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  • Antifa is a terrorist organization and anyone connected with this organization should be treated as a terrorist. Arrested, indicted, and sentenced to prison time. !!

  • Good wishes for a speedy recovery, and put the white trash in the slammer where he belongs...

  • as long as we have black people and white people in the world we're going to see racism all the time.

  • Trump is obviously gaining more and more support among blacks who can also see how great America is today. Commies don't like it that since they know now that they will get clobbered in November. 

  • Declare them a terrorist organization and get ALL of them, then make them disappear!

  • if antifa has so many pedophiles then it remains to ask , " is nambla funding antifa ?".

  • portland loves these vermin then portland is more than welcome to have them

  • But the Antifa guy was only using a knife and not a gun so he should get a bye shouldn't he? If this thug pulled a knife on me my weapon would have been brought to bear and he would be lying in a grave and not a hospital bed like his victim.

  • Time to KILL ANTIFA!!

    • !! PAST TIME !!

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