and culture... have for the better part taken positions SHORT ON AMERICA and long on betrayal... not a promising environment for reform, or a change in our ship of state's course  We continue on a course leading to even greater challenges. 

    • So very true: keep wondering when we lost "truth, honor, loyalty, ambition and native pride".

    • Much of our nation's cultural decay occurred with our leader's abdication to cultural Marxism...  our nation's moral and cultural demise happened in the mid-'50s through the early' '70s... After that, the Marxists and so-called PROGRESSIVES have been at the helm of our government with two exceptions... Reagan and Trump... Both of which the progressives and Marxists opposed vehemently.

      The advent and adoption of psychology as a quasi-science sped up our nation's shift in its cultural views of life... from, a Christian view to an atheistic, Marxist cultural view. Our Christian Cultural views are so removed from the current American ethic that men like Mayorkas are openly flaunting the law ignoring their oath of office and ... are receiving govenment funding to defend their lawlessness. That is if and when they need a defense. Most of their crimes never see a grand jury. or Court.

      Psychology as practiced in America endorses and supports Marxist Culturalism. It has fundamentally changed the definition of honor, duty, and loyalty...  It has redefined how the Nation looks at success, pride, and social justice, labeling White Christian Nationalism problematic for the exercise of honorable social justice... Thus, the Marxist Democrats are demanding a new cultural paradigm that penalizes and discriminates against Caucasians and Christians... a hate America paradigm.

      One of the first things Trump needs to do is to engage the Cultural War by defunding government support for the pseudo-science of psychology to re-engage our forefathers' Christian values.  We must re-establish a healthy culture and government intercourse with a Christina foundation... End... all of the WOKE and Anti-Christian government cultural programs.... We must end the war on our heritage and traditional culture... and do it rapidly.

    • We are being attacked and dragged down on many fronts; I recall the Vatican being quietly invaded by the communists, in the early 50s.  No one was really aware until the death of Pope Pius XII, in 1958, when the election of a new Pope took place.  The first one was forced to resign immediately, after death threats against his family and himself; what we wound up with, was our first illegitimate official, who started the destruction of true Catholicism.

      Not too long after, in the 60s, the communist party bought the DNC, lock, stock and barrel.

  • This country has been taken over!! and only real actions will save it!!! not just talk and bullshit from would be patriots! time for squawk is useless.

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