
  • These people know how every country went down good people with guns they will take and the government moves in to remove you with no police no court. Crime rate high in here come illegals to remove citizen. With Chicago stile gun laws has it worked. We are falling down in federal government take over. It's same ones in power. Vote out these communist before USA falls with in. This will be the cold winter with family. They robbed everyone. Information is not getting out.

  • "Biden: 'I'm Determined to Ban Assault Weapons in This Country'"

    It is hard to condemn the demented for their ramblings

    (though hardly any reach the Oval Office to convalesce)

    As ugly as the prospects of Kamala are, 

    Joe undeniably is the 25th Amendment poster geezer.

    Biden's "Hide the Geezer" Strategy Already Goes Off The Rails [Now Updated Twice] - DB DAILY UPDATE

    • I AGREE, we are out of words for this demented, useless idiot......a puppet for the progressive marxist bums. A country like this cannot have such a mentally defective moron in psuedo's destroying our economy, our borders and security, our military strength and ability to defend ourselves and direct interests.  THIS POS IS THE WORST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY and we in peril if it continues.  Hard to believe this fecal pile still has about 1/3 support.  He is a genocidal maniac.......doesn't address the massive drug deaths from fentanyl, the crime surge , invasions of illegals daily.  He completely ignores it......therefore he is a complicit in these crimes. 

  • The Constitution means nothing to devildemocommiecrats!!!!!  The only things they care about are personal wealth and power!!!!!They WILL NOT take my guns without a fight!!!!!  They will kill me but I would rather die than live under a satanic government!!!!!!!!!!

    • I wish this site would have a thumbs up button. I'd give you one



    According to President Brandon every gub can be used to assult someone, which means all guns must be banned. 

    Big proble is the 2nd amendment also says: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    Where are the 'well regulated Militias? 

    • We are watching and studing stragdy


  • Does he know one when he sees one? The idiot doesn't know what an assault rifle is!

    • The idiots think a old army .45 caliber is a assult weapon, they even use to call it a 45 automatic at one time. They also believe a bb gun is a dangerous weapon too,along with a supersoaker.

  • Biden doesn't know what an assault weopon really is, nor to liberal De,ocrats.

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