
  • Everyone with an IQ in positive numbers knows they intend to use taxpayers to pay these loans because those who ran up the huge debt have degrees that are useless and they are marxists who need the support of the marxists in the deep state!!!!!!!!!!

  • Who is paying for it YOU ARE ANd I AM no matter what fund they claim to be using its still taxpayer dollars and i thought this matter had already been clairifed its ILLEGAL, But i forgot DEMOCRATS dont care if its illegal they face no penalty if it is

  • Anybody who can sit there, smile broadly, and lie like this is the epitome of PURE EVIL!!!

  • Hmm, I thought the Supreme Court had already ruled against biteme's attempt at this student loan bailout??

    • The biggest problem with the law is it's inforcement. The court rules but it means nothing if the party doesn't comply, today there's no inforcement that makes them comply. Besides, the Supreme court's ruling means nothing to the left, the Supreme Court doesn't belong to them yet, not until they stack it, then when they can count on the votes of the justices....then their ruling will count. 

  • 4:46 PM----Ijust e-MAILED This   to about 80 parishioners at different churches                                                                                             12220082068?profile=original…
    • Wow Richard, thank you very, very much!   Mike

  • "The Victor is not Victorious until the Vanquished considers themselves so."

  • I have posted on this site many times, but this is by far the most significant post I have ever made!
    This will change your life (if you read it)!  It is based entirely on Bible scripture and prophesy and is extremely well researched and presented.  Our country and the world seem to be screwed up beyond belief.  It appears that, "RIGHT IS WRONG AND WRONG IS RIGHT", and our entire country has gone mad!   This book explains in detail what is happening at this time in history and what will happen to the United States and Great Britain at "the time of the end", which appears to me to be relatively near!   If you want to know what is actually going on in the world, I urge you with all my heart to read this book!
    “I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that  are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure’” (Isaiah 46:9-10)
    I suggest that you first read Chapter 1, 4, and 5.  After that you can read 2 and 3 to get the history.…
    • Thank you, Michael. I downloaded it and will read it. Thanks for the suggestion on the order of chapters. 

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