Betrayal… the Moniker of Politicians.

These masters of deception parade their wares before the world… deceiving and being deceived these lost souls wage war on the very sustenance of humanity… with a profundity of wares, these wizards of betrayal lay a snare before the whole of the world… Promising abundance and peace, they deliver only strife and a failed utopian order, as they wage war with the lives of others.

So are the mighty men among nations… whose blackened souls are but shadows in the dark laying wait for the fool to enter their gate… Too, entice the sons of men to join their folly, in a race to embrace, hell.  The politician is uniquely equipped to eviscerate his own; too, turn on the mother of our prosperity and the father of his heritage.  They offer our children to the gods of this world, in exchange for a bowl of porridge and a crown of infamy. These derelicts of humanity have no honor and openly chide those who do. These pundits of profane living, consume the better portion of mankind's living, in pursuit of their own agendas and personal aggrandizement.

Woe, I say woe, and again woe unto these ungrateful souls too whom others gave their trust and support, only to be abandoned on the field of honor, as the politician rushes in to cut a better deal with the adversaries of peace and civility.  These terrorists of humanity have no allegiances other than to themselves and their craft … a devilish concoction of half-truths and the skill of the prestidigitator …with the sleight of hand and a wink, they create the illusion of caring.  Little do they know, that they sell their soul for a bowl of porridge in a dying world.  History will hold them in derision and consign their cause to the annals of corruption. For such men, the grave holds no hope and the resurrection no promise.

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  • The cries of a Nation go unanswered by its leadership ... the GOP/RNC wallows in the filth they helped create, there is not one redeemable soul in the bunch ... a barrel of rotten apples fit only for the pig stye.  Harsh words... not harsh enough.  These dishonorable men stand watch, why our ship of state is scuttled by criminals and their Marxist masters... and we are to act as if they are our friends, our hope for restoration?  Only a fool would embrace such betrayal.

  • We don't need a President and Administration that counsels our enemies and betrays our allies... We don't need leadership that constantly dodges their responsibility to defend our borders and critical institutions from our enemies, domestic and foreign.  Where is the GOP and which side of the Isle are they actually on?  Conferencing with the Marxists is not going to bring about the needed reforms... we must operate outside of the box... 

    Think Lech Wałęsa and the Polish Solidarity Movement and massive labor stoppages and strikes... shutting down nonessential jobs and services until the current government resigns and new elections are held.  Think a Recall and Term limits Amendment denying the sitting government any further roll in governing... forever.

    The GOP Party Base is ready.... they simply need leadership, a viable plan, resourcing, and the call to march... however the GOP seems void of such initiative.  Makes one wonder who they are serving?

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