
  • She must be expelled from Congress. Be arrested and charged with the crimes Melony mentioned, plus student loan fraud, campaign finance fraud, marriage fraud (previously married to her own brother), be tried, convicted, citizenship rescinded and be IMMEDIATELY DEPORTED, back to Somalia.

  • Omar and her hubbie are Muslim scum

    • It's hard to be Muslim and be otherwise! 

  • We can all thank Slick Willie Clinton for all of these Somalis who are currently living in the United States of America!  Slick Willie sent US troops to Somalia to solve a civil war in which there were absolutely NO US national interests involved leading to the opening of the immigration doors in America, UNLAWFULLY, to admit hundreds of thousands of Somalis into the US while also leading to the debacle known as Blackhawk Down!  We are dealing with the stupidity of Ilhan Omar today because Slick Willie decided to give Somalis a green light to enter this country and escape being killed by the rival warlords in that nation.  Demoncrats never look at or understand secondary or tertiary effects of any decision they make!

    • Col, you're absolutely right, it's just like Biden considering bringing Palestinians to our once great country.

    • I do not think it is a innocent as "not understanding," Nor on the part of the R's. Remember Bush Sr. smiling and saying, "We WILL have a New World Order?" And now we see the D's backing traitor Speaker Johnson. Why? Because they WANT global governance. They were tempted and they took the bribe. 

      It is Pay to Play on the big boy's stage. They want to rule the world. Both parties. It is spiritual then political and evil. Nothing is innocent or as it seems. Why did R's betray Trump at every turn? Because they are not who they pretend to be. It wasn't just Barr and Pence. 

      They, the dark side, have their dark prophet, Nuval Harrari, who speaks about how our God is limited to organic matter and they are going to "go beyond the God of the Bible." Their woman artist who paints in menstrual blood is Maria Abromovitch. Statues of Ba'al all over the world. Bohemian Grove. Pizza Gate. More.

      It is pure evil and it is all connected from homosexuals to trans, to school boards and everything else. It is all being exposed so people will finally awaken

    • Slick Willie needs to be in an isolation cell with Hellary,

  • She should have been expelled quite some time ago, thanks republications for nothing

    • Yep, which proves the Repubs as worthless to the country...especially those they supposedly represent.

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