
  • Comrade Kamala is NOT a PROGRESSIVE.  The ONLY Progress that humans can achieve is to progress toward full compliance with the Commandments of God (YHWH).  If one is moving away from God (YHWH) then they are REGRESSING, NOT Progressing!  Comrade Kamala is a Communist and that doctrine replaces the authority of God (YHWH) with Government!  Furthermore, she is Lying Joe O'Biden's DEI VP and insurance policy to keep the Republicans from attempting impeachment.  However, Comrade Kamala has now done to Lying Joe the same thing she has done her entire career, "STAB THE BOSS IN THE BACK TO GET PROMOTED!"  This is the same thing we have seen in Communist Countries over the past 100+ years.

  • The hyena will say and do anything to get to the next level. After all, that's how she got where she's at. 

  • Sanders is as phony as Harris and always has been. I have to wonder why his state keeps voting for a bimbo.

    • Under COMMUNISM THE "TOP DOGS" WHO RUN THE SHOW NEVER SUFFER ANY DEPRIVATION.  Only the "USEFUL IDIOTS" who accepted such a change are the ones who own nothing, do less with less -believing they are sharing, {But Actually Sharing Enforced Poverty), become the victims of their laziness, stupidity and ignorance just as SATAN Likes it. The "ELITE, selfish, power hungry, Non Believing Predators take advantage of those victims who voted  for such a change and WE THE PEOPLE AGAIN HAVE THIS CHOICE TO CONFRONT. HOPEFULLY "WE THE PEOPLE WILL CAST OUR VOTES FOR CONTINUED FREEDOM AND IT AINT FOLLOWING KAMALA or SANDERS.

  • Have a laugh, Doors, "Kamela's a Big Fat Liar."

  • No; she's just lying to be elected.  She knows her true policies are not wanted by the citizens of America; so lying is the only way she can get elected. But then she is a Communist just like Sanders.

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