
  • Biden is lucky to hang onto any ideas he had from back in any time or zone. 

  • In this life there are 'talkers' and there are 'do'ers . . . you remember when H Ross Perot was running as a non-political candidate

    and as soon as he 'got too close' to becoming a viable candidate, 'they' dug up dirt to discredit him and he dropped out.  Now 'they'

    are still trying to do the same thing to President Trump 'same as kids throwing tantrums' when they don't get their own way!  

    The Left want to change the first 3 words of the Constitution from "We The People" to "We The Politicians" and our entire education system

    needs to begin teaching the foundation of what this country (and Constitution) stands for as the new Generations do not have a clue what they stand to lose!

    John Riggs / Vietnam Vet and Proud American!

  • Joe Biden as VP Obama was not a Natural Born Citizen qualified to be President Now Biden wants to be President but His choice for VP is Kamala Harris is not a Natural Born Citizen her parents was not Citizens when she was born. Not good choices for a man who wants to lead a Country.


  • His speechs are intended only to secure his base of illiterates, welfare bums, the GLBT crowd and the socialists who know he is controlled by the Soros minions holding political office.

    • Diane, This link is a little off topic, but it says it ALL.

      PLEASE share it with everyone.

      Its Just a Mask


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