The best Epa memes :) Memedroid

The Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday released its much anticipated proposal to cut emissions for fossil fuel power plants – which if finalized would result in almost all U.S. coal plants having to cut or capture nearly all their carbon dioxide emissions by 2038 or be shuttered. 

The proposal, if made final, would also apply to large, frequently used, gas-fired power plants and it would require them to capture smokestack emissions using a technology that has long been promised but is not in widespread use in the country, according to the Associated Press

Greenhouse gas emissions from such plants is the country's second-largest contributor to climate change, the wire service also reports. The No. 1 emissions contributor is the transportation sector.

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  • These energy companies have legal recourse... sue the EPA for exceeding their power and or failing to reimburse them for the loss of their property and source of income. The US Constitution requires the government to compensate individuals and businesses for the confiscation, seizure, or denial of the full use of their property and industry. 

    EPA's illegal mandate to meet unattainable goals or shut down is a defacto government seizure of private property and income ... without reimbursement.  I wonder why Big Energy isn't screaming foul as the governmetn reneges on its lease agreements and the licensing of fossil fuel power plants.  Yes, all fossil fuel power plants must first be licensed before being built... they must meet all existing laws and regulations when built... ex-post facto law... After the fact changes in the law are unconstitutional applications of government power.  The power plants were licensed and now the government wants to put them out of business ... and Big Energy is silent...  WHY? Follow the money.

    Big Energy may go along with allowing the EPA to shut down producing oil wells, leases, and clean-burning fossil fuel power plants... as they will simply JACK UP the cost of the remaining production, to recover their losses, and too reap a windfall from their investments in losing wind, solar and other misadventures into clean energy production.  They will not lose any monies.  Energy will simply become very, very expensive. 

    Big Business will not lose a cent... the consumer will pay for the EPA's illegal administrative orders to shut down production...  Big Energy is not ... IS NOT...the friend of consumers or free markets.  They want total control of the energy markets, to convert them to instruments of their POWER AND WEALTH.

  • satan rules the devildemocommiecrat party and the gop establishment!!!!!  There are a few good republicans but the establishment TRAITORS keep the true conservatives on the outside looking in!!!!!!!!!!

  • What will thy do to home owners that burn wood?


    "....all emissions or close down" Impossible to slash all emmissions! How are they going to slash all that 'political hot air' ??

    • Those so concerned about the environmeent don't say a thing about the pollution put out by china, india, and mexico while flying their carbon spewing private jets all around the world on an almost weekly basis!!!!!  They are phonies who only care about personal wealth and power for themselves!!!!!!!!!! 


    • Exactly Bob...

      The environmental scam is used by both sides to garner power and wealth...  Fossil fuel and the natural energy markets are managed for profit, not the environment.  If the environment were the focus of both parties we would see massive exploitation of Nuclear Energy... the cleanest and most efficient source of electricity available with today's technology. 

      Fossil fuels will continue to be necessary as a primary source of energy for decades to come...  Clean-burning fossil fuel research is the answer for the short term.  It will be a mandatory part of our modern economy until solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and tidal energy sources can replace the use of fossil fuel as a source of energy.  It is likely that our energy sources will never be totally free from one or more fossil fuel resources. 

  • Unbelievable!

  • No sound for me either. But I am all for protecting the environment but the EPA is WAY out of control and needs to reigned in big time.

  • No sound:?

    • ADMIN

      I changed it out to a story....Thanks for the heads up.

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